Resumen El presente es un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, cuantitativo y descriptivo. Se evaluó la utilidad de la proteína C reactiva (PCR), la procalcitonina (PCT) y la relación PCR/PCT como marcadores de riesgo de sepsis, sumados al aclaramiento a las 72 h, como pronóstico de mortalidad y permanencia en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Se incluyeron 23 pacientes. Se clasificaron según qSOFA y se elaboraron curvas ROC. Se obtuvo un área bajo la curva de 0,79 para PCT. El valor umbral de PCT>0,88 ng/mL predice riesgo de sepsis con 77,78% de sensibilidad y 83,33% de especificidad. Utilizando PCR<31,23 mg/dL se obtuvo como parámetros destacados un 88,89% de sensibilidad y 83,33% de valor predictivo negativo, sin diferencias significativas (Mann-Whitney p<0,05) entre los grupos de sobrevivientes y óbitos y estadía prolongada vs. no prolongada. Se postula PCR como screening y PCT como marcador de riesgo de sepsis.
Abstract This is a retrospective, observational, quantitative and descriptive study. The utility of C reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and the CRP/PCT ratio as sepsis risk markers was evaluated and these, added to clearance at 72 hours, as predictors of mortality and permanence in intensive care units (ICU). Twenty-three patients were included. They were classified according to qSOFA, and ROC curves were prepared, highlighting an area under the curve of 0.79 for PCT. The threshold value of PCT>0.88 ng/mL predicts the of sepsis with 77.78% sensitivity and 83.33% specificity. Using CRP>31.23 mg/dL, 88.89% sensitivity and 83.33% negative predictive value were obtained as outstanding parameters. No significant differences (Mann-Whitney p<0.05) were found between survivors and dead and prolonged vs. non-prolonged stay groups. CRP is postulated for screening and PCT as a sepsis risk marker.
Resumo Este é um estudo retrospectivo, observacional, quantitativo e descritivo. Foi avaliada a utilidade da proteína C reativa (PCR), da procalcitonina (PCT) e da relação PCR/PCT como marcadores de risco de sepse junto com o clareamento em 72 horas, como preditores de mortalidade e permanência em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI). Vinte e três pacientes foram incluídos. Eles foram classificados de acordo com o qSOFA e foram elaboradas curvas ROC, destacando uma área sob a curva de 0,79 para PCT. O valor limite de PCT>0,88 ng/mL prediz o risco de sepse com sensibilidade de 77,78% e especificidade de 83,33%. Utilizando PCR>31,23 mg/dL, obtiveram-se como parâmetros em destaque 88,89% de sensibilidade e 83,33% de valor preditivo negativo. Não houve diferenças significativas (Mann-Whitney p<0,05) entre os grupos de sobreviventes e óbitos e permanência prolongada vs. não prolongada. A PCR é postulada como triagem e a PCT como marcador de risco de sepse.
Background: Nerve root compression is often inadequately understanding radicular pain due to prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc, a common neurosurgical presentation. Inflammation is proved as an important etio-pathological component of radiculopathy, even after surgery. Methods: This cross-sectional intervention study conducted from March 2022 to September 2023. Data collected from 45 patients with prolapsed lumber intervertebral Disc, who underwent surgical intervention in Department of Neurosurgery, BSMMU. Results: The mean±SD age of the patients was 38.4±11.6 years, most of them 37 (82.2%) aged within 29 to 60 years. Majority 30 (66.7%) of them were male. Patients presented with pain, numbness and weakness was 45 (100%), 33 (73.3%) and 8 (17.8%) respectively. Among the participants most 36 (80%) had right sided and 9 (20%) had left sided radiation. The mean±SD level of pre-operative high sensitive C-reactive protein was 2.1±1.7. Pre-operative high sensitive C-reactive protein was significantly associated pre-operative, post-operative and mean change in visual analogue score (p<0.001, p<0.001, p= 0.006 respectively). Correlation of high sensitive C-reactive protein and VAS score (both pre and post-operative) were also statistically significant with p =0.017 and p <0.001 respectively. Conclusions: In our study, there is an association between pre-operative serum high sensitive C- reactive protein and post-operative radicular pain following surgical intervention in patients with prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc.
Resumen La inflamación es un factor patogénico importante para el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica. Actualmente, el biomarcador utilizado con mayor frecuencia que refleja la inflamación sistémica es la proteína C reactiva (PCR), una proteína de fase aguda producida principalmente por los hepatocitos bajo la influencia de la interleucina 6, la interleucina 1 beta y el factor de necrosis tumoral. La evidencia proveniente de estudios epidemiológicos ha demostrado una fuerte asociación entre las concentraciones elevadas de PCR en suero o plasma y la incidencia de un primer evento cardiovascular (incluido infarto agudo de miocardio, accidente vascular cerebral isquémico y muerte cardíaca súbita) en la población general, así como la recurrencia de eventos cardiovasculares adversos en los pacientes con enfermedad establecida. El valor aditivo que la medición de la PCR otorga a los factores de riesgo tradicionales se refleja en novedosas calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular y en los actuales regímenes de intervención, que ya consideran a la PCR como objetivo terapéutico. Sin embargo, las variaciones en los niveles de PCR, que dependen del sexo, la etnia, el estado hormonal y algunas peculiaridades de los ensayos de medición, deben tenerse en cuenta al decidir implementar la PCR como un biomarcador útil en el estudio y el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica. Esta revisión pretende ofrecer una visión actualizada de la importancia de medir la PCR como biomarcador de riesgo cardiovascular más allá de los factores tradicionales que estiman el riesgo de enfermedad aterosclerótica.
