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Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440522


La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad progresiva, con manifestaciones clásicas y tempranas como es la afectación de las articulaciones pequeñas de las manos y los tobillos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los documentos publicados entre 2017 y 2022. Se realizó una lectura preliminar de 37 artículos que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, y finalmente se seleccionaron 23 artículos, de los cuales se tomó el contenido de mayor importancia. La ecografía es una técnica fiable y más sensible que la exploración clínica en el estudio de la enfermedad músculo-esquelética, pues permite una exploración multiplanar y dinámica, lo que resulta en un diagnóstico más exacto. La técnica Doppler constituye un complemento útil en el seguimiento de estos pacientes. Esta enfermedad es recurrente en las consultas de Reumatología, por tanto, en su valoración inicial, la utilidad de los medios diagnósticos, especialmente la ecografía, tiene gran importancia.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive disease, with classic and early manifestations such as involvement of the small joints of the hands and ankles. We conducted a bibliographic review of the documents published between 2017 and 2022. A preliminary reading of 37 articles that met the inclusion criteria was carried out, and 23 articles were finally selected, from which the most important content was taken. Ultrasound is a more sensitive and reliable technique than clinical examination for the study of musculoskeletal disease, since it allows a multiplanar and dynamic examination, which results in a more accurate diagnosis. Doppler technique is a useful complement in the follow-up of these patients. This disease is recurrent in Rheumatology consultations, that's why in its initial assessment, the usefulness of diagnostic means, especially ultrasound, is of great importance.

Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Rheumatology , Echocardiography, Doppler
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 97(5): 520-524, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340162


Abstract Objective: To evaluate cardiac function and structural changes in children of diabetic mothers in the fetal and neonatal period using Doppler-echocardiographic data. Method: A prospective, descriptive observational study conducted in a private and tertiary care service for high-risk pregnant women. It included 48 children of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) considered clinically compensated during pregnancy, with a single fetus and absence of malformations. Myocardial thickness, shortening fraction, left ventricular (LVMPI) and right ventricular (RVMPI) myocardial performance index, and mitral and tricuspid valve E/A ratio were evaluated in 96 echocardiographic exams with Doppler. Results: The hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was 29% vs 6% p = 0.006 in the prenatal and postnatal periods respectively. The shortening fraction was 0% vs 6% p = 0.242 in the fetuses and newborns respectively. The myocardial performance index of the right ventricle was 12% vs 54% p ≤ 0.001, and on the left ventricle 27% vs 60% p = 0.001 in the prenatal and postnatal periods respectively. The ratio of mitral valve E/A waves was 6% vs 50% p ≤ 0.001 and the ratio of tricuspid valve E/A waves was 0% vs 27% p 0.001 in the fetuses and newborns respectively. Conclusion: A decrease in the rate of myocardial hypertrophy and changes in cardiac function parameters were observed in the fetal and neonatal periods.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Child , Diabetes, Gestational , Cardiomyopathies , Prospective Studies , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Gestational Age , Fetal Heart/diagnostic imaging , Mothers
Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 48(1)abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386664


RESUMEN La ventana aortopulmonar es una malformación cardiaca congénita poco frecuente que se encuentra entre el 0,2% y 0,6% de todas las cardiopatías congénitas. Consiste en una comunicación entre la aorta ascendente y el tronco de la arteria pulmonar en presencia de dos arterias con dos válvulas semilunares. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 6 meses con 5,860 kg remitido al servicio de cardiología infantil por dificultad respiratoria y escasa ganancia ponderal. Entre los métodos diagnósticos se realiza la ecocardiografía doppler color requiriendo posteriormente complementar dicho método con cateterismo cardiaco y posterior resolución quirúrgica.

ABSTRACT Aortopulmonary window is a rare congenital heart malformation that is found in between 0.2% and 0.6% of all congenital heart disease. It consists of a communication between the ascending aorta and the trunk of the pulmonary artery in the presence of two arteries with two semilunar valves. We present the case of a 6-month-old infant weighing 5,860 kg referred to the pediatric cardiology service due to respiratory distress and low weight gain. As part of the diagnostic workup, color Doppler echocardiography was performed, along with subsequent cardiac catheterization and surgical resolution.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(2): e292, abr.-jun. 2020. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138998


Introducción: A partir de los años 50, la presentación clínica clásica de la endocarditis infecciosa ha variado. Debido al uso de antibióticos, drogas ilícitas, catéteres venosos, etc., las manifestaciones tradicionales no son frecuentes. Objetivo: Presentar un caso con endocarditis infecciosa y comentar las manifestaciones embolígenas, así como las medidas preventivas con las nuevas técnicas. Caso clínico: Enfermo con insuficiencia renal crónica, diabético, hipertenso, con catéter venoso central, que presentó, después de una sección de hemodiálisis; escalofríos intensos, fiebre de 39,5 0C, cefalea intensa, toma del estado general, dolor torácico intenso punzante, tos, expectoración con sangre roja rutilante, disnea, soplo regurgitante holosistólico. Se le realizó ecocardiograma dópler que muestra múltiples vegetaciones pequeñas, hemocultivos positivos a estafilococos dorado. Fue tratado según los resultados del antibiograma durante 6 semanas y resolvió su extrema gravedad. Conclusiones: La endocarditis infecciosa puede tener manifestaciones muy diferentes al de décadas anteriores; puede aparecer como cuadro agudo fulminante por manifestaciones embólicas y sépticas múltiples(AU)

Introduction: Since the 1950s, the classical clinical presentation of infectious endocarditis (E.I) has varied. Due to the use of antibiotics, illicit drugs, venous catheters, traditional manifestations are not frequent. Objectives: To review the embolic presentation of endocarditis and pecify the preventive measures with the new techniques. Clinical case: A patient with chronic renal insufficiency, diabetic, hypertensive, with central venous catheter, intense chills, fever of 39.5 ° C, intense headache, general state, severe chest pain, cough, expectoration with bright red blood, dyspnea, holosystolic regurgitant murmur, after a section of hemodialysis. Doppler echocardiogram was performed, visualizing multiple small vegetation's, positive blood cultures to golden staphylococci, treatment according to antibiograms for 6 weeks, at the end of which the extreme severity was resolved. Comments: Infective endocarditis can have a very different behavior from previous decades; it can appear as an acute fulminating disease due to embolic, septic, multiple manifestations(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chest Pain , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Renal Dialysis/instrumentation , Dyspnea/complications , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/diagnosis
Rev. MED ; 28(1): 41-50, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143830


Resumen: Las cardiopatías congénitas son la tercera causa de malformaciones congénitas y una de las principales responsables de la mortalidad en periodo neonatal en el mundo; se originan a partir de alteraciones en el desarrollo embrionario. La incidencia es variable; en Colombia, se estima que afectan del 2 al 3 % de los recién nacidos vivos. En 2015, 20,8 % de los niños menores de cinco años afectados con cardiopatías congénitas fallecieron a causa de estas alteraciones. El presente es un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron los datos de 252 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cardiopatía congénita entre los años 2010 y 2016, el 56 % de la población encontrada fue de sexo femenino. Predominaron las cardiopatías congénitas no cianosantes (87 %). La mayor prevalencia fue el ductus arterioso permeable (35,3 %). La ecocardiografía Doppler se utilizó en 98,4 % de los casos; con respecto al manejo, el 47,2 % de los pacientes estuvieron en seguimiento, siendo este más común que las alternativas médicas o quirúrgicas. En conclusión, el ductus arterioso permeable, la comunicación interventricular y la comunicación interatrial son las cardiopatías no ciano-santes más frecuentes en la población estudiada y se asocian a hipertensión pulmonar que ameritan mayor seguimiento. La tetralogía de Fallot fue la cardiopatía congénita cianosante más común.

Abstract: Congenital heart defects are the third cause of congenital malformations and one of the main causes of mortality in the neonatal period in the world; they originate from alterations in embryonic development. The incidence is variable; in Colombia, it is estimated that they affect 2 to 3% of live newborns. In 2015, 20.8% of children under the age of five affected with congenital heart defects died from these disorders. This is a descriptive and retrospective study. Data of 252 clinical records of patients diagnosed with congenital heart defect between 2010 and 2016 were included, showing that 56% of this population were female. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases predominated (87%). The highest prevalence was patent ductus arteriosus (35.3%). Doppler echocardiography was used in 98.4% of cases; regarding management, 47.2% of patients were in follow-up, this being more common than medical or surgical alternatives. In conclusion patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect and interatrial septal defect are the most frequent acyanotic heart diseases in the population under study and they are associated with pulmonary hypertension that require higher follow-up. Tetralogy of Fallot was the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease.

Resumo: As cardiopatias congênitas são a terceira causa de malformações congênitas e uma das principais responsáveis pela mortalidade no período neonatal no mundo. São originadas a partir de alterações no desenvolvimento embrionário. A incidência é variável; na Colômbia, é estimado que afetam de 2 a 3 % dos recém-nascidos vivos. Em 2015, 20,8 % das crianças menores de cinco anos afetadas com cardiopatias congênitas faleceram por causa dessas alterações. Este estudo é descritivo e retrospectivo. Foram incluídos dados de 252 prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita entre 2010 e 2016, 56 % da população encontrada foi do sexo feminino. Predominaram as cardiopatias congênitas não cianóticas (87 %). A maior persistência foi o dueto arterioso permeável (35,3 %). A ecocardiografìa Doppler foi utilizada em 98,4 % dos casos; quanto ao manejo, 47,2 % dos pacientes estiveram em seguimento, o que foi mais comum do que as alternativas médicas ou cirúrgicas. Em conclusão, o ducto arterioso permeável, a comunicação interventricular e a comunicação interatrial são as cardiopatias não cianóticas mais frequentes na população estudada e são associadas com a hipertensão pulmonar que merecem maior seguimento. A tetralogia de Fallot foi a cardiopatia congènita cianòtica mais comum.

Humans , Heart Defects, Congenital , Echocardiography, Doppler , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent , Heart Septal Defects
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 38(2): 87-95, ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042601


RESUMEN: Antecedentes: La presión media arterial pulmonar (PMAP) es una variable hemodinámica indispensable para el diagnóstico, clasificación y pronóstico de la Hipertensión Pulmonar (HP). Su cuantificación se realiza en forma invasiva por cateterismo cardíaco derecho (CCD) y no invasivamente por ecocardiografía Doppler. Masuyama propuso su medición mediante el gradiente transvalvular pulmonar diastólico derivado de la velocidad máxima inicial de la regurgitación pulmonar (∆RPi2) correspondiendo cercanamente a la medición invasiva. Objetivos: Revalidar 3 métodos ecocardiográficos que estiman la PMAP y valorar la utilidad del método de Chemla en el Test de Reactividad Vascular Pulmonar (TRVP). Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional, doble ciego divido en dos etapas. A) o I) 30 pacientes se realizó ecocardiografía Doppler diagnóstica en nuestro centro. Se midieron regurgitación tricuspídea (RT) y tiempo de aceleración pulmonar (TAP) para derivar las siguientes ecuaciones: 1) 0.61xPSAP+1.95 (Chemla) 2) Gradiente presión media RT (∆PmRT) +PAD (presión-aurícula derecha) (Aduen) y 3) 79-0.45xTAP o 90-0.60xTAP, según sea el valor del TAP. B) o II) 10 pacientes enrolados para realizar el TRVP comparando la medición ecocardiográfica (Chemla) con CCD. Resultados: En la primera parte del estudio se encontró alta correlación entre las 3 ecuaciones: ChemlaAduen, R2=0.91; Chemla-Kitabatake, R2=0.87; Aduen-Kitabatake, R2=0,91. En la segunda parte comparando la PMAP-Chemla y Cateterismo derecho (CD) obtuvimos alta correlación: en tiempo 0, 30 min y recuperación:(R2=0.87, 0.99, 0.98, respectivamente). Ambas partes del estudio mostraron límites de concordancia satisfactoria con valor medio de la diferencia entre los métodos cercano a 1 en el t30 y tR del TRVP. Conclusión: los métodos dependientes de la medición de la RT son efectivos y confiables para estimar la PMAP. El método de Chemla es útil en el TRVP.

