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J. vasc. bras ; 13(1): 18-26, Jan-Mar/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709794


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term clinical and ultrasonographic outcomes of thrombophilic patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT). METHOD: Cohort study, retrospective case-control with cross-sectional analysis. Thirty-nine thrombophilic patients and 25 non-thrombophilic patients were assessed 76.3 ± 45.8 months after diagnosis. Demographic and family data were collected, as well as data from clinical and therapeutic progress, and physical and ultrasound examinations of the limbs were performed. Groups were matched for age and gender and the variables studied were compared across groups. RESULTS: Deep venous thrombosis was more frequent in women. The most common thrombophilias were antiphospholipid syndrome and factor V Leiden mutation. There was no difference between groups in terms of the number of pregnancies or miscarriages and the majority of women did not become pregnant after DVT. Non-spontaneous DVT prevailed. Proximal DVT and DVT of the left lower limb were more frequent, and the main risk factor was use of oral contraceptives. All patients were treated with anticoagulation. There was a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients. Most patients considered themselves to have a "normal life" after DVT and reported wearing elastic stockings over at least 2 years. Seventy-one percent of patients had CEAP > 3, with no difference between groups. Deep venous reflux was more frequent in thrombophilic patients. CONCLUSION: There were no significant differences between groups with respect to most of the variables studied, except for a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients and greater frequency of deep venous reflux in thrombophilic patients. .

OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados clínicos e ultra-sonográficos a longo prazo de pacientes com trombofilia com trombose venosa profunda (TVP). MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte, caso-controle retrospectivo, com análise transversal. Trinta e nove pacientes trombofilia e 25 pacientes não-trombofilia foram avaliados 76,3 ± 45,8 meses após o diagnóstico. Os dados demográficos e familiares foram coletadas, bem como dados de evolução clínica e terapêutica, e exames físicos e ultra-som dos membros foram realizados. Os grupos foram pareados por idade e sexo e as variáveis ​​estudadas foram comparadas entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: A trombose venosa profunda foi mais freqüente em mulheres. As trombofilias mais comuns foram síndrome antifosfolípide e mutação do fator V Leiden. Não houve diferença entre os grupos em termos do número de casos de gravidez ou aborto e que a maioria das mulheres não engravidar após TVP. TVP não-espontâneo prevaleceu. TVP proximal e TVP de membro inferior esquerdo foram mais freqüentes, eo principal fator de risco foi o uso de contraceptivos orais. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com anticoagulação. Houve uma maior frequência de embolia pulmonar em pacientes não-trombofilia. A maioria dos pacientes se consideravam ter uma "vida normal" depois de TVP e relatou uso de meias elásticas durante pelo menos 2 anos. Setenta e um por cento dos pacientes tiveram CEAP> 3, não havendo diferença entre os grupos. Refluxo venoso profundo foi mais freqüente em pacientes com trombofilia. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos em relação à maioria das variáveis ​​estudadas, com exceção de uma maior frequência de embolia pulmonar em pacientes não-trombofilia e maior freqüência de refluxo venoso profundo em pacientes trombofilia.

Humans , Female , Pulmonary Embolism/therapy , Venous Thrombosis , Warfarin/adverse effects , Cohort Studies , Echocardiography, Doppler , Risk Factors
J. vasc. bras ; 8(1): 14-20, jan.-mar. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-514862