Abstract Inflammation is an important pathogenic factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Currently, the most frequently used biomarker reflecting systemic inflammation is C-reactive protein (CRP), an acute-phase protein produced primarily by hepatocytes under the influence of interleukin-6, interleukin-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor. Growing evidence from epidemiological studies has shown a robust association between elevated serum or plasma CRP concentrations and the incidence of a first cardiovascular adverse event (including acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death) in the general population, as well as recurrence of major adverse cardiovascular events among patients with established disease. The additive value that CRP measurement gives to traditional risk factors is reflected in novel cardiovascular risk calculators and in current intervention regimens, which already consider CRP as a target therapeutic. However, the variations in CRP levels, that depend on sex, ethnicity, hormonal status, and some peculiarities of the measurement assays, must be taken into consideration when deciding to implement CRP as a useful biomarker in the study and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This review aims to offer an updated vision of the importance of measuring CRP levels as a biomarker of cardiovascular risk beyond the traditional factors that estimate the risk of atherosclerotic disease.
Abstract Background: The administration of colostrum through its absorption at the oropharyngeal level stimulates the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, providing a local immunological protection barrier. The study aimed to investigate the association of oropharyngeal colostrum administration with the reduction of inflammatory indices. Materials and methods: This was an observational, ambispective, analytical study of newborns < 32 weeks of gestation at risk of sepsis. Oropharyngeal colostrum was administered at 0.2 mL every 4 h for 5 days. Inflammatory indices were analyzed. Statistical analysis included frequencies, percentages, mean and Standard deviation, contingency coefficient, and KolmogorovSmirnov test for the distribution curve of the numerical data. Results: There were 50 patients, 33 (66%) female and 17 (34%) male, with a median gestational age of 30-31 weeks (95% confidence interval [CI]). Nineteen patients had sepsis. A lower positivity rate in C-reactive protein was found, with a median of 0.5-0.6 (95% CI) at 5 days of colostrum administration versus 0.5-1.1 (95% CI) as the initial C-reactive protein. Analysis with χ2 yielded a p = 0.13, and the contingency coefficient showed a p = 0.196, indicating an association. Conclusion: Oropharyngeal colostrum administration was associated with a lower C-reactive protein positivity rate and clinical improvement in premature newborns at risk of sepsis.
Resumen Introducción: La administración del calostro a través de su absorción a nivel orofaríngeo estimula el tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas, proporcionando una barrera de protección local e inmunológica. Conocer la asociación de la administración de calostro orofaríngeo con la disminución de los índices inflamatorios. Material y métodos: Observacional, ambispectivo, analítico, recién nacidos < 32 semanas de gestación con riesgo de sepsis, se administró calostro orofaríngeo 0.2 ml cada 4 horas durante 5 días. se analizó índices inflamatorios, evolución clínica. Análisis estadístico: frecuencias, porcentajes, media y DS, coeficiente de contingencia y prueba de Kolmogorov Smirnov para la curva de distribución de los datos numéricos. Resultados: Fueron 50 pacientes, 33 (66%) femenino, 17 (34%) masculino, edad gestacional mediana 30-31 semanas (IC 95%), 19 pacientes cursaron con sepsis encontrando menor índice de positividad en la PCR, mediana de 0.5-0.6 (IC 95%) a los 5 días de administración de calostro vs 0.5-1.1 (IC 95%) como PCR inicial, analizando con Chi cuadrada con valor p = 0.13, mediante coeficiente de contingencia con p = 0.196, traduciendo asociación. Conclusión: La calostroterapia se asoció con menor índice de positividad en la PCR; clínicamente hacia la mejoría, en recién nacidos prematuros con riesgo de sepsis.
Introducción: El dengue es la enfermedad arboviral más común en los seres humanos. Un diagnóstico temprano y preciso del dengue puede respaldar el manejo clínico, la vigilancia y el control de la enfermedad y es fundamental, por ello en el diagnóstico del dengue es importante contar con pautas clínicas y epidemiológicas que permitan la identificación oportuna y una conducta terapéutica adecuada. Objetivos: Evaluar la validez de herramientas diagnósticas en pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados con diagnóstico presuntivo de dengue en un Hospital de Referencia de Paraguay durante los años de 2012 a 2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico de tipo observacional, retrospectivo correspondientes a pacientes pediátricos (0 a 18 años) internados en el Hospital de Referencia de Paraguay el periodo enero 2012 a julio 2020 con diagnostico presuntivo de dengue al ingreso. Se realizóÌ un análisis bivariado relacionando las frecuencias de 20 grupos de criterios diagnoÌsticos combinados y 3 criterios diagnósticos aislados (OMS 2009, nexo epidemioloÌgico y antigenemia NS1 para dengue) con el gold standard de diagnóstico que fue la conversión serológica. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 342 sujetos. EL 44% tenía edad escolar y 70% tenía 5 años o más. El 52,76% (191) fueron masculinos. Se encontraron desnutrición y sobrepeso en el 13% y 2%, respectivamente. La combinación de proteína C reactiva con plaquetopenia se encontróÌ en 0.45% de los pacientes sin dengue y en el 6% de los pacientes con diagnóstico final de dengue (p=0.004). Conclusión: Este resultado aporta la alternativa de uso de una combinación sencilla de exámenes de laboratorio que puede replicarse en salas de urgencias como en salas de internación en un primer contacto con pacientes febriles con sospecha de fiebre dengue.
Introduction: Dengue is the most common arboviral disease in humans. An early and accurate diagnosis of dengue can support the clinical management, surveillance and control of the disease and is essential, therefore in the diagnosis of dengue it is important to have clinical and epidemiological guidelines that allow timely identification and appropriate therapeutic conduct. Objectives: To evaluate the validity of diagnostic tools in pediatric patients hospitalized with a presumptive diagnosis of dengue in a Reference Hospital in Paraguay during the years 2012 to 2020. Materials and methods: Analytical study of case and control type, observational, longitudinal, retrospective corresponding to pediatric patients (0 to 18 years) admitted to the Reference Hospital of Paraguay from January 2012 to July 2020 with a presumptive diagnosis of dengue at income. A bivariate analysis was performed relating the frequencies of 20 groups of combined diagnostic criteria and 3 isolated diagnostic criteria (WHO 2009, epidemiological link and NS1 antigenemia for dengue) with the gold standard of diagnosis, which was serological conversion. Results: 342 subjects participated in the study. 44% were school age and 70% were 5 years old or older. 52.76% (191) were male. Malnutrition and overweight were found in 13% and 2%, respectively. The combination of C-reactive protein with thrombocytopenia was found in 0.45% of patients without dengue and in 6% of patients with a final diagnosis of dengue (p=0.004). Conclusion: This result provides the alternative of using a simple combination of laboratory tests that can be replicated in emergency rooms and inpatient wards in a first contact with febrile patients with suspected dengue fever.
This single-center, retrospective study was conducted at Marengo Asia Hospital, Haryana from January 2023 to November 2023. Children aged 1 month to 16 years, admitted with a positive adenovirus polymerase chain reaction (nasopharyngeal swab) were included. Symptomatic management was provided to all children. The study focuses on discussing the demographic, clinical, laboratory and radiological profiles of hospitalized children with human adenovirus infection. Among the 25 children with a positive adenovirus polymerase chain reaction, 18 (72%) were males, 15 (60%) were within the age group of 1 month to 5 years. Furthermore, 13 (52%) children were hospitalized during summer season. The most prevalent symptoms observed in children admitted with adenovirus infection were high-grade persistent fever in 25 cases (100%), cough and cold in 15 cases (60%), 14 (56%) vomiting in 14 cases (56%), pain abdomen and loose stools in 10 cases (40%), conjunctivitis in 6 cases (24%), and adenoviral pneumonia in 4 cases (16%). Notably all children were discharged successfully without encountering any complications. HAdV infections are commonly associated with high- grade fever, challenging the conventional perception that respiratory infections are their predominant manifestation. Equally noteworthy is the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms in HAdV infections
Fundamento: la proteína C reactiva de alta sensibilidad (PCR-as) y la homocisteína (Hci) parecen relacionarse con la enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica, pero sus hallazgos sobre el riesgo y pronóstico de esta enfermedad resultan controversiales y no concluyentes. Objetivo caracterizar la proteína C reactiva de alta sensibilidad y homocisteína en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de corte transversal en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica, ingresados en el Servicio de Ictus del Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía entre 2016 y 2019. Se recogieron variables demográficas, manifestaciones clínicas, tiempo de evolución, etiología y localización del infarto y factores riesgo. Se cuantificaron la PCR-as (riesgo cardiovascular) y la Hci. Resultados las medias de PCR-as (7,0±8,3 mg/L) y Hci (17,1±7,3 µM) fueron elevadas. El riesgo cardiovascular moderado y alto se presentaron en igual proporción (46,8 %). Hubo diferencias estadísticas en la relación entre el riesgo cardiovascular y la edad (p=0,00); pero ni el tiempo de evolución ni los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad mostraron este comportamiento. Los pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular alto (PCR-as >3 mg/L) y elevada Hci (>15 (M) exhibieron mayores frecuencias de etiologías aterotrombótica o cardioembólica. Conclusiones el riesgo cardiovascular aumenta en la medida que se incrementa la edad de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica. Las características demográficas, clínicas y neurológicas no mostraron relación con el alto riesgo cardiovascular y los valores elevados de Hci, aunque se encontró una tendencia asociativa de la etiología aterotrombótica con el incremento de PCR-as y Hci.
Foundation: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and homocysteine seem to be related to ischemic cerebrovascular disease, but their findings on the risk and prognosis of this disease are controversial and inconclusive. Objective: to characterize high sensitivity C-reactive protein and homocysteine in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Methods: a descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease, admitted to the Stroke Service of the Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute between 2016 and 2019. Demographic variables, clinical manifestations, time of evolution, etiology and infarction location, risk factors. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (cardiovascular risk) and homocysteine were quantified. Results: the means of C-reactive protein (7.0±8.3 mg/L) and homocysteine (17.1±7.3 µM) were high. Moderate and high cardiovascular risk occurred in equal proportions (46.8%). There were statistical differences in the relationship between cardiovascular risk and age (p=0.00); but neither the time of evolution nor the risk factors of the disease showed this behavior. Patients with high cardiovascular risk (hs-CRP >3 mg/L) and high homocysteine (>15 (M), exhibited higher frequencies of atherothrombotic or cardioembolic etiologies. Conclusions: cardiovascular risk increases as the age of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease increases. Demographic, clinical and neurological characteristics did not show a relationship with high cardiovascular risk and high homocysteine values, although an associative trend of atherothrombotic etiology was found with increased high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and homocysteine.
Objective To establish an early prediction model for the diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis based on the improved machine learning models,and to analyze its clinical value.Methods A case-control study was conducted on 352 patients with acute pancreatitis admitted to the Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Surgery Departments of the Army Medical Center of PLA and Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Department of No.945 Hospital of Joint Logistics Support Force of PLA from January 2014 to August 2023.According to the severity of the disease,the patients were divided into the severe group(n=88)and the non-severe group(n=264).The RUSBoost model and improved Archimead optimization algorithm was used to analyze 39 routine laboratory biochemical indicators within 48 h after admission to construct an early diagnosis and prediction model for severe acute pancreatitis.The task of feature screening and hyperparameter optimization was completed simultaneously.The ReliefF algorithm feature importance rank and multivariate logistic analysis were used to analyze the value of the selected features.Results In the training set,the area under curve(AUC)of the improved machine learning model was 0.922.In the testing set,the AUC of the improved machine learning model reached 0.888.The 4 key features of predicting severe acute pancreatitis based on the improved Archimedes optimization algorithm were C-reactive protein,blood chlorine,blood magnesium and fibrinogen level,which were consistent with the results of ReliefF algorithm feature importance ranking and multivariate logistic analysis.Conclusion The application of improved machine learning model analyzing the laboratory examination results can help to early predict the occurrence of severe acute pancreatitis.
Objective To evaluate the performance of two molecular point-of-care testing(POCT)prod-ucts in the diagnosis of influenza A virus(Flu A)and influenza B virus(Flu B)of clinical samples,and pre-liminarily evaluate the clinical diagnostic value of the changes of infection-related indicators in peripheral blood.Methods A total of 491 oropharyngeal swabs from patients with influenza-like symptoms who were treated in the hospital were recruited into this study from November 1,2019 to June 30,2023.These swabs were collected using reverse transcription real-time quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR),and two POCT molecular products,XpertTM Xpress Flu/RSV and EasyNAT? Flu Assay,respectively.The diagnostic performance of two POCT molecular products was analyzed using RT-qPCR reaction as a standard.According to the results of RT-qPCR method,the subjects were divided into Flu A positive group,Flu B positive group and negative group(both Flu A and Flu B were negative).The levels of indicators in pe-ripheral blood of the three groups were compared to evaluate the value of these indicators in the clinical diag-nosis of Flu A and Flu B.Results Among the 491 patient specimens,the XpertTM Xpress Flu/RSV assay showed the sensitivity for Flu A was 96.88%,and the specificity was 99.75%,and the sensitivity for Flu B was 100.00%,and the specificity was 100.00%.EasyNAT? Flu Assay assay showed the sensitivity for Flu A was 94.79%,and the specificity was 96.81%,and the sensitivity for Flu B was 100.00%,and the specificity was 100.00%.And two POCT molecular methods performed well consistency(Kappa value was 0.974).There was no significant difference in the levels of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A among the negative group,Flu A positive group,and Flu B positive group(P>0.05).But the levels of white blood cell count in the negative group were higher than those in the Flu A positive group and Flu B positive group(P<0.01).Conclusion In this paper,two typical molecular POCT products are studied.Their sensitivity and specificity are highly consistent with the results of RT-qPCR.Molecular POCT products have the advantages of flexibil-ity and rapidity,which are of great value for the improvement of clinical diagnosis and treatment.Molecular detection combined with peripheral blood infection related indicators is helpful for the early diagnosis of influ-enza virus infectious diseases.
Objective To detect the serum levels of CC chemokine receptor 2(CCR2)and C-reactive pro-tein(CRP)in stroke patients,and analyze their relationship with the severity of stroke associated pneumonia and their clinical significance.Methods A total of 78 patients with stroke associated pneumonia who were di-agnosed and treated in the hospital from October 2022 to February 2023 were collected as the study group,ac-cording to the severity of pneumonia,the study group was divided into mild group(31 cases),moderate group(29 cases),and severe group(18 cases),78 stroke patients who did not develop pneumonia were included into control group.Pearson method was applied to analyze the correlation between serum CCR2 and CRP levels in stroke associated pneumonia patients.Multivariate Logistic regression was applied to analyze the factors influ-encing the occurrence of stroke associated pneumonia.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was ap-plied to analyze the diagnostic value of serum CCR2 and CRP for stroke associated pneumonia.Results The National Institute of Health stroke scale(NIHSS)score,serum CCR2,and CRP levels in the study group were obviously higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The levels of serum CCR2 and CRP increased with the aggravation of pneumonia(P<0.05).The levels of serum CCR2 and CRP in the study group were positively correlated(r=0.799,P<0.05).NIHSS score,CCR2,and CRP levels were risk factors for stroke associated pneumonia in stroke patients(P<0.05).The area under the curve(AUC)for the diagnosis of stroke associated pneumonia using serum CCR2 and CRP alone was 0.873 and 0.888,respectively,and the AUC for the combined detection of the two was 0.936,the combined detection of the two was superior to the individual detection of serum CCR2 and CRP(Zcombination-CCR2=1.987,Zcombination-CRP=1.832,P=0.041,0.047).Conclusion Serum CCR2 and CRP are closely related to the severity of stroke associated pneumonia,and their combined detection has high diagnostic value for stroke associated pneumonia.
Objective To investigate the predictive efficacy of serum aminoterminal brain natriuretic pep-tide precursor(NT-proBNP),hypersensitive C-reactive protein(hs-CRP),D-dimer(D-D)and procalcitonin(PCT)in heart failure after acute myocardial infarction(AMI),Methods A total of 100 AMI patients admit-ted to the hospital from July 2021 to July 2023 were enrolled in the study as the observation group,In addi-tion,100 healthy people who underwent physical examination in the hospital during the same period were en-rolled as the control group,The serum levels of NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT were detected and com-pared between the observation group and the control group,The AMI patients enrolled in the study were fur-ther divided into the heart failure group(31 cases)and the non-heart failure group(69 cases)according to the presence or absence of heart failure.The serum levels of NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D,and PCT were compared between the two groups,Univariate analysis and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the risk factors of heart failure after AMI,Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and decision curve a-nalysis(DCA)were used to analyze the predictive efficacy of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT for heart failure after AMI.Results The levels of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT in the observation group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The serum levels of NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT in the complicated heart failure group were higher than those in the non-heart failure group(P<0.05),Body mass index(BMI),smoking history,hypertension,number of diseased vessels,serum uric acid(SUA),low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C),NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT were risk factors for heart failure after AMI(P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of combined detection of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT for predicting heart failure after AMI was 0.857(95%CI:0.811-0.948),the sensitivity was 96.12%,and the specificity was 91.28%,which were higher than the corresponding efficacy indexes of single detection(P<0.05).DCA analysis showed that when the high-risk threshold was 0-0.99,the net benefit rate was greater than 0,which had clinical significance,When the threshold was 0-0.76,the net benefit rate of combined detection of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT was better than that of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT alone.Conclusion Combined detection of serum NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT can improve the predictive efficiency of AMI compli-cated with heart failure,BMI,smoking history,hypertension,number of diseased vessels,SUA,LDL-C,NT-proBNP,hs-CRP,D-D and PCT are risk factors for AMI complicated with heart failure.
Objective To observe the influence of Qishen Yiqi Guttate Pills(mainly composed of Astragali Radix,Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma,and Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum)on the clinical efficacy of patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods Sixty post-PCI patients with acute myocardial infarction of qi deficiency and blood stasis type who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group,with 30 patients in each group.The control group was treated with conventional western medicine,and the treatment group was treated with Qishen Yiqi Guttate Pills on the basis of treatment for the control group.The course of treatment for the two groups lasted for 3 months.The changes of cardiac function indicators and serum levels of hypersensitive C-reactive protein(hs-CRP)and N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide precursor(NT-pro BNP)were observed before and after the treatment in the two groups,and the incidence of cardiovascular adverse events during the treatment in the two groups were also compared.Results(1)After treatment,the serum hs-CRP and NT-pro BNP levels of patients in the two groups were significantly decreased(P<0.05)and the left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)was significantly increased(P<0.05)compared with those before treatment.And the effects on lowering the levels of serum hs-CRP and NT-pro BNP and on increasing LVEF of the treatment group were significantly superior to those of the control group,the differences being statistically significant(P<0.05).(2)During the treatment period,the incidence of cardiovascular adverse events in the treatment group was 6.67%(2/30),which was significantly lower than 26.67%(8/30)of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant when comparing the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion Qishen Yiqi Guttate Pills can effectively improve cardiac function,decrease serum hs-CRP and NT-pro BNP levels,and reduce the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular events in post-PCI patients with acute myocardial infarction of qi deficiency and blood stasis type.
Objective To explore the impact factors on early neurological deterioration(END)in patients with cerebral infarction combined with coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19).Methods The clinical characteristics and laboratory of patients with acute ischemic stroke and COVID-19 in Brain Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University were retrospectively analyzed from December 15,2022 to January 15,2023.According to whether or not END occurred,all patients were divided into END group and non-END group.The clinical data of two groups were analyzed.Results A total of eligible 56 patients were included in this study,with 16 cases in END group and 40 cases in non-END group.The average age of END group(74.31±12.04)was older than non-END group(67.18±8.15)(P<0.05).The proportion of previous history of coronary heart disease and diabetes were higher than non-END group(all P<0.05).In terms of laboratory examination,the number of monocytes,C-reactive protein,glycated hemoglobin,lactate dehydrogenase,myoglobin,albumin,D-dimer,and fibrin degradation products in END group were significantly higher than that in non-END group(all P<0.05).Logistic analysis showed that C-reactive protein is an independent risk factor for cerebral infarction combined with COVID-19(OR =1.084,95%CI:1.002-1.173,P<0.05).Area under the ROC curve was0.825(95%CI:0.709-0.941,P<0.001).Conclusions For patients with cerebral infarction combined with COVID-19,early neurological deterioration is more likely to occur in elderly patients with multiple underlying diseases,abnormal coagulation and inflammation indicators.Increased C-reactive protein has good predictive ability.
Objective To explore the association between C-reactive protein/albumin ratio(CAR)and the risk of cardiovascular events in maintenance hemodialysis(MHD)patients.Methods This study enrolled MHD patients who were treated in the blood purification center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University between August 2016 to December 2019,and the follow-up deadline was March 31,2021.Collected the clinical data of patients who conform to the inclusion criteria,including demographic,complications,primary basic disease,biochemical indicators of the patients who underwent 3 months regular dialysis treatment and the occurrence of cardiovascular events during the follow-up period.The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the probability of cardiovascular incidents in MHD patients.The Cox proportional hazards model based on generalized propensity score weighting(GPSW)was used to estimate the relationship between CAR and cardiovas-cular events in MHD patients.Results A total of 170 eligible objects were included in this study,64 patients with cardiovascular events(37.6%).The Cox proportional hazards model which based on GPSW(HRCAR = 2.087,95%CI:1.085~4.015,P = 0.028),indicated that the hazard ratio of cardiovascular events was 2.087 when the CAR each additional a unit in MHD patients.Conclusion CAR and the risk of cardiovascular events in MHD patients have a significant positive correlation,which can help clinical workers recognize the MHD patients who have high risk of cardiovascular events and intervene in time.
