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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e07022023, Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557521


Resumo A Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) demonstrou ser parte importante das medidas de prevenção, controle e tratamento do COVID-19, ao mesmo tempo em que foi desafiada a manter a oferta dos serviços regulares. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar os principais arranjos desenvolvidos para ofertar cuidados na APS na pandemia do COVID-19. A revisão integrativa foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e LILACS por meio dos descritores "Atenção Primária à Saúde" e "COVID-19". Os resultados foram analisados por meio de três questões: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), Organizações dos Processos de Trabalho e Doenças Crônicas Não-COVID. Ganha grande destaque o uso das TIC no cuidado ofertado na APS, tanto para pacientes com sintomas respiratórios quanto para pacientes crônicos. Alterações na composição das equipes, fluxos de atendimento, espaços físicos e horários de atendimento também foram implantadas. Ainda que estratégias que visaram o monitoramento dos pacientes crônicos e o atendimento remoto podem ter contribuído para minimizar os agravos à saúde desses usuários, a diminuição dos atendimentos realizados neste período poderá resultar em uma grande demanda para a APS nos anos pós-pandemia.

Abstract Primary Health Care (PHC) proved to be an important part of the prevention, control and treatment measures against COVID-19, a situation in which it was challenged to keep up its provision of regular services as well. This article identifies the main arrangements made to provide PHC care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. An integrative literature review of articles found in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS databases was performed using the descriptors "Primary Health Care" and "COVID-19". Findings were analyzed considering three questions: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Organizations of Work Processes and Non-COVID Chronic Diseases. The use of different forms of ICT to provide PHC is highlighted regarding patients with respiratory symptoms and chronic patients. Changes in team composition, service flows, physical spaces and working hours were also introduced. Although strategies aimed at monitoring chronic patients and at remote care may have helped minimize deterioration of their health, the decrease in the number of visits performed during this period could have resulted in an increased demand for PHC in post-pandemic years.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8947, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565839


RESUMO A sindemia da covid-19 afetou desproporcionalmente populações mais vulneráveis do ponto de vista social, como pessoas de baixa renda, populações indígenas e ribeirinhas. No estado do Amazonas, onde a geografia única e as disparidades sociais apresentam desafios significativos para o acesso e a equidade em saúde, os Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (DSS) desempenham um papel crucial. Este artigo analisa se e como os DSS foram considerados durante o planejamento de testes para a covid-19 no Amazonas. Para tal análise, realizou-se um estudo de caso qualitativo por meio de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores-chave envolvidos no planejamento e na implementação da testagem. Os documentos oficiais foram sistematizados usando TIDieR-PHP. Os dados foram analisados empregando a ferramenta REFLEX-ISS. Os DSS não foram considerados no planejamento de testes no Amazonas. Não houve consenso entre os entrevistados sobre a importância de considerar os DSS no planejamento da intervenção. Os testes foram restritos a pacientes com sintomas graves e a algumas categorias de trabalhadores em serviços considerados essenciais. Faz-se necessário, aos gestores de políticas de saúde, conhecimento sobre a importância de considerar os DSS no planejamento em intervenções populacionais para realizar uma política equânime.

ABSTRACT The COVID-19 syndemic has disproportionately affected socially vulnerable populations, such as low-income individuals, Indigenous peoples, and riverine communities. Social Determinants of Health (SDH) have played a crucial role in the state of Amazonas, where unique geography and social disparities pose significant challenges to health access and equity. This article examines whether and how SDH were considered during COVID-19 testing planning in Amazonas. For this analysis, we conducted a qualitative case study through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders involved in testing planning and implementation. Official documents were systematized using TIDieR-PHP, and data were analyzed using the REFLEX-ISS tool. SDH were not considered in testing planning in Amazonas. The respondents could not all agree on the importance of considering SDH in intervention planning. Testing was limited to patients with severe symptoms and specific categories of essential workers. Health policymakers need to understand the relevance of considering SDH in planning population interventions to ensure equitable policy implementation.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8568, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565840


RESUMO A saúde mental no Sistema Único de Saúde vive uma disputa entre o cuidado centrado na doença e os determinantes socioambientais. O estudo do cofinanciamento estadual da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial no Rio de Janeiro (2019 a 2022) visou observar como elementos teórico-conceituais sobre saúde mental foram relevantes nas decisões de financiamento interfederativo nesse período. Realizou-se revisão de normativas federais e estaduais das Comissões Intergestores (Bipartite e Tripartite), notas técnicas e consultas ao Fala.BR. Os documentos demonstraram a ruptura interfederativa com relação ao cuidado da saúde mental de base territorial e comunitária. Nesse período, enquanto o Ministério da Saúde direcionava sua agenda para o cuidado ambulatorial e especializado, o Rio de Janeiro ampliou o recurso financeiro estadual à saúde mental em R$ 175 milhões para fortalecer Centros de Atenção Psicossocial e Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos habilitados ou elegíveis para habilitação. A desinstitucionalização de sobreviventes dos manicômios e a expansão da rede de cuidados de atenção às situações de crise são resultados encontrados. A conclusão do estudo sugere a construção de metodologia de monitoramento interfederativo do financiamento da saúde mental pública para que a entrega do cuidado esteja cada vez mais próxima das necessidades dos munícipes e das vulnerabilidades territoriais.

ABSTRACT Mental health in the Unified Health System has experienced a dispute between disease-centered care and socio-environmental determinants. The study of state co-financing of the Psychosocial Care Network in Rio de Janeiro (2019 to 2022) aimed to explain how theoretical-conceptual elements about mental health were relevant in interfederative financing decisions in this period. A review of federal and state regulations of the Intermanagement Committees (Bipartite and Tripartite), technical notes and Fala.BR site was carried out. The documents demonstrated the interfederative rupture in relation to territorial and community-based mental health care. During this period, while the Ministry of Health directed its agenda towards outpatient and specialized care, Rio de Janeiro increased the state's financial resource for mental health by R$ 175 million to strengthen Psychosocial Care Centers and Therapeutic Residential Services qualified or eligible for qualification. The deinstitutionalization of asylum survivors and the expansion of the care network for crisis situations are results found in Rio de Janeiro. The conclusion of the study suggests the construction of an interfederative monitoring methodology for public mental health financing so that the delivery of care is increasingly closer to the needs of citizens and territorial vulnerabilities.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8910, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565841


RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a literatura sobre o crescimento demográfico e a atuação política dos evangélicos, especialmente no âmbito do Congresso Nacional, em particular, com relação à política de saúde das mulheres e dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (DSR). Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da produção científica nacional registrada no portal de periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), no período 2016-2021, usando os descritores "evangélico", "agenda neoconservadora" e "saúde das mulheres". Foram selecionados 80 artigos que tratam da relação entre o crescimento do número de igrejas evangélicas e de fiéis vinculados a essas organizações religiosas no Brasil. Do conjunto do artigos analisados, 42,5% analisam a agenda defendida pelos setores religiosos do campo conservador, incluindo um conjunto de temas, tais como política, sexualidade e reprodução, 'ideologia de gênero', direitos humanos da população LGBTQIA+, DSR, aborto, educação sexual nas escolas, casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, estatuto da família, estatuto do nascituro, violência sexual, frentes em defesa da vida e da família, religiões de matriz africana, racismo religioso e intolerância religiosa. Assim, enfatiza-se a importância desse tema nas pesquisas em saúde coletiva, principalmente na área de política, planejamento e gestão em saúde.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyze the literature on the demographic growth and political action of evangelicals, especially in the context of the National Congress, in particular, with regard to women's health policy and Sexual and Reproductive Rights (DSR). This is a narrative review of the national scientific production registered in the journal portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), in the period 2016-2022, using the descriptors "evangelical", "neoconservative agenda" and "women's health". We selected 80 articles that deal with the relationship between the growth of the number of evangelical churches and faithful linked to these churches in Brazil. Of the articles analyzed, 42.5% examine the agenda defended by religious sectors of the conservative field, including a set of themes, such as politics, sexuality and reproduction, 'gender ideology', human rights of the LGBTQIA+ population, DSR, abortion, sex education in schools, same-sex marriage, family status, status of the unborn child, sexual violence, fronts in defense of life and family, religions of African origin, religious racism and religious intolerance. Thus, the importance of this theme in public health research is emphasized, especially in the area of health policy, planning and management.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8865, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565847