Contexto: As alterações de pele manifestadas na insuficiência venosa crônica têm como etiologia mais comum o refluxo venoso. Alguns autores relatam que o refluxo venoso superficial é responsável por 40-60 por cento das úlceras de perna nos portadores de varizes primárias. Objetivo: Correlação do refluxo venoso superficial ao mapeamento dúplex com o quadro clínico (classificação CEAP - clínica, epidemiológica, anatômica e fisiopatológica) nos portadores de varizes primárias de membros inferiores. Método: Estudo transversal e descritivo, desenvolvido em portadores de varizes primárias. As variáveis primárias foram: refluxo venoso e quadro clínico. O quadro clínico foi caracterizado por grupos: A, B e C, representados pelas categorias clínicas da CEAP. Dados complementares foram: tipos de refluxo em veias safenas magnas e parvas, conforme classificação de Engelhorn (2004). Testaram-se as hipóteses de inter-relações entre presença de refluxo e quadro clínico, utilizando-se os testes exato de Fisher e qui-quadrado no nível de 5 por cento de probabilidade. Resultados: Das 242 extremidades inferiores examinadas, 15 foram excluídas, totalizando 227 na amostra final. Noventa e nove (83,9 por cento) pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 50 anos, com mediana igual a 49 anos. Noventa e três extremidades (41 por cento) não apresentavam refluxo, e 134 (59 por cento) o apresentavam isolado e/ou associado. O refluxo isolado em veias perfurantes (p = 0,0008) e destas em associação com o refluxo em veias safenas magnas (p < 0,0001) estão significativamente relacionados à gravidade do quadro clínico. Conclusão: Há correlação entre a presença do refluxo venoso superficial ao mapeamento dúplex e a gravidade do quadro clínico nos portadores de varizes primárias de membros inferiores.

Background: Skin changes observed in chronic venous insufficiency have venous reflux as the most common etiology. Some authors have reported that reflux in the superficial venous system accounts for 40-60 percent of leg ulcers in patients with primary varicose veins. Objective: To evaluate the correlation between superficial venous reflux and clinical status (CEAP classification - clinical, etiology, anatomy and pathophysiology) in patients with primary varicose veins of the lower limbs using duplex scanning. Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed in patients with primary varicose veins. Primary variables were venous reflux and clinical status. Clinical status was characterized by groups A, B, and C, represented by CEAP clinical categories. Types of venous reflux in the great and small saphenous veins were used as complementary data, according to Engelhorn's classification (2004). Hypotheses of interrelationship between incidence and types of reflux were statistically analyzed using Fisher's exact and chi-square tests. Significance was set at 0.05 percent. Results: Of 242 lower limbs, 15 were excluded, so that the final sample was comprised of 227 lower limbs. Ninety-nine (83.9 percent) patients were female. Mean age was 50 years and median was 49 years. Reflux was absent in 93 limbs (41 percent), and 134 (59 percent) showed isolated and/or associated reflux. Isolated reflux in perforating veins (p = 0.0008) or in association with great saphenous vein reflux (p < 0.0001) was significantly related to clinical status severity. Conclusion: Duplex scan showed correlation between presence of superficial venous reflux and clinical status severity in patients with primary varicose veins of the lower limbs.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Venous Insufficiency/complications , Venous Insufficiency/diagnosis , Saphenous Vein , Varicose Veins/complications , Lower Extremity
J. vasc. bras ; 7(2): 123-130, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-488567


CONTEXTO: A arterite de Takayasu é uma vasculite crônica, geralmente com diagnóstico tardio devido à pouca especificidade dos sintomas durante a fase inicial do acometimento vascular. A terapêutica de eleição é o uso de imunossupressores. O procedimento cirúrgico, quando necessário, é sempre evitado na fase aguda. OBJETIVO: Descrever alterações clínicas, laboratoriais e vasculares de arterite de Takayasu no período de 1977 a 2006. MÉTODO: A amostra compreendeu 36 pacientes - 10 brancos, 35 mulheres, idade média de 31,7 anos (±13,7), com prevalência significante na quarta década (p < 0,005). Evolução de 3 anos e período até o diagnóstico de 7,9 anos. Velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS) e proteína C reativa (PCR) avaliaram atividade da doença, e o duplex scan aferiu a espessura médio- intimal da artéria carótida. RESULTADOS: Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e claudicação de membros superiores e inferiores foram ressaltados em 85,2, 69,5 e 30,5 por cento, respectivamente. O resultado da VHS foi > 60 mm em 50 por cento da amostra (p < 0,005). PCR mg/dL foi realizado em 18, variando de 0,4-25 na admissão para 0,11-1,9 na evolução. Doença auto-imune, tuberculose e HIV correlacionaram-se em 19,4, 8,3 e 2,7 por cento, respectivamente. Lesões aórticas foram significativas em 22 por cento (quatro oclusões, dois aneurismas infra-renais, um torácico). Em 19,4 por cento, foram acometidas artérias renais e subclávias uma oclusão bilateral de carótidas, e em 25 por cento os membros inferiores. A espessura médio-intimal da carótida comum foi estratificada em: > 3 mm, < 3 e > 1,7, < 1,7 e > 1,2 e < 1,2 mm, representando 41,6, 19,4, 8,37 e 30,50 por cento, respectivamente (p < 0,005). Glicocorticóides foram utilizados em 61,1 por cento, azatioprina em 16.6 por cento, e associada a ciclofosfamida em 8,3 por cento. Procedimento cirúrgico ou endovascular foi realizado em 30,5 por cento com dois óbitos por complicações cardiovasculares. CONCLUSÕES: A VHS,...