BACKGROUND:The use of vancomycin in total knee arthroplasty is a controversial strategy for the prevention of incisional infection.At present,there is little evidence to evaluate the efficacy of this preventive measure in China. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy of local vancomycin in the prevention of early postoperative incision infection during total knee arthroplasty. METHODS:120 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who received unilateral total knee arthroplasty for the first time at Department of Joint Surgery of First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from March to June 2022 were included in this study.They were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group,with 60 cases in each group.All patients gave informed consent to the treatment plan.In the observation group,1 g of vancomycin was applied intraoperatively;in the control group,no vancomycin was applied intraoperatively.Erythrocyte sedimentation rate,C-reactive protein,fever rate on seven consecutive days after surgery,degree of knee joint swelling,cumulative drainage volume,and incidence of periprosthetic joint infection were recorded in two groups of patients on days 1,3,and 5 after surgery so as to evaluate the efficacy of topical vancomycin in total knee arthroplasty for the prevention of incision infection in the early postoperative period. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The differences in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein between the two groups on days 1,3,and 5 after surgery were not significant(P>0.05).(2)The difference in fever rate between the two groups for 7 consecutive days after surgery was not significant(P>0.05).(3)There was no significant difference in the degree of postoperative knee swelling and cumulative drainage flow between the two groups(P>0.05).(4)The difference in the incidence of periprosthetic joint infection one year after surgery was not significant between the two groups(P>0.05).(5)The results suggest that the local use of vancomycin in total knee arthroplasty has not shown significant efficacy in preventing incision infection in the early postoperative period.
BACKGROUND:Diabetic ulcers are a common complication of diabetes mellitus,which is manifested as foot ulcers complicated with infection,long treatment cycle,high disability rate and mortality rate,and brings a heavy burden to patients and social care. OBJECTIVE:To review the mechanism of action and the latest treatment progress of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in the treatment of diabetic ulcers,and to provide a basis for further theoretical research and clinical application. METHODS:CNKI,WanFang Database and PubMed database were searched for relevant literature using the keywords of"diabetic ulcer,medicinal herb,inflammation,interleukin-1β,interleukin-6,tumor necrosis factor,hypersensitive C-reactive protein,γ-interferon,interleukin-4,interleukin-10"in Chinese and English,respectively.The relevant literature in recent years was searched,and finally 75 articles were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The high glucose environment of the body will increase the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines,so that diabetic ulcer wounds are in a state of chronic inflammatory response for a long time,and difficult to heal or even not heal.TCM has summed up a lot of experience in the long-term struggle with diabetic ulcer.At present,TCM divides diabetic ulcers into four syndrome types:dampness and heat poison syndrome,blood and blood stasis obstruction pattern,heat poison injury Yin pattern,and Qi and blood deficiency syndrome,as well as representative prescriptions for treatment.According to their clinical characteristics,diabetic ulcers can be also divided into three stages:primary,middle and late stages.Different treatment methods are proposed:"clear method,""warm and clear combined use"and"maintenance method."Under the guidance of dialectical typing and staging of TCM,TCM monomers,extracts and compounds inhibit the inflammatory response and promote the healing of diabetic ulcers by down-regulating the expression of pro-inflammatory factors and/or up-regulating the expression of anti-inflammatory factors.Compared with modern medicine,TCM has significant advantages in the treatment of diabetic ulcers.There are many TCM monomers,extracts and compounds for the treatment of diabetic ulcers,such as angelica,curcumin,improved Chonghe ointment,Sanhuang blood exhaustion prescription and sore-ulcer I.formula,etc.It has been found that TCM for the treatment of diabetic ulcers is mainly heat-clearing and detoxifying,invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis,and amassing sores and muscle-building drugs,and the frequency of use,treatment scope and therapeutic effect of TCM compounds are obviously better than those of TCM monomers and extracts.Among them,the most commonly used are the Sanhuang blood exhaustion prescription and the sore-ulcer I as well as prescription for the treatment of damp heat toxicity syndrome and Zizhu ointment for the treatment of non-ischemic diabetic ulcers.However,there are also some shortcomings in the treatment of diabetic ulcers with TCM.First,there are few clinical syndrome studies on diabetic ulcers.Secondly,there are a wide variety of TCM monomers,extracts and compounds for the treatment of diabetic ulcers,and the relevant research is insufficiently in-depth.Finally,the research on the mechanism underlying TCM treatment of diabetic ulcers is still in the preliminary exploration stage,and the mechanism of action still needs to be further explored.In the future,it is necessary to strengthen the research on the pharmacology of TCM and the clinical syndrome of diabetic ulcers,analyze the potential targets and related signaling pathways of TCM in the treatment of diabetic ulcers,give full play to the therapeutic advantages of TCM with multiple targets,multiple pathways,multiple levels and multiple systems,and develop TCM with significant efficacy,active ingredients and clear targets.
