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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232609


Background: Induction of labour is the artificial initiation of labour before its spontaneous onset for the purpose of achieving vaginal delivery of the feto-placental unit. It is a common obstetric procedure which is indicated when the benefits to mother or fetus outweigh the benefits of continuing the pregnancy. Most common indication for induction is postdated pregnancy.Methods: Longitudinal Study carried out in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, RIMS, Imphal, Manipur, conducted for duration of two calendar years, with effect from January 2021 in 168 primigravidas who had reached full term or late term pregnancy admitted in ante-natal ward of RIMS, Obstetrics and Gynaecology department.Results: Study was conducted on 168 pregnant women, most of the participants belonged to the age group of 18-34 years (77.9%). Vaginal delivery was the most common mode of delivery (64.8%). Most of the babies (72%) delivered were having birth weight of between 2.5 kg to 3.9 kg. PPH and uterine hyperstimulation are comparatively more in the late term pregnancy as compared to full term pregnancy. Meconium-stained liquor was slightly more in late term pregnancy group as compared to full term pregnancy. Babies delivered by full term pregnant women were having better APGAR score in 1 minute and 5 minutes than the babies delivered by late term pregnancy.Conclusions: Late term Pregnancy is comparatively common in low socio-economic group. The CS rate is comparatively high in Late term pregnancy as compared to Full Term Pregnancy. Poor APGAR score is highly associated with Late term Pregnancy outcome.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): .871-875, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564624


SUMMARY: Testicular descent is a complex process that only occurs in mammals. The role of the gubernaculum during testicular descent has been explained mainly by its capacity for dilatation and contraction. This study tried to investigate the changes in the structure of the fibers and cells of the gubernaculum in different age levels of testicular descent in goat fetuses. Embryo samples were collected and grouped in such a way that 60 male goat fetuses were obtained from 100 pregnant does (Capra marghoz). The samples were classified based on the average length (CRL) of the used embryos into 6 age groups. Tissues of the gubernaculum were stained using Masson's Trichrome method to observe collagen fibers under light microscopy. In the present study, growth and orientation of collagen fibers of gubernaculum were observed from the age of 51 days in a manner that the arrangement and order of fibroblasts and collagens to be associated with the onset of testicular migration order and collagen fibers until the end of the third month. Further, changes in the cell arrays and strings were observed after the age of 111 days in such a way that near the birth date, the gubernaculum converted into atrophy tissue. It can be said that from the beginning of the period of testicular descent until its completion, the tissue of the gubernaculum undergoes cellular changes, such as deformation and increase and secretion in connective fibers.

El descenso testicular es un proceso complejo que solo ocurre en los mamíferos. El papel del gubernaculum durante este proceso se ha explicado principalmente por su capacidad de dilatarse y contraerse. En este trabajo, se investigaron los cambios en la estructura de las fibras y células del gubernaculum en diferentes etapas del descenso testicular y edades en fetos de cabra. Se recolectaron muestras de embriones, agrupándose de manera que se obtuvieron 60 fetos de macho cabrío a partir de 100 hembras preñadas (Capra marghoz). Las muestras se clasificaron según la longitud media (CRL) de los embriones utilizados, dividiéndose en seis grupos de edad. Los tejidos del gubernaculum se tiñeron utilizando la técnica de Tricrómico de Masson para observar las fibras de colágeno bajo microscopía óptica. En el presente estudio, se observó el crecimiento y la orientación de las fibras colágenas del gubernaculum a partir de los 51 días de edad. La disposición y el orden de los fibroblastos y colágeno se asociaron con el inicio de la migración testicular, observándose las fibras colágenas hasta el final del tercer mes. Además, se detectaron cambios en las matrices y cadenas de células después de los 111 días de edad. Cerca de la fecha de nacimiento, el gubernaculum se convirtió en tejido atrofiado. En conclusión, desde el inicio hasta la finalización del período de descenso testicular, el tejido del gubernaculum sufre cambios celulares, como deformación y aumento de secreción en las fibras conectivas.

