Background: Bevacizumab together with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin inhibit microvascular growth of tumor blood vessels and tumor proliferation. Few reports state the effect of these therapeutic schemes on salivary glands. Materials and Methods: Food consumption, body weight and salivary amylase activity were assessed in the submandibular gland of rats. Adult male Wistar rats, of three months old with 350/400 grams body weight, under 12-hour light/dark cycles respectively, were divided into the following experimental groups: G1) Control group, G2) 5-Fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group, G3) Bevacizumab treated group, G4) Oxaliplatin treated group, G5) Bevacizumab, oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group and G6) Drug-free paired feeding treated group. Assessment of treatment effect was performed by one-way ANOVA. A value of p<0.05 was set for statistical significance. Results: Salivary amylase activity in gland homogenate was G1: 137.9 ± 4.64, G2: 60.95±4.64, G3: 120.93 ± 4.96, G4: 26.17 ±4.64, G5: 10.77 ±4.64 and G6: 82.87 ±4.64 U/mg protein (mean ± S.D.) Amylase activity in the G1 group was higher relative to the other experimental groups p<0.0001. Conclusions: The drugs 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin altered salivary amylase activity by serous granules of the submandibular gland interpreted as a mechanism of impaired acinar function. Bevacizumab administered in isolation did not alter salivary amylase activity compared to the control group. While the lower intake of the matched feeding group affected salivary amylase activity compared to the control group, the effect was significantly greater in animals treated with the oncology drugs used in the present animal model.
Antecedentes: Bevacizumab, junto con 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino, inhiben el crecimiento microvascular de los vasos sanguíneos tumorales y la proliferación tumoral. Pocos reportes establecen el efecto de estos esquemas terapéuticos sobre las glándulas salivales. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron el consumo de alimentos, el peso corporal y la actividad de amilasa salival en la glándula submandibular de ratas Wistar macho adultas, de tres meses de edad con 350/400 gramos de peso corporal, bajo ciclos de luz/oscuridad de 12 horas respectivamente, se dividieron en los siguientes grupos experimentales: G1) Grupo control, G2) Grupo tratado con 5-Fluorouracilo y Leucovorina cálcica. , G3) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, G4) Grupo tratado con oxaliplatino, G5) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, oxaliplatino, 5-fluorouracilo y leucovorina cálcica y G6) Grupo tratado con alimentación emparejada sin fármacos. La evaluación del efecto del tratamiento se realizó mediante ANOVA unidireccional. Se estableció un valor de p<0,05 para significación estadística. Resultado: La actividad de amilasa salival en homogeneizado de glándula fue G1: 137,9 ± 4,64, G2: 60,95 ± 4,64, G3: 120,93 ± 4,96, G4: 26,17 ± 4,64, G5: 10,77 ± 4,64 y G6: 82,87 ± 4,64 U/mg de proteína (media ± S.E.). La actividad de amilasa en el grupo G1 fue mayor en relación con los otros grupos experimentales p<0,0001. Conclusión: Los fármacos 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino alteraron la actividad de la amilasa salival mediante gránulos serosos de la glándula submandibular interpretados como un mecanismo de deterioro de la función acinar. Bevacizumab administrado de forma aislada no alteró la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control. Mientras que la menor ingesta del grupo de alimentación combinada afectó la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control, el efecto fue significativamente mayor en los animales tratados con los medicamentos oncológicos utilizados en el grupo. modelo animal actual.
Animals , Rats , Submandibular Gland/drug effects , Cytostatic Agents/administration & dosage , Bevacizumab/administration & dosage , Fluorouracil/administration & dosage , Oxaliplatin/administration & dosageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Until recently, the treatment of people with hemophilia A and inhibitors (PwHAi) was based on the use of bypassing agents (BPA). However, the advent of emicizumab as prophylaxis has demonstrated promising results. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to compare the bleeding endpoints between PwHAi on BPA and those on emicizumab prophylaxis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review of interventions and meta-analysis conducted at the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. METHODS: The CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Scopus, and LILACS databases were searched on February 21, 2023. Two authors conducted the literature search, publication selection, and data extraction. The selected publications evaluated the bleeding endpoints between PwHAi on emicizumab prophylaxis and those on BPA prophylaxis. The risk of bias was evaluated according to the Joanna Briggs Institute criteria. A meta-analysis was performed to determine the annualized bleeding rate (ABR) for treated bleeds. RESULTS: Five publications (56 PwHAi) were selected from the 543 retrieved records. Overall, bleeding endpoints were lower during emicizumab prophylaxis than during BPA prophylaxis. All the publications had at least one risk of bias. The only common parameter for the meta-analysis was the ABR for treated bleeds. During emicizumab prophylaxis, the ABR for treated bleeds was lower than during BPA prophylaxis (standard mean difference: −1.58; 95% confidence interval −2.50, −0.66, P = 0.0008; I2 = 68.4%, P = 0.0031). CONCLUSION: Emicizumab was superior to BPA in bleeding prophylaxis in PwHAi. However, both the small population size and potential risk of bias should be considered when evaluating these results. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: CRD42021278726, https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=278726.
