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Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565177


Fundamento: los síndromes coronarios agudos constituyen un problema de salud debido a su alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Sería razonable asumir que los trabajadores de la salud cuidan y controlan sus propios factores de riesgo coronario, no obstante, los resultados obtenidos en investigaciones muestran que no siempre es así. Objetivo: caracterizar los factores de riesgo coronario en trabajadores del Hospital General Docente Guillermo Domínguez López de Las Tunas. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el Hospital General Docente Guillermo Domínguez López de Las Tunas entre diciembre de 2019 y diciembre de 2022. La población de estudio fue de 912 trabajadores y la muestra de 200. Fue un muestreo probabilístico, aleatorio simple, dividido en dos grupos: A (con síndrome coronario agudo) y B (sin síndrome coronario agudo). Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, factores de riesgo coronario. La información se obtuvo de expedientes clínicos y se analizó en porcentaje, media, desviación estándar y el estadígrafo z para obtener la influencia de los factores de riesgo en la enfermedad. Resultados: la media de edad del grupo A: 56,5 (±5,03), grupo B: 46,4 (±11,33) años con predominio del sexo masculino (54,5 %). Los factores de riesgo que predominaron fueron: sedentarismo (57 %), tabaquismo (36,5 %) e hipertensión arterial (34 %). Los de mayor influencia fueron: los antecedentes de cardiopatía isquémica, la enfermedad vascular, la obesidad abdominal (z: 0,99), la diabetes mellitus (z: 0,92) y la hipertensión arterial (z: 0,70). Conclusiones: el síndrome coronario predomina en la quinta década de la vida y con mayor frecuencia en el sexo masculino.

Foundation: acute coronary syndromes constitute a health problem due to their high morbidity and mortality. It would be reasonable to assume that health workers take care of and control their own coronary risk factors, however, research results show that this is not always the case. Objective: to characterize coronary risk factors in workers at the Guillermo Domínguez López General Teaching Hospital in Las Tunas. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Guillermo Domínguez López General Teaching Hospital in Las Tunas between December 2019 and December 2022. The study population was 912 workers and the sample was 200. It was a probabilistic, simple random sampling divided into two groups: A (with acute coronary syndrome) and B (without acute coronary syndrome). The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, coronary risk factors. The information was obtained from clinical records and analyzed in percentage, mean, standard deviation and the z statistic to obtain the influence of risk factors on the disease. Results: the average age of group A: 56.5 (±5.03), group B: 46.4 (±11.33) years with a predominance of the male sex (54.5 %). The predominant risk factors were: sedentary lifestyle (57 %), smoking (36.5 %) and high blood pressure (34 %). Those with the greatest influence were: a history of ischemic heart disease, vascular disease, abdominal obesity (z: 0.99), diabetes mellitus (z: 0.92) and arterial hypertension (z: 0.70). Conclusions: coronary syndrome predominates in the fifth decade of life and is more common in males.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31411, 2024 abr. 30. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553424


Introdução:A internação representa um impacto considerável na vida de qualquer pessoa, podendo tomar proporções ainda maiores quando se trata de uma criança. A impossibilidade de realizar sua rotina, como brincar e ir à escola, faz com que a internação infantil assuma um contexto marcante.Dito isso, nota-se que grande parte dessas internações é evitável, sendo denominadasde Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária. Dessa forma, o atendimento ambulatorial de qualidade poderia resolver a maioria das enfermidades infantis, evitando esse desfecho.Objetivo:Elaborar um perfil epidemiológico de internações por doenças infecciosas e bacterianas mais prevalentes em menores de 5 anos, de 2017 a 2021, no Brasil. Metodologia:A pesquisa em questão se trata de um estudo ecológico de série temporal,elaborado através de informações coletadas por vias secundárias.Os dados foram coletados na plataforma DataSUS e no Sistema de Informação Hospitalar. Posteriormente, os dados foram processados e armazenados no aplicativo Microsoft Excel®, onde foram tratados e selecionados de acordo com sua relevância para a pesquisa. Resultados:Constata-se que a faixa etária situadaabaixo do primeiro ano de vidaapresenta um grau de hospitalização superior ao dascrianças que vãodo primeiro ao quarto ano completo.Quanto àfrequência relativa, depreende-se que diarreia e gastroenterite de origem infecciosa presumível apresentaram o maior índice de prevalência em relação às demais patologias, com o maior número chegando a 23,8% no ano de 2017 e o menor situando-se na faixa de 13,22% em 2020. Conclusões: Apesar do avanço na Atenção Primária à Saúde e da cobertura pré-natal, a assistência ainda é deficitária, sendo necessários mais investimentos na área e o fomento de políticas públicas que abranjam essa população (AU).

Introduction: Hospitalization represents a considerable impact on the life of any person, and can even take on even greater proportions when it comes to a child. The impossibility of realizing their routine, such as playing and going to school, means that hospitalization during childhood takes ona remarkable context. That said, it is noted that mostofthese hospitalizations are avoidable,and are called Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Thus, quality ambulatory care could solve most childhood illnesses, avoiding this outcome.Objective:To elaborate an epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for the most prevalent infectious and bacterial diseases in children under 5 years of age,from 2017 to 2021,in Brazil. Methodology: The research in question is an ecological study of time series, elaborated through information collected through secondary data sources. Data were collected from the DataSUS platform and the Hospital Information System. Subsequently, data were processed and stored in Microsoft Excel® application, where they were managedand selected according to their relevance to the research. Results:It is observed that the age group below the first year of life presents a higher degree of hospitalization thanthat of children ranging from the first to the fourth year. As for the relative frequency, it can be seen that diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumable infectious origin had the highest prevalence rate compared to other pathologies, with the highest number reaching 23.8% in 2017 and the lowest being in the range of 13.22% in 2020. Conclusions: Despite the advances in Primary Health Care and prenatal coverage, assistance is still deficient, requiring more investments in the area and the promotion of public policies that cover this population (AU).

Introducción: La hospitalización representa un impacto considerable en la vida de cualquier persona, quepuede adquirir proporciones aún mayores cuando se trata de un niño. La imposibilidadde realizar su rutina, como jugar e ir al colegio, hace que la hospitalización infantiltengaun contexto notable. Dicho esto, cabe señalar que una gran parte de estas hospitalizaciones son evitables, denominándose Hospitalizaciones por Condiciones Sensibles a la Atención Ambulatoria. Así pues, una atención ambulatoria de calidad podría resolver la mayoría de las enfermedades infantiles, evitando este desenlace. Objetivo: Elaborar un perfil epidemiológico de las hospitalizaciones por enfermedades infecciosas y bacterianas más prevalentes en niños menores de 5 años, de 2017 a 2021, en Brasil. Metodología: La investigación en cuestión es un estudio ecológico de series temporales, elaborado a partir de información recogida por vías secundarias. Los datos se recogieron de la plataforma DataSUS y del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria. Posteriormente, los datos se procesaron y almacenaron en la aplicación Microsoft Excel®, donde se trataron y seleccionaron en función de su relevancia para la investigación. Resultados: Se observa que el grupo de edad inferior al primer año de vida presenta un mayor grado de hospitalización que los niños del primero al cuarto año completo. En cuanto a la frecuencia relativa, se puede inferirque la diarreay lagastroenteritis presumible origen infeccioso tuvieron la tasa de prevalencia más alta en relación con las demáspatologías, siendola cifra más alto el 23,8% en 2017 y lamás bajael rango del 13,22% en el 2020. Conclusiones: A pesar de los avances en la Atención Primariade Salud y en la cobertura prenatal, la asistencia aún es deficiente, por lo que se requieren mayoresinversiones en el área y la promoción de políticas públicas que cubran a esta población (AU).

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Bacterial Infections/pathology , Health Profile , Child Health , Communicable Diseases/pathology , Primary Health Care , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Morbidity , Ecological Studies , Hospitalization
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31414, 2024 abr. 30. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553430


Introdução: As doenças do sistema respiratório se mostram como uma das causas mais preocupantes de internações hospitalares no país. Nessa perspectiva, o perfil das internações por doenças respiratórias em crianças permite observar os parâmetros desta problemática, fornecendo um conhecimento amplo acerca do processo saúde e doença nessa população. Objetivo: Analisar o perfil epidemiológico das internações hospitalares por causas do aparelho respiratório em crianças de 0 a 9 anos no Brasil e regiões, entre os anos de 2013 e 2022. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, realizado no Brasil, a partir de dados secundários do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares. A população escolhida para este estudo foram crianças de 0 a 9 anos deidade. Os dados foram coletados em 26 de novembro de 2022. As variáveis dependentes do estudo são as internações de crianças de 0 a 9 anos por doenças do aparelho respiratório no Brasil e suas regiões. Já, como variáveis independentes, tem-se o tempo, do período de janeiro de 2013 a setembro de 2022, regiões e faixa etária. Resultados: Há uma tendência de queda das internações por causa respiratória até o ano de 2016, seguido de um crescimento gradativo até 2019. Entretanto, em 2020, a taxa de hospitalização reduziu drasticamente em todas as localidades. As regiões Sul, Norte e Centro-Oeste permaneceram com taxas maiores que o Brasil em todo o período estudado. A internação em menores de 1 ano representa o maior quantitativo de internações sendo a pneumonia a causa mais prevalente. Conclusões: As taxas de internação infantil por doenças respiratórias representam importante preocupação para saúde pública. Assim, destaca-se a relevância da efetividade da Atenção Primária à Saúde, que possui grande impacto no desfecho dos adoecimentos em crianças, especialmente das doenças respiratórias (AU).

Introduction: Respiratory system diseases are one of the most worrying causes of hospital admissions in the country. From this perspective, the profile of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children allows us to notice the parameters of this problem, providing a broad understanding of the health and disease process in this population.Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of hospital admissions due to respiratory causes in children aged 0 to 9 in Brazil and its regions between 2013 and 2022. Methodology: This is an ecological study held in Brazil using secondary data from the Hospital Information System. The population chosen for this study consisted of children aged 0 to 9. Data were collected on November 26, 2022. The dependent variables of this study are hospitalizations of children aged 0 to 9 due to respiratory diseases in Brazil and its regions. The independent variables are time, from January 2013 to September 2022, regions, and age group.Results: There was a downward trend in hospitalizations due to respiratory causes until 2016, followed by a gradual increase until 2019. Nonetheless, in 2020, the hospitalization rate fell dramatically in all locations. The South, North and Mid-West regions remained with higher rates than Brazil throughout the studied period. Hospitalization of children under 1 year old represents the largest number of admissions, with pneumonia being Revista Ciência Plural. 2024; 10(1): e31414 3the most prevalent cause.Conclusions: Hospitalization rates during childhood due to respiratory diseases represent a major public health concern. Thus, one can highlight the importance of the effectiveness of Primary Health Care, which has a major impact on the outcome of illnesses in children, especially respiratory diseases (AU).

Introducción: Las enfermedades del sistema respiratorio son una de lascausas más preocupantes de hospitalizaciones en el país. Desde esta perspectiva, el perfil de hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias en niños permite observar los parámetros de este problema, proporcionando una amplia comprensión del proceso de salud y enfermedad en esta población.Objetivo: Analizar el perfil epidemiológico de las internaciones por causas respiratorias en niños de 0 a 9 años en Brasil y sus regiones entre 2013 y 2022. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio ecológico conducido en Brasil a partir de datos secundarios del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria. La población elegida para este estudio fueron los niños de 0 a 9 años. Los datos se recogieron el 26 de noviembre de 2022. Las variables dependientes del estudio son las hospitalizaciones de niños de 0 a 9 años por enfermedades respiratorias en Brasil y sus regiones. Las variables independientes son el tiempo, de enero de 2013 a septiembre de 2022, las regiones y la franja etaria.Resultados: Se nota una tendencia a la baja de las hospitalizaciones por causas respiratorias hasta 2016, seguida de un aumento gradual hasta 2019. Sin embargo, en 2020, la tasa de hospitalización cayó drásticamente en todas las localidades. Las regiones Sur, Norte y Medio Oeste se mantuvieron con tasas másaltas que Brasil durante todo el período estudiado. Las hospitalizaciones en niños menores de 1 año representan el mayor número de internaciones, siendo la neumonía la causa más prevalente.Conclusiones: Las tasas de hospitalización infantil por enfermedades respiratorias representan un importante problema de salud pública. Así, se subraya la importancia de la eficacia de la Atención Primaria de Salud, que tiene un gran impacto en el resultado de las enfermedades en los niños, especialmente las respiratorias (AU).

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Respiratory Tract Diseases/pathology , Health Profile , Child Health , Morbidity , Primary Health Care , Hospital Information Systems , Ecological Studies , Hospitalization
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565457


Introducción: La colangiopancreatografía endoscópica retrógrada (CPRE) es un procedimiento terapéutico para diversas patologías biliopancreáticas. Existen diversos centros de formación con una variedad de tiempos de práctica para la realización de CPRE. Objetivo: Evaluar resultados iniciales post entrenamiento en endoscopia terapéutica en el Instituto Chileno-Japonés del Hospital San Borja Arriarán, analizando 150 CPRE consecutivas, describiendo aspectos técnicos, morbilidad y mortalidad, realizadas entre noviembre de 2017 a enero de 2019 por un único operador en un hospital de la Araucanía. Método: Análisis retrospectivo del registro prospectivo de los 150 primeros casos consecutivos de CPRE realizados en el hospital San José de Victoria (HSJV). Se midieron variables clínicas, técnicas y de laboratorio. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva con medidas de tendencia central, dispersión y tendencia extrema. Resultados: Serie de 150 pacientes sometidos a CPRE: Edad promedio 60,1 años, mediana de 65 y edades extremas 16-98 años. Sexo femenino 69,3%. Indicaciones CPRE: 67,3% coledocolitiasis sin colangitis, 16,7% colangitis aguda, 6% estenosis de vía biliar benigna, 3.3% tumor periampular. Todos apoyados por anestesista, 50,7% propofol y 49.3% anestesia general. Tasa de canulación biliar 96,7%. Precorte 19,3%. Complicaciones reportadas alcanzaron el 4,67%, sin mortalidad por el procedimiento en la serie. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta serie muestran que la formación obtenida por el profesional logró los estándares sugeridos para un procedimiento efectivo y seguro, destacando una tasa de canulación del 96,7%, siendo superior a lo que las guías internacionales describen como exitosa. La morbilidad asociada a CPER es comparable a cifras nacionales e internacionales.

Introduction: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a therapeutic procedure for various biliopancreatic pathologies. There are different training centers with a variety of practice times for performing ERCP. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the initial post-training results in therapeutic endoscopy at the Chilean-Japanese Institute of San Borja Arriarán Hospital, analyzing 150 consecutive ERCP procedures performed between November 2017 and January 2019 by a single operator at a hospital in La Araucanía, describing technical aspects, morbidity, and mortality. Method: Retrospective analysis of the prospective registry of the first 150 consecutive ERCP cases performed at the San José de Victoria Hospital (HSJV). Clinical, technical and laboratory variables were measured. Descriptive statistics were produced with measures of central tendency, dispersion and extreme tendency. Results: Series of 150 patients undergoing ERCP: mean age 60.1 years, median 65 and extreme ages 16-98 years. Female sex 69.3%. ERCP indications: 67.3% choledocholithiasis without cholangitis, 16.7% acute cholangitis, 6% benign bile duct stenosis, 3.3% periampullary tumor. All supported by an anesthetist, 50.7% propofol and 49.3% general anesthesia. Biliary cannulation rate 96.7%. Precut 19.3%. Reported complications reached 4.67%, with no mortality from the procedure in the series. Conclusions: The results of this series show that the training obtained by the professional improves the standards proposed for an effective and safe procedure, highlighting a cannulation rate of 96.7%, higher than what international guidelines describe as successful. The morbidity associated with ERCP in our series is comparable to national and international figures.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565461


Introducción: La esofagectomía es actualmente el tratamiento curativo del cáncer de esófago. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los resultados de la esofaguectomía mínimamente invasiva a corto y medio plazo en pacientes intervenidos de carcinoma epidermoide y adenocarcinoma de esófago en nuestro hospital. Material y Métodos: Se recogieron 19 pacientes desde enero de 2020 hasta junio de 2021 y se realizó el seguimiento a todos ellos durante 20 meses. Se recogieron diferentes variables relacionadas con el paciente, el tumor, la cirugía y referentes al postoperatorio. Los datos fueron almacenados y procesados usando el software estadístico R-Comander asumiendo un error α de 0,05. Resultados: La mediana de estancia hospitalaria total fue de 29 días. Seis pacientes, precisaron de reingreso en Reanimación: dos por shock séptico secundario a la fuga de anastomosis grado III, uno por hemorragia digestiva alta y los tres por insuficiencia respiratoria. A los 90 días reingresaron un 5,3% del total de pacientes. No se produjeron fallecimientos en los tres meses siguientes a la cirugía. Todos los pacientes presentaron una supervivencia mayor de seis meses. La supervivencia global a seis, 12 y 18 meses se sitúa en 100, 84 y 63%. La supervivencia libre de enfermedad a los tres meses fue del 84%, a los 6 meses del 63% y al año el 58%. Discusión: Los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio coinciden con lo que hay reflejado en la literatura. Por tanto, la esofagectomía mínimamente invasiva es una técnica efectiva en el tratamiento del cáncer de esófago.

Introduction: Oesophagectomy is currently the curative treatment for oesophageal cancer. The aim of this study is to know the results of minimally invasive oesophagectomy in the short and medium term in patients operated on for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus in our hospital. Material and Methods: 19 patients were collected from January 2020 to June 2021 and all of them were followed up for 20 months. Different variables related to the patient, tumour, surgery and postoperative period were collected. Data were stored and processed using R-Comander statistical software assuming an α-error of 0.05. Results: The median total hospital stay was 29 days. Six patients required readmission to resuscitation: two for septic shock secondary to grade III anastomotic leak, one for upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage and three for respiratory failure. At 90 days, 5.3% of the total number of patients were re-admitted. There were no deaths in the three months following surgery. All patients had a survival of more than six months. Overall survival at six, 12 and 18 months was 100, 84 and 63%. Disease-free survival at three months was 84%, at six months 63% and at one year 58%. Discussion: The results obtained in our study coincide with those reported in the literature. Minimally invasive oesophagectomy is therefore an effective technique in the treatment of oesophageal cancer.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 24-28, mar. 2024. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551657


Introducción: el cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es la segunda causa de muerte dentro de las enfermedades neoplásicas. El pronóstico individual está signado por el estadio de la enfermedad al momento del diagnóstico y la posibilidad de realizar un tratamiento curativo. Este también depende de la estratificación post quirúrgica y de la aparición de complicaciones ulteriores. El objetivo del seguimiento es diagnosticar la recidiva en un estadio potencialmente curable y detectar otros cánceres primarios. Objetivo: realizar una valoración de la calidad de la cirugía colorrectal y el seguimiento de los pacientes operados de CCR en nuestro hospital. Diseño: estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo. Material y métodos: se analizaron todos los pacientes con CCR operados en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital de Paysandú entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2020. Se describen diversas variables que influyen en la calidad quirúrgica y se analizan las relacionadas al seguimiento post operatorio dividiendo a los pacientes en 3 grupos, seguimiento completo, perdidos y sin datos de seguimiento. Resultados: se incluyeron 39 pacientes, con una edad media de 68 años. El 28% se diagnosticaron en estadio IV, con porcentajes bajos en estadios tempranos. Hubo 57% de cirugías de urgencia y 43% electivas. La causa más frecuente de urgencia fue la oclusión intestinal (36,6%). La tasa de dehiscencia anastomótica fue 16,6% y la de mortalidad 15,3%. Solo el 33% de los pacientes tuvieron seguimiento completo. Conclusión: existe un déficit en la atención y el seguimiento de los pacientes operados por CCR en nuestro hospital. Se impone la creación de un equipo específico en el área de coloproctología, así como un protocolo de seguimiento unificado para mejorar estos resultados. (AU)

Introduction: colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second cause of death among neoplastic diseases. The individual prognosis is determined by the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis and the possibility of curative treatment. This also depends on the postsurgical stratification and the appearance of subsequent complications. The goal of follow-up is to diagnose recurrence at a potentially curable stage and detect other primary cancers. Objective: to carry out an evaluation of the quality of colorectal surgery and the follow-up of patients operated on for CRC in our hospital. Design: descriptive, retrospective observational study. Material and methods: all patients with CRC operated on in the surgery service of the Paysandú Hospital between January 2017 and December 2020 were analyzed. Variables that influence surgical quality are described and those related to postoperative follow-up are analyzed by dividing patients in 3 groups, complete follow-up, lost to follow-up and without follow-up data. Results: Thirty-nine patients were included, with a mean age of 68 years. Twenty-eight percent were diagnosed in stage IV, with low percentages in early stages. There were 57% emergency procedures and 43% elective proceduress. The most common cause of emergency was intestinal obstruction (36.6%). The anastomotic dehiscence rate was 16.6% and the mortality rate was 15.3%. Only 33% of patients had complete follow-up. Conclusion: there is a deficit in the care and follow-up of patients undergoing CRC surgery in our hospital. The creation of a specific team in the area of coloproctology is required, as well as a unified monitoring protocol to improve these results. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Health Care , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Uruguay , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Follow-Up Studies
Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558539


Fundamento la infección por SARS-CoV-2 es la enfermedad emergente más importante del presente siglo. En dicho contexto, el Grupo de las Industrias Biotecnológica y Farmacéutica Cubanas (BioCubaFarma) creó alternativas terapéuticas para combatir la COVID-19, entre ellas el uso de Jusvinza, la cual forma parte del protocolo utilizado en el país. Objetivo determinar la resolutividad terapéutica de Jusvinza en pacientes confirmados de COVID-19. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo, durante el periodo de enero a septiembre de 2021, en el Hospital Militar Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany, de Santiago de Cuba. El universo estuvo constituido por 166 confirmados de COVID-19, a quienes se administró Jusvinza. Se analizaron algunas variables clínicas (estado clínico, enfermedades no transmisibles asociadas, progresión clínica), epidemiológicas (edad, sexo) y farmacológicas (resolutividad, duración en días). Se utilizó una planilla de vaciamiento de datos, los cuales fueron tomados de las historias clínicas. Resultados la morbimortalidad por COVID-19 fue superior en el sexo masculino, asociado a comorbilidades y edad mayor de 60 años; el sexo femenino resultó el de mayor resolutividad al tratamiento con Jusvinza (71,7 %), la cual incrementó su porcentaje en ausencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles asociadas (81,4 %). Los pacientes de alto riesgo fueron los de más baja mortalidad (15,8 %). Conclusiones la resolutividad en pacientes confirmados de COVID-19 tratados con Jusvinza fue más elevada en casos de alto riesgo que en graves y críticos.

Foundation SARS-CoV-2 infection is the most important emerging disease of this century. In this context, the Cuban Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Group (BioCubaFarma) created therapeutic alternatives to combat COVID-19, including the use of Jusvinza, which is part of the protocol used in the country. Objective to determine the Jusvinza therapeutic resolution in confirmed COVID-19 patients. Methods a descriptive study carried out from January to September 2021, at the Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba. The universe consisted of 166 confirmed COVID-19 cases, to whom Jusvinza was administered. Some clinical variables (clinical status, associated non-communicable diseases, clinical progression), epidemiological (age, sex) and pharmacological (resolving, duration in days) were analyzed. A data extraction form was used, which was taken from the medical records. Results morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 was higher in males, related to comorbidities and age over 60 years; The female sex was the one with the greatest response to treatment with Jusvinza (71.7%), which increased its percentage in the absence of associated chronic non-communicable diseases (81.4%). High-risk patients had the lowest mortality (15.8%). Conclusions resolution in confirmed COVID-19 patients treated with Jusvinza was higher in high-risk cases than in severe and critical cases.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 291-298, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532631


Introducción. Una fístula es una conexión anormal entre dos superficies epitelizadas. Cerca del 80 % de las fístulas entero-cutáneas son de origen iatrogénico secundarias a cirugía, y un menor porcentaje se relacionan con traumatismos, malignidad, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal o isquemia. La morbilidad y las complicaciones asociadas pueden ser significativas, como la desnutrición, en la que intervienen múltiples factores. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos de PubMed, Google Scholar y SciELO, utilizando las palabras claves descritas y se seleccionaron los artículos más relevantes de los últimos años. Resultados. La clasificación de las fístulas se basa en su anatomía, su gasto o secreción diaria y su localización. Existe una tríada clásica de las complicaciones: sepsis, desnutrición y anomalías electrolíticas. El control del gasto de la fístula, el drenaje adecuado de las colecciones y la terapia antibiótica son claves en el manejo precoz de estos pacientes. Los estudios recientes hacen hincapié en que la sepsis asociada con la desnutrición son las principales causas de mortalidad. Conclusiones. Esta condición representa una de las complicaciones de más difícil y prolongado tratamiento en cirugía abdominal y colorrectal, y se relaciona con importantes tasas de morbilidad, mortalidad y altos costos para el sistema de salud. Es necesario un tratamiento multidisciplinario basado en la reanimación con líquidos, el control de la sepsis, el soporte nutricional y el cuidado de la herida, entre otros factores.

