Abstract Diagnostic tests have intrinsic characteristics such as sensitivity, specificity, overall accuracy and likelihood ratios which define their operational performance. It is not uncommon to find in the literature that test value and clinical utility are defined based exclusively on those characteristics. This paper introduces several arguments aimed at prompting a reflection regarding the characteristics that define the true value of diagnostic tests in clinical practice. It concludes with the view that the value of each diagnostic test needs to be established in accordance with the circumstances in which it is used, taking into account extrinsic characteristics such as in whom it is used, when, where and by who.
Resumen Las pruebas diagnósticas tienen características intrínsecas, como la sensibilidad, especificidad, exactitud global y las razones de verosimilitud, que definen su desempeño operacional. No es infrecuente encontrar en la literatura que se valore la prueba y se defina su utilidad clínica exclusivamente de acuerdo con estas características. En este documento se presentan varios argumentos que permiten reflexionar sobre las características que verdaderamente definen el valor de las pruebas diagnósticas en la práctica clínica. Se concluye con una perspectiva en la que el valor de cada prueba diagnóstica se establece de acuerdo con las circunstancias de uso de la misma: de quién, cuándo, dónde y en quién se use la prueba, y todas estas son características extrínsecas de una prueba diagnóstica.
RESUMEN Introducción. La miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH), es la enfermedad genética cardiovascular más común, causada por mutaciones en proteínas del sarcómero cardíaco, con una prevalencia considerable y clínica variable, desde asintomática hasta insuficiencia cardíaca y muerte súbita. Existen pacientes seguidos en centros no especializados, y es necesario conocer datos que puedan mostrar la realidad de su diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico. Objetivo. Conocer las características clínicas, estrategias diagnósticas y terapéuticas al abordar la MCH en centros no especializados en la patología. Material y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico, de alcance nacional, con análisis cuantitativo, de pacientes con MCH confirmada o altamente probable. Resultados. Se registraron 95 pacientes, mayormente hombres con hipertensión arterial (40 %) y dislipidemia (22 %) como principales factores de riesgo. Se observó baja proporción de comorbilidades: enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (6 %), infarto de miocardio previo (5 %), accidente cerebro vascular previo (1 %) e insuficiencia renal crónica (1 %). Los síntomas principales fueron la disnea (47 %) y el ángor (27 %), y los métodos diagnósticos más usados fueron el ecocardiograma (97 %) y la resonancia cardíaca (71 %). La localización más frecuente fue septal, con 37 % de tipo obstructivo. El test genético, realizado en un 33 %, fue positivo en más de la mitad de los pacientes. No se realizó en dos tercios de los casos principalmente por falta de cobertura. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos son concordantes con los de registros internacionales. Con base a nuestros hallazgos, se resalta la necesidad de mejorar el acceso a estudios diagnósticos más complejos y optimizar recursos en un sistema de salud fragmentado.
ABSTRACT Background . Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic disease caused by cardiac sarcomere protein mutations, with considerable prevalence and different clinical presentation, varying from asymptomatic to heart failure and sudden death. Some patients are followed-up in nonspecialized centers, and it is necessary to know data that show the reality of their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Objective. The aim of this study was to know the clinical characteristics, and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies when HCM is managed in centers not specialized in this disease. Methods. This was a national, cross-sectional, multicenter study, with quantitative analysis of patients with confirmed or highly probable HCM. Results. A total of 95 patients were recruited, mostly men, with hypertension (40%) and dyslipidemia (22%) as main risk factors. A low proportion of comorbidities was observed: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (6%), prior myocardial infarction (5%), prior stroke (1%) and chronic kidney failure (1%). The main symptoms were dyspnea (47% and angina (27%), and the most used diagnostic methods were echocardiogram (97%) and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (71%)). The most frequent localization was septal, with 37% of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. The genetic test, performed in 33% of patients, was positive in more than half of cases. It was not performed in the rest of the patients, mainly due to lack of health coverage. Conclusions. These findings are in agreement with international registries. Based on our findings, emphasis should be placed in improving the access to more complex diagnostic studies and optimizing the resources in a fragmented health system.
Resumen La prevención de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa (ETV) es motivo de continua actualización en función de nueva evidencia que se genera permanentemente. Cada institución debe contar con una estrategia activa de prevención contra la ETV y debe generar normas de tromboprofilaxis (TP) de acuerdo con la realidad local. Durante este proceso de adaptación de una guía a la región debemos siempre tener en cuenta los recursos locales disponibles, el riesgo tromboembólico y hemorrágico propio del paciente, de la enfermedad por la que se encuentra internado (ya sea clínica o quirúrgica) y las consideraciones o preferencias del paciente. La tasa de adherencia a recomendaciones locales de TP es uno de los indicadores de excelencia más importantes evaluados en organismos que califican la calidad de una institución de salud. Las medidas de profilaxis que propongamos para los centros de salud, deben ser individualizadas para cada paciente, tienen que considerar antecedentes personales y familiares del enfermo y utilizar modelos de evaluación de riesgo validados de trombosis y de sangrado. También deben incluir a la población con riesgo de trombosis persistente luego del alta. Lo ideal es tener estadísticas propias de cada nosocomio para la toma de decisiones de cómo implementar una correcta TP. Extrapolar guías de los países desarrollados a nuestro ámbito podría tener un impacto negativo, si no se conoce la propia realidad. En este documento encontraremos herramientas prácticas para las instituciones de salud de la región, que les permita orientarse al momento de confeccionar recomendaciones para una adecuada TP.