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to describe and critically appraise the conclusions of randomized clinical trials assessing monoclonal antibodies sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. METHODS: This is a meta-research study on conclusions' characteristics of randomized clinical trials with monoclonal antibodies as interventions sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. RESULTS: A total of 82 publications were considered. Notably, 79.3% (65/82) of the trials were fully funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and sponsors had data and publishing rights in 70.7% (58/82). Among the fully sponsored studies, 78.5% (51/65) presented conclusions with a drug-favorable direction of the effect, and 30.8% (20/65) made some recommendations for clinical practice, of which 95% (19/20) were favorable to the drug. In relation to the partially funded studies, drug-favorable direction of effect was present in 68.8% (11/16) of conclusions, and 18.8% (3/16) recommended the drug for the practice, in which 66.7% (2/3) favored the drug. Positive direction of effect was more present in trials in which the sponsor owned data and publication (81.0%; 47/58), compared to trials where the funder did not (63.3%; 14/22). Only 13.4% (11/82) of included studies recognize the uncertainty in the estimates in the conclusions, and 37.4% (31/82) had a statement regarding the need for future studies. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the included randomized clinical trials on monoclonal antibodies funded by the industry concluded a drug-favorable direction of effect. Recommendations for practice were common, while recognition of uncertainty and statements regarding the need for future studies were less frequently present in the conclusion.
Introducción: La respuesta a las terapias en el cáncer de pulmón avanzado pudiera estar relacionada con determinados factores pronósticos como los índices inflamatorios. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia del anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado nimotuzumab en pacientes portadores de cáncer de pulmón no microcítico avanzado según índices inflamatorios. Método: Se realizó un estudio de evaluación longitudinal retrospectivo, en un universo de 498 pacientes mayores de 18 años, con diagnóstico citohistológico de cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas, en estadios avanzados, después de la primera línea de terapia oncológica, incluidos en ensayos clínicos multicéntricos promovidos por el Centro de Inmunología Molecular desde 2002 a 2018. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva, se utilizó el software x-tile 3.6.1 para el test de Kaplan Meier; se consideraron diferencias significativas cuando p< 0,05. Resultados: En los pacientes analizados el nimotuzumab mostró beneficio terapéutico en el grupo de pacientes no progresores a la primera línea de tratamiento con quimioterapia o quimiorradioterapia, cuando tenían menor índice de neutrófilos/linfocitos (p= 0,017 y p= 0,027) y menor índice de plaquetas/linfocitos (p= 0,030 y p= 0,009). Conclusión: La selección de un paciente con menor índice inflamatorio beneficia la eficacia del tratamiento con el AcM humanizado nimotuzumab en el cáncer de pulmón avanzado no microcítico, la que se convierte en una herramienta predictiva de la respuesta al tratamiento(AU)
Introduction: The response to therapies in advanced lung cancer could be related to certain prognostic factors such as inflammatory indices. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the humanized monoclonal antibody nimotuzumab in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer according to inflammatory indices. Method: A retrospective longitudinal evaluation study was carried out in a universe of 498 patients older than 18 years, with a cytohistological diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer, in advanced stages, after the first line of oncological therapy, including in multicenter clinical trials promoted by the Center for Molecular Immunology from 2002 to 2018. Descriptive statistics were applied, the x-tile 3.6.1 software was used for the Kaplan Meier test, significant differences were considered when p< 0,05. Results: In the patients analyzed, nimotuzumab showed therapeutic benefit in the group of patients who did not progress to the first line of treatment with chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy, when they had a lower neutrophil-lymphocyte index (p= 0,017 and p= 0,027) and a lower platelet-lymphocyte index (p= 0,030 and p= 0,009). Conclusion: Selecting a patient with a lower inflammatory index benefits the efficacy of treatment with the humanized mAb nimotuzumab in advanced non-small cell lung cancer, which becomes a predictive tool for response to treatment(AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Prognosis , Treatment Outcome , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/ultrastructure , Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized/therapeutic use , Lung Neoplasms/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Evaluation StudyABSTRACT
Introducción: La dermatitis atópica es una enfermedad cutánea inflamatoria, crónica y pruriginosa. De etiología multifactorial que se produce con mayor frecuencia durante la lactancia y en la infancia temprana. Objetivos: Describir la evidencia científica sobre el efecto de los inhibidores de janus quinasa sobre la mejoría clínica y la remisión de la dermatitis atópica. Métodos: Se realizará una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis. Esta revisión sistemática se regirá de acuerdo con las directrices PRISMA. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. Resultados: Se incluyeron 14 artículos en la revisión. Conclusiones: El tratamiento con inhibidores del janus cinasas, como el abrocitinib, está siendo investigado como una opción potencial para el tratamiento de la dermatitis atópica y los artículos incluidos en esta revisión han demostrado resultados prometedores. El abrocitinib mostró una mejora sostenible de los síntomas de la dermatitis atópica, ha demostrado ser bien tolerado en los ensayos clínicos, con menor cantidad e intensidad de efectos secundarios, respeto a otros fármacos como cremas o corticoides sistémicos, y hasta el momento sugieren que los inhibidores de la janus cinasas son bien tolerados por la mayoría de los pacientes. Es importante destacar que el abrocitinib aún es una terapia relativamente nueva y su uso a largo plazo en el tratamiento de la dermatitis atópica requieren más investigaciones.
Introduction: Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory, chronic, pruritic skin disease. It has a multifactorial etiology and occurs most frequently during infancy and early childhood. Aims: To describe the scientific evidence on the effect of janus kinase inhibitors on clinical improvement and remission of atopic dermatitis. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis will be performed. This systematic review will be conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. A search will be performed in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science. Results: 14 articles were included in the review. Conclusions: Treatment with janus kinase inhibitors, such as abrocitinib, is being investigated as a potential option for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and the articles included in this review have shown promising results. abrocitinib showed a sustainable improvement of atopic dermatitis symptoms, has been shown to be well tolerated in clinical trials, with fewer and less intense side effects compared to other drugs such as creams or systemic corticosteroids, and so far suggest that janus kinase inhibitors are well tolerated by most patients. Importantly, abrocitinib is still a relatively new therapy and its long-term use in the treatment of atopic dermatitis requires further investigations.
