Introdução: Diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença crônica, não transmissível, cuja prevalência tem aumentado mundialmente. Seu manejo adequado na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) pode reduzir suas complicações e as internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária. Objetivo: Comparar indicadores de qualidade da atenção a pessoas com diabetes atendidas na rede básica de saúde do Brasil e suas diferenças por região. Métodos: Com delineamento transversal, utilizaram-se dados dos Ciclos I e III do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade (PMAQ). Os desfechos foram indicadores sintéticos, operacionalizados a partir de 24 variáveis: i) acesso; ii) disponibilidade de insumos e equipamentos em condições de uso; iii) disponibilidade de medicamentos em quantidade suficiente; iv) organização e gestão; v) cuidado clínico; e vi) relato de cuidado adequado. Foram calculadas as diferenças em pontos percentuais (p.p.) dos indicadores entre 2012 e 2018, e os dados foram estratificados por região. Resultados: No geral, houve uma melhora no cuidado à pessoa com DM na APS do Brasil e regiões entre as equipes participantes do PMAQ, entre 2012 e 2018. As prevalências de acesso, disponibilidade de insumos/equipamentos, medicamentos, oferta, organização e gestão apresentaram aumento de, no mínimo, 10 p.p. no período de 6 anos, mas podem melhorar. Conclusões: Considerando que a ocorrência de DM está aumentando no país, faz-se necessário maior investimento na estrutura dos serviços e em programas de educação permanente dos profissionais de saúde.
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable chronic disease whose prevalence has been increasing worldwide. Its adequate management in Primary Health Care (PHC) can reduce complications and hospitalizations for conditions sensitive to primary care. Objective: To compare quality indicators for the care of people with diabetes treated in the basic health network in Brazil and their differences by region. Methods: With a cross-sectional design, data from Cycles I and III of the PMAQ were used. The outcomes were synthetic indicators, operationalized from 24 variables: i) access; ii) availability of supplies and equipment in usable conditions; iii) availability of medications in sufficient quantities; iv) organization and management; v) clinical care; and vi ) report of adequate care. Differences in percentage points (p.p.) of the indicators between 2012 and 2018 were calculated, and the data were stratified by region. Results: Overall, there was an improvement in the care of people with DM in PHC in Brazil and regions among the teams participating in PMAQ, between 2012 and 2018. The prevalence of access, availability of supplies/equipment, medications, demand, organization, and management showed an increase of at least 10 p.p. within six years, but they can improve. Conclusions: Considering that the occurrence of DM is increasing in the country, greater investment is necessary in the structure of services and in continuing education programs for health professionals.
La Diabetes Mellitus es una enfermedad crónica no transmisible cuya prevalencia ha aumentado en todo el mundo. Su manejo adecuado en la Atención Primaria puede reducir sus complicaciones y las hospitalizaciones por afecciones sensibles a la Atención Primaria. Objetivo: comparar indicadores de calidad de la atención a personas con diabetes atendidas en la red básica de salud de Brasil y sus diferencias por región. Métodos: Con delineamiento transversal, se utilizaron datos de los Ciclos I y III del PMAQ. Los defectos fueron indicadores sintéticos, operacionalizados a partir de 24 variables: i) acceso, ii) disponibilidad de insumos y equipos en condiciones utilizables, iii) disponibilidad de medicamentos en cantidad suficiente, iv) organización y gestión, v) atención clínica y vi) reporte de atención adecuada. Se calcularon las diferencias en puntos porcentuales (p.p.) de los indicadores entre 2012 y 2018, y los datos se estratificaron por regiones. Resultados: En general, hubo una mejora en la atención a las personas con DM en APS en Brasil y regiones entre los equipos participantes en el PMAQ entre 2012 y 2018. La prevalencia del acceso, la disponibilidad de insumos/equipos, los medicamentos, el suministro, la organización y la gestión mostraron un aumento de al menos 10 p.p. en el periodo de seis años, pero pueden mejorar. Conclusiones: Considerando que la ocurrencia de DM está aumentando en el país, es necesario invertir más en la estructura de los servicios y en programas de educación continuada para los profesionales de salud.
Humans , Primary Health Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Chronic Disease , Quality Indicators, Health CareABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: la organización mundial de la salud estima que 2000 millones de personas padecen anemia, mientras que la pre-diabetes y la diabetes afectan aproximadamente a 352 y 460 millones de personas, respectivamente. La anemia es una complicación frecuente en la diabetes mellitus (DM). Objetivo: evaluar la asociación y probabilidad de alteraciones de la hemoglobina en pre-diabéticos y diabéticos. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retorspectivo y transversal, la población fue de 1103 pacientes (211 prediabéticos, 223 diabéticos y 669 normoglucémicos), la muestra fue el total de la población que cumplió con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión: adultos normoglucémicos y pre-diabéticos sin presencia de enfermedad aguda o crónica al momento del examen. La asociación entre variables se realizó por medio de la prueba de chi-cuadrado y la probabilidad fue determinada por la prueba de Odds Ratio. Resultados: las mujeres pre-diabéticas tuvieron una probabilidad 1.72 mayor de anemia que mujeres no diabéticas. Los hombres pre-diabéticos tuvieron una probabilidad 2.80 veces mayor de anemia que los no diabéticos. Las mujeres diabéticas tuvieron una probabilidad 2,37 más alta de tener anemia, mientras que los hombres diabéticos tuvieron una probabilidad 4,41 veces más alta que lo hombres no diabéticos de padecer anemia. Conclusiones: pacientes pre-diabéticos tienen mayor probabilidad de anemia que en no diabéticos. Es posible que la hiperglucemia persistente en pre-diabéticos se asocie a cambios en la concentración de esta hemoproteína años antes del desarrollo de diabetes por mecanismos similares, pero de forma incipiente.
Abstract Introduction: The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people suffer from anemia, while pre-diabetes and diabetes affect approximately 352 and 460 million people, respectively. Anemia is a frequent complication in diabetes mellitus. Objective: To evaluate the association and probability of hemoglobin alterations in pre-diabetics and diabetics. Methodology: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, the population was 1103 patients (211 prediabetics, 223 diabetics and 669 normoglycemics), the sample was the total population that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria: normoglycemic and prediabetic adults without presence of acute or chronic disease at the time of examination. The association between variables was performed using the chi-square test and the probability was determined by the Odds Ratio test. Results: Pre-diabetic women had a 1.72 higher probability of anemia than non-diabetic women. Pre-diabetic men were 2.80 times more likely to have anemia than non-diabetics. Diabetic women were 2.37 times more likely to have anemia, while diabetic men were 4.41 times more likely than non-diabetic men to have anemia. Conclusions: Pre-diabetic patients are more likely to have anemia than non-diabetics. It is possible that persistent hyperglycemia in pre-diabetics is associated with changes in the concentration of this hemoprotein years before the development of diabetes by similar mechanisms, but in an incipient manner.
Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de diabetes mellitus (DM) autorreferida na população adulta no Brasil. Método: estudo epidemiológico ecológico descritivo realizado no período de 2006 a 2020, com base nos dados do Sistema de Monitoramento de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (Vigitel), para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. A população foi constituída por adultos (≥ 18 anos de idade) brasileiros de todas as capitais dos 26 estados brasileiros e o Distrito Federal e que participaram do Vigitel. As variáveis de interesse foram: ano, sexo, faixa etária, escolaridade, região e capital. Resultados: observou-se maior prevalência de DM autorreferida nas capitais do Rio de Janeiro (8,1%) e de São Paulo (7,8%), e a menor taxa em Palmas (4,1%). Com relação às grandes regiões, a maior prevalência foi na região Sudeste (7,1%) e a menor na região Norte (5,1%). Verificou-se ainda, maior prevalência no sexo feminino e entre as pessoas com 0 a 8 anos de estudo (11,7%). Conclusão: a prevalência de diabetes mellitus autorreferida na população adulta no Brasil entre os anos de 2006 e 2020 apresentou crescimento em todas as capitais dos estados brasileiros e o Distrito Federal por triênio, destacando-se as capitais do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo com os maiores valores e Palmas com o menor valor.
Objective: to verify the prevalence of self-reported diabetes mellitus (DM) in the adult population in Brazil. Method: descriptive ecological epidemiological study conducted in the period of 2006-2020, based on data from the Surveillance Monitoring System of Risk and Protection Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (Vigitel) for chronic non-communicable diseases. The population Abstract consisted of Brazilian adults (≥ 18 years of age) from all the 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District who participated in Vigitel. The variables of interest were data collection year, sex, age, schooling, region, and capital. Results: there was a higher prevalence of self-reported DM in the capitals of Rio de Janeiro (8.1%) and São Paulo (7.8%), and the lowest rate in Palmas (4.1%). Regarding the five- major geographic regions of Brazil, the highest prevalence was in the Southeast (7.1%) and the lowest in the North (5.1%). There was also a higher prevalence in females and among people between 0 to 8 years of schooling (11.7%). Conclusion: the prevalence of self-reported diabetes mellitus in the adult population in Brazil from 2006 to 2020 showed a growth in all capitals of the Brazilian states and the Federal District every triennium. The capitals of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo showed the highest values and Palmas the lowest one.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Population , Epidemiologic Studies , Chronic Disease , Risk , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Diabetes Mellitus , PersonsABSTRACT
Chrysobalanus icaco L., "bajiru", occurs in the Brazilian coastal plain. Its fruits and leaves have been consumed by artisanal fishing communities. Therefore, this study aims to: investigate the ethnobotanical knowledge about the bajiru in the restingas, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); compare this knowledge with its potential registered in the literature; and expand the information related to the pharmacological potential for diabetes. The results showed that "bajiru" is still used in local medicine for the treatment of diabetes. Bibliographic studies show its effects on glucose metabolism. However, there is urgent concern about the conservation and maintenance of "bajiru" populations, the conservation plans for this species and the promotion of cultivation. Local experts highlighted their concern about the threat to this resource due to the loss of native vegetation and the predatory extraction of its native populations.
Chrysobalanus icaco L., "bajiru", ocurre en la llanura costera brasileña. Sus frutos y hojas han sido consumidos por comunidades pesqueras artesanales. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivos: investigar el conocimiento etnobotánico sobre el bajiru en las restingas, en Río de Janeiro (Brasil); comparar este conocimiento con su potencial registrado en la literatura; y ampliar la información relacionada con el potencial farmacológico para la diabetes. Los resultados mostraron que el "bajiru" sigue siendo usado en la medicina local para el tratamiento de la diabetes. Estudios bibliográficos muestran sus efectos sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa. Sin embargo, existe una preocupación urgente sobre la conservación y mantenimiento de las poblaciones de "bajiru", los planes de conservación de esta especie y el fomento del cultivo. Los expertos locales destacaron su preocupación por la amenaza sobre este recurso por la pérdida de vegetación nativa y la extracción depredadora de sus poblaciones nativas.
Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Chrysobalanaceae/chemistry , Diabetes Mellitus/prevention & control , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Brazil , Ethnopharmacology , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate serum Metrnl levels in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and compare them with pregnant women without gestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS: The gestational diabetes mellitus group consisted of 87 pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, and the control group consisted of 93 healthy pregnant women without gestational diabetes mellitus. Serum Metrnl levels were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. RESULTS: The two groups were similar in terms of demographic features. The median serum Metrnl level was found to be 1.16 ng/mL in the gestational diabetes mellitus group, while it was determined as 2.2 ng/mL in the control group (p=0.001). The two groups were divided into two subgroups based on participants' body mass index, normal weight and overweight. The lowest median Metrnl level was detected in the normal weight gestational diabetes mellitus group, followed by the overweight gestational diabetes mellitus group, normal weight control group, and overweight control group (1.1, 1.2, 2, and 2.4 ng/mL, respectively). Receiver operating curve analysis was performed to determine the value of the serum Metrnl level in terms of predicting gestational diabetes mellitus. The area under the curve analysis of serum Metrnl for gestational diabetes mellitus estimation was 0.768 (p=0.000, 95%CI 0.698-0.839). The optimal cutoff value for serum Metrnl level was determined as 1.53 ng/mL with 69% sensitivity and 70% specificity. CONCLUSION: Serum Metrnl levels in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus were found to be significantly lower than in pregnant women without gestational diabetes mellitus. The mechanisms underlying the decrease in serum Metrnl levels in gestational diabetes mellitus remain unclear for now, and future studies will reveal the role of Metrnl in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus.
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent condition, with a significant burden in India, affecting approximately 74.2 million individuals. Vildagliptin, a selective dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, is approved globally for monotherapy and combination therapy. Recently, it became available as a generic product, which increased its accessibility to patients. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding vildagliptin and its combination in T2DM management. Methods: A pan-India cross-sectional KAP survey was conducted from February 2022 to March 2023. The survey utilized a specially designed questionnaire focusing on various aspects of vildagliptin treatment. A total of 1,440 healthcare professionals (HCPs) with recognized qualifications and experience in diabetes management participated. Descriptive statistics were employed for data analysis. Results: HCPs reported initiating Vildagliptin monotherapy at an HbA1c 6.5-7.5%, while combination therapy with vildagliptin and metformin at HbA1c 7-8%. Vildagliptin was primarily preferred as an add-on to metformin. Inadequate HbA1c control with existing therapy emerged as the primary trigger for switching to vildagliptin and metformin combination. Treatment-na飗e T2DM patients with HbA1c 1.5% above target and those uncontrolled on metformin monotherapy or dual therapy were reported to benefit most from combination therapy. Combination therapy was reported to result in a glycemic reduction of 1.0-1.5%. HCPs perceived vildagliptin better than other DPP4 inhibitors due to its efficacy in reducing HbA1c and a lower risk of hypoglycemia. Conclusions: The KAP survey highlights the value Indian HCPs place on the effectiveness and tolerability of vildagliptin and their attitudes and practices in its use, highlighting its clinical utility in routine practice.
Background: Adults having type 2 diabetes mellitus satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria will be included. Consent of those who fit into inclusion criteria taken. 100 patients were analysed on the basis of history, clinical presentations, investigations. Patients presenting with signs and symptoms of neuropathy were accessed by nerve conduction studies (NCV), autonomic testing, heart rate variation with deep breathing, blood pressure response to standing. Arterial blood gas analysis, and CT /MRI also done. Methods: 100 patients of type 2 diabetes were taken and study of autonomic dysfunction was done for 3 months across tertiary health care centre. Results: Out of 100 diabetic patients under study 54 patients (54%) had diabetic neuropathy. Out of these 54, distal sensory motor neuropathy- most common (77%), sensory neuropathy- 24%. Axonal neuropathy was more prevalent than demyelinating neuropathy. Out of 100, 51 (51%) patients have autonomic neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy was most common complication in which distal sensory motor polyneuropathy were common. Most common symptom of autonomic neuropathy was postural dizziness followed by erectile dysfunction. Conclusions: Most common complication of type 2 DM is neuropathy. Most common neuropathy was distal sensory motor polyneuropathy whereas most common symptom of diabetic neuropathy was postural dizziness. Other autonomic dysfunction was change in blood pressure and heart after standing.
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has a heavy disease burden and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Oxidative stress leads to the generation of inflammatory mediators and reactive oxygen species, which results in an inflammatory state, which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications. We aimed to correlate the levels of Glycated Haemoglobin with Oxidative Stress. Methods: This study included 200 subjects, 100 were type 2 diabetics and 100 healthy non-diabetic individuals. All the individuals were subjected to analysis of Fasting Plasma Glucose, Glycosylated Haemoglobin, Malondialdehyde, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, Uric Acid and Ascorbic Acid. The data thus generated was analyzed Statistically using the student 憈� test. ANOVA for comparison of mean in more than two groups. Pearson抯 coefficient of correlation was used to calculate the correlation between different parameters. p <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results showed that as the Glycated Hb increased, the levels of FBS, MDA, Uric acid increased and Serum SOD, Glutathione, Catalase, and Ascorbic acid levels decreased this change was statistically significant (p<0.05). A positive significant correlation between HbA1c, and fasting blood Glucose, MDA, Uric Acid. SOD, Catalase, Ascorbic Acid and Glutathione showed a negative correlation with glycosylated Haemoglobin. Conclusions: It is hereby concluded that when glycated Hb increases the natural antioxidants that are SOD, catalase, and glutathione decrease to combat the increased formation of ROS. Serum MDA, increased with increased glycated Hb and shows a positive correlation, indicating increasing lipid peroxidation.
Pelvic organ prolapses (POP), particularly cystocele, presents significant challenges in postmenopausal women, exacerbated in those with multiple caesarean sections (LSCS) and comorbidities like diabetes mellitus. This case report details the successful management of a 62-year-old woman with a large cystocele, three LSCS, and diabetes mellitus. Thorough preoperative evaluation, including ultrasound and diagnostic laparoscopy, guided surgical planning. Anterior colporrhaphy restored support to the anterior vaginal wall. Perioperative care included strict glycemic control and antibiotic prophylaxis. Multidisciplinary collaboration ensured comprehensive management. This case highlights the importance of advanced diagnostics, meticulous surgical planning, and multidisciplinary care in complex cystocele cases.
Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common metabolic disorder among pregnant women. It is important to be diagnosed and treated early to minimize complications for both the mother and the foetus. Recent studies found that deficiency of vitamin D is a risk factor for GDM and its supplementation may be helpful in prevention of GDM. Objectives were to assess vitamin D status in pregnant women with or without GDM and to find out the association between vitamin D deficiency and GDM.Methods: A total of 400 patients were included in the study, 200 pregnant women diagnosed with GDM and 200 normoglycemic pregnant women. Serum 25 (OH) vitamin D concentration in these women were compared.Results: Only 6.75% of women were found to have normal vitamin D levels, all others having either insufficiency 18.5% or deficiency 74.75%. In case group around 79% of women had vitamin D deficiency, 70.5% in control group. In case group around 14.5% of women had vitamin D insufficiency, 22.5% in control group. In both case and control group around 6.5% and 7% of women were within the normal range respectively. Mean vitamin D is 14.3 ng/ml in case group and 15.4 ng/ml in control group.Conclusion: Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is alarmingly high in pregnant women in India and has become a re-emerging public health issue and needs to be addressed.
Obesity during pregnancy poses noteworthy threats to maternal and fetal health. This investigation looks to probe maternal obesity抯 implications on pregnancy outcomes and neonatal health. This study employed a qualitative methodology utilizing secondary data analysis of recent literature to explore the associations between maternal obesity and pregnancy outcomes. Secondary data from 2017 to 2024 were gathered from peer-reviewed journals, databases, and reports published focusing on clinical characteristics and health parameters related to maternal obesity. Only studies providing detailed information on these factors were included. Clinical characteristics such as age distribution, gravidity, parity, and childhood obesity background significantly influenced pregnancy outcomes among obese women. A significant portion of the pregnant women with obesity, over half, were within the age range of 25-30 years, and a notable number had experienced obesity during their childhood. Additionally, obesity during pregnancy significantly impacted various health parameters compared to normal weight, including prepregnant BMI, maternal weight, and incidence of chronic conditions such as hypertension. Maternal obesity correlated strongly with adverse pregnancy outcomes, particularly preeclampsia and rectovaginal group B streptococcus infection. Similarly, adverse neonatal health outcomes were significantly associated with maternal obesity, including fetal macrosomia and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission. Maternal obesity is linked with adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, highlighting the prominence of managing maternal weight to boost maternal and fetal health. These discoveries underscore the necessity for targeted interventions and management strategies to mitigate the risks linked with obesity during pregnancy.
Introduction: Obesity, age, sedentary lifestyle, and family history of diabetes mellitus are risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Objective: determine the probable risk of developing T2DM in the next 10 years in working women at a reference hospital in Asunción, Paraguay. Methodology: This cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted with physicians, nurses, and administrative staff. Data were collected over three months using the FINDRISK test to assess diabetes risk, which consists of eight questions about age, body mass index, waist circumference, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, history of blood pressure, high blood pressure and high glucose, and diabetes diagnosed in family members. Descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies and percentages, as well as analytical statistics using the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, were used to analyze the data. Results: A total of 112 women participated in the study, with more than 40% in the age range of 31-40 years. The waist circumference of 80-88 cm was the most common (38.4%). It was found that 33% of participants were overweight. Almost 60% of the participants did not perform daily physical activities. More than 38% of the first-degree relatives had a history of diabetes. Of the surveyed participants, 67.9%had some risk of developing T2DM in the next 10 years and 22 had a high or very high risk according to the FINDRISK test. Participants aged 35 years had a significantly higher risk (p=0.008). Conclusion: A high prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed, with 67.9% of the respondents showing some degree of risk for developing T2DM in the next 10 years, of which nearly 20% were categorized as high or very high risk.
Introducción: la obesidad, la edad, el estilo de vida sedentario y los antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus se han descrito como factores de riesgo para la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Objetivo: determinar el riesgo probable de desarrollar DM2 en los próximos 10 años en mujeres trabajadoras de un hospital de referencia en Asunción, Paraguay. Metodología: este estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal se llevó a cabo entre médicos, enfermeras y personal administrativo. Se recopilaron datos durante tres meses utilizando la prueba FINDRISK para evaluar el riesgo de diabetes, la cual consta de ocho preguntas sobre la edad, el índice de masa corporal, el perímetro de la cintura, la actividad física, el consumo de frutas y verduras, antecedentes de presión arterial alta y glucosa elevada, y diabetes diagnosticada en familiares. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas en forma de frecuencias y porcentajes, así como estadísticas analíticas con la prueba de Mann Whitney y Kruskal Wallis. Resultados: un total de 112 mujeres participaron en el estudio, con más del 40% en el rango de edad de 31 a 40 años. El perímetro de cintura de 80-88 cm. fue el más común, con 38,4%. Se encontró que el 33% de las participantes tenían sobrepeso. Casi el 60% no realizaba actividad física diaria. Más del 38% tenían antecedentes de diabetes en familiares de primer grado. El 67,9% de las encuestadas tenían algún riesgo de desarrollar DM2 en los próximos 10 años, y 22 de ellas presentaron un riesgo alto o muy alto según la prueba FINDRISK. Las participantes de 35 años o más tenían un riesgo significativamente mayor (Chi; p=0,008). Conclusión: se detectó una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, siendo el 67,9% de las encuestadas quienes mostraron algún grado de riesgo de desarrollar DM2 en los próximos 10 años, de los cuales casi el 20% presentaban un riesgo categorizado como alto o muy alto.
La cetoacidosis diabética constituye la manifestación extrema del déficit de insulina caracterizada por deshidratación, hiperglicemia, acidosis y cetosis. El tratamiento incluye soporte vital básico, hidratación parenteral para reposición de líquidos y electrolitos, insulinoterapia, con el objetivo de revertir la acidosis, la cetosis y obtener glucemia cercanas a lo normal. Exige un monitoreo estricto clínico y laboratorial siguiendo guías de manejo para evitar complicaciones y obtener una evolución favorable. Se presentan las modificaciones en las directrices publicadas en el Primer Consenso de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Cetoacidosis diabética, en base a las actualizaciones sugeridas por la ISPAD (International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes) y el Programa de Diabetes del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS).
Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by extreme insulin deficiency and is characterized by dehydration, hyperglycemia, acidosis, and ketosis. Treatment includes basic life support, parenteral hydration to replace fluids and electrolytes and insulin therapy to reverse acidosis, ketosis, and normalize blood glucose levels. Management requires following guidelines for strict clinical and laboratory monitoring to avoid complications and obtain a favorable clinical outcome. The guidelines published in our previous Consensus on Diabetic Ketoacidosis diagnosis and treatment are presented, modified according to the latest changes in ISPAD (International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes) and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare Diabetes Program guidelines.
Resumen La presión arterial media es un indicador indirecto del grado de perfusión orgánica, la cual podría variar en pacientes con y sin diabetes mellitus-2. El objetivo fue determinar las diferencias y riesgo de alteraciones en la presión arterial media de adultos con y sin diabetes mellitus-2 de la población peruana según datos de la encuesta demográfica de salud familiar. Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo y transversal;. Los datos provinieron de la encuesta demográfica y de salud familiar-2022 (ENDES-2022), se incluyó adultos diabéticos y no diabéticos. Las variables fueron: presión arterial media, diabetes mellitus-2, sexo y se incluyeron las variables: edad, consumo de alcohol, nivel educativo e índice de masa corporal para el análisis multivariado. Se realizó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, la prueba T student para muestras independientes, Odds Ratio crudo y ajustado mediante regresión logística binaria. El promedio de presión arterial media en diabéticos fue de 94,81 y 93,52 mmHg en la primera y segunda medición y en no diabéticos de 89,18 y 88,02 mmHg. La presión arterial media alta fue más frecuente en diabéticos que en no diabéticos; En el modelo logístico, incluyendo las variables sexo y edad, los diabéticos tuvieron un riesgo 2 veces mayor que los no diabéticos de alteraciones en la presión arterial media tanto en la primera como en la segunda medición. En conclusión, la diabetes mellitus-2 incrementa la presión arterial media y representa un factor de riesgo para la elevación de la presión arterial media en la población peruana.
Abstract Mean arterial pressure is an indirect indicator of the degree of organ perfusion, which could vary in diabetics and non-diabetics. The objective of this research was to determine the differences and risk of alterations in the mean arterial pressure of adults with and without diabetes mellitus-2 of the Peruvian population according to data from the family health demographic survey. An observational, analytical, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out. The data came from the demographic and family health survey-2022 (ENDES-2022). Diabetic and non-diabetic adults were included. The variables were mean arterial pressure, diabetes mellitus-2, sex, and the variables age, alcohol consumption, educational level, and body mass index were included for multivariate analysis. Pearson's Chi-square test, student's T test for independent samples, crude Odds Ratio and adjusted by binary logistic regression were performed. The mean arterial pressure in diabetics was 94.81 and 93.52 mmHg in the first and second measurements, and in non-diabetics it was 89.18 and 88.02 mmHg. High mean arterial pressure was more frequent in diabetics than in non-diabetics. In the logistic model, including the variables sex and age, diabetics had a risk twice as high as non-diabetics for alterations in mean arterial pressure in both the first and second measurements. In conclusion, diabetes mellitus-2 increases mean arterial pressure and represents a risk factor for elevated mean arterial pressure in the Peruvian population.
Introducción: La Enfermedad Renal Crónica ha cobrado interés debido a su alta tasa de morbimortalidad. Además de las causas vasculares y de la diabetes mellitus, se ha identificado una causa de Origen Desconocido en jóvenes agricultores. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio es determinar la prevalencia de la población en hemodiálisis, sospechosa de la Nefritis Intersticial Crónica en Comunidades Agrícolas, para categorizar la verdadera etiología de su patología renal. Metodología: Se aplicó un diseño observacional descriptivo durante los meses de diciembre de 2022, enero y febrero de 2023; y se encuestó a 684 pacientes de ambos sexos en 8 centros de hemodiálisis de la Capital y el Departamento Central del Paraguay. Resultados: La prevalencia de casos sospechosos por la exposición a factores de riesgo resultó ser del 18.1%. Esta cifra podría ser mayor, ya que 22.6% de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, no presentó retinopatía clínica ni otros signos clínicos de la enfermedad al momento del diagnóstico de la falla renal. Este panorama nos advierte de un probable diagnóstico desacertado en una cantidad considerable de pacientes. Conclusión: La importancia de esta investigación se sustenta en generar acciones preventivas en la población agrícola y concientizar a la sociedad médica de la relevancia diagnóstica de esta patología para mejorar la calidad y pronóstico de vida en la población paraguaya.
Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease has gained interest due to its high morbidity and mortality rate. In addition to vascular causes and diabetes mellitus, an unknown cause has been identified in young farmers. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of the population on hemodialysis, suspected of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in agricultural communities, to categorize the true etiology of their renal pathology. Methodology: A descriptive observational design was applied during December 2022, January, and February 2023; and 684 patients of both sexes were surveyed in 8 hemodialysis centers in the Capital and the Central Department of Paraguay. Results: The prevalence of suspected cases due to the exposure to risk factors was 18.1%. This figure could be higher since 22.6% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus did not present clinical retinopathy or other clinical signs of the disease at the time of the diagnosis of kidney failure. This scenario warns us of a probable misdiagnosis in a considerable number of patients. Conclusion: The importance of this research lies in generating preventive actions in the agricultural population and raising awareness in the medical community about the diagnostic relevance of this pathology to improve the quality and prognosis of life in the Paraguayan population.
Chronic Kidney Diseases of Uncertain Etiology , HemodiafiltrationABSTRACT
La necrobiosis lipoídica es una enfermedad granulomatosa crónica de la piel de etiología desconocida. Se caracteriza por placas inflamatorias amarronadas amarillentas con bordes indurados y centro atrófico, localizada en la cara anterior de las piernas. Tiene predominancia por el sexo femenino y su asociación con la diabetes es variable. Presentamos el caso de una mujer joven de 32 años, sin patologías previas, que desarrolla lesiones de apariencia cicatricial en ambos miembros inferiores tras accidente de tránsito. Se plantea el diagnóstico de necrobiosis lipoídica que se confirma por la anatomía patológica. Se inició tratamiento con corticoides, tacrolimus tópicos y se programa sesiones de fototerapia según evolución.
Necrobiosis Lipoídica (NL) is a chronic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized with yellowish-brown plaques with central skin atrophy and indurated borders. It has a predominance in female, and it has variable association with diabetes mellitus. We report a case of a young woman of 32 years old with no comorbities known but she did had a vehicular accident that leave her scars in both legs, therefore the plaques began to appear. We confirmed diagnosis with skin biopsy. She began treatment with topical corticosteroids, tacrolimus and phototerapy was schedule according to progress.
Necrobiosis LipoidicaABSTRACT
La diabetes mellitus postrasplante (DMPT) es una complicación que se encuentra de forma frecuente y se sucede al trasplante de órganos. Existen factores predisponentes a esta complicación, son varios y pueden estar presentes en el pretrasplante, peritrasplante o ya en el pos trasplante; dentro de estos, se resaltan las terapias inmunosupresoras asociadas. La importancia clínica de DMPT radica en su impacto para la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) y enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). En el presente artículo hacemos una revisión de las intervenciones tradicionales y las nuevas terapias para el manejo y tratamiento de la DMPT.
Post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) is a frequent complication after organ transplantation. There are several predisposing factors for this complication, which may be present in the pre-transplant, peri-transplant, or already post-transplant; within these, associated immunosuppressive therapies will be highlighted. The clinical importance of DMPT lies in its impact on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this article, we review traditional interventions and new therapies for managing and treating PTDM.
Diabetes Mellitus , Organ TransplantationABSTRACT
Introducción: La Diabetes Mellitus (DM) es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia a nivel mundial, incluyendo Panamá. Se encuentra dentro de las primeras diez causas de muerte a nivel nacional. Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes con DM admitidos a Medicina Interna del Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid (CHDrAAM) desde julio a diciembre de 2023. Metodología: Estudio observacional, prospectivo de corte transversal mediante realización de entrevista y revisión de expedientes físicos y electrónicos a todos los pacientes que aceptaron participar del estudio. Resultados: Se incluyeron 162 pacientes, de los cuales se observó una distribución equitativa entre ambos sexos. La edad promedio fue de 55 años. El 70% de los pacientes están en sobrepeso y obesidad. El 90% no realiza actividad física. El 74% no cuenta con título universitario. El 88% cuenta con más de una comorbilidad, siendo hipertensión arterial la más prevalente. El 49% ingresa con descompensación de DM, el 52% no cumple con los valores de metas recomendadas de hemoglobina glicosilada. El 66% no cuenta con tratamiento óptimo. Conclusiones: Este estudio da a conocer importante información epidemiológica y clínica sobre los diabéticos y así implementar el desarrollo de programas educativos e incorporar nuevas terapias de primera línea que vayan acorde a los requerimientos de cada paciente. (provisto por Infomedic International)
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease of high prevalence worldwide, including Panama. It is among the first ten causes of death nationwide. Objective: To describe the characteristics of patients with DM admitted to Internal Medicine at the Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid (CHDrAAM) from July to December 2023. Methodology: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional study by means of interviews and review of physical and electronic records of all patients who agreed to participate in the study. Results: 162 patients were included, with an equal distribution between both sexes. The average age was 55 years. Seventy percent of the patients were overweight and obese. Ninety percent do not engage in physical activity. 74% do not have a university degree. 88% have more than one comorbidity, with arterial hypertension being the most prevalent one. 49% were admitted with decompensation of DM, 52% did not meet the recommended target values for glycosylated hemoglobin. 66% do not have optimal treatment. Conclusions: This study provides important epidemiological and clinical information on diabetics and thus implement the development of educational programs and incorporate new first-line therapies according to the requirements of each patient. (provided by Infomedic International)
La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad metabólica que se caracteriza por tener un aumento en los niveles de glucemia, causando un estado inflamatorio sistémico que puede afectar la cicatrización de las lesiones periapicales presentes en la periodontitis apical, una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica causada por una infección endodóntica cuyo desarrollo está regulado por la respuesta inmunitaria del huésped. La diabetes podría interactuar con la periodontitis apical al desencadenar la modulación inmunitaria, pudiendo afectar la respuesta clínica de las lesiones periapicales e interferir con la cicatrización después del tratamiento endodóntico. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es analizar la evidencia respecto a la relación entre la diabetes mellitus y la presencia y severidad de la periodontitis apical de origen endodóntico. Se recopilaron artículos de las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science entre los años 2016 y 2021. Se eligieron 31 artículos pertinentes para el estudio. En el 41,6% de los estudios se encontró una mayor presencia de periodontitis apical en pacientes con diabetes asociada a una lesión apical más compleja y comprometida. Un 25% de los estudios encontró que los pacientes diabéticos mal controlados presentan mayor presencia de periodontitis apical. Un 25% de los estudios encontró que niveles altos de HbA1c se asocian a la presencia de periodontitis apical. Se encontró una relación entre la diabetes y la periodontitis apical, por lo que la diabetes debe ser considerada como un factor preoperatorio importante en el desarrollo y severidad de la periodontitis apical, sin embargo, se deben realizar estudios experimentales más estandarizados para poder determinar con mayor exactitud esta relación, además de poder indagar la bidireccionalidad entre ambos.(AU)
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels, causing a systemic inflammatory state that can affect the healing of periapical lesions present in apical periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease caused by an endodontic infection whose development is regulated by the host's immune response. Diabetes could interact with apical periodontitis by triggering immune modulation, being able to affect the clinical outcome of periapical lesions and interfering with healing after endodontic treatment. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the evidence regarding the relationship between diabetes mellitus and the presence and severity of apical periodontitis of endodontic origin. Articles were collected from the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases between the years 2016 and 2021. 31 relevant articles were included for this study. In 41.6% of the studies a greater presence of apical periodontitis was found in patients with diabetes associated with a more complex and compromised apical lesion. 25% of the studies reported that poorly controlled diabetic patients had a greater presence of apical periodontitis. 25% of the studies reported high levels of HbA1c in association with apical periodontitis. A relationship was found between diabetes and apical periodontitis, which means diabetes should be considered as an important preoperative factor in the development and severity of apical periodontitis; however, more standardized experimental studies should be carried out to determine this relationship more accurately, in addition to being able to investigate a bidirectionality between the two.(AU)
Introdução:O diabetes mellitus é uma doença metabólica caracterizada pelo controle inadequado dos níveis de glicose no sangue, principalmente um estado crônico de hiperglicemia, causado por diferentes processos patogênicos, levando a complicaçõesdosistema nervoso do diabético queincluem axonopatias, doenças neurodegenerativas, doenças neurovasculares e comprometimento cognitivo geral.Objetivo:Avaliar as complicações clínicas da diabetes tipo 2 em mulheres. Metodologia:Tratou-se de um transversal, do tipo prevalência. Foram usados dois grupos de mulheres, onde todas as mulheres estavam com diagnóstico de diabetes Tipo 2 e idade de 40 e 60 anos, comotratamentooral -G1e com tratamentocominsulinoterapia G2,ambosfornecidospelarede pública Para comparação das variáveis estudadas foi utilizado o método de Mann-Whitney, adotando-se o nível de significância menor que 5% (p, valor ,0,05). Resultados:Aproporçãode pessoas com diabetes no Piauí, com consulta e hemoglobina glicada solicitada no primeiro quadrimestre de 2021, 2022, 2023, foi de18, 16 e 34 percentuais,respectivamenteeem Boa Hora nos mesmos quadrimestres foi 36, 39, 56 percentuais, respectivamente.Osprocedimentoshospitalares-por local de residência -Piauí foi de um total de 1.193e em Boa Hora 24. O grupo de mulheres estudadas mostrou uma diferença significativa para a glicemia em jejum e a Hemoglobina glicada quando comparados os grupos G1 e G2. Quase 100% da amostra estava obesa (IMC > 25), não fumava e não praticava atividade física.Conclusões:Concluiu-se que a as pacientes tiveram um agravamento do adoecimento ao longo dos anos com aumento de medicação. A ausência das boas práticas de promoção de saúde, atividade física e alimentação, podem ter contribuídocom o agravamento. Outrossim há necessidade urgente de uma intervenção para mudança de hábitos na população para que a medicalização seja diminuída para a promoção da saúde (AU).
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by inadequate control of blood glucose levels, mainly a chronic state of hyperglycemia, caused by different pathogenic processes, leading to complications of the nervous system including axonopathies, neurodegenerative diseases,neurovascular diseases and general cognitive impairment.Objective: To evaluate the clinical complications of type 2 diabetes in women.Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, prevalence study.Two groupsof women were used, where all women were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and aged between 40 and 60 years, with oral treatment -G1 and treatment with insulin therapy -G2, both provided by the public network .To compare the variables studied, the Mann-Whitney method was used, adopting a significance level of less than 5% (p, value 0.05).Results:The proportion of people with diabetes in Piauí, with consultation and glycated hemoglobin requested in the first four months of 2021, 2022, 2023, was 18, 16 and34 percentages, respectively and in Boa Hora in the same four months it was 36, 39, 56percentages, respectively.SUS hospital procedures -by place of residence -Piauí was a total of 1,193 and in Boa Hora 24. The group of women studied showed a significant difference in fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin when comparing groups G1 and G2.Almost 100% of the sample was obese (BMI > 25), did not smoke and did not practice physical activity.Conclusions: It was concluded that the patients' illness worsened over the years with increased medication.The absence of good health promotion practices, physical activity and nutrition may have contributed to the worsening.Furthermore, there is an urgent need for intervention to change habits in the population so that medicalization is reduced to promote health (AU).
Introducción: La diabetes mellitus ecaracterizada por un control inadecuado de los niveles de glucosa en sangre, principalmente un estado crónico de hiperglucemia, causado por diferentes procesos patogénicos, derivando en complicaciones del sistema nervioso incluyendo axonopatías, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, enfermedades neurovasculares y deterioro cognitivo general.Objetivo: Evaluar las complicaciones clínicas de la diabetes tipo 2 en mujeres.Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal de prevalencia.Se utilizaron dos grupos de mujeres, donde todas fueron diagnosticadas con diabetes tipo 2 y con edades entre 40 y 60 años, con tratamiento oral -G1 y tratamiento con insulinoterapia -G2, ambos prestados por la red pública.Para comparar las variables estudiadas se utilizó el método de Mann-Whitney, adoptando un nivel de significancia inferior al 5% (p, valor 0,05).Resultados:La proporción de personas con diabetes en Piauí, con consulta y hemoglobina glucosilada solicitada en los primeros cuatro meses de 2021, 2022, 2023, fuede 18, 16 y 34 porcentajes, respectivamente y en Boa Hora en los mismos cuatro meses fue de 36 , 39, 56 porcentajes, respectivamente.Los procedimientos hospitalarios del SUS -por lugar de residencia -en Piauí fueron en total 1.193 y en Boa Hora 24. El grupo de mujeres estudiado presentó diferencia significativa en la glucemia en ayunas y en la hemoglobina glucosilada al comparar los grupos G1 y G2.Casi el 100% de la muestra era obesa (IMC > 25), no fumaba y no practicaba actividad física.Conclusiones:Se concluyó que la enfermedad de los pacientes empeoró con el paso de los años con el aumento de la medicación.La ausencia de buenas prácticas de promoción de la salud, actividad física y nutrición puede haber contribuido al empeoramiento.Además, es urgente intervenir para cambiar los hábitos de la población para promover la salud (AU).