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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561697


Problema: Experiência da intervenção de uma equipe multiprofissional da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em uma família por meio das ferramentas de abordagem familiar. Entre os problemas identificados no caso estão a sobrecarga de trabalho da paciente índice, diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) nos filhos dela, etilismo crônico do esposo e relacionamento hostil no ciclo familiar. Método: Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, de relato de experiência, desenvolvido em uma família da área de abrangência da equipe da ESF no segundo semestre de 2019, escolhida em razão da hiperutilização do serviço pela paciente índice. As ferramentas aplicadas foram o genograma, ecomapa, Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Outcome (FIRO), problem, roles, affect, communication, time in life, illness, coping with stress, environment/ecology (PRACTICE) e ciclo de vida familiar. Resultados: Com a aplicação das ferramentas foram identificadas as estruturas e modos de compartilhamento das relações familiares, os problemas de saúde presentes, os possíveis vínculos identificados e o estágio no ciclo de vida. Como modos de intervenção, a equipe propôs consultas de cuidado em saúde, assistência psicológica e escutas qualificadas. Além disso, por meio de reuniões intersetoriais, foi solucionado o problema escolar que afetava a condição de saúde da paciente. Conclusão: A aplicação das ferramentas foi um excelente método para realizar o estudo, pois permitiu uma visão global da família, além de identificar fragilidades a serem corrigidas ou minimizadas com recurso a intervenções pela equipe de saúde.

Problem: Intervention experience of a multidisciplinary team of the Family Health Strategy (ESF) through family approach tools. Among the problems identified in the case are the work overload of the index patient, diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in her children, husband's chronic alcoholism and hostile relationship within the family circle. Method: Descriptive and qualitative experience report. Developed by an ESF team in a family in the coverage area. Experience conducted in the second half of 2019. The tools applied were the genogram, ecomap, FIRO, PRACTICE and the family life cycle. The tools were chosen because of the index patient's frequent use of the ESF's services. Results: Through the application of the tools, the structures and ways of sharing family relationships, the health problems, the possible bonds identified and the stage in the life cycle were identified. As modes of intervention, the team proposed health care consultations, psychological assistance and qualified listening. In addition, through intersectional meetings, a school problem that affected the patient's health condition was solved. Conclusion: The application of the tools was an excellent method to carry out the study. It allowed a global view of the family, in addition to identifying weaknesses to be corrected or minimized, through interventions by the health team.

Problema: Experiencia de la intervención de un equipo multidisciplinario de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) en una familia a través de herramientas de abordaje familiar. Entre los problemas identificados en el caso están la sobrecarga de trabajo de la paciente índice, diagnóstico de Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en sus hijos, alcoholismo crónico del marido y relación hostil dentro del ciclo familiar. Método: Estudio descriptivo, cualitativo de relato de experiencia desarrollado en una familia de la zona de cobertura del equipo de la ESF en el segundo semestre de 2019. Las herramientas aplicadas fueron el genograma, ecomapa, F.I.R.O., P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E. y el ciclo de vida familiar, elegido por la sobreutilización del paciente índice de los servicios de la ESF. Resultados: Mediante la aplicación de las herramientas se identificaron las estructuras y formas de compartir las relaciones familiares, los problemas de salud presentes, los posibles vínculos identificados y la etapa del ciclo de vida. Como modos de intervención, el equipo propuso la consulta de salud, la asistencia psicológica y la escucha cualificada. Además, a través de reuniones intersectoriales se solucionó un problema escolar que afectaba el estado de salud del paciente. Conclusión: La aplicación de las herramientas fue un método excelente para la realización del estudio, ya que permitió una visión global de la familia, además de identificar debilidades a ser corregidas o minimizadas, a través de intervenciones del equipo de salud.

Humans , Primary Health Care , National Health Strategies , Family Relations , Interdisciplinary Placement
Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2149, 20 fev. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1552572


Com o reconhecimento do exercício da Odontologia Hospitalar e sua aprovação como uma nova especialidade pelo Conselho Federal de Odontologia em 2023, e validação das novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Curso de Odontologia homologadas em 2021, os cursos de graduação em Odontologia no Brasil tendem a qualificar futuros profissionais em formação para atuar em ambiente hospitalar, de forma sistematizada. Isso visa propiciar aosestudantes uma vivência interprofissional inerente aos hospitais, favorecendo a interação positiva entre várias áreas da saúde. Este estudo descritivo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência no processo de aprendizagem colaborativa entre profissionais de saúde residentes do Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde do Idoso, na área profissional de Odontologia, de um Hospital Universitário de Curitiba e estudantes de graduação do curso de Odontologia de uma instituição de ensino superior. Durante odesenvolvimento de diferentes atividades acadêmicas, observou-se que a utilização desta metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem caracterizou-se como uma ferramenta importante, buscando fortalecer as trocas de vivências práticas, propiciando discussões entre estudantes e profissionais residentes, por meio da mediação dos docentes, os quais buscavam sempre incentivar a construção do conhecimento crítico reflexivo, oportunizando uma experiência de formação discente interprofissional ampliada (AU).

Con el reconocimiento de la práctica de la Odontología Hospitalaria y su aprobación como nueva especialidad por el Consejo Federal de Odontología en 2023, y la validación de las nuevas Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para la Carrera de Odontología aprobadas en 2021, las carreras de pregrado en Odontología en Brasil tienden a capacitar a los futuros profesionales en formación para trabajar en el entorno hospitalario, de forma sistemática. Se pretende proporcionar a los estudiantes una experienciainterprofesional inherente a los hospitales, favoreciendo la interacción positiva entre las diversas áreas de la salud. Este estudio descriptivo tiene como objetivo relatar la experiencia en el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo entre profesionales de lasalud residentes en el Programa de Residencia Multidisciplinaria en Salud del Adulto Mayor, en el área profesional de Odontología, en un Hospital Universitario de Curitiba y estudiantes de pregrado de la carrera de Odontología en Curitiba de una institución de educación superior. Durante el desarrollo de diferentes actividades académicas, se observó que el uso de esta metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje se caracterizó como una herramienta importante, buscando fortalecer el intercambio de experiencias prácticas, promoviendo el debate entre estudiantes y profesionales residentes, a través de la mediación de los docentes. que siempre buscó incentivar la construcción de conocimientos reflexivos críticos, brindando una experiencia ampliada de formación interprofesional de los estudiantes (AU).

With the recognition of the Hospital Dentistry practice,its approval as a new specialty by the Federal Dental Council in 2023 and validation of the new National Curricular Guidelines for the Dentistry Course approved in 2021, undergraduate Dentistry courses in Brazil tend to qualify future professionals in training to work in a hospital environment, in a systematic manner. This aims to provide students with an interprofessional experience inherent to hospitals, favoring the positive interaction between various health specialties. This descriptive study reportsthe experience in the collaborative learning process between health professionals residentsof the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Elderly Health in the professional area of Dentistry at a University Hospital in Curitiba,and undergraduate Dentistry students from a higher education institutionin Curitiba. During the development of different academic activities, it was observed that the use of this teaching-learning methodology was characterized as an important tool, seeking to strengthen the exchange of practical experiences, promoting discussions betweenstudents and resident professionals, by the mediation of professors, who always encourage the construction of critical reflective knowledge, providing an expanded interprofessional student training experience (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Problem-Based Learning , Dental Staff, Hospital , Interdisciplinary Placement/methods , Interprofessional Education
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021473


BACKGROUND:Minimally invasive surgery is developing rapidly.Robot-assisted minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and robot-assisted unilateral biportal endoscopic transforaminal/posterior lumbar interbody fusion are important posterior minimally invasive surgical approaches to treat lumbar degenerative diseases.However,it is worth discussing which operation method is more advantageous. OBJECTIVE:To compare the clinical efficacy and imaging examination between different operation groups,and discuss the clinical application value of robot-assisted minimally invasive lumbar posterior fusion technology to treat lumbar degenerative diseases. METHODS:Clinical data of 83 patients with lumbar degenerative diseases from January 2018 to June 2022 at the Department of Orthopedics,Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences&Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital were retrospectively analyzed.Of them,27 patients received robot-assisted minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion treatment(group A);30 patients received robot-assisted unilateral biportal endoscopic transforaminal/posterior lumbar interbody fusion treatment(group B),and 26 traditional minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion patients were selected as the control group(group C).There were no significant differences in gender,age,body mass index,surgical segment,preoperative visual analog scale score and Oswestry Disability Index among the three groups(P>0.05).The operation time,intraoperative blood loss,complications,fluoroscopic dose,fluoroscopic time,and fluoroscopic frequency were compared among the three groups.Gertzbein-Robbins'classification was used to evaluate the accuracy of percutaneous pedicle screw.Visual analog scale and Oswestry Disability Index scores were evaluated after surgery.The excellent and good rate of the three surgical options was evaluated using Macnab's criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The operation time of group A was significantly shorter than that of groups B and C(P<0.05),but there was no significant difference between group B and group C(P>0.05).The intraoperative blood loss in group B was significantly less than that in group A,and that in group A was significantly less than that in group C(P<0.05).(2)The fluoroscopic dose,fluoroscopic time,and fluoroscopic frequency of group C were significantly higher than those of groups A and B(P<0.05).(3)Visual analog scale score and Oswestry Disability Index in the three groups significantly improved after operation when compared with that before operation(P<0.05),but there was no significant difference among the three groups 1 day and 6 months after surgery(P>0.05).(4)Postoperative imaging showed that the accuracy of percutaneous pedicle screw placement in groups A and B was better than that in group C(P<0.05).(5)There was no significant difference in the excellent and good rate of MacNab criteria among the three groups(P>0.05).(6)There was no significant difference in complications among the three groups(P>0.05).(7)The results indicated that robot-assisted minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and robot-assisted unilateral biportal endoscopic transforaminal/posterior lumbar interbody fusion are effective surgery methods for lumbar degenerative diseases.Compared with traditional minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion,robot-assisted minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion surgery has higher efficiency,less intraoperative radiation and higher internal fixation accuracy,which has a good clinical application value.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021627


BACKGROUND:Stage Ⅲ Kümmell's disease is characterized by a high degree of vertebral compression and posterior wall defects.Most of the patients are elderly people with severe osteoporosis and various medical diseases.Clinically,some surgical methods are often at high risk and are controversial. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the clinical efficacy of screw placement combined with transpedicular impaction bone grafting in the treatment of stage Ⅲ Kümmell's disease. METHODS:The clinical data of injured vertebral screw placement combined with transpedicular impaction bone grafting in treatment of stage Ⅲ Kummell's disease from May 2016 to August 2021 were retrospectively analyzed.Visual analog scale score,Oswestry disability index,anterior vertebral heights,kyphotic Cobb angle and American Spinal Injury Association(ASIA)impairment scale were used to evaluate the effects of surgery.The operation time,intraoperative blood loss and complications were recorded.CT scans were used to evaluate the healing of injured vertebrae at the final follow-up visit. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)A total of 26 patients were included,with 7 males and 19 females,at the age range of 62-81 years[mean(69.7±4.8)years].The follow-up time was 18-60 months[mean(35.1±8.9)months].The average operative duration was 133.5 minutes(100-165 minutes),and the average intraoperative blood loss was 285.3 mL(210-350 mL).(2)Visual analog scale and Oswestry disability index scores 1 week after surgery were significantly lower than those before surgery.(3)At 1 week after surgery,the anterior vertebral height corrections and the Cobb angle were(9.0±0.7)mm and(16.2±1.0)°,respectively.During the follow-up period,the loss of vertebral height and kyphosis correction were(5.1±0.3)mm and(8.0±0.4)°,respectively.(4)14 patients(54%)had ASIA grade D before operation,which recovered to grade E at the last follow-up.CT scan showed that all patients achieved good osseous union.(5)Complications occurred in seven patients(27%),including hypostatic pneumonia in two cases,postoperative superficial wound tissue liquefaction in two cases,and adjacent vertebral compression fractures in three cases.(6)It is concluded that screw placement of the injured vertebra combined with transpedicular impaction bone grafting can rapidly rebuild spinal stability,effectively relieve pain and improve neurological function in the treatment of stage Ⅲ Kümmell's disease.This technique is an effective and relatively minimally invasive surgical option.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021777


BACKGROUND:Orthopedic robots have been widely used in clinical practice,and relevant reports have shown that they have many advantages such as minimal trauma and short surgical time.However,there is currently no clear report on how accurate they are. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the accuracy of robot-assisted sacroiliac screw insertion. METHODS:A total of 131 patients with sacroiliac joint fracture and dislocation and sacral fracture admitted to the Department of Trauma Surgery,Gansu Provincial Hospital from January 2020 to April 2023 were retrospectively collected,including 131 S1 screws and 46 S2 screws,totaling 177 screws.They were divided into two groups based on whether robot-assisted navigation was performed.There were 63 cases of sacroiliac screws inserted under robot-assisted navigation(observation group),with 36 males and 27 females,aged 19-72 years,with a mean age of(45.3±17.6)years.Among them,39 cases were fixed with only S1 screws,while 24 cases were fixed with S1S2 screws,resulting in a total of 87 sacroiliac screws.Under C-arm fluoroscopy,68 cases of sacroiliac screws were inserted with bare hands(control group),including 41 males and 27 females,aged 23-67 years,with a mean age of(42.6±21.3)years.Among them,46 cases were fixed with simple S1 screws,while 22 cases were fixed with S1S2 screws,resulting in a total of 90 sacroiliac screws.A postoperative CT scan was performed to evaluate the number of S1 screws,S2 screws,total screw level,and calculate accuracy based on the method introduced by SMITH et al. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)In the observation group,62 S1 screws were accurately placed(62/63),with an accuracy rate of 98%.24 S2 screws were accurately placed(24/24),with an accuracy rate of 100%.The total number of screws accurately placed was 86(86/87),with an accuracy rate of 99%.(2)In the control group,58 S1 screws were accurately inserted(58/68),with an accuracy rate of 85%.19 S2 screws were accurately inserted(19/22),with an accuracy rate of 86%.The total number of screws accurately inserted was 77(77/90),with an accuracy rate of 86%.(3)There was a statistically significant difference in the accuracy of the S1 screw,S2 screw,and total screw between the two groups(P<0.05).It is suggested that the placement of sacroiliac screws under robot navigation has higher accuracy compared to manual placement under C-arm fluoroscopy,but still has a lower error rate in placement.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021918


BACKGROUND:The angle of screw placement in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion plays a crucial role in determining the stability of the internal fixation system. OBJECTIVE:To predict the impact of different screw placement angles on the stress experienced by the internal fixation system in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion utilizing finite element analysis,with the ultimate goal of identifying the optimal screw placement angle. METHODS:A three-dimensional reconstruction method was employed to establish a mechanical model of the cervical spine,enabling the simulation of three distinct working conditions:scoliosis,uprightness,and forward flexion.In SolidWorks 2017,the anterior cervical plate and screw models were built according to different placement angles of the screws,with a as the inward offset,b as the ideal position,c as the outward offset,d as the downward offset,and e as the upward offset.The stress distribution of internal fixation system at different screw placement angles was observed,and the stress and displacement were recorded. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)By constructing a finite element model of the entire cervical spine and incorporating an anterior titanium plate,it was found that the biomechanical changes in the spine did not significantly differ based on the various angles of screw insertion on the titanium plate under the same working conditions.(2)However,microscopic analysis revealed that the outward offset(c)screw position exhibited the most effective resistance against side bending,while the downward offset(d)screw demonstrated optimal load-bearing capacity in the upright condition.Additionally,the outward deviation(c)screw displayed superior anti-bending effects in the reverse buckling condition.(3)The fixation effect of the internal fixation device remained relatively stable across different motion conditions.Although there was a 10%variation in the internal fixation effect under the three working conditions when the screw was placed inward,outward,downward,or upward,the displacement changes were minimal.These findings suggest that the requirements of load bearing,bending resistance,and flexion resistance could be simultaneously met without a specific optimal screw location in clinical practice.(4)The placement direction of titanium plate screw in anterior cervical disc-resection and fusion has little effect on the mechanical stability of the cervical spine.The screw angles in different directions have little influence on the stability of the internal fixation device in the lateral,upright,and forward flexion movements of the cervical spine.There is no need to pursue the direction of screw placement in clinical operations.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022081


BACKGROUND:Atlantoaxial dislocation,because of its high difficulty and high risk of surgery,has been regarded as the"surgical restricted area"by the international orthopedic community.However,with the rapid development of intelligent digitization in orthopedics,robot-assisted navigation screw placement technology has been widely used in clinical practice,which significantly reduces the difficulty and risk of surgery and improves the safety of surgery.However,there are few reports on the application of this technique in the treatment of atlantoaxial dislocation. OBJECTIVE:To explore the application value of robot-assisted pedicle screw internal fixation in the treatment of atlantoaxial dislocation. METHODS:The medical records of five patients with atlantoaxial dislocation treated with C1-C2 pedicle screw fixation under robot-assisted navigation in Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine from October 2021 to July 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.Operation time,length of neck incision,blood loss,postoperative drainage volume,and length of hospital stay were recorded.Attention should be paid to cerebrospinal fluid leakage,vertebral artery injury,nerve injury,operative area infection and other complications.The visual analog scale score of neck pain,the spinal cord injury grade of the American Spinal Injury Association,the cervical spine score of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association,and the imaging indicators were collected before surgery and at the last follow-up.Screw placement accuracy was assessed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Five patients were successfully completed surgery,without vascular,nerve injury or other complications,and were followed up for 12-20 months.(2)A total of 20 cervical pedicle screws were placed in 5 patients,including 9 type A screws,10 type B screws,and 1 type C screw.The accuracy of screw placement was 95%.(3)At the last follow-up,the visual analog scale score was(0.80±0.71)points,which was significantly lower than that before operation(4.00±2.83)points;the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score was(14.80±0.84)points,which was significantly higher than that before operation(8.00±0.71)points.Anterior atlantodental interval decreased from(7.86±3.25)mm to(2.82±0.93)mm;space available of the spinal cord increased from(6.74±1.99)mm to(12.10±3.51)mm;cervicomedullary angle increased from(133.32±13.55)° to(153.44±9.53)°;clivus-canal angle increased from(128.02±9.92)° to(143.25±12.99)°.The results of the last follow-up indexes were improved compared with those before operation,and the differences were significant(all P<0.05).(4)Postoperative imaging follow-up showed that all patients had bone fusion in the bone graft area,and no internal fixation loosening,fracture or pull-out occurred.(5)This method can avoid relying on the doctor's experience and hand feeling,ensure the accuracy of upper cervical screw placement,reduce the risk of surgery,and obtain satisfactory results in mid-term follow-up.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028795


Objective To explore the feasibility of peritoneal dialysis catheter placement assisted by flexible ureteroscope.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on clinical data of 54 cases of end-stage renal disease receiving peritoneal dialysis catheter placement from May 2019 to March 2023.The placement method was chosen by the patient.In the conventional group,23 cases were guided by a metal guide wire for insertion of the peritoneal dialysis catheter,while in the flexible ureteroscope group,31 cases were guided by flexible ureteroscope instead of guide wire for insertion of the peritoneal dialysis catheter.The success rate of catheterization,surgical time,use of postoperative analgesic,complications related to peritoneal dialysis catheter,and postoperative creatinine decrease were compared between the two groups.Results The catheter placement was successfully performed in both groups.The total incidence of complications related to peritoneal dialysis catheter in the flexible ureteroscope group was lower than that in the conventional group[6.5%(2/31)vs.30.4%(7/23),χ2 =3.878,P =0.049].Between the conventional group and the flexible ureteroscope group,there were no statistically significant differences in the surgical time,postoperative analgesic usage,and the decrease of creatinine at 2 weeks after surgery(P>0.05).The median postoperative follow-up period was10 months(range,3-24 months)in the two groups,and there were no complications such as peritoneal leakage,intestinal perforation,or intraperitoneal bleeding.Conclusion The placement of peritoneal dialysis catheter guided by the flexible ureteroscope instead of metal guide wire is a safe,visible,and accurate method,which can reduce complications related to peritoneal dialysis catheter,and detect and manage comorbidities in the abdominal cavity.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 244-247, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031653


【Objective】 To introduce a surgical technique modified by our center, the establishment of a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) channel with extraperitoneal three-port method, and discuss its methods, skills, safety and efficacy. 【Methods】 Clinical data of 21 patients with early and intermediate prostate cancer treated with this surgery during Aug.2022 and Jun.2023 were retrospectively analyzed.Surgical time, intraoperative bleeding volume, postoperative complications, drainage tube retention time, postoperative hospital stay, and follow-up results were observed. 【Results】 All 21 cases of surgery were successfully completed by the same surgeon, without peritoneal rupture or addition of auxiliary holes.The time to establish the extraperitoneal gap and install robotic arm was 20.2 (16.0-28.0) min, the operation time was 107.0(60.0-161.0) min, the amount of intraoperative bleeding was 52.8 (31.0-121.0) mL.All patents resumed eating and drinking the next day after operation.The drainage tube indwelling time was 3.9 (2.0-6.0) d, and the postoperative hospital stay was 4.9 (3.0-7.0) d.No serious complications occurred.The urinary catheter was removed 10 days after operation.One month after operation, 20 patients (95.2%) achieved satisfactory urinary control.The postoperative pathology was prostate adenocarcinoma in all cases, with negative margins, and the prognostic grouping of ISUP was 2 cases in group 1, 6 cases in group 2, 10 cases in group 3, 2 cases in group 4, and 1 case in group 5. 【Conclusion】 RARP by extraperitoneal three-hole method is safe and feasible, with exact establishment of extraperitoneal space, few collisions between instruments, low surgical costs, fast postoperative intestinal recovery, aesthetic incision, and satisfactory recovery of urinary control.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003446


