Abstract Introduction: Leptodactylus latinasus and Physalaemus cuqui are sympatric anuran species with similar environmental requirements and contrasting reproductive modes. Climatic configuration determines distribution patterns and promotes sympatry of environmental niches, but specificity/selectivity determines the success of reproductive modes. Species distribution models (SDM) are a valuable tool to predict spatio-temporal distributions based on the extrapolation of environmental predictors. Objectives: To determine the spatio-temporal distribution of environmental niches and assess whether the protected areas of the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) allow the conservation of these species in the current scenario and future. Methods: We applied different algorithms to predict the distribution and spatio-temporal overlap of environmental niches of L. latinasus and P. cuqui within South America in the last glacial maximum (LGM), middle-Holocene, current and future scenarios. We assess the conservation status of both species with the WDPA conservation units. Results: All applied algorithms showed high performance for both species (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). The L. latinasus predictions showed wide environmental niches from LGM to the current scenario (49 % stable niches, 37 % gained niches, and 13 % lost niches), suggesting historical fidelity to stable climatic-environmental regions. In the current-future transition, L. latinasus would increase the number of stable (70 %) and lost (20 %) niches, suggesting fidelity to lowland regions and a possible trend toward microendemism. P. cuqui loses environmental niches from the LGM to the current scenario (25 %) and in the current-future transition (63 %), increasing the environmental sympathy between both species; 31 % spatial overlap in the current scenario and 70 % in the future. Conclusion: Extreme drought events and rainfall variations, derived from climate change, suggest the loss of environmental niches for these species that are not currently threatened but are not adequately protected by conservation units. The loss of environmental niches increases spatial sympatry which represents a new challenge for anurans and the conservation of their populations.
Resumen Introducción: Leptodactylus latinasus y Physalaemus cuqui son especies de anuros simpátricos con requerimientos ambientales similares y modos reproductivos contrastantes. La configuración climática determina los patrones de distribución y promueve la simpatría de los nichos ambientales, pero la especificidad/selectividad determina el éxito de los modos reproductivos. Los modelos de distribución de especies (MDE) son una herramienta valiosa para predecir distribuciones espacio-temporales basadas en la extrapolación de predictores ambientales. Objetivos: Determinar la distribución espacio-temporal de los nichos ambientales y evaluar si las áreas protegidas de la base de Datos Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (DMAP) permiten la conservación de estas especies en el escenario actual y futuro. Métodos: Aplicamos diferentes algoritmos para predecir la distribución y superposición espacio-temporal de nichos ambientales de L. latinasus y P. cuqui dentro de América del Sur en el último máximo glacial (UGM), Holoceno medio, actual y futuro. Evaluamos el estado de conservación de ambas especies con las unidades de conservación de la DMAP. Resultados: Todos los algoritmos aplicados mostraron un alto rendimiento para ambas especies (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). Las predicciones de L. latinasus mostraron amplios nichos ambientales desde LGM hasta el escenario actual (49 % de nichos estables, 37 % de nichos ganados y 13 % de nichos perdidos), sugiriendo fidelidad histórica por regiones climático-ambientales estables. En la transición actual-futura L. latinasus incrementaría la cantidad de nichos estables (70 %) y perdidos (20 %), sugiriendo fidelidad por regiones de tierras bajas y la posible tendencia hacia el microendemismo. P. cuqui pierde nichos ambientales desde el LGM al escenario actual (25 %) y en la transición actual-futura (63 %), incrementando la simpatría ambiental entre ambas especies; 31 % de superposición espacial en el escenario actual y 70 % en el futuro. Conclusión: Los eventos de sequía extrema y las variaciones de precipitaciones, derivados del cambio climático, sugieren la pérdida de nichos ambientales para estas especies, actualmente no se encuentran amenazadas, pero no están adecuadamente protegidas por las unidades de conservación. La pérdida de nichos ambientales aumenta la simpatría espacial que representa un nuevo desafío para estos anuros y la conservación de sus poblaciones.
Animals , Anura/classification , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , South America , Climate ChangeABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Our team has modified Sihler's intramuscular nerve staining method to allow for calculation of nerve density. Therefore, this study aimed to show the overall distribution pattern of the thoracic cutaneous nerves to provide a morphological basis for selecting and matching sensory reconstruction during skin flap transplantation. Twelve Chinese adult cadavers were dissected; the thoracic skin was removed, and the modified Sihler's staining method was performed. Centered around the nipple, the chest skin was divided into four regions: medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior, and medial-inferior. The thoracic skin was not only innervated by the branches of the 1st to 7th intercostal and supraclavicular nerves, but also by a small number of nerves that directly reached the skin and passed through the pectoralis major muscle. There is a phenomenon of cross overlap between the branches of adjacent intercostal nerves. The branches of the 2nd to 7th intercostal nerves were distributed in the breast, and the branches of the lateral and anterior cutaneous branches were densely distributed around the nipple, forming a grid-like anastomosis. There was no cross-overlapping innervation between the anterior cutaneous branches on both sides. The density of nerve distribution in the four regions of the chest was in the order of the medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior and medial-inferior region, respectively. These results may be used to map sensory regions when designing thoracic skin flaps for reconstruction surgery to obtain improved sensory recovery.
Nuestro equipo ha modificado el método de tinción nerviosa intramuscular de Sihler para permitir el cálculo de la densidad nerviosa. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo mostrar el patrón de distribución general de los nervios cutáneos torácicos proporcionando una base morfológica para seleccionar y combinar la reconstrucción sensorial durante el trasplante de colgajo de piel. Se diseccionaron 12 cadáveres de individuos adultos chinos. Se eliminó la piel torácica y se realizó el método de tinción de Sihler modificado, centrada alrededor del pezón, la piel del pecho se dividió en cuatro regiones: medial- superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior y medial-inferior. La piel torácica no solo estaba inervada por los ramos de los nervios intercostal y supraclavicular 1º a 7º, sino también por un pequeño número de nervios que llegaban directamente a la piel y pasaban a través del músculo pectoral mayor. Existe un fenómeno de superposición cruzada entre los ramos de los nervios intercostales adyacentes. Los ramos de los nervios intercostales 2º a 7º se distribuyeron en la mama, y los ramos de los ramos cutáneos lateral y anterior se distribuyeron densamente alrededor del pezón, formando una anastomosis en forma de rejilla. No hubo inervación cruzada entre los ramos cutáneos anteriores en ambos lados. La densidad de la distribución nerviosa en las cuatro regiones del tórax estaba en el orden de región medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior y medial-inferior, respectivamente. Estos resultados pueden ser útiles para mapear regiones sensoriales al diseñar colgajos de piel torácicos para utilizarlos en cirugía de reconstrucción y obtener así una mejor recuperación sensorial.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Skin/innervation , Staining and Labeling , Thorax/innervation , Surgical Flaps/innervation , Cadaver , Coloring AgentsABSTRACT
Background: Hypertension is a major public health problem. Globally 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years have hypertension and among this 46% were undiagnosed. Kerala is one state undergoing epidemiological transition and having high prevalence of hypertension. So, we did this study to estimate the proportion of hypertension among non-medical employees of Medical College Thiruvananthapuram. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 202 non-medical employees of medical college Thiruvananthapuram. Data was collected using an investigator administered questionnaire. Anthropometric indices were measured and recorded. Blood pressure (BP) was recorded twice in a gap of 15 min for each participant in sitting position using mercury sphygmomanometer. Mean systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) was calculated to confirm hypertension. Participants those who were already detected as hypertensive and on treatment were also noted. Data was analysed using SPSS software version 27. Results: Prevalence of hypertension in the study population was 61/202 (30.19%). Among the hypertensive 39 (63.9%) were already detected and on treatment and 22 (36.1%) were undiagnosed. Among already detected hypertensive 13 (33.3%) were found to be inadequately treated. Hypertension was found to be associated with waist circumference and BMI. Conclusions: The study population was found to have high prevalence of hypertension and having association with waist circumference and BMI. The rule of halves for depicting the trend of hypertension in study population can be used as a tool to deduce various interventions in the community.
Justification and Objectives: dengue is one of the serious public health concerns in the world, due to the severity of its infection, which can lead to serious cases and death. The study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of dengue cases as well as their temporal distribution in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: this is an ecological time series study, with a descriptive character of suspected cases of dengue in the Notifiable Diseases Information System, from 2018 to 2021. Results: it should be noted that 2018 had the lowest dengue incidence rate of the years analyzed. The other years had high incidence rates, however 2020 had a decline in cases when compared to 2019. The year 2021 was marked by the highest number of cases in the study period. Conclusion: it was possible to observe a seasonal pattern of dengue in 2020 that was different from other years, with a more pronounced decrease in dengue cases following the arrival of COVID-19 in the municipality.(AU)
Justificativa e Objetivos: a dengue é um dos graves problemas de saúde pública no mundo, devido à gravidade de sua infecção, podendo evoluir para casos graves e a óbito. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de dengue, bem como sua distribuição temporal no município do Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: trata-se de estudo ecológico de série temporal, com caráter descritivo dos casos suspeitos de dengue no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, de 2018 a 2021. Resultados: observou-se que o ano de 2018 apresentou a menor taxa de incidência de dengue dos anos analisados. Os demais anos tiveram altas taxas de incidência, no entanto 2020 teve um decréscimo dos casos quando comparado com o ano de 2019. Já o ano de 2021 foi marcado pela maior quantidade de casos do período temporal de estudo. Conclusão: foi possível observar um padrão de sazonalidade da dengue em 2020 diferente dos demais anos, com um decréscimo mais acentuado dos casos de dengue a partir da chegada da COVID-19 no município.(AU)
Justificación y Objetivos: el dengue se presenta como uno de los graves problemas de salud pública en el mundo, debido a la gravedad de su infección, que puede provocar casos graves y la muerte. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el perfil epidemiológico de los casos de dengue, así como su distribución temporal en el municipio de Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: un estudio de serie temporal ecológica, con carácter descriptivo de casos sospechosos de dengue en el Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Declaración Obligatoria, del 2018 al 2021. Resultados: cabe señalar que el año 2018 tuvo la tasa de incidencia de dengue más baja de los años analizados. Los demás años tuvieron altas tasas de incidencia, sin embargo el 2020 tuvo una disminución de casos en comparación con el 2019. El año 2021 estuvo marcado por el mayor número de casos en el período de estudio. Conclusión: se pudo observar un patrón estacional del dengue en el año 2020 diferente a otros años, con una disminución más pronunciada de los casos de dengue tras la llegada del COVID-19 al municipio.(AU)
Humans , Dengue/epidemiology , Temporal Distribution , COVID-19 , Public HealthABSTRACT
A pandemia gerou impactos sociais e econômicos, como o trabalho informal dos que se ocupam do serviço de café de rua, ampliado na retomada pós-isolamento. O artigo analisa as significações construídas pelas instalações do serviço nas ruas de São Paulo (SP) e Vitória (ES), enquanto manifestações do empreendedo-rismo por necessidade. O corpus foi coletado em dias úteis, no início das manhãs, em diversos pontos das capitais. A semiótica discursiva sustentou a análise, e o seu método permitiu traçar isotopias conectoras de figuras e temas. Os resultados apontam para comunicação dos sentidos da informalidade, casualidade e familiaridade, marcados pela presença feminina, pela autonomia imposta aos sujeitos produtor/vendedor e consumidor e pela conexão entre a energia proporcionada pela bebida e o trabalho. Esses significadosvêm embebidos no risco vivido por esses sujeitos, aconchegados entre si e alijados da proteção de políticas públicas de trabalho, condições sanitárias, serviços de transporte e saúde.
The pandemic has generated social and economic impacts, such as the informal work of those who sell coffee on the streets, expanded in the post-isolation resumption. The article analyzes the meanings constructed by the service facilities in São Paulo (SP) and Vitória (ES), as demonstrations of the entrepreneurship by necessity. The corpus was collected on weekdays, in places of the state capitals. Discursive semiotics underpins the analysis, suggesting connective isotopies of figures and themes. The results point to the communication of the senses of informality, casualness and familiarity, marked by the female presence, by the autonomy imposed on the subjects producer/seller and consumer and by the connection between the energy given by the drink and the work. These meanings are embedded in the risk experienced by these subjects, snuggled among themselves and excluded from the protection of public policies of work, sanitary conditions, transportation and health services.
La pandemia generó impactos sociales y económicos, como el trabajo informal de quienes se ocupan del servicio de café en las calles, ampliado en la reanudación post-aislamiento. El artículo analiza los signifi-cados construidos por las instalaciones de servicios en las calles de São Paulo (SP) y Vitória (ES), como manifestaciones de emprendimiento por necesidad. El corpus fue recolectado entresemana, en puntos de las capitales. La semiótica discursiva sustenta el análisis y permitió trazar isotopías conectoras de figuras y temas. Los resultados apuntan para la comunicación de los significados de informalidad, marcados por la presencia femenina, por la autonomía impuesta a los sujetos productor/vendedor y consumidor, y por la conexión entre la energía dada por la bebida y el trabajo. Estos significados están incrustados en el riesgo vivido por estos sujetos, y excluidos de la protección de las políticas públicas laborales, las condiciones sanitarias, los servicios de transporte y salud.
Social Change , Socioeconomic Factors , Entrepreneurship , Coffee , Right to Work , Unemployment , Sanitary Profiles , COVID-19ABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Trail running (TR), an extreme endurance sport, presents unique challenges due to the variety of terrain and distances, where physiological capacity and body composition have been considered better predictors of performance. This longitudinal case study examines the impact of training intensity distribution (TID) on an elite trail runner's physiological profile and performance over four years. Two TID models were implemented: polarized (POL) and pyramidal (PYR). Physiological assessments included maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), lactate thresholds (LT1 and LT2), and anthropometric characteristics. The training was classified according to the 3-zone intensity model (zone 1: below the first lactate threshold; zone 2: between the first and second lactate threshold; zone 3: above the second lactate threshold). During the four years, the average TID distribution was 75 % zone 1, 18 % zone 2, and 7 % zone 3. Physiological capacity increased by 7.14 % (14 to 15 km/h) for velocity at LT1 (vLT1) and 8.13 % (16 to 17.3 km/h) for velocity at LT2 (vLT2). The most significant increases were observed during the second year when the percentage of training time in zone 1 was lower (65 %) and in zone 2 greater (30 %) than those reported in other years. Consequently, vLT1 and vLT2 increased by 3.5 % (from 14.1 to 14.6 km/h) and 3.6 % (from 16.5 to 17.1 km/h), respectively. In conclusion, this case study revealed that emphasizing training in zone 2 (moderate intensity) and increasing the training load significantly improved performance at lactate thresholds. Despite modifying body composition, no influence on improving endurance performance was observed. These findings underscore the importance of TID in elite trail runners and highlight the potential to optimize physiological adaptations and performance outcomes.
Trail running (TR), un deporte de resistencia extrema, presenta desafíos únicos debido a la variedad de terrenos y distancias, donde la capacidad fisiológica y la composición corporal se han considerado mejores predictores del rendimiento. Este estudio de caso longitudinal examina el impacto de la distribución de la intensidad del entrenamiento (TID) en el perfil fisiológico y el rendimiento de un corredor de montaña de élite durante cuatro años. Se implementaron dos modelos TID: polarizado (POL) y piramidal (PYR). Las evaluaciones fisiológicas incluyeron el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max), los umbrales de lactato (LT1 y LT2) y las características antropométricas. El entrenamiento se clasificó según el modelo de intensidad de 3 zonas (zona 1: por debajo del primer umbral de lactato; zona 2: entre el primer y segundo umbral de lactato; zona 3: por encima del segundo umbral de lactato). Durante los cuatro años, la distribución TID promedio fue 75 % zona 1, 18 % zona 2 y 7 % zona 3. La capacidad fisiológica aumentó un 7,14 % (14 a 15 km/h) para la velocidad en LT1 (vLT1) y un 8,13 % (16 a 17,3 km/h) para velocidad en LT2 (vLT2). Los incrementos más significativos se observaron durante el segundo año cuando el porcentaje de tiempo de entrenamiento en la zona 1 fue menor (65 %) y en la zona 2 mayor (30 %) que los reportados en otros años. En consecuencia, vLT1 y vLT2 aumentaron un 3,5 % (de 14,1 a 14,6 km/h) y un 3,6 % (de 16,5 a 17,1 km/h), respectivamente. En conclusión, este estudio reveló que enfatizar el entrenamiento en la zona 2 (intensidad moderada) y aumentar la carga de entrenamiento mejoró significativamente el rendimiento en los umbrales de lactato. A pesar de modificar la composición corporal, no se observó influencia en la mejora del rendimiento de resistencia. Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia del TID en los corredores de trail de élite y resaltan el potencial para optimizar las adaptaciones fisiológicas y los resultados de rendimiento.
Humans , Male , Adult , Running/physiology , Body Composition , Athletic Performance , Somatotypes , Exercise/physiology , Anthropometry , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de viabilidad de la población de Rhea pennata, ave que se encuentra categorizada En Peligro Crítico - CR, con un tamaño poblacional estimado de 350 individuos en Perú. Los datos fueron analizados con el software VORTEX 9.6, se modelaron 8 escenarios y combinaciones para determinar la tasa anual de crecimiento poblacional bajo el efecto de factores antropogénicos, demográficos, ambientales y genéticos. Los resultados señalan que la población de Rhea pennata no es viable, la tasa de crecimiento poblacional es negativa (r= −0.11) significa que la población disminuye en 11% al año. Un efecto combinado de los factores antropogénicos, como la recolección de huevos, genéticos como la endogamia y ambientales como las intensas nevadas, disminuye la tasa de crecimiento (r= −0.18) en este escenario la probabilidad de extinción se da en aproximadamente en 50 años. El efecto de la endogamia en una población adulta de 50 individuos en un hábitat fragmentado traería consigo la extinción en aproximadamente 25 a 30 años. El único escenario donde la población es viable en el largo plazo es con el repoblamiento, para esto es necesario una liberación de 38 grupos poblacionales por un periodo de 15 años, en un área aproximada de 27000 km2, y que se encuentre bajo alguna medida de conservación, como las áreas naturales protegidas u otras medidas de conservación basadas en área.