BACKGROUND: Takayasu arteritis is a chronic vasculitis often with delayed diagnosis due to the nonspecific presentation of clinical symptoms in its initial phase. Treatment includes imunosuppression drugs. Surgical treatment, when necessary, should be avoided in the acute phase. OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical, laboratory and vascular findings in Takayasu's arteritis from 1977 through 2006. METHODS: The sample was comprised of 36 patients (10 Caucasians, 35 women), mean age of 31.7 (±13.7) years, and significant prevalence in the forth decade (p < 0.005). Disease course was 3 years and time until diagnosis was 7.9 years. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were used to assess disease activity, and duplex scan to measure carotid artery intima-media wall thickness. RESULTS: Hypertension was present in 85.2 percent, and upper and lower limb claudication in 69.5 and 30.5 percent, respectively. ESR was > 60 mm in 50 percent of the sample (p < 0.005). PCR mg/dL was performed in 18 cases, ranging from 0.4-25 on admission to 0.11-1.9 during disease course. Autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis and HIV correlated in 19.4, 8.3 and 2.7 percent, respectively. Major aortic lesions were detected in 22.2 percent (four occlusions, two infrarenal aneurysms, one thoracic aneurysm). Other arteries involved renal, subclavian and one carotid occlusion (19 percent), and some level of lower limb occlusion (25 percent). Intima-media thickness was stratified in > 3 mm (41.6 percent), < 3 and > 1.7 (19.4 percent), < 1.7 and > 1.2 (8.37 percent), and < 1.2 mm (30.50 percent) (p < 0.005). Glucocorticoids were used in 61 percent, azathioprine in 16.6 percent, and azathioprine combined with cyclophosphamide in 8.3 percent. Surgical and endovascular procedures were performed in 30.5 percent. Two patients died due to cardiovascular diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Carotid intima-media thickness, PCR, and ESR are important markers for the follow-up of...

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Takayasu Arteritis/surgery , Takayasu Arteritis/complications , Takayasu Arteritis/diagnosis , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Diagnostic Imaging
Clinics ; Clinics;63(4): 515-520, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-489662


OBJECTIVE: To describe and test a practical protocol to measure common carotid intima-media thickness that uses the combined values of two longitudinal examination angles to increase sensitivity. METHOD: Between February and September 2005, 206 patients underwent duplex scan examination of carotid vessels, and the intima-media thickness of 407 common carotids were measured in three angles: transversal, longitudinal posterolateral, and anterolateral, with three intima-media thickness measurements for each near and far wall. In addition to numbers obtained from the three angles of measurement, a fourth visual perspective was obtained by combining the intima-media thickness results of posterolateral and anterolateral longitudinal views and considering the thickest wall measurement. RESULTS: Two hundred seventy (66.3 percent) carotid arteries had an intima-media thickness thicker than 1mm. The mean intima-media thickness values achieved by the different incidences were 1.26±0.6mm (transversal), 1.17±0.54mm (longitudinal anterolateral), and 1.18±0.58mm (longitudinal posterolateral). A significant difference in intima-media thickness measurement values was observed when the three angles of examination plus the combined positive results of both longitudinal angles were compared by ANOVA (P=0.005). The LSD Post-Hoc test determined that the combined longitudinal view results were similar to the transversal views (P=0.28) and had greater intima-media thickness means than isolated anterolateral or posterolateral longitudinal views (P=0.02 and 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The protocol presented is a practical method for obtaining common carotid artery intima-media thickness measurements. The combined longitudinal posterolateral and anterolateral longitudinal views provide a more sensitive evaluation of the inner layers of the carotid walls than isolated longitudinal views.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Arteriosclerosis , Carotid Artery Diseases , Carotid Artery, Common , Tunica Intima , Tunica Media , Arteriosclerosis/pathology , Carotid Artery Diseases/pathology , Carotid Artery, Common/pathology , Sensitivity and Specificity , Time Factors , Tunica Intima/pathology , Tunica Media/pathology , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Duplex
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-112599


Recurrent (or residual) varicose veins are a major health care problem. Recurrence rates after surgery of 20~40% have been cited. New mode of technological investigations teach that allows us to modify operations to reduce or prevent recurrence of varicose veins. Clinical examination is inaccurate in determining saphenofemoral and saphenopopliteal incompetence. Continuous-wave doppler examination to the clinical assessment does improve the evaluation but the technique is flawed because of a likelihood of false-positive findings. The colour duplex scan yields findings that correlate reasonably closely with those of varicography. Darke SG (1991) classified recurrent varicose veins into 3 specific categories and Stonebridge PA (1995) also defined recurrence according to varicography. Recurrent varicose veins are associated with technically unsatisfactory surgery at the saphenofemoral or saphenopopliteal junction and failure to remove the great saphenous vein in the thigh. Reoperation which re-ligate the recurrent trunks and cover the saphenofemoral junction with fascia or prosthetic mesh can minimize further recurrence.

Delivery of Health Care , Fascia , Recurrence , Reoperation , Saphenous Vein , Thigh , Varicose Veins
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-112610


PURPOSE: The advanced stage of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) 4, 5, 6, which shown lipodermatosclerosis, venous ulcer might cause frustrating symptom compared with simple varicose vein. For successful treatment, precise anatomic, hemodynamic information of venous system is recommended. Although there is still controversy, duplex scan is the best way in evaluation of hemodynamic pathology. We studied key role of duplex scan in treatment of advanced CVI. METHOD: From November 1998, to February 2000, 125 patients were treated for CVI in our hospital. Of these 11 patients with class 4, 5, 6 were assessed by duplex scan, ascending venogram, hemodynamic functional studies. All venous segments were eagerly assessed for looking reflux. Except one patient who refuse surgery 10 patients received conventional surgical treatment and endoscopic perforator ligation. The one year follow up results were assessed. RESULT: 9 patients showed superficial venous reflux, 3 patients had deep venous reflux. In all 6 patients who had ulcer, incompetent perforator vein was identified. In 9 patients, stripping 8, high ligation 1, endoscopic perforator vein ligation 3 were done. During 1 year follow up clinical improvement was singificant in these 11 patients assessed with symptom scores. All ulcer were healed with average 25.3 days, and no recurrence. CONCLUSION: Although no single test was enough for perfect assessing CVI, scrupulous examination with duplex scan is best way for accomplishing successful outcome at presents.

Humans , Follow-Up Studies , Hemodynamics , Ligation , Pathology , Recurrence , Ulcer , Varicose Ulcer , Varicose Veins , Veins , Venous Insufficiency
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366561


To evaluate peripheral occlusive diseases quantitatively, we performed color duplex sonography. Between July 1996 and July 1998, we examined 68 limbs of 40 patients using color duplex sonography in addition to intraarterial digital subtraction angiography for evaluation of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. We classified the wave form of blood flow into four types (Type I-IV). Furthermore we measured the systolic velocities of the dorsal pedial and the posterior tibial arteries as well as the brachial artery. We also calculated the flow volume, and the ratio of systolic velocities and flow volume of lower to upper extremity (AVI, AFI). The waveform was significantly higher in Fontaine class III and IV, and showed remarkable improvement after arterial reconstruction. The value of AVI as well as AFI showed lower in Fontaine class I, II, III, and IV in order. In four limbs classified as Fontaine class II or more with normal ankle pressure index, the values of AVI were rather lower. On the other hand, three limbs with normal values of peak AVI (>0.9) and lower API (<0.75) were in Fontaine class I. The types of waveform correlated with clinical symptoms, and showed a remarkable regression after arterial reconstruction. The new AVI and AFI values had better correlation with clinical symptoms than API.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-60531


PURPOSE: Anatomy and morphology of superficial veins vary from patient to patient. Thorough assessment of variations is mandatory for successful treatment of primary varicose vein. Alos in complex case clinical examination alone is unable to achieve diagnostic goals. Duplex scan is a highly accurate, noninvasive technique that can provide both anatomic and physiologic information. METHODS: Thirty-eight legs in 30 patients with primary varicose veins were examined clinically first then with portable doppler. Patients then underwent duplex scanning by surgical team and results of tests were compared with other clinical examinations. RESULTS: On duplex scanning, 25 legs (66%) had saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) incompetence, 9 legs (24%) had saphenopopliteal junction (SPJ) incompetence and 4 legs (10%) had perforator incompetence. The respective sensitivity of clinical examination with portable doppler in SFJ, SPJ was 91.6%, 81.8%. CONCLUSION: Clinical and doppler assessment was unreliable. Routine preoperative duplex scanning is likely to reduce recurrence by identifying sites of reflux with greater accuracy.

Humans , Leg , Recurrence , Varicose Veins , Veins
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154415


Deep vein thrombosis is recognized as a common complication in surgical patients in western countries especially in patients with high risk factors. The purposes of this study were to detect leg DVTs in early postoperative period by non-invasive surveillance and to analyze the risk factors of DVT. One hundred seventy one patients who underwent major operations ( 67 curative resection of colorectal cancer, 64 total hip replacement, 38 femur operations for fracture, and 2 colon resections for benign colon disease) were included for the prospective surveillance of leg DVT within 2 weeks after the operations. For the surveillance of leg DVT, strain gauge plethysmography(SPG) and Duplex scanning of both legs were completed for all patients except 10 patients. These 10 patients were examined in only one leg. The patients with past history of leg DVT or under prophylactic anticoagulant therapy were excluded from this study. To determine the risk factors related with leg DVT formation, age and sex of the patients, indication of surgery or surgical procedures, duration of operation, position during the operation, duration of postoperative immobilization, and preoperative serum level of antithrombin III(AT-III) were analyzed using Chi-square test. After performing SPG of 342 legs, 38 legs showed abnormal on venous outflow/venous capacitance discriminant line chart, and 13 legs of 12 patients showed the finding(s) suggesting DVT on duplex scanning. Among the patients with abnormal duplex findings, 7 limbs(53.8%) were symptomatic, but the remaining 6 legs were silent. In 6(15.8%) patients of 36 femur operations, 3(4.7%) of 64 total hip replacements and 3(4.5%) of 67 curative resections of colorectal cancer developed DVT by duplex scanning in the iliac(5), femoral-popliteal(6), and isolated calf(2) veins. After analyzing the risk factors, we could not find any statistically significant(p<0.05) factor related with leg DVT.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Colon , Colorectal Neoplasms , Femur , Immobilization , Leg , Postoperative Period , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Thrombosis , Veins , Venous Thrombosis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-137897


To assess the clinical significance of carotid duplex scan in Thai patients, 53 healthy volunteers and 107 patients with either atherosclerotic heart/brain diseases, or associated with risk factors for atherosclerosis were examined by carotid duplex scan. The degrees of carotid stenosis were enumerated and classified as normal (0*), mild (< 40%), moderate (41 – 70%) and severe (> 70%) according to percentages of the thickest atheromatous plaque relative to the carotid diameter. There was 30 males and 23 females age ranged 33-63 years old in normal control group. The acute strike patients comprised of 37 males and 24 females with age range of 53-93 years. There were 23 patients of coronary thrombosis, 13 males and 10 females (age range 48-83 years). The asymptomatic patients with risk factors for atherosclerosis were 17 males and 10 females (between 43-63 years). There were 4 cases that had both coronary and cerebral thrombosis. The degree of carotid stenosis in the normal group was compared with the patients group. A P-value <0.05 was considered to be a significant difference. In normal volunteers, no atheromatous plaques were detected. There were significantly higher degrees of carotid stenosis in patients (p < 0.05) compared to normal subjects. Patients with cerebral thrombosis revealed the degree of 56% while in patients with the risk factors of ischemic heart-brain diseases the degree was 36% and the degree was 26% in angiographic proven coronary thrombosis. Carotid duplex scan is a new non-invasive ultrasonographic technique that can detect and monitor the progression of atherosclerosis.