Background: Hepatitis B virus(HBV) and neonatal tetanus infections remain endemic in Nigeria despite the availability of safe, effective vaccines. We aimed to determine health facilities' capacity for hepatitis B vaccine birth dose (HepBBD) and maternal tetanusdiphtheria (Td) vaccination and to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices of HepBBD and maternal Td vaccine administration among health facility staff in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a crosssectional study assessing public primary and secondary health facilities in Adamawa and Enugu States. Amultistage sampling approach was used to select 40 facilities and 79 healthcare workers(HCWs) from each state. Astructured facility assessment tool and standardized questionnaire evaluated facility characteristics and HCW knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to HepBBD and maternal Td vaccination. Frequencies and proportions were reported as descriptive statistics. Results: The survey of 80 facilities revealed that 73.8% implemented HepBBD and maternal Td vaccination policies. HepBBD was administered within 24 h of birth at 61.3% of facilities and at all times at 57.5%. However, administration seldom occurred in labor and delivery (35%) or maternity wards (16.3%). Nearly half of the facilities (46.3%) had HCWs believing there were contraindications to HepBBD vaccination. Among 158 HCWs, 26.5% believed tetanus could be transmitted through unprotected sex, prevented by vaccination at birth (46.1%), or by avoiding sharing food and utensils. 65% of HCWs knew HBV infection had the worst outcome for newborns. Conclusions: The limited implementation of national policies on HepBBD and maternal Td vaccination, coupled with knowledge gaps among HCWs, pose significant challenges to timely vaccination, necessitating interventions to address these gaps.
Contexte: Le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB) et les infections néonatales au tétanos restent endémiques au Nigéria malgré la disponibilité de vaccins sûrs et efficaces. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la capacité des établissements de santé à administrer la dose de naissance du vaccin contre l'hépatite B (HepB-BD) et le vaccin antitétanique et diphtérique (Td) maternel, ainsi que d'évaluer les connaissances, les attitudes et les pratiques du personnel des établissements de santé concernant l'administration du vaccin HepB-BD et du vaccin Td maternel au Nigéria. Matériel et méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale portant sur les établissements de santé primaires et secondaires publics des États d'Adamawa et d'Enugu. Une approche d'échantillonnage à plusieurs degrés a été utilisée pour sélectionner 40 établissements et 79 agents de santé (AS) dans chaque État. Un outil d'évaluation structuré des établissements et un questionnaire standardisé ont permis d'évaluer les caractéristiques des établissements et les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des AS en matière de vaccination par le HepB-BD et le Td maternel. Les fréquences et les proportions ont été rapportées sous forme de statistiques descriptives. Résultats: Les résultats de l'enquête menée auprès de 80 établissements ont révélé que 73,8 % d'entre eux appliquaient des politiques de vaccination par le HepB-BD et le Td maternel. Le HepB-BD était administré dans les 24 heures suivant la naissance dans 61,3 % des établissements et à tout moment dans 57,5 % d'entre eux. Cependant, l'administration se faisait rarement en salle de travail et d'accouchement (35 %) ou en maternité (16,3 %). Près de la moitié des établissements (46,3 %) comptaient des AS qui pensaient qu'il existait des contre-indications à la vaccination par le HepB-BD. Parmi les 158 AS, 26,5 % pensaient que le tétanos pouvait être transmis par des relations sexuelles non protégées, qu'il pouvait être prévenu par la vaccination à la naissance (46,1 %) ou en évitant de partager la nourriture et les ustensiles. Soixante-cinq pour cent des AS savaient que l'infection par le VHB avait les pires conséquences pour les nouveau-nés. Conclusion: La mise en Åuvre limitée des politiques nationales sur la vaccination par le HepB-BD et le Td maternel, associée aux lacunes de connaissances parmi les AS, constituent des défis importants pour la vaccination à temps, ce qui nécessite des interventions pour combler ces lacunes.
Tetanus , Attitude , Hepatitis B virus , Vaccination , Hepatitis B Vaccines , Parturition , Diphtheria , Contraindications , InfectionsABSTRACT
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a global health challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. Globally, HBV prevalence is 3.2% and in Nigeria, the rate is 8.1%. Aim: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and how certain demographics affect the distribution of the infection. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 392 individuals in three LGA in Rivers State who gave their consents to participate in the project, their samples were taken and aseptically worked on using HBsAg rapid diagnostic kit and then statistically analyzed using SPSS version 28, which gave the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test. Result: The result based on demographics shows that in the age group analysis, those aged 40-50 have a higher prevalence (8.2%), while females have a lower rate (2.5%) than males (7.1%). No significant differences appear in marital status, education, or age groups. However, the test on occupation reveals a significant difference (P=0.001), with teachers having the lowest prevalence (2.2%) and applicants the highest (15.8%). The significant difference in HBsAg prevalence between males and females (P=0.028) was seen. Conclusion: Having completed this study it has been revealed that only gender and occupation have an impact in HBsAg sero-prevalence, and targeted interventions may be needed, particularly focusing on occupations and sex with higher prevalence rates.
Background : Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection is a major public health problem worldwide as approximately 350 million have chronic HBV infection of which 15 to 40% may progress to Chronic Liver Disease and may further develop Hepatocellular Carcinoma. In the registration trial Tenofovir, an oral nucleotide analog, polymerase inhibitor was found to be highly effective and potent with a sustained virological response. However in eastern India there are no landmark studies on Tenofovir. Aims and Objectives : To evaluate the effect of Tenofovir as first line monotherapy on viral suppression and hepatic function in chronic hepatitis B patients with Chronic Liver Disease. Materials and Methods : After fulfilling the inclusion criteria, 72 patients with chronic Hepatits B infection, were prescribed Tab Tenofovir (300 mg /day) for 1 year in this hospital based prospective study. Periodic follow-up with clinical, biochemical and virological assessment was done at 6 months and 1 year. Results : Our study shows loss of HBsAg in 10 (13.88%) patients and HBeAg seroconversion was 81.81%. Biochemical and Child Pugh score improvement was statistically significant. At end of study total 42 (58.33%) achieved HBV DNA below detectable level (<3.8 iu/ml). Conclusion : There was statistically significant improvement of clinical, biochemical,serological and virological parameters with minimum side effect and well tolerability after 1 year of therapy with Tenofovir in Chronic Liver Disease patients with chronic Hepatitis B infection. HBeAg seroconversion was high and sustained and the achievement of undetectable HBV-DNA was significant and almost similar in both HBeAg reactive & non reactive groups.
ABSTRACT We report the case of a patient with chronic hepatitis B and C managed with direct-acting antivirals in an outpatient setting. Chronic hepatitis B was first treated with entecavir before initiating treatment for chronic hepatitis C. The patient achieved viral suppression for hepatitis B and sustained virