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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009913


Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. With the development of the whole-life-cycle health concept, the focus of treatment for bronchial asthma in children has gradually shifted from pharmacological control to an integrated management model of functional rehabilitation and pharmacological assistance. As a non-pharmacological integrated approach, pulmonary rehabilitation plays an equally important role in the management of childhood asthma as pharmacological treatments. Breathing techniques such as Buteyko breathing, pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing training, threshold-pressure inspiratory muscle training and yoga breathing can improve lung function indicators such as forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) in children. Comprehensive pre-exercise assessment, development of exercise prescriptions, and implementation and evaluation of exercise effects can improve physical fitness, neuromuscular coordination, and self-confidence of children with asthma. The comprehensive interventions of health education, psychological support and nutritional intervention can improve the compliance and effectiveness of rehabilitation training. This article reviews the research progress on respiratory training, physical exercise, and comprehensive interventions in the pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children, to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the scientific and rational management of pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children in clinical settings.

Child , Humans , Asthma/therapy , Medicine , Exercise , Inflammation
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982058


Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. With the development of the whole-life-cycle health concept, the focus of treatment for bronchial asthma in children has gradually shifted from initial pharmacological control to an integrated management model of functional rehabilitation and pharmacological assistance. As a non-pharmacological integrated approach, pulmonary rehabilitation plays an equally important role in the management of childhood asthma as pharmacological treatment. Studies have shown that breathing techniques such as Buteyko breathing, pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing training, threshold-pressure inspiratory muscle training and yoga breathing can improve lung function indicators such as FEV1, FVC, PEF and MVV in children. The comprehensive pre-exercise assessment, the development of exercise prescriptions, and the implementation and evaluation of exercise effects can improve the physical fitness, neuromuscular coordination and self-confidence of children with asthma. The comprehensive interventions of health education, psychological support and nutritional intervention can improve the compliance and effectiveness of rehabilitation training. This article reviews the research progress on respiratory training, physical exercise and comprehensive interventions in the pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children, to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the scientific and rational management of pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children in clinical settings.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667053


Objective To adopt Suitability Assessment of Materials for suitability assessment of domestic Kegel exercise online health education written materials. Methods After Searching Kegel exercise online health education written materials in search engines, four health education professionals assessed the suitability of the collecting materials.One professional evaluated all collecting materials,and all materials were divided into three parts. The other three professionals evaluated one part agian independently.Excel and SPSS 19.0 were used to analyze the results. Results 38 Kegel exercise online health education written materials were collected.2(5.3%)of the materials were assessed as"Superior",23 (60.5%) of the materials were "Adequate", and 13 (34.2%) of the materials were evaluated as "Not suitable". Average percentage score was 44.05% (24% ~74% ), and the overall assessment was"Adequate". Conclusion Most domestic Kegel exercise online health education written materials′quality should be certified and suitability were adequate,which need some improvement.

Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 11(38): 1-10, jan./dez. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-877930


Objetivo: Foram avaliados conhecimentos e habilidades sobre reanimação cardiopulmonar antes e após a capacitação em Suporte Básico de Vida (SBV) para médicos e enfermeiros que atuam na atenção primária. Métodos: Estudo quasi-experimental, com amostra aleatória de profissionais. Inicialmente, avaliou-se o desempenho cognitivo em um teste de múltipla escolha sobre o atendimento a uma parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) e, em seguida, conduziu-se um atendimento simulado de PCR, para a avaliação de habilidades, usando um checklist baseado nas recomendações da American Heart Association (AHA). Após avaliação inicial, todos os profissionais participaram de curso teórico-prático em SBV, durante três encontros. Após o curso, todos se submeteram a nova avaliação. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 32 profissionais. O nível de conhecimentos e habilidades foi insatisfatório antes do curso. Após a capacitação, a média de acertos na avaliação teórico-prática apresentou aumento significativo (p<0,001). Conclusão: Registrou-se impacto positivo da capacitação em SBV para os profissionais da atenção primária.

Objective: To evaluate knowledge and skills on cardiopulmonary resuscitation before and after training in Basic Life Support (BLS) for doctors and nurses working in primary health care. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a random sample of professionals. Initially, a cognitive performance was evaluated in a multiple choice test on assistance to a cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) and then a simulation of CPA was carried out to assess skills, using a checklist based on recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA). After initial evaluation, all professionals participated in theoretical and practical course in BLS in three meetings. After the course, they all underwent further evaluation. Results: The study included 32 professionals. The level of knowledge and skills was poor before the course. After the training, the mean score on the written and practical evaluation showed a significant increase (p<0.001). Conclusion: It was recorded positive impact of training in BLS for primary care professionals.

Objetivo: Se evaluó el conocimiento y las habilidades de reanimación cardiopulmonar antes y después de la formación en soporte vital básico (SVB) para los médicos y enfermeras que trabajan en la atención primaria. Métodos: Estudio cuasi-experimental con una muestra aleatoria de los profesionales. Inicialmente, se evaluó el rendimiento cognitivo en una prueba de opción múltiple sobre la respuesta a una parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR) y luego se llevó a cabo una PCR llamada simulada, para la evaluación de habilidades, usando un checklist basado en las recomendaciones de la American Heart Association (AHA). Después de la evaluación inicial, todos los profesionales participaron en el curso teórico y práctico en SVB durante tres reuniones. Después del curso, todos fueron sometidos a una evaluación adicional. Resultados: El estudio incluyó 32 profesionales. El nivel de conocimientos y habilidades eran pobres antes del curso. Después de la capacitación, la puntuación promedia en la evaluación escrita y práctica mostró un aumento significativo (p<0,001). Conclusión: Se registró impacto positivo de la formación en SVB para los profesionales de atención primaria.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Primary Health Care , Health Education , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Education, Medical, Continuing , Education, Nursing, Continuing , Professional Training
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 103-105, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461531


With a long duration of the CHB, patients who have economic pressures and physical problems will get changes in their psychological status, which are involved in the development of the disease. Moreover, poor thera-py compliance and insight of their disease, negative mood of anxiety and depression also have effects the prognosis of disease. Therefore, mental factors play a vital important role in the development and prognosis of CHB patients, health education and mental intervention are the most effective way to avoid the psychological disorder of patients.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-603674


OBJETIVO: verificar a percepção e as opiniões de profissionais da saúde e da educação sobre um manual de saúde ocular destinado ao desenvolvimento de ações de educação e promoção da saúde. MÉTODO: optou-se por utilizar a técnica de grupo focal da metodologia qualitativa. Os dados obtidos em 4 grupos focais realizados foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias: a importância do estudo; a apresentação do material; a complexidade do assunto; a motivação e os resultados foram analisados por meio da análise do conteúdo de Bardin. RESULTADOS: os profissionais consideraram importante o assunto abordado e mostraram-se motivados a utilizarem o material como apoio pedagógico em suas atividades. Foram feitas várias sugestões, com destaque para a melhoria na redação do capítulo referente às estruturas do aparelho ocular, que se mostrava muito complexo e de difícil compreensão. CONCLUSÕES: no processo de elaboração de manuais destinados à educação em saúde é extremamente importante que o mesmo seja avaliado preferencialmente pelo público receptor a que o material se destina para que se consiga alcançar o objetivo proposto. A utilização da técnica de Grupo Focal para avaliação deste manual mostrou ser um instrumento sensível à detecção das opiniões e percepções dos profissionais sobre o material educativo elaborado, apresentando maior possibilidade de atender aos seus objetivos

Education, Continuing , Eye Health , Health Education , Health Promotion , Inservice Training , Program Evaluation , Health Strategies , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Focus Groups , Manuals as Topic
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);15(1): 301-307, jan. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-538953


Estudo descritivo, inserido na abordagem quantitativa, com o objetivo de conhecer a prática domiciliar do Método Mãe Canguru. Os dados foram coletados a partir da aplicação de um questionário aos pais dos recém-nascidos prematuros que estiveram internados em um hospital universitário, em São Luís (MA), no período de maio a agosto de 2005. De acordo com os dados encontrados, 100 por cento das famílias receberam ensinamentos e orientações no hospital; sendo que em 53,3 por cento dos casos apenas a mãe foi orientada. Os benefícios do trabalho educativo desenvolvido pela equipe foram confirmados na prática domiciliar, com 93,3 por cento das mães realizando adequadamente a posição canguru, onde 86,7 por cento dos bebês encontravam-se ligeiramente vestidos, 86,7 por cento delas amamentando tecnicamente correto e 86,7 por cento sem fazer uso de qualquer tipo de adereços. 46,7 por cento das mães permanecem de cinco a oito horas/dia com o bebê nesta posição e 66,7 por cento identificaram as tarefas do lar como principal obstáculo da prática. Em relação ao seguimento ambulatorial neonatal, 63,3 por cento das mães identificaram a falta de recurso financeiro para cobrir as despesas com o transporte como principal fator de dificuldade. Os dados obtidos demonstram que o apoio da rede familiar e da equipe de saúde parece ser o melhor caminho para garantir a extensão do cuidado em domicílio.

This is a descriptive study, within uantitative approach, aiming at acquiring knowledge regarding the domestic practice of Mother Kangaroo Method. Data were collected from a survey for the parents of prematures hospitalized in a University Hospital in São Luís, Maranhão State, from May to August, 2005. According to the findings, 100 percent of the families received training and guidance in the hospital and only in 53.3 percent of the cases the mothers were guided. The benefits of the education works developed by the team were confirmed by domestic practice with 93.3 percent of the mothers performing the kangaroo position correctly, where 86.7 percent of the babies were slightly dressed, 86.7 percent of the mothers were breast feeding technically in a correct manner and 86.7 percent without any other items being used. 46.7 percent of the mothers stay 5 to 8 hours/day with their babies in this position and 66.7 percent identified house tasks as the principal obstacle of the practice. Regarding neonatal walk-in unit follow-up 63.3 percent of the mothers identified the lack of financial recourses to pay for transportation as the main difficulty factor. The data obtained show that the support from the family network and the health team seem to be the best way to guarantee the extension of domestic care.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant Care/statistics & numerical data , Home Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969468



REME rev. min. enferm ; 12(1): 99-103, jan.-mar. 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-508625


A paralisia cerebral infantil é uma disfunção neuromotora resultante de encefalopatia não progressiva. É relevante o impacto da doença dada a repercussão na criança, na família e na sociedade. Ainda não se tem um fator determinante para tal agravo, mas sabe-se que a hipoxemia e a isquemia cerebral concorrem para essa disfunção. Algumas medidas que visam prevenir a doença podem ser tomadas no período perinatal. O objetivo com o trabalho foi avaliar o conhecimento e fontes de informações a respeito da paralisia cerebral infantil. Mães cadastradas pelo Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) "Viver Melhor", do município de Diamantina-MG, foram selecionadas e, em seguida, foram realizadas entrevistas utilizando questões norteadoras semi-estruturadas voltadas para o problema. Após a transcrição das falas, os discursos foram agrupados em três eixos temáticos: conhecimento sobre paralisia cerebral, fontes de informação sobre a doença e papel dos serviços de saúde na prevenção da paralisia cerebral infantil. Os resultados indicaram que as ações educativas precisam ser ampliadas mediante a remodelação de práticas profissionais, incremento de políticas públicas e melhoria dos serviços ofertados à gestante no período perinatal.

Child cerebral palsy is a neuromotor disorder resulting from non-progressive encephalopathy. The impact of the disease is significant because of its effect on the child, family and society. The main cause is not yet known, but it is known that hypoxia and cerebral ischaemia contribute. Some measures to avoid the disease can be taken in the perinatal period. The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and sources of information about Child Cerebral Palsy. Mothers enrolled in the "Viver Melhor" Family Health Program in Diamantina, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were selected and interviewed using semi-structured questions about the problem. After the speech was transcribed, the discourse was grouped around three themes: knowledge about cerebral palsy, sources of information about the disease and the role of health services in the prevention of child cerebral palsy. The results indicated that education initiatives must be widened through redesigning professional practice, increasing public policies and improving services provided to women in the perinatal period.

La parálisis cerebral infantil es una disfunción neuromotora resultante de encefalopatía no progresiva. El impacto de la enfermedad es relevante por su repercusión en niños, familias y la sociedad. Todavía no se conoce ningún factor determinante pero se sabe que la hipoxemia y la isquemia cerebral contribuyen a tal afección. Durante el período perinatal pueden tomarse algunas precauciones para prevenir la dolencia. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el conocimiento y las fuentes de información acerca de la parálisis cerebral infantil. Se escogieron algunas madres suscritas al programa Salud de la Familia (PSF) "Viver Melhor", de la Municipalidad de Diamantina/MG y luego se realizaron encuestas con preguntas semiestructuradas orientadas hacia el problema. Después de la transcripción de las charlas, los discursos se agruparon en tres ejes temáticos: conocimientos acerca de la parálisis cerebral, fuentes de información sobre la enfermedad y rol de los servicios de salud en la prevención de la parálisis cerebral infantil. Los resultados sugieren que habría que tomar más medidas educativas referentes a las prácticas profesionales, políticas públicas y mejorar los servicios brindados a las embarazadas durante el período perinatal.

Humans , Perinatal Care , Health Education , Cerebral Palsy/prevention & control , Health Centers , Socioeconomic Factors , Brain Ischemia , Qualitative Research
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-99361


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects on health information education for the deaf. METHOD: One group pre-test and post-test research design was applied to 46 deaf people. The instrument developed by research team was used for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of 91 items including demographics and 5 diseases, such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, and hepatitis. RESULT: The degrees of knowledge on 4 diseases, such as, hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, and hepatitis were significantly improved. There was no educational effect on cancer even though the degree of knowledge during the pre-test was the highest. There were educational effects on 5 diseases by gender, but no effects by age and hearing/deaf status of parent. CONCLUSION: This study was the first for the deaf in nursing. Further studies are needed for the deaf who have low education. Also, good educational materials using video and CD need to be developed.

Humans , Data Collection , Deafness , Demography , Education , Hepatitis , Hypertension , Methods , Nursing , Parents , Research Design , Sign Language , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary