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Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565165


La diversidad cultural es el resultado de un proceso que se conforma en el marco de las relaciones sociales, económicas y culturales. Se hace imprescindible que los profesores universitarios estén preparados para atender la diversidad cultural de sus estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de su cultura nacional y la de otros grupos de diferentes procedencias que coexisten en un mismo escenario educativo. La diversidad cultural es un reto de la comunidad educativa y debe estar contemplada en la formación permanente de los profesores de las universidades médicas fundamentalmente por sus contextos, los ambientes socioeconómicos y los problemas de salud, sobre todo por las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles debido a su alta prevalencia y su repercusión en el individuo y su familia, en los que influyen los factores de riesgo y las determinantes sociales, condicionados por sus orígenes, creencias, vivencias y representaciones que matizan los contextos interculturales actuales a nivel mundial.

Cultural diversity is the result of a process that is formed within the framework of social, economic and cultural relations. It is essential that university professors are prepared to address the cultural diversity of their students, taking into account the particularities of their national culture and that of other groups of different origins that coexist in the same educational setting. Cultural diversity is a challenge for the educational community and must be considered in the ongoing training of professors at medical universities, fundamentally due to their contexts, socioeconomic environments and health problems, especially chronic non-communicable diseases due to their high prevalence and its impact on the individual and his or her family, influenced by risk factors and social determinants, conditioned by their origins, beliefs, experiences and representations that color current intercultural contexts worldwide.

Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562507


INTRODUÇÃO: As políticas de saúde infantil da Atenção Básica preconizam pela perspectiva do cuidado integral, associadas ao princípio da territorialidade. Contudo, abarcar a diversidade do território constitui-se enquanto um importante desafio para os profissionais de saúde responsáveis pelas consultas periódicas dos bebês, sobretudo em locais com forte tradição cultural hegemônica. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo buscou investigar as experiências e desafios de profissionais de saúde com a diversidade de cuidadores, saberes e práticas de cuidado nos atendimentos a bebês de 0 a 2 anos na Atenção Básica de Caxias do Sul, RS. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo envolvendo entrevistas online com 12 profissionais de saúde de quatro UBS da cidade, cujos dados foram analisados através de uma leitura psicanalítica. RESULTADOS e DISCUSSÃO: Constatou-se que há uma diversidade de cuidadores nas consultas dos bebês, sobretudo mães italianas, avós italianas e cuidadores imigrantes não italianos. Ainda, as consultas acabam se tornando um palco de embates entre profissionais e cuidadores, especialmente no tocante às dissonâncias sobre os saberes e práticas de cuidado ao bebê. CONCLUSÃO: Os saberes dos cuidadores que não estão em consonância com as políticas de saúde são percebidos pelos profissionais de saúde enquanto desafios na efetivação do cuidado integral dos bebês.

INTRODUCTION: Child health policies in Primary Health Care (PHC) operate from the perspective of comprehensive care, associated with the principle of territoriality. However, embracing the diversity of the territory is an important challenge for health professionals responsible for the infant's periodic consultations, especially in territories with a strong hegemonic cultural tradition. OBJECTIVE: This study sought to investigate the experiences and challenges of health professionals with the diversity of caregivers, traditional knowledge, and care practices regarding infants aged 0 to 2 years in PHC, in a southern city of Brazil. METHOD: This qualitative study involved online interviews with 12 health professionals from four PHC Centers, whose data were analyzed through a psychoanalytical reading. RESULTS and DISCUSSION: It was found that there is a diversity of caregivers in the infant's consultations, especially Italian mothers, Italian grandmothers and non-Italian immigrant caregivers. Moreover, the consultations become a stage for disparities between professionals and caregivers, especially because of the disagreements about the traditional knowledge and baby care practices. CONCLUSIONS: The caregiver's traditional knowledge that differs from the health policies end up being perceived by health professionals as challenges in the achievement of comprehensive care for infants.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Las políticas de salud infantil en Atención Primaria abogan por prácticas profesionales basadas en la perspectiva de la atención integral, asociada al principio de territorialidad. Sin embargo, acoger la diversidad del territorio es un desafío para los profesionales de la salud responsables de las consultas periódicas con los bebés, especialmente en lugares con una fuerte tradición cultural hegemónica. OBJETIVO: Este estudio investigó las experiencias y desafíos de los profesionales de salud con la diversidad de cuidadores, saberes y prácticas de cuidado en consultas de bebés de 0 a 2 años, en Atención Primaria de una ciudad del sur de Brasil. MÉTODO: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que involucra entrevistas online con 12 profesionales de cuatro centros de salud, cuyos datos fueron analizados a través de una lectura psicoanalítica. RESULTADOS y DISCUSSIÓN: Se encontró que existe diversidad de cuidadores, especialmente madres/abuelas italianas y cuidadoras inmigrantes no italianas. Las consultas se convierten en escenario de enfrentamientos entre profesionales y cuidadores en lo que se refiere a los diferentes conocimientos y prácticas del cuidado. CONCLUSIÓN: Los conocimientos de los cuidadores que no se ajustan a las políticas de salud acaban siendo percibidos por los profesionales como desafíos en la concreción de la atención integral al bebé.

Primary Health Care , Caregivers , Cultural Diversity
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569871


Introducción: El desarrollo de vacunas seguras y eficaces contra el SARS-CoV-2 supuso un enorme reto para enfrentar la pandemia de la COVID-19. La aparición de nuevas variantes del SARS-CoV-2 representa un reto en la evaluación de la efectividad de las vacunas, diferentes candidatos vacunales y terapéuticos desarrollados por la comunidad científica. Objetivos: Caracterizar la diversidad genética de aislamientos virales cubanos en el periodo comprendido entre junio de 2020 y diciembre de 2022. Métodos: Se obtuvo el ARN de SARS-CoV-2 de 27 aislamientos a partir de sobrenadante de cultivo celular y se secuenció el gen S. Las secuencias generadas se emplearon para la identificación y posterior caracterización molecular de las variantes genéticas del virus mediante análisis filogenético y el uso de las herramientas disponibles en la base de datos GISEAD. Resultados: Las variantes detectadas en los aislamientos cubanos de SARS-CoV-2 estudiados se correspondieron a las identificadas en los estudios de vigilancia genómica realizados en las diferentes etapas pandémicas de la COVID-19 en Cuba. El 33,3 % de los aislamientos secuenciados correspondieron a los diferentes linajes de la variante Ómicron, seguido de la variante Beta B 1.351 (29,6 %), otros linajes de SARS-CoV-2 (25,9 %), Alfa B 1.1.7 (7,4 %) y Delta B.1.575 (3,7 %). Se detectó la mutación D614G en todos los aislamientos de SARS-CoV-2 estudiados. Conclusiones: La caracterización molecular de los aislamientos cubanos de SARS-CoV-2 tiene una elevada diversidad genética. Posibilita evaluar in vitro e in vivo los candidatos vacunales y agentes terapéuticos desarrollados por la industria biofarmacéutica cubana.

Introduction: The development of safe and effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 posed a huge challenge to face the COVID-19 pandemic. The appearance of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 represents a challenge in evaluating the effectiveness of vaccines, different vaccine and therapeutic candidates developed by the scientific community. Objectives: Characterize and analyze the genetic diversity of Cuban viral isolates, in the period between June 2020 and December 2022. Methods: SARS-CoV-2 RNA was obtained from 27 isolates from cell culture supernatant and the S gene was sequenced. The generated sequences were used for the identification and subsequent molecular characterization of the genetic variants of the virus through phylogenetic analysis and the use of the tools available in the GISEAD database. Results: The variants detected in the Cuban SARS-CoV-2 isolates corresponded to those identified in the genomic surveillance studies carried out in the different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Cuba. 33.3% of the sequenced isolates corresponded to the different lineages of the Omicron variant, followed by Beta B 1.351 (29.6%), other SARS-CoV-2 lineages (25.9%), Alpha B 1.1.7 (7.4%) and Delta B.1.575 (3.7%). The D614G mutation was detected in all SARS-CoV-2 isolates studied. Conclusions: The molecular characterization of the Cuban isolates of SARS-CoV-2 has a high genetic diversity. It makes it possible to evaluate in vitro and in vivo vaccine candidates and therapeutic agents developed by the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-13, 20240130.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554961