Abstract In this work, a population viability analysis (PVA) is conducted on the population of Rhea pennata, a bird categorized as Critically Endangered (CR), with an estimated population size of 350 individuals in Peru. The data were analyzed using VORTEX 9.6 software, and eight scenarios and combinations were modeled to determine the annual population growth rate under the influence of anthropogenic, demographic, environmental, and genetic factors. The results indicate that the Rhea pennata population is not viable, with a negative population growth rate (r= −0.11), meaning the population decreases by 11% per year. A combined effect of anthropogenic factors, such as egg collection, genetic factors like inbreeding, and environmental factors such as intense snowfalls, further reduces the growth rate (r= −0.18). In this scenario, the probability of extinction occurs in approximately 50 years. The effect of inbreeding in an adult population of 50 individuals in a fragmented habitat would lead to extinction in approximately 25 to 30 years. The only scenario where the population is viable in the long term involves repopulation, requiring the release of 38 population groups over a period of 15 years in an area of approximately 27000 km², which must be under some conservation measure, such as protected natural areas or other area-based conservation measures.
Abstract The species formerly included in the Pertyella camposseabrai species-group are reviewed. The following two species are transferred from the genus Mutilla to Pertyella: P. angulosa (Burmeister, 1854) new combination, and P. carinigena (Cresson, 1902) new combination. The following new synonymies are proposed: P. mayri (Kohl, 1882); P. paulista Casal, 1964; P. viuva Casal, 1964; P. itinga Casal, 1964; P. camposseabrai Casal, 1964; P. uzai Fritz, 1990 and P. diasi Fritz, 1990 are jr. synonyms of P. angulosa; P. lenti Casal, 1964 is a jr. synonym of P. carinigena; P. aguaz Fritz, 1990 is a jr. synonym of P. cordoi Fritz, 1990. A new species in this group, Pertyella quirosae sp. nov., is described. Most characters that were formerly used to define this species-group are not consistent or exclusive to the group. Because the diagnostic features and component species in this species-group were changed, and because an older name is now available, this group of species is now called the P. angulosa species-group. Females of this group can be recognized by having the mesosoma with lateral stripes of dense silvery or whitish setae. A key to the species of the P. angulosa species-group and new distribution records are provided.
Resumen Se revisan las especies anteriormente incluidas en el grupo de especies de Pertyella camposseabrai. Las siguientes dos especies se transfieren del género Mutilla a Pertyella: P. angulosa (Burmeister, 1854) combinación nueva y P. carinigena (Cresson, 1902) combinación nueva. Se proponen las siguientes sinonimias nuevas: P. mayri (Kohl, 1882); P. paulista Casal, 1964; P. viuva Casal, 1964; P. itinga Casal, 1964; P. camposseabrai Casal, 1964; P. uzai Fritz, 1990 y P. diasi Fritz, 1990 son jr. sinónimos de P. angulosa; P. lenti Casal, 1964 es un jr. sinónimo de P. carinigena; P. aguaz Fritz, 1990 es un jr. sinónimo de P. cordoi Fritz, 1990. Se describe una especie nueva en este grupo, Pertyella quirosae sp. nov.. La mayoría de los caracteres que se usaban anteriormente para definir este grupo de especies no son consistentes o exclusivos del grupo. En virtud de que se cambiaron las características de diagnóstico y las especies componentes de este grupo de especies, y debido a que en este momento se dispone de un nombre más antiguo, ahora se denomina especies del grupo P. angulosa. Las hembras de este grupo pueden ser reconocidas por tener el mesosoma con franjas laterales de densas setas plateadas o blanquecinas. Se proporciona una clave para las especies del grupo P. angulosa y nuevos registros de distribución.
Uno de los deportes que más versatilidad representa es el levantamiento de pesas, pues su práctica no solo se reduce al deporte competitivo, sino es una actividad física que desarrolla la capacidad de fuerza, en el resto de los deportes. Esto constituye una realidad que se concreta en el rendimiento deportivo, sin embargo, las féminas que lo practican no cuentan con un tratamiento ajustado a su género, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar qué nivel de conocimientos poseen los entrenadores de levantamiento de pesas en Santiago de Cuba, para distribuir las cargas en el equipo femenino de este deporte. Para lograr este propósito, se implementaron métodos del nivel empírico como la observación científica aplicada a las +sesiones de entrenamiento y la encuesta a los entrenadores que atienden a estas atletas. Como resultado del diagnóstico, se declaró que existe un significativo desconocimiento sobre cómo distribuir las cargas en estas pesistas y se carece de una metodología para incrementar este conocimiento y mejorar los resultados competitivos del género femenino, en esta categoría.
Um dos esportes mais versáteis é o levantamento de peso, pois sua prática não se limita apenas ao esporte competitivo, mas é uma atividade física que desenvolve a capacidade de força em outros esportes. Essa é uma realidade que se reflete no desempenho esportivo, no entanto, as mulheres que o praticam não têm um tratamento ajustado ao seu gênero, por isso o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar qual o nível de conhecimento que os treinadores de halterofilismo em Santiago de Cuba têm para distribuir as cargas na equipe feminina desse esporte. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram utilizados métodos empíricos, como a observação científica aplicada às sessões de treinamento e uma pesquisa com os técnicos que treinam essas atletas. Como resultado do diagnóstico, constatou-se que há uma significativa falta de conhecimento sobre como distribuir as cargas nessas levantadoras de peso e que falta uma metodologia para aumentar esse conhecimento e melhorar os resultados competitivos do gênero feminino nessa categoria.