Animals , Male , Testis/embryology , Goats , Gubernaculum/embryology , Embryo, Mammalian , Gubernaculum/ultrastructure
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232679


Background: Caesarean delivery is a complex multidisciplinary procedure. Decision to delivery interval is supposed to play a significant role in maternal and neonatal outcomes. The present study was undertaken to determine the incidence of DDI delay among pregnant women undergoing Emergency LSCS in tertiary care centres.Methods: This study was conducted on 400 subjects who underwent emergency LSCS in category I and category II during a period from November 2020 to August 2021.Results: The maximum patients were from the age group of 25-29 years (43%), primigravida (59.1%), gestational age between 37-40 weeks (78%). 29% have undergone category-1 LCSC and 71.2% have undergone category-2 LSCS. Out of 116 patients underwent category-1 LSCS, 11 (9.5%) patient delay was present whereas in category-2 LSCS out of 284,12 (4.2%) patient delay was present. Among Category-I LSCS the most common indication was Fetal distress and among Category-II LSCS the major indication was non reassuring CTG. Maximum babies have APGAR scores between 7-10 at 1 (N=369) and 5 min (N=398). The mean cord PH was 7.31, ranged from 6.9-7.47. 98 babies required NICU admission and most of them admitted for respiratory distress. 11 patients required blood transfusion. There was no significant association found between various parameters and DDI delay, (p>0.05).Conclusions: In the present study, the interval between the decision to delivery interval has no significant impact on feto-maternal outcome in Category-I LSCS. Among Category-II LSCS there was a delay in 12 cases, among them 7 babies required NICU admission, the complications among neonates were significantly more when DDI was >75 minutes.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(2): 97-105, mar.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568895


Resumen Introducción: La determinación del grupo sanguíneo ABO/RhD y la prueba directa de Coombs (PDC) al nacimiento son una práctica recomendada, pero existe variabilidad en su implementación universal. Se presentan los resultados de la determinación al nacimiento del grupo ABO/RhD y la PDC en una cohorte institucional. Métodos: Se incluyeron los recién nacidos entre 2017 y 2020 en un hospital de atención a embarazos de alto riesgo. Se determinó el grupo ABO/RhD y se realizó la PDC en muestras de cordón umbilical o en las primeras 24 horas de vida. Se registraron las variables demográficas, maternas y neonatales. Se estimó la asociación entre las variables mediante la razón de probabilidad (OR). Resultados: Se incluyeron 8721 binomios. La PDC fue positiva en 239 recién nacidos (2.7%), siendo las variables asociadas a la PDC positiva la edad materna > 40 años (OR: 1.5;IC95%: 1.0-2.3), el nacimiento por vía cesárea (1.4; 1.1-2.0), la madre del grupo O (6.4; 3.8-11.8), la prematuridad (3.6; 2.6-5.0); el peso al nacer < 2500 g (2.1; 1.6-2.8); el neonato del grupo A (15.7; 10.7-23.1) o del grupo B (17.6; 11.4-27.2), la hemoglobina al nacer < 13.5 g/dl (4.5; 2.8-7.1) y la reticulocitosis > 9% (1.9; 1.2 a 3.1). Discusión: La frecuencia de PDC positiva neonatal es del 2.7%, con asociación significativa la incompatibilidad materna/neonatal al grupo ABO y RhD, con impacto significativo en diversas variables neonatales. Estos resultados apoyan la política de implementación universal al nacimiento de la determinación de ABO/RhD y PDC.

Abstract Background: Evaluating the ABO/RhD blood group and the direct antiglobulin Coombs test (DAT) at birth is recommended good practice, but there is variability in its universal implementation. This study aims to show the comparative results in various variables of clinical impact during the hospital stay of neonates with positive DAT compared with those with negative DAT, based on the systematic detection of the ABO/RhD group and DAT at birth. Methods: Newborns between 2017 and 2020 in a high-risk pregnancy care hospital were included. The ABO/RhD and DAT group was determined in umbilical cord samples or the first 24 hours of life. Demographic, maternal, and neonatal variables were recorded. The association between the variables was estimated using the odds ratio (OR). Results: 8721 pairs were included. The DAT was positive in 239 newborns (2.7%), with the variables associated with positive PDC being maternal age > 40 years (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0 to 2.3), birth by cesarean section (1.4; 1.1-2.0), mother group O (6.4; 3.8-11.8), prematurity (3.6; 2.6-5.0), birth weight < 2500 g (2.1; 1.6-2.8), newborn group A (15.7; 10.7-23.1) and group B (17.6; 11.4-27.2), hemoglobin at birth < 13.5 g/dl (4.5; 2.8-7.1) and reticulocytosis > 9% (1.9; 1.2 to 3.1). Discussion: The frequency of neonatal positive PDC was 2.7%, with a significant association with maternal/neonatal incompatibility to the ABO and RhD group, with a substantial impact on various neonatal variables. These results support the policy of universal implementation at the birth of the ABO/RhD and DAT determination.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(2): 124-128, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559727


