Introducción. La dilatación endoscópica es una opción terapéutica eficaz en el tratamiento de estenosis y trastornos motores del esófago. Para su realización es esencial conocer la etiología y la anatomía de la lesión y tener experiencia clínica; estos factores determinan la indicación y el desarrollo del procedimiento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue reportar la experiencia en el manejo de pacientes con estenosis esofágica en un centro de referencia de enfermedades digestivas, en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de cohorte retrospectiva, en el que se evaluaron los pacientes llevados a dilatación esofágica por el Servicio de Gastroenterología, desde enero de 2021 hasta junio de 2023. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años con estenosis esofágica de cualquier etiología o acalasia. Resultados. Se identificaron 27 pacientes, 92,6 % hombres. La etiología más prevalente fue la estenosis por cirugía previa (40,7 %), seguida de acalasia (29,6 %), reflujo gastroesofágico (18,5 %) y enfermedades inflamatorias (11,1 %). La regla "del tres" fue utilizada con seguridad en las estenosis postquirúrgicas y pépticas. La mayoría de las dilataciones (81,5 %) fueron exitosas y se presentó una única complicación de perforación esofágica. Conclusión. La dilatación endoscópica es un procedimiento seguro para el tratamiento de la estenosis esofágica y la acalasia. La correcta indicación del procedimiento, el tipo de estenosis, la elección adecuada del dilatador y la experiencia del profesional son aspectos cruciales para la efectividad de esta técnica y para la detección y manejo de las posibles complicaciones.
Introduction. Endoscopic esophageal dilation is an effective therapeutic option for the treatment of esophagus strictures and motor disorders. To perform it, it is essential to know the etiology and anatomy of the injury and to have clinical experience. These factors determine the indication and development of the procedure. The objective of this study was to report the experience in the management of patients with esophageal stricture at a reference center institution for digestive diseases in Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Methods. A descriptive, retrospective cohort study was carried out, in which patients undergoing esophageal dilation by the Gastroenterology Service were evaluated, from January 2021 to June 2023. All patients over 18 years of age with esophageal stenosis of any etiology and achalasia were included. Results. 27 patients were identified, 92.6% men. The most prevalent etiology was post-surgical stenosis (40.7%), followed by achalasia (29.6%), gastroesophageal reflux disease (18.5%), and inflammatory diseases (11.1%). The 'rule of three' was safely used in postsurgical and peptic strictures. The majority of the dilations (81.5%) were successful and a single complication of esophageal perforation occurred. Conclusion. Endoscopic dilation is a safe procedure for the treatment of esophageal stenosis and achalasia. Correct procedure indication, type of stenosis, appropriate choice of dilator and professional expertise are crucial aspects for the effectiveness of this technique and for the detection and management of potential complications.
Humans , Esophageal Diseases , Esophageal Stenosis , Anastomosis, Surgical , Esophageal Achalasia , Endoscopy, Digestive System , DilatationABSTRACT
Introducción. La acalasia es un trastorno motor del esófago, de etiología desconocida, crónico y progresivo, que afecta por igual a hombres y mujeres, y genera síntomas como disfagia, dolor torácico, regurgitación y pérdida de peso. El diagnóstico requiere una serie de hallazgos clínicos, endoscópicos y paraclínicos, con el fin de brindar tratamiento oportuno para lograr el alivio de la sintomatología. Métodos. Durante el año 2023 se llevaron a cabo miotomías endoscópicas perorales (POEM, por sus siglas en ingles) en tres pacientes con diagnóstico de acalasia tipo II. Los pacientes fueron admitidos por consulta externa e identificados por el grupo de gastroenterología de Unión de Cirujanos. Después de realizar los estudios pertinentes para llegar al diagnóstico fueron llevados al procedimiento de forma electiva. Resultados. De los tres pacientes intervenidos, dos de sexo femenino y uno masculino, solo uno requirió hospitalización de más de tres días, sin complicaciones severas ni necesidad de reintervenciones. Durante el seguimiento, uno de los pacientes presentó recurrencia de los síntomas y tiene pendiente una nueva intervención por la misma vía. Conclusiones. Aunque la acalasia tipo II es una enfermedad crónica, de etiología desconocida y evolución progresiva, que limita y deteriora la calidad de vida de los pacientes, se cuenta con diferentes opciones terapéuticas, quirúrgicas y endoscópicas. La miotomía endoscópica peroral ha demostrado ser una técnica reproducible, segura y eficiente.
Introduction. Achalasia is a motor disorder of the esophagus of unknown etiology, chronic and progressive, which affects men and women equally, and generates symptoms such as dysphagia, chest pain, regurgitation and weight loss. The diagnosis requires a series of clinical, endoscopic and paraclinical findings in order to provide timely treatment to achieve symptoms relief. Methods. During 2023, peroral endoscopic myotomies (POEM) were performed in three patients diagnosed with achalasia type II. The patients were admitted through outpatient consultation and identified by the gastroenterology group of Unión de Cirujanos. After carrying out the pertinent studies to reach the diagnosis, they were scheduled to perform the procedure electively. Results. Of the three patients who underwent surgery, two female and one male, only one required hospitalization for more than three days without severe complications or the need for reinterventions. During follow-up, only one of the patients presented a recurrence of symptoms and is awaiting a new intervention using the same approach. Conclusions. Although achalasia type II is a chronic disease, of unknown etiology and progressive evolution, which limits and deteriorates the quality of life of patients, there are different therapeutic, surgical and endoscopic options. Peroral endoscopic myotomy has been proven to be a reproducible, safe, and efficient technique.
Humans , Esophageal Motility Disorders , Myotomy , Esophageal Achalasia , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Esophageal Diseases , Natural Orifice Endoscopic SurgeryABSTRACT
Introducción. La esofagectomía mínimamente invasiva (EMI) ha venido ganando popularidad debido a los resultados obtenidos en términos de seguridad, mortalidad, complicaciones y calidad de vida, así como los resultados oncológicos comparables a los obtenidos con la cirugía por vía abierta. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte de pacientes en quienes se llevó a cabo una EMI en la Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá Hospital de San José, en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2020. Resultados. Se incluyeron 99 pacientes, 52 hombres y 47 mujeres, con una edad media de 56 años; 58 tenían enfermedades benignas y 41 neoplasias del esófago. En 76 se llevó a cabo un abordaje de McKeown y en 23 una esofagectomía transhiatal por laparoscopia con anastomosis cervical. El tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 240 minutos y la media del sangrado de 140 ml. Seis pacientes fallecieron (6 %) y hubo 21 complicaciones en 14 pacientes (14 %), con 8 fugas de la anastomosis esofagogástrica (8 %) y 4 pacientes con neumonía (4 %). Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que la EMI es un procedimiento factible y seguro, cuyos beneficios la han convertido en el abordaje de elección para la resección y reconstrucción del esófago. No obstante, se trata de una cirugía compleja, con una curva de aprendizaje prolongada, que debe ser realizada en centros con altos volúmenes y por cirujanos expertos. La selección de los pacientes debe hacerse de manera individual teniendo en cuenta las comorbilidades, los recursos disponibles y la experticia del grupo quirúrgico.
Introduction. Minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) has been gaining popularity due to the results obtained in terms of safety, mortality, complications and quality of life, as well as oncologic results comparable to those obtained with open surgery. Methods. Cohort study of patients in whom MIE was performed at Hospital de San José, in Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, between January 2008 and December 2020. Results. Ninety-nine patients were included, 52 men and 47 women, with a mean age of 56 years; 58 had benign diseases and 41 had neoplasms of the esophagus. A McKeown approach was performed in 76 and a laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy with cervical anastomosis in 23. The average surgical time was 240 minutes and the average bleeding was 140 ml. Six patients died (6%) and there were 21 complications in 14 patients (14%), with eight esophagogastric anastomosis leaks (8%) and four patients with pneumonia (4%). Conclusions. The results obtained confirm that MIE is a feasible and safe procedure, whose benefits have made the approach of choice for resection and reconstruction of the esophagus. However, it is a complex surgery, with a long learning curve, which must be performed in centers with high volumes and by expert surgeons. Patient selection must be done individually taking into account comorbidities, available resources and expertise of the surgical group.
Humans , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Esophageal Diseases , Thoracoscopy , Esophageal Neoplasms , Esophageal Achalasia , EsophagectomyABSTRACT
Introducción. La acalasia, caracterizada por dismotilidad esofágica, plantea desafíos diagnósticos debido a su presentación variada y baja prevalencia. Aunque su etiología sigue siendo incierta, se implica una disregulación autoinmune. Métodos. Desde una posición reflexiva, se realizó un análisis crítico de la información disponible en las bases de datos, estableciendo las diferentes opciones diagnósticas para acalasia. Resultados. Distinguir la acalasia de afecciones similares, como la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, es crucial. Los síntomas clave incluyen disfagia, regurgitación, pirosis, dolor retroesternal y pérdida de peso, lo que a menudo conduce a un diagnóstico tardío. Los métodos complementarios abarcan la endoscopia digestiva alta, estudios baritados del esófago, manometría esofágica y tecnologías emergentes, como la sonda de imagen endoluminal funcional (EndoFLIP™). Conclusión. Comprender la presentación clínica de la acalasia y utilizar las modalidades diagnósticas correspondientes facilitan la identificación rápida y el manejo personalizado, asegurando resultados óptimos para los pacientes afectados.
Introduction. Achalasia, characterized by esophageal dysmotility, poses diagnostic challenges due to its varied presentation and low prevalence. While its etiology remains uncertain, autoimmune dysregulation is implicated. Method. From a reflective position, a critical analysis of the information available in the databases was carried out, establishing the different diagnostic options for achalasia. Results. Distinguishing achalasia from similar conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is crucial. Key symptoms include dysphagia, regurgitation, heartburn, substernal pain, and weight loss, often leading to delayed diagnosis. Complementary diagnostic methods include upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, barium studies, esophageal manometry, and emerging technologies, like Endoluminal Functional Luminal Imaging Probe (EndoFLIP™). Conclusion. Understanding the clinical presentation of achalasia and using appropriate diagnostic modalities facilitate rapid identification and personalized management, ensuring optimal outcomes for affected patients.
Humans , Esophageal Motility Disorders , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Manometry , Esophageal Achalasia , Diagnosis , Esophageal DiseasesABSTRACT
Introduction. High-resolution manometry is certainly an incredible technological advance when compared to conventional manometry. Esophageal high-resolution manometry presently guides esophageal motility disorders classification and nomenclature. Despite a growing enthusiasm, development of new parameters, improved technology and description of new diseases, it is elusive if high resolution manometry is only a superb tool to diagnose the same previous diseases perhaps with different names or a real therapy-changer instrument. This review aims to search current evidence for high resolution manometry as a tool for therapeutic decision changes regarding esophageal diseases. Methods. A literature review was conducted on PubMed database restricting results to English language and studies in adults. Conclusions. Despite based on low levels of evidence, high-resolution manometry seems to help in the therapeutic decisions in these situations: (a) treatment can be tailored based on achalasia manometric types; (b) cardiomyotomy may be tailored in length in spastic disorders based on the manometric extension of the spastic waves; (c) a partial fundoplication may be more adequate in patients with elevated lower esophageal sphincter integrated relaxation pressure; and (d) surgical therapy is more efficient in patients with higher distal contractility integral and abnormal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
Introducción. La manometría de alta resolución es, sin duda, un avance tecnológico increíble en comparación con la manometría convencional. La manometría esofágica de alta resolución actualmente guía la clasificación y nomenclatura de los trastornos de la motilidad esofágica. A pesar del creciente entusiasmo, el desarrollo de nuevos parámetros, la mejora de la tecnología y la descripción de nuevas enfermedades, es difícil, esclarecer si la manometría de alta resolución es solo una excelente herramienta para diagnosticar las mismas enfermedades previas, tal vez con diferentes nombres, o es un verdadero instrumento que cambia la terapia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue resumir la evidencia actual de la manometría de alta resolución como herramienta para cambiar las decisiones terapéuticas en las enfermedades esofágicas. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en la base de datos de PubMed de artículos en inglés y estudios realizados en adultos. Conclusiones. A pesar de tener bajos niveles de evidencia, la manometría de alta resolución parece ayudar en las decisiones terapéuticas en estas situaciones: (a) el tratamiento puede adaptarse en función de los tipos manométricos de acalasia; b) La extensión de la miotomía se puede adaptar en los trastornos espásticos basándose en la extensión manométrica de las ondas espástica; (c) una funduplicatura parcial puede ser más adecuada en pacientes con presión de relajación integrada elevada en el esfínter esofágico inferior; y (d) la terapia quirúrgica es más eficiente en pacientes con mayor integral de contractilidad distal y relajación anormal del esfínter esofágico inferior.
Humans , Esophageal Motility Disorders , Esophageal Diseases , Manometry , Esophageal Achalasia , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bariatric SurgeryABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La EndoFLIP (por sus siglas en inglés: sonda luminal funcional endoluminal) es un sistema que mide en tiempo real el índice de la distensibilidad de la unión esofagogástrica y el peristaltismo esofágico secundario, basándose en el principio de planimetría de impedancia. Aunque esta tecnología es relativamente nueva y su utilidad diagnóstica aún se encuentra en evaluación, cada vez se reconoce más su uso en la práctica clínica, fundamentalmente en aquellos pacientes donde no hay un diagnóstico manométrico conclusivo de un trastorno motor esofágico, principalmente obstrucción al tracto de salida y acalasia. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es describir la experiencia con la EndoFLIP en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio en Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo tipo serie de casos, donde se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años a quienes se les realizó EndoFLIP en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio desde el año 2021 hasta el 2022, bien sea de forma intrahospitalaria como ambulatoria, con indicación clara de realización del estudio, previamente discutida en Junta multidisciplinaria de Gastroenterología. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 27 pacientes en el estudio con promedio de 55,6 años de edad, de los cuales 20 eran mujeres (74%) y 7 hombres (26%). La indicación más frecuente del estudio fue diagnóstico no conclusivo de obstrucción al tracto de salida identificado en manometría esofágica de alta resolución de acuerdo a los criterios de la clasificación de Chicago 4.0 (14 pacientes), seguido de esófago hipercontráctil (4 pacientes) y motilidad esofágica inefectiva (3 pacientes). Al evaluar la respuesta contráctil, se encontró que 9 pacientes con diagnóstico no conclusivo de obstrucción al tracto de salida tenían respuesta normal, 3 ausente y una alterada; y en los pacientes con diagnóstico no conclusivo de acalasia uno de ellos tenía respuesta contráctil limítrofe y dos ausente. La totalidad de los pacientes con diagnóstico previo de contractilidad ausente, tenían respuesta contráctil igualmente ausente en la EndoFLIP. Conclusiones: La imagen luminal funcional endoluminal es una técnica que evalúa las propiedades biomecánicas como la distensibilidad, volumen, presión e inclusive diámetros de regiones esfinterianas como la unión esofagogástrica, píloro y ano. Se ha destacado su utilidad para varias indicaciones, siendo las más importantes los diagnósticos manométricamente no conclusivos de trastornos motores esofágicos como la acalasia y la obstrucción del tracto de salida, patologías que tienen un impacto importante en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y cuyo diagnóstico es esencial para poder brindar la mejor opción terapéutica.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The EndoFLIP (for its acronym in English: endoluminal functional luminal probe) is a system that measures in real time the compliance index of the gastroesophageal junction and secondary esophageal peristalsis, based on the principle of impedance planimetry. Although this technology is relatively new and its diagnostic usefulness is still being evaluated, its use in clinical practice is increasingly recognized, fundamentally in those patients where there is no conclusive manometric diagnosis of esophageal motor pathology, mainly esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction and achalasia. Objective: The aim of the present study is to describe the experience with EndoFLIP at the San Ignacio University Hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Material and methods: Descriptive observational case series study, which included patients over 18 years of age who had undergone EndoFLIP at the San Ignacio University Hospital from 2021 to 2022, either in-hospital or outpatient, with a clear indication of performance of the study, previously discussed in the multidisciplinary Gastroenterology Board. Results: A total of 27 patients with an average age of 55 years were included in the study, of which 20 were women (74%) and 7 men (26%). The most frequent indication of the study was an inconclusive diagnosis of outflow tract obstruction identified in high-resolution esophageal manometry according to Chicago 4.0 criteria (14 patients), followed by hypercontractile esophagus (4 patients) and ineffective esophageal motility (3 patients). When evaluating the contractile response, it was found that 9 patients with an inconclusive diagnosis of outflow tract obstruction had a normal response, 3 absent and one altered; and in the patients with an inconclusive diagnosis of achalasia, one of them had a borderline contractile response and two had no response. All patients with a previous diagnosis of absent contractility had an equally absent contractile response in EndoFLIP. Conclusion: Endoluminal functional luminal imaging is a technique that evaluates biomechanical properties such as distensibility, volume, pressure and even diameters of sphincter regions such as the gastroesophageal junction, pylorus and anus. Its usefulness has been highlighted for several indications, the most important being manometrically inconclusive diagnoses of esophageal motor disorders such as achalasia and outflow tract obstruction, pathologies that have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and whose diagnosis is essential to be able to provide the best treatment option.
