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Rev. parag. reumatol ; 10(1)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565765


En esta revisión abordamos la autoinmunidad, destacando los mecanismos defectuosos en la tolerancia inmunológica y su relación con enfermedades autoinmunes. Nos centramos en la proteína POMP y el sistema ubiquitina-proteosoma, explicando su función en la degradación proteínica y su papel en la formación del inmunoproteosoma. Se detalla la estructura del proteosoma, la ubiquitinización, y se destaca la influencia de POMP en la respuesta inflamatoria, especialmente en la formación del inmunoproteosoma bajo la estimulación del interferón. Además, se explora la implicación de POMP en procesos autoinflamatorios, como los síndromes asociados al proteosoma, y se menciona su relación con enfermedades autoinmunes, incluyendo el lupus eritematoso sistémico. Se describen casos clínicos que resaltan la importancia de POMP en la autoinmunidad.

This publication addresses autoimmunity, and defective mechanisms in immunological tolerance as well as their connection to autoimmune diseases. It focuses on the POMP protein and the ubiquitin-proteasome system, explaining its role in protein degradation and its involvement in the formation of the immunoproteasome. The structure of the proteasome, ubiquitination, and the influence of POMP on the inflammatory response are detailed, highlighting the formation of the immunoproteasome under interferon stimulation. Additionally, the text explores the implication of POMP in autoinflammatory processes, such as proteasome-associated syndromes, and mentions its association with autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical cases are described to underscore the significance of POMP in autoimmunity.

ABCS health sci ; 49: e024202, 11 jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555494


INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is one of the main causes of death in women. Luminal tumors A and B show good response with hormonal treatments, tumors that overexpress HER-2 can be treated with monoclonal antibodies, whereas triple negative tumors have few treatments available because they present low or absent expression of hormone receptors and HER-2, in addition, they present worse tumor progression. Syndecans are heparan sulfate proteoglycans that have the function of interacting with growth factors, cytokines, and extracellular matrix, thus modulating important processes in tumor progression. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the expression of syndecan-4 in different subtypes of breast tumors. METHODS: Bioinformatics is a useful tool for the study of new biomarkers. In the present study, the TCGA database (514 patients) and Metabric (1,898 patients) were analyzed using the cBioportal software. Gene expression data were analyzed by RNA-Seq and Microarray from biopsies of breast tumors. RESULTS: An alteration in syndecan-4 gene expression was observed among the different subtypes of breast tumors. Patients with a triple-negative tumor had decreased expression for syndecan-4 in both databases. CONCLUSION: Syndecan-4 is a potential biomarker for breast tumor prognosis since decreased expression of syndecan-4 is related to triple-negative breast cancer.

INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de mama corresponde a uma das principais causas de morte em mulheres. Os tumores luminais A e B apresentam boa resposta com tratamentos hormonais, os tumores que superexpressam HER-2 podem ser tratados com anticorpos monoclonais, já os tumores triplo-negativos apresentam poucos tratamentos disponíveis por apresentarem expressão baixa ou ausente dos receptores hormonais e HER-2, além de pior progressão tumoral. Os sindecans são proteoglicanos de heparam sulfato que tem função de interagir com fatores de crescimento, citocinas e matriz extracelular, modulando assim processos importantes na progressão tumoral. OBJETIVO: Analisar a expressão o sindecam-4 nos diferentes subtipos de tumores de mama. MÉTODOS: A bioinformática vem se mostrando útil para estudo de novos biomarcadores. No presente estudo, foi analisado o banco de dados TCGA (514 pacientes) e Metabric (1898 pacientes) utilizando o software cBioportal. Foram analisados os dados de expressão gênica por RNA-Seq e Microarray. RESULTADOS: Foi verificada alteração de expressão gênica do sindecam-4 entre os diferentes subtipos de tumores de mama. Pacientes com tumor triplo-negativo tiveram a expressão diminuída para sindecam-4 em ambos os bancos de dados. CONCLUSÃO: Foi verificado que sindecam-4 parece ser um potencial biomarcador em tumores de mama, a expressão diminuída de sindecam-4 parece estar relacionada a um pior prognóstico.