Introducción: consecuencia de la pandemia a causa del coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), desde el 2020 ha aumen-tado la generación de los residuos con riesgo biológico o infeccioso, usados en los protocolos de biosegu-ridad por parte de la ciudadanía en general y el talento humano en salud. Ello generó un alto riesgo para salud y un aumento en el índice de contaminación ambiental y degradación de los recursos naturales, que hasta el momento ha superado las expectativas para su mitigación. Desarrollo: para contrarrestar el impacto del aumento en el índice de contaminación ambiental, se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de buscar acciones medioambientales para mitigar el daño y ampliar el concepto sobre el medio ambiente y la importancia de la interacción y codependencia del ser humano con la naturaleza. Se plantea la idea de retomar elementos conceptuales del conocimiento de las culturas indígenas sobre la visión holística del ambiente, partiendo de una cosmovisión indígena del buen vivir, donde el ambiente y el ser humano se encuentran en constante equilibrio y armonía. Conclusión: se pretende encontrar, desde la cosmovisión indígena, posibles abordajes conceptuales que mitiguen el impacto de la contaminación ambiental a causa del coronavirus, así como la formulación de acciones estratégicas para la adecuada gestión de estos residuos

Introduction: Since 2020, due to the the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, there has been an increase in generation of waste with biological or infectious risk used in biosafety protocols by the community and human resources in health, which, in turn, generates a high rate of pollution and environmental degradation of natural resources that has so far exceeded expectations for mitigation.Development: To reduce the impact of this problematic situation, a reflection was made to strengthen the current public policies and implement environmental actions that seek to mitigate the damage, but, above all, to change the concept of the environment and increase awareness about the importance of interac-tion and codependency of human beings with nature. The idea of retaking conceptual elements of the knowledge of indigenous cultures regarding the holistic vision of the environment is proposed, starting from a Quechua worldview of good living, where the environment and the human being are in constant balance and harmony. Conclusions:This study is intended to determine, from the indigenous worldview, the possible conceptual approaches that mitigate the environmental impact, as well as to formulate strategic actions for the adequate management of the resultant waste.

Introdução: como consequência da pandemia causada pelo Coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), desde 2020 houve um aumento na geração de resíduos com risco biológico ou infeccioso utilizados em protocolos de bios-segurança pelo público em geral e talentos humanos em saúde; o que gerou um alto risco à saúde e um aumento no índice de contaminação ambiental e degradação dos recursos naturais que até agora tem superado as expectativas para sua mitigação. Desenvolvimento: para neutralizar o impacto do aumento do índice de contaminação ambiental, é feita uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de buscar ações ambien-tais para mitigar os danos, e ampliar o conceito de meio ambiente e a importância da interação e code-pendência do ser humano com a natureza. Propõe-se a ideia de retomar elementos conceituais do conhe-cimento das culturas indígenas sobre a visão holística do meio ambiente, partindo de uma cosmovisão indígena do bem viver, onde o meio ambiente e o ser humano estão em constante equilíbrio e harmonia. Conclusão: pretende-se encontrar a partir da visão de mundo indígena, possíveis abordagens conceituais que mitiguem o impacto da contaminação ambiental devido ao coronavírus, bem como a formulação de ações estratégicas para o gerenciamento adequado desses resíduos

Humans , COVID-19
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006278


ObjectiveTo study the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of Pinellia ternata germplasm resources and provide the basis for germplasm identification, variety breeding, and resource conservation. MethodIn this study, 27 P. ternata were used as experimental materials to determine seven phenotypic characters, such as plant height, leaf length, and leaf width. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) primers were designed based on P. ternata transcriptome data, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed on 27 P. ternata samples. The genetic diversity of P. ternata germplasm was analyzed by POPGENE32, PowerMarker V3.25, and NTSYS-PC 2.10e software. ResultA total of 10 pairs of highly polymorphic primers (PIC>0.5) and four pairs of moderately polymorphic primers (0.25<PIC<0.5) were selected. The average number of alleles detected was 3.928 6, and the average Nei's diversity index (H) and Shannon's index (I) were 0.557 8 and 1.002 9, respectively, indicating a high level of genetic diversity. Cluster analysis divided the Pinellia ternata into seven categories, and P. ternata in the same province were in the same categories. The SSR molecular ID cards of 27 P. ternata germplasm were constructed with 14 pairs of primers, and the rapid identification of P. ternata in each region was realized. ConclusionThe results of this study can lay a foundation for the genetic diversity and population structure of P. ternata and provide a scientific basis for the identification of P. ternata germplasm resources, map construction, and molecular-assisted breeding.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030544