RESUMO As Práticas Corporais e Atividades Físicas (PCAF) têm sido incorporadas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), tendo o Programa Academia da Saúde como principal expoente. Contudo, ainda não foi investigado o planejamento, que expressa as responsabilidades dos gestores quanto à saúde da população, para efetivação dessas práticas como políticas públicas de saúde. Assim, o presente artigo teve o objetivo de analisar a formulação e o desenvolvimento da agenda de promoção das PCAF a partir dos instrumentos de planejamento do âmbito federal do SUS - Plano Nacional de Saúde, Programação Anual de Saúde e Relatório Anual de Gestão, de 2004 a 2023. Por meio de estudo de caráter analítico-descritivo, pautado em pesquisa documental, foi realizada a busca de termos como: (in)atividade física; fisicamente ativo; exercício físico; práticas corporais; entre outros. A formulação e o desenvolvimento da referida agenda estiveram principalmente relacionados com o enfrentamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, e houve importante disparidade entre o que foi planejado e o executado, em desfavor da expansão do Academia da Saúde. Com o resgate histórico da agenda das PCAF no SUS apresentado, são permitidos debates e iniciativas com vistas a efetivá-las enquanto política pública de saúde.

ABSTRACT Body Practices and Physical Activities (BPPA) have been incorporated into the Unified Health System (SUS), with the Health Academy Program as its main exponent. However, planning, which expresses the responsibilities of managers regarding the population's health, has not yet been investigated to make these practices effective as public health policies. Thus, the aim of this article was to analyze the formulation and development of the agenda for BPPA promotion from the planning instruments of the federal level of the SUS - National Health Plan, Annual Health Programming, and Annual Management Report, from 2004 to 2023. Through an analytical-descriptive study based on documentary research, a search was carried out for terms such as: physical (in)activity; physically active; physical exercise; body practices; among others. The formulation and development of the BPPA promotion agenda were mainly related to facing chronic noncommunicable diseases, and there was an important disparity between what was planned and what was executed, to the detriment of the expansion of Health Academy. With the historic rescue of the BPPA agenda presented in the SUS, debates and initiatives are allowed with a view to making them effective as a public health policy.

Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000155, Apr. 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561460


O rápido envelhecimento populacional impulsiona iniciativas com o objetivo de otimizar a saúde da população idosa em todo o mundo. Recentemente, no Brasil, foi publicado pelo Conselho Nacional dos Secretários de Saúde (CONASS) o Manual de Avaliação Multidimensional da Pessoa Idosa, que propõe a adoção combinada e em larga escala da ferramenta de triagem do ICOPE da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e do instrumento Índice de Vulnerabilidade Clínico-Funcional-20 (IVCF-20) para definir linhas de cuidado à pessoa idosa. Embora iniciativas dessa natureza sejam prementes, os instrumentos propostos ainda não têm validação adequada na população brasileira, e a sua utilização com o objetivo de balizar diretrizes em saúde em todo o território nacional parece precipitada e arriscada. Diante disso, propõe-se um debate amplo e urgente entre os especialistas da área, com o objetivo de planejar políticas de saúde pública eficazes e seguras para a população idosa brasileira. (AU)

Rapid population aging is driving initiatives aimed at optimizing the health of older populations worldwide. In Brazil, the National Council of State Secretaries of Health (CONASS) recently published the Handbook for Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment in Primary Care, which proposes the combined, large-scale adoption of the World Health Organization (WHO) ICOPE screening tool and the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20 (IVCF-20) instrument to define care pathways for older people. Although there is a pressing need for initiatives of this nature, the proposed instruments have not yet been adequately validated in the Brazilian population, and their use for the purpose of establishing countrywide health guidelines appears hasty and risky. Therefore, we propose a broad, urgent debate among experts in the field with the aim of planning effective and safe public health policies for the Brazilian older population. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Health Policy , Quality of Life , World Health Organization
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 76978, 20240417.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566819


A equidade é um dos princípios constitucionais e dou-trinários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), assim como da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde, principal marco das Práticas Corporais e Atividades Físicas (PCAF) no referido sistema. Considerando as desigualdades sociais gerais e as iniquidades em saúde, a equidade deve ser prioritária. Assim, o trabalho, de caráter ensaístico, teve como objetivo apresentar a experiência do Serviço de Orientação ao Exercício na operacionalização des-te princípio. Foram abordados aspectos relacionados ao acesso, recursos, resultados e desafios para indicar possibilidades e ca-minhos para a efetivação da equidade na promoção das PCAF no SUS, visando o seu fortalecimento e qualificação como sistema de saúde universal, integral e equânime.

Equity is one of the constitutional and doctrinal principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), as well as of the National Health Promotion Policy, the main framework for Body Practices and Physical Activities (PCAF) in this system. Considering the general social inequalities and inequities in health, equity must be a priority. The aim of this essay was to present the experience of the Exercise Guidance Service in operationalizing this principle. Aspects related to access, resources, results and challenges were addressed in order to indicate possibilities and paths towards the realization of equity in the promotion of PCAF in the SUS, with a view to strengthening and qualifying it as a universal, comprehensive and equitable health system.

La equidad es uno de los principios constitucionales y doctrinales del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), así como de la Política Nacional de Promoción de la Salud, marco principal de las Prácticas Corporales y Actividades Físicas (PCAF) de este sistema. Considerando las desigualdades sociales generales y las inequidades en salud, la equidad debe ser priorizada. El objetivo de este ensayo era, por tanto, presentar la experiencia del Servicio de Orientación para el Ejercicio en la puesta en práctica de este principio. Se analizaron aspectos relacionados con el acceso, los recursos, los resultados y los desafíos, a fin de indicar posibilidades y formas de hacer realidad la equidad en la promoción del PCAF en el SUS, con miras a fortalecerlo y calificarlo como sistema de salud universal, integral y equitativo.

Rio de Janeiro; Saúde em Debate; 01.abr.2024. 18 p. tab.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1562813


A saúde mental no Sistema Único de Saúde vive uma disputa entre o cuidado centrado na doença e os determinantes socioambientais. O estudo do cofinanciamento estadual da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial no Rio de Janeiro (2019 a 2022) visou observar como elementos teórico-conceituais sobre saúde mental foram relevantes nas decisões de financiamento interfederativo nesse período. Realizou-se revisão de normativas federais e estaduais das Comissões Intergestores (Bipartite e Tripartite), notas técnicas e consultas ao Fala.BR. Os documentos demonstraram a ruptura interfederativa com relação ao cuidado da saúde mental de base territorial e comunitária. Nesse período, enquanto o Ministério da Saúde direcionava sua agenda para o cuidado ambulatorial e especializado, o Rio de Janeiro ampliou o recurso financeiro estadual à saúde mental em R$ 175 milhões para fortalecer Centros de Atenção Psicossocial e Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos habilitados ou elegíveis para habilitação. A desinstitucionalização de sobreviventes dos manicômios e a expansão da rede de cuidados de atenção às situações de crise são resultados encontrados. A conclusão do estudo sugere a construção de metodologia de monitoramento interfederativo do financiamento da saúde mental pública para que a entrega do cuidado esteja cada vez mais próxima das necessidades dos munícipes e das vulnerabilidades territoriais. (AU)

Mental health in the Unified Health System has experienced a dispute between disease-centered care and socio-environmental determinants. The study of state co-financing of the Psychosocial Care Network in Rio de Janeiro (2019 to 2022) aimed to explain how theoretical-conceptual elements about mental health were relevant in interfederative financing decisions in this period. A review of federal and state regulations of the Intermanagement Committees (Bipartite and Tripartite), technical notes and Fala.BR site was carried out. The documents demonstrated the interfederative rupture in relation to territorial and community-based mental health care. During this period, while the Ministry of Health directed its agenda towards outpatient and specialized care, Rio de Janeiro increased the state's financial resource for mental health by R$ 175 million to strengthen Psychosocial Care Centers and Therapeutic Residential Services qualified or eligible for qualification. The deinstitutionalization of asylum survivors and the expansion of the care network for crisis situations are results found in Rio de Janeiro. The conclusion of the study suggests the construction of an interfederative monitoring methodology for public mental health financing so that the delivery of care is increasingly closer to the needs of citizens and territorial vulnerabilities. (AU)

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27abr.2024. Tab, Ilus
Article in Portuguese, French | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556331


A equidade é um dos princípios constitucionais e doutrinários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), assim como da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde, principal marco das Práticas Corporais e Atividades Físicas (PCAF) no referido sistema. Considerando as desigualdades sociais gerais e as iniquidades em saúde, a equidade deve ser prioritária. Assim, o trabalho, de caráter ensaístico, teve como objetivo apresentar a experiência do Serviço de Orientação ao Exercício na operacionalização deste princípio. Foram abordados aspectos relacionados ao acesso, recursos, resultados e desafios para indicar possibilidades e caminhos para a efetivação da equidade na promoção das PCAF no SUS, visando o seu fortalecimento e qualificação como sistema de saúde universal, integral e equânime (AU).