Objective@#To investigate the effect of the socket-shield technique (SST) concurrent with immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) in the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth.@*Methods@#A case of maxillary anterior tooth stumps with a thin labial bone wall was treated with SST for preservation of labial soft and hard tissue fullness, combined with an immediate implant placement and immediate provisional crown for restoring the shape of the tooth and gingival molding@*Results@#Immediate implant placement and provisionalization restored the morphology and function of the affected tooth in the shortest possible time. The patient's labial soft and hard tissue contours in the affected tooth area were well preserved in the 18-month follow-up after the application of the SST, which presented a better aesthetic result. The literature review indicates that the indications for SST are unrestorable maxillary anterior teeth, whose dental, periodontal and periapical tissues are healthy and intact. In the esthetic zone, root shielding is effective in maintaining the soft and hard tissue contour on the labial side of the implant. However, there is no consensus on the technical details of SST, such as the ideal coronal height and thickness of the shield, and the management of the gap between the shield and the implant. Thus, more clinical studies and histologic evidence are needed to provide a reference for clinical decision-making. In addition, digital technology can improve the accuracy of implant placement and shield preparation.@*Conclusion@#The correct application of SST combined with IIPP in the esthetic zone can ensure esthetic results. However, more high-quality evidence-based medical evidence is needed for its long-term efficacy, and indications should be strictly controlled during clinical application.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 270-275, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012499


Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a rare congenital condition, with an extremely low incidence. There is no difference between SIT individuals without onset of diseases and healthy counterparts. However, when SIT individuals suffer from diseases, the diagnosis and treatment are highly challenging due to insufficient understanding of SIT populations, especially for those complicated with end-stage liver disease and requiring liver transplantation. It is a huge challenge for surgeons whether SIT individuals serve as donors or recipients of liver transplantation. In this article, recent case reports related to liver transplantation in SIT patients were summarized, and the development, key procedures, clinical prognosis and postoperative complications of liver transplantation in SIT patients were reviewed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013370


ObjectiveTo explore the policy framework, theoretical system and principles of educational placement for children with special needs based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for the multi-faceted educational placement services and methods for these children. MethodsBased on ICF theory and methods, public policy research techniques, and educational policy analysis, this study systematically investigated the policy architecture and theoretical underpinnings for the educational placement of children with special needs, focusing on an inclusive education-oriented system of multiple placements. ResultsThe study analyzed educational policies, emphasizing the rights to education under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and UNESCO's guidelines on ensuring inclusivity and equity in education which encourage the provision of individualized educational support services and reasonable accommodations to enable the effective participation of students with disablities in education. China, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) have enacted laws and policies promoting inclusive education, integrating children with disablities into the general education system, and providing them with the same educational opportunities as other children. The development of special education focuses on tailored educational services for those children who need additional support and resources. Policies underscore the need to evaluate the specific needs of children with disablities and provide individualized educational plan based on these needs. ConclusionBased on core content from the CRPD, UNESCO's guidelines, and relevant policies from China, the EU, and the US regarding the education and educational placement services for children with special needs, the theoretical framework and principles of educational placement for children with special needs based on ICF are discussed, proposing contents and methods for constructing a multi-faceted educational placement service system for children with special needs.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024491


Objectives:To explore the accuracy of pedicle screw placement assisted with improved 3D-print-ed drill guiding template in cervical spine.Methods:The clinical data of 60 patients undergone posterior cervical pedicle screw placement in our hospital between January 2016 and January 2023 were analyzed retro-spectively,including 30 males and 30 females with an average age of 17-84 years(58.7±13.8 years).The pa-tients were divided into guiding template group and free-hand group based on whether the guiding template was used to assist the placement of screws or not.The improved 3D-printed guiding template was used to assist cervical pedicle screw placement in the guiding template group(n=30),and the self-made angular-ruler was used in the free-hand group(n=30).There was no significant difference in age,gender ratio,and preoper-ative diagnosis between the two groups(P>0.05).Cervical CT scan was performed at one week after surgery,and the accuracy of pedicle screw placement was evaluated according to the Kaneyama standard:Grade 0,the screw was completely in the pedicle;Grade 1,the size of screw penetrating the cortex<50%of the screw diameter;Grade 2,the size of screw penetrating the cortex≥50%of the screw diameter but not com pletely out;Grade 3,the screw was completely on the outside of the pedicle.The accuracy of pedicle screw placement(ratio of grades 0 and 1)and complications such as vascular and nerve injury,incision infection,cerebrospinal fluid leakage,screw loosening and breakage caused by screw misplacement were recorded.Re-sults:A total of 152 pedicle screws were placed in the guiding template group,including 74 screws of grade 0,68 of grade 1,10 of grade 2 and 0 of grade 3,with an accuracy of screw placement of 93.4%.A total of 136 pedicle screws were placed in free-hand group,including 53 screws of grade 0,61 of grade 1,18 of grade 2 and 4 of grade 3,with an accuracy of screw placement of 83.8%.The accuracy of screw placement in the guiding template group was significantly higher than that in the free-hand group(P<0.05).There were no related complications such as vascular and nerve injury,incision infection and cerebrospinal fluid leakage caused by misplacement of pedicle screws.The patients were followed up for 5-29 months(14.2±7.7months),and there were no complications such as screw loosening or breakage.Conclusions:Improved 3D-printed drill guiding template can improve the accuracy of pedicle screw placement in cervical spine.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 149-156, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026503