Belimumabe, rituximabe, terapia imunossupressora. Indicação: Nefrite lúpica nos estágios III, IV, V, refratária à terapia imunossupressora. Pergunta: Belimumabe é eficaz (remissão da nefrite, normalização da perda da função renal, qualidade de vida) e seguro (descontinuação devido a eventos adversos totais e eventos adversos graves) para o tratamento de pacientes com nefrite lúpica refratária nos estágios III, IV, V em comparação aos medicamentos disponíveis no Sistema Único de Saúde? Objetivo: Avaliar a segurança e eficácia do belimumabe em comparação com os medicamentos disponíveis no Sistema Único de Saúde em pacientes adultos com nefrite lúpica. Métodos: Revisão rápida de revisões sistemáticas. Levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado nas bases de dados PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, EPISTEMONIKOS, Cochrane Library e em registros de revisões sistemáticas e ensaios clínicos. Seguiu estratégias de buscas predefinidas. Foi feita avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos através da ferramenta AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Resultados: Foram selecionadas duas revisões sistemáticas que atendiam aos critérios de elegibilidade, mas nenhum ensaio clínico foi escolhido, pois não atendiam aos critérios de inclusão. Conclusão: a terapia combinada de belimumabe, ou de rituximabe, com tratamento imunossupressor padrão é mais eficaz que o tratamento padrão para alcançar remissão clínica da nefrite lúpica. A terapia combinada é tão segura quanto o tratamento padrão. Belimumabe e rituximabe tem eficácia similar entre si
Belimumab, rituximab, and immunosuppressive therapy. Indication: Refractory lupus nephritis to immunosuppressive therapy in stages III, IV, V. Question: Is belimumab effective (for remission of nephritis, normalization of loss of renal function, quality of life) and safe (for discontinuation due to total adverse events and serious adverse events) in the treatment of patients with refractory lupus nephritis in stages III, IV, V compared to the drugs available in the Brazilian Public Health System? Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of belimumab compared to drugs available in the Brazilian Public Health System in adult patients with lupus nephritis. Methods: Rapid review of systematic reviews. A bibliographic search was done in the PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, EPISTEMONIKOS, Cochrane Library databases and in records of systematic reviews and clinical trials. It has followed predefined search strategies. The methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated using the AMSTAR-2 tool (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Results: Two systematic reviews were selected, which met the eligibility criteria, but no clinical trials were chosen, as they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: Combination therapy of belimumab or rituximab with standard immunosuppressive treatment is more effective than standard treatment in achieving clinical remission of lupus nephritis. Combination therapy is as safe as standard treatment. Belimumab and rituximab have similar efficacy to each other
Humans , Male , Female , Lupus Nephritis/drug therapy , Rituximab/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Remission Induction , Antibodies, MonoclonalABSTRACT
Objective:To develop the anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody 64Cu-1, 4, 7-trizacyclononane-1, 4, 7-triacetic acid (NOTA)-CD30 and visualize CD30 expression in lymphoma non-invasively. Methods:The CD30 expression levels of 5 cell lines (Karpas299, Raji, Daudi, Ramos, and U266) were assessed by Western blot. Cell lines with high and low CD30 expression were selected for flow cytometry to evaluate the specific binding affinity of anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody. Thirteen NSG mice were used to established CD30 positive and negative subcutaneous xenograft models. 64Cu-NOTA-CD30 was obtained and 64Cu-NOTA-immunoglobulin (Ig)G was used as the control. ImmunoPET imaging was performed 2, 24, and 48 h after the injection of 64Cu-NOTA-CD30 or 64Cu-NOTA-IgG. Finally, the biodistribution studies were conducted. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni test were conducted for comparison. Results:Karpas299 showed the highest CD30 expression, while Raji showed the lowest. Flow cytometry showed specific binding affinity of the anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody to the Karpas299 cell line. The radiochemical purities of the probes were both higher than 95%. In microPET, the 64Cu-NOTA-CD30 uptake of Karpas299 xenograft tumors increased over time, with (11.46±0.58), (17.60±1.16) and (19.46±0.99) percentage activity of injection dose per gram of tissue (%ID/g) at 2, 24 and 48 h respectively. The contrast to normal tissue was good at 48 h, with the tumor/heart (blood) ratio of 2.20±0.22. The uptake of 64Cu-NOTA-CD30 in Karpas299 tumor at 48 h after injection was significantly higher than that in Raji tumor ((6.10±1.03) %ID/g) and 64Cu-NOTA-IgG in Karpas299 tumor ((5.12±0.89) %ID/g; F=290.99, t values: 19.65 and 22.25, all P<0.001). The uptake of 64Cu-NOTA-CD30 and the control probe in the heart and liver decreased over time in all groups. Ex vivo biodistribution at 48 h was mainly consistent with the results of microPET in vivo. Conclusions:64Cu-NOTA-CD30 is able to visualize the expression level and distribution of CD30 non-invasively. It is promising to be applied for screening the beneficial groups and evaluating efficacy for CD30-targeted immunotherapy.