Introduction. A fistula is an abnormal connection between two epithelialized surfaces. About 80% of enterocutaneous fistulas are of iatrogenic origin secondary to surgery, and a smaller percentage are related to trauma, malignancy, inflammatory bowel disease or ischemia. The associated morbidity and complications can be significant, such as malnutrition, in which multiple factors intervene. Methods. A literature search was carried out in the PubMed, Google Scholar and SciELO databases using the keywords described and the most relevant articles from recent years were selected. Results. The classification of fistulas is based on their anatomy, their daily secretion output, and their location. There is a classic triad of complications: sepsis, malnutrition and electrolyte abnormalities. Control of fistula output, adequate drainage of the collections and antibiotic therapy are key to the early management of these patients. Recent studies emphasize that sepsis associated with malnutrition are the main causes of mortality. Conclusions. This condition represents one of the most difficult and prolonged complications to treat in abdominal and colorectal surgery, and is related to significant rates of morbidity, mortality and high costs for the health system. Multidisciplinary treatment based on fluid resuscitation, sepsis control, nutritional support, and wound care, among other factors, is necessary.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Cutaneous Fistula , Nutritional Status , Morbidity , Intestinal Fistula , Rectal Fistula
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006504


@#The article titled "The global burden of lung cancer: Current status and future trends" which is recently published in Nature Reviews Cinical Oncology has provided a detailed analysis of the current global status of lung cancer. This article focuses on the global burden of lung cancer, risk factors, related prevention, control measures and treatment progress. Based on the current situation of lung cancer in the world, this paper analyzes the current situation of lung cancer in China, and briefly interprets the key points of prevention as well as control measures in the article.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016999


Objective To investigate the investigation of co-morbidity etiology and prognosis analysis of chronic diseases in the elderly population. Methods The data of 1 475 elderly patients who were seen and treated in Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021 were screened to analyze their disease status, co-morbidity combinations and patterns, co-morbidity influencing factors, and prognosis. Results The top four prevalence rates among 1 475 elderly patients with chronic diseases were hypertension 555 (37.63%), gastric or gastrointestinal diseases 445 (30.17%), arthritis or rheumatism 427 (28.95%), and diabetes 329 (26.58%). 1034 co-morbidities were found in 1475 elderly patients with chronic diseases, with a co-morbidity rate of 70.10%. The binary disease combination accounted for 58.41% and the ternary disease combination accounted for 41.59%. Female, age >70 years, family history of chronic diseases, overweight/obesity, daily physical inactivity, history of alcohol/smoking, poor sleep quality, and poor dietary habits were the independent influencing factors for co-morbidity in elderly patients with chronic diseases (ORfemale=2.413, ORage ≥ 70=1.670, ORhistory of alcohol consumptionfamily history of chronic diseases=2.846, ORhistory of alcohol consumptionoverweight/obesity=2.570, ORdaily inactivity=1.802, ORhistory of alcohol consumption=3.543, ORhistory of smoking=1.784, ORpoor sleep quality=2.128, ORunhealthy dietary habits=2.085, all P2primary exacerbation/emergency readmission=10.726, χ2new chronic disease=5.873 , all P<0.05). Conclusion Gender, age, chronic disease history, BMI, and lifestyle habits are important factors influencing co-morbidity in elderly patients with chronic diseases, and patients with co-morbidity have a relatively poor prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036343


Background At present, occupational poisoning has become one of the most serious occupational diseases that jeopardize the health of workers in China, in addition to pneumoconiosis, with a wide range of impacts and heavy social and economic losses. Objective To analyze the characteristics and patterns of the incidence of occupational poisoning in Tianjin from 2006 to 2020, and to provide a scientific basis for the development of effective intervention measures and prevention strategies. Methods The Occupational Diseases and Health Hazards Monitoring Information System, a module of the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System, was the primary data source of the study. The case files of acute and chronic occupational poisoning diagnosed by occupational disease diagnostic institutions in Tianjin from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2020 were retrieved from the system. The data included basic information, occupational history, disease characteristics, and employer information. Excel 2016 was used to establish database, and frequencies and composition ratios were reported. Results From 2006 to 2020, a total of 234 cases of occupational chemical poisoning were reported in Tianjin, including 49 cases of acute occupational poisoning (20.94%) and 185 cases of chronic occupational poisoning (79.06%). The number of acute occupational poisoning cases showed a rising and then falling trend, and the number of chronic occupational poisoning cases showed an overall decreasing trend. Acute occupational poisoning mainly occurred in the four districts around the city (22 cases, 44.90%), and chronic occupational poisoning mainly occurred in Binhai New Area (90 cases, 48.65%). More male cases were reported than female cases. The age of onset was concentrated at 45-55 years old. The acute occupational poisoning cases were concentrated in the group with less than 5 years of service (22 cases, 44.90%), mainly asphyxiating gas poisoning, and the highest incidence was reported in chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry. The chronic occupational poisoning cases were concentrated in the groups with a working age of 5-14 years (70 cases, 37.84%), mainly organic solvent poisoning, and the highest incidence was also reported in chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry. Conclusion The prevention and control of occupational poisoning as well as health surveillance and management in Tianjin shall be carried out in a hierarchical and focused manner in accordance with types of acute and chronic occupational poisoning chemicals in the city, regional economic differences, types of industries, and distribution of workers.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012674


Background and Objective@#COVID-19 contributes significantly to global morbidity and mortality. Age-related comorbidities elevate the risk of severe cases. Studies have recently demonstrated that widely available medications, including tocilizumab (TCZ), can manage severe symptoms. However, its effectiveness is unclear, particularly among the older population. Therefore, this review aimed to evaluate TCZ’s efficacy in managing severe pneumonia in individuals aged 50 and older.@*Methods@#We systematically search several databases and gray literature including Web of Science, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, PsycArticles, SocINDEX, CENTRAL/Cochrane Library, PubMed/MEDLINE for original research articles in English across several study designs published in the year 2020-2022. A narrative synthesis was conducted to summarize the evidence. We employed the NIH quality assessment tool for observational cohort studies to evaluate risk of bias. Additionally, we utilized GRADE to appraise the certainty of evidence.@*Results@#Among 539 screened articles, only five studies met the selection criteria. Tocilizumab's impact on severe COVID-19 pneumonia revealed a diverse effect on mortality rate, with 29% in the TCZ group, and 40% in the controls died within 30 days of intubation (OR 0.61; 95% CI, 0.27-1.36). It is also reported that TCZ was not associated with mortality, despite faster decline in pulmonary function and prolonged fever. Hospital mortality in the TCZ group was significantly lower than in the controls, and age over 60 was the only significant risk factor. Moreover, administering TCZ reduced mechanical ventilation needs, with 82% extubated compared to 53% in controls. However, 45% in TCZ group was associated with a higher ventilator-associated pneumonia rate than in the untreated group which was 20% (P < 0.001). Despite this, TCZ-treated patients had shorter hospital stays.@*Conclusions@#The effects of tocilizumab on reducing mortality risk and improving the survival rate of COVID-19 patients with pneumonia remained inconclusive. Yet, the majority of results suggested that giving tocilizumab leads to shorter hospital stays, lowers the requirement for mechanical ventilation, and decreases the likelihood of ICU transfer. Tocilizumab is linked to the incidence of secondary infections; hence, this medication should be closely monitored for side effects.