Objective:To analyze and compare the clinical efficacy of robot-assisted and conventional navigation-assisted percutaneous minimally invasive pedicle screw placement in the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures and to provide reference for clinical treatment decisions.Methods:A literature search was performed in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),VIP,Wanfang and English databases PubMed and Web of science by using the keywords"vertebral pedicle screws,"and"robot"in Chinese and"robot"and"pedicle screws"in English.The search time in both Chinese and English was from the establishment of the database to December 2022.The relevant clinical studies on robot-assisted and traditional navigation-assisted percutaneous minimally invasive pedicle screw placement for the treatment of thoracolumbar cone fractures were collected.Cochrane Scale and Newcastle-Ottawa Scale(NOS)were used to evaluate the quality of literatures and meta-analysis was carried out.The clinical effects of robot-assisted and traditional navigation-assisted surgery was compared.Results:A total of 15 articles were included in the study.Compared with traditional navigation-assisted percutaneous minimally invasive pedicle screw placement,robotic-assisted surgery resulted in shorter operative time[WMD=-11.45,95% CI(-18.94~-3.95),P<0.05],less intraoperative bleeding[WMD=-19.11,95% CI(-27.51~-10.70),P<0.001],higher screw placement accuracy[number of grade A nails:RR=1.20,95% CI(1.16~1.25),P<0.001;number of grade A+B nails:RR=1.09,95% CI(1.07~1.11),P<0.001],and fewer complications[RR=0.35,95% CI(0.13~0.93),P<0.05].The difference in hospitalization time was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion:In percutaneous minimally invasive pedicle screw placement for the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures,robot-assisted surgery has advantages over navigation-assisted surgery in terms of operative time,intraoperative bleeding,placement accuracy and complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027179


Objective:To preliminarily explore the clinical value of three-dimensional ultrasound fusion imaging(3DUS FI) visualization technology in guiding precise needle placement during thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Methods:A total of 56 HCC patients (59 lesions)who underwent 3DUS FI guided thermal ablation were retrospectively analyzed in the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from November 2019 to December 2021. All patients were collected with three-dimensional ultrasound volume image before ablation which were fused with real-time two-dimensional ultrasound image for registration, and then the tumor and the safety margin of 5 mm were segmented and marked. Finally, the thermal ablation was performed under three-dimensional visualization. Contrast-enhanced CT/MRI was performed 1 month after thermal ablation to evaluate whether the lesion was completely ablated and measure the ablative margin, and the relationship between ablative margin and the incidence of local tumor progression (LTP) was also analyzed.Results:During the ablation, all lesions could be successfully registered and displayed in three-dimension. Postoperative contrast-enhanced ultrasound showed that all lesions were completely ablated. A total of 37 lesions could be evaluated for ablative efficacy and ablative margin based on contrast-enhanced CT/MRI 1 month after themal ablation, of which 32 (86.5%) lesions achieved complete ablation and obtained at least 5 mm ablative margin. During the follow-up period, LTP was occurred in 4 lesions, 3 of the lesions occurred at the ablative margin< 5 mm. Both 1-year and 2-year cumulative LTP rates were all 7.1%. None of patients had serious complications or deaths associated with thermal ablation.Conclusions:3DUS FI real-time guidance technology is feasible and safe in visually guiding precise needle placement during thermal ablation of HCC.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 28(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534522


Objetivo: develar las tensiones percibidas por los actores comunitarios en el poblamiento y conformación del territorio durante la práctica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia en la vereda Granizal entre 2009 y 2018. Metodología: estudio hermenéutico que usó técnicas de la teoría fundamentada para recolección y análisis. Se realizaron once entrevistas en profundidad a líderes y dos grupos focales a madres comunitarias, docentes y líderes y se analizaron con técnicas de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: existe una tensión permanente entre un liderazgo de diferentes matices y la unidad comunitaria, que recibe diversas amenazas por el desalojo persistente de sus espacios vitales por actores fuera de la ley ligados al narcotráfico, al vacío de Estado y a los intereses internos por el poder. Dicha tensión busca ser superada mediante el esfuerzo colectivo para aprender a subsistir y a través de los vínculos que nacen de la confianza generada con la Universidad y la Facultad de Medicina con su práctica, que han apoyado la comprensión progresiva de la determinación social del proceso salud-enfermedad, lo que ha permitido lograr mayor bienestar. Conclusiones: en Granizal existen unas luchas comunitarias constantes por vencer las privaciones de los mínimos vitales de subsistencia, en las cuales, la autonomía y el desarrollo humano se debaten entre la esperanza y la desesperanza por mantener la firmeza en la construcción del tejido social y en la búsqueda de salidas que posibiliten la vida y el bienestar.

Objective: to reveal the tensions perceived by community actors in the settlement and conformation of the territory during the internship of the School of Medicine of Universidad de Antioquia in the rural settlement Granizal between 2009 and 2018. Methods: Hermeneutic study that used Grounded Theory techniques to collect and analyze data. Eleven in-depth interviews with leaders were conducted and two focus groups with community mothers, teachers and leaders were carried out which were analyzed with open, axial and selective coding techniques. Results: there is a permanent tension between leadership with different shades and the community unity which receives various threats due to the permanent eviction of their vital spaces by outlaw actors linked to drug trafficking, to the absence of the State and to internal interests for power. This tension seeks to be overcome through the collective effort to learn to survive and through the links that are born from the trust generated with the University and the internship of the Faculty of Medicine that has supported the progressive understanding of the social determination of the health-disease process which has allowed for greater wellbeing. Conclusions: There are constant community struggles in Granizal to overcome the deprivations of subsistence vital minimums, in which autonomy and human development are debated between hope and despair to maintain firmness in the construction of the social fabric and in the search for solutions that make life and wellbeing possible.