Aims@#This study investigates the community structure and diversity of terrestrial soil bacterial communities thriving in four contrasting Köppen climatic zones of India using high-throughput sequencing.@*Methodology and results@#Soil samples were collected for metagenomic DNA isolation and PCR amplification using primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene region. Amplicons were subjected to Oxford nanopore sequencing and data analysis. Bacterial species diversity, evenness and richness were highest in a humid sub-tropical climatic zone (HSCZ). Firmicutes were the most abundant phylum in the tropical wet climatic zone (TWCZ), arid climatic zone (ACZ) and humid sub-tropical climatic zone (HSCZ), while Proteobacteria in the mountain climatic zone (MCZ). The predominance of class Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria with genera Bradyrhizobium, Chthoniobacter and Mycobacterium, was observed in MCZ in contrast to class Bacilli with genera Bacillus and Paenibacillus in the rest of the zones. OTU abundance was positively correlated with moisture, TOC (total organic carbon), K, MAP (mean annual precipitation) and negatively correlated with pH, Ca, N, B, Fe, P, Mg and MAT (mean annual temperature). A significant correlation was only observed with Fe against Shannon diversity (H’) in multiple regression analysis. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The multidirectional relationship between soil, its microbiota and climate is crucial in modulating bacterial community diversity and its survival in terrestrial ecosystems that significantly contribute to ecosystem function. This work mapped the occurrence and distribution of terrestrial soil bacterial communities in contrasting climatic zones for the first time, enabling us to assess the effect of climate in the mentioned Köppen climatic zones.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031380


Objective To investigate the bacterial community diversity in human Demodex mites, so as to provide insights into unraveling the role of human Demodex mites in them caused infectious diseases. Methods From June to July 2023, Demodex mites were collected from the faces of college students in a university in Wuhu City using the adhesive tape method, and the V4 region of 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene of nuclear ribosomal DNA were amplified on an Illumina PE250 high-throughput sequencing platform. Sequencing data were spliced according to the overlapping relations and filtered to yield effective sequences, and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was clustered. The diversity index of obtained OUTs was analyzed, and the structure of the bacterial community was analyzed at various taxonomic levels. Results A total of 57 483 valid sequences were obtained using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and 159 OUTs were classified according to similarity. Then, OUTs at a 97% similarity were included for taxonomic analyses, and the bacteria in Demodex mites belonged to 14 phyla, 20 classes, 51 orders, 72 families, and 94 genera. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum, and Vibrio, Bradyrhizobium and Variovorax were dominant genera. A total of 56 362 valid sequences were obtained using ITS gene sequencing, and 147 OTUs were obtained, which belonged to 5 phyla, 17 classes, 34 orders, 68 families, and 93 genera and were annotated to Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Chytridiomycota, with Ascomycota as the dominant phylum, and Alternaria alternata, Epicoccum, Penicillium, and Sarocladium as dominant genera. Conclusions There is a high diversity in the composition of bacterial communities in human Demodex mites, with multiple types of microorganisms and high species abundance.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036434


@#Introduction: Poor dietary diversity is one of the key factors that increases the rate of complications during pregnancy. Pregnancy complications significantly increase the risk of maternal mortality. The aim of this study was to explore the associated factors between dietary diversity and complications during pregnancy. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 450 randomly selected pregnant women. Individual dietary diversity score (IDDS) was used to assess dietary diversity based on Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). IDDS was derived from 24-hour recalls from nine food groups. Results: Most of the pregnant women (48.9%) included in this study were in their second trimester; 19.3% and 31.8% were in first trimester and third trimester, respectively. About 83.8% of respondents included in this study experienced pregnancy complications. According to IDDS, most participants (77.1%) consumed a medium-diversified diet. Only 4.4% and 18.4% of pregnant women had low and highly diversified dietary intakes, respectively. Mean IDDS was 5.62±0.93, which indicated medium diversity of dietary intake. Dietary diversity had a statistically significant correlation with age (p=0.003), monthly income (p=0.003), education level (p=0.001), and respondent’s employment (p=0.004). The study exposed that pregnancy complications had a negative correlation with food diversity (r=-0.223), marriage age (r=-0.066), and education level (r=-0.163). Conclusion: The study concluded that pregnancy complications can be alleviated by improving dietary diversity practices during pregnancy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999156