Introducción: Las malformaciones del desarrollo cortical se deben a alteraciones en la migración del neuroblasto durante la formación de la corteza cerebral. Se desconoce su frecuencia en embarazos monocoriales. Objetivo: Reportar el caso de un embarazo monocorial con diagnóstico de malformación del desarrollo cortical en uno de los fetos y revisar la literatura referente a su diagnóstico y pronóstico. Método: Mujer de 19 años, embarazo monocorial biamniótico de 26 semanas, que acudió con estudio ecográfico y resonancia fetal que evidenció en uno de los fetos asimetría de los hemisferios cerebrales, hipoplasia de la cisura de Silvio izquierda con simplificación del patrón giral por focos de paquigiria y polimicrogiria, con confirmación posnatal de alteración en la migración neuronal asociada a hipoplasia vermiana. Resultados: Se encontraron en la literatura tres casos de embarazo múltiple monocorial con trastorno de la migración neuronal con recién nacidos vivos. Los hallazgos más comunes fueron microcefalia, lisencefalia e hipoplasia cerebelosa. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico prenatal del trastorno de la migración neuronal se realiza con ecografía y resonancia fetal. La más frecuente es la alteración de la migración neuronal tipo II. El pronóstico depende del tipo de alteración; sin embargo, la mayoría de los casos presentan trastornos epileptiformes con alteraciones del neurodesarrollo.

Introduction: Malformations of cortical development are the result from alterations in the neuroblast migration during the cerebral cortex formation. Its frequency in monochorial multiple pregnancies remains unknown. Objective: To report a case of monochorial multiple pregnancy with diagnosis of malformation of the cortical development in one of the fetuses. In addition, to review the literature regarding the diagnosis and prognosis of this entity. Method: A 19-year-old female with a monochorial diamniotic pregnancy of 26 weeks gestation, arrived with an ultrasound anatomy scan visit, and fetal magnetic resonance imaging, we detected asymmetry in the cerebral hemispheres one of the fetuses, hypoplasia of the left sulcus of Sylvius with simplification of the gyrus pattern due to clusters of pachygyria and polymicrogyria. Those findings were confirmed afterbirth, with a definite diagnosis of neuronal migration disorder associated with vermian hypoplasia. Results: Three cases of monochorial pregnancy with neuronal migration disorder with live newborn, common findings like microcephaly, lissencephaly and vermian hypoplasia. Conclusions: Prenatal diagnosis with neuronal migration disorder is done via ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Neuronal migration disorders type II are the most common of them. Prognosis depends on the type of disorder; however, most patients have epileptiform activity and neurodevelopment impairment.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Malformations of Cortical Development/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy, Twin , Prenatal Diagnosis , Prognosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Echoencephalography , Ultrasonography
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2023 Dec; 15(12): 37-42
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231285


Objective: To analyze and report the maternal, fetal, and neonatal complications in Antenatal hypothyroid women and to give the frequency of the co-existence of Anemia with Hypothyroidism in pregnancy.Methods: A Prospective and an observational study was conducted on 200 Antenatal hypothyroid women admitted to the Obstetrics ward. In the period of 6 mo (August 2022-January 2023), the study was carried out through the examination of medical records of Antenatal women with Hypothyroidism.Results: Of 200 Antenatal hypothyroid women enrolled in the study, Denovo Hypothyroidism was seen in 56% of women. Maternal complications reported include–(Lower Segment Cesarean Section) LSCS seen in 54.5%, Preeclampsia in 19%, mild anemia in 28%, (Post-Partum Hemorrhage) PPH in 7.5%,(Premature Rupture Of Membranes) PROM in 11.5%, Oligohydramnios in 24.5% of women. Fetal complications found were in fetal distress in 21%, in 32.5 %, Respiratory distress in 17.5%, and Low birth weight in 16% of Neonates.Conclusion: Our study concludes that the number of pregnant women affected by Hypothyroidism has increased to a larger extent. Hence, the suspected risk factors of Hypothyroidism have to be addressed and monitored closely to decrease the rate of feto-maternal and neonatal complications in pregnancy, vital for the overall well-being of hypothyroid mothers and their babies.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533587