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Biomarkers, Tumor , Gene Expression , Syndecan-4 , Computational Biology
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 638-646, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564607


SUMMARY: As the economy develops and living standards improve, overweight and obesity are increasingly prevalent. Currently, weight-loss medications are primarily administered orally or intravenously, which can result in poor targeting, low bioavailability, frequent administration, and high toxicity and side effects. The study aimed to address these challenges by preparing polylactic acid- polyethylene glycol staple fibers that carry the browning drug pioglitazone hydrochloride using electrostatic spinning and freeze-cutting techniques. Animal experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of these fibers. Additionally, the study investigated the expression of uncoupling protein genes in rats exposed to different water temperatures by measuring changes in serum urea nitrogen and mRNA expression levels of skeletal muscle uncoupling protein genes. The physiological and genetic effects of low-temperature swimming exercise on changes in energy metabolism in rats were also analyzed at both the individual and molecular levels. The results revealed that serum urea nitrogen remained more stable in hypothermic swimming rats compared to rats in the swimming group. Furthermore, the study observed an induced up-regulation of uncoupling proteins in the skeletal muscle of Wistar rats in response to external temperature stimulation, and the expression of mRNA for skeletal muscle uncoupling proteins significantly increased as the temperature decreased. And the prepared short nanofibers also had a significant promotive effect on uncoupling protein gene, COX7A1, while suppressing the expression of lipogenic gene.

A medida que la economía se desarrolla y los niveles de vida mejoran, el sobrepeso y la obesidad son cada vez más frecuentes. Actualmente, los medicamentos para bajar de peso se administran principalmente por vía oral o intravenosa, lo que puede resultar en una mala focalización, baja biodisponibilidad, administración frecuente y alta toxicidad y efectos secundarios. El estudio tuvo como objetivo abordar estos desafíos mediante la preparación de fibras cortadas de ácido poliláctico y polietilenglicol que transportan el fármaco pardo clorhidrato de pioglitazona mediante técnicas de hilado electrostático y liofilización. Se realizaron experimentos con animales para probar la eficacia de estas fibras. Además, el estudio investigó la expresión de genes de proteínas desacopladoras en ratas expuestas a diferentes temperaturas del agua midiendo los cambios en el nitrógeno ureico sérico y los niveles de expresión de ARNm de genes de proteínas desacopladoras del músculo esquelético. También se analizaron los efectos fisiológicos y genéticos del ejercicio de natación a baja temperatura sobre los cambios en el metabolismo energético en ratas, tanto a nivel individual como molecular. Los resultados revelaron que el nitrógeno ureico sérico permaneció más estable en ratas nadadoras hipotérmicas en comparación con las ratas del grupo de natación. Además, el estudio observó una regulación positiva inducida de las proteínas desacopladoras en el músculo esquelético de ratas Wistar en respuesta a la estimulación de la temperatura externa, y la expresión de ARNm para las proteínas desacopladoras del músculo esquelético aumentó significativamente a medida que disminuía la temperatura. Además, las nanofibras cortas preparadas también tuvieron un efecto promotor significativo sobre el gen de la proteína de desacoplamiento, COX7A1, al tiempo que suprimieron la expresión del gen lipogénico.

Animals , Male , Rats , Swimming , Cold Temperature , Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins/genetics , Pioglitazone/administration & dosage , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Rats, Wistar , Electron Transport Complex IV , Muscle, Skeletal , Electrophoresis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310167, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555016


La clorhidrorrea congénita es un trastorno genético infrecuente pero importante caracterizado por una alteración grave del balance hidroelectrolítico como resultado de un defecto en la absorción intestinal de cloruros. Los niños afectados presentan diarrea persistente, deshidratación y malnutrición; el control médico y del desarrollo son complejos. Mejorar la detección prenatal es esencial para facilitar la atención del paciente, las intervenciones tempranas y el asesoramiento genético informado. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances de la medicina, la naturaleza compleja y la escasa frecuencia de esta entidad, constituyen un desafío para la detección prenatal. En este estudio, se reporta el caso de una embarazada donde los estudios por imágenes de resonancia magnética fetales identificaron en forma efectiva las características típicas de la clorhidrorrea congénita. Se proveen conocimientos sobre las complejidades del diagnóstico y se sugieren caminos para las estrategias de detección temprana de esta enfermedad.

Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare but significant genetic disorder characterized by severe electrolyte imbalances resulting from impaired intestinal chloride absorption. Affected children experience persistent diarrhea, dehydration, and malnutrition, complicating medical and developmental care. The enhancement of prenatal detection is crucial for improved patient management, early interventions, and informed genetic counseling. However, despite advancements in medicine, the complex nature and rarity of CCD make prenatal detection challenging. In this study, we report a fetal case where prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) effectively identified the distinctive characteristics of CCD, providing insights into the complexities of diagnosis and suggesting avenues for enhanced early detection strategies.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Diarrhea/congenital , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diagnosis , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/genetics , Diarrhea/etiology , Genetic Counseling
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 227-233, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558128