By reviewing the research history on quality comparison between wild and cultivated Chinese crude drugs, this paper systematically combed the relevant research reports since the 1950s, and summarized and analyzed the results of existing comparative studies, and found that the existing comparative research on the quality of wild and cultivated Chinese crude drugs were mainly focused on several aspects, including characteristics, microstructures, chemical compositions, pharmacodynamic effects, and genetic diversity. Among these, comparative studies of chemical compositions have been the dominant approach, with a particular emphasis on comparing the contents of index components. However, research on pharmacodynamic effects remained relatively limited. Due to various factors such as sample quantity, sample origin, growth period and cultivation methods, the differences in quality between wild and cultivated Chinese crude drugs vary significantly. In general, most wild Chinese crude drugs exhibited higher quality than cultivated products, with significant differences in their characteristics. The contents and proportions of some chemical components underwent noticeable changes, particularly with a marked increase in the proportion of primary metabolites after cultivation. The quality of cultivated Chinese crude drugs is closely related to the cultivation practices employed. Chinese crude drugs produced through wild nurturing, simulated wild planting, ecological cultivation, and other similar methods demonstrate quality levels comparable to those of wild Chinese crude drugs. Based on the analysis results, it is recommended to explicitly specify the cultivation practices and cultivation period of cultivated Chinese crude drugs in comparative studies of the quality between wild and cultivated Chinese crude drugs. Multiple technical approaches, including characteristics, microscopy, non-targeted metabolomics combined with quantitative analysis of differential components, and bioefficacy evaluation, should be employed to comprehensively assess the quality disparities between wild and cultivated Chinese crude drugs. Moreover, research efforts should be intensified to investigate the changes in pharmacodynamic effects resulting from differences in plant cell wall composition, primary metabolites, and secondary metabolites, in order to guide the production of high-quality Chinese crude drugs.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 243-252, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005444


Platycodonis Radix is the dry root of Platycodon grandiflorum of Campanulaceae, which has a variety of pharmacological effects and is a commonly used bulk Chinese medicine. In this study, the chloroplast genome sequences of six P. grandiflorum from different producing areas has been sequenced with Illumina HiSeq X Ten platform. The specific DNA barcodes were screened, and the germplasm resources and genetic diversity were analyzed according to the specific barcodes. The total length of the chloroplast genome of 6 P. grandiflorum samples was 172 260-172 275 bp, and all chloroplast genomes showed a typical circular tetrad structure and encoded 141 genes. The comparative genomics analysis and results of amplification efficiency demonstrated that trnG-UCC and ndhG_ndhF were the potential specific DNA barcodes for identification the germplasm resources of P. grandiflorum. A total of 305 P. grandiflorum samples were collected from 15 production areas in 9 provinces, for which the fragments of trnG-UCC and ndhG_ndhF were amplificated and the sequences were analyzed. The results showed that trnG-UCC and ndhG_ndhF have 5 and 11 mutation sites, respectively, and 5 and 7 haplotypes were identified, respectively. The combined analysis of the two sequences formed 13 haplotypes (named Hap1-Hap13), and Hap4 is the main genotype, followed by Hap1. The unique haplotypes possessed by the three producing areas can be used as DNA molecular tags in this area to distinguish from the germplasm resources of P. grandiflorum from other areas. The haplotype diversity, nucleotide diversity and genetic distance were 0.94, 4.79×10-3 and 0.000 0-0.020 3, respectively, suggesting that the genetic diversity was abundant and intraspecific kinship was relatively close. This study laid a foundation for the identification of P. grandiflorum, the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, and molecular breeding.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012526


@#Introduction: Food security and dietary diversity are critical in ensuring the nutritional and dietary adequacy of mothers. However, since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has become more challenging for mothers to maintain a healthy and varied diet, as more households are reported to be food insecure. Thus, this study aimed to assess food insecurity and its determinants, as well as to determine how it relates to dietary diversity. Methods: A cross-sectional study comprising 200 of B40 mothers with children under the age of two who resided in metropolitan regions of Selangor was conducted. Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDDW) questionnaires were used to measure food insecurity and dietary diversity, respectively. Results: About 67% of mothers experienced food insecurity and 29.5% experienced dietary monotony. Less than 12 years of education (AOR=4.89, 95% CI=1.87-12.83) and living in a family with six or more people (AOR=3.48, 95% CI=1.20-11.20) were significantly associated with food insecurity. Besides, mothers with a monotonous diet were eight times more likely to be food insecure (AOR=8.03, 95% CI=2.67-24.05). Higher odds of dietary monotony were associated with less than 12 years of education (AOR=2.46, 95% CI=1.13-5.35) and household income contributor of not more than one person (AOR=3.78, 95% CI=1.66-8.60). Conclusion: Food insecurity was associated with an increased chance of dietary monotony among low-socioeconomic women residing in urban community. Therefore, identifying and addressing issues related to poor dietary diversity may allow for preventive and proactive measures to improve their nutritional status and well-being.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013568