COVID-19 , Pneumonia
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 37-44, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016680


Objectives@#This is the first study that provides an overview of the characteristics of a specialized Intensive Maternal Care Unit (IMU) that caters to obstetric-related conditions in the Philippines. This study aims to describe the different kinds of cases admitted into this facility, the different medical and surgical interventions employed, length of hospital stay, and maternal and fetal outcomes of these patients.@*Methods@#This is a cross-sectional descriptive study based on a chart review of medical records and admission charts of patients admitted to the Intensive Maternal Unit of a tertiary hospital in Manila from January 2017 to December 2019.@*Results@#There were a total of 17,185 obstetric admissions from 2017-2019. There were a total of 841 admissions (4%) into the Intensive Maternal Unit, with an average of 280 admissions per year. The average length of Intensive Maternal Unit stay was 10.46 days and the average length of hospital stay was 12.98 days. Maternal outcomes were the following: 56.89% were discharged undelivered while 38.92% delivered on their initial admission. The maternal mortality rate was 2.39% among those admitted to the IMU. Among those discharged undelivered, 43% were re-admitted, 6% were admitted twice, and 4% were admitted three times. The most common reason for admission was pregnancy-related hypertensive diseases (34%). Blood transfusion (2.4%), the use of ventilator support (0.6%), and the use of inotropic drugs (0.6%) were the major medical interventions. Cesarean section was the most common surgical intervention, seen in 54.49% of patients. Most neonates were admitted to the neonatal ICU (23.95%), at an average pediatric age of 33 weeks, with an average length of stay in the Neonatal ICU of 12.33 days.@*Conclusion@#Pregnant women are a special group of patients with different needs compared to the general patient population. Pregnancy-associated hypertensive disease is the most common cause of admission to the IMU and hospitals should be able to cater to these patients who will present in their institutions, as this may lead to poor maternal and neonatal outcomes. An Intensive Care Unit dedicated to complicated obstetric care in institutions is recommended to cater to high-risk pregnancies.

Pregnancy , Intensive Care Units , Critical Care
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024948


Pregnant women with bipolar disorder(BD)are a high-risk pregnancy state.Necessary psychotropic drug treatment,special stress reactions,bad living habits,and fluctuations in pregnancy hormones all increase the risk of pregnancy to a certain extent.Risks of complications such as hypertension,gestational diabetes,premature birth and spontaneous abortion.Drugs can penetrate the placental blood-brain barrier and enter the maternal-fetal microcirculation.Combined with the effects of genetic genes and the environment,they can induce neurodevelopmental abnormalities in the fetus,leading to congenital malformations,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,autism spectrum disorder and other diseases after birth.The mode of delivery may also be affected.Women with BD often give birth by caesarean section.It is particularly important to weigh the choice of drug types and dosages,which will help improve the accuracy of clinical risk management and disease control of pregnancy-related mental disorders.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039169


Objective To understand the characteristics and temporal trends of stroke incidence in the household population of Shanghai's Qingpu District and to provide a basis for the development of comprehensive prevention and control strategies. Methods The stroke case database for Qingpu District from 2017-2022 was obtained from the Shanghai Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry and Reporting Information System. The average age of onset, incidence rate, standardised incidence rate, and constitutive ratio were calculated. Independent samples t-tests were used for comparisons between groups, 2-tests and 2-trend tests for comparisons of rates, and the Joinpoint regression model for calculating the annual percentage change (APC) to analyse the temporal trend of rates. Results Between 2017 and 2022, the average age of stroke onset in the household population of Shanghai's Qingpu District was 73.69±11.60 years. The average annual incidence rate was 556.62/100 000, with an average annual standardised incidence rate of 333.76/100000. There was an increasing trend in the incidence and standardised incidence of stroke in males (APC=7.06%, t=3.44, P=0.03, APC=5.32%, t=3.04, P=0.04). The incidence of stroke increases with age, with cases mainly concentrated in those aged 65 years and above, accounting for 79.47%. Ischemic stroke dominates the stroke typology, accounting for 91.08% of cases, while the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke shows an increasing trend (APC=4.64%, t=4.59, P=0.01). Conclusion The occurrence of stroke in the general population of Shanghai’s Qingpu District is concerning. The study indicates that males, individuals aged 65 years and above, and ischaemic stroke are significant factors that require attention for stroke prevention and control.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(4): e00248222, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557401


Resumo: O Brasil apresenta elevada morbimortalidade materna e perinatal. Casos de morbidade materna grave, near miss materno e óbitos perinatais são indicadores importantes de saúde e compartilham dos mesmos determinantes sociais, tendo estreita relação com as condições de vida e qualidade da assistência perinatal. Este artigo pretende apresentar o protocolo de estudo que visa estimar a taxa de mortalidade perinatal e a incidência de morbidade materna grave e near miss materno no país, assim como identificar seus determinantes. Trata-se de estudo transversal integrado à pesquisa Nascer no Brasil II, realizada entre 2021 e 2023. Serão incluídas neste estudo 155 maternidades públicas, mistas e privadas, com mais de 2.750 partos por ano, participantes do Nascer no Brasil II. Nessas maternidades, será realizada coleta retrospectiva de dados de prontuário materno e neonatal de todas as internações ocorridas num período de 30 dias, com aplicação de uma ficha de triagem para identificação de casos de morbidade materna e de óbito perinatal. Dados de prontuário de todos os casos identificados serão coletados após a alta hospitalar, utilizando instrumento padronizado. Casos de morbidade materna grave e near miss materno serão classificados por meio da definição adotada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Será estimada a taxa de mortalidade perinatal e a incidência de morbidade materna grave e near miss materno. Os casos serão comparados a controles obtidos na pesquisa Nascer no Brasil II, pareados por hospital e duração da gestação, visando a identificação de fatores associados aos desfechos negativos. Espera-se que os resultados deste artigo contribuam para o conhecimento sobre a morbidade materna e a mortalidade perinatal no país, bem como para a elaboração de estratégias de melhoria do cuidado.