Objective:To explore the application of C-reactive protein(CRP) to prealbumin (PA) ratio(CRP/PA) for diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of sepsis.Methods:By a retrospective study, a total of 95 sepsis patients (sepsis group) and 100 local infection patients(non-sepsis group) treated in Dongying People′s Hospital from September 2021 to September 2022 were enrolled. Sepsis patients were divided into survival group(57 cases) and death group (38 cases) according to the 28-day outcome. The clinical data were collected and CRP/PA was calculated. Multivariate Logistic regression and Cox regression were used to analyze the relationship between various indicators and the occurrence and prognosis of sepsis, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of CRP/PA for sepsis. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to evaluate the prognostic value of different CRP/PA ratios for patients with sepsis.Results:The systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, prealbumin were lower and heart rate, respiratory rate, CRP, CRP/PA, procalcitonin were higher in the sepsis group compared to the non-sepsis group: (117.27 ± 11.65) mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa) vs. (123.26 ± 10.71) mmHg, (69.42 ± 8.58) mmHg vs. (75.44 ± 6.53) mmHg, (174.09 ± 24.77) g/L vs. (207.13 ± 34.31) g/L, (97.87 ± 12.73) bpm vs. (86.90 ± 10.19) bpm, 22.0(20.00, 25.00) times/min vs. 21.00(19.00, 23.00) times/min, (93.96 ± 19.64) mg/L vs. (77.56 ± 22.54) mg/L, 0.54(0.44, 0.65) vs. 0.37(0.28, 0.46), 3.35(2.16, 4.17) μg/L vs. 1.52(0.81, 2.16) μg/L, there were statistical differences ( P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that CRP/PA and procalcitonin were risk factors for sepsis ( P<0.05). The results of ROC curve showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of CRP/PA in diagnosis of sepsis was 0.821, the specificity and sensitivity was 76.0% and 93.7%, respectively. The diastolic blood pressure, prealbumin, neutrophil were higher and the heart rate, respiratory rate, CRP, CRP/PA, lymphocytes, procalcitonin were lower in the survival group compared to the death group: (71.76 ± 8.86) mmHg vs. (67.86 ± 8.10) mmHg, (181.46 ± 24.35) g/L vs. (163.05 ± 21.28) g/L, (63.46 ± 9.88) × 10 9/L vs.(57.13 ± 8.64) × 10 9/L, (95.68 ± 13.48) times/min vs. (101.16 ± 10.88) times/min, 22.00(19.50, 24.00) times/min vs. 24.00(20.00, 28.00) times/min, (88.09 ± 19.35) mg/L vs. (102.76 ± 16.75) mg/L, 0.46(0.41, 0.58) vs. 0.63(0.55, 0.72), 21.00(16.00, 30.00) ×10 9/L vs. 29.50(18.00, 37.30) ×10 9/L, 2.94(2.10, 3.97) μg/L vs. 3.82(2.21, 4.77) μg/L, there were statistical differences ( P<0.05). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that CRP/PA and procalcitonin were independent risk factors for the prognosis of sepsis ( P<0.05). The AUC of CRP/PA in predicting the prognosis of sepsis was 0.827, the specificity and sensitivity was 92.1% and 63.8%, respectively. Grouped by the cut-off of CRP/PA (0.48), the 28-day mortality rate of patients in the CRP/PA>0.48 was significantly higher than that of patients in the CRP/PA≤0.48, there was statistical difference ( P<0.01). Conclusions:CRP/PA ratio can be used as an index for diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of sepsis.
Objective:To explore the assessment value of echocardiogram combined with serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs CRP)and N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide(NT proBNP)levels on cardiac function of patients with coronary heart failure.Methods:A total of 306 patients with coronary heart failure admitted to Beijing Daxing District People's Hospital from November 2021 to November 2022 were selected as the study group.Among of them,144 cases were grade Ⅱ,103 cases were grade Ⅲ and 59 cases were grade Ⅳ as the classification of New York Heart Association(NYHA)for cardiac function.A total of 108 healthy examinees who underwent physical examinations in our hospital during the same period were selected as the healthy control group.All examinees were classified as the NYHA for cardiac function,and left ventricular end diastolic volume(LVEDV),left ventricular end systolic volume(LVESV),left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),peak ejection rate(PER)and peak filling rate(PFR)of them were measured by echocardiogram.The NT proBNP and hs CRP levels of all examinees were measured.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the values of single LVEDV,LVESV,LVEF,PER,PFR,hs CRP and NT-proBNP,and the combination of them.Results:LVEDV(122.69±18.24)ml and LVESV(70.79±10.03)ml of the study group were significantly higher than(92.27±15.22)ml and(33.16±7.22)ml of the healthy control group,and the LVEF(42.26±5.13)%,PER(2.49±0.22)EDV/s and PFR(1.79±0.26)EDV/s of the study group were significantly lower than(69.34±5.27)%,(3.56±0.27)EDV/s,and(2.59±0.23)EDV/s of the healthy control group,with statistical significances(t=15.526,35.837,46.828,40.825,28.302,P<0.05),respectively.The levels of hs CRP and NT proBNP of the study group were significantly higher than those of the healthy control group,with statistical significance(t=88.000,29.099,P<0.05),respectively.The LVEDV and LVESV of grade Ⅱ/Ⅲ patients were significantly lower than those of grade Ⅳ patients,while LVEF,PER and PFR of grade Ⅱ/Ⅲ patients were significantly higher than those of grade Ⅳ patients,with statistically significant differences(t=53.391,92.658,32.140,240.474,116.921,P<0.05),respectively.The levels of hs CRP and NT proBNP of grade Ⅱ/Ⅲ patients were significantly lower than those in grade Ⅳ patients,with statistical significance(t=41.037,5.955,P<0.05),respectively.The results of ROC curve analysis showed that the sensitivities of single LVEDV,LVESV,LVEF,PER,PFR,hs CRP,NT proBNP and the combined examination of them were respectively 45.00%,50.00%,70.00%,70.00%,75.00%,70.00%and 90.00%,and the specificities of them were respectively 76.70%,57.00%,82.60%,44.20%,58.10%,52.30%and 96.50%.The area under curve(AUC)values of LVEDV,LVESV,LVEF,PER,PFR,hs CRP,NT proBNP and the combined examination of them were 0.592(95%CI:0.441-0.743),0.615(95%CI:0.468-0.761),0.766(95%CI:0.634-0.899),0.717(95%CI:0.575-0.860),0.674(95%CI:0.536-0.812),0.734(95%CI:0.592-0.876),0.581(95%CI:0.469-0.694)and 0.978(95%CI:0.947-1.000),respectively.Conclusion:The serum hs CRP,NT proBNP levels and function parameters of left heart in patients with coronary heart failure have occurred corresponding changes,and the above indicators have higher assessment value for the heart function of coronary heart failure,and the value of combined assessment is higher.
Objective:To explore the the evaluation value of stress hyperglycemia ratio (SHR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and serum procalcitonin (PCT) for postoperative infection in patients with open tibiofibular fractures.Methods:This study was a prospective analysis. Patients with open tibiofibular fractures hospitalized in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of The Second Hospital of Tangshan and North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Hospital from January 2018 to January 2023 were collected as the research objects, and a total of 839 cases were assessed for outcome, which were divided into infection group (103 cases) and non-infection group (736 cases) according to whether the selected subjects had postoperative infection. The clinical data of the two groups were analyzed by univariate analysis, and the risk factors of postoperative infection of open fracture of tibia and fibula were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to analyze the predictive efficacy of SHR, CRP, PCT, and their combined models on adverse outcomes.Results:Univariate analysis showed that the infection group had SHR (1.82±0.31), CRP (92.28±36.07) mg/L, PCT (6.35±1.79) μg/L, the non infection group had (1.05±0.12), (56.35±10.21) mg/L and (2.17±0.41) μg/L, respectively, and there were significant differences between the two groups ( t values were 46.90, 21.60, and 54.17, respectively; all P<0.001). The proportion of albumin (<30 g/L) in the infection group was higher than that in the non-infection group (63.11%(65/103), 37.64%(277/736) (χ 2=24.28, P<0.001), and the two groups had significant differences in the rate of time from injury to operation (the infection group ≥6 h was 71.84%(74/103), <6 h was 28.16%(29/103); the non-infection group ≥6 h was 43.07%(317/736), <6 h was 56.93%(419/736); χ 2=35.37, P<0.001), the rate of Gustilo-Anderson classification (the infection group Ⅰ、Ⅱ was 44.46%(46/103), ⅢA was 33.98%(35/103), ⅢB was 12.62%(13/103), ⅢC was 8.47%(9/103);the non-infection groupⅠ、Ⅱ was 59.10%(435/736), ⅢA was 32.47%(239/736), ⅢB was 5.98%(44/736), ⅢC was 2.45%(18/736); χ 2=20.34, P<0.001) and the rate of postoperative drainage volume (the infection group was 40.60%(48/103),the non-infection group was 58.02%(427/736); χ 2=4.79, P=0.029). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that SHR ( OR=1.871,95% CI 1.621-2.160, P<0.001), CRP ( OR=1.060, 95% CI 1.015-1.107, P=0.009), PCT ( OR=1.497, 95% CI 1.420-1.577, P<0.001) were independent risk factors for postoperative infection in open tibiofibular fractures. Among them, SHR had the highest OR value, which was the strongest factor affecting the outcome of the study. Other independent factors were age ( OR=1.052, 95% CI 1.038-1.066, P<0.001) and Gustilo-Anderson type-ⅢC ( OR=1.875, 95% CI 1.038-2.015, P<0.001). By drawing the ROC curve of SHR, CRP, PCT and their combined model to predict the incidence of postoperative infection in open tibiofibular fractures, the results showed that the combined model had higher diagnostic predictive value than the single application, and its sensitivity and specificity were 86.4% and 70.4%, respectively, which were higher than the sensitivity (78.6%, 77.7%, 75.7%) and specificity (69.2%, 69.3%, 69.6%) of the single assessment. Conclusion:The combined model of SHR, CRP and PCT has a higher predictive value than the single detection, which can provide a better clinical basis for the early diagnosis of postoperative infection in patients with open tibiofibular fractures.
Objective To explore the therapeutic efficacy of automatic peritoneal dialysis on elderly patients with cardiorenal syndrome(CRS).Methods A total of 260 elderly CRS patients treated at our hospital from January 2019 to January 2022 were recruited,and then randomly divided into an observation group and a control group,with 130 cases in each group.The control group received conventional basic treatment and symptomatic treatment,while the observation group received automated peritoneal dialysis treatment on this basis.Cardiac function indicators,renal function indicators,inflammatory factors,MAP and heart rate were compared between the two groups.Re-sults After treatment,significantly lower LVESD(26.29±1.19 mm vs 29.59±1.84 mm),LVEDD(47.43±1.39 mm vs 51.81±1.34 mm),LAD(30.74±1.15 mm vs 33.11±0.88 mm),and levels of NT-proBNP(1034.74±313.61 ng/L vs 2634.02±853.67 ng/L),urea(16.69±3.57 mmol/L vs 32.67±4.54 mmol/L),cystatin C(0.47±0.13 mg/L vs 0.61±0.15 mg/L),creatinine(254.74±41.15 mmol/L vs 394.09±38.61 mmol/L),TNF-α(144.14±23.16 mg/L vs 183.97± 23.37 mg/L)and hs-CRP(4.09±1.03 μg/L vs 5.45±1.17 μg/L),and higher LVEF(39.14± 4.48%vs 35.64±5.27%)were observed in the observation group than the control group(all P<0.01).There were no significant differences in heart rate and MAP between the two groups before and after treatment(P>0.05).Conclusion Automatic peritoneal dialysis can improve the cardiac and renal function and reduce inflammatory response in elderly CRS patients,and show positive significance for improving prognosis.