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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521339


El sistema de evaluación de la asignatura de Atletismo en la Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte "Manuel Fajardo" precisa de un cambio en su proceder, a partir del uso de indicadores que evidencien las transformaciones ocurridas en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de forma integral, principalmente en las clases prácticas, según el nuevo modelo de formación del profesional propuesto por el Ministerio de Educación Superior (MES). El objetivo consistió en analizar los resultados que se obtienen con la aplicación de los indicadores para la evaluación integral del aprendizaje de los estudiantes en las clases prácticas de la asignatura Atletismo, instrumento valorado a través del criterio de experto y que ofrece una estructura compuesta por dimensiones del conocimiento (cognitiva, procedimental y axiológica), indicadores, parámetros, criterios de medidas que permiten, no solo la evaluación integral del aprendizaje de los estudiantes sino, que posibilita la evaluación por cada dimensión. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos, fundamentalmente el analítico sintético, experimento, criterio de experto y la observación estructurada, así como técnicas de procesamiento estadístico descriptivas e inferenciales. El análisis de los resultados de la evaluación del aprendizaje en las clases prácticas con orientación productiva en la asignatura Atletismo del grupo D-15 se realizó cualitativa y cuantitativamente y se tuvieron en cuenta los indicadores aplicados, lo que permitió evidenciar la mejoría de los estudiantes en la variable aprendizaje en todas sus dimensiones y de manera integral, lo que garantiza que a través de la coevaluación lleguen a criterios lógicos sobre su conocimiento.

O sistema de avaliação da disciplina de Atletismo da Universidade de Cultura Física e Ciências do Desporto "Manuel Fajardo" exige uma mudança no seu procedimento, baseada na utilização de indicadores que evidenciem as transformações ocorridas na aprendizagem dos alunos. nas aulas práticas, de acordo com o novo modelo de formação profissional proposto pelo Ministério do Ensino Superior (MES). O objetivo foi analisar os resultados obtidos com a aplicação dos indicadores para avaliação integral da aprendizagem dos alunos nas aulas práticas da disciplina de Atletismo, instrumento valorizado por critérios de especialistas e que oferece uma estrutura composta por dimensões de conhecimento (cognitivas, processuais e axiológico), indicadores, parâmetros, critérios de medição que permitem não só a avaliação abrangente da aprendizagem dos alunos, mas também permitem a avaliação por cada dimensão. Foram utilizados métodos teóricos e empíricos, principalmente análise sintética, experimento, julgamento de especialistas e observação estruturada, além de técnicas de processamento estatístico descritivo e inferencial. A análise dos resultados da avaliação da aprendizagem nas aulas práticas com orientação produtiva na disciplina de Atletismo do grupo D-15 foi realizada de forma qualitativa e quantitativa e foram tidos em conta os indicadores aplicados, o que permitiu demonstrar a melhoria dos alunos na variável de aprendizagem em todas as suas dimensões e de forma abrangente, o que garante que através da coavaliação eles atinjam critérios lógicos sobre seus conhecimentos.

The evaluation system for the subject of Athletics at the "Manuel Fajardo" University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences requires a change in its procedure, based on the use of indicators that show the transformations that have comprehensively occurred in the students' learning, mainly in practical classes, according to the new professional training model proposed by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES). The objective was to analyze the results obtained with the application of the indicators for the comprehensive evaluation of student learning in the practical classes of the Athletics subject, an instrument valued through expert criteria and that offers a structure composed of dimensions of knowledge (cognitive, procedural and axiological), indicators, parameters, measurement criteria that allow not only the comprehensive evaluation of student learning but also enable evaluation by each dimension. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, mainly synthetic analysis, experiment, expert judgment and structured observation, as well as descriptive and inferential statistical processing techniques. The analysis of the results of the learning evaluation in the practical classes with a productive orientation in the Athletics subject of the D-15 group was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively and the applied indicators were taken into account, which made it possible to demonstrate the improvement of the students in the learning variable in all its dimensions and in a comprehensive manner, which guarantees that through co-evaluation they reach logical criteria about their knowledge.