ABSTRACT Introduction: despite being extremely effective in some cases, up to 70% of patients with melanoma do not respond to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 (primary resistance) and many of the responders eventually progress (secondary resistance). Extensive efforts are being made to overcome this resistance through new strategies, especially aimed at modulating the intestinal microbiota. Objective: to assess whether fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), associated with immunotherapy, is beneficial in the clinical course of patients with refractory melanoma. Methods: this is a scope review, based on studies collected on the MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, The Cochrane Library, Embase and BMJ Journals; using the terms: "Antibodies, Monoclonal"; "Drug Resistance, Neoplasm"; "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation"; "Host Microbial Interactions"; "Immunotherapy"; "Melanoma"; and "Microbiota". Clinical trials, in English, with relevant data on the subject and fully available were included. A cut-off period was not determined, due to the limited amount of evidence on the topic. Results: crossing the descriptors allowed the identification of 342 publications and, after applying the eligibility criteria, allowed the selection of 4 studies. From the analyses, it was observed that a considerable part of those studied overcame resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors after FMT, with better response to treatment, less tumor growth and increased beneficial immune response. Conclusion: it is noted that FMT favors the response of melanoma to immunotherapy, translated into significant clinical benefit. However, further studies are necessary for the complete elucidation of the bacteria and the mechanisms involved, as well as for the translation of new evidence to oncological care practice.
RESUMO Introdução: apesar de extremamente eficaz em alguns casos, até 70% dos pacientes com melanoma não respondem aos anti-PD-1/PD-L1 (resistência primária) e muitos dos respondedores, eventualmente, acabam progredindo (resistência secundária). Extensos esforços estão sendo realizados para superar esta resistência através de novas estratégias, sobretudo, visando a modulação da microbiota intestinal. Objetivo: avaliar se o transplante de microbiota fecal (TMF), associado à imunoterapia, é benéfico no curso clínico do paciente com melanoma refratário. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, baseada em estudos coletados nas plataformas MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, The Cochrane Library, Embase e BMJ Journals; utilizando os descritores: "Antibodies, Monoclonal"; "Drug Resistance, Neoplasm"; "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation"; "Host Microbial Interactions"; "Immunotherapy"; "Melanoma"; e "Microbiota". Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos, na língua inglesa, com dados relevantes sobre a temática e disponíveis integralmente. Não foi determinado um período de corte temporal, devido à quantidade limitada de evidências sobre o tema. Resultados: o cruzamento dos descritores permitiu a identificação de 342 publicações e, após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, permitiu a seleção de 4 estudos. A partir das análises, observou-se que grande parte dos estudados superaram a resistência aos inibidores do checkpoint imunológico pós-TMF, com melhor resposta ao tratamento, menor crescimento tumoral e aumento da resposta imunológica benéfica. Conclusão: nota-se que o TMF favorece a resposta do melanoma à imunoterapia, traduzido por benefício clínico significativo. Entretanto, novos estudos são necessários para a completa elucidação das bactérias e mecanismos envolvidos, bem como para que haja a translação das novas evidências para a prática assistencial oncológica.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to report the clinical features and outcomes of ocular surface toxicity following depatuxizumab mafoditin (ABT-414) therapy for unresectable glioblastoma. Ocular signs and symptoms of three patients treated with ABT-414 during a phase III trial for glioblastoma multiforme were evaluated. Both eyes of all patients were damaged during the week after the first infusion of the ABT-414 molecule. In all patients, mild-to-moderate keratitis could be ascertained, along with decreased visual acuity and blurred vision, as well as foreign-body sensation and redness. Symptoms and visual acuity improved 4 weeks. In conclusion, ABT-414 therapy may cause transient ocular surface toxicity. The initiation of artificial tears and lubricant ointment was enough to control the ocular surface signs and symptoms. A multidisciplinary approach, complete ophthalmologic monitorization, and elaboration of protocols are required to adequately manage these patients.
RESUMO Nosso objetivo é relatar as características clínicas e os resultados da toxicidade na superfície ocular após a terapia com depatuxizumabe mafodotina (ABT-414) para glioblastoma irressecável. Os sinais e sintomas oculares de três pacientes que foram tratados com ABT-414 durante um estudo de fase III para glioblastoma multiforme foram avaliados. Ambos os olhos de todos os pacientes foram danificados durante a semana após a primeira infusão da molécula ABT-414. Em todos os pacientes, uma ceratite de leve a moderada pode ser verificada, juntamente com uma diminuição da acuidade visual e visão turva, bem como sensação de corpo estranho e vermelhidão. Os sintomas e a acuidade visual melhoraram em um período de 4 semanas. Em conclusão, a terapia com ABT-414 pode causar toxicidade transitória na superfície ocular. A iniciação com lágrimas artificiais e pomada lubrificante foi suficiente para controlar os sinais e sintomas na superfície ocular. Uma abordagem multidisciplinar, com acompanhamento oftalmológico completo e a elaboração de protocolos são necessários para o manejo adequado desses pacientes.
ABSTRACT Migraine is a prevalent disorder and a cause of high disability, influenced by modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Comorbid and psychiatric illnesses are prevalent in migraine patients and should be considered when choosing preventive drugs. There have been unforeseen problems with the use of preventive treatment of migraine with oral drugs, mainly due to side-effects that cannot be tolerated and lack of efficacy, leading to high discontinuation rates. Anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have shown better tolerance profiles, based on the low dropout rates in clinical trials due to adverse events. First-line therapy is a term most expressed in some medical specialties that adopt standardized protocol treatments and may not be suitable for treating migraine. Regarding efficacy, mAbs don't seem to perform much better than the current prophylactic oral drugs in reduction of monthly migraine days compared to placebo. Monoclonal antibodies against CGRP pathway have been prescribed recently, which raises some concern about their safety in the long term. Only side effects observation will confirm whether CGRP blockade causes susceptibility to severe side-effects, at least to specific subpopulations. CGRP may play a role in regulating uteroplacental blood flow and myometrial and uterine relaxation, as well as blood pressure control, raising the suspicion that its blockade could cause complications during pregnancy. Recent guidelines retain the recommendation of starting preventive treatment of migraine with oral drugs. Both the fact that it is new and costs are the reason why guidelines recommend the prescription of mAbs only after failure of at least two oral drugs.