SUMMARY: The angiotensin converting enzyme gene (ACE) has been associated with endurance and strength performance through its I/D polymorphism. Nevertheless, contradictory results exist between different populations. In this context, the purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene on muscle strength in a sedentary Chilean sample. In this study 102 healthy male students (21.3 ± 2.2 years) completed the assessment. I/D genotyping, cardiovascular, anthropometric, grip strength and knee extensor peak strength were evaluated. The ACE polymorphism frequency was: II, 33.3 %; ID, 46.1 %; DD, 20.6 %. The results showed significant differences and large effect size in maximum (p = 0.004; d = 0.85) and relative handgrip strength (p = 0.004; d = 0.9) between genotype II vs DD. No difference was found for maximal or relative knee extensor strength between groups (p = 0.74), showing a low effect size (d = 0.20). In conclusion, this study provides insights into the role of the ACE gene in muscle strength and highlights the importance of investigating genetic variants in sedentary populations to better understand strength performance.

El gen de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (ACE) se ha asociado con el rendimiento de resistencia y fuerza a través de su polimorfismo I/D. Sin embargo, existen resultados contradictorios entre diferentes poblaciones. En este contexto, el propósito de esta investigación fue determinar la influencia del polimorfismo I/D del gen ACE sobre la fuerza muscular en una muestra chilena sedentaria. En este estudio, fueron evaluados 102 estudiantes varones sanos (21,3 ± 2,2 años). Se realizaron aplicaron las siguientes evaluaciones: genotipado del polimorfismo I/D, cardiovascular, antropométrica, fuerza de prensión y fuerza máxima de extensión de rodilla. La frecuencia del polimorfismo I/D de ACE fue: II, 33,3 %; DNI, 46,1 %; DD, 20,6 %. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas y un gran tamaño del efecto en la fuerza máxima (p = 0,004; d = 0,85) y relativa de prensión manual (p = 0,004; d = 0,9) entre el genotipo II y el DD. No se encontraron diferencias en la fuerza máxima o relativa de los extensores de rodilla entre los grupos (p = 0,74), lo que muestra un tamaño de efecto bajo (d = 0,20). En conclusión, este estudio proporciona información sobre el papel del gen ACE en la fuerza muscular y destaca la importancia de investigar variantes genéticas en poblaciones sedentarias para comprender mejor el rendimiento de la fuerza.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Polymorphism, Genetic , Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A/genetics , Muscle Strength/genetics , Sedentary Behavior , Hand Strength , Genotype
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 538-548, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558134


SUMMARY: The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to identify differences in certain anaerobic parameters (10m sprint, 30m sprint, anaerobic power, and Illinois agility tests) between professional and amateur soccer players, and (2) to determine whether there is a difference in the ACTN3 gene polymorphism between professional and amateur soccer players. Ultimately, the goal is to reveal which parameters contribute to the differentiation in these two aspects. A total of 133 volunteer soccer players, including 71 professionals and 62 amateurs, participated in the research. DNA extraction from buccal epithelial cells was performed using a commercial kit to determine the genetic background of the athletes, and Real-Time PCR was conducted for genotyping. Statistical analysis of the findings obtained from the test results was performed using the SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) package program. The homogeneity of variance of the data was assessed using the Levene Test, and normal distribution analyses were conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests were employed for parameter analysis. The significance level was set at p0.05). However, there is a statistically significant difference in anaerobic parameters (10m sprint, 30m sprint, and anaerobic power) except for the Illinois test (p<0.05). In conclusion, our study found that gene polymorphism is not a differentiating factor between professional and amateur soccer players, but speed (10m and 30m) and anaerobic power parameters are differentiating factors.

Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1º identificar diferencias en ciertos parámetros anaeróbicos (sprint de 10 m, sprint de 30 m, potencia anaeróbica y pruebas de agilidad de Illinois) entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y amateurs, y 2º determinar si existe una diferencia en el polimorfismo del gen ACTN3 entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y aficionados. En definitiva, el objetivo fue revelar qué parámetros contribuyen a la diferenciación en estos dos aspectos. En la investigación participaron un total de 133 jugadores de fútbol voluntarios, incluidos 71 profesionales y 62 aficionados. La extracción de ADN de las células epiteliales orales se realizó utilizando un kit comercial para determinar los antecedentes genéticos de los atletas y se realizó una PCR en tiempo real para el genotipado. El análisis estadístico de los hallazgos obtenidos a partir de los resultados de las pruebas se realizó utilizando el programa de paquete SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EE. UU.). La homogeneidad de la varianza de los datos se evaluó mediante la prueba de Levene y los análisis de distribución normal se realizaron mediante la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk. Para el análisis de parámetros se emplearon las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado y U de Mann-Whitney. El nivel de significancia se fijó en p0,05). Sin embargo, existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los parámetros anaeróbicos (sprint de 10 m, sprint de 30 m y potencia anaeróbica) excepto para la prueba de Illinois (p<0,05). En conclusión, nuestro estudio encontró que el polimorfismo genético no es un fac- tor diferenciador entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y amateurs, pero sí los parámetros de velocidad (10 m y 30 m) y potencia anaeróbica.

Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Running , Soccer , Actinin/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic , Body Composition , Exercise , Cross-Sectional Studies
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 46(1): 58-66, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557889


Abstract Introduction Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells have tremendous potentials for cancer treatment; however, various challenges impede their universal use. These restrictions include the poor function of T cells in tumor microenvironments, the shortage of tumor-specific antigens and, finally, the high cost and time-consuming process, as well as the poor scalability of the method. Creative gene-editing tools have addressed each of these limitations and introduced next generation products for cell therapy. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated endonuclease 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system has triggered a revolution in biology fields, as it has a great capacity for genetic manipulation. Method In this review, we considered the latest development of CRISPR/Cas9 methods for the chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR T)-based immunotherapy. Results The ability of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to generate the universal CAR T cells and also potent T cells that are persistent against exhaustion and inhibition was explored. Conclusion: We explained CRISPR delivery methods, as well as addressing safety concerns related to the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system and their potential solutions.

Neoplasms , Genetic Therapy , Immunotherapy, Adoptive , Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats , Receptors, Chimeric Antigen
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202303031, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1525821


La espondiloencondrodisplasia con desregulación inmune relacionada a ACP5 (SPENCDI #607944, por la sigla de spondyloenchondrodysplasia with immune dysregulation y el número que le corresponde en OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) es una displasia inmuno-ósea poco frecuente con manifestaciones heterogéneas y gravedad variable. Presenta lesiones espondilometafisarias, disfunción inmune y compromiso neurológico. Se reportan aspectos clínicos, radiológicos y genéticos de cuatro niñas con SPENCDI en un hospital pediátrico. Todas presentaron manifestaciones esqueléticas y tres de ellas enfermedad inmunológica grave. Se encontró en tres pacientes la variante probablemente patogénica c.791T>A; p.Met264Lys en homocigosis, y en una paciente las variantes c.791T>A; p.Met264Lys y c.632T>C; p.lle211Thr (variante de significado incierto con predicción patogénica según algoritmos bioinformáticos) en heterocigosis compuesta en ACP5. La presencia de la variante repetida c.791T>A sugiere la posibilidad de un ancestro en común en nuestra población. El reconocimiento y diagnóstico de esta entidad es importante para lograr un oportuno abordaje, que deberá ser multidisciplinario, orientado hacia la prevención de posibles complicaciones.

Spondyloenchondrodysplasia with immune dysregulation related to ACP5 (SPENCDI, OMIM number 607944) is an uncommon immune-skeletal dysplasia with heterogeneous manifestations and variable severity. It is characterized by spondylar and metaphyseal lesions, immune dysfunction, and neurological involvement. Here we report the clinical, radiological and genetic aspects of 4 girls with SPENCDI treated at a children's hospital. They all had skeletal manifestations and 3 developed severe immune disease. In 3 patients, the likely pathogenic variant c.791T>A; p.Met264Lys (homozygous mutation) was observed, while 1 patient had variants c.791T>A; p.Met264Lys and c.632T>C; p.lle211Thr (variant of uncertain significance with pathogenic prediction based on bioinformatics algorithms) caused by a compound heterozygous mutation in ACP5. The repeated presence of variant c.791T>A suggests the possibility of a common ancestor in our population. The recognition and diagnosis of this disorder is important to achieve a timely approach, which should be multidisciplinary and aimed at preventing possible complications.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Autoimmune Diseases , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/complications , Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase/genetics
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13257, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564156


