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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(1): e014619, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058010


Abstract Parasitic myelopathy caused by Gurltia paralysans in domestic cats is a disease commonly reported in several South American countries. The adult parasite is lodged in the meningeal veins and spinal cord, often causing clinical manifestations of vascular proliferation, thrombophlebitis, and medullary compression. Wild felines are believed to be the definitive hosts of this parasite. The infection occurs through the ingestion of paratenic hosts, but the life cycle of G. paralysans is not yet clearly understood. In this paper, we discuss a case of parasitic myelopathy in a margay (Leopardus wiedii) that died during post-surgical care. Necropsy revealed focal hemorrhages in the thoracolumbar spinal cord. A microscopic examination revealed adult nematodes and eggs inside the veins of subarachnoid space in spinal cord, suggesting G. paralysans infection. This is first description of parasitic myelopathy in a margay in Brazil.

Resumo Mielopatia parasitária causada por Gurltia paralysans em gatos domésticos é uma doença comumente relatada em vários países da América do Sul. O parasita adulto aloja-se nas veias das meninges e da medula espinhal, muitas vezes causando proliferação vascular, tromboflebite e compressão medular, que se manifestam como sinais clínicos. Acredita-se que os felídeos selvagens sejam hospedeiros definitivos deste parasita e que a infecção ocorre por ingestão de hospedeiros paratênicos, entretanto seu ciclo de vida completo é desconhecido. Aqui, apresentamos um caso de um gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii) que morreu durante a assistência pós-cirúrgica. Na necropsia, foram observadas hemorragias focais na medula espinhal toracolombar. A microscopia revelou presença de nematódeos adultos e ovos, localizados dentro das veias do espaço subaracnoide da medula espinhal, o que sugeriu a infecção por G. paralysans. Esta é a primeira descrição de mielopatia parasitária em um gato-maracajá no Brasil.

Animals , Cats , Spinal Cord Diseases/parasitology , Felidae/classification , Nematoda/isolation & purification , Nematode Infections/veterinary , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnosis , Brazil , Felidae/parasitology , Animals, Wild , Nematoda/classification , Nematode Infections/diagnosis , Nematode Infections/parasitology
Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507558


Introducción: La administración de un fármaco agonista de un alfa- 2-adrenérgicos asociado con la técnica del cateterismo uretral, es un método de desarrollo reciente en la recolección seminal en felinos, ofreciendo las ventajas sobre la recolecta por electroeyaculación y la recolecta epididimaria. La técnica se ha probado en Panthera onca y felinos de pequeño porte. Objetivos: Realizar la recolección seminal en felinos neotropicales utilizando la técnica de cateterización uretral. Determinar los parámetros testiculares y seminales de muestras recolectadas por la técnica de cateterización uretral. Metodología: En este estudio se utilizó un individuo por especie de Panthera onca, Puma yagouaroundi yLeopardus wedii localizados en el parque Zoobotánico Getúlio Vargas, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. El semen fue recolectado por medio del cateterismo uretral y se utilizaron los farmácos: clorhidrato de medetomidina (0.1 mg /kg) y ketamina (5.0 mg /kg). Durante el desarrollo del procedimiento, se realizó la recolecta de los datos biométricos corporales y testiculares, así como la ultrasonografía de los testículos. Mediante microscopia óptica, en las muestras seminales se determinó: el vigor espermático, motilidad total, motilidad progresiva, la integridad estructural y funcional de la membrana plasmática y la morfología espermática. Las muestras se sometieron al proceso de congelación - descongelación utilizando tres diferentes crioprotectores. Las muestras descongeladas fueron evaluadas por microscopía convencional, análisis seminal computarizado y citometría de flujo. Resultados: En este estudio fue realizado con éxito la técnica de recolección seminal en las tres especies, siendo el primer estudio que informa de los parámetros seminales deP. yagouaroundiy el primero que reporta la recolección seminal uretral en L. wiedii. Los datos presentados describen de forma pionera la morfocinética espermática de las especies incluidas. No hubo diferencias (P > 0.05) en la calidad seminal evaluando por grupo de crioprotector, ni diferencias en la integridad de las membranas pré e post-congelamento. Fue posible solamente la comparación con otras técnicas de recolección seminal o con resultados de calidad seminal obtenidos de muestras de gato doméstico. Conclusión: La cateterización uretral asociada al fármaco alfa- 2-adrenérgicos es una técnica eficiente para la recolección seminal en felinos neotropicales. El establecimiento de una potencial asociación de las características físicas del animal y la calidad seminal, es información de suma importancia en la aplicabilidad para la elección de reproductores en los programas de reproducción asistida.

Introduction: The urethral catheterization associated with the application of alfa- 2 adrenergic agonist drug is a recent development and application technique for the collection of feline semen, with advantages over electro-ejaculation harvesting and epididymal harvesting. Objetives: Seminal collection in neotropical felines using the urethral catheterization technique. Determine the testicular and seminal parameters of samples collected by the urethral cataterization technique. Methods: The technique has been tested on Panthera onca and others small cats. In this study, individuals of Panthera onca, Puma yagouaroundi and Leopardus wiedii were used in captivity at Getulio Vargas Zoobotanical Park, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Medetomidine hydrochloride (0.1 mg/kg) and ketamine (5.0 mg/kg) were used as sedatives, the semen was collected by urethral catheterization. In the process were checked the testicular biometry was performed with percutaner and ultrasonography technique. The fresh samples were evaluated for conventional microscopy in the parameters of volume, sperm vigor, total motility, progressive motility, structural and functional integrity of the plasmatic membrane and sperm morphology. The samples were subjected to a freeze - thaw process using three different extenders. The thawed samples were tested using conventional microscopy, automated system analysis and flow cytometry. Results: In this study, the urethral harvest technique was successfully used in the three species. In the literature used don't have report about seminal parameters in P. yagouaroundi and urethral seminal collection in L. wiedii. The data presented describe the spermatic morphocinetics of the included species in a pioneer study. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in the seminal quality evaluating the extender, nor differences in the integrity of pre and post-freeze membranes of the samples. Conclusion: The urethral catheterization associated with the application of alfa- 2 adrenergic agonist drug it's an efficient technique for semen collection in neotropical cats. The establishment of a potential association of physical characteristics with seminal quality is extremely important information on the applicability of reproductive traits in assisted reproduction programs.

Braz. j. biol ; 76(1): 228-232, Feb. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-774500


Abstract Home range and minimal population densities of Southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus), margay (Lepardus wiedii) and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) were estimated between 2005 and 2006 in Taquari Valley, near the southern edge of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Home range data were collected by conventional radio telemetry (VHF) locations in a highly fragmented landscape. The average home range size, calculated using 95% kernel density estimates, was 16.01 km2 for Southern tiger cat, 21.85 km2 for margay and 51.45 km2 for jaguarundi. Telemetry data were used to obtain minimal density estimates of 0.08 Southern tiger cats / km2, and 0.04 jaguarundi / km2. The density estimates arise from areas where ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and other larger-bodied carnivores were locally extinct, and they suggest a specific type of mesopredator release known as the ocelot effect, which is likely enabling the increase in smaller felid populations in this area.

Resumo Neste estudo são apresentadas áreas de vida e estimativas mínimas de densidade populacional do gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus guttulus), gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii) e gato-mourisco (Puma yagouaroundi) obtidas entre 2005 e 2006, no Vale do Taquari, próximo ao limite sul da Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Os dados sobre área de vida foram coletados com a utilização de telemetria convencional (VHF) em uma paisagem altamente fragmentada. A área de vida média, calculada por Kernel 95%, foi de 16,01 km2 para o gato- do-mato-pequeno, 21,85 km2 para o gato-maracajá e 51,45 km2 para o gato-mourisco. Os dados de telemetria foram utilizados para obter uma estimativa de densidade mínima de 0,08 gatos-do-mato-pequenos por km2, e 0,04 gatos-mourisco por km2. As estimativas de densidade são oriundas de áreas sem a presença de jaguatiricas (Leopardus pardalis) ou outros predadores de maior porte, todos localmente extintos, com possíveis efeitos de um tipo específico de relaxamento de mesopredadores, conhecido como “Efeito Pardalis” que podem permitir o aumento do tamanho das populações de gatos menores.

Animals , Felidae/physiology , Homing Behavior , Brazil , Forests , Population Density , Puma/physiology , Species Specificity
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 19(3): 189-191, July-Sept. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-604668


We report the finding of Amblyomma aureolatum (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing margay (Leopardus wiedii) in the locality of Gravataí (29º 47' 12.9'' S and 50º 53' 44.1'' W; 241 m alt.), State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. This is the first report of this species of Ixodidae on margay in Southern Brazil. This finding indicates an increased number of hosts for this tick species.

Foi registrado o encontro de Amblyomma aureolatum (Acari: Ixodidae) em gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii), na localidade de Gravataí (29º 47' 12,9'' S and 50º 53' 44,1'' O; 241 m alt.), região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Esse é o primeiro registro desse ixodídeo parasitando essa espécie de felídeo e amplia a distribuição de hospedeiros no estado.

Animals , Felidae/parasitology , Ixodidae/physiology , Brazil
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; 6(2): 382-389, 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-482031


The microsatellite loci FCA045, FCA077, FCA008, and FCA096 are highly variable molecular markers which were used to determine the genetic diversity in 148 captive Leopardus sp. The PCR-amplified products of microsatellite loci were characterized in ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer. Allele numbers, heterozygosity, polymorphism information content, exclusive allele number, and shared alleles were calculated. Sixty-five alleles were found and their sizes ranged from 116 to 216 bp in four microsatellite loci. The heterozygosity ranged from 0.36 to 0.81 in Leopardus pardalis, 0.57 to 0.67 in L. tigrinus and 0.80 to 0.92 in L. wiedii. The polymorphism information content was from 0.80 to 0.88 in L. pardalis, 0.76 to 0.88 in L. tigrinus and 0.77 to 0.90 in L. wiedii. The margay (L. wiedii) showed the highest index of polymorphism among the three species in this study. These results imply that microsatellite DNA markers can help in the study of the genetic diversity of Leopardus specimens.

Animals , Genetic Variation , Felidae/genetics , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Alleles , Species Specificity , Gene Frequency , Heterozygote , Models, Genetic , Polymorphism, Genetic