ABSTRACTS: Background: Mean Pulmonary arterial pressure (PMAP)is an indispensable hemodynamic variable for the diagnosis, classification and prognosis of Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). Its quantification is performed invasively by cardiac catheterization and non-invasively by Doppler echocardiography. Masuyama proposed its measurement by the transvalvular diastolic pulmonary gradient derived from the initial maximum velocity of pulmonary regurgitation(ΔPRi2) corresponding closely to the invasive measurement. Objectives: to compare 3 known echocardiographic methods to estimate MPAP and demonstrate the usefulness of the Chemla method in the Pulmonary Vascular Reactivity Test (PVRT). Methods: prospective, observational, double-blind study divided into two stages. A) 30 patients underwent diagnostic Doppler echocardiography. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and pulmonary acceleration time (PAT) were measured to derive the equations: 1) 0.61xSPAP + 1.95 (Chemla) 2) Gradient mean pressure TR (ΔPmTR) + RAP (right atrium pressure) (Aduen).3) 79-0.45xPAT o 90-0.60xPAT depending on the value of PAT. B) 10 patients enrolled to PVRT comparing the echocardiographic measurement (Chemla) with right catheterization. Results: in the first part of the study a high correlation between the 3 equations was found : ChemlaAduen, R2 = 0.91; Chemla-Kitabatake, R2=0.87; Aduen-Kitabatake, R2=0.91. In the second part comparing the MPAP-Chemla and RHC we obtained a high correlation in time 0, 30 min and recovery: (R2=0.87,0,99,0.98, respectively). Both parts of the study showed satisfactory limits concordance with mean value of the difference between the methods close to 1 in the t30 and tR of the TRVP. Conclusion: the methods dependent on the measurement of the TR are effective and reliable for estimating MPAP. The Chemla method is useful in the PVRT.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pulmonary Artery/physiology , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Circulation/physiology , Hypertension, Pulmonary/diagnosis , Vascular Resistance , Blood Flow Velocity , Cardiac Catheterization , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Linear Models , Double-Blind Method , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Prospective Studies , Arterial Pressure/physiology , Acceleration , Hypertension, Pulmonary/physiopathology , Lung/physiology , Lung/blood supply
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 78(3): 163-170, jun. 2018. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-954972


La evaluación de la congestión en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca y fracción de eyección reducida (ICFEr) resulta relevante y estrechamente vinculada al curso clínico. El agregado del comportamiento de la presión arterial durante la maniobra de Valsalva en la cabecera del paciente (VAL) podría mejorar la evaluación clínica de congestión cuando la comparamos con los niveles de NT-proBNP y la estimación de la presión media en la aurícula izquierda por Doppler cardíaco, como subrogantes de congestión. Se realizó un examen clínico con el VAL, un examen de laboratorio y un Doppler cardíaco en 69 pacientes ambulatorios con insuficiencia cardíaca y fracción de eyección ≤ 40% en ritmo sinusal. El score de Framingham ≥ 2 (SFr ≥ 2) se empleó para evaluar congestión clínica. VAL fue clasificado como normal o anormal, el NT-proBNP como bajo (< 1000 pg/ml) o alto (≥ 1000 pg/ml) y la relación entre la velocidad del llenado ventricular rápido y la velocidad del Doppler tisular (E/e') como baja < 15 o alta ≥ 15. Se halló que 13/27 pacientes con SFr ≥ 2 tenían NT-proBNP alto (sensibilidad 62%, especificidad 70% y razón de verosimilitud positiva [LR+] de 2.08, p = 0.01). El agregado del VAL al SFr ≥ 2 mejoró la exactitud diagnóstica (sensibilidad 100%, especificidad 64% y LR+ 2.8 p = 0.0004). Comparado con la E/e', SFr ≥ 2 con VAL anormal mostró sensibilidad 86%, especificidad 56% y LR + 1.86 (p = 0.03). En conclusión, el agregado del comportamiento de la presión durante la maniobra de Valsalva podría mejorar la evaluación clínica de la congestión en la insuficiencia cardíaca.

Congestion in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is relevant and closely linked to the clinical course. Bedside blood pressure measurement during the Valsalva maneuver (Val) added to clinical examination may improve the assessment of congestion when compared to NT-proBNP levels and left atrial pressure (LAP) estimation by Doppler echocardiography, as surrogate markers of congestion in HFrEF. A clinical examination, LAP and blood tests were performed in 69 HFrEF ambulatory patients with left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 40% and sinus rhythm. Framingham Heart Failure Score (HFS) was used to evaluate clinical congestion; Val was classified as normal or abnormal, NT-proBNP was classified as low (< 1000 pg/ml) or high (≥ 1000 pg/ml) and the ratio between Doppler early mitral inflow and tissue diastolic velocity was used to estimate LAP and was classified as low (E/e'< 15) or high (E/e' ≥ 15). A total of 69 patients with HFrEF were included; 27 had a HFS ≥ 2 and 13 of them had high NT-proBNP. HFS ≥ 2 had a 62% sensitivity, 70% specificity and a positive likelihood ratio of 2.08 (p=0.01) to detect congestion. When Val was added to clinical examination, the presence of a HFS ≥ 2 and abnormal Val showed a 100% sensitivity, 64% specificity and a positive likelihood ratio of 2.8 (p = 0.0004). Compared with LAP, the presence of HFS ≥ 2 and abnormal Val had 86% sensitivity, 54% specificity and a positive likelihood ratio of 1.86 (p = 0.03). In conclusion, an integrated clinical examination with the addition Valsalva maneuver may improve the assessment of congestion in patients with HFrEF.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Peptide Fragments/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis , Valsalva Maneuver , Natriuretic Peptide, Brain/analysis , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Severity of Illness Index , Echocardiography, Doppler , Prospective Studies , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(5): 997-1004, May 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955419


Objetivou-se com este estudo reportar descrições acerca dos cortes ecocardiográficos no modo bidimensional, das dimensões cardíacas pelo modo unidimensional e dos índices de fluxo Doppler em caprinos da raça Moxotó. Foram utilizados 32 caprinos da raça Moxotó, distribuídos em quatro grupos por categoria de peso corporal, de igual número (n=8), em: G1 (5-10kg), G2 (10-15kg), G3 (15-20kg) e G4 (>20kg). Todos foram submetidos a um registro ecocardiográfico pelos modos bidimensional, modo-M, Doppler pulsado (PW), contínuo (CW) e de fluxo de cores (CF). A formação espectral das imagens ecocardiográficas foi satisfatória, contudo algumas adaptações foram necessárias para obtenção adequada dos cortes nos caprinos acima de 20 kg. Os parâmetros ecocardiográficos em modo unidimensional (IVSd, IVSs, LVIDd, LVIDs, VPWd, LVPWs) e índices de função cardíaco (EF e FS) apresentaram uma correlação descritiva positiva com peso corporal enquadradas nas categorias estudadas. A separação septal do ponto E, mostrou-se constante dentre as categorias de peso investigadas, variando entre 0,1 a 0,41cm em caprinos da raça Moxotó. A relação Em/Am foi predominantemente " >1" em todos os caprinos estudados, com Emax > Amax em todas as categorias, não sendo sujeito a influência da frequência cardíaca dentre as categorias de peso estudados. O mesmo pode ser aplicado ao TRIV, que se mostrou uniforme dentre os intervalos de peso estudados. As velocidades de fluxo da valva aórtica individuais foram superiores a velocidade máxima do fluxo da valva pulmonar. Os tempos de ejeção dos fluxos aórtico e pulmonar apresentaram correlação positiva descritiva com o aumento do peso corporal. Condição também observada sobre o VTI dos espectros de fluxo, dada a relação direta desta variável com o volume sistólico inversamente à FC. O tempo de aceleração (TA) do fluxo pulmonar foi superior ao fluxo aórtico, sendo este relação direta com aumento do peso corporal por categoria estudada e inversamente à frequência cardíaca. Desta forma, a padronização das variáveis ecodopplercardiográficas na espécie caprina, deve sempre considerar particularidades relacionadas ao padrão racial, faixa etária e peso corporal, bem como estudos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade e adoção de elementos individuais referenciais para elaboração confiável de valores de normalidade.(AU)

This study describes the two-dimensional echocardiographic sections, M-mode cardiac dimensions, and Doppler flow indices in Moxotó goats. A total of 32 Moxotó goats were divided into four equal groups (n = 8) according to body weight class: G1 (5-10 kg), G2 (10-15kg), G3 (15-20kg) and G4 (>20kg). All animals underwent echocardiographic tests, two-dimensional and M-mode, and pulsed (PW), continuous (CW) and color flow (CF) Doppler. The spectral formation of echocardiographic images was satisfactory, although some adjustments were necessary to obtain adequate cuts/sections for goats above 20 kg. One-dimensional echocardiographic parameters (IVSD, IVSS, LVIDd, LVIDs, VPWd, LVPWs) and cardiac function index (EF and FS) showed a positive descriptive correlation with body weight in the categories studied. The septal separation of point E was constant among the weight categories investigated, ranging from 0.1 to 0.41cm. The Em/Am ratio was predominantly ">1", with Emax> Amax in all weight categories, and not affected by the heart rate among the studied weight classes. The IVRT was also uniform among the studied weight classes. The individual flow rates of the aortic valve were higher than the maximum flow rate of the pulmonary valve. The ejection times of the aortic and pulmonary flows were positively correlated with increasing body weight, something also observed on the VTI of flow spectra, given the direct relationship of this variable with the stroke volume inversely to FC. The acceleration time (AT) of pulmonary blood flow was greater than the aortic flow, and directly related to increasing body weight and inversely with heart rate. Thus, the standardization of Doppler echocardiographic variables in goats, should always consider breed, age and body weight as well as repeatability and reproducibility studies and adoption of individual reference elements for reliable development of normal values.(AU)

Animals , Ruminants/classification , Echocardiography, Doppler/veterinary , Body Weight
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(1): 57-63, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-888073


Uma égua SRD, com 20 anos de idade, foi encaminhada ao hospital veterinário com histórico de emagrecimento, perda de apetite e aumento de volume na região peitoral e no pescoço. Aos exames físico e laboratorial, constatou-se que o animal apresentava taquicardia, taquipneia, hiperproteinemia, hiperfibrinogenemia e hipoalbuminemia. À auscultação cardíaca, os sons das válvulas pulmonar e aórtica não foram audíveis. Realizaram-se as avaliações eletrocardiográfica e ecodopplercardiográfica transtorácica bilateral, nas quais se observaram presença de efusão pleural e deslocamento caudal do coração. Na varredura ultrassonográfica ao redor do coração, constatou-se a presença de uma massa na base do coração. Para tentar amenizar o quadro respiratório, foi realizada drenagem torácica. A efusão pleural apresentava característica serossanguinolenta, com padrão citológico inflamatório. Algumas horas após retornar a baia, o animal veio a óbito. Realizou-se a necropsia, na qual pôde ser observada a presença da massa posicionada ao redor do tronco braquiocefálico. Na análise histopatológica, diagnosticou-se o linfoma difuso de células pequenas e médias.(AU)

A 20-year-old mixed breed mare was referred to the veterinary hospital with history of weight loss, loss of appetite, and swelling of the chest and neck. On physical exam the patient was in tachycardia and tachypnea and laboratory results indicated hyperproteinemia, hyperfibrinogenemia and hypoalbuminemia. On cardiac auscultation, the pulmonary and aortic valves sounds were not audible. Presence of pleural effusion and heart caudal displacement were identified on electrocardiographic and Doppler echocardiography evaluation and a mass at the base of the heart was oberved through ultrasound scanning around the heart. To alleviate the respiratory condition, thoracic drainage was performed. The pleural effusion presented characteristic serosanguineous with cytologic inflammatory. After returning to stall, the animal died. In necropsy, the presence of a mass positioned around the brachiocephalic trunk was identified and histopathology results were compatible with diffuse small and medium cell lymphoma.(AU)

Animals , Horses/abnormalities , Lymphoma/classification , Neoplasms/classification
Korean Circulation Journal ; : 744-754, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738736


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The clinical characteristics of patients with diastolic dysfunction characterized by a relaxation abnormality with possible elevated filling pressure is remain to be determined. We sought to test whether diastolic stress echocardiography (DSE) is useful for characterization of these patients. METHODS: A total of 120 patients (58 men, mean age of 64±7 years) with E/A ratio 15, hLVFP) and 40 (30%) developed exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension (systolic pulomary arterial pressure > 50 mmHg, EiPH) without hLVFP. The remaining 33 patients did not show hLVFP or EiPH. The incidence of EiPH with hLVFP was 21% (25/120). By multivariate analysis, age (odds ratio [OR], 1.07; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00–1.13; p=0.039) and systolic pulmonary artery pressure at rest (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.02–1.27; p=0.02) were associated with EiPH, whereas late diastolic transmitral velocity (OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.00–1.08; p=0.03) and diastolic blood pressure (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.90–0.99; p=0.02) were associated with hLVFP during exercise. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with relaxation abnormality and possibly hLVFP showed markedly heterogeneous hemodynamic changes during low-level exercise and DSE was useful to characterize these patients.