Rivaroxaban is a direct factor Xa inhibitor. Its interindividual variability is large and may be connected to the occurrence of adverse drug reactions or drug inefficacy. Pharmacogenetics studies concentrating on the reasons underlying rivaroxaban's inadequate response could help explain the differences in treatment results and medication safety profiles. Against this background, this study evaluated whether polymorphisms in the gene encoding the ABCG2 transporter modify the pharmacokinetic characteristics of rivaroxaban. A total of 117 healthy volunteers participated in two bioequivalence experiments with a single oral dose of 20 mg rivaroxaban, with one group fasting and the other being fed. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was employed to determine the plasma concentrations of rivaroxaban, and the WinNonlin program was used to calculate the pharmacokinetics parameters. In the fasting group, the rivaroxaban pharmacokinetic parameters of Vd (508.27 vs 334.45 vs 275.59 L) and t1/2 (41.04 vs 16.43 vs 15.47 h) were significantly higher in ABCG2 421 A/A genotype carriers than in ABCG2 421 C/C and 421 C/A genotype carriers (P<0.05). The mean values of Cmax (145.81 vs 176.27 vs 190.19 ng/mL), AUC0-t (1193.81 vs 1374.69 vs 1570.77 ng/mL·h), and Cl (11.82 vs 14.50 vs 13.01 mL/h) for these groups were lower, but this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). These findings suggested that the ABCG2 421 A/A genotype may impact rivaroxaban parameters after a single dose in healthy subjects. This finding must be validated before it is applied in clinical practice.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13019, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550146


Abstract Autophagy-related gene (ATG) 5 regulates blood lipids, chronic inflammation, CD4+ T-cell differentiation, and neuronal death and is involved in post-stroke cognitive impairment. This study aimed to explore the correlation of serum ATG5 with CD4+ T cells and cognition impairment in stroke patients. Peripheral blood was collected from 180 stroke patients for serum ATG5 and T helper (Th) 1, Th2, Th17, and regulatory T (Treg) cell detection via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and flow cytometry. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scale was completed at enrollment, year (Y)1, Y2, and Y3 in stroke patients. Serum ATG5 was also measured in 50 healthy controls (HCs). Serum ATG5 was elevated in stroke patients compared to HCs (P<0.001) and was positively correlated to Th2 cells (P=0.022), Th17 cells (P<0.001), and Th17/Treg ratio (P<0.001) in stroke patients but not correlated with Th1 cells, Th1/Th2 ratio, or Treg cells (all P>0.050). Serum ATG5 (P=0.037), Th1 cells (P=0.022), Th17 cells (P=0.002), and Th17/Treg ratio (P=0.018) were elevated in stroke patients with MMSE score-identified cognition impairment vs those without cognition impairment, whereas Th2 cells, Th1/Th2 ratio, and Treg cells were not different between them (all P>0.050). Importantly, serum ATG5 was negatively linked with MMSE score at enrollment (P=0.004), Y1 (P=0.002), Y2 (P=0.014), and Y3 (P=0.001); moreover, it was positively related to 2-year (P=0.024) and 3-year (P=0.012) MMSE score decline in stroke patients. Serum ATG5 was positively correlated with Th2 and Th17 cells and estimated cognitive function decline in stroke patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006202


@#Objective To establish a real-time quantitative PCR method using SYBR GreenⅠto detect the copy numbers of light chain(LC)and heavy chain(HC)of exogenous antibody gene in CHO cells,and verify and preliminarily apply this method.Methods With the B2m(β2-microglobulin)expressed stably in CHO cells as the internal reference gene,suitable primers of LC,HC genes and internal reference gene were designed respectively,and the reaction system and program of the real-time quantitative PCR method were determined. The established method was verified for the specificity,linearity,precision and durability,and used to detect the copy numbers of LC and HC genes in the recombinant cell lines of working cell bank(WCB)and cells of different passages.Results The primers of exogenous genes and internal reference gene showed specific binding to the target fragments;The efficiency of primer amplification for the B2m gene,LC gene,and HC gene was 106. 7%,106. 3% and 99. 1%,respectively,and the correlation coefficients of the linear equations were all greater than 0. 99 with a good linear relationship;The relative standard deviations(RSDs)of precision verification were all less than 1%;Few cycles of freeze-thaw in a short period had little effect on the detection results. The copy numbers of LC and HC genes in different generations of recombinant cell lines detected by the established method showed no obvious changes.Conclusion A real-time quantitative PCR method for the determination of the copy number of exogenous genes in CHO cells was successfully established with good specificity,linearity,precision and durability,which provides a reference for detecting the copy number of exogenous genes expressed in other CHO cell lines