La displasia mesenquimal placentaria es una entidad poco frecuente, confundida al ultrasonido y macroscopía con mola parcial por las lesiones vesiculares y la presencia de feto. La microscopía revela vellosidades troncales hidrópicas con gran hiperplasia mesenquimal y lesiones vasculares prominentes, pero sin hiperplasia del epitelio trofoblástico. El feto, generalmente femenino, puede ser normal o presentar retardo del crecimiento intrauterino, malformaciones, tumores o cromosomopatías. Presentamos el estudio de cuatro casos de displasia mesenquimal placentaria; tres primigestas de 39 y 20 años de edad, y una segundigesta de 26 años. La mayor, del tercer trimestre, cursó con preeclampsia y mortinato de sexo femenino con anomalías pulmonar y esplénica, las otras dos presentaron sangrado vaginal y dolor pélvico y un caso fue un hallazgo en el control prenatal a las 8 semanas de gestación. En tres casos se observaron feto y embrion, dos de ellos tuvieron necropsia.

Placental mesenchymal dysplasia is a rare entity, confused with ultrasound and macroscopy with partial mole due to vesicular lesions and the presence of a fetus. Microscopy reveals hydropic trunk villi with great mesenchymal hyperplasia and prominent vascular lesions but without hyperplasia of the trophoblastic epithelium. The fetus, usually female, may be normal or present malformations, tumors or chromosomopathies. We present the study of four cases of placental mesenchymal dysplasia; three first-pregnancies, aged 39 and 20, and a second-pregnancy, aged 26. The oldest in the third trimester presented with preeclampsia and a female stillbirth with pulmonary and splenic anomalies, the other two presented vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain and one case was a finding in prenatal control at 8 weeks of gestation. In three cases, fetus and embryo were observed, two of them had a necropsy.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 46(4): 251-255, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536638


Resumen: El dolor es el principal síntoma reportado a nivel mundial, es la principal causa de sufrimiento humano. Se considera que para que un individuo sienta dolor deben estar presentes: nociceptores, neurotransmisores del dolor, vías que llevan el estímulo al cerebro, el tálamo y conexión con la corteza. Por un tiempo se consideró que en esta etapa no se contaba con la madurez suficiente del sistema nervioso para sentir dolor; sin embargo, en la actualidad hay evidencia de que el feto presenta dolor; y su presencia altera el desarrollo del sistema nervioso. La presente revisión proporciona una visión actualizada de la ontogenia del dolor fetal y neonatal.

Abstract: Pain is the main symptom reported worldwide, it is the main cause of human suffering. It is considered that for an individual to feel pain, the following must be present: nociceptors, pain neurotransmitters, pathways that carry the stimulus to the brain, the thalamus and connection with the cortex. For a time it was considered that at this stage the nervous system was not mature enough to feel pain, however, there is currently evidence that the fetus has pain; and its presence alters the development of the nervous system. This review provides an updated view of the ontogeny of fetal and neonatal pain.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525612


Antropologia Forense é uma área da antropologia biológica que pode ser definida como o estudo científico de restos e/ou ossadas humanas, corpos ou parte de corpos que precisam de identificação. Quando uma ossada imatura é encontrada, é possível que ela seja confundida com ossos animais, devido às semelhanças nos formatos e tamanho dos ossos. Além disso, a avaliação da viabilidade fetal está relacionada à estimativa de idade e esses dados também são relevantes em contextos jurídicos, quando se envolvem temas como aborto ou infanticídio. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever a utilização de um tradicional método de estimativa de idade (Fazekas e Kósa, 1978) em esqueletos fetais e verificar sua aplicabilidade no contexto local, com as amostras do Núcleo de Medicina e Odontologia Legal (NUMOL) de João Pessoa/PB. De acordo com o método, foram mensurados 6 ossos longos (úmero, rádio, ulna, fêmur, tíbia e fíbula) de 4 esqueletos disponíveis. O menor esqueleto analisado teve sua idade estimada entre 18 e 20 semanas e o maior 40 semanas. No único esqueleto catalogado do acervo, a estimativa de idade mostrou-se efetiva, abrangendo a idade real. Nesse contexto, alerta-se para a necessidade de se estabelecer corretamente a idade fetal em casos forenses, o que possibilita responder questionamentos jurídicos, sobretudo quanto à viabilidade da vida intrauterina, trazendo luz as possibilidades de possíveis crimes de aborto ou infanticídio. Ademais, o estudo mostrou-se como um norteador nos trabalhos periciais com a difusão do método, sua execução e aplicação. Contudo, faz-se necessário que novos estudos sejam desenvolvidos buscando a confiabilidade do método com base em ossadas locais e atuais