Rev. enferm. vanguard. (En línea) ; 11(1): 13-22, ene.-jun. 2023. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1437392


El estudio tuvo por Objetivo: Evaluar el aprendizaje y satisfacción de los estudiantes en la implementación online de la catedra cuidado de enfermería en salud del adulto y adulto mayor I II en la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2022. Material y métodos: Estudio de tipo descriptivo, y correlacional, con muestra de 96 alumnos del quinto ciclo de enfermería, empleándose la técnica de encuesta, y como instrumento un cuestionario. Resultados: El nivel de aprendizaje estudiantil en la cátedra del cuidado del adulto y adulto mayor I, fue de nivel bueno 58.3%, regular 40.6%, y deficiente 1.0%, por dimensiones predominó el nivel regular competencia conceptual 69.8%, competencia procedimental 54.2%, y nivel bueno en competencia actitudinal 78.1%. La satisfacción estudiantil con la cátedra fue de nivel alto 77.1% y regular 22.9%, por dimensiones predominó el nivel alto en la enseñanza 82.3%, uso del internet 74%, y flexibilidad con la metodología online 72.9%. La prueba de Rho de Spearman halló relación significativa entre ambas variables (r = 0.359, p=0.000). Conclusiones: Existe relación directa entre el aprendizaje y satisfacción del estudiante en la implementación desarrollo online de la catedra del cuidado de enfermería en salud del adulto y adulto mayor I en la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga año 2022. (AU)

The Objective of the study was to: Evaluate the learning and satisfaction of students in the online implementation of the nursing care chair in adult health and the elderly I II in the Faculty of Nursing of the San Luis Gonzaga National University, 2022. Material and Methods: Descriptive and correlational study, with a sample of 96 students of the fifth nursing cycle, using the survey technique, and a questionnaire as instrument. Results: The level of student learning in the chair of care for adults and older adults I, was good level 58.3%, regular 40.6%, and deficient 1.0%, by dimensions the regular level conceptual competence predominated 69.8%, procedural competence 54.2%, and good level in attitudinal competence 78.1%. Student satisfaction with the chair was high level 77.1% and regular 22.9%, by dimensions the high level in teaching predominated 82.3%, Internet use 74%, and flexibility with the online methodology 72.9%. Spearman's Rho test found a significant relationship between both variables (r = 0.359, p=0.000). Conclusions:There is a direct relationship between learning and student satisfaction in the implementation of the online development of the chair of nursing care in adult health and the elderly I at the Faculty of Nursing of the San Luis Gonzaga National University in 2022. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Nursing , Needs Assessment , Learning , Nursing Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1592-1595, dic. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385557


RESUMEN: Debido a la creciente demanda de recursos digitales en la enseñanza y evaluación en morfología, se ha planteado el desafío de evaluar adecuadamente los resultados de aprendizaje adquiridos, la realización de evaluaciones tradicionales en formato digital no es un instrumento adecuado para medir los niveles de aprendizaje adquiridos, lo que hace necesario desarrollar estrategias de enseñanza y evaluación que nos permitan evidenciar de mejor manera lo que los estudiantes aprenden en este formato. En el presente trabajo entregamos una estrategia de aprendizaje basado en equipos, en los cuales se potencia el sentido lúdico, el trabajo en equipo, la motivación, en conjunto con actividades que permiten que los estudiantes demuestren que se desenvuelven en los niveles más complejos del aprendizaje.

SUMMARY: Due to the growing demand for digital resources in teaching and evaluation in morphology, it is necessary to adequately evaluate the learning outcomes acquired. The realization of traditional evaluations in digital format is not an adequate instrument to measure the acquired learning levels. In the present work we show a team-based learning strategy, in which the sense of play, teamwork, and motivation are enhanced, along with activities that allow students to demonstrate that they function in the most complex levels of learning.