Objective To investigate the population distribution of intermediate host snails and crabs of Paragonimus along the Jiulongjiang River, Zhangjiang River, and Dongxi River basins in Bopingling Mountain, southern Fujian Province, so as to provide baseline data for researches on parasitic disease prevention and control and enlargement of samples in the parasitic resource bank. Methods A total of 23 villages in 8 counties (districts) along the Jiulong River, Zhangjiang River, and Dongxi River basins in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province were selected as survey sites during the period from November 2020 through March 2023, and snail and freshwater crabs were sampled from 1 to 3 streams and ditches neighboring residential areas in each village. Morphological identification of snails was performed according to the external morphological characteristics of collected snail shells, and the unidentified snail species sampled from the natural foci of paragonimiasis in Yunxiao County were subjected to se-quence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) gene. The crab species was identified by observing the morphological characteristics of the terminal segment of the first pleopod of male crabs, and Paragonimus cercariae and metacercariae were detected in collected snails. Results The shells of the unidentified snails sampled from the natural foci of paragonimiasis in Yunxiao County were approximately 50 mm in height and 18 mm in width, thick and solid, long tower cone-shaped, and had 8 to 10 whorls. CO1 gene sequence analysis identified the snail species as Sulcospira hainanensis. A total of 6 freshwater snail species belonging to 5 genera within 3 families, identified 23 survey sites, including Semisulcospira libertina, Paludomus zhangchouensis and S. hainanensis that belonged to the Family Pleurceridae, Tricula fujianensis and T. huaanensis that belonged to the subfamily Triculinae, Family Pomatiopsidae, and Melanoides tuberculata (Family Thiaridae), and 11 species of freshwater crabs belonging to 5 genera within 2 families were identified, including Sinopotamon genus of S. jianglense, S. pinheense, and S. zhangzhouense, Huananpotamon genus of H. planopodum and H. zhangzhouense, Nanhaipotamon genus of N. huaanense and N. longhaiense, and Minpotamon genus of M. nasicum and M. auritum that belonged to the Family Potamidae, and Somanniathelphusa genus of S. huaanensis and S. zhangpuensis (Family Parathelphusidae). In addition, the prevalence of P. westermani cercariae infections was 0.08% (2/2 317) in P. zhangchouensis from Danyan Village in Changtai District and 0.09% (1/1 039) in S. hainanensis from Jinkeng Village in Yunxiao County, and the prevalence of P. westermani metacercariae infections was 25.81% (8/31) in S. jianglense from Danyan Village in Changtai District, and 26.31% (5/19) in S. zhangzhouense from Jinkeng Village in Yunxiao County, respectively. Conclusions There is a population diversity in the intermediate host snails and crabs along the Jiulongjiang River, Zhangjiang River, and Dongxi River basins in Bopingling Mountain, southern Fujian Province, and P. zhangzhouensis and S. hainanensis are, for the first time, confirmed as the first intermediate hosts of P. westermani.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013569


Objective To investigate the microbiota composition and diversity between autogenous and anautogenous Culex pipiens pallens, so as to provide insights into unraveling the pathogenesis of autogeny in Cx. pipiens pallens. Methods Autogenous and anautogenous adult Cx. pipiens pallens samples were collected at 25 ℃, and the hypervariable regions of the microbial 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene was sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform. The microbiota abundance and diversity were evaluated using the alpha diversity index, and the difference in the microbiota structure was examined using the beta diversity index. The microbiota with significant differences in the abundance between autogenous and anautogenous adult Cx. pipiens pallens samples was identified using the linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe). Results The microbiota in autogenous and anautogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples belonged to 18 phyla, 28 classes, 70 orders, 113 families, and 170 genera, and the dominant phyla included Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and so on. At the genus level, Wolbachia was a common dominant genus, and the relative abundance was (77.6 ± 11.3)% in autogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples and (47.5 ± 8.5)% in anautogenous mosquito samples, while Faecalibaculum (0.4% ± 0.1%), Dubosiella (0.5% ± 0.0%) and Massilia (0.5% ± 0.1%) were specific species in autogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples. Alpha diversity analysis showed that higher Chao1 index and ACE index in autogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples than in anautogenous samples (both P values > 0.05), and lower Shannon index (P > 0.05) and Simpson index (P < 0.05) in autogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples than in anautogenous samples. LEfSe analysis showed a total of 48 significantly different taxa between autogenous and anautogenous Cx. pipiens pallens samples (all P values < 0.05). Conclusion There is a significant difference in the microbiota diversity between autogenous and anautogenous Cx. pipiens pallens.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 252-268, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008093