Forensic Anthropology is a field of biological anthropology that can be defined as the scientific study of human remains and/or bones, bodies or body parts that require identification. When immature bones are found, they may be mistaken for animal bones due to similarities in shape and size. In addition, fetal viability assessment is related to age estimation, and this data is also relevant in legal contexts, when issues such as abortion or infanticide are involved. The objective of this study was to describe the use of a traditional age estimation method (Fazekas and Kósa, 1978) in fetal skeletons and to verify its applicability in the local context, using samples from the Nucleus of Legal Medicine and Dentistry (NUMOL) in João Pessoa/PB, Brazil. According to the method, six long bones (humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, and fibula) from four available skeletons were measured. The smallest skeleton analyzed had its age estimated between 18 and 20 weeks, and the largest was 40 weeks. In the only cataloged skeleton in the collection, the age estimation was effective, encompassing the real age. In this context, the need to establish fetal age correctly in forensic cases is emphasized, which makes it possible to answer legal questions, especially regarding the viability of intrauterine life, shedding light on the possibilities of possible crimes of abortion or infanticide. Moreover, the study proved to be a guide in forensic work with the dissemination of the method, its execution, and application. However, it is necessary to develop new studies seeking the reliability of the method based on local and current skeletal remains

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232323


The worldwide incidence of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is increasing day by day, mostly due to the increasing trends in cesarean section rates. Although standard ultrasound is a reliable and primary tool for the diagnosis of placenta accreta, the absence of ultrasound findings does not preclude the diagnosis of placenta accreta. Therefore, clinical evaluation of risk factors is equally essential for the prediction of abnormal placental invasion. The accurate and timely diagnosis of placenta accreta is important to improve the feto-maternal outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232212


The worldwide incidence of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is increasing day by day, mostly due to the increasing trends in cesarean section rates. Although standard ultrasound is a reliable and primary tool for the diagnosis of placenta accreta, the absence of ultrasound findings does not preclude the diagnosis of placenta accreta. Therefore, clinical evaluation of risk factors is equally essential for the prediction of abnormal placental invasion. The accurate and timely diagnosis of placenta accreta is important to improve the feto-maternal outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232336


Background: Oligohydromnios is a condition where there is very low or absent amniotic fluid and it demands intense antepartum, intrapartum care and fetal surveillance, as it is frequently associated with IUGR, fetal distress, PIH, PROM, fetal renal abnormalities as renal agenesis, bilateral cystic kidneys and obstructive uropathy.Methods: Total 124 antenatal patients delivered at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at GMERS Medical College and General Hospital, Junagadh. During Period of September 2022 to February 2023 with gestational age between 37-40wks with AFI<1cms with intact membranes were studied and analyzed retrospectively for perinatal and maternal outcome.Results: Out of 124 cases with oligohydramnios with AFI <1cm studied, about 115 cases underwent LSCS (92.7%). Most patients belong to age group of <25 about 85. Growth retardation seen in 38 (30.6 %), NICU admission seen in 35(28.2%) and new born with APGAR <7 @ 1 min seen in 30 cases (24.2%).Conclusions: According to our study on severe oligohydramnios, the common mode of delivery was caesarean section and indications for CS were PIH, FGR and poor BISHOP score with severe oligohydramnios. Growth retardation seen in babies who were born from severe oligohydramnios mother.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232225


Background: Oligohydromnios is a condition where there is very low or absent amniotic fluid and it demands intense antepartum, intrapartum care and fetal surveillance, as it is frequently associated with IUGR, fetal distress, PIH, PROM, fetal renal abnormalities as renal agenesis, bilateral cystic kidneys and obstructive uropathy.Methods: Total 124 antenatal patients delivered at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at GMERS Medical College and General Hospital, Junagadh. During Period of September 2022 to February 2023 with gestational age between 37-40wks with AFI<1cms with intact membranes were studied and analyzed retrospectively for perinatal and maternal outcome.Results: Out of 124 cases with oligohydramnios with AFI <1cm studied, about 115 cases underwent LSCS (92.7%). Most patients belong to age group of <25 about 85. Growth retardation seen in 38 (30.6 %), NICU admission seen in 35(28.2%) and new born with APGAR <7 @ 1 min seen in 30 cases (24.2%).Conclusions: According to our study on severe oligohydramnios, the common mode of delivery was caesarean section and indications for CS were PIH, FGR and poor BISHOP score with severe oligohydramnios. Growth retardation seen in babies who were born from severe oligohydramnios mother.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1083-1088, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514360


La Articulación temporomandibular (ATM) cumple funciones importantes para la vida; su adecuado funcionamiento se puede alterar por trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM). La sintomatología de los TTM es variada, entre ellos se encuentra dolor en los músculos masticatorios, ruidos articulares y con menos frecuencia algunos pacientes refieren síntomas auditivos, lo que sugiere la existencia de una relación entre la ATM y el oído medio; sin embargo, esta relación no es clara. En consecuencia, el presente estudio tiene como propósito realizar una revisión de literatura para identificar los aspectos conocidos, desconocidos y controvertidos sobre la relación entre la ATM y el oído medio en niños y fetos. Se efectuó una búsqueda de la literatura en bases de datos utilizando los operadores booleanos (AND/OR) y los términos clave en inglés y en español. Se identificaron inicialmente 1080 artículos, se eliminaron los artículos duplicados y se aplicaron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Finalmente, se seleccionaron un total de 14 artículos que se revisaron a texto completo. Los estudios encontrados se enfocan en el desarrollo histoembriológico de la ATM y cómo ese desarrollo se da en conjunto con los componentes del oído medio. Adicionalmente, se identificaron investigaciones sobre el origen, la morfología y función del ligamento discomaleolar, el ligamento esfenomandibular y la fisura petrotimpánica como estructuras que conectan la ATM y el oído medio, pero los resultados han sido controvertidos. Se concluye que son necesarios más estudios para determinar cualquier relación anatómica y fisiológica que pueda existir entre la ATM y el sistema auditivo en fetos y niños.

SUMMARY: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has important functions for life; its proper functioning can be altered by temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The symptomatology of TMD is varied, including pain in the masticatory muscles, joint noises and less frequently some patients report auditory symptoms, suggesting the existence of a relationship between the TMJ and the middle ear; however, this relationship is not clear. Consequently, the present study aims to conduct a literature review to identify the known, unknown and controversial aspects of the relationship between TMJ and the middle ear in children and fetuses. A literature search was performed in databases using Boolean operators (AND/ OR) and key terms in English and Spanish. A total of 1080 articles were initially identified; duplicate articles were eliminated and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Finally, a total of 14 articles were selected and reviewed in full text. The studies found focus on the histoembryological development of the TMJ and how that development occurs in conjunction with the middle ear components. Additionally, research on the origin, morphology, and function of the discomalleolar ligament, sphenomandibular ligament, and petrotympanic fissure as structures connecting the TMJ and middle ear was identified, but the results have been controversial. It is concluded that further studies are necessary to determine any anatomical and physiological relationship that may exist between the TMJ and the auditory system in fetuses and children.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Temporomandibular Joint/anatomy & histology , Ear, Middle/anatomy & histology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Fetus/anatomy & histology
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(4): e202202719, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1442967


La sífilis congénita es causada por la infección del feto con Treponema pallidum durante el embarazo. Los síntomas son variables. Si bien es común el daño endotelial, no suele estar presente en los casos congénitos. Reportamos el caso de un lactante de 42 días de vida hospitalizado por masa abdominal. Las imágenes confirmaban la presencia de una lesión en el lóbulo hepático izquierdo sin efecto de masa. Las biopsias mostraron cambios compatibles con infarto y hepatitis neonatal. Las serologías del paciente y de su madre confirmaron el diagnóstico de sífilis congénita, y recibió tratamiento con penicilina intravenosa. El hígado se encuentra protegido de los daños isquémicos gracias a su doble irrigación, pero la acumulación de noxas puede haber provocado dicha presentación inusual. Tres meses más tarde, el paciente se encontraba libre de síntomas y la resonancia de control mostró atrofia del lóbulo izquierdo, mientras el resto del parénquima no presentaba alteraciones.

Congenital syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum infection of the fetus during pregnancy. Symptoms are variable. While endothelial damage is common, it is not usually present in congenital cases. Here we report the case of a 42-day-old infant hospitalized due to an abdominal mass. Imaging studies confirmed the presence of an injury in the left lobe of the liver without mass effect. Biopsies showed changes compatible with infarction and neonatal hepatitis. The patient's and his mother's serologies confirmed the diagnosis of congenital syphilis, and he was treated with intravenous penicillin. The liver protected from ischemic injury by its double irrigation, but the accumulation of harmful agents may have caused this unusual presentation. Three months later, the patient was symptom-free, and the control MRI showed atrophy of the left lobe, while the rest of the parenchyma was unchanged.

Humans , Infant , Syphilis, Congenital/complications , Syphilis, Congenital/diagnosis , Syphilis, Congenital/pathology , Penicillins , Treponema pallidum , Pregnancy , Hepatic Infarction
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232083


Background: Eclampsia is an unpredictable multi-organ disease unique to pregnancy and is largely a preventable condition, responsible for high maternal and perinatal mortality.Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi. It was a retrospective study conducted over a period of 12 months on all eclamptic cases attending our hospital and feto-maternal outcome data was analysed.Results: The incidence of eclampsia in our hospital was 2.22%. Most of the eclamptic cases were antepartum eclampsia constituting 81.48%. During the study period there were a total of 2430 obstetric admissions out of which 54 were eclamptic cases. There were 89 near miss cases and 21 maternal deaths. 16 (17.97%) near miss cases and 7(33.33%) maternal deaths were due to eclampsia. 37.03% patients had complications. Pulmonary edema/ARDS was the most common complication seen in our study. Early neonatal mortality in our study was 11.11%, 11 new-borns needed NICU care. Prematurity was the most common cause.Conclusions: Adequate screening, monitoring and routine check-up during and after pregnancy may prevent worsening the maternal and foetal outcome. Lack of antenatal care is a common risk factor for eclampsia is and this needs to be addressed to prevent this serious complication of pregnancy.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536695


El coronavirus ha continuado paseándose por el mundo con nuevas variantes, algunas consideradas de preocupación. Las hospitalizaciones aumentaron en algunas partes con la variante BA.2.86, especialmente en personas mayores obesas o con morbilidad, pero han disminuido, así como los fallecimientos. Las mujeres que gestaron mediante técnicas de reproducción asistida tuvieron similar morbilidad que quienes gestaron espontáneamente, pero con más resultados maternoperinatales adversos en aquellas de mayor edad, con embarazos múltiples, nuliparidad, índice de masa corporal >30. Los niños que nacieron al inicio de la pandemia mostraron un microbioma de diferente composición que quienes nacieron antes de la pandemia, lo que pudiera afectar su salud más adelante en la vida. Las personas que presentan COVID prolongado, un cuarto de ellas sufre secuelas en órganos y sistemas, con limitación y años perdidos de actividades, así como posibilidad de muerte prematura. El COVID prolongado ocurre más en mujeres entre 35 y 49 años y en quienes tienen menos ingresos económicos. Podrían desarrollar diabetes tipo 2. Habría interacciones directas entre el SARS-CoV-2 y proteínas mitocondriales esenciales en la producción de energía. El ARN viral ha sido detectado en lesiones ateroescleróticas coronarias y la espiga ha sido hallada en huesos del cráneo, meninges y cerebro. Las vacunas contra el coronavirus protegen a las gestantes y sus recién nacidos a través de transferencia placentaria y la lactancia. En la población, la inmunidad protectora de la infección y de las vacunas declina con el tiempo y se requerirá nueva vacunación con una regularidad aún no determinada.

The coronavirus has continued to move around the world with new variants, some of which are of concern. Hospitalizations increased in some places with the BA.2.86 variant, especially in obese or morbid elderly people, but have decreased, as have deaths. Women who gestated by assisted reproductive techniques had similar morbidity as those who gestated spontaneously, but with more adverse maternal-perinatal outcomes in those older, with multiple pregnancies, nulliparity, body mass index >30. Children born at the beginning of the pandemic showed a different microbiome composition than those born before the pandemic, which could affect their health later in life. Among people with long COVID, a quarter of them suffer organ and system sequelae, with limitation and lost years of activity, as well as the possibility of premature death. Long COVID occurs more in women between 35-49 years of age and in those with lower income. They could develop type 2 diabetes. There would be direct interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondrial proteins essential in energy production. Viral RNA has been detected in coronary atherosclerotic lesions and the spike has been found in skull bones, meninges and brain. Coronavirus vaccines protect pregnant women and their newborns through placental transfer and lactation. In the population, protective immunity from infection and vaccines declines over time and new vaccination will be required at an as yet undetermined regularity.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536701


El síndrome de transfusión feto-fetal (STFF) es una complicación propia de los embarazos gemelares monocoriales, con mortalidad perinatal del 80 a 100%. Ocurre por un desequilibrio en el flujo sanguíneo placentario entre ambos gemelos. El diagnóstico se basa en la discordancia del líquido amniótico y luego se clasifica en estadios según los criterios de Quintero. El tratamiento principal es la fetoscopia y fotoablación con energía láser (FFL) de las anastomosis placentarias. Presentamos un caso de gestación gemelar monocorial biamniótica tratado con FFL en plena cuarentena e inmovilización de la pandemia COVID-19 en Perú, que incluyó diagnóstico oportuno y referencia rápida para recibir el tratamiento especializado.

The twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a potentially lethal complication that can occur in monochorionic twin pregnancies due to an imbalance in placental blood flow. Diagnosis is based on amniotic fluid discordance and classified using the Quintero staging system. The primary treatment is fetoscopic laser photocoagulation (FLP) of placental anastomoses. A successful case of FLP treatment in a monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy with TTTS during COVID-19 pandemic in Peru is presented.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450115


Introducción: la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo -aborto inducido o provocado-, a pesar de ser una temática antigua, continúa siendo un problema social que afecta no solo a la mujer, sino también a la familia y la comunidad, en aspectos políticos, socioeconómicos, culturales y religiosos. Objetivo: caracterizar las interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo, según variables sociodemográficas en el Policlínico Universitario Hermanos Martínez Tamayo. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el Policlínico Universitario Hermanos Martínez Tamayo, del municipio Baracoa, provincia de Guantánamo, durante el año 2021. La muestra obtenida de 111 pacientes fue seleccionada por muestreo no probabilístico intencionado. El dato primario se obtuvo de la historia clínica individual y de encuestas realizadas a las pacientes. Resultados: se observó un predominio del grupo de edad de 20 a 24 años, con 36 pacientes (32,4 %). Las mujeres de zona urbana fueron la mayoría, con 79 (71,2 %). Respecto al estado civil, predominaron las solteras (56,7 %) y las divorciadas (19,8 %). El 36,9 % estaban en la universidad o contaban con nivel universitario y el 45,9 % eran de ocupación estudiante. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de algunos determinantes sociodemográficos en las características de las interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo, permite entender su variabilidad y su constitución como problema de salud en el Policlínico Universitario Hermanos Martínez Tamayo.

Introduction: the voluntary interruption of pregnancy -induced or provoked abortion- despite being an old issue, continues to be a social problem that affects not only women, but also family and community in political, socio-economic, cultural and religious aspects. Objective: to characterize the voluntary interruptions of pregnancy, according to socio-demographic variables in the University Polyclinic Hermanos Martinez Tamayo. Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the University Polyclinic Hermanos Martinez Tamayo, from the municipality of Baracoa, province of Guantanamo, during 2021. The sample obtained from 111 patients was selected by intentioned, non-probabilistic sampling. The primary data were obtained from the individual clinical records and from surveys carried out on the patients. Results: the age group between 20 and 24 years predominated with 36 patients (32.4%). Urban women were the majority 79 (71.2%). Regarding marital status single (56.7%) and divorced (19.8%) women predominated. 36.9% studied in the university or finished university studies, and 45.9% were students. Conclusions: the treatment of some socio-demographic determinants in the characteristics of pregnancy voluntary interruptions, allows us to understand its variability and its constitution as a health problem in the University Polyclinic Hermanos Martinez Tamayo.