Resumen: Brasil tiene una alta morbimortalidad materna y perinatal. Los casos de morbilidad materna severa, maternal near miss y muertes perinatales son importantes indicadores de salud y comparten los mismos determinantes sociales, y tienen una estrecha relación con las condiciones de vida y la calidad de la asistencia perinatal. Este artículo pretende presentar el protocolo de estudio que tiene como objetivo estimar la tasa de mortalidad perinatal y la incidencia de morbilidad materna severa y maternal near miss en el país, así como identificar sus determinantes. Se trata de un estudio transversal integrado a la investigación Nacer en Brasil II, realizada entre el 2021 y el 2023. Este estudio incluirá 155 maternidades públicas, mixtas y privadas, con más de 2.750 partos al año, que participan en el Nacer en Brasil II. En estas maternidades, se realizará una recopilación retrospectiva de datos de las historias clínicas maternas y neonatales de todas las hospitalizaciones ocurridas en un período de 30 días, con la aplicación de un formulario de triaje para identificar casos de morbilidad materna y de muerte perinatal. Los datos de las historias clínicas de todos los casos identificados se recopilarán tras el alta hospitalaria, mediante un instrumento estandarizado. Los casos de morbilidad materna severa y maternal near miss se clasificarán por medio de la definición adoptada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se estimará la tasa de mortalidad perinatal y la incidencia de morbilidad materna severa y maternal near miss. Los casos se compararán con los controles obtenidos en el estudio Nacer en Brasil II, emparejados por hospital y duración del embarazo, para identificar factores asociados con desenlaces negativos. Se espera que los resultados de este artículo contribuyan al conocimiento sobre la morbilidad materna y la mortalidad perinatal en el país, así como a la elaboración de estrategias para mejorar el cuidado.

Abstract: Brazil presents high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Cases of severe maternal morbidity, maternal near miss, and perinatal deaths are important health indicators and share the same determinants, being closely related to living conditions and quality of perinatal care. This article aims to present the study protocol to estimate the perinatal mortality rate and the incidence of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss in the country, identifying its determinants. Cross-sectional study integrated into the research Birth in Brazil II, conducted from 2021 to 2023. This study will include 155 public, mixed and private maternities, accounting for more than 2,750 births per year, participating in the Birth in Brazil II survey. We will collect retrospective data from maternal and neonatal records of all hospitalizations within a 30-day period in these maternities, applying a screening form to identify cases of maternal morbidity and perinatal deaths. Medical record data of all identified cases will be collected after hospital discharge, using a standardized instrument. Cases of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss will be classified based on the definition adopted by the World Health Organization. The perinatal deaths rate and the incidence of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss will be estimated. Cases will be compared to controls obtained in the Birth in Brazil II survey, matched by hospital and duration of pregnancy, in order to identify factors associated with negative outcomes. Results are expected to contribute to the knowledge on maternal morbidity and perinatal deaths in Brazil, as well as the development of strategies to improve care.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 153-168, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557869


Resumen OBJETIVO: Identificar los principales hallazgos histopatológicos benignos y determinar la tasa de falsos positivos que suelen causar conflicto al categorizar las mastografías en el sistema BI-RADS por su aspecto, que puede simular un proceso maligno. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, efectuado en pacientes atendidas en la Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad 4 Luis Castelazo Ayala (2019-2023) con reporte mastográfico alterado o sospecha clínica de malignidad. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa JASP 2.0 y χ2 para la diferencia de proporciones entre grupos. RESULTADOS: De un grupo de 11,481 pacientes, se reportaron 1643 mastografías alteradas: 444 con reportes falsos positivos, 23 pacientes con sospecha clínica y exclusión de 16 que no cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. La muestra poblacional estudiada fue de 451 pacientes. La mayoría permaneció asintomática al momento del estudio (42.1%). El hallazgo histopatológico benigno con mayor prevalencia fue el fibroadenoma y su síntoma más relevante el nódulo palpable. La tasa de falsos positivos fue de 4.3%. CONCLUSIONES: En la actualidad, gracias a la implementación de programas de tamizaje es posible establecer diagnósticos de cáncer de mama en etapas tempranas, aunque con la desventaja que el reporte puede resultar falso positivo y ello dar lugar a incremento de la morbilidad y sobretratamiento. Los estándares internacionales indican que estos no deben sobrepasar el 10%.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To identify the main benign histopathological findings that often cause conflict when categorizing mastographies in the BI-RADS system due to their appearance, which may simulate a malignant process and false positive rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort study carried out in patients attended at the Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad 4 Luis Castelazo Ayala (2019-2023) with an altered mastographic report or clinical suspicion of malignancy. For statistical analysis we used the JASP 2.0 programme and χ2 for the difference in proportions between groups. RESULTS: From a group of 11,481 patients, 1,643 altered mastograms were reported: 444 with false positive reports, 23 patients with clinical suspicion and exclusion of 16 who did not meet the established inclusion criteria. The population sample studied was 451 patients. The majority remained asymptomatic at the time of the study (42.1%). The most prevalent benign histopathological finding was fibroadenoma and the most relevant symptom was a palpable nodule. The false positive rate was 4.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Currently, thanks to the implementation of screening programmes it is possible to establish breast cancer diagnoses in early stages, although with the disadvantage that the report may be false positive and this may lead to increased morbidity and overtreatment. International standards indicate that these should not exceed 10%.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558589


El cáncer constituye un serio problema de salud para la humanidad, ocupa la primera causa de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial y una de las principales causas de muerte en Cuba. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con el objetivo de describir la mortalidad por tumores malignos en el municipio Yara, en el período enero-junio de 2022. El universo quedó constituido por 262 fallecidos y la muestra del estudio lo constituyeron los 54 fallecidos con código de causa básica de muerte por tumores malignos en el período de tiempo antes señalado, datos obtenidos a través del registro primario de defunciones del Departamento de estadística del Centro Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología. Se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva principalmente el porcentaje, se confeccionaron cuadros de distribución de frecuencia, Se determinaron las tasas de mortalidad bruta y por causa. En el período analizado ocurrieron 54 defunciones por tumores malignos, el grupo de edad más afectado fueron los mayores de 75, predominó el sexo masculino, el área de salud "Luis Enrique de la Paz Reina" aportó el mayor número de fallecidos, la zona rural prevaleció sobre la urbana, las localizaciones más frecuentes: próstata, pulmón, colon-recto, el mayor número de las defunciones ocurrieron en el domicilio. En el municipio Yara los tumores malignos ocupan la segunda causa de mortalidad, el mayor número de fallecidos ocurrió en pacientes de la tercera edad, el tumor de próstata fue el más representativo.