Humans , Male , Arterial Pressure , Blood Pressure , Diastole , Echocardiography , Echocardiography, Doppler , Echocardiography, Stress , Hemodynamics , Hypertension, Pulmonary , Incidence , Multivariate Analysis , Prospective Studies , Pulmonary Artery , Relaxation
Rev. urug. cardiol ; 32(3): 258-263, dic. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-903593


La severidad de la estenosis aórtica (EA) es uno de los pilares que decide la sustitución valvular. El ecocardiograma Doppler (ED) es de elección para el diagnóstico y cuantificación mediante la determinación de la velocidad máxima (VMáx), gradiente medio (GM) y área valvular (AV). VMáx y GM se obtienen desde múltiples enfoques, pero la utilización del enfoque paraesternal derecho (PED) es poco frecuente. Objetivo: determinar la magnitud de la reclasificación de la EA con la utilización del enfoque PED con transductor ciego. Método: se estudian prospectivamente pacientes con EA moderada o severa por ED desde cualquier enfoque. Se considera EA moderada: VMáx 3 a 3,9 m/s, GM 20 a 39 mmHg o AV 1,1 a 1,5 cm2. EA severa: VMáx ³4 m/s, GM ³40 mmHg o AV ?1 cm2. Criterios de exclusión: fracción de eyección de ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) <50%, insuficiencia valvular aórtica o mitral ³ moderada, hemoglobina (Hb) <11 g/dl. Se utilizan enfoques apical (ÁPEX), PED y subxifoideo con transductores convencional y ciego. Resultado: se incluyen 100 pacientes de 74,0 ±12 años, sexo femenino 49%, FEVI 69,1±8,4%. Por ÁPEX EA severa 56% y no severa 44%. Enfoque con gradiente más alto: ÁPEX 33/100, PED 48/100, más de un enfoque 19/100; las EA moderadas por ÁPEX son severas por PED: 18/33 (54,6%, IC 95% 36,4-71,9); leves por ÁPEX son severas por PED: 3/11 (27,3% IC 95% 6,0-61,0). PED reclasifica como severas 21 de las 44 consideradas moderadas o leves por ÁPEX (47,7% IC 95% 32,5-63,3). Conclusión: el enfoque PED obtiene los valores de gradiente más altos en 48% de los casos. En EA no severa por ÁPEX, el PED reclasifica como severa una de cada dos.

The severity of aortic stenosis (AS) is one of the main issues for the decision of valve replacement. Doppler echocardiography (DE) is the modality of choice for diagnosis and quantification by maximum velocity (MV), medium gradient (MG), and valve area (VA). MV and MG can be obtained from multiple views, but the use of right parasternal (RPS) view is not frequent. Objective: to know the magnitude of reclassification of AS with the use of right parasternal view with blind transducer. Method: patients with moderate or severe AS from any view by DE are prospectively studied. Moderate AS is considered with MV 3-3.9 m/s, MG 20-39 mmHg or VA 1.1-1.5 cm2. Severe AS: MV ³ 4 m/s, MG ³ 40 mm Hg or VA ? 1 cm2. Exclusion criteria: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)<50%, ³ moderate aortic or mitral valve regurgitation, hemoglobin < 11 g/dl. Apical (ÁPEX), right para-sternal (RPS) and subxyfoid views are used with conventional and Pedof transducers. Results: We included 100 patients with age 74.0±12 years, 49% women, LVEF 69.1±8.4%. View with highest gradient: apex 33/100, RPS 48/100, more than one view 19/100; moderate by apex and severe by RPS: 18/33 (54,6%, IC 95% 36,4-71,9; mild by APEX and severe by RPS 3/11 (27.3% IC 95% 6.0-61.0). RPS reclassifies as severe 21 of the 44 evaluated as moderate or mild by ÁPEX (47.7% IC95% 32.5-63.3). Conclusion: RPS obtains the highest gradients in 48% of patients. In non-severe AS by apical, RPS reclassifies as severe one out of two.

Humans , Male , Aortic Valve Stenosis , Transducers , Severity of Illness Index , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Prospective Studies
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 83(3): 292-298, May-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889264


Abstract Introduction: Adenotonsillar hyperplasia (ATH) and allergic rhinitis (AR) are the most common causes of upper airway obstruction in children. Such diseases, by affecting the upper airways, can cause chronic alveolar hypoventilation, pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary hypertension, which in some cases, are irreversible. Objective: This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in two groups of mouth-breathing (MB) 2-12 years old children with ATH and isolated allergic rhinitis, through Doppler echocardiography. Methods: 54 patients with ATH and indications for adenoidectomy and/or tonsillectomy and 24 patients with persistent allergic rhinitis were selected and submitted to Doppler echocardiography. The Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure (SPAP) was determined by tricuspid regurgitation and the Mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure (MPAP) was calculated from the SPAP. Similar measurements were carried out in 25 nasal breathing (NB) individuals. Results: The mean MPAP and SPAP were higher in the MB than in the NB group (17.62 ± 2.06 [ATH] and 17.45 ± 1.25 [AR] vs. 15.20 ± 2.36 [NB] mmHg, p < 0.005, and 25.61 ± 3.38 [ATH] and 25.33 ± 2.06 [AR] vs. 21.64 ± 3.87 [NB] mmHg, p < 0.005, respectively) and the mean acceleration time of pulmonary flow trace (Act) was higher in the NB than in the MB group (127.24 ± 12.81 [RN] vs. 114.06 ± 10.63 ms [ATH] and 117.96 ± 10.28 [AR] MS [AR]; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: None of the MB children (ATH and AR) met the PH criteria, although individuals with both ATH and isolated AR showed significant evidence of increased pulmonary artery pressure by Doppler echocardiography in relation to NB individuals. No differences were observed between the ATH and AR groups.