The elucidation of resources pertaining to the Chimonanthus praecox varieties and the establishment of a fingerprint serve as crucial underpinnings for advancing scientific inquiry and industrial progress in relation to C. praecox. Employing the SSR molecular marker technology, an exploration of the genetic diversity of 175 C. praecox varieties (lines) in the Yanling region was conducted, and an analysis of the genetic diversity among these varieties was carried out using the UPDM clustering method in NTSYSpc 2.1 software. We analyzed the genetic structure of 175 germplasm using Structure v2.3.3 software based on a Bayesian model. General linear model (GLM) association was utilized to analyze traits and markers. The genetic diversity analysis revealed a mean number of alleles (Na) of 6.857, a mean expected heterozygosity (He) of 0.496 3, a mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.503 7, a mean genetic diversity index of Nei՚s of 0.494 9, and a mean Shannon information index of 0.995 8. These results suggest that the C. praecox population in Yanling exhibits a rich genetic diversity. Additionally, the population structure and the UPDM clustering were examined. In the GLM model, a total of fifteen marker loci exhibited significant (P < 0.05) association with eight phenotypic traits, with the explained phenotypic variation ranging from 14.90% to 36.03%. The construction of fingerprints for C. praecox varieties (lines) was accomplished by utilizing eleven primer pairs with the highest polymorphic information content, resulting in the analysis of 175 SSR markers. The present study offers a thorough examination of the genetic diversity and SSR molecular markers of C. praecox in Yanling, and establishes a fundamental germplasm repository of C. praecox, thereby furnishing theoretical underpinnings for the selection and cultivation of novel and superior C. praecox varieties, varietal identification, and resource preservation and exploitation.

Bayes Theorem , Biomarkers , Phenotype , Cluster Analysis , Genetic Variation
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer ; (12): 943-949, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010102


So far, the monoclonal hypothesis of tumor occurrence and development cannot be justified. The genetic diversity selection hypothesis for the occurrence and development of lung cancer links Mendelian genetics with Darwin's theory of evolution, suggesting that the genetic diversity of tumor cell populations with polyclonal origins-monoclonal selection-subclonal expansion is the result of selection pressure. Normal cells acquire mutations in oncogenic driver genes and have a selective advantage over other cells, becoming tumor initiating cells; In the interaction with the tumor microenvironment (TME), the vast majority of initiating cells are recognized and killed by the human immune system. If immune escape occurs, the incidence of malignant tumors will greatly increase, and subclonal expansion, intratumour heterogeneity, etc. will occur. This article proposed the hypothesis of genetic diversity selection and analyzed its clinical significance.

Humans , Lung Neoplasms/genetics , Clinical Relevance , Evolution, Molecular , Mutation , Tumor Microenvironment
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039905