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-COV-2, has led to significant mortality worldwide. Despite the declaration in May, 2023 by the World Health Organization (WHO), that the COVID-19 pandemic in no longer a public health emergency of international concern, some survivors are experiencing post-infection complications, including esophageal achalasia. Esophageal achalasia is a rare neurodegenerative disorder characterized by impaired esophageal motility and lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction. This study reviews the literature to explore the association between COVID-19 and achalasia and also presents a case of a 9-month-old child diagnosed with achalasia following COVID-19 infection; a unique occurrence in a young child. This study comprises a case report and a literature review. Clinical data for the case report was collected from medical records, while the literature review included a search of electronic databases from January 2020 to October 2023. Keywords related to COVID-19 and esophageal achalasia were utilized to conduct a search in electronic databases resulting in 9 selected articles. This study underscores the emerging concern of esophageal achalasia as a post-infection complication of COVID-19. It provides a unique case of a young child developing achalasia after COVID-19 infection and reviews the limited literature on this association. Further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms and potential preventative measures for this rare complication in COVID-19 survivors.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Videolaparoscopic esophagocardiomyotomy with fundoplication has been a widely used technique for the treatment of achalasia. This study analyzes the safety and effectiveness of the technique in the treatment of non-advanced achalasia (megaesophagus) in a Brazilian federal university public hospital. AIMS: To evaluate the short- and long-term results of videolaparoscopic treatment of non-advanced megaesophagus in a public university hospital in Brazil, employing the esophagocardiomyotomy technique with fundoplication. METHODS: The medical records of 44 patients who underwent surgical treatment for non-advanced achalasia at the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU-MG), Minas Gerais, from January 2001 to July 2021 were analyzed. The following data were evaluated: gender, age, etiology, radiological classification of Rezende-Alves and Ferreira-Santos, immediate and late complications (mean follow-up of 31.4 months), need or not for conversion to open access, postoperative reflux, performance or not of endoscopic esophageal dilation in the preoperative period, postoperative mortality, frequency of pre and postoperative symptoms (persistent dysphagia, regurgitation, heartburn, vomiting, odynophagia, and weight loss), surgery time, hospital stay, duration of dysphagia, pre and postoperative weight, and Eckardt score. RESULTS: Among the analyzed patients, 23 (52.3%) were male, and 21 (47.7%) were female, with a mean age of 50.8 years. No early complications were recorded and there were 27.2% cases of late gastroesophageal reflux. Postoperative weight gain was 81.8% and the success rate of surgery according to the Eckardt score was 84.1%. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagocardiomyotomy with fundoplication is an effective and safe technique for the treatment of non-advanced achalasia.
RESUMO RACIONAL: A esofagocardiomiotomia com fundoplicatura videolaparoscópica é uma técnica amplamente utilizada para o tratamento da acalasia. Este estudo avalia se esta técnica é segura e efetiva para o tratamento da acalasia não avançada (megaesôfago) em hospital público federal universitário. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar em um hospital universitário público no Brasil os resultados imediatos e tardios do tratamento videolaparoscópico do megaesôfago não avançado pela técnica de esofagocardiomiotomia com fundoplicatura. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuários de 44 pacientes submetidos ao tratamento da acalasia não avançada no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU-MG) no período de janeiro de 2001 até julho de 2021. Avaliou-se: sexo, idade, etiologia, classificação radiológica de Rezende-Alves e Ferreira-Santos, complicações imediatas e tardias (seguimento médio de 31,4 meses), necessidade ou não de conversão para via aberta, refluxo pós-operatório, realização ou não de dilatação endoscópica do esôfago no pré-operatório, mortalidade pós-operatória, frequência dos sintomas no pré e pós-operatório (disfagia persistente, regurgitação, pirose, vômitos, odinofagia e emagrecimento), tempos de cirurgia, internação hospitalar, disfagia, peso pré e pós-operatório e escore de Eckardt. RESULTADOS: Entre os pacientes analisados, 23 (52,3%) eram do sexo masculino e 21 (47,7%) eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 50,8 anos. Não foram registradas complicações precoces e houve 27,2% de casos de refluxo gastroesofágico. O ganho de peso no pós-operatório foi de 81,8% e a taxa de sucesso da cirurgia segundo o escore de Eckardt foi de 84,1%. CONCLUSÕES: A esofagocardiomiotomia com válvula antirrefluxo por videolaparoscopia é uma técnica eficaz e segura para o tratamento da acalasia não avançada.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Advanced megaesophagus predisposes to risks of malnutrition infections and cancer, in addition to having a significant impact on quality of life. There is currently no consensus in the literature regarding the best surgical option for advanced megaesophagus, although there is a predilection for esophagectomy, despite this surgery being associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Other surgical procedures, such as esophageal mucosectomy and Heller cardiomyotomy, have been proposed with good results. AIMS: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature on the surgical treatment of advanced megaesophagus. METHODS: Databases used included PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs), Embase and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MedLine), as well as reference research. Two reviewers selected the articles independently. RESULTS: A total of 14 articles were chosen, which included 1,862 patients. The studies were divided into two groups: laparoscopic cardiomyotomy with fundoplication (213 patients) and major surgeries (1,649 patients). The studies yielded mostly good or excellent results regarding late outcomes in both groups. However, there was significant morbidity associated with the major surgeries group. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic Heller myotomy can be performed on patients with advanced megaesophagus, with lower rates of complications and mortality compared to major surgeries, with reservations regarding late outcomes results.
RESUMO RACIONAL: O megaesôfago avançado predispõe riscos clínicos de desnutrição, infecções e neoplasias, além de impacto significativo na qualidade de vida. Não há um consenso atual na literatura ante a melhor opção de seu tratamento cirúrgico, embora haja predileção pela esofagectomia, cirurgia de significativa morbimortalidade associada. Outras modalidades cirúrgicas têm sido propostas, com bons resultados, como a mucosectomia esofágica e a cardiomiotomia laparoscópica à Heller. OBJETIVOS: Realizar uma revisão sistemática com metanálise da literatura acerca do tratamento cirúrgico do megaesôfago avançado. MÉTODOS: As bases de dados utilizadas foram PubMed, Lilacs, Embase e MedLine, além de pesquisas de referências relacionadas. Os artigos foram selecionados por dois revisores independentemente. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, que incluem 1.862 pacientes. Os estudos foram divididos em dois grupos: cardiomiotomia laparoscópica com fundoplicatura (213 pacientes) e cirurgias de grande porte (1.649 pacientes). Os estudos analisados evidenciam que ambos os grupos apresentaram resultados semelhantes quanto ao desfecho tardio, considerado majoritariamente bom ou excelente, no entanto, houve significativa morbimortalidade associada ao grupo de cirurgias maiores. CONCLUSÕES: A cardiomiotomia laparoscópica com fundoplicatura pode ser realizada no megaesôfago avançado, com taxas de complicações e mortalidade reduzidas frente às cirurgias de grande porte, porém, com ressalvas quanto ao desfecho tardio a longo prazo.
ABSTRACT Background: Chagas disease causes digestive anatomic and functional changes, including the loss of the myenteric plexus and abnormal esophageal radiologic and manometric findings. Objective: To evaluate the association of abnormal esophageal radiologic findings, cardiac changes, distal esophageal contractions, and complaints of dysphagia and constipation in upper (UES) and lower (LES) esophageal sphincter basal pressure in Chagas disease patients. Methods: The study evaluated 99 patients with Chagas disease and 40 asymptomatic normal volunteers. The patients had normal esophageal radiologic examination (n=61) or esophageal retention without an increase in esophageal diameter (n=38). UES and LES pressure was measured with the rapid pull-through method in a 4-channel water-perfused round catheter. Before manometry, the patients were asked about dysphagia and constipation and submitted to electrocardiography and chest radiography. Results: The amplitude of esophageal distal contraction decreased from controls to chagasic patients with esophageal retention. The proportion of failed and simultaneous contractions increased in patients with abnormal radiologic examination (P<0.01). There were no significant differences in UES and LES pressure between the groups. UES pressure was similar between Chagas disease patients with cardiomegaly (n=27, 126.5±62.7 mmHg) and those without it (n=72, 144.2±51.6 mmHg, P=0.26). Patients with constipation had lower LES pressure (n=23, 34.7±20.3 mmHg) than those without it (n=76, 42.9±20.5 mmHg, P<0.03). Conclusion: Chagas disease patients with absent or mild esophageal radiologic involvement had no significant changes in UES and LES basal pressure. Constipation complaints are associated with decreased LES basal pressure.
RESUMO Contexto: Doença de Chagas compromete principalmente o coração e o aparelho digestivo. No esôfago ocorre destruição do plexo mientérico, com alterações radiológicas e manométricas semelhantes às da acalásia idiopática. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do comprometimento radiológico do esôfago, alterações cardíacas, contrações esofágicas distais e queixas de disfagia e constipação na pressão dos esfíncteres superior (EES) e inferior (EEI) do esôfago. Métodos: Foram avaliados 99 pacientes com exame sorológico positivo para doença de Chagas, com exame radiológico do esofâgo normal (n=61) ou retenção esofágica sem dilatação (n=38), e 40 voluntários normais. A pressão do esfíncter superior e inferior foi medida em triplicata pelo método da retirada rápida do cateter com perfusão de água, em quatro direções dos esfíncteres. Os pacientes foram questionados sobre disfagia e constipação, e foram realizados eletrocardiograma e radiografia de tórax. Resultados: A amplitude da contração distal foi de maior valor dos controles para pacientes com retenção esofágica; a proporção de contrações falhas e simultâneas aumentou em pacientes com exame radiológico anormal (P=0,01). Não houve diferença entre os grupos nas pressões do EES e do EEI. Pacientes com cardiomegalia apresentaram pressão do EES similar (n=27, 126,5±62,7 mmHg) a pacientes sem cardiomegalia (n=72, 144,2 ±51,6 mmHg, P=0,26). Pacientes com constipação apresentaram menor pressão do EEI (n=23, 34,7±20,3 mmHg) do que pacientes sem constipação (n=76, 42,9±20,5 mmHg, P<0,03). Conclusão: Os pacientes com doença de Chagas avaliados não apresentaram alteração significativa na pressão basal do EES e do EEI. Houve associação da queixa de constipação com diminuição da pressão basal do EIE.
Introducción. La acalasia es un trastorno motor del esófago caracterizado por la ausencia de peristalsis y la alteración en la relajación del esfínter esofágico inferior. La cardiomiotomía laparoscópica de Heller más funduplicatura parcial es el tratamiento estándar. La mejoría sintomática ha sido bien documentada, pero no hay suficiente información objetiva respecto a los cambios fisiológicos y radiográficos luego del procedimiento. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte bidireccional de pacientes llevados a cardiomiotomía laparoscópica de Heller, entre los años 2018 y 2021, en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación de Medellín, Colombia. Se describen variables demográficas y clínicas. Se realizaron puntaje sintomático de Eckardt, manometría esofágica y radiografía de esófago en el pre y postoperatorio. Se hizo comparación de síntomas, presión basal del esfínter esofágico inferior, presión de relajación integrada y diámetro del esófago antes y después de la intervención. Resultados. Se incluyeron 24 pacientes. El 63 % fueron mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 44 años. Los valores promedio preoperatorios vs postoperatorios fueron: puntaje de Eckardt 10,6 vs 1,4 puntos (p<0,001), presión basal de 41,4 vs 18,1 mmHg (p=0,004) y presión de relajación integrada de 28,6 vs 12,5 mmHg (p=0,001). El diámetro del esófago no presentó cambios. No hubo correlación de síntomas con los cambios de presión del esfínter esofágico inferior. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 20 meses. Conclusiones. La cardiomiotomía de Heller es un procedimiento altamente efectivo para el tratamiento definitivo de la acalasia, logrando una mejoría subjetiva y objetiva basada en síntomas y en parámetros de manometría, respectivamente
Introduction. Achalasia is a motor disorder of the esophagus characterized by the absence of peristalsis and impaired relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. Laparoscopic Heller Ìs cardiomyotomy plus partial fundoplication is the standard treatment. Symptomatic improvement has been well documented, but there is insufficient objective information regarding physiologic and radiographic changes after the procedure. Methods. Bidirectional cohort study of patients underwent laparoscopic Heller Ìs cardiomyotomy between 2018 and 2021 at the San Vicente Fundación University Hospital in Medellín, Colombia. Demographic and clinical variables are described. Eckardt symptom score, esophageal manometry, and esophageal radiography were performed pre and postoperatively. A comparison of symptoms, baseline lower esophageal sphincter pressure, integrated relaxation pressure, and esophageal diameter before and after intervention were performed.Results. 24 patients were included. 63% were women and the average age was 44 years. The preoperative vs. postoperative mean values were: Eckardt score 10.6 vs. 1.4 points (p<0.001), basal pressure of 41.4 vs. 18.1 mmHg (p=0.004) and integrated relaxation pressure of 28.6 vs. 12.5 mmHg (p=0.001). The diameter of the esophagus did not present changes. There was no correlation of symptoms with lower esophageal sphincter pressure changes. The follow-up time was 20 months. Conclusions. Heller cardiomyotomy is a highly effective procedure for the definitive treatment of achalasia, achieving subjective and objective improvements, based on symptoms and manometry parameters, respectively
Humans , Esophageal Achalasia , Esophageal Sphincter, Lower , Laparoscopy , Heller Myotomy , ManometryABSTRACT
Introduction: Laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM) is widely recognized as the standard surgical treatment for esophageal achalasia. However, there is a lack of local data regarding the clinical characteristics of patients and the outcomes of this intervention. Methodology: This retrospective study analyzed patients who underwent LHM over an eight-year period. Demographic, operative, and postoperative variables were assessed. The Eckardt score was used to compare symptoms before and after the intervention. Continuous variables were presented as means. Results: Among the 39 patients assessed, 27 met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 51% were male, with an average age of 48 years. The average lower esophageal sphincter pressure was 36 mmHg. The mean operative time and bleeding were 133 minutes and 34 mL, respectively. The average length of the myotomy was 8.3 cm. Partial fundoplication was performed in all cases, and intraoperative endoscopy was conducted in 88% of the cases. Two intraoperative mucosal perforations occurred. The average length of hospital stay was 2.7 days. There was one medical complication but no mortality. Dysphagia significantly improved by 95%, and the mean Eckardt score decreased from 7.7 to 1.2 after surgery (p < 0.001). The average follow-up period was 24 months. Conclusion: LHM with partial fundoplication proves to be an effective and safe procedure for treating achalasia. It results in the resolution of dysphagia in 95% of cases and carries minimal morbidity. Therefore, LHM should be considered the definitive treatment of choice for achalasia.
Introducción: la miotomía de Heller laparoscópica (MHL) se considera el tratamiento quirúrgico estándar en acalasia esofágica. A nivel local se desconocen las características clínicas de los pacientes y los resultados de la intervención. Metodología: estudio retrospectivo que incluye pacientes llevados a MHL durante un periodo de 8 años. Se analizaron variables demográficas, operatorias y posoperatorias. Mediante el puntaje de Eckardt se compararon síntomas antes y después de la intervención. Las variables continuas se expresan en promedios. Resultados: 27 de 39 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. El 51% fueron hombres y el promedio de edad fue de 48 años. La presión promedio del esfínter esofágico inferior fue de 36 mm Hg. El promedio de tiempo operatorio y sangrado fue de 133 minutos y 34 mL, respectivamente. La longitud promedio de la miotomía fue de 8,3 cm. Se adicionó funduplicatura parcial en todos los casos y en el 88% se realizó una endoscopia intraoperatoria. Se presentaron 2 perforaciones intraoperatorias de la mucosa. El promedio de estancia hospitalaria fue 2,7 días. Hubo una complicación médica y ninguna mortalidad. La disfagia mejoró en el 95% y el promedio del puntaje de Eckardt disminuyó de 7,7 a 1,2 luego de cirugía (p < 0,001). El seguimiento fue de 24 meses en promedio. Conclusión: la MHL con funduplicatura parcial es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro para el tratamiento de la acalasia. Se asocia a resolución de la disfagia en el 95% de los casos, su morbilidad es mínima y debe considerarse el tratamiento definitivo de elección.
In order to evaluate the efficacy of peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for achalasia, data of 63 patients with achalasia who were treated with POEM in China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University from 2017 to 2021 were collected. Postoperative Eckardt score, high-resolution manometry and upper gastrointestinal radiography were compared with preoperative data. The mean age of the 63 patients was 49.0 years, and there were 31 famales. The preoperative Eckardt score was 9 (3), and the postoperative Eckardt score was 2 (2), with significant difference ( V=1 953, P<0.001). The lower esophageal sphincter pressure decreased significantly after operation compared with that before operation [9.90 (3.35) mmHg VS 26.80(13.85)mmHg, V=2 016, P<0.001]. Fifty-three patients (84.1%) had satisfactory curative effects. The incidence of adverse events was 3.2% (2/63). POEM is safe, effective and minimally invasive for the treatment of achalasia.
Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect of peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for primary achalasia (AC) in patients aged over 60 years.Methods:Data of 146 patients aged ≥60 years (the elderly group) and 146 patients aged 18-59 years (the adult group) who received POEM from November 2010 to September 2019 at the Digestive Endoscopy Center of PLA General Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Baseline data, surgery data, surgery-related complications and surgery-related efficacy were compared.Results:There was no significant difference in gender, Ling classification, HRM classification or previous treatment between the two groups ( P>0.05). All 292 patients successfully underwent POEM surgery. The clinical success (Eckardt score ≤3) rates in the elderly group and the adult group were 96.33% (105/109) and 96.77% (90/93), respectively with no significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=0.030, P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the length of myotomy between the two groups (7.09±2.49 cm VS 7.12±2.24 cm, t=0.472, P>0.05). Complications occurred in 26 cases (17.81%) in the elderly group and 21 cases (14.38%) in the adult group with no significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=0.634, P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the postoperative hospital stay (12.61±9.69 days VS 11.00±4.43 days, t=1.825, P>0.05) or the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux [43.33% (13/30) VS 51.52% (17/33), χ2=0.422, P>0.05] between the elderly group and the adult group. Conclusion:The efficacy of POEM for AC patients over 60 years old is equivalent to that of adult patients, and the incidence of complications is similar. POEM is safe and effective for AC patients over 60 years old.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Achalasia is an esophageal motility disorder, with clinical presentation of dysphagia and regurgitation. This is a chronic condition with no cure. Current treatment options aim to reduce lower esophageal sphincter tone by pharmacological, endoscopic or surgical means, with the aim of improving patients' symptoms. Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is an alternative endoscopic surgery to Heller cardiomyotomy, in which the procedure is performed orally, by endoscopy, offering efficacy comparable to surgical myotomy, with relative ease and minimal invasion, without external incisions. AIMS: To study the safety of POEM by analyzing its results, adverse events and perioperative complications and the main ways to overcome them, in addition to evaluating the effectiveness of the procedure and the short-term postoperative quality of life. METHODS: A qualitative and quantitative, observational and cross-sectional study that analyzed patients who underwent the POEM in a reference center, from December 2016 to December 2022, maintaining the technical standard of pre-, peri- and postoperative protocol. RESULTS: A total of 94 patients were included in the study, and only three had postoperative complications. The average early postoperative Eckardt score was 0.93 and the late 1.40, with a mean improvement of 7.1 in early results and 6.63 in late results (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: POEM can be reproduced with an excellent safety profile, significant relief of symptoms and improvement in esophageal emptying, and in quality of life.
RESUMO RACIONAL: A acalasia é uma desordem da motilidade esofágica, com apresentação clínica de disfagia e regurgitação, uma condição crônica sem cura. As opções de tratamentos atuais visam reduzir o tônus do esfíncter esofagiano inferior (EEI) por meios farmacológicos, endoscópicos ou cirúrgicos, com o objetivo de aliviar os sintomas dos pacientes. A miotomia endoscópica peroral, sigla do inglês (POEM) é uma cirurgia endoscópica alternativa à cardiomiotomia a Heller (CH), em que a miotomia é realizada por via oral, por endoscopia, oferecendo eficácia comparável a miotomia cirúrgica, com relativa facilidade e mínima invasão, sem incisões externas. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a segurança do POEM analisando seus resultados, eventos adversos, complicações perioperatórias e suas principais formas de contorná-los, além de avaliar a eficácia do procedimento e a qualidade de vida pós-operatória, em curto prazo. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo e quantitativo, observacional e transversal avaliando pacientes que realizaram o POEM em um centro de referência, entre dezembro de 2016 até dezembro de 2022, mantendo padrão técnico de preparo pré, peri e pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 94 pacientes e apenas 3 apresentaram complicações pós-operátorias. O escore de Eckardt médio precoce pós-operatório foi de 0,93 e o tardio de 1,40, com melhora média de 7,1 em resultados precoces e de 6,63 em resultados tardios (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O POEM pode ser reproduzido com excelente perfil de segurança, alívio significativo dos sintomas e melhora do esvaziamento do esôfago, oferecendo melhora na qualidade de vida.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Achalasia is an esophageal motility disorder, and myotomy is one of the most used treatment techniques. However, symptom persistence or recurrence occurs in 9 to 20% of cases. AIMS: This study aims to provide a practical approach for managing the recurrence or persistence of achalasia symptoms after myotomy. METHODS: A critical review was performed to gather evidence for a rational approach for managing the recurrence or persistence of achalasia symptoms after myotomy. RESULTS: To properly manage an achalasia patient with significant symptoms after myotomy, such as dysphagia, regurgitation, thoracic pain, and weight loss, it is necessary to classify symptoms, stratify severity, perform appropriate tests, and define a treatment strategy. A systematic differential diagnosis workup is essential to cover the main etiologies of symptoms recurrence or persistence after myotomy. Upper digestive endoscopy and dynamic digital radiography are the main tests that can be applied for investigation. The treatment options include endoscopic dilation, peroral endoscopic myotomy, redo surgery, and esophagectomy, and the decision should be based on the patient's individual characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: A good clinical evaluation and the use of proper tests jointly with a rational assessment, are essential for the management of symptoms recurrence or persistence after achalasia myotomy.
RESUMO RACIONAL: A acalasia é um distúrbio da motilidade esofágica e a miotomia é uma das técnicas de tratamento mais utilizadas. No entanto, a persistência ou recorrência dos sintomas ocorre em 9 a 20%. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo visa fornecer uma abordagem prática para o manejo da recorrência ou persistência dos sintomas de acalasia após miotomia. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão crítica para reunir evidências para uma abordagem racional no manejo da recorrência ou persistência dos sintomas de acalasia após miotomia. RESULTADOS: Para o manejo adequado de um paciente com acalásia com sintomas significativos após miotomia, como disfagia, regurgitação, dor torácica e perda de peso, é necessário classificar os sintomas, estratificar a gravidade, realizar exames adequados e definir uma estratégia de tratamento. Uma investigação diagnóstica diferencial sistemática é essencial para cobrir as principais etiologias de recorrência ou persistência dos sintomas após a miotomia. A endoscopia digestiva alta e a radiografia digital dinâmica são os principais exames que podem ser aplicados para investigação. As opções de tratamento incluem dilatação endoscópica, POEM (miotomia endoscópica oral), remiotomia e esofagectomia, e a decisão deve ser baseada nas características individuais do paciente. CONCLUSÕES: Uma boa avaliação clínica e a utilização de exames adequados, juntamente com uma avaliação racional, são essenciais para o manejo da recorrência ou persistência dos sintomas após miotomia por acalasia.
Objective:To evaluate the long-term efficacy of double-tunnel peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) and traditional POEM in the treatment of achalasia cardia.Methods:A randomized controlled trial was performed on the data of 30 patients with achalasia cardia, who underwent POEM in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from June 2018 to June 2019. The 30 consecutive patients were randomly assigned to double-tunnel POEM group (15 cases, a second tunnel was established opposite to the traditional one) and traditional POEM group (15 cases). Intraoperative information was recorded, and patients were followed up regularly to compare the efficacy and complications between the two groups.Results:Double-tunnel POEM and traditional POEM were all completed with technical success. There were no significant differences in the intraoperative complications (5/15 VS 4/15, P=1.000), hospitalization time or cost between the two groups. The follow-up time was 17.20±4.83 months and 15.33±4.67 months in the traditional POEM group and the double-tunnel POEM group, respectively. The Eckardt scores after surgery between the two groups had no significant difference [1.53 (2.00) VS 1.60 (3.00), Z=-0.363, P=0.744]. The symptom relief cases were both 14 in the two groups. The postoperative 4-second integrated relaxation pressure (4 s IRP) of the double-tunnel group (11.27±3.14 mmHg) was significantly lower than that of the traditional group (15.05±4.21 mmHg, t=2.794, P=0.009). There was no significant difference in postoperative gastroesophageal reflux disease questionnaire scores between the two groups (4.40±1.64 VS 4.20±1.42, t=0.357, P=0.724). Conclusion:Double-tunnel POEM has almost the same efficacy as the traditional POEM except for a lower post-POEM 4 sIRP.
ABSTRACT Introduction: achalasia is a chronic disease. Since there is no curative treatment, diagnosed patients have pharmacological and/or surgical techniques available, aimed at minimizing the condition. POEM appears as a promising new type of palliative treatment with good rates of symptom improvement. Objective: evaluate the profile of POEM at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pernambuco (HC - UFPE) and correlate it with the world scenario. Methods: data collection was performed retrospectively from September 2017 to October 2019 with all patients undergoing POEM at the HC - UFPE. Sociodemographic, clinical, and hospital variables were evaluated before and three months after the procedure. Results: of 27 patients (52.41 ± 19.24 years old) who underwent the procedure, 66.7% had idiopathic etiology and 33.3% had etiology secondary to Chagas disease. 48% patients underwent previous procedures, of which seven used some type of medication for symptom control, two underwent pneumatic endoscopic dilation, and four underwent Heller cardiomyotomy with partial fundoplication. 62.5% of the evaluated patients had type II achalasia before the procedure. Seven (25.9%) patients presented the following adverse events: four presented bleeding, two pneumoperitoneum, and one both complications, all being treated conservatively. The Eckardt score reduced from 8.37 ± 1.45 to 0.85 ± 1.06 (p-value <0.001). Conclusion: clinical improvement of symptoms and the patient profile followed the worldwide trend, with emphasis on the etiology secondary to Chagas disease, endemic in Brazil. Gastroesophageal reflux remains the main post-operative symptom.
RESUMO Introdução: a acalasia é uma doença crônica. Por não haver tratamento curativo, os pacientes diagnosticados dispõem de técnicas farmacológicas e/ou cirúrgicas, visando minimizar o quadro. A POEM surge como um novo tipo de tratamento paliativo promissor com boas taxas de melhora dos sintomas. Objetivo: avaliar o perfil das POEM realizadas no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (HC - UFPE) e correlacioná-lo com o cenário mundial. Métodos: a coleta de dados foi realizada retrospectivamente no período de setembro de 2017 a outubro de 2019 com todos os pacientes submetidos a POEM no HC - UFPE. Variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e hospitalares foram avaliadas antes e três meses após o procedimento. Resultados: total de 27 pacientes (52,41 ± 19,24 anos) que realizaram o procedimento, 66,7% com etiologia idiopática e 33,3% com etiologia secundária à doença de Chagas. 48% tinham sido submetidos a procedimentos prévios, dos quais sete usaram algum tipo de medicamento para controle dos sintomas, dois foram submetidos à dilatação endoscópica pneumática e quatro à cardiomiotomia a Heller com fundoplicatura parcial. 62,5% dos pacientes avaliados tinham acalasia tipo ii antes do procedimento. Sete (25,9%) apresentaram eventos adversos: quatro sangramentos, dois pneumoperitônio e um ambas as complicações, todos foram tratados de forma conservadora. O escore de Eckardt reduziu de 8,37 ± 1,45 para 0,85 ± 1,06 (valor de p<0,001). Conclusão: melhora clínica e o perfil dos pacientes acompanhou a tendência mundial, destaque para a etiologia secundária à doença de Chagas, endêmica no Brasil. O refluxo gastroesofágico continua sendo o principal sintoma pós-operatório.