Resumo Introdução: A hiperplasia adenotonsilar (HAT) e a rinite alérgica (RA) consistem nas causas mais comuns de obstrução de vias aéreas superiores em crianças. Tais afecções, ao comprometer a via aérea superior, podem ocasionar hipoventilação alveolar crônica, vasoconstrição pulmonar e hipertensão pulmonar, em alguns casos irreversível. Objetivo: Este estudo transversal objetivou avaliar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial pulmonar em dois grupos de crianças respiradoras orais (RO): com HAT e rinite alérgica isolada, de 2 a 12 anos, por meio de exame ecodopplercardiográfico. Método: Foram selecionados e submetidos à ecodopplercardiografia 54 pacientes com HAT com indicação de adenoidectomia e/ou tonsilectomia e 24 pacientes com rinite alérgica persistente. A pressão sistólica da artéria pulmonar (PSAP) foi determinada pela regurgitação tricúspide e a pressão média da artéria pulmonar (PMAP) foi calculada a partir da PSAP. Determinações similares foram feitas em 25 respiradores nasais (RN). Resultados: As médias da PMAP e da PSAP foram maiores nos grupos de RO do que nos RN (17,62 ± 2,06 [HAT] e 17,45 ± 1,25 [RA] vs. 15,20 ± 2,36 [RN] mmHg; p < 0,005; e 25,61 ± 3,38 [HAT] e 25,33 ± 2,06 [RA] vs. 21,64 ± 3,87 [RN] mmHg; p < 0,005; respectivamente) e a média do tempo de aceleração do traçado do fluxo pulmonar (TAc) foi maior nos RN que nos grupos de RO (127,24 ± 12,81 [RN] vs. 114,06 ± 10,63 ms [HAT] e 117,96 ± 10,28 [RA] MS [RA]; p < 0,0001). Conclusão: Nenhuma criança respiradora oral (HAT e RA) preencheu os critérios de HP, embora tanto os portadores de HAT quanto de RA isolada apresentaram evidências significativas de aumento da pressão arterial pulmonar pela ecodopplercardiografia em relação aos respiradores nasais. Não se observou diferença entre os grupos HAT e RA.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adenoids/pathology , Rhinitis, Allergic/complications , Hypertension, Pulmonary/etiology , Mouth Breathing/complications , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Syndrome , Echocardiography, Doppler , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hyperplasia/complications , Hypertension, Pulmonary/diagnostic imaging
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 413-418, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686662


Objective To investigate the predictive value of left ventricular diastolic function on mechanical ventilation weaning in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) > 0.50.Methods A retrospective case control study was conducted. Sixty-five patients with LVEF > 0.50 undergoing mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours admitted to surgery intensive care unit (ICU) of China-Japan Friendship Hospital from June 2014 to December 2016 were enrolled. The clinical data and parameters of echocardiography before spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) were collected. The possible relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and the results of weaning was analyzed according to analysis of blood flow filling parameters of mitral valve orifice. According to the grading standard of left ventricular diastolic function, the patients were divided into normal, mild (level 1) and moderate to severe (level 2-3) groups, and the outcomes of weaning were compared among the groups. Then patients were also divided into two groups of weaning successfully and weaning failure, and the clinical data and left ventricular diastolic function parameters of patients were compared between the two groups. The predictive value of left ventricular diastolic function on results of weaning was evaluated with receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC).Results Sixty-five patients were enrolled and 28 patients (43.1%) failed weaning, 22 patients failed the first SBT and 6 required reintubation within 48 hours, 31 of the patients presented normal left ventricular diastolic function, 9 of patients presented mild diastolic dysfunction, and 25 of them presented moderate to severe diastolic dysfunction. So with the gradual increase of the severity of diastolic dysfunction, the rate of weaning failure was gradually increased, which was 16.1%, 44.6% and 76.0% respectively (χ2 = 20.240,P = 0.001). Patients who failed weaning presented evidence of increased left ventricular filling pressures at pre-SBT, by demonstrating decreased deceleration time of E (DTE, s: 180.4±5.1vs. 196.8±4.0,t = 2.567,P = 0.013), increased left ventricular mitral valve diastolic early and late filling velocity ratio (E/A: 1.47±0.08 vs. 1.14±0.05, t = 3.827,P = 0.000), increased lateral, septal and averaged left ventricular mitral valve diastolic early velocity and maximal velocity of mitral annulus in early diastolic velocity ratio (E/Em: 10.26±0.52 vs. 7.28±0.41,t = 4.535, P = 0.000; 10.08±0.58 vs. 8.16±0.40,t = 2.797,P = 0.007; 10.17±0.48比7.72±0.35,t = 4.231,P = 0.000), and the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) was also increased significantly (61.7±3.6 vs. 50.6±2.7,t = 2.507, P = 0.015). It was shown by ROC curve analysis that the basic left ventricular diastolic function at pre-SBT had the diagnostic performance in predicting the outcome of weaning from mechanical ventilation, especially E/A and lateral E/Em. Pre-SBT values of E/A greater than 1.2 and lateral E/Em greater than 7.9 predicted weaning failure with an area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity of 0.81±0.06 and 0.85±0.06, 82.6% and 91.3%, 81.4% and 80.7%, respectively, and the AUC was higher than RSBI (0.70±0.07). The AUC of combination of E/A > 1.2 and lateral E/Em > 7.9predicting weaning failure was 0.86±0.05 with a sensitivity of 78.3% and a specificity of 93.6%.Conclusions The results suggest that left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is significantly associated with weaning outcome in critical patients with LVEF > 0.50. The combination of E/A ratio greater than 1.2 and E/Em ratio greater than 7.9 may identify patients at high risk of weaning failure.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-185789