Humans , Education, Distance , Group Processes , Anatomy/education , Problem-Based Learning , Educational Measurement , Gamification
Pediátr. Panamá ; 49(1): 24-28, 01 april 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123259


In the dynamic process of curricular changes and improvements in the different specialties, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values have been taken into account; that is why new forms of study, supervision and evaluation of doctors in training have to be integrated. Recent experiences in our country try to introduce professional portfolios as assessment- learning tools in specialized postgraduate training. The portfolio is an instrument for evaluating the residents' training process that allows not only evaluating competencies, but fundamentally identifying what we should improve, allowing us to monitor the training media as they advance in the acquisition and development of competencies so that become a tool focused on helping us learn and at the same time provide elements to value the participation of tutors and their influence on learners. In the process of planning, designing and reviewing the portfolios, the training centers find an excellent opportunity to make a self-assessment of the consistency of their curricular structure, the clarity of the competences they seek to form and the evidence they may require in the training of its residents.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(1): 43-50, Jan-Mar. 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048538


Objetivo: Evaluar los estilos de aprendizaje (EEAA) y su relación con el rendimiento académico (RA), en Internos de Enfermería de una universidad nacional del Perú. Métodos: Estudio transversal, cuantitativo, correlacional; realizado en 70 internos de enfermería durante el año 2018, se aplicó el cuestionario validado de Honey-Alonso (CHAEA) para estilos de aprendizaje y record de notas para rendimiento académico, los datos fueron sometidos a estadística descriptiva e inferencial, utilizando el SPSS 26.0. Resultados: Características de población, según edad 84,5% entre 20 a 25 años, generalmente solteros, no trabajan, aunque un grupo significante si lo hace, 82,9% de sexo femenino. En EEAA predomina el aprendizaje reflexivo (0.80), seguido del teórico (0.75), pragmático (0.66) y activo (0.57). El promedio ponderal de R.A. fue de 15.84 predominando la calificación bueno y excelente, 62.86% presentaron un rendimiento bueno, seguido de 32,86% con rendimiento excelente. Los resultados de asociación entre EEAA y RA fueron no significativos (P>0,05). Conclusión: El rendimiento académico de los internos de enfermería fue principalmente bueno y excelente. La evaluación del EEAA mostró al estilo reflexivo como predominante. No encontramos asociación significativa entre los estilos de aprendizaje y su contribución al rendimiento académico.

Objective: To evaluate the learning style (EEAA) and its relation with the academic performance (RA), in Nursing Interns of a national university of Peru. Methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative, correlational study; conducted in 70 nursing interns during 2018, the Honey-Alonso validated questionnaire (CHAEA) was applied for learning styles and record of grades for academic performance, the data were submitted to descriptive and inferential statistics, using SPSS 26.0. Results: The population characteristics, according to age, 84.5% were between 20 and 25 years old, usually single, do not work, although a significant group does, and 82.9% women. In EEAA reflexive learning (0.80) predominates, followed by theoretical (0.75), pragmatic (0.66) and active (0.57). The weight average of R.A. It was 15.84, with a good and excellent qualification, 62.86% presented a good performance, followed by 32.86% with excellent performance. The results of association between EEAA and RA were not significant (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The academic performance of nursing interns was mainly good and excellent. The EEAA evaluation showed the reflexive style as predominant. We found no significant association between learning styles and their contribution to academic performance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843449


Objective • To exploring effect of the online situated courses which were developed based on the six-step model of crisis intervention on improving the crisis intervention skills. Methods • A total of 118 learners were recruited to receive online course training to improve their crisis intervention skills. Two types of courses were prepared, which were situated interactive course and non-interactive course for situated group and control group respectively. The changes in crisis intervention skills were compared between the two groups of learners before and after learning. The effects of situated learning were evaluated comprehensively from diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Results • After learning, the scores of crisis intervention skills of both groups were significantly improved (Psituated=0.000, Pcontrol=0.002). And the improved score of crisis intervention skills of situated group was higher than that of control group (P=0.010). The results of comprehensive evaluation showed that the well-mastered crisis intervention skills were identifying problem, providing support and getting commitment, the scores of which were 31.52±4.43, 16.85±4.44 and 14.63±5.27, respectively. Conversely both confirming safety and formulating plan skills should be reinforced, the scores of which were 10.26±3.93 and 5.84±4.10, respectively. Conclusion • The online course has a significant effect on improving the crisis intervention skills of learners, and the situated interactive course is more effective than the non-interactive course.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-733760


Poor experience of teacher-student interaction and low user loyalty exist in MOOC (massive open online courses).Therefore,the campus open online courses (COOC),a network teaching platform,was developed to integrate traditional classroom teaching and network teaching and to build an online-offline curriculum system according to professional training scheme of school.The online-offline teaching design and learning evaluation in COOC platform was also developed.The running data of COOC platform showed that the online-offline learning evaluation model has guiding impact on students' learning attitude because it can record the students' learning process and learning effect,which can enhance students' active participation in self-directed learning.The learning evaluation model in COOC is objective and scientific,which is helpful to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 15(6): 0-0, nov.-dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-845256


Introducción: Las prácticas evaluadoras tienen importantes implicaciones éticas en diversas situaciones problemáticas que pueden presentarse en los diferentes campos disciplinares de las Ciencias Médicas, y en la que la actuación de los profesores tiene un papel fundamental. La ética y la evaluación aportan herramientas para mejorar estrategias didácticas y metodologías encaminadas a la mejoría continua del desarrollo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Objetivo: Analizar aspectos éticos que pueden presentarse en la evaluación del aprendizaje en las Ciencias Médicas. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la que se consultaron 57 artículos relacionados con la evaluación del aprendizaje en las Ciencias Médicas, de los que se utilizaron 23 como referencias bibliográficas. Desarrollo: El ejercicio de la práctica evaluativa, en su dimensión de acto ético, implica valores propios de la educación humanista. Se destacan algunos problemas éticos que se pueden presentar como el poder y la objetividad. Se realizan sugerencias para transformar las prácticas evaluadoras y evitar las fallas éticas que pudieran surgir en el desarrollo del proceso evaluativo. Conclusiones: Las repercusiones éticas más comunes que se pueden presentar en la evaluación del aprendizaje se encuentran en cualquier proceso evaluativo, pero se deben enfrentar con una actitud crítica para lograr el desarrollo del proceso docente-educativo. Se debe dar más utilidad a la evaluación como herramienta ética para orientar la mejoría continua de la calidad del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y el perfeccionamiento profesional docente(AU)

Introduction: Evaluations practices have an important ethical repercussion in several situations that may occur in the different disciplinary fields of Medical Sciences, and where the behavior of teachers plays a key role. Ethics and evaluation provide tools to improve teaching strategies and methodologies in all teaching areas with the aim of improving continuously the development of teaching-learning process. Objective: To analyze ethical issues that may arise in Medical Science learning evaluations. Material and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out; 57 articles relative to the learning evaluation in the Medical Sciences were consulted, of which 23 were used as bibliographical references. Development: The exercise of evaluation involves, in its dimension as an ethical action, implicate proper values of humanistic education. Among the ethical problems that may arise are power and objectivity. Some suggestions are made to transform evaluation practices and to avoid ethical failures that may arise in the development of the evaluation process. Conclusions:The most common ethical implications that may arise in learning evaluation are found in any evaluation process but must be faced with a critical attitude to achieve a development of the educational process. Ethical evaluation shall be more use as a tool to lead the continuous quality improvement of the teaching-learning process and teachers professional development(AU)

Humans , Educational Measurement , Health Sciences , Learning/ethics
Educ. med. super ; 29(3): 0-0, jul.-set. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-769318


Interesaba precisar cómo se cumplían las indicaciones y recomendaciones en la confección de temarios de exámenes finales. Se revisaron 99 temarios de los cursos 2012/2013 y 2013/ 2014, de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Raúl Dorticós Torrado, Cienfuegos, con el objetivo de valorar aspectos metodológicos. El formato de pregunta más utilizado fue el ensayo de respuestas cortas. El 87,8 por ciento tenía las raíces bien confeccionadas, el 60,6 por ciento los ítems y el 61,6 por ciento las escalas de calificación. Los errores más frecuentes fueron: tarea imprecisa en preguntas de ensayo modificado, preguntas tipo complemento simple con tres opciones de respuestas y escalas con aprobado en menos del 60 por ciento. El 65 por ciento de las preguntas eran reproductivas. En general, los temarios están confeccionados adecuadamente, pero se observan desaciertos en la elaboración de preguntas y escalas de calificación. El predominio de preguntas reproductivas limita la validez conceptual.

This article was aimed at finding out how the indications and recommendations for the preparation of the list of topics for the final exams. Ninety nine of them from 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years in Dr Raul Dorticos Torrado medical sciences school, Cienfuegos province were revised in order to assess the methodological aspects. The most used format was the short-answer test. In the studied group, 87.9 percent had well-constructed stems, 60.6 percent had good items and 61.6 percent showed adequate evaluation scales. The most frequent errors were imprecise tasks in modified essay questions, single complement-type questions and evaluation scales where the pass mark is lower than 60 percent. Sixty five percent of questions were reproduction-type questions. Generally speaking, the list of items was adequately constructed, but there were observed some mistakes in the construction of questions and in the evaluation scales. The predominance of reproduction-type questions restricts the conceptual validity of tests.

Educational Measurement/methods , Faculty, Dental , Faculty, Medical , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166156


Background: Pre-test and post-test have been popularly managed in various designs in Medical Education. Tests for basic computer were performed digitally during 2004 to 2007 at Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, Thailand. Objective: To find the effectiveness of the digital pre-tests and post-tests as a tool in computer learning evaluation and course assessment for Preclinical education. Methods: Three contents of multiple choice questions were performed as pre and post-tests by the medical cadets: content I in 2004 created by using the Tool book II Instructor program, content II in 2005 and III in 2006 and 2007 operated by the Moodle program. Content II and III were accessed via intranet. The outcome data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the two–sample Z test for comparison. Results: Each year study revealed significant higher scores in post-test than in pre-test at p ‹0.05. Both pre-test and post-test average scores in 2007 were significantly higher than in 2006 at p ‹0.05. The largest percentage number of students was conducted yearly in Fair group for pre-test and in Good group for post-test. Conclusions: The students gained computer knowledge after finishing the course. Content II and III tests are satisfied to be used via intranet as an effective tool for the computer learning evaluation and assessment methodology of the course. Simple analysis techniques, evaluation software implementation with automatically checking and paperless score saving are the benefits of this study.

Educ. med. super ; 27(2): 269-286, abr.-jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-676218


La evaluación del aprendizaje es el mecanismo regulador del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, favorece la retroalimentación del proceso y permite direccionar las acciones en pos de la calidad del producto resultante. La evaluación del aprendizaje acredita y certifica al estudiante como nuevo profesional y al residente como nuevo especialista. De ahí la importancia de obtener evidencias de la calidad de los instrumentos que se aplican en estos tipos de exámenes. Existe un arsenal de indicadores en la literatura mundial al respecto. En este trabajo se propone una metodología que ha sido validada por más de siete años y que ha permitido el desarrollo de investigaciones en diversas disciplinas y su perfeccionamiento

The learning evaluation is the regulating mechanism of the teaching/learning process, favors the feedback on the process and allows directing the actions to the quality of the resulting product. The learning evaluation gives accreditation and certifies a student as a new professional and a resident as a new specialist; hence the importance of obtaining evidence of the quality of those instruments used in this type of evaluations. There is a range of indicators discussed in the world literature about this topic. This paper set forth a methodology that has been validated for 7 years and has made it possible to carry out research in several disciplines and to upgrade it

/analysis , Learning
Educ. med. super ; 27(1): 25-30, ene.-mar. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-666687


Se realizó un estudio de investigación que permitió la caracterización del Encuentro Docente en su momento de Evaluación del Aprendizaje en la asignatura Morfofisiología Humana II, en el Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Fueron sujetos del estudio una muestra de 80 profesores y 150 estudiantes. Se aplicó una encuesta a profesores, otra a estudiantes y la entrevista a informantes clave. La caracterización se realizó teniendo en cuenta la preparación científico pedagógica de los profesores, el dominio del tema por los estudiantes, las modalidades más empleadas para evaluar, los principales tipos de preguntas utilizados. Entre las recomendaciones del estudio se encuentran divulgar los resultados de la investigación en las reuniones metodológicas de los colectivos docentes, eventos y publicaciones científicas, hacer extensivo el estudio a otros estados del país y continuar el proceso de superación de los profesores en temas de evaluación, a través de las actividades de preparación metodológica, la superación profesional y profesoral