Abstract Venous thromboembolism disease (VTE) prevention strategy has to be constantly updated based on new evidence that is generated every year. Each institution must have a formal and active prevention policy against VTE and must develop guidelines or standards for thromboprophylaxis (TP) according to the local reality. During this process of adapting a guideline to the region and the generation of hospital recommendations, we must always consider the available local resources, the thromboembolic and hemorrhagic risk of the patients, even after discharge, and also their considerations and preferences. Adherence to local TP recommendations is one of the most important items evaluated by organizations that measure institutional quality. Individualized prophylaxis should consider personal and family history of VTE, the use of validated risk assessment models or RAMs for thrombosis and bleeding events, as well as the special characteristics of each patient. Ideally, each center's own statistics should be available for decision-making. Extrapolating guidelines from developed countries could have a negative impact, if we ignore our hospital´s reality. In this document we will find practical tools for health institutions that will allow them to prepare recommendations or guidelines for adequate VTE prophylaxis.
Introducción: las caídas son sucesos involuntarios que hacen perder el equilibrio y dar con el cuerpo en el suelo o en otra superficie firme que lo detenga. El análisis objetivo e instrumentado de la marcha y el equilibrio es una herramienta importante para estimar el riesgo de caídas de los pacientes. El objetivo fue describir la forma de ponderación de las alteraciones en el equilibrio que utilizan los kinesiólogos que residen en la Argentina en el marco de la neurorrehabilitación, rehabilitación vestibular y adultos mayores. Otro objetivo: identificar las barreras y facilitadores autopercibidos por los kinesiólogos que dificultan/facilitan la realización de la ponderación de las deficiencias en el equilibrio. Materiales y método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal de tipo encuesta. Se utilizaron las recomendaciones incluidas en la Checklist for Reporting of Survey Studies. La encuesta estuvo destinada a todos aquellos kinesiólogos de la Argentina que se dedican a neurorrehabilitación, rehabilitación vestibular y adultos mayores. Resultados: doscientos cuatro (204) kinesiólogos completaron la encuesta. El 78,79% de ellos respondieron que siempre ponderan a sus pacientes. Las limitaciones biomecánicas, las estrategias sensoriales, la ansiedad y el miedo a caer son los factores menos ponderados. La principal barrera fueron las características de los pacientes (36,76%) y, como principal facilitador, el entrenamiento (33,33%). El 93,63% indicó que le gustaría en el futuro ser entrenado en el área. Conclusión: prevalece, entre los kinesiólogos encuestados, ponderar a sus pacientes e identifican que sus características son una barrera al momento de realizarla, y que el entrenamiento es un facilitador. Registro: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05285150 (AU)
Introduction: Falls are unintentional events that result in losing balance and hitting the body on the ground or another firm surface that stops it. An objective and instrumented gait and balance analysis is an excellent tool for estimating the risk of falls in patients. Our objective was to describe how physical therapists in Argentina weigh balance impairment in the context of neurorehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, and older adults. To identify the barriers and facilitators self-perceived by the physical therapists that make it difficult/easy to carry out the weighting of balance impairments. Methods: We conducted an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional survey-type study. We used the recommendations given by the Checklist for Reporting of Survey Studies. The survey was addressed to all physical therapists in Argentina who work in neurorehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, and older adults. Results: 204 Physical therapists completed the survey. 78.79% of the respondents answered that they always weigh their patients. Biomechanical limitations, sensory strategies, anxiety, and fear of falling were the least weighted factors. The main barrier was patient characteristics (36.76%) and the primary facilitator training (33.33%). 93.63% indicated that they would like training in this area in the future. Conclusion: Among the physical therapists surveyed, there is a prevalence of weighting their patients; they identify that patient characteristics are a barrier when performing it and that training in its use is a facilitator. Registry: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05285150 (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Sensation Disorders/rehabilitation , Kinesiology, Applied/statistics & numerical data , Postural Balance , Physical Therapists/statistics & numerical data , Neurological Rehabilitation/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Rehabilitation/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Updating recommendations for guidelines requires a comprehensive and efficient literature search. Although new information platforms are available for developing groups, their relative contributions to this purpose remain uncertain. METHODS: As part of a review/update of eight selected evidence-based recommendationsfor type 2 diabetes, we evaluated the following five literature search approaches (targeting systematic reviews, using predetermined criteria): PubMed for MEDLINE, Epistemonikos database basic search, Epistemonikos database using a structured search strategy, Living overview of evidence (L.OVE) platform, and TRIP database. Three reviewers independently classified the retrieved references as definitely eligible, probably eligible, or not eligible. Those falling in the same "definitely" categories for all reviewers were labelled as "true" positives/negatives. The rest went to re-assessment and if found eligible/not eligible by consensus became "false" negatives/positives, respectively. We described the yield for each approach and computed "diagnostic accuracy" measures and agreement statistics. RESULTS: Altogether, the five approaches identified 318 to 505 references for the eight recommendations, from which reviewers considered 4.2 to 9.4% eligible after the two rounds. While Pubmed outperformed the other approaches (diagnostic odds ratio 12.5 versus 2.6 to 5.3), no single search approach returned eligible references for all recommendations. Individually, searches found up to 40% of all eligible references (n = 71), and no combination of any three approaches could find over 80% of them. Kappa statistics for retrieval between searches were very poor (9 out of 10 paired comparisons did not surpass the chance-expected agreement). CONCLUSION: Among the information platforms assessed, PubMed appeared to be more efficient in updating this set of recommendations. However, the very poor agreement among search approaches in the reference yield demands that developing groups add information from several (probably more than three) sources for this purpose. Further research is needed to replicate our findings and enhance our understanding of how to efficiently update recommendations.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La actualización de recomendaciones de las guías de práctica clínica requiere búsquedas bibliográficas exhaustivas y eficientes. Aunque están disponibles nuevas plataformas de información para grupos desarrolladores, su contribución a este propósito sigue siendo incierta. MÉTODOS: Como parte de una revisión/actualización de 8 recomendaciones basadas en evidencia seleccionadas sobre diabetes tipo 2, evaluamos las siguientes cinco aproximaciones de búsqueda bibliográfica (dirigidas a revisiones sistemáticas, utilizando criterios predeterminados): PubMed para MEDLINE; Epistemonikos utilizando una búsqueda básica; Epistemonikos utilizando una estrategia de búsqueda estructurada; plataforma (L.OVE) y TRIP . Tres revisores clasificaron de forma independiente las referencias recuperadas como definitivamente o probablemente elegibles/no elegibles. Aquellas clasificadas en las mismas categorías "definitivas" para todos los revisores, se etiquetaron como "verdaderas" positivas/negativas. El resto se sometieron a una nueva evaluación y, si se consideraban por consenso elegibles/no elegibles, se convirtieron en "falsos" negativos/positivos, respectivamente. Describimos el rendimiento de cada aproximación, junto a sus medidas de "precisión diagnóstica" y las estadísticas de acuerdo. RESULTADOS: En conjunto, las cinco aproximaciones identificaron 318-505 referencias para las 8 recomendaciones, de las cuales los revisores consideraron elegibles el 4,2 a 9,4% tras las dos rondas. Mientras que Pubmed superó a las otras aproximaciones (odds ratio de diagnóstico 12,5 versus 2,6 a 53), ninguna aproximación de búsqueda identificó por sí misma referencias elegibles para todas las recomendaciones. Individualmente, las búsquedas identificaron hasta el 40% de todas las referencias elegibles (n=71), y ninguna combinación de cualquiera de los tres enfoques pudo identificar más del 80% de ellas. Las estadísticas Kappa para la recuperación entre búsquedas fueron muy pobres (9 de cada 10 comparaciones pareadas no superaron el acuerdo esperado por azar). CONCLUSIONES: Entre las plataformas de información evaluadas, Pubmed parece ser la más eficiente para actualizar este conjunto de recomendaciones. Sin embargo, la escasa concordancia en el rendimiento de las referencias exige que los grupos desarrolladores incorporen información de varias fuentes (probablemente más de tres) para este fin. Es necesario seguir investigando para replicar nuestros hallazgos y mejorar nuestra comprensión de cómo actualizar recomendaciones de forma eficiente.
Humans , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Evidence-Based Medicine , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Databases, Bibliographic , Information Storage and Retrieval/methods , Information Storage and Retrieval/standards , ColombiaABSTRACT
Resumen Las guías de diagnóstico y tratamiento elaboradas por las sociedades científicas médicas, constituyen una herramienta muy útil para el ejercicio profesional de la especialidad. Sustentadas en bibliografía actualizada, representan un material de enorme valor con reco mendaciones de los expertos en los diversos temas de la especialidad. En el presente artículo se intenta determinar si las mismas podrían ser diseñadas acercándolas lo más estrechamente posible al formato de las Guías de Práctica Clínica Basadas en la Evidencia (GPC-BE), para lo cual se revisan las etapas en su elaboración y los requisitos que deberían cumplir para ser conside radas como tales. Las GPC-BE son un "conjunto de recomendaciones elaboradas de forma sistemática para ayudar a los profe sionales y a los pacientes en la toma de decisiones sobre la atención sanitaria más apropiada, seleccionando las opciones diagnósticas y/o terapéuticas más adecuadas en el abordaje de un problema de salud o una condición clínica específica". Su objetivo es mejorar la efectividad, la eficiencia y la seguridad de las decisiones clínicas, y pueden servir de base para la elaboración de políticas de salud. La elaboración de las GPC representa un proceso complejo, que requiere conocimientos, experiencia y re cursos tanto en tiempo como en dinero. Su robustez no depende de quienes la realizan, sino de cómo es realiza da. Ello implica la participación de técnicos que aporten la evaluación de la evidencia por el método GRADE, y la consideración de aspectos de costo-efectividad.
Abstract The guides for diagnosis and treatment prepared by scientific medical societies constitute a very useful tool for the professional practice of the specialty. Supported by an updated bibliography, they represent material of enormous value with recommendations from experts on the various topics of the specialty. This article attempts to determine if they could be designed as "Evidence - Based Clinical Practice Guide lines" (CPG BE), for which the stages in their develop ment and the requirements that they reviewed. The CPG BE are a "set of recommendations prepared systematically to help professionals and patients in making decisions about the most appropriate health care, selecting the most appropriate diagnostic and/or therapeutic options to address a problem of health or a specific clinical condition". Their objective is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of clinical deci sions, and they can serve a basis for the development of health policies. The preparation of CPGs represents a complex pro cess, which requires knowledge, experience and re sources, both in time and money. Its robustness does not depend on who does it, but on how it is done. This implies the participation of technicians who provide the evaluation of the evidence using the GRADE method and the consideration of cost-effectiveness aspects.
Objetivo: Investigar a adesão na prática clínica da fisioterapia motora aos consensos e guias para pessoas com AME tipo 1. Método: Trata-se de estudo exploratório transversal quantitativo realizado com 59 fisioterapeutas brasileiros com experiência em atendimento a pacientes com AME tipo 1, a partir da aplicação de um questionário quantitativo elaborado pelos autores. Os dados da caracterização da amostra e respostas sobre os atendimentos são apresentados por meio de frequência absoluta e relativa. A adesão percentual foi obtida pelo cálculo da quantidade de respostas de adesão, dividido pelo total de fisioterapeutas e multiplicado por 100. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma estratificação em aderência fraca, moderada, forte e muito forte. Resultados: As respostas sobre avaliação, objetivos e condutas indicaram uma adesão forte ou muito forte, de mais de 69,49% dos profissionais, mas com relação ao uso de alguns tipos de escalas, órteses e equipamentos a adesão foi menor. Conclusão: Os fisioterapeutas são fortemente aderentes às recomendações de consensos e guias especificamente para avaliação, elaboração de objetivos e condutas terapêuticas. No entanto, ainda se faz necessário compreender porque houve uma adesão menor às recomendações relacionadas à escolha de escalas motoras, tipos de órteses e equipamentos.
Objective: To investigate adherence in the clinical practice of motor physiotherapy to consensuses and guides for people with SMA type 1. Method: This is a quantitative cross-sectional exploratory study carried out with 59 Brazilian physiotherapists with experience in caring for patients with SMA type 1, from the application of a quantitative questionnaire prepared by the authors. Sample characterization data and responses to care are presented using absolute and relative frequency. Percentage adherence was obtained by calculating the number of adherence responses, divided by the total number of physiotherapists and multiplied by 100. Subsequently, stratification was carried out into weak, moderate, strong and very strong adherence. Results: The responses about assessment, objectives and conduct indicated strong or very strong adherence, from more than 69.49% of professionals, but regarding the use of some types of scales, orthoses and equipment, adherence was lower. Conclusion: Physiotherapists strongly adhere to consensus recommendations and guides specifically for assessment, goal development and therapeutic approaches. However, it is still necessary to understand why there was less adherence to recommendations related to the choice of motor scales, types of orthoses and equipment.
Objetivo: Descrever como os enfermeiros atuantes na Atenção Primária identificam sua autonomia profissional no desenvolvimento das práticas de Enfermagem. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa. Participaram de entrevistas online 28 enfermeiros que atuam na Atenção Primária de um município do Sul do Brasil, entre o período de outubro de 2020 até fevereiro de 2021. Para tratamento dos dados, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados: Emergiram duas categorias: 1) Resolutividade das práticas da Enfermagem; 2) Respaldo nas regulamentações profissionais e evidências científicas. A Enfermagem dispõe de maior autonomia frente à atenção à saúde da mulher, Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis e no cuidado à pessoa com feridas, pois no momento da consulta do enfermeiro, despontam habilidades e competências para a tomada de decisão na prática clínica. Em relação à regulamentação para exercício profissional, os profissionais enfatizaram a importância dos protocolos para respaldar as ações. Conclusão: O protagonismo do enfermeiro e sucesso nas experiências indicam um caminho promissor para a discussão e implementação da Enfermagem de Prática Avançada no Brasil. (AU)
Objective: To describe how nurses working in Primary Care identify their professional autonomy in the development of Nursing practices. Methods: This is an exploratory, descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Twenty-eight nurses who work in Primary Care in a municipality in southern Brazil participated in online interviews, between October 2020 and February 2021. For data processing, thematic content analysis was used. Results: Two categories emerged: 1) Resolving nursing practices; 2) Support in professional regulations and scientific evidence. Nursing has greater autonomy in the care of women's health, Sexually Transmitted Infections and in the care of the person with wounds, because at the time of the nurse's consultation, skills and competences for decision-making in clinical practice emerge. Regarding regulation for professional practice, professionals emphasized the importance of protocols to support actions. Conclusion: The role of nurses and success in the experiences indicate a promising path for the discussion and implementation of Advanced Practice Nursing in Brazil. (AU)
Objetivo: Describir cómo los enfermeros que actúan en la Atención Primaria identifican su autonomía profesional en el desarrollo de las prácticas de Enfermería. Métodos: Se trata de una investigación exploratoria, descriptiva, con abordaje cualitativo. Veintiocho enfermeros que actúan en la Atención Primaria de un municipio del sur de Brasil participaron de entrevistas en línea, entre octubre de 2020 y febrero de 2021. Para el procesamiento de datos, se utilizó el análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: Emergieron dos categorías: 1) Prácticas resolutivas de enfermería; 2) Apoyo en normativa profesional y evidencia científica. La enfermería tiene mayor autonomía en el cuidado de la salud de la mujer, Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y en el cuidado de la persona con heridas, porque en el momento de la consulta del enfermero emergen habilidades y competencias para la toma de decisiones en la práctica clínica. En cuanto a la regulación para la práctica profesional, los profesionales destacaron la importancia de los protocolos para apoyar las acciones. Conclusión: El papel de los enfermeros y el éxito de las experiencias indican un camino promisorio para la discusión e implementación de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en Brasil. (AU)
Primary Care Nursing , Professional Autonomy , Evidence-Based Practice , Advanced Practice NursingABSTRACT
Objetivo. Proporcionar un marco para profesionales de la salud que tratan a pacientes pediátricos bajo terapia con glucocorticoides (GC) y desarrollar recomendaciones para la prevención y el tratamiento de la osteoporosis inducida por GC en la población pediátrica. Métodos. Un panel de expertos en enfermedades óseas y pediátricas generó una serie de preguntas PICO que abordan aspectos relacionados con la prevención y el tratamiento de osteoporosis en pacientes bajo tratamiento con GC. Siguiendo la metodología GRADE, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, se resumieron las estimaciones del efecto y se calificó la calidad de la evidencia. Luego se procedió a la votación y a la formulación de las recomendaciones. Resultados. Se desarrollaron 7 recomendaciones y 6 principios generales para osteoporosis inducida por GC en población pediátrica. Conclusión. Estas recomendaciones proporcionan orientación para los médicos que deben tomar decisiones en pacientes pediátricos bajo tratamiento con GC.
Objective. To provide a framework for healthcare professionals managing pediatric patients who are on active glucocorticoid (GC) therapy and to develop recommendations for the prevention and treatment of GC-induced osteoporosis in the pediatric population. Methods. A panel of experts on bone and pediatric diseases developed a series of PICO questions that address issues related to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in patients on GC therapy. In accordance with the GRADE approach, we conducted a systematic review of the literature, summarized effect estimations, and classified the quality of the evidence. Then, voting and the formulation of recommendations followed. Results. Seven recommendations and six general principles were developed for GC-induced osteoporosis in the pediatric population. Conclusion. These recommendations provide guidance for clinicians who must make decisions concerning pediatric patients undergoing treatment with GC.
Humans , Child , Osteoporosis/chemically induced , Osteoporosis/prevention & control , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Glucocorticoids/adverse effectsABSTRACT
La enfermedad renal crónica constituye un problema de salud por su impacto sobre los individuos, la sociedad y la economía. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, y luego de una amplia búsqueda bibliográfica, se diseñó una guía de práctica clínica en el Policlínico Luis Augusto Turcios Lima de la provincia de Pinar del Río, dirigida a los profesionales de la atención primaria de salud, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de niños y adolescentes con dicha enfermedad. Esta fue elaborada por los métodos de la medicina basada en la evidencia, según el consenso y la opinión de los expertos. Se logró generalizar esta herramienta, emitir recomendaciones y actualizarla acorde con las nuevas evidencias médicas. Finalmente, resultó evaluada por los expertos como muy recomendada.
Chronic renal disease constitutes a health problem due to its impact on individuals, society and economy. Taking into account the above-mentioned, and after a wide literature search, a clinical practice guide was designed in Luis Augusto Turcios Lima Polyclinic from Pinar del Río province, directed to primary health care professionals, aimed at improving the life quality of children and adolescents with this disease. It was elaborated by medicine methods based on the evidence, according to the consent and opinion of experts. It was possible to generalize this tool, give recommendations and up to date according to the new medical evidences. Finally, it was evaluated by experts as very recommended.
Practice Guideline , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Primary Health Care , ChildABSTRACT
Introducción: la violencia basada en género (VBG) es un grave problema de salud con cifras alarmantes. Las mujeres víctimas de VBG acuden a los centros de salud para ser atendidas por este y otros motivos, siendo en muchos casos el primer y único contacto de las mujeres con el sistema sanitario. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar acerca del nivel de formación, conocimientos, actuación y percepciones sobre la atención por parte de los ginecotocólogos y posgrados de Ginecotocología en casos de VBG en la práctica clínica diaria en nuestro medio. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal de una muestra por conveniencia. Se encuestaron 143 profesionales, comprendiendo ginecotocólogos y posgrados de Ginecotocología en el período comprendido entre el 1 y el 30 de septiembre de 2019. Resultados: 9 de cada 10 de los profesionales refirieron no realizar o realizar pocas preguntas sobre VBG en la práctica clínica, y 80% no tiene claro sobre cuál es su rol en la detección de una víctima de VBG, siendo profesionales que asisten a un promedio de 20 a 60 mujeres semanalmente. Un tercio de los encuestados manifestaron tener menos de una hora de formación académica en VBG. Conclusión: existe escasa formación académica en esta temática. Se mostró que entender el papel del profesional en la detección de casos de VBG y la capacidad para responder apropiadamente están íntimamente relacionados con la capacidad de identificar la VBG en la práctica clínica diaria.
Introduction: Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious health problem that accounts for alarming figures. Women victims of GBV come to health centers to be treated for this and other reasons, in many cases being this the first and only contact they have with the health system. The objective of this study is to find out the level of training, knowledge, actions, and perceptions regarding care by gynecologists and gynecology postgraduates in cases of gender-based violence seen during daily clinical practice in our setting. Method: A descriptive observational study was conducted, with a cross-sectional design and convenience sample. A total of 143 professionals were surveyed, including gynecologists and gynecology postgraduates, between September 1st and September 30th, 2019. Results: Nine out of ten professionals reported not asking or asking few questions about GBV in their clinical practice, and 80% were unclear about their role in detecting GBV victims, despite assisting an average of 20 to 60 women weekly. One-third of respondents reported having less than an hour of academic training in GBV. Conclusion: There is limited academic training in this area. The study showed that understanding the professionals' role in detecting GBV cases and their ability to respond appropriately to it are closely related to the ability to identify GBV in daily clinical practice.
Introdução: a violência baseada em gênero (VBG) é um grave problema de saúde com números alarmantes. As mulheres vítimas de VBG procuram os centros de saúde para tratamento por esse e outros motivos e, em muitos casos, esse é o primeiro e único contato que as mulheres têm com o sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo é pesquisar o nível de formação, conhecimento, desempenho e percepções do atendimento por tocoginecologistas e pós-graduandos em Tocoginecologia nos casos de VBG na prática clínica diária. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo de corte transversal com uma amostra de conveniência. Foram incluídos 143 profissionais, incluindo tocoginecologistas e pós-graduandos em Tocoginecologia no período entre 1º e 30 de setembro de 2019. Resultados: 9 em cada 10 profissionais relataram não fazer nenhuma ou poucas perguntas sobre a VBG na prática clínica, e 80% não tinham clareza sobre seu papel na identificação de uma vítima de VBG em sua prática, sendo profissionais que atendem uma média de 20 a 60 mulheres por semana. Um terço dos entrevistados relatou ter menos de uma hora de formação acadêmica em VBG. Conclusão: Há pouca formação acadêmica nessa área. A compreensão do papel do profissional na detecção de casos de VBG e a capacidade de responder adequadamente estão intimamente relacionadas à capacidade de identificar VBG na prática clínica diária.
Professional Practice , Gender-Based Violence , Gynecologists/education , Professional TrainingABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Dada la existencia de variadas guías para enfermedades respiratorias, se buscó conocer cuáles eligen los médicos para utilizar en su práctica clínica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, mediante una encuesta a neumonólogos de la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria. Resultados: La guía más utilizada para EPOC fue la Iniciativa Global para la Enferme dad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (GOLD) (82 %), seguida por GesEPOC (51 %). Para asma las más usadas fueron la Iniciativa Global para el Asma (GINA) 2022 (89 %) y GEMA 5.2 (68 %). En asma de difícil control, se prefirieron GINA 2022 (82 %) y GEMA 2022 (53 %). En espirometría, un 54 % de los respondedores se inclinó por NHANES III y un 22 % utilizó valores teóricos de referencia de Knudson. En neumonía, el 62 % eligió SADI, el 37 %, IDSA y el 20 %, BTS. Para nódulos pulmonares, el 62 % prefirió las guías Fleischner, 35 % se inclinó por Lung-RADS 1.1. Para neumonitis por hip ersensibilidad, un 83 % seleccionó las guías de las sociedades conjuntas ATS/JRS/ ALAT. Para imágenes de fibrosis pulmonar, el 89 % utilizó ALAT/ERS/JRS/ALAT y el 18 % White Paper. Discusión: si bien hay estudios sobre adherencia a guías, no los hay acerca de pref erencias de utilización entre varias referidas a un mismo tema. En EPOC y asma (in cluyendo la de difícil control) se eligieron GOLD y GINA y las de la Sociedad Española de Patología Respiratoria (GesEPOC y GEMA). El uso preferencial de la guía nacional para neumonía es coherente con la necesidad de contemplar la epidemiología local.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Since there are various guidelines for respiratory diseases, we aimed to know which are chosen by physicians in their daily clinical practice. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted through a questionnaire sent to pulmonologists of the Argentinian Association of Respiratory Medicine. Results: The most commonly used guideline for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (82 %), followed by GesEPOC (51 %). For asthma, the most commonly used guideline was the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2022 (89 %) and the Spanish Guideline on the Management of Asthma (known for its acronym in Spanish, GEMA), GEMA 5.2 (68 %). In difficult-to-control asthma, GINA 2022 (82 %) and GEMA 2022 (53 %) were used. With regard to spirometries, 54 % of respondents favored NHANES III (Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) and 22 % used theoretical Knudson reference values. For pneumonia, 62 % chose the guidelines of the SADI (Argentinian Society of Infectious Diseases), 37 % preferred those of the IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America) and 20 %, chose the guidelines of the BTS (British Thoracic Society). For pulmonary nodules, 62 % used Fleischner guidelines, and 35 % favored Lung-RADS 1.1. For hypersensitivity pneumonitis, 83 % selected the ATS/JRS/ALAT Guidelines (American Thoracic Society/Japanese Respiratory Society/Latin American Thoracic Society). And with respect to pulmonary fibrosis imaging, 89 % used ALAT/ERS (Eu ropean Respiratory Society)/JRS recommendations, and 18 % preferred White Paper. Discussion: Although there are studies about adherence to guidelines, none of them shows which are the chosen recommendations within a group of guidelines of the same topic. In COPD and asthma (including difficult-to-control asthma) GOLD, GINA and the guidelines of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disease (GesEPOC and GEMA) were chosen. The preference for the national guideline for pneumonia is consistent with the need to consider local epidemiology.