RESUMO A migrânea é uma condição prevalente e motivo de grande incapacidade, influenciada por fatores de risco modificáveis e não-modificáveis. Comorbidades e doenças psiquiátricas são prevalentes em doentes com migrânea e devem ser levadas em consideração na escolha do tratamento profilático com medicações orais. Os anticorpos monoclonais anti-CGRP possuem melhor perfil de tolerabilidade, baseando-se nos baixos indicadores de desistência devido a efeitos colaterais em ensaios clínicos. O termo "tratamento de primeira linha" é muito utilizado em algumas especialidades médicas que adotam protocolos de tratamento padronizados e pode não ser adequado à migrânea. Quanto à eficácia, os anticorpos monoclonais não possuem desempenho muito superior que os medicamentos profiláticos orais atuais no tocante à redução de dias de migrânea por mês, quando comparados ao placebo. Os anticorpos monoclonais anti-CGRP são recentes no mercado, o que leva a suspeitas quanto à sua segurança a longo prazo. Apenas a vigilância de efeitos adversos confirmará se o bloqueio da via do CGRP não leva à suscetibilidade de efeitos colaterais graves, ao menos em subpopulações específicas. O CGRP pode ter um papel na regulação do fluxo sanguíneo uteroplacentário, bem como no relaxamento do miométrio e do útero e controle da pressão arterial, levando à possibilidade de que o seu bloqueio poderia causar complicações durante a gestação. Guidelines recentes recomendam o início do tratamento preventivo da migrânea com drogas orais. Tanto a precocidade quanto os elevados custos são a razão porque os guidelines orientam a prescrição de anticorpos monoclonais após falha a pelo menos duas medicações orais.
ABSTRACT The result of more than thirty years of research, anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies are currently the state of the art for migraine preventive therapy. Their efficacy and safety, supported by an already large and growing body of evidence, are added by many other advantages: an early onset of action, favorable posology, negligible pharmacological interaction, and a broad-reaching efficacy in many challenging clinical contexts. When compared to standard prophylactics, these novel medications seem at least as efficacious, clearly more tolerable and, consequently, with a superior adherence profile. Furthermore, recently published analyses indicate that they are cost-effective, especially among those with chronic migraine. Yet, current guidelines endorse their use only after multiple other preventives have failed or have been deemed not tolerable. Although this recommendation may have been sensible at first, the now available data strongly point that time has come for anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies to be acknowledged as first-line treatments for migraine patients with severe disability. For these individuals, delaying treatment until several other alternatives have failed incurs in significant losses, both economically and to many relevant aspects of their lives.
RESUMO Frutos de mais de 30 anos de pesquisa, os anticorpos monoclonais anti-CGRP são atualmente o que há de mais moderno no tratamento preventivo da migrânea. À sua eficácia e segurança, já bem estabelecidos por um grande corpo de evidências, acrescentam-se outras vantagens: um início precoce de ação, posologia favorável, mínima interação farmacológica, e eficácia comprovada em uma variedade de contextos clínicos frequentemente desafiadores. Quando comparados a outros profiláticos, estas medicações aparentam ser ao menos tão eficazes, evidentemente mais toleráveis e, portanto, com melhor perfil de adesão. Ademais, estudos recentemente publicados indicam que elas são custo-efetivas, especialmente entre pacientes com migrânea crônica. Ainda assim, as diretrizes atuais orientam o seu uso apenas caso haja refratariedade ou intolerância a múltiplos outros preventivos. Apesar de esta recomendação poder ter sido sensata a priori, os dados disponíveis atualmente corroboram que já é tempo de estes anticorpos monoclonais serem reconhecidos como tratamentos de primeira linha para a migrânea associada à incapacidade grave. Para estes pacientes, demorar a oferecer este tratamento até que outras múltiplas alternativas tenham falhado, leva a perdas significativas, tanto economicamente quanto em múltiplos outros aspectos relevantes das suas vidas.
Targeted therapy characterized with high specificity and low toxicity, is an important treatment method for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer, which can prolong the disease-free survival and the overall survival time of HER2-positive early breast cancer patients, and prolong the progression-free survival and the overall survival time of HER2-positive advanced patients with breast cancer. However, targeted drugs blocked the normal signaling pathway outside the target organs, and some patients experienced treatment-related adverse reactions, resulting in dose reduction, treatment delay and interruption, or even life-threatening consequences. Cardiotoxicity is one of the potentially serious side effects of targeted-HER2 drugs. Currently the targeted drugs for treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer patients include macromolecular monoclonal antibody drugs such as trastuzumab and pertuzumab, antibody-drug conjugates such as T-DM1 and T-DXd, and small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This paper reviews the cardiotoxicity of HER2 targeted drugs including antibody-drug conjugates monoclonal antibody drugs in targeted therapy for breast cancer in order to provide references for clinical treatment.
Objective:To investigate the clinicopathological features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of nodal marginal zone lymphoma (NMZL) with elevated monoclonal IgM.Methods:The clinical data of one NMZL patient with elevated monoclonal IgM treated at Yancheng No.1 People's Hospital in July 2020 were retrospectively analyzed, and the related literature was analyzed.Results:The patient was a 57-year-old female and the main clinical manifestations were fatigue and bone pain in left rib. Serum immunofixation electrophoresis showed IgM-κ type M proteinemia, bone marrow cytology showed a few plasmacytoid lymphocytes, bone marrow biopsy and immunohistochemistry showed B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, bone marrow genetic testing showed MYD88 L265p and CXCR4 were both negative, postoperative pathology result of retroperitoneal lymph node biopsy was marginal zone lymphoma (mature small B type, prone to NMZL),and immunohistochemistry results: CD3, CD5, CD138, κ, λ, CD10, Cyclin D1 were negative, CD20, Pax-5, CD23 (FDC), bcl-2 were positive; Ki-67 positive index < 5%. The final diagnosis was NMZL with elevated monoclonal IgM. Partial remission was achieved after 8 cycles of reduced-dose CHOP regimen; thalidomide was used in the maintenance treatment, the disease condition was stable until August in 2021 and the follow-up was continuing.Conclusions:NMZL with elevated monoclonal IgM is relatively rare. Its diagnosis should be differentiated from Waldenstr?m macroglobulinemia and other inert B-cell lymphomas. Currently, there is no standard treatment and following the principle of individualized treatment can improve the prognosis of patients.
Objective:To prepare 89Zr labeled Daratumumab and evaluate its feasibility in the imaging diagnosis of multiple myeloma (MM). Methods:According to the principle of 89Y (p, n) 89Zr nuclear reaction, 89Zr was produced by cyclotron solid target system (30 μA, 1.5 h) and automatic purification module. The radionuclide purity, half-life and impurity metal ion concentration were detected. Desferrioxamine (DFO) was coupled with Daratumumab and then chelated with 89Zr to prepare 89Zr-DFO-Daratumumab. The quality control analyses of three consecutive batches were carried out. Pharmacokinetic evaluation and 89Zr-DFO-Daratumumab microPET/CT imaging were performed in normal rabbits and orthotopic myeloma mouse models, respectively. The SUV in situ myeloma and that in normal bone were compared by independent-sample t test. Results:About 560 MBq of 89Zr was obtained, and there were only two characteristic energy peaks of 89Zr (909 keV and 511 keV) by γ spectrometer. The half-life of 89Zr was 78.2 h, and the content of metal impurities was small. 89Zr-DFO-Daratumumab was prepared with pH of 7.2, radiochemical purity of more than 99%, good stability in vitro, and sterility and endotoxin tests were passed. Pharmacokinetic studies in rabbits showed that 89Zr-DFO-Daratumumab was gradually distributed from blood to liver, spleen, kidney and bone joints over time and metabolism. The results of microPET/CT imaging in orthotopic myeloma mouse models showed that the SUVs of 89Zr-DFO-daratumumab in situ myeloma were significantly higher than those in normal bone (2 h: 0.22±0.02 vs 0.06±0.00; 1 d: 0.38±0.01 vs 0.08±0.00; t values: 8.89, 21.90, both P=0.001). Conclusion:89Zr and 89Zr-DFO-daratumumab are successfully prepared, and relevant quality control and biological evaluation in vivo and in vitro are completed, which verify the feasibility of 89Zr-DFO-Daratumumab in the imaging diagnosis of MM, thus laying a foundation for clinical transformation.
Objective:To explore the feasibility of pretargeting technique for immunoPET with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibody in EGFR positive/negative tumor bearing mice.Methods:Cetuximab- Trans-cyclooctene (TCO)was obtained by modifying Cetuximab with TCO- N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). 2, 2′-((6-amino-1-(4, 7-bis-(carboxymethyl)-1, 4, 7-triazonan-1-yl)hexan-2-yl)azanediyl)-diacetic acid (L-NETA)was used as a chelating agent to prepare the radioligand 68Ga-L-NETA-tetrazine (Tz), then the labeling rate and in vitro stability of the product were determined. Human basal breast cancer cells MDA-MB-468 (EGFR+ ) and MDA-MB-231 (EGFR-) were cultured in vitro. In vitro experiments were performed to explore the specificity of the probe and the feasibility of pretargeting technique. Nude mice (Balb/c-nu) bearing xenografts of the above two cell lines were established. Cetuximab-TCO (50 μg) was injected into the tumor-bearing mice in advance, then 68Ga-L-NETA-Tz was injected at different time points (48, 36, 24 and 12 h), and pretargeting was realized through " click chemistry" . Small-animal PET imaging and biodistribution were performed to evaluate pharmacokinetic properties and specificity of the probe. The one-way analysis of variance was used to compare the data. Results:The 68Ga-L-NETA-Tz molecular probe was successfully prepared with the labeling yield >95%, and the radiochemical purity was >95% after 2 h. Cetuximab-TCO and 68Ga-L-NETA-Tz were added to MDA-MB-468 cells successively, and the cell uptake rate reached (0.69±0.04)% at 1 h, which demonstrated the feasibility of the pretargeting technique. PET imaging and biodistribution results showed that the best imaging results were obtained in 36 h pre-injection group, in which the tumor uptake was the highest ((0.77±0.05) percentage activity of injection dose per gram of tissue (%ID/g), 1 h) and the tumor/muscle ratio was optimal (4.67±0.46); the tumor uptake in the blocking group, the group without injecting Cetuximab-TCO, and the MDA-MB-231 group were significantly lower ((0.35±0.01), (0.39±0.05), (0.45±0.10) %ID/g; F=15.50, P=0.002). Conclusions:EGFR targeted immunoPET imaging is successfully performed in mouse models of breast cancer by injecting Cetuximab-TCO and 68Ga-L-NETA-Tz successively. It provides an effective method for immunoPET imaging of monoclonal antibodies.
ImmunoPET imaging, which combining the specificity of monoclonal antibody and high sensitivity of PET imaging, blazes new trails of molecular imaging modality. In recent years, clinical translation and application of immunoPET imaging strategies have been flourishing, as a result, facilitating early and non-invasive diagnosis of numerous human tumors, patient stratification before monoclonal antibody therapy and radiation dose estimation prior to radioimmunotherapy. Here, we summarize the most recent clinical evidence of immunoPET in tumor diagnosis and therapy.
Objective:To explore new methods of treating Graves′ disease (GD) by targeting thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1).Methods:The small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting TSHR and the ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) were designed and synthesized. Thirty GD model mice were randomly divided into siRNA treatment group, ICAM-1 mAb treatment group, and untreated GD group (10 mice in each group), and 10 normal mice were taken as blank control. Serum thyroxine (T 4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), TSH receptor-stimulating antibody (TSAb) and TSH-stimulation blocking antibody (TSBAb) were measured before and after treatment. At the end of the treatment, body mass and heart rate of mice in each group were measured, and thyroid uptake of 99Tc mO 4-, thyroid size and pathological changes were evaluated. Independent-sample t test, paired t test and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyze data. Results:After three treatments, the body mass of mice in siRNA group and ICAM-1 mAb group were significantly lower than that of normal mice ( F=3.50, P=0.025); the heart rates of the mice in two groups were significantly lower than that of untreated GD mice ( F=24.73, P<0.001). Heart rate of mice treated with siRNA decreased significantly, close to that of normal mice. After treatment, the serum T 4((27.58±1.94) vs (65.71±6.89) μg/L, (27.24±3.50) vs (70.84±8.46) μg/L), TSAb ((331.44±43.38) vs (457.33±45.85) mU/L, (275.16±45.80) vs (443.91±42.32) mU/L) and TSBAb ((13.94±1.11) vs (15.83±5.92) mU/L, (14.59±1.02) vs (17.05±6.16) mU/L) levels of mice in both siRNA group and ICAM-1 mAb group significantly decreased ( t values: 4.45-10.87, all P<0.05), while the serum TSH levels of mice in two groups significantly increased ((0.13±0.05) vs (0.04±0.05) mU/L, (1.46±0.34) vs (0.06±0.03) mU/L; t values: -2.22, -5.87, P values: 0.007, <0.001). The elevated TSH level and decreased TSAb level of mice treated with ICAM-1 mAb were significantly different from those treated with siRNA ( t values: 1.03, -1.63, P values: 0.002, 0.031). After treatment, the uptake of 99Tc mO 4- in part of the thyroid lobes of mice was decreased, and the enlargement degree of the corresponding lobes was reduced. The thyroid pathology of mice in the treated groups showed that the absorption vacuoles of thyroid follicles were reduced, and the phenomenon of thinner colloids was improved. No obvious damage was observed in the heart, liver and kidneys of the mice. Conclusions:Both the siRNA targeting TSHR and ICAM-1 mAb have therapeutic effects on GD model mice. The siRNA is better at controlling heart rate, and ICAM-1 mAb is better at increasing TSH and decreasing TSAb. Each of the above treatment methods is safe and effective, which can provide new ideas for GD targeted therapy.
Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect of anti-interleukin (IL)-12/IL-23 p40 antibody on experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) and its mechanism.Methods:Sixty-six SPF female C57BL/6N mice aged 6-8 weeks were selected.EAU model was established in 24 mice through immunization with the interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) 651-670.The 24 mice were sacrificed before immunization, and on the 3rd, 12th, and 18th day after immunization, with 6 at each time point.Flow cytometry was used to detect the proportion of IL-17A + interferon-γ (IFN-γ) + CD4 + T cells in the spleen, lymph nodes and eyeballs.Another 6 mice were selected to establish EAU model, and fundus images of the mice were taken with a small animal imaging instrument and optical coherence tomography (OCT) 18 days after immunization.The 6 mice were sacrificed after OCT examination and the eyeballs were collected.Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to observe the retinal inflammation and morphological changes in tissue structure.Flow cytometry was employed to detect the proportion of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells in lymph nodes.The 6 mice were divided into IL-17A + IFN-γ + highly expressed group and IL-17A + IFN-γ + lowly expressed group according to flow cytometry results, and the retinal injury was compared between the two groups.EAU model was established in another 36 mice, which were divided into anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 group and IgG group by random number table method, with 18 mice in each group.Anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 or IgG was injected by tail vein at a 3-day inteval according to grouping.On the 12th and 18th day after immunization, 6 mice were selected from each group to collect lymph nodes and eyeballs, and the proportion of T cell subsets was detected by flow cytometry.Eyeballs of 6 mice in each group were extracted on the 24th day after immunization and retinal damage was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining.The induced differentiation of CD4 + T cells in vitro was assayed by flow cytometry.The expressions of IL-17 and IFN-γ were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) after induced differentiation of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells.The relative expression levels of Th1 transcription factor T-bet and Th17 transcription factor retinoid acid-related orphan nuclear receptor γt (ROR-γt) after induced differentiation of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells were detected by real-time quantitative PCR.The use and care of animals followed the ARVO statement and this study protocol was approved by an Ethics Committee of Experimental Animals of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital (No.TJYY2019111019). Results:There were significant differences in the proportion of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells in lymph nodes, spleen and eyeballs between wild-type mice and EAU mice at the 3rd, 12th and 18th day after immunization ( H=9.642, 16.531, 10.385; all at P<0.05). Compared with before immunization, the proportion of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells was significantly increased in lymph nodes of EAU mice on the 12th day following immunization and was significantly increased in spleen and lymph nodes on day 18 after immunization (all at P<0.05). Severe retinal exudation, retinal detachment, severe inflammatory cell infiltration and extensive retinal folds were detected in IL-17A + IFN-γ + highly expressed mice.Mild retinal edema, focal inflammatory cell infiltration and mild retinal folds were found in IL-17A + IFN-γ + lowly expressed mice.The proportion of CD3 and IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells in the eyeballs of anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 group was lower than that in IgG group at the 18th day after immunization, and the differences were statistically significant ( t=15.304, 8.080; both at P<0.05). On day 12 after immunization, the percentage of IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells in anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 group was (0.33±0.18)%, which was significantly lower than (4.83±0.45)% in IgG group ( t=15.974, P<0.001). Compared with IgG group, the percentage of Th1, Th17, IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells and the expression levels of IL-17, IFN-γ, T-bet, ROR-γt in anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 group were significantly decreased, with statistical significances (all at P<0.05). Conclusions:Anti-IL-12/IL-23 p40 has a therapeutic effect on EAU by inhibiting IL-17A + IFN-γ + CD4 + T cells.