Cancer represents a serious health problem for humanity. It occupies the first cause of morbimortality world wide, and one of the main causes of death in Cuba. A descriptive, retrospective study was conducted in the municipality of Yara, in the period January-June 2022.The objective of this research was to describe mortality due to malignant tumors. The universe was constituted by 262 deceased. The sample of the study was constituted by the 54 deceased with code of the basic cause of death by malignant tumors in the aforementioned period. These data were obtained through the primary register of deaths of the Department of Statistics of the Municipal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Descriptive statistical methods were used, mainly percentages. Frequency distribution tables were prepared, and crude mortality rates and mortality rates by cause were determined. During the period analyzed, 54 deaths occurred due to malignant tumors. The most affected age group was those older than 75 years, the male sex predominated. The "Luis Enrique de la Paz Reina" health area contributed the highest number of deaths. The rural area prevailed over the urban area. The most frequent locations were: prostate, lung and colon-rectum. The highest number of deaths occurred at home. In the municipality of Yara, malignant tumors are the second cause of mortality. Moreover, the highest number of deaths occurred in elderly patients, and prostate tumor was the most representative.

O cancro representa um grave problema de saúde para a humanidade. Ocupa a primeira causa de morbimortalidade em todo o mundo, e uma das principais causas de morte em Cuba. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e retrospetivo no município de Yara, no período de janeiro a junho de 2022, como objetivo de descrever a mortalidade por tumores malignos. O universo foi constituído por 262 falecidos. A amostra do estudo foi constituída pelos 54 falecidos com código da causa básica de morte por tumores malignos no período supracitado. Estes dados foram obtidos através do registo primário de óbitos do Departamento de Estatística do Centro Municipal de Higiene e Epidemiologia. Foram utilizados métodos estatísticos descritivos, principalmente percentuais. Foram elaboradas tabelas de distribuição de freqüência e determinadas as taxas brutas de mortalidade e as taxas de mortalidade por causas. Durante o período analisado, ocorreram 54 mortes por tumores malignos, sendo o grupo etário mais afetado o dos maiores de 75 anos e predominando o sexo masculino. A área de saúde "Luis Enrique de la Paz" foi a que contribuiu com o maior número de mortes. A zona rural prevaleceu sobre a zona urbana. As localizações mais frequentes foram: próstata, pulmão e cólon-reto. O maior número de mortes ocorreu no domicílio. No município de Yara, os tumores malignos são a segunda causa de mortalidade. Alémdisso, o maior número de óbitos ocorreu em pacientes idosos, sendo o tumor de próstata o mais representativo.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e17462022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528334


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar fatores associados ao near miss neonatal em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso. Estudo caso-controle de nascidos vivos em capital do Centro-Oeste brasileiro, de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2018, com 931 casos e 1.862 controles. Os dados foram coletados no Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos e no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. As variáveis foram organizadas seguindo o modelo hierárquico. A associação foi analisada por meio de regressão logística, com nível de significância de 5%. Os dados foram expressos em odds ratio (OR) bruta e ajustada e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%). Mantiveram-se associados ao near miss neonatal: mães com duas (OR = 1,63; IC95%: 1,01-2,63) ou três ou mais gestações anteriores (OR = 1,87; IC95%: 1,09-3,21), sem nenhum filho (OR = 2,57; IC95%: 1,56-4,24) ou com um filho vivo ao nascer (OR = 1,53; IC95%: 1,04-2,26), gravidez múltipla (OR = 4,57; IC95%: 2,95-7,07), menos de seis consultas de pré-natal (OR = 2,20; IC95%: 1,77-2,72), partos realizados em hospitais públicos/universitários (OR = 2,25; IC95%: 1,60-3,15) e filantrópicos (OR = 1,62; IC95%: 1,16-2,26), apresentação não cefálica (OR = 2,71; IC95%: 1,87-3,94) e trabalho de parto não induzido (OR = 1,47 IC95%: 1,18-1,84).

Abstract We aimed to analyze factors associated with neonatal near-miss in Cuiabá, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil by performing a case-control study of live births in a capital city of central-western Brazil from January 2015 to December 2018 that included 931 cases and 1,862 controls. Data were obtained from the Live Births Information System and the Mortality Information System and variables were organized according to the hierarchical model. Association was analyzed by logistic regression with a 5% significance level. Data were expressed as crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) and respective confidence intervals (95%CI). The following factors were associated with neonatal near miss: mothers with two (OR = 1.63; 95%CI: 1.01-2.63) or three or more previous pregnancies (OR=1.87; 95%CI: 1.09-3.21), without any live children (OR = 2.57; 95%CI: 1.56-4.24 ) or one live child at birth (OR = 1.53; 95%CI: 1.04-2.26), multiple pregnancy (OR = 4.57; 95%CI: 2.95-7.07), fewer than six prenatal consultations (OR = 2.20; 95%CI: 1.77-2.72), whose deliveries took place in public/university hospitals (OR = 2.25; 95%CI: 1.60-3.15) or philanthropic hospitals (OR = 1.62; 95%CI: 1.16-2.26), with non-cephalic presentation (OR = 2.71 95%CI: 1.87-3.94) and uninduced labor (OR = 1.47; 95%CI: 1.18-1.84).

Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(1): 62-67, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1525511


Background:Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), has remained a disease of public health concern, with the largest burden being found in sub Saharan Africa. The advent of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) has significantly reduced the mortality of the disease, thereby transforming it to a chronic disorder, with significant co-morbid psychiatric sequalae.Objectives:To determine the prevalence and pattern of psychiatric morbidity among PLWHAattending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano.Materials and methods:This was a cross sectional study of adult patients with HIV/AIDS attending outpatient clinic at the S.S. Wali Virology Centre of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital who gave informed consent. Systematic random sampling technique was used.Patients aged 18years and above who had been on ARVdrugs for at least one year were included, while those who had a medical emergency and needed immediate attention were excluded.Socio demographic characteristics were obtained using a socio-demographic questionnaire and psychiatric morbidity was assessed with the MINI International Neuropsychiatry Interview.Results:Atotal of 420 participants were recruited in the study with a male to female ratio of 1:1.5 and mean age of 40.4±10.0 years. The prevalence of a psychiatric disorder was 22.1% out of whom 5.0% had more than one psychiatric diagnosis. Major depression was the most common (11%) psychiatric disorder. Generalized Anxiety disorder, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol abuse accounted for 7.6%, 5.5%, 2.4% and 1.7% of psychiatric disorders respectively.Conclusion:Psychiatric disorders are common in PLWHA, with major depression being the commonest.

HIV Infections , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome