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REVISA (Online) ; 11(1): 69-80, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364031


Objetivo: analisar o conhecimento a respeito da Manobra de Heimlich por mães da rede social Facebook, tendo como problema de pesquisa o seguinte questionamento: "Durante o pré-natal na rede pública a mãe recebeu orientações sobre a manobra de Heimlich? Que conhecimento as mães tem sobre a manobra de Heimlich." Método: Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa e método descritivo para este estudo, seguindo os pressupostos de Ludke e André (1986). Resultados: Foram entrevistadas 7 mulheres com idade entre 23 e 40 anos que responderam os questionamentos a respeito da Manobra de Heimlich no pré-natal e falaram sobre seus conhecimentos prévios a respeito do tema. Conclusão: As entrevistas realizadas revelam que as mulheres possuem conhecimento superficial a respeito da Manobra de Heimlich, no entanto esse conhecimento não foi obtido em seu pré-natal, mas sim por conta própria ou por necessidade.

Objective: to analyze the knowledge about the Heimlich Maneuver by mothers of the social network Facebook, having as research problem the following question: "During prenatal care in the public network the mother received guidance on the Heimlich maneuver? What knowledge do mothers have about the Heimlich maneuver." Method: The qualitative approach and descriptive method for this study were used, following the assumptions of Ludke and André (2008). Results: We interviewed 7 women aged between 23 and 40 years old who answered the questions about the Heimlich Maneuver in prenatal care and talked about their previous knowledge about the subject. Conclusion: The interviews revealed that women have superficial knowledge about the Heimlich Maneuver, however this knowledge was not obtained in their prenatal care, but rather on their own or by necessity.

Objetivo: analizar el conocimiento sobre la Maniobra de Heimlich por parte de las madres de la red social Facebook, teniendo como problema de investigación la siguiente pregunta: "¿Durante la atención prenatal en la red pública la madre recibió orientación sobre la maniobra de Heimlich? ¿Qué conocimiento tienen las madres sobre la maniobra de Heimlich?" Método: Se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo y el método descriptivo para este estudio, siguiendo los supuestos de Ludke y André (2008). Resultados: Entrevistamos a 7 mujeres de entre 23 y 40 años que respondieron a las preguntas sobre la Maniobra de Heimlich en la atención prenatal y hablaron sobre sus conocimientos previos sobre el tema. Conclusión: Las entrevistas revelaron que las mujeres tienen conocimientos superficiales sobre la Maniobra de Heimlich, sin embargo este conocimiento no se obtuvo en su atención prenatal, sino por su cuenta o por necesidad.

Heimlich Maneuver , Prenatal Care , Gagging
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700649


In order to optimize the teaching process, improve the teaching quality and cultivate of emergency nursing talents with comprehensive quality, we systematically designed the teaching process of foreign body airway obstruction first aid. From the design ideas and curriculum innovation, we focused on the use of a variety of teaching methods, and we combined it with modern information technology, which demonstrated the practicability and operability of first aid skill. This teaching practice has proved that the systematically teaching reform design is helpful to improve the learning efficiency of nursing students and cultivate the comprehensive quality of students' emergency response ability.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 10(3): 106-110, jul. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-774010


It is a frequent pediatric event and a common cause of morbidity and mortality in children, requiring accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Diagnosis is usually based on clinical manifestations such as cough, dyspnea. stridor, respiratory distress and asymmetric decreased air entry or unilateral wheeze. Choking crisis may be absent or minimized. Chest X-ray may have no abnormalities or show signs such as asymmetrical hyperinflation, massive, fixed or changing atelectasis. Occasionally, hyperinflation or obstructive emphysema with atelectasis can be present in the same hemithorax. Inspiratory and expiratory chest X-rays show ipsilateral mediastinum movements. Most foreign bodies are not visible to chest X-ray exploration. Acute suffocation must be treated with Heimlich procedure. In later stages, diagnosis and treatment require rigid bronchoscopy. Prognosis is fairly positive with an early and complete foreign-body extraction.

La aspiración de un cuerpo extraño (CE) a la vía aérea en pediatría es un accidente frecuente, presenta importante morbimortalidad, por lo que requiere un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno. El diagnóstico usualmente se establece mediante hallazgos clínicos, siendo los más frecuentes tos, síndrome de penetración, y con menor frecuencia dificultad respiratoria, estridor, sibilancias unilaterales. La radiografía de tórax puede ser normal o alterada, mostrando hiperinsuflación unilateral, atelectasia u otros signos. La mayoría de los CE son radiotransparentes. Durante la fase aguda debe practicarse la maniobra de Heimlich, en cambio en la fase crónica el diagnóstico y tratamiento definitivo se hace mediante broncoscopía. La prevención es fundamental evitando que niños menores manipulen objetos pequeños, advertir el riesgo de asfixia por aspiración en los envases de alimentos riesgosos y de juguetes de pequeño tamaño. El pronóstico es bueno si la extracción del cuerpo extraño es precoz y completa.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Foreign Bodies/therapy , Respiratory Aspiration/etiology , Foreign Bodies/etiology , Heimlich Maneuver , Airway Obstruction/etiology , Prognosis , Risk Factors