Viral hepatitis is a common infectious disease caused by a variety of hepatitis viruses,mainly including types A,B,C,D and E,among which hepatitis B virus(HBV)and hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection are more common.It is one of the important causes of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.In the case of pregnancy,the interaction between pregnancy and viral infection must be considered,including the impact of the virus on fetal development,the impact on maternal health,and the progression of the disease itself caused by pregnancy,among which the prevention of mother-to-child transmission is the key to reducing the global burden of chronic viral hepatitis.In September 2023,the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)published the clinical practice guidelines for viral hepatitis in pregnancy,which replaced the 2007 version.According to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE),the guidelines put forward six suggestions.This paper interpreted the important recommended updates of the guidelines one by one,in order to provide help for the clinical practice of viral hepatitis during pregnancy.
Objective To explore the application effect of the Mini-CEX evaluation model based on the OBE concept in the clinical Practice teaching of neurology.Methods We Selected 100 students who will Practice in the Department of Neurology from 2022 to 2023 as the research objects,and divided them into the experimental group(n=50)and the control group(n=50).Under the guidance of the OBE concept,the experimental group was guided by learning outcomes,refined the teaching objectives,and applied the Mini-CEX evaluation mode for evaluation and feedback.In contrast,the control group adopted the traditional teaching mode.Combined with the observation data,we analyzed and compared the data of various indicators of the two groups of students at the beginning and end of the internship.Results At the end of the internship,the scores of clinical consultation,Physical examination,humanistic medicine,clinical diagnosis,health consultation,organizational effect,and overall evaluation of the experimental group were significantly improved and were higher than those of the control group.After the Practice,in terms of skill test scores,the experimental group scored higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05),and the experimental group also scored higher in satisfaction evaluation than the control group.Conclusion The Mini-CEX evaluation teaching model based on the concept of OBE is applied to the clinical practice teaching of the neurology department,which can enhance the training effect of students'clinical practice skills.
Objective·To evaluate the quality of clinical practice guidelines of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)published worldwide.Methods·The guidelines of OSA were retrieved in PubMed,Embase,China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Wanfang Data,SinoMed,MedSci,The Cochrane Library,and the websites such as Medlive,U.S.Preventive Services Task Force(USPSTF),National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE),New Zealand Guidelines Group(NZGG),Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network(SIGN),and Guidelines International Network(GIN)from establishment to December 2022.Two reviewers screened the literature and extracted the main information independently,using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation Ⅱ(AGREE Ⅱ)and Reporting Items for Practice Guidelines in Healthcare(RIGHT)to evaluate the quality of the included OSA guidelines.Subgroup analysis was performed according to the publication regions of guidelines.The inter-evaluator consistency test was also performed and the results were expressed as the intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC).All the included guidelines were read entirely and the clinical questions they raised were summarized.Results·A total of 35 OSA guidelines were included.The ICC value of 0.975 showed a good inter-evaluator agreement.The results of AGREE Ⅱ showed that the average score of all guidelines was(63.60±16.45)%,with a minimum of 23.40%and a maximum of 91.67%.In the six domains,the scores of"Rigor of development"[(56.07±25.89)%]and"Applicability"[(53.57±15.52)%]were relative low.The average reporting rate of RIGHT of all the included guidelines was(67.84±20.03)%,with a minimum of 14.29%and a maximum of 94.29%,and the three domains with the lowest reporting rates were"Review and quality assurance"[(31.40±45.51)%],"Funding and conflict of interest declaration and management"[(56.43±33.95)%]and"Other aspects"[(56.19±36.85)%].Subgroup analysis showed that guidelines in Asian had a lower score in"Rigor of development"and a lower overall score of AGREE Ⅱ than the guidelines in America and Europe(both P<0.05),and the reporting rates in the domains of"Evidence"and"Other information"of RIGHT of the Asian guidelines were also lower than those in the guidelines in America and Europe(P<0.05).These guidelines focused on 42 clinical questions which were classified to 3 aspects,i.e.screening and diagnosis,treatment and long-term management of OSA.Conclusion·The quality of current global OSA guidelines varies a lot,and they need to be strengthened in terms of rigor of development,applicability,review and quality assurance,funding and conflict of interest declaration and management,especially those in Asia.
Objective:To investigate the hot topics and trends of implementation science in the transformation of clinical practice guidelines, in order to provide ideas and references for clinical managers to reasonably apply and implement scientific promotion guidelines.Methods:CiteSpace6.2.R3 software was used to visualize the literature, which retrieved from the core database of Web of Science, including the number of articles, countries and high-frequency keywords and keyword clustering and emergence for visual analysis, etc.Results:A total of 4 593 articles were included in the final analysis. Since 1993, the number of published papers had increased year by year. The hot topics focused on primary care, attitudes, knowledge translation, clinical trials, risk factors and machine learning. The research trends included older adults and artificial intelligence.Conclusions:The rapid development of implementation science in guideline translation research suggests that scholars from various countries, especially hospital administrators should reasonably apply implementation science framework to integrate evidence into clinical practice, and promote the implementation of clinical practice guidelines.
Objective In order to explore the influence and effect of case teaching method based on real patients in oto-rhinolaryngology on clinical practice ability of general practice.Methods 96 trainees of general practice in otolaryngology de-partment from January 2018 to January 2021 were randomly divided into two groups:a CBL group and a control group.In the CBL group,CBL teaching method was adopted based on real patients in Otorhinolaryngology.Conventional teaching method was used in the control group.Results The theoretical scores of written test and the examination of clinical skill operation scores of the CBL group and the control group were analyzed.There was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).The students in CBL group were more satisfied with clinical thinking ability,analysis and problem solving ability,active learning abil-ity,learning efficiency,teacher-student interaction,doctor-patient communication ability and consultation skills than the control group.There was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion The CBL teaching method can obvi-ously improve the learning enthusiasm and clinical practice ability of general resident training doctors.The teaching quality has been significantly improved.It is of great value to cultivate excellent general practitioners.
[Objective]To summarize Professor MA Lili's academic thoughts on treating chronic urticaria based on the spleen theory,providing references for clinical practice.[Methods]Through collecting and recording outpatient medical records,sorting out Professor MA's experience of treating chronic urticaria based on the spleen theory,summarizing the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease and the rule of prescription,and taking a medical case to prove it.[Results]Professor MA believes that the core pathogenesis of chronic urticaria is spleen deficiency and pathogenic invasion of human body.The chronic urticaria belongs to deficiency in origin and excess in superficislity,and the main inducement is spleen deficiency leading to disharmony between Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi,stagnation of dampness,stagnation of liver Qi.In treatment,Professor MA uses the methods of tonifying and transporting to invigorate the spleen,such as harmonizing Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi,clearing dampness by transporting the spleen,and regulating the liver Qi by tonifying the spleen.At the same time,she will use different treatments for different patients,individualized treatment is her unique experience.In this case,the patient was diagnosed as spleen deficiency and stagnation of dampness based on the patient's old age and recurrent rash.The treatment method was to remove dampness by transporting the spleen,eliminating the pathogenic factors and relieving itching,and paid attention to the deficiency in the later stage.This medication was flexible according to the change of the condition,with significant curative effect.[Conclusion]Professor MA treats chronic urticaria with a diagnosis and treatment philosophy centered around the spleen,therefore the experience derived is worthy of reference and promotion.
From the perspective of human development history, epidemic diseases have been accompanied by human life and reproduction, causing serious threats to human health and life safety. Epidemic diseases have a rapid onset and are highly infectious, once they occur, can quickly spread to the people around them, causing many people to be infected in a short time. Pulmonary system epidemic disease is the kind of disease with the highest incidence, prevalence, and infectivity among epidemic diseases, which will also have an impact on the economic and social development and even the historical process. Overview of ancient Chinese literature, the wisdom of ancient doctors has certain reference value for possible related work today or in the future. Starting from sorting out the classical theories recorded in the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine, this paper dug deeply into them and re⁃understood them, with a view to providing a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment, and public health services.
ObjectiveTo explore the current status and issues regarding the application of ancient books in clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) published in China, and to provide methodological recommendations for the incorporation of ancient books in the development of TCM guidelines. MethodsWe searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), WanFang Data, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, Embase, as well as six industry websites including China Association of Chinese Medicine, National Group Standards Information Platform, and Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine,etc. TCM clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus issued during January 1st, 2017, to November 26th, 2022 were searched. Clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus that explicitly referred to ancient books were included, and the content regarding the searching for ancient books, sources of access to ancient books, methods of evaluating the level of evidence, methods of evaluating the level of recommendation, and methods of evaluating the evidence for the ancient books were analysed. ResultsA total of 1,215 TCM clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus were retrieved, with 442 articles explicitly mentioning the application of ancient books, including 300 (67.87%) clinical practice guidelines and 142 (32.13%) expert consensus. Sixty of the 442 publications explicitly reported that ancient books searching had been conducted (13.57%); among these 60 publications 27 (45.00%) explicitly reported ancient books searching strategies, and the most frequent method was manual searching with a total of 24 articles (40.00%). The most popular search source was Chinese Medical Dictionary, a TCM classics database, with a total of 18 articles. 197 articles (44.57%) explicitly reported the evaluation criteria for the level of evidence, of which 141 articles (71.57%) involved the evaluation criteria for the ancient books; 413 articles (93.44%) mentioned ancient books in the recommendations, and only the source of formula name was mentioned in 409 (99.03%) of the publications. ConclusionThe current application of ancient books in TCM clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus is limited, with issues of non-standard searching and evaluation methods. Standar-dization and uniformity are needed in evidence grading and recommendation standards. Future research should clarify the scope and methods of applying ancient book, emphasize their integration with modern research evidence, and enhance their value and quality in the development of TCM clinical practice guidelines.