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006519


Objective@#To explore the molecular mechanism of resveratrol (RES) in the treatment of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) through the use of biological information methods such as network pharmacology and molecular docking and to provide a theoretical reference for the clinical application of RES in the treatment of OSCC.@*Methods@#The Swiss Target Prediction(, SEA (, and Pharm mapper database( were used to retrieve RES-related targets, and the DISGENET (, OMIM ( and GeneCards ( databases were used to screen OSCC disease targets. The intersection of drugs and disease targets was determined, and Cytoscape 3.7.2 software was used to construct a "drug-diseasetarget pathway" network. The Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database was used to construct a target protein interaction network, and the DAVID database was used for enrichment analysis of key proteins. Finally, molecular docking validation of key proteins was performed using AutoDock and PyMOL. The enrichment analysis and molecular docking results were integrated to predict the possible molecular mechanisms of RES treatment in OSCC; western blot was used to determine the effect of resveratrol at different concentrations (50, 100) μmol/L on the expression of Src tyrosine kinase (SRC), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), estrogen receptor gene 1 (ESR1), and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/AKT) signaling pathway proteins in OSCC HSC-3 cells.@*Results@#A total of 243 targets of RES drugs and 6 094 targets of OSCC were identified. A total of 116 potential common targets were obtained by intersecting drugs with disease targets. These potential targets mainly participate in biological processes such as in vivo protein self-phosphorylation, peptide tyrosine phosphorylation, transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, and positive regulation of RNA polymerase Ⅱ promoter transcription, and they interfere with the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to exert anti-OSCC effects. The docking results of resveratrol with OSCC molecules indicated that key targets, such as EGFR, ESR1, and SRC, have good binding activity. The results of cell-based experiments showed that resveratrol inhibited the protein expression of SRC, EGFR, ESR1, p-PI3K, and p-AKT in HSC-3 cells in a dose-dependent manner.@*Conclusion@#RES can inhibit the expression of its targets EGFR, ESR1, SRC, p-PI3K, and p-AKT in OSCC cells.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006526


@#Lung adenocarcinoma is a prevalent histological subtype of non-small cell lung cancer with different morphologic and molecular features that are critical for prognosis and treatment planning. In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, its application in the study of pathological subtypes and gene expression of lung adenocarcinoma has gained widespread attention. This paper reviews the research progress of machine learning and deep learning in pathological subtypes classification and gene expression analysis of lung adenocarcinoma, and some problems and challenges at the present stage are summarized and the future directions of artificial intelligence in lung adenocarcinoma research are foreseen.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006551


ObjectiveMolecular docking and animal experiments were employed to explore the protective effect and mechanism of Da Chengqitang (DCQD) on intestinal barrier in septic mice. MethodText mining method was used to screen the active ingredients in DCQD. AutoDock Tools and Discovery Studio were used to study the interactions of active components with the core target proteins [claudin-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, endogenous antimicrobial peptide mCRAMP, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), and myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88)] in sepsis. Fifty C57BL/6 mice were randomized into sham, model, low- and high-dose (4 g∙kg-1 and 8 g∙kg-1) DCQD, and ulinastatin groups (n=10). Before, during, and after the day of modeling surgery, each group was administrated with corresponding drugs. The mice in other groups except the model group were subjected to modeling by cecal ligation and puncture. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used measure the serum level of D-lactic acid to assess intestinal mucosa permeability. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was employed to observe the histopathological changes in the ileum and assess the intestinal mucosal damage and inflammatory infiltration. Western blotting was employed to determine the expression levels of tight junction proteins claudin-1 and occludin in the ileal tissue, which were indicative of the bowel barrier function. The TNF-α and IL-6 levels were measured by ELISA to assess the intestinal inflammation. The expression of mCRAMP in the ileal tissue was observed by immunohistochemistry. The mRNA levels of mCRAMP, TLR4, and MyD88 in mouse ileal tissue were determined by Real-time polymerase chain reaction, on the basis of which the mechanism of DCQD in protecting the intestinal barrier of septic mice was explored. ResultMolecular docking results showed that most of the 10 active ingredients of DCQD that were screened out by text mining could bind to sepsis targets by van der Waals force, hydrogen bonding, and other conjugated systems. The results of animal experiments showed that compared with the model group, low- or high-dose DCQD lowered the D-lactic acid level in the serum (P<0.01), alleviated damage to the ileal tissue and mucosal edema, protected the small intestine villus integrity, reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, promoted the expression of claudin-1 (P<0.01), lowered the IL-6 level (P<0.01), up-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of mCRAMP (P<0.01), and down-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of TLR4 and MyD88 (P<0.01) in the ileal tissue. In addition, high-dose DCQD lowered the TNF-α level and promoted the expression of occludin in the ileum tissue (P<0.01), and low-dose DCQD up-regulated the protein level of occludin in the ileum tissue (P<0.05). ConclusionDCQD has a protective effect on intestinal barrier in septic mice. It can reduce intestinal inflammation, repair intestinal mucosal damage, improve the tight junction protein level, and reduce intestinal mucosal permeability by up-regulating the mRNA and protein levels of mCRAMP and the down-regulating the expression of genes in the TLR4/MyD88 pathway.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016917


ObjectiveTo provide technical support for the molecular surveillance of pathogenic bacteria strains carrying mobile colistin resistance-1 (mcr⁃1) gene isolate from inlet of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). MethodsThe Enterobacteriaceae strains carrying mcr⁃1 resistance gene isolate from inlet of WWTP during April 1 to June 30, 2023 in Shanghai were cultured on blood-rich and SS culture medium and were identified using a mass spectrometry analyzer. The mcr⁃1 gene and copy number were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Drug susceptibility test was performed by microbroth dilution method. The copy numbers of Escherichia coli carrying mcr⁃1 gene isolated from wastewater and human fecel were statistically analyzed by SPSS 25.0. ResultsA total of 14 strains carrying the mcr⁃1 gene were isolated from 49 WWTP samples, and the positive isolation rate was 28.6%, including 12 non-diarrheal E. coli strains and 2 Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. The drug susceptibility results showed that all 14 strains were multi-drug resistant bacteria. They were all sensitive to imipenem and tigecycline, but were ampicillin- and cefazolin-resistant. There was no significant difference in the copy number between human-sourced diarrheal E. coli and wastewater-sourced non-diarrheal E. coli (t=0.647, P>0.05). ConclusionThe isolation and identification of strains carrying the mcr⁃1 gene from inlet of WWTP samples were firstly established in Shanghai. The multi-drug resistance among the isolated strains is severe. To effectively prevent and control the spread of colistin-resistant bacteria, more attention should be paid to the surveillance of mcr⁃1 gene.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016983


Objective To analyze the prevalence and genetic characteristics of influenza A(H3N2) viruses in the city of Xiangyang in 2022-2023, and to provide a scientific basis for predicting the epidemic and mutation of influenza virus. Methods Throat swab specimens of the influenza like cases were collected from national influenza monitoring sentinel hospitals in Xiangyang every week. RNA was extracted from the specimens for influenza diagnosing using real-time RT-PCR.Viruses were isolated from H3N2 positive specimens, and HA and NA genes were amplified and sequenced.3D modeling analyses were conducted. Results The gene phylogenetic tree showed that the H3N2 isolates in 2022-2023 belonged to 3C.2a1b.2a1 and 3C.2a1b.2a2 branches, respectively. The A(H3N2) influenza virus strains all had amino acid point mutation sites on important antigenic determinants of HA protein. The epitope mutations of the 2022 A(H3N2) strain mainly occurred in regions B, C, and D. The epitope mutations of the A(H3N2) strain in 2023 mainly occurred in regions C and D. Different glycosylation sites of HA gene were found in 2022-2023 strains. No variation was found in key amino acid sites associated with neuraminidase inhibitor resistance. The difference of overall structure was not obvious in the three-dimensional simulation structure diagram. Conclusion The A(H3N2) influenza strains isolated in this study have shown antigenic drift, especially the mutation of HA, which may affect the protective effect of the vaccine on the local population and lead to influenza epidemic. The variations of HA and NA suggest that close attention should be paid to the epidemic and genetic variation of H3N2 subtype influenza virus, to provide a scientific basis for the selection of influenza virus vaccine strains and the prevention and control of influenza.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017110


@#Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease caused by abnormal cloning of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, which leads to accumulation of a large number of abnormally differentiated myeloid cells. It is difficult to cure by traditional treatment. The successful application of chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) immunotherapy indicates that the treatment of hematological tumors has entered a new stage of precision immunotherapy. However, CAR-T immunotherapy has been found to have many problems in clinical applications, including long treatment cycle, expensive prices, off-target effects, cytokine release syndrome, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the application of CAR or adopt improved measures to enhance the therapeutic effect. This article reviews the new strategies for genetic engineering modification of CAR immune cells and the research progress and application of in situ programming to generate CAR-T, and besides, briefly introduces the new methods about the delivery of gene drugs in vivo, aiming to provide new ideas and theoretical basis for expanding and improving the application of precision immunotherapy in AML.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017167


ObjectiveTo explore the effects of modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills on tumor growth and T-cell subsets in H22 hepatocellular carcinoma-bearing mice and to provide an experimental basis for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills combined with immune checkpoint antibodies. MethodA H22 hepatocellular carcinoma-bearing mouse model was established. The modeled mice were randomized into model, cisplatin, low- (4 g·kg-1·d-1), medium- (8 g·kg-1·d-1), and high-dose (16 g·kg-1·d-1) modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills groups. After continuous administration for 14 days, the mice were sacrificed on day 15. The tumor volume was measured on days 0, 4, 8, 12, 15 of drug administration. Tumors were weighed and thymus index and spleen index were calculated. Spleen lymphocytes were co-cultured with H22 hepatoma cells, and the tumor cell-killing rate was detected by the cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8). Real-time polymerase chain reaction was carried to determine the mRNA levels of programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) and lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3) in spleen and tumor tissues. The number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and the expression of PD-1 and LAG-3 were detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC). ResultOn day 8 of drug administration, tumor volumes in all treatment groups decreased compared with that in the model group. On day 15, both tumor volume and tumor weight were significantly lower in the treatment groups than in the model group (P<0.01), with the cisplatin group showing the most pronounced reduction. Compared with the model and cisplatin groups, medium- and high-dose modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills increased the thymus index (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, all treatment groups showed increased spleen index (P<0.05, P<0.01), with the cisplatin group showing the most significant increase. Compared with the model and cisplatin groups, all the groups of modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills demonstrated increased number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and tumor cell-killing rate in the spleen and tumor tissues (P<0.01) and down-regulated mRNA and protein levels of LAG-3 (P<0.05, P<0.01). The high-dose group of modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills had lower mRNA level of PD-1 in the tumor tissue than the model and cisplatin groups (P<0.01). ConclusionModified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills may promote the proliferation and tumor microenvironment infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in H22 tumor-bearing mice by down-regulating LAG-3 expression, thereby improving T-cell immune activity and inhibiting tumor growth. This study provides an experimental basis for the combination of modified Danggui Beimu Kushen pills and immune checkpoint antibodies in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017246


Objective To investigate the effects of nuclear respiratory factor 1(NRF1)on mitochondrial and cog-nitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease(AD)model mice.Methods The 5 × FAD mice were utilized as a mod-el for Alzheimer's disease,and the sparsely labeled AAV virus overexpressing NRF1(AAV-NRF1)was adminis-tered via stereotaxic injection into the brain.The expression of NRF1 in hippocampus was determined by Western blot,the morphology of mitochondria in hippocampus was observed by transmission electron microscope,the den-dritic spines of sparsely labeled neurons in the CA1 region were visualized and quantified using confocal laser mi-croscopy,cognitive and memory functions of mice were evaluated using the Morris water maze test,while electro-physiological methods were employed to detect long-term potentiation(LTP)of synaptic efficacy.Results The ex-pression of NRF1 in the hippocampus was significantly upregulated following stereotactic injection of AAV-NRF1(P<0.001).This intervention led to notable improvements in mitochondrial morphology within hippocampal neurons,as well as enhanced cognitive and memory functions in mice(P<0.01).Moreover,there was a significant in-crease in dendritic spine density among neurons located in the CA1 region of the hippocampus(P<0.001),ac-companied by long-lasting and stable long-term potentiation(LTP)and a substantial elevation in fEPSP slope(P<0.01).Conclusion The overexpression of NRF1 in a 5 × FAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease(AD)initia-ted the restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction and enhanced synaptic plasticity,indicating that these alterations may contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of NRF1 overexpression in ameliorating cognitive dysfunction associated with AD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017254


Objective To investigate the diagnostic efficacy and clinical value of GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation alone and in combination in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer.Methods A total of 313 patients were selected,including 78 patients with primary liver cancer,41 patients with other digestive system tumors,17 patients with non-digestive system tumors,20 patients with postoperative liver cancer,and 157 patients with benign liver disea-ses.The levels of GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation in plasma were detected using quantitative methylation-specific PCR(qMSP).Serum alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)levels were measured by direct chemiluminescence.Results The sensitivity and specificity of AFP in diagnosis were 51.3%and 94.3%,respectively;the sensitivity and specificity of GNB4 gene methylation in diagnosis were 83.3%and 99.4%,respectively;the sensitivity and specificity of Riplet gene methylation in diagnosis were 73.1%and 99.4%,respectively.The sensitivity and specificity of GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation combined diagnosis were 92.3%and 98.7%,respectively;the sensitivity and specificity of AFP,GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation combined diagnosis were 92.3%and 98.7%,respectively;the sensitivity and specificity of combined diagnosis including age and gender were 93.6%and 97.5%,respective-ly.Conclusion The sensitivity and specificity of AFP in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer are limited,while the methylation levels of GNB4 and Riplet genes are higher,and the sensitivity and specificity of their combined de-tection are higher than those of AFP.The sensitivity and specificity of AFP,GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation combined diagnosis are significantly higher than those of AFP,GNB4 and Riplet gene methylation alone.