Objectivo: amostrar as tensões percebidas pelos atores comunitários no povoamento e conformação do território durante a prática da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Antioquia no vilarejo Granizal entre 2009 e 2018. Metodologia: estudo hermenêutico que usou técnicas da teoria fundamentada para coleta e análise. Realizaram-se onze entrevistas a fundo a líderes e dois grupos focais a mães comunitárias, docentes e líderes e se analisaram com técnicas de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva. Resultados: existe uma tensão permanente entre uma liderança de diferentes matizes e a unidade comunitária, que recebe diversas ameaças pelo despejar persistente de seus espaços vitais por atores fora da lei e conectados com o narcotráfico, a o vazio do Estado e aos interesses internos pelo poder. Esta tensão procura ser superada mediante o esforço coletivo para aprender a subsistir e a través dos vínculos que nascem da confiança gerada com a Universidade e a Faculdade de Medicina com sua prática, que tem apoiado a compreensão progressiva da determinação social do processo saúde-doença, o que tem permitido lograr maior bem-estar. Conclusões: em Granizal existem umas lutas comunitárias constantes por vencer as privações dos mínimos vitais de subsistência, nas quais, a autonomia e o desenvolvimento humano, se debatem entre a esperança e a desesperança por manter a firmeza na construção do tecido social e na busca de saídas que possibilitem a vida e o bem-estar.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430297


Introdução: O acompanhamento odontológico no pré-natal representa estratégia singular com atuação interdisciplinar na prevenção de agravos à gestante e complicações no parto. Objetivo: Identificar a interdisciplinaridade no acompanhamento odontológico no pré-natal na perspectiva do enfermeiro. Metodologia: Estudo com abordagem qualitativa fundamentado na Hermenêutica-dialética de Gadamer e Habermas em seis Unidades de Atenção Primária à Saúde de uma metrópole do Nordeste do Brasil, com seis enfermeiros por meio de entrevistas em profundidade no ano de 2018. A organização dos dados ocorreu através da análise temática de Minayo. Resultados: Evidenciaram-se após análise temática as categorias, ''O cuidado interdisciplinar do médico, odontólogo e enfermeiro''e ''Encaminhamento do enfermeiro durante o acompanhamento odontológico no pré-natal". Há implicações para o desenvolvimento de práticas interdisciplinares no acompanhamento odontológico no pré-natal, como fragilidades na continuidade do cuidado, na comunicação e interação na equipe. Conclusão: Há necessidade de ampliar a integralidade para qualidade no desenvolvimento de cuidados em saúde à gestante e diminuição de complicações maternas e neonatais em populações de mulheres brasileiras.

Introducción: El seguimiento odontológico en el control prenatal representa una estrategia única con acción interdisciplinaria para la prevención de lesiones en la gestante y complicaciones durante el parto. Objetivo: Identificar la interdisciplinariedad en la atención odontológica prenatal desde la perspectiva de las personas profesionales de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio con un enfoque cualitativo basado en la hermenéutica-dialéctica de Gadamer y Habermas en seis unidades básicas de salud de una metrópolis del Nordeste de Brasil, con seis profesionales de enfermería, a través de entrevistas en profundidad en 2018. La organización de los datos se realizó mediante el análisis temático de Minayo. Resultados: A partir del análisis temático, surgieron las categorías ''El cuidado interdisciplinario de la persona profesional en medicina, odontología y enfermería''y ''Remisión de enfermería durante el prenatal odontológico". Existen implicaciones para el desarrollo de prácticas interdisciplinarias en el prenatal odontológico, como debilidades en la continuidad del cuidado, comunicación e interacción en el equipo. Conclusión: Existe la necesidad de ampliar la integralidad para la calidad en el desarrollo de la atención de la salud de la mujer embarazada y la reducción de las complicaciones maternas y neonatales en las poblaciones de mujeres brasileñas.

Introduction: Dental follow-up in prenatal care represents a unique strategy with interdisciplinary action for the prevention of injuries in pregnant women and complications during childbirth. Objective: To identify the interdisciplinarity in prenatal dental care from the nurses' perspective. Methodology: This will be a qualitative approach study with based on the Gadamer and Habermas's hermeneutics-dialectic in six primary health care units in a metropolis in Northeast Brazil, with six nurses through in-depth interviews in 2018. The organization of the data occurred through Minayo's thematic analysis. Results: After the thematic analysis, the categories of ''The interdisciplinary care of the doctor, dentist, and nurse''and ''Nurse referral during prenatal dental care''were evidenced. There are implications for the development of interdisciplinary practices in prenatal dental care such as weaknesses in the continuity of care, communication, and the team's interaction. Conclusion: There is a need to expand the comprehensiveness for the quality in the development of healthcare for pregnant women and the reduction of maternal and neonatal complications in populations of Brazilian women.

Humans , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care , Oral Health , Nursing , Brazil , Hermeneutics
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(1): [16], abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440167


Fundamento: El estudio teórico, el diagnóstico realizado y la experiencia de los investigadores, posibilitan formular como problema de la presente investigación: limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología del Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila. Objetivo: Elaborar una concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología, a partir de la caracterización del estado actual de esta habilidad. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación educativa con un componente descriptivo en el Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila, en los cursos escolares desde 2016 al 2020. La población de estudio fueron los 16 residentes de año que matricularon la especialidad de Dermatología en el período de estudio. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y empírico. Resultados: La caracterización realizada reveló limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los laboratorios de Anatomía Patológica, Microbiología y Parasitología Médica, por los residentes (100 %). La concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar orienta el proceso desde las actividades docentes-atencionales y prácticas de laboratorio en una consecutividad lógica y sistematización desde las diferentes formas de enseñanza y tipologías de clase. Integra la interdisciplinariedad y la utilización del método investigativo establecido en las ideas rectoras. Conclusiones: La concepción didáctica como aporte de la investigación resuelve la contradicción dialéctica entre la aplicación del método clínico y los procedimientos en la práctica de laboratorio que se da en ese proceso formativo y constituye un soporte didáctico que respalda las actividades prácticas en los laboratorios para cumplir con los objetivos del Plan de estudio de la especialidad.

Background: The theoretical study, the diagnosis conducted and the experience of the researchers make possible to formulate the problem of the present research: limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the Specialty of Dermatology of the General Provincial Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila. Objective: To elaborate a didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the specialty of Dermatology, based on the characterization of the current state of that ability. Methodology: An educational research with a descriptive component was conducted at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila, in the 2016-2020 school years. The study population consisted of the 16 first-year dermatology residents who enrolled in the specialty during the study period. Results: The characterization conducted showed limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in anatomic pathology laboratories, Microbiology and Medical Parasitology, by residents (100%). The didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of diagnostic ability focuses on teaching and learning activities and laboratory practices in a logical consecutiveness and systematization from the different forms of teaching and class typologies. It integrates the interdisciplinary and the use of the research method that is established in the guiding ideas. Conclusions: The didactic conception, as a research contribution, resolves the dialectic contradiction between the application of the clinical method and the procedures in laboratory practice that occurs in this formative process which is a didactic support that backs up the practical activities in the laboratories in order to achieve the objectives of the study plan of the specialty.

Clinical Competence , Dermatology/education , Education, Medical/methods , Interdisciplinary Placement/methods , Medical Staff
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 56(1)abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442403


Os objetivos deste estudo foram relatar a experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica na disciplina de educação nutricional, e analisar as percepções dos estudantes quanto à interdisciplinaridade e aplicabilidade na atuação profissional, pela análise de conteúdo temática. Este é um relato de experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias durante a disciplina de Educação Nutricional no curso de nutrição de uma universidade pública. Foram quantificados os tipos de receitas selecionadas e seus respectivos princípios dietéticos e/ou dietoterápicos. Identificamos que 80% das receitas selecionadas priorizavam o conteúdo de nutrientes dos ingredientes como princípio dietético/dietoterápico e somente 20% consideraram aspectos sensoriais e culturais. Na análise qualitativa, foram identificados três eixos temáticos: (1) O olhar do estudante sobre a oficina culinária; (2) O aprendizado da oficina culinária para sua prática profissional; (3) A racionalização da alimentação. A oficina foi considerada uma experiência inovadora e enriquecedora para a formação acadêmica, principalmente pela interdisciplinaridade. Conclui-se que o uso de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica interdisciplinar nos cursos de Nutrição pode trazer benefícios na formação dos futuros nutricionistas (AU)

The objectives of this study were to report the experience of using culinary workshops as a didactic-pedagogical strategy in the nutrition education discipline, and analyze the students' perceptions regarding interdisciplinarity and applicability in their professional practices through thematic-content analysis. This is an experience report on the use of culinary workshops during the nutritional education discipline in the nutrition course of a public university. The types of recipes selected and their respective dietetic/diet therapy principles were quantified. We found that 80% of the selected recipes were based on the nutritional composition of foods and only 20% considered sensory and cultural aspects. In the qualitative analysis, 3 thematic axes were identified: (1) The student's perception of the culinary workshop; (2) The learning in the culinary workshop for their professional practice; (3) The rationalization of food. The workshop was considered an innovative and enriching experience for academic training, mainly due to its interdisciplinarity. It is concluded that the use of culinary workshops as an interdisciplinary didactic-pedagogical strategy in Nutrition courses can bring benefits to the training of future nutritionists (AU).

Humans , Students , Students, Health Occupations , Food and Nutrition Education , Cooking , Nutritionists , Interdisciplinary Placement
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981132


OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to evaluate the long-term clinical efficacy of simple taper retentive implants in the posterior dental area after immediate implantation for 5-7 years.@*METHODS@#Selected from January 2015 to December 2017 in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University dental clinic line tooth area immediately after the implant prosthesis, a total of 38 patients, 53 implants, were deep into (bone under 2 mm or higher) and the upper structure was repaired. In addition, after the completion of tracking observation of 60-90 months, the implant surrounding bone health was recorded and analyzed.@*RESULTS@#After 5-7 years of follow-up, 1 of the 53 implants failed to fall out, and the implant retention rate was 98.1%. The amount of bone resorption in the proximal and distal margins 5-7 years after implant restoration was (0.16±0.94) mm and (-0.01±1.29) mm, respectively, and the difference in bone height between the proximal and distal margins of the implant and the immediate post-restoration period was not statistically significant (P>0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in the effects of periodontitis, implant site inflammation, and smoking on peri-implant marginal bone resorption (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The single taper-retained implant broadens the indications for immediate implant placement in the posterior region, and its deep sub-osseous placement (≥2 mm below the bone) avoids to a certain extent the disturbance of the implant by external stimuli and the exposure of the cervical abutment of the implant, with the good long-term stability of the marginal bone around the implant.

Humans , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Follow-Up Studies , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Dental Restoration Failure