Equity is one of the constitutional and doctrinal principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), as well as of the National Health Promotion Policy, the main framework for Body Practices and Physical Activities (PCAF) in this system. Considering the general social inequalities and inequities in health, equity must be a priority. The aim of this essay was to present the experience of the Exercise Guidance Service in operationalizing this principle. Aspects related to access, resources, results and challenges were addressed in order to indicate possibilities and paths towards the realization of equity in the promotion of PCAF in the SUS, with a view to strengthening and qualifying it as a universal, comprehensive and equitable health system (AU).

La equidad es uno de los principios constitucionales y doctrinales del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), así como de la Política Nacional de Promoción de la Salud, marco principal de las Prácticas Corporales y Actividades Físicas (PCAF) de este sistema. Considerando las desigualdades sociales generales y las inequidades en salud, la equidad debe ser priorizada. El objetivo de este ensayo era, por tanto, presentar la experiencia del Servicio de Orientación para el Ejercicio en la puesta en práctica de este principio. Se analizaron aspectos relacionados con el acceso, los recursos, los resultados y los desafíos, a fin de indicar posibilidades y formas de hacer realidad la equidad en la promoción del PCAF en el SUS, con miras a fortalecerlo y calificarlo como sistema de salud universal, integral y equitativo (AU).

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 3-9, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562844


A Carta de Maceió foi elaborada com base nas discussões do 3º Fórum SUS da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI). O documento destaca os desafios e propostas para aprimorar a assistência a pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) do Brasil. Tais condições, frequentemente crônicas e debilitantes, afetam milhões de brasileiros e exigem uma abordagem integrada, desde a atenção primária à saúde até a atenção especializada. Foram discutidos a necessidade de aprimorar a gestão de referência e contrarreferência, a urgência na superação da carência de especialistas e o desafio representado pelo limitado acesso tanto a diagnóstico quanto a tratamento adequados. As doenças raras, incluindo os erros inatos da imunidade (EII), apresentam um desafio adicional, exigindo acesso a tecnologias de alto custo para diagnóstico e tratamento e cuidado multidisciplinar. Do fórum emergiram propostas como o financiamento adequado da saúde, o fortalecimento do diagnóstico precoce, a gestão integrada de cuidados, a educação continuada dos profissionais de saúde e a implementação de telemedicina. Essas ações visam um sistema de saúde mais inclusivo, eficiente e humanizado, atendendo às necessidades dos pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas.

The Maceió Charter was based on discussions held at the 3rd Unified Health System Forum (Fórum SUS) of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI). This document highlights challenges and proposals to improve care for patients with immune and allergic diseases within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Such conditions, often chronic and debilitating, affect millions of Brazilians and require an integrated approach from primary health through to specialty care. The need for improved management of referrals and counter-referrals, the urgency of overcoming the shortage of specialists, and the challenge represented by limited access to proper diagnosis and treatment alike were discussed. Rare diseases, including inborn errors of immunity (IEI), pose an additional challenge, requiring access to high-cost technologies for diagnosis and treatment as well as multidisciplinary care. Several proposals emerged from the Forum, such as securing sufficient funding for health, strengthening early diagnosis, integrating management, continuing education for health professionals, and implementation of telemedicine. These proposed interventions seek a more inclusive, efficient, and humanized healthcare system which meets the needs of patients with immune and allergic diseases.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558534


El suicidio es un problema social y de salud pública persistente; cada año representa una crisis global que afecta a las sociedades contemporáneas. Una perspectiva psicopatológica dominante resume la comprensión actual. Sin embargo, la evidencia empírica sugiere que el suicidio es un fenómeno complejo, ambivalente y multidimensional, que implica aspectos sociales, económicos, culturales y educativos. Cada muerte por suicidio es un fracaso de la sociedad y políticas públicas. El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer algunas razones para conceptualizar el suicidio como un problema social.

Suicide is a persistent social and public health problem; every year represents a global crisis that affects contemporary societies. A dominant psychopathological perspective summarizes current understanding. However, empirical evidence suggests that suicide is a complex, ambivalent and multidimensional phenomenon, involving social, economic, cultural and educational aspects. Every death by suicide is a failure of society and public policies. The purpose of this work is to offer some reasons to conceptualize suicide as a social problem.

Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553375


Scientific publications in research journals have adeptly investigated into topics of considerable interest, rendering nursing care more intricate in the face of increasingly thorough investigations into numerous phenomena. This ongoing exploration contributes significantly to the body of knowledge disseminated within the scientific community. Nevertheless, the advent of the global era has presented nursing with novel challenges that persist from the dawn of history parallel to a lingering shadow obscuring the true essence of the profession. An example is environmental nursing, often overlooked from the lens of social sustainability­a neglect that researchers, as minority groups in a relentless struggle, have sidelined. These challenges align with the dynamic demands imposed by society and the mandates of state and/or governmental parliaments.

Social Environment , Sanitation , Nursing , Sustainable Development , Health Policy
Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 166-173, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040011


Objective: The Japanese government’s physician workforce reform, which commenced in April 2024, introduced regulations on physicians’ working hours. However, in areas facing physician shortages such as rural regions and surgical medical specialties, healthcare provision relies heavily on the extended working hours of each physician. The anticipated impact of this reform, when implemented, was significant.Materials and Methods: Using publicly available government data, we estimated the current working hours of physicians in various medical specialties in each prefecture across Japan. Subsequently, we calculated the ratio of surplus or deficit physicians when hypothetically assuming that all physicians adhered to the regulatory upper limit of 58.4 working hours per week nationwide.Results: Assuming that all physicians work to the regulated maximum, there would be a shortage of doctors in various medical specialties across Japan, such as surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and emergency medicine. Geographically, shortages of doctors are observed in rural prefectures such as those in the Tohoku region, particularly in emergency- and surgery-related specialties, indicating a critical shortage of physicians in rural areas. Additionally, it has become evident that even in medical specialties with a calculated surplus of physicians nationwide, the margin of surplus is generally only a few percentage points.Conclusion: Currently, rural areas and surgical medical specialties in Japan have limited leeway in the physician workforce, and the strict application of workforce reform may lead to a severe shortage of physicians in these areas. It is noteworthy that as similar reforms may subsequently be implemented in other countries, analogous challenges would arise. Thus, the implementation of workforce reform requires a flexible approach to minimize its negative effects, which widen the existing disparity in the workforce.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 255-258, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012885


The ethical basis of public health policy is relatively weakness, which is mainly reflected in the conflict between individual rights and public interests, the lack of moral norm, the short of ethical review, the low level of relevant legislation, the weak of ethical consciousness and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to improve relevant ethical policies and regulations, establish an ethical framework for evaluating public health policies, highlight ethical values and strengthen ethical awareness in public health policy-making. Make it carry a certain ethical dimension to achieve the purposes of maintaining and improving health.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 290-296, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012892


Policy tools are ways to quantitative analysis of policy text content and the construction of a "Policy Tools-Policy Objectives (X-Y Dimension)" framework to explore long-term stability and late-stage innovation of policy development. This paper reviewed the development process of medical and health policies since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and divided 1949-2021 into four stages of reform breeding, institutional transformation, reform improvement and continuous deepening. Screening 121 medical and health policy texts issued at the national level since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, quantitatively analyzing 5 957 policy text cells from the perspective of policy tools, counting the use of policy tools in various periods, and excavating the inherent logic of policy texts, policy tools and policy objectives to derive development characteristics of internal logic deduction. The development of China’s medical and health policy in the new period will serve the people’s health in the first place, adhere to the development direction of equalization of basic public service, strengthen the coordinated development of scientific and technological innovation and talent training, build a health and healthy development system with Chinese characteristics.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007202


Abstract@#The global disease burden of health problems among children and adolescents is becoming increasingly serious and more prominent worldwide, this calls for a more intergrated and effective school health education, and services and system education should be strengthened. This editorial highlights the importance of problem oriented school health research by telling two stories of school health, including identification of risk factors for health problems and evidence based interventions. Using highquality scientific evidence to promote best practices in school health, improve science driven application and transformation, enhance capacity for comprehensive school health services, and empower child and adolescent health and wellbeing across China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007204


Abstract@#In order to identify new pattern and experience of school health, and to elaborate on the progress and trends in children and adolescents health promotion, the present article presents historical changes in health promotion approaches for children and adolescents in China, making strategic shift from "prevention and treatment of student common disease centered" to "student healthy development centered", fostering policy changes from "special school health services" to " comprehensive school health services", enacting the paradigm shift from "biomedical disease prevention and health care" model to "promoting social and behavioral success for learning" model, using various methods including needs analysis, trend research and judgment, system evaluation, and empirical evidence. The fast, substantial and extensive transformation delivers sustainable long term value and will continue to respond to the needs of the times and make steady and long term progress.

S. Afr. fam. pract. (2004, Online) ; 61_ 4(1): 1-8, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1567914


Background: Age, gender and household infrastructure are important social determinants affecting health inequalities. This study aims to assess the ways that age and gender of the household head and household infrastructure intersect to create relative advantage and disadvantage in COVID-19 vulnerability. Methods: Using household primary care survey data from Mamelodi, Gauteng, headed households were sorted into three risk categories for each of the relevant infrastructural determinants of COVID-19. Bivariate ordinal logistic regression was used to determine the odds of households falling into each risk category. The proportion of high-risk (HR) categories and dwelling types was also calculated. Results: Households headed by someone ≥ 65 years were less likely to be in all HR categories and more frequently had formal houses. Male-head households were more likely to be HR for water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and indoor pollution; however, female-headed households (FHHs) were at higher risk for crowding. In Mamelodi, households headed by ≥ 65 years olds were relatively infrastructurally protected, likely because of pro-equity housing policy, as were FHHs, except for crowding. The care load on FHHs results in their infrastructural protection benefiting more community members, while simultaneously incurring risk. Conclusion: Infrastructural support based on the household head's age and gender could improve targeting and the effectiveness of health interventions. These results demonstrate the importance of a contextual understanding of gender and age inequalities and tailoring public health support based on this understanding. Contribution: This research describes patterns of health-related infrastructural inequality, identifies ways to improve health interventions, and demonstrates the importance of equity-focused policy in an African context.

Socioeconomic Factors , Social Determinants of Health , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Family Characteristics , Age Factors
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230381, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558186


A formação em Saúde no Brasil construiu uma prática desarticulada da realidade, mas a integração ensino-serviço tem se mostrado potente diante desse problema. Analisou-se a influência da participação de profissionais de saúde em iniciativas de integração ensino-serviço na formação e seus reflexos na prática. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, com entrevista de oito profissionais, utilizando a técnica de entrevistas narrativas e "Análise de Conteúdo". Duas categorias emergiram: "A importância dos cenários reais para a formação em Saúde" e "O trabalho em equipe e a necessidade do desenvolvimento de competências colaborativas". O mergulho na experiência oportunizou a obtenção de conhecimentos que extrapolam os recursos que um currículo tradicional pode ofertar.

Health training in Brazil creates practice that is detached from reality. However, teaching-service integration has shown itself to be a powerful tool to address this problem. This study analyzed the influence of the participation of health professionals in teaching-service integration initiatives in training and the effects of these initiatives on professional practice. We conducted an exploratory descriptive study in which eight professionals were interviewed using narrative interview techniques. The data were analyzed using content analysis. Two main categories emerged from the analysis: "The importance of real situations for health training" and "Team work and the need to develop collaboration competencies". Immersion into experience provided the opportunity to acquire knowledge that goes beyond the resources offered by a traditional curriculum.

La formación en salud en Brasil construyó una práctica desarticulada de la realidad, pero la integración enseñanza-servicio se ha mostrado potente con relación a este problema. Se analizó la influencia de la participación de profesionales de salud en iniciativas de integración enseñanza-servicio en la formación y sus reflejos y en la práctica de los profesionales. Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, en el cual se entrevistaron ocho profesionales, utilizando la técnica de entrevistas narrativas de Análisis de Contenido. Surgieron dos categorías: "La importancia de los escenarios reales para la formación en salud" y "El trabajo en equipo y la necesidad del desarrollo de competencias colaborativas". La profundización en la experiencia dio oportunidad a la obtención de conocimientos que extrapolan los recursos que un currículo tradicional puede ofrecer.