A research study was made to characterize the teaching meeting at the time of the evaluation of learning in subject called Human Morphophysiology II in metropolitan district of Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. A sample of 80 professors and 150 students were the subjects under study. Two surveys were made, one for professors and the other for students, whereas the key informants were interviewed. The characterization took into account the scientific and pedagogic preparation of professors, the proficiency of students in the subject, the most used modalities for evaluation and the main types of questionnaires. Among the recommendations of the study were the dissemination of this research results in the methodological meetings of the faculties, in events and scientific publications; the carrying out of similar studies in other states of Venezuela and the permanent process of improvement in evaluation through methodological preparation activities, the professional and the professorial upgrading

Educational Measurement/methods , Faculty , Physiology/education , Learning
Rev. medica electron ; 34(5): 521-530, sep.-oct. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-653851


Con el objetivo de valorar la calidad del examen final teórico de la asignatura Morfofisiología Humana II, del Plan de Estudio Único (C modificado) de la carrera de Medicina, de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas, curso 2011-2012, se calcularon los índices de dificultad y de discriminación, así como los coeficientes de discriminación y el alfa de Cronbach a los 168 exámenes finales teóricos aplicados en dicha asignatura. Se identificó el nivel de dificultad y el poder de discriminación de cada pregunta del examen, así como la confiabilidad del instrumento como un todo. Se concluyó que el examen presentó una discriminación excelente, con una dificultad medianamente fácil y una consistencia interna satisfactoria, lo que permitió definir el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes. Finalmente, se recomendó realizar estudios más exhaustivos a próximos exámenes que se confeccionen en dicha disciplina, calculando estos indicadores, no solo para las diferentes preguntas, sino para los contenidos de las ciencias básicas biomédicas que se exploren.

With the objective of evaluating the quality of the final theoretical test of the matter Human Morphophysiology II, of the Unique Study Plan (C modified) of the Medicine Specialty, Medical Sciences Faculty of Matanzas, school year 2011-2012, we calculated the difficult and discrimination indexes, and also the discrimination coefficients and the Cronbach alpha to the 168 final theoretical tests applied in this matter. We identified the difficulty level and the discrimination capacity of each test question, and also the reliability of the instrument as a whole. We arrived to the conclusion that the test had an excellent discrimination, with an averagely easy difficultness and a satisfactory internal consistence, allowing defining the students’ knowledge level. Finally we recommended studying more exhaustively the following tests prepared on this matter, calculating these indicators, not only for the different questions, but also for the contents of the explored biomedical basic sciences.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 36(2): 280-288, abr.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-646871


O curso de medicina da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema) adota um currículo integrado, orientado por competência, em que a avaliação do desempenho dos estudantes recai sobre aspectos cognitivos, habilidades e atitudes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as concepções dos professores dessa Instituição a respeito da avaliação. Para tanto, realizou-se a filmagem de 12 Exercícios de Avaliação da Prática Profissional (Eapp). Para a análise dos discursos, utilizou-se o método de interpretação dos sentidos, que se baseia em princípios hermenêutico-dialéticos. Foram identificadas diferentes concepções de avaliação, desde a mais tradicional até a mais crítica e reflexiva. Concluiu-se que o Eapp é um espaço privilegiado para avaliar o desempenho dos estudantes e problematizar a prática avaliativa dos professores.

INTRODUCTION: the medical course at the Medical School of Marilia (Famema) has an integrated curriculum, organized by competence, in which the evaluation is based on cognitive aspects, skills and attitudes. OBJECTIVE: to identify and analyze the evaluation concept of the teachers at Famema by means of the students' performance evaluation. METHODOLOGY: twelve Professional Practice Evaluation Exercises (PPEE) were filmed and recorded. The discourse analysis used the Interpretation of Meanings Method, based on dialectic-hermeneutic principles. RESULTS: different evaluation concepts in a competence orientated curriculum were identified, the most traditional and the most critical, reflexive and negotiated ones. CONCLUSIONS: the PPEE is a privileged opportunity that allows the reconstruction of the professional practice and the teaching-learning process with special attention given to evaluation.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-552574


Problem: What are the tools to evaluate learning in education online? Method: integrative literature review from 2004-2009 at Scielo, Google Scholar, and Lilacs. Results: chat, forum, questionnaires, portfolio, and self-evaluation as tools for learning evaluation online. Conclusion: the tools and the learning managemen system itself promote a resource to monitoring learning and feed back to the teacher and the student also.

Problema: desconhecimento sobre os instrumentos de avaliação da aprendizagem em educação online. Pergunta: Qual(is) instrumento/estratégia de avaliação da aprendizagem se mostra(m) eficaz para o aluno de educação online? Método: revisão integrativa da literatura, de 2004-09, nas bases Scielo, Lilacs e Google Scholar. Resultado: nos 4 artigos analisados foram identificados os recursos de chat, fórum, questionários, portfolio, auto-avaliação, entre outros. Conclusão: os recursos identificados e o ambiente virtual per si propiciam à professora e ao aluno um meio objetivo para o acompanhamento e a retroalimentação do processo ensino-aprendizagem.

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Distance , Education, Nursing , Internet , Information Technology
Gac. méd. boliv ; 29(1): 63-69, 2006. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-737729


La evaluación educativa se define como el proceso sistemático de obtener información y utilizarla para emitir juicios que a su vez servirán para tomar decisiones. Como componente importante del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, debe guardar estricta coherencia con la corriente psicopedagógica, el perfil profesional y el currículo de las instituciones educativas. Sus elementos constituyentes son el objeto de la evaluación, los criterios e indicadores de evaluación y las técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación, elementos estos que permiten construir juicios de valor para tomar decisiones que mejoren la educación. La evaluación de los aprendizajes dentro ese marco conceptual, tiene una serie de falencias que básicamente se fundan en el desconocimiento de los conceptos básicos y metodológicos del proceso de evaluación, algunas son comentadas sobre este aspecto, destacándose el hecho de que la evaluación mal comprendida y peor puesta en práctica se constituye en una fuente permanente de conflictos entre docentes, alumnos, autoridades, instituciones y padres de familia. Se plantean conceptualizaciones básicas del proceso de evaluación con mayor enfasis en la parte metodologica antes que en el aspecto epistemológico y el teórico, como un aporte para comprender mejor y poner en práctica esta herramienta tan importante en la educación que tiene por papel mejorar permanentemente el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes que tienen el derecho a ser evaluados con criterios plenos de objetividad. Este objetivo solo se cumplirá si el personal docente tiene disposición al cuestionamiento crítico y profesional, a fin de replantearse criterios y concepciones nuevas sobre la evaluación de los aprendizajes.

The educational evaluation is defined as the systematic process to obtain information and to use it to emit trials that in turn will serve to take decisions. As an important component of teaching-learning process, it should keep strict coherence with the average phycopedagogical, the professional profile and the curriculum of the educational institutions. Their constituent elements are the object ot the evaluation, the approaches and evaluation indicators and the techniques and evaluation instruments, elements these that allow to build trials of value to make decisions that improve the educational act. The evaluation of the learnings inside of that conceptual mark, has a lot failures that basically are founded in ignorance of the basic and methodological concepts ot the evaluation process, some are commented on this aspect, standing out the fact that the evaluation not well well-known and worse setting in practice is constituted in a permanent source of conflicts among educational, students, authorities, institutions and family parents. They think about basic conceptualizations of the evaluation process with more emphasis in the methodological part before the aspect epistemologic and the theoretical one, as a contribution to understand better and to put at once into practice this tool so important educational that has for paper to improve the learning of our students that you/they are entitled the to be evaluated with full approaches of objectivity permanently. This alone objective will be completed if the educational personnel has disposition to the critical and professional question, in order to reconsider approaches and conceptions new envelope the evaluation ot the learnings.

Educational Measurement