Background Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] exposure can cause structural disruption of intestinal flora and functional impairment. Vitamin C (VC) is one of the essential micronutrients, which plays an important role in promoting the growth of intestinal probiotics, improving the intestinal barrier, and maintaining the homeostasis of intestinal flora. However, the regulatory effect of VC on the intestinal flora disorders caused by Cr(VI) exposure remains to be investigated. Objective To investigate the effect of VC on intestinal flora disruption in mice due to Cr(VI) exposure. Methods Thirty-two SPF-grade C57BL/6 mice were acclimatized and fed for 3 d and randomly divided into control (Con), VC, potassium dichromate [K2Cr2O7, Cr(VI)], and VC+K2Cr2O7 [VC+Cr(VI)] groups. At 8:00 a.m. on day 4, the Con group (double-distilled water given by gavage and injected intraperitoneally), the VC group (VC given by gavage and double-distilled water injected intraperitoneally), the Cr(VI) group (double-distilled water given by gavage and K2Cr2O7 solution injected intraperitoneally), and the VC+Cr(VI) group (VC given by gavage and K2Cr2O7 solution injected intraperitoneally) were treated. The dose of VC was 200 mg·kg−1, and the dose of K2Cr2O7 was 1.25 mg·kg−1. The mice were treated for 45 consecutive days and then executed, the contents of the colon were sampled in sterile freezing tubes, and three replicates were collected from each group. After labeling, the samples were immediately put into liquid nitrogen for rapid freezing. After all the samples were collected, they were transferred to a -80 ℃ ultra-low temperature refrigerator for storage. Samples of colon contents were analyzed for intestinal flora structure by high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics software. Results The Cr(VI) exposure resulted in reduced body weight gain values in mice compared to the Con group. Pathological changes occurred in the ileal tissue of mice, with significant inflammatory cell infiltration in the Cr(VI) group and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration in the VC+Cr(VI) group. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of intestinal flora was altered in the Cr(VI) group of mice. In the α diversity analysis, the mean Sobs index in the Cr(VI) group was 240.333±67.796, the Chao index was 258.173±64.813, and the Ace index was 259.481±66.891, which were significantly lower than those in the Con group (P<0.05), the PD whole tree index in the Cr(VI) group was 27.863±2.399, which was significantly higher than that in the Con group (P<0.05), and the VC intervention significantly reversed the changes of the above indexes due to Cr(VI) exposure (P<0.05). In the β diversity analysis, the principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) results showed a significant separation between the Cr(VI) group and the Con group, and after the VC intervention, there was a retraction of the separation trend and the difference was reduced. The multi-sample similarity dendrogram results showed that the control and the VC groups clustered together first, then with the VC+Cr(VI) group, and finally with the Cr(VI) group. The abundances of Bacteroidetes, Saccharibacteria, and Tenericutes in the intestine of mice in the Cr(VI) group were decreased, and the abundance of Firmicutes was increased; the abundances of Lactobacillus, Alistipes, Bacteroides, and Ruminiclostridium were also increased. Included among these, Bacteroides showed a significantly higher abundance compared to the control mice (P<0.05). Changes in the abundances of phyla and genera of the above mentioned gut microorganisms were reversed after the VC intervention. Conclusion Cr(VI) exposure can lead to intestinal damage and disorganization of the intestinal flora structure in mice, while VC intervention can ameliorate the above changes to a certain extent and normalize the intestinal flora structure.

Medical Education ; : 121-127, 2024.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039979


The University of Tokyo Disability Services Office and the University of Tokyo Hospital have striven to advance the inclusion of individuals with disabilities and to encourage the co-production of research as well as mental health services with peer support workers. In convergence with these endeavors, the Center for Diversity in Medical Education and Research (CDMER) was founded in 2021. The Center aims to establish an environment and culture that facilitates the participation and success of medical professionals with disabilities. For this purpose, it is essential to integrate the perspective of the social model of disability into medical education and promote co-production in the medical field, which is among the most challenging areas that can realize co-production. The Center is involved in various educational and research activities, including managing educational programs for medical students and supporting student-led research.

Medical Education ; : 177-182, 2024.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039987


The movement for social diversity and inclusion has triggered a paradigm shift toward a social model of disability that aims to eliminate disadvantages for people with disabilities and achieve a just society through changes in the social environment rather than individual change. Under this new paradigm, medicine and medical science need to transform their physical, human, and cultural environments to be inclusive of users and colleagues with disabilities and other minority characteristics. In particular, it is essential to create an environment in which people with disabilities and other minorities can participate as colleagues in the medical profession to reduce health disparities among people with disabilities and to achieve medical care in which no one is left behind.

Medical Education ; : 74-81, 2024.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039991


On April 1, 2024, Japan’s revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities came into effect, mandating the provision of reasonable accommodations at all higher education institutions in Japan, whether national, public, or private. In response to this legislative change, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) released ‘Report of the Study Group on Support for Students with Disabilities (Third Summary),’ which outlines the fundamental issues regarding support for students with disabilities in Japan. Furthermore, this paper will explore how to address conflicts arising from the need to clarify educational content, teaching methods, and methods for evaluating learning outcomes, alongside the need to provide reasonable accommodations that require flexible responses to individual needs. These challenges are particularly pressing in the context of medical faculties, which bear a significant social responsibility for training medical professionals. We will refer to precedents in the U.S. to inform our discussion.