BACKGROUND: Cardiac dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) represents one of the serious complications. To evaluate the cardiac function in children with T1D by conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). METHODS: The study included 40 T1D patients (age between 6 and 16 years) with > 5 years duration of diabetes and 42 healthy control children. The patients were subjected to clinical evaluation and laboratory investigations [glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), serum lipids and lipoproteins]. Conventional echocardiography and TDI were performed to patients and controls. RESULTS: The patients had lower early diastolic filling velocity (E wave) of the tricuspid valve and mitral valves with a p value of (0.000 and 0.006, respectively). TDI revealed that patients had lower S′velocity of the T1D, shorter isovolumic contraction time, longer isovolumic relaxation time and lower E/E′ of the right ventricle than controls (p value 0.002, 0.001, 0.004, 0.003, and 0.016, respectively). The left ventricle (LV)-T1D of the patients was significantly higher (p value 0.02). Twenty eight patients had poor glycemic control without significant differences between them and those with good glycemic control regarding echocardiographic data. Patients with dyslipidemia (13 patients) had higher late diastolic filling velocity of the mitral valve (A) and the lower LV late tissue velocity (A′) (p wave 0.047 and 0.015). No correlation existed between the duration of illness or the level of HbA1c and the echocardiographic parameters. CONCLUSION: Diabetic children have evidence of echocardiographic diastolic dysfunctions. Periodic cardiac evaluation with both conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiography is recommended for early detection of this dysfunction.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Diabetic Cardiomyopathies , Dyslipidemias , Echocardiography , Echocardiography, Doppler , Heart Ventricles , Mitral Valve , Relaxation , Tricuspid Valve
Ciênc. rural ; 46(9): 1642-1648, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-787401


ABSTRACT: Cardiotoxicity induced by doroxubicin generates systolic disfunction and myocardial remodeling with presence of myofibroblasts. These cells are thought to be attracted to the injured heart to avoid the development of congestive heart failure. The objective of this study was to evaluate the systolic dysfunction generated by doxorubicin through Doppler echocardiography, and its correlation with the presence of myofibroblasts in the myocardium. Twenty-five New Zealand White rabbits were divided into two groups (control, and treated with doxorubicin). The drug was administered for six weeks; Doppler echocardiography was performed before the first, and after the last administration of doxorubicin. Immuno detection of myofibroblasts was performed by immunohistochemistry. The treated group exhibited significant reduction in systolic function as assessed by Doppler echocardiography, and increased frequency of myofibroblasts, which were present in similar amounts in the left ventricle, interventricular septum, and right ventricle. There was a significant negative correlation between number of myofibroblasts in the interventricular septum and in the left ventricle with systolic function indices, which reveals that the higher the number of fibroblasts, the worst systolic function is in rabbits treated with doxorubicin. Increase in myofibroblast numbers was not sufficient to preserve systolic function.

RESUMO: A cardiotoxicidade induzida pela doxorrubicina gera disfunção sistólica e remodelamento miocárdico, com presença de miofibroblastos. Acredita-se que essas células sejam atraídas para a não evolução do quadro de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a função sistólica gerada pela doxorrubicina por meio da ecodopplercadiografia e correlacioná-la com a presença de miofibroblastos no miocárdio. Foram utilizados 25 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, alocados em dois grupos (controle e tratados com doxorrubicina). O fármaco foi administrado por seis semanas e a ecodopplercardiografia foi realizada no momento zero e após a última administração da doxorrubicina. A imunodetecção dos miofibroblastos foi realizada por imuno-histoquímica. Houve redução significativa na função sistólica, observada na ecodopplercardiografia e aumento na imundetecção dos miofibroblastos nos animais tratados, na mesma intensidade no ventrículo esquerdo, septo interventricular e ventrículo direito. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre o número de miofibroblastos no septo interventricular e no ventrículo esquerdo com os índices de função sistólica, revelando que quanto mais miofibroblastos presentes, pior é a função sistólica de coelhos tratados com doxorrubicina. O aumento do número de miofibroblastos não foi suficiente para manutenção da função sistólica.

Insuf. card ; 11(3): 109-114, set. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840754


Introducción. El entrenamiento físico intenso se asocia a cambios cardíacos estructurales tanto del ventrículo izquierdo como del ventrículo derecho (VD). Sin embargo, no hay estudios en atletas argentinos que valoren con técnicas ecocardiográficas actuales dichos cambios, con el fin de reconocer precozmente aquellos que presentan dilataciones o hipertrofias patológicas que puedan asociarse a aumento del riesgo de muerte súbita. Objetivo. Evaluar la anatomía, función y comportamiento del VD en deportistas que realizan actividades isométricas o estáticas (GE), isotónicas o dinámicas (GD) y compararlo con pacientes controles no deportistas (GC). Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma transtorácico, evaluando principalmente el VD a través del TAPSE, los diámetros diastólicos y sistólicos, el Doppler tisular (DTI), y el strain y strain rate por speckle tracking. Resultados. Incluimos 117 pacientes, 11 en GE, 56 en GD, y 50 controles. En los deportistas el acortamiento longitudinal con strain rate a nivel apical y basal, el diámetro diastólico apical y basal, el diámetro sistólico basal, las ondas S, E y A a nivel basal de la pared libre del VD por DTI, y las ondas S y E a nivel medio de la pared libre del VD por DTI mostraron diferencias significativas, con valores mayores en el grupo de deportistas tanto estáticos como dinámicos. Conclusión. Nuestro estudio demostró que los diámetros mayores del VD en los deportistas sanos se asocian a aumento de la deformación miocárdica medida por DTI y a través del acortamiento longitudinal del strain.

Introduction. The intense physical training is associated with cardiac structural changes in both the left ventricle and the right ventricle (RV). However, no studies in Argentine athletes who value with current echocardiographic techniques such changes, in order to recognize early those with dilations or pathological hypertrophy that may be associated with increased risk of sudden death. Objective. Evaluate the anatomy, function and behavior of RV in athletes who perform isometric or static (SG), isotonic or dynamic activities (DG) and compared with control patients non-athletes (CG). Materials and methods. Each patient underwent transthoracic echocardiography, evaluating primarily the RV through TAPSE, the diastolic and systolic diameters, Doppler tissue imaging (DTI), and the strain and strain rate by speckle tracking. Results. We included 117 patients, 11 in SG, 56 in DG, and 50 controls. In athletes the longitudinal shortening with strain rate at apical and basal level, the diastolic diameter apical and basal systolic diameter baseline, the S, E and A waves at baseline of the RV free wall by DTI, and waves S and E at the middle level of the RV free wall by DTI showed significant differences, with higher values in the group of both static and dynamic athletes. Conclusion. Our study showed that the largest diameters of RV in healthy athletes are associated with increased myocardial deformation measured by DTI and through the longitudinal shortening strain.

Introdução. O treinamento físico intenso está associado a alterações estruturais cardíacas, tanto no ventrículo esquerdo e do ventrículo direito (VD). No entanto, não existem estudos em atletas argentinos que valorizam com técnicas de ecocardiografia atuais tais mudanças, a fim de reconhecer cedo aqueles com dilatações ou hipertrofia patológica que pode estar associado ao aumento do risco de morte súbita. Objetivo. Avaliar a anatomia, função e comportamento do VD em atletas que realizam atividades isométricas ou estáticas (GE), isotônicas ou dinâmicas (GD) e em comparação com pacientes de controle não-atletas (GC). Materiais e métodos. Cada paciente foi submetido a uma ecocardiografia transtorácica, avaliando principalmente o RV através do TAPSE, os diâmetros diastólicos e sistólicos, o Doppler tecidual (DTI), e o strain e strain rate por speckle tracking. Resultados. Foram incluídos 117 pacientes, 11 no GE, 56 no GD, e 50 controles. Em os atletas o encurtamento longitudinal com strain rate a nível apical e basal, o diâmetro diastólico apical e basal, o diâmetro sistólico basal, as ondas S, E e A na níveis basal da parede livre do VD pelo DTI, e ondas S e E no nível médio da parede livre do VD por DTI apresentou diferenças significativas, com valores mais elevados no grupo de ambos os atletas estáticas e dinâmicas. Conclusão. Nosso estudo mostrou que os maiores diâmetros de VD em atletas saudáveis são associados com aumento da deformação miocárdica medida pelo DTI e através do encurtamento longitudinal do strain.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 60(4): 341-347, Aug. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-792947


ABSTRACT Objective Several studies have shown that left ventricular (LV) dysfunction is increased in individuals with diabetes. However, there are scarce data about LV function in prediabetics. This study assessed the early changes in LV diastolic and systolic myocardial function in normotensive prediabetics using tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE). Subjects and methods We evaluated 94 patients with prediabetes (mean age of 50.8 ± 6.9 years, 78 female) without known cardiovascular diseases and 70 healthy volunteers with similar demographic characteristics. Systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle was evaluated with transthoracic echocardiography according to the latest consensus recommendations including TDE. Results The mean results of septal and lateral parts of the mitral annulus Pulsed wave TDE showed that myocardial systolic wave (Sm), myocardial early diastolic wave (Em) and Em to atrial peak velocity (Am) ratio were significantly lower whereas early diastolic peak flow velocity (E) to Em ratio, myocardial isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRTm), myocardial isovolumetric contraction time (IVCTm) and myocardial performance index (MPI) values were significantly higher in patients with prediabetes (preDM). In addition, mean left atrium (LA) diameter measured with M-mode echocardiography was significantly higher in prediabetics than controls. Conclusion PreDM is associated with subclinical LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction as evaluated by TDE.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Prediabetic State/physiopathology , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Echocardiography, Doppler, Pulsed/methods , Reference Values , Stroke Volume/physiology , Systole/physiology , Time Factors , Blood Pressure/physiology , Case-Control Studies , Risk Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Diastole/physiology , Heart/physiology , Heart/diagnostic imaging
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186452


Background: Recently much of attention is focused on the diastolic function of the heart. Since the systolic performance of the heart in hypertensive patients has been examined so far, but the study of the diastolic function of heart has emerged as a newer mode of study. Aim: To study non-invasively the diastolic function of left ventricle in patients with systemic hypertension. Materials and methods: Twenty patients either admitted or as outpatients in outpatients Department, Gandhi Hospital with isolated systemic hypertension. (HTN) who satisfied inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken up for the study with five age matched individuals who along served as controls assessed by Doppler Echo-cardiography and their findings were compared with five normotensive age matched controls. Results: Bedside post valsalva maneuver, this test was positive in 7 5% of the test subjects. Of the 25% who had a negative test, 40% had evidence of diastolic dysfunction as assessed by pulsed wave Doppler. Left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 55% of the patient subgroup and all (100%) of these patients had significant diastolic dysfunction. The rest of the 45% of the patients did not have left ventricular hypertrophy. 75% of these non-hypertrophic hypertensives had diastolic dysfunction as seen by PWD. Increased left ventricular mass index has been observed in 85% of the hypertensives but has not correlated statistically with either severity of blood pressure or diastolic filling variables or isovolumic relaxation time. The left atrial size an indirect indicator of LV diastolic function was increased in 50% of the hypertensive subjects when compared with the controls but the statistical C. Venkateshwarlu, B. Praveen Kumar, Md. Yousuf Khan. Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in hypertensives. IAIM, 2016; 3(10): 212-220. Page 213 difference was insignificant. LV diastolic function as assessed by PWD mitral flow velocity profile and isometric volume relaxation time was abnormal in 85% of the hypertensive subgroup and was highly significant statistically (P value <0.005). The deceleration time (MS) was similar in both the controls and the hypertensives making it an insignificant parameter for assessing LV diastolic function. The peak filling rate was reduced in the hypertensive subgroup and was of moderate statistical significance. Conclusion: Doppler Echocardiography, an easily available non invasive technique today, can be utilized for identifying hypertensives with diastolic dysfunction and thus treat this group with specific therapy (Beta Blockers) so as to arrest or reverse the pathological changes produced in left ventricle due to hypertension.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 2142-2145, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-495577


Objectives To explore the feasibility ofdiagnosis of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect with Right Aortic Valve Prolapse by ultrasonic echocardiography. Methods 131 VSD patients aged 1 to 22 years, weight 8.0 to 54.0 kg, underwent transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and left ventricular angiography to show the diameter of VSD and the degree of AVP. Results Among 131 patients, 87 cases were diagnosed as VSD,14 as VSD with slight AVP, 12 as, VSD with middle AVP, and 18 as VSD with severe AVP by ultrasonic echocardiography respectively. After the left ventricular angiography and aortic root angiography , it proved that positive rate of VSD was 44.8%, positive rate of VSD with slight AVP was 42.86%, positive rate of VSD with middle AVP was 58.3%,and positive rate of VSD with severe AVP was 83.3%. Conclusion The transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) contributes to diagnosis of severe degree of AVP,while TTE evaluates the slight degree of AVP incorrectly enough. Left ventricular angiography and aortic root angiography are needed to realize the di-agnosis of AVP.