Objective:To investigate the inhibitory effect of RMT1-10-induced tolerogenic dendritic cells (Tol-DCs) in vitro on high-risk corneal allograft rejection in mice and its mechanism. Methods:One hundred SPF male BALB/c mice and fifty SPF male C57BL/6 mice were selected.Bone marrow-derived immature dendritic cells (imDCs) obtained from C57BL/6 mice were divided into imDCs group, mature dentritic cells (mDCs) group, RMT1-10 group, and IgG isotype control group.The imDCs in the four groups were cultured with no intervention, lipopolysaccharide, RMT1-10 and lipopolysaccharide, or IgG isotype antibody and lipopolysaccharide for 7 days according to grouping.The expression levels of different phenotypes of DCs including CD11c, CD80, CD86, major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-Ⅱ, T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing molecule (Tim)-4 and CD103 in the four groups were detected by flow cytometry.The concentrations of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in the DCs supernatants were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.A mixed lymphocyte culture system was established, and the stimulation index (SI) of CD4 + T cell proliferation stimulated with DCs was detected by cell counting kit 8 method.Corneal neovascularization was induced by corneal stromal suture in BALB/c mice, and the 80 mice with neovascularization in 4 quadrants growing into the middle and peripheral cornea were used as recipients.The recipient mice were randomized into imDCs group, mDCs group, RMT1-10 group, and IgG isotype control group using the random number table method, with 20 mice in each group.An injection of corresponding DCs (1×10 6 cells/100 μl) was administered to the recipient mice via the tail vein according to grouping.At 7 days following the injection, C57BL/6 mice were used as donors and penetrating keratoplasty was performed.Within one month after the operation, signs of corneal grafts rejection, including opacity, edema and neovascularization, were observed by slit lamp biomicroscopy and scored every day.At 21 days after the operation, 5 recipients selected from each group were subcutaneously injected with naive C57BL/6 splenocytes (1×10 6 cells/100 μl) behind the ear.The delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) was evaluated by ear swelling at 24 hours after the subcutaneous injection.The use and care of experimental animals complied with the Regulations on the Management of Experimental Animals promulgated by the State Science and Technology Commission.This study protocol was approved by an Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical University (No.CYFYLL2020055). Results:Compared with mDCs group, the expressions of CD80, CD86 and MHC-Ⅱ, and the percentage of Tim-4-positive cells in CD11c-positive cells were significantly decreased in RMT1-10 group, showing statistically significant differences (all at P<0.001). The percentage of Tim-4-positive cells were significantly decreased in RMT1-10 group than imDCs group, and the percentage of CD103-positive cells in RMT1-10 group was significantly higher than imDCs group, mDCs group and IgG isotype control group (all at P<0.001). The concentrations of IL-10 and TGF-β in the cell culture supernatant of RMT1-10 group were significantly higher than those of the other three groups, with statistically significant differences (all at P<0.001). There were statistically significant differences in the SI of CD4 + T cell proliferation simulated by DCs ( Fgroup=1 833.00, P<0.001; Fratio=230.40, P<0.001; Finteraction=3.06, P=0.01). The SI of DCs/CD4 + T cells ratio at 1∶5, 1∶10, 1∶20 and 1∶40 were all significantly lower in imDCs group than mDCs group, and were all significantly lower in RMT1-10 group than imDCs group (all at P<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in corneal graft survival curve among various groups ( χ2=77.69, P<0.001). The survival rate of RMT1-10 group was significantly higher than that of imDCs group ( χ2=9.74, P=0.002), and the survival rate of imDCs group was significantly higher than that of mDCs group ( χ2=31.02, P<0.001). The ear swelling of recipient mice of positive control group, mDCs group, IgG isotype control group, imDCs group and RMT1-10 group was (503.6±17.2), (475.7±17.6), (456.2±18.8), (225.2±39.4), (118.1±12.6), and (106.4±7.4) μm, with a statistically significant difference among them ( F=377.10, P<0.001). The mice ear swelling was more serious in positive control group than mDCs group, more serious in IgG isotype control group than imDCs group, and more serious in imDCs group than RMT1-10 group (all at P<0.05). Conclusions:RMT1-10 can inhibit the rejection of high-risk corneal transplantation in mice, the mechanism of which may be attributed to inducing imDCs to transform into Tol-DCs in vitro and up-regulating the expression of TGF-β and IL-10, which promotes antigen-specific immune tolerance after adoptive transfer, thereby indirectly prolongs the survival of corneal grafts.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays an important role in the development and occurrence of a variety of malignant tumors. Molecular targeted therapy for EGFR is in the ascendant. Molecular imaging can reveal the expression of EGFR and its mutations in vivo. The molecular probes labeled with 89Zr, 11C and 18F are used for imaging and the main research is about tyrosine kinase inhibitors labeled with 11C. PET is used to visualize EGFR expression and mutations in vivo, which can noninvasively screen patients suitable for targeting treatment and evaluate efficacy. This paper reviews the clinical researches and trials of these probes, and summarizes the clinical value of imaging methods, hoping to provide the evidence for clinical translation and application in the future.