One of the sports that represents the most versatility is weightlifting, since its practice is not only reduced to competitive sports, but is a physical activity that develops strength capacity in the rest of the sports. This constitutes a reality that is reflected in sports performance, however, the women who practice it do not have treatment adjusted to their gender, so the objective of this work was to determine what level of knowledge lifting coaches have of weights in Santiago de Cuba, to distribute the loads in the women's team of this sport. To achieve this purpose, empirical level methods were implemented such as scientific observation applied to training sessions and surveys of coaches who care for these athletes. As a result of the diagnosis, it was declared that there is a significant lack of knowledge about how to distribute the loads in these weightlifters and there is a lack of a methodology to increase this knowledge and improve the competitive results of the female gender, in this category.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación y el riesgo de hipercolesterolemia en pacientes adultos prediabéticos atendidos en un centro médico del distrito de Villa El Salvador en Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico, prospectivo y transversal, con datos de historias clínicas de consultas médicas de 749 pacientes atendidos en un policlínico del distrito de Villa El Salvador, Lima, Perú. Se incluyó a pacientes adultos asintomáticos que asistieron a evaluaciones de rutina y preventivas. Se excluyó a pacientes con enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas o en tratamiento con fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Las variables de estudio fueron sexo, hipercolesterolemia y prediabetes. El análisis de asociación se realizó por medio de la prueba de chi cuadrado y el riesgo fue evaluado por medio de la oportunidad relativa; asimismo, se realizó el análisis multivariado por medio de regresión logística binaria y se consideró como punto de corte en decisión de significancia estadística el valor alfa igual a 0,05 y un nivel de confianza de 95 %. Resultados: Hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa entre prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia. Las mujeres prediabéticas tuvieron 1,66 veces más riesgo de desarrollar hipercolesterolemia que las mujeres con niveles de glucosa basal normales, mientras que los hombres con prediabetes tuvieron 2,37 veces más riesgo de tener colesterol alto que los hombres con niveles de glucemia basal normales. Conclusiones: La prediabetes se asocia con la hipercolesterolemia, lo cual aumenta su riesgo. Es justificable realizar la medición conjunta del colesterol total en ayunas junto con la medición de la glucosa basal en campañas preventivo-promocionales de salud y en consultas periódicas, así como durante el seguimiento de pacientes con factores de riesgo de diabetes, prediabetes e hipercolesterolemia, a fin de reducir las consecuencias hemodinámicas y cardiovasculares del colesterol elevado en la sangre y el agravamiento de la morbimortalidad conjunta de la hiperglucemia crónica.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association and risk of hypercholesterolemia among adult patients with prediabetes treated at a medical center in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: An analytical, prospective and cross-sectional study conducted with data from medical consultation records of 749 patients treated at a polyclinic in the district of Villa El Salvador in Lima, Peru. Asymptomatic adult patients who had routine and preventive checkups were included in the research. Patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders or being treated with hypoglycemic drugs were excluded. The study variables were sex, hypercholesterolemia and prediabetes. The association analysis was performed using the chi-square test and the risk was evaluated by means of the odds ratio. In addition, the multivariate analysis was conducted through a binary logistic regression, and an alpha value of 0.05 and a confidence level of 95 % were considered as the cut-off point to determine the statistical significance. Results: There was a statistically significant association between prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Females with prediabetes were 1.66 times more likely to develop hypercholesterolemia than females with normal baseline glucose levels, while males with prediabetes were 2.37 times more likely to have high cholesterol than males with normal baseline blood glucose levels. Conclusions: Prediabetes is associated with hypercholesterolemia, thus increasing its risk. It is justifiable to carry out the joint measurement of fasting total cholesterol and baseline glucose in disease prevention and health promotion campaigns, regular checkups and follow-up of patients with risk factors for diabetes, prediabetes and hypercholesterolemia. This helps reduce the hemodynamic and cardiovascular consequences of high cholesterol levels and the worsening of the joint morbidity and mortality of chronic hyperglycemia.
Background: Online shopping has witnessed a significant surge in popularity owing to its accessibility and convenience. The rise of online shopping has revolutionized the retail industry, with clothing purchases garnering a dedicated following. However, a persistent challenge in internet purchasing lies in the uncertainty surrounding the fit, appearance, and quality of clothing merchandise. As a result, customers often resort to returning items that fail to meet their expectations or differ from the website's descriptions. In this study, we aim to address this issue by proposing a novel approach to model the number of items returned through online purchases. Specifically, we employ a mixture of Poisson distribution to capture the complexities of the return process and its underlying factors. Methods: A mixture of Poisson distribution is employed to model the uncertainties in online clothing returns. The approach aims to capture the complexities of the return process and its underlying factors, providing valuable insights for e-commerce businesses to optimize operations and enhance customer satisfaction. Results: The findings of this study have the potential to shed light on the reasons behind increased return rates, offering e-commerce businesses valuable information to optimize their operations and enhance customer satisfaction. Conclusions: Poisson distribution is capable of analyzing the hidden patterns in the data, and hence the results of the study are beneficial for various stakeholders, including statisticians, e-commerce firms, and app developers.
Background: Motor-control is organized by coordinated sensory systems which integrate for the preparation of movement. Certain visuoperceptive disorders may impair proper development of motor control during childhood, thereby impacting functional aspects like bilateral weight-bearing symmetry. Rotary prisms (RPs) are a rehabilitation modality that have shown promise in facilitating motor-control and spatial-realignment for adults, improving weight-bearing symmetry, often evaluated by indexes like the normalized symmetry index (NSI%). However, less is known for the short-term effect of RPs on NSI% and consequent effects on functional capacity in healthy children. Methods: We evaluated the acute and short-term chronic effect of RPs in fourteen healthy children (8.8±1.1 years) on NSI% and the total execution time (s) of a dynamic balance sit-to-stand task (SITS). Measurements were performed at baseline, immediately following RP application (immediate phase) and 10 min following RP removal (spatial re-alignment). Results: We detected an overall main effect of time on NSI% (F=15.1, p<0.001, ?2=.54), improving both immediate (-67.3%, 3.4±4.46%, p<0.001) and spatial re-alignment phases (-55.3%, 5.2±4.3%, p<0.001) compared to baseline (9.7±1.9 %). Moreover, no significant differences for NSI% between immediate and spatial re-alignment phases were detected (p>0.05). However, TUT of the SITS task remained unaffected (F=1.13, p>0.05). Conclusions: Non-significant differences for NSI% between immediate and spatial re-alignment phases indicate that short-term neural adaptations may persist following the removal of RPs in healthy children. Indicating the potential suitability of RPs in neurorehabilitation for children with balance impairments, such as pre-existing sensory motor dysfunctions and others.
Resumen Introducción: En el Pacífico central mexicano son escasos los trabajos sobre ecología de asteroideos. Estas especies generalmente se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, aunque en algunas ocasiones pueden encontrarse en grupos o agregaciones. En Los Arcos, al sur de Puerto Vallarta, en Bahía de Banderas, México, se observó Luidia bellonae por primera vez en una agregación masiva en 2021. Objetivo: Reportar por primera vez el registro de esta especie en esta región del Pacífico mexicano, así como el evento de agregación masiva. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos y recorridos para cuantificar la densidad y medir los ejemplares de la estrella en Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, durante 2021, 2022 y 2023. Resultados: Se encontraron densidades promedio de 2.65 ind/m2 y hasta 7 ind/m2. En total en el área aproximada de 900 m2 se registraron 630 individuos. Los ejemplares midieron (R) entre 2 y 12 cm, y en su mayoría midieron entre 4 y 8 cm. Conclusiones: L. bellonae estaba reportada en distintos sitios en algunos estados del Pacífico mexicano, sin embargo no estaba registrada para Bahía de Banderas ni Los Arcos, ni tampoco en la cantidad que se reporta aquí, por lo que este es el primer registro para la especie con una presencia masiva para el Pacífico mexicano. La aparición de la gran cantidad de ejemplares de L. bellonae en Los Arcos en 2021 pudo haber sido resultado de una combinación de factores, entre ellos la baja temperatura del agua, con valores hasta de 15 ºC y la alta cantidad de nutrientes. Este hallazgo demuestra la necesidad de más estudios sobre los equinodermos y especies marinas para entender la influencia que tienen las condiciones ambientales en su ciclo de vida.
Abstract Introduction: In the central Mexican Pacific, there are few studies on asteroid ecology. These species are generally distributed randomly, although in some cases groups or aggregations can be found. In Los Arcos, south of Puerto Vallarta, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, Luidia bellonae was observed for the first time in a massive aggregation in 2021. Objective: To report the new record of this species in this region of the Mexican Pacific and its massive aggregation event. Methods: Transects and surveys were carried out to quantify the density and measure the sea star individuals in Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas during 2021, 2022, and 2023. Results: Average densities of 2.65 ind/m2 and up to 7 ind/m2 were found. In total, in the approximate area of 900 m2, 630 individuals were registered. The specimens measured (R) between 2 and 12 cm, and most measured between 4 and 8 cm. Conclusions: L. bellonae has been reported in different places in some states of the Mexican Pacific; however, it was not registered for Bahía de Banderas nor Los Arcos, nor in the amount reported here, therefore this is the first record for the species with a massive presence for the Mexican Pacific. The appearance of the large number of L. bellonae specimens in Los Arcos in 2021 could have been the result of a combination of factors, including the low water temperature, with values up to 15 ºC, and the high amount of nutrients. This finding demonstrates the need for more studies on echinoderms and marine species to understand the influence of environmental conditions on their life cycle.
Animals , Starfish/growth & development , Starfish/classification , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The sea cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea Selenka, 1867 is a common echinoderm in intertidal regions along the Brazilian coast, which recently became the focus of unreported and unregulated fisheries. This study was carried out in sandy-rocky substrates at Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina (26o47' S; 48o36' W), near its southern limit of geographic distribution. Objective: To determine the densities (individuals*m-2) of Holothuria (H.) grisea within a spatial-temporal perspective as well as to determine biometric and growth characteristics of the population. Methods: Two-meter wide transects perpendicular to the coastline were carried out in winter and spring 2019 and in summer and spring 2020, in periods of spring low-tides. In each sampling occasion the total number of specimens of H. grisea were determined, and a group of 90 organisms was submitted to in situ biometrics (weight, length and width), and immediately returned alive to their habitat. Results: The densities of H. (H.) grisea were significantly higher in the subtidal sector and lower in the upper intertidal sector with no indication of significant differences among sampling campaigns. Depth was the primary factor explaining the observed density patterns and rugosity of the substrate was secondary but also important. The body length ranged from 5.2 to 22.5 cm, whereas the weight varied from 6.0 to 230 g. The mean and modal lengths were 12.54 and 13 cm, respectively. Approximately 75 % of the population sampled was between 10 and 14 cm and the average weight was 60 g. Estimates from von Bertalanffy growth function indicate that the youngest sea cucumber was one year-old, and the oldest had approximately two and a half years. Conclusions: This is the first study to determine biometric parameters for H. (H.) grisea in southern Brazil and the first one to estimate growth and age estimates for a wild population of this species. The densities recorded in the present study were lower than those previously reported for this region, suggesting anthropic influence.
Resumen Introducción: El pepino de mar Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea Selenka, 1867 es un equinodermo común en las regiones intermareales a lo largo de la costa brasileña, que recientemente se convirtió en foco de pesquerías no declaradas y no reguladas. Este estudio se realizó en sustratos arenosos-rocosos en Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina (26o47' S; 48o36' W), cerca del límite sur de su distribución geográfica. Objetivo: Determinar las densidades (individuos*m-2) de Holothuria (H.) grisea dentro de una perspectiva espacio-temporal así como determinar las características biométricas y de crecimiento de la población. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos de dos metros de ancho perpendiculares a la línea de costa en invierno y primavera de 2019 y en verano y primavera de 2020, en periodos de bajamar sicigia. En cada ocasión de muestreo se determinó el número total de especímenes de H. (H.) grisea, y se sometió un grupo de 90 organismos a biometría in situ (peso, longitud y ancho), e inmediatamente se los devolvieron vivos a su hábitat. Resultados: Las densidades de H. (H.) grisea fueron significativamente más altas en el sector submareal y más bajas en el sector intermareal superior sin indicios de diferencias significativas entre las campañas de muestreo. La profundidad fue el factor principal que explica los patrones de densidad observados y la rugosidad del sustrato fue secundaria pero también importante. La longitud del cuerpo varió de 5.2 a 22.5 cm, mientras que el peso varió de 6.0 a 230 g. Las longitudes media y modal fueron 12.54 y 13 cm, respectivamente. Aproximadamente el 75 % de la población muestreada midió entre 10 y 14 cm y el peso promedio fue de 60 g. Estimados de la función de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy indican que el ejemplar más joven presentaba un año de edad, mientras el más viejo presentaba cerca de dos años y medio. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio que determina parámetros biométricos para una población de H. (H.) grisea en el sur de Brasil y el primero en estimar el crecimiento y edades para una población salvaje de esta especie. Las densidades registradas en el presente estudio fueron inferiores a las reportadas previamente para esta región sugiriendo la ocurrencia de influencia antrópica.
Animals , Population Dynamics , Holothuria/growth & development , Sampling StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los equinodermos son dominantes en términos de abundancia y diversidad; particularmente los asteroideos presentan un importante rol en las comunidades bentónicas antárticas. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la distribución batimétrica, composición específica, ocurrencia y riqueza de especies de asteroideos que habitan en los archipiélagos Orcadas del Sur, Shetland del Sur y Archipiélago de Palmer, ubicados en la Península Antártica. A su vez, detallar aspectos de los patrones de desarrollo de las especies halladas. Métodos: Utilizamos la información adquirida durante Campañas Antárticas de Verano 2012 y 2013, a bordo del Buque Oceanográfico "Puerto Deseado". Las estaciones de muestreo se ubicaron en tres archipiélagos localizados en la Península Antártica: Orcadas del Sur (OS), Shetland del Sur (SS) y Archipiélago de Palmer (AP). Se realizaron 28 lances de pesca y se fotografiaron y procesaron 436 individuos. Se determinó el radio mayor (mm) de cada individuo, las características macroscópicas de las gónadas y la presencia de embriones. Se realizó una revisión del estatus taxonómico y de la distribución batimétrica y del área de distribución geográfica de las especies muestreadas basándonos en registros bibliográficos y bases de datos. Se utilizó una agrupación jerárquica para analizar la composición de las especies entre las diferentes áreas. Resultados: En todas las estaciones de muestreo se obtuvieron asteroideos (ocurrencia: 100 %) entre 52.7 y 987 metros de profundidad. Se registraron 21 especies, de las cuales no se modificó la distribución batimétrica de ninguna de ellas, pero se amplió el área de distribución geográfica de seis. La riqueza de especies fue igual en SS y AP, y mayor que en OS, coincidiendo con la presencia de dos grupos regionales con una composición faunística similar. El 72 % de las especies registradas presentan desarrollo pelágico (larva planctotrófica = 17 % y larva lecitotrófica = 55 %) y el 28 % desarrollo no pelágico (larva retenida = 17 % y desarrollo directo = 11 %). Conclusiones: En los tres archipiélagos el patrón de desarrollo mayoritario fue el pelágico con nutrición lecitotrófica. La totalidad de las especies halladas en el presente trabajo son compartidas con la región subantártica, destacándose la importancia de la Corriente de Malvinas en la dispersión de las especies desde Antártida.
Abstract Introduction: Echinoderms are dominant in terms of abundance and diversity; particularly asteroids play an important role in Antarctic benthic communities. Objective: The aim of the present work was to review the bathymetric distribution, specific composition, occurrence and species richness of asteroid species inhabiting South Orkney, South Shetland and Palmer Archipelago, located in the Antarctic Peninsula. Aspects of the developmental patterns of the species found are also included. Methods: We used data acquired during the 2012 and 2013 Antarctic Summer Campaigns aboard the Oceanographic Vessel "Puerto Deseado". Sampling stations were located in three archipelagos located in the Antarctic Peninsula: South Orkney (SO), South Shetland (SS) and Palmer Archipelago (PA). A total of 28 fishing hauls were made and 436 individuals were photographed and processed. The maximum radius (mm) of each individual, the macroscopic characteristics of the gonads and the presence of embryos were registered. A review of the taxonomic status, bathymetric and geographical distribution area of the sampled species was carried out based on bibliographic records and databases. A hierarchical grouping was used to analyze species composition among the different areas. Results: Asteroids were obtained in all sampling stations (occurrence: 100 %) between 52.7 and 987 m depth. 21 species were recorded, the bathymetric distribution was not broadened in any of them, and the geographical distribution area of six species was expanded. Species richness was equal in SS and PA and higher than in SO, coinciding with the presence of two regional groups with a similar faunal composition. Seventy-two percent of the recorded species present pelagic development (planktotrophic larvae = 17 %, and lecithotrophic larvae = 55 %) and 28 % non-pelagic development (retained larvae = 17 %, and direct development = 11 %). Conclusions: In the three archipelagos, the majority development pattern was pelagic with lecithotrophic nutrition. All the species found in this study are shared with the sub-Antarctic region, highlighting the importance of the Malvinas Current in the dispersal of species from Antarctica.
Animals , Starfish/classification , Ecosystem , Sampling StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: La atracción, captación y retención son determinantes de una distribución equitativa de profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: describir las decisiones de formación de posgrado de egresados/as de medicina de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), y su impacto en el sistema de residencias médicas de Bahía Blanca durante el año 2023. Resultados: el 79,63% de quienes egresaron de esta universidad decidieron realizar una residencia médica, y el 51,12 % adjudicó en especialidades del Primer Nivel de Atención con una adjudicación en pediatría menor a la media nacional. La carrera de medicina local cubrió el 39,24 % de las vacantes de Bahía Blanca, y el 38% de sus graduados/as decidió formarse en otras ciudades. Ocho residencias de la ciudad quedaron sin ingresantes en el 2023. Conclusión: existe una gran proporción de egresados/as de la UNS que eligen especialidades de APS. Hay una baja adjudicación en Pediatría que contrasta con la elección de Medicina Familiar, a diferencia de las elecciones a nivel nacional. En términos generales hay un déficit en la atracción y captación de egresados/as de la UNS por parte del sistema de salud local, lo cual demanda a los sectores docentes y asistenciales nuevas estrategias para captar y atraer profesionales en área prioritarias (AU)
Introduction: Attraction, recruitment and retention are determinants of an equitable distribution of healthcare professionals. Objective: to describe the postgraduate training decisions of medical graduates from the National University of the South (UNS), and their impact on the Bahía Blanca medical residency system during the year 2023. Results: 79.63% of Those who graduated from this university decided to carry out medical residency, and 51.12% were awarded in First Level Care specialties with a pediatric award lower than the national average. The local medical career covered 39.24% of the vacancies in Bahía Blanca, and 38% of its graduates decided to train in other cities. Eight residences in the city were left without entrants in 2023. Conclusion: there is a large proportion of UNS graduates who choose APS specialties. There is a low allocation in Pediatrics that contrasts with the choice of Family Medicine, unlike the elections at the national level. In general terms, there is a deficit in the attraction and recruitment of UNS graduates by the local health system, which demands new strategies from the teaching and healthcare sectors to attract and attract professionals in priority areas (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Physicians/supply & distribution , Education, Medical, Graduate , Physicians Distribution , Internship and Residency , Argentina , Job Market , MedicineABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction As 30 to 50% of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) cases remain idiopathic, an increased focus on hematologic variables may therefore reveal novel correlates of DVT. Very few studies have investigated the association of hematological parameters with DVT and the causal relationship between them is still to be elucidated. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between serial values of hematologic variables and DVT. Methods Complete blood count parameters were serially measured at baseline and then at approximately 3-month intervals for 12 months in 152 adults with the first episode of DVT and 152 age- and sex-matched controls. The odds ratio (OR) with the 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was calculated as a measure of association between hematological parameters and DVT. Results The red cell distribution width (RDW) was the only hematologic variable which showed an independent and consistent association with DVT at all time points (multivariable-adjusted OR [95%CI] 3.38 [1.28 - 8.91] at baseline, 2.24 [0.85 - 5.92] at 3 months and 2.12 [0.81 - 5.55] at 12 months for RDW > 14.0%). This association was higher for provoked DVT than unprovoked DVT and for DVT plus pulmonary embolism than DVT alone. No significant correlation was found between the high RDW and classical thrombotic risk factors, except malignancy. Conclusions We demonstrated an independent and consistent association of the high RDW with the first episode of DVT in adult patients. The study was probably underpowered to evaluate the association between the high RDW and recurrent DVT. Further large studies with long follow-up are needed to confirm this association.
Venous Thrombosis , Association , Erythrocyte Indices , Venous ThromboembolismABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze temporal trends in the incidence and spatial distribution of spider bites in Santa Catarina. Methods: This was a mixed ecological study, with a descriptive approach involving multiple groups and a temporal trend analysis, of spider bite notifications recorded in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases from 1 Jan 2011 to 31 Dec 2021. Result: There were 62,671 reported cases, corresponding to an average annual rate of 83.27 per 100,000 population. The linear regression indicated an annual decline rate of 2.94 per 100,000 population. Conclusion: There was a high incidence of spider bites, higher than the national average, with a declining trend during the study period. The occurrences were concentrated in the Western and Northern regions of the state, in urban areas. Most victims were young adults. The lethality and mortality rates were low, and most patients had favorable outcomes
Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal da taxa de incidência e distribuição espacial de picadas de aranha em Santa Catarina. Método: Estudo ecológico misto, descritivo, de múltiplos grupos, e com análise de tendência temporal, das notificações de picada de aranha registradas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, entre 1º de janeiro de 2011 e 31 de dezembro de 2021. Resultado: Houve 62.671 casos notificados, o que corresponde a taxa média anual de 83,27 casos/100.000 hab. A regressão linear indicou taxa de queda anual de 2,94 casos/100.000 hab. Conclusão: Houve elevada taxa de incidência de picadas de aranhas, superior à média nacional, com tendência de queda no período. As ocorrências se concentraram na Região Oeste e Norte do estado, em áreas urbanas. As vítimas, na maioria, são adultos jovens. A taxa de letalidade e mortalidade foi considerada baixa, e a grande maioria dos casos teve evolução favorável
Spider Bites , Spiders , Bites and Stings , Incidence , Health Information Systems , Patients , Population , Accidents , Linear Models , Residence Characteristics , Mortality , Urban Area , MethodsABSTRACT
Background: Among the plethora of causes for patients presenting with an acute abdomen, appendicitis is the most common conclusive diagnosis. Known being controversial for its etiology and pathogenesis, diagnosis of acute appendicitis has been challenging despite the development of various clinical and laboratory studies. Inflammatory markers of hematological origin-total leucocyte count (TLC), platelet indices viz. mean platelet count (MPV), plateletcrit (PCT), and platelet distribution width (PDW), have long been preferred as rudimentary diagnostic parameters for acute appendicitis despite being contentious. Methods: An analytical and cross-sectional study among 100 individuals. Statistical evaluation of TLC, MPV, PCT and PDW of 21 appendicitis cases and 70 healthy individuals were complied. Results: Compared to the control group, cases showed significantly higher values of TLC and MPV while the PCT and PDW were normally distributed and showed no significant statistics. The sensitivity of TLC and MPV was determined to be 95.2%, 71.4%, and specificity 100%, 73.8% respectively. Conclusions: With equitable results, the routine and cost-effective TLC and MPV play a novel role in the early diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Resumen Se describe e ilustra a Nototriche chancoae, una nueva especie de los Andes de Lima, Perú. Esta especie se relaciona con N. glacialis, N. nigrescens y N. congesta por presentar láminas flabeliformes, hipófilo piloso, lado interno del cáliz piloso hacia el ápice de los lóbulos y corola con tubo presente; se distingue por tener vaginas más anchas y lado externo del cáliz con tubo glabro. Se incluyen la descripción, ilustración y fotografías de la especie nueva, así como también, una clave dicotómica de las especies de Nototriche más afines en morfología a N. chancoae.
Abstract Nototriche chancoae, a new species from the Andes of Lima, Peru, is described and illustrated. This species is related to N. glacialis, N. nigrescens and N. congesta in having flabellate laminae, hairy hypophyllum, inner side of the hairy calyx towards the apex of the lobes and corolla with tube present; It is distinguished by having wider vaginas and the outer side of the calyx with glabrous tube. The description, illustration and photographs of the new species are included, as well as a dichotomous key to the Nototriche species most similar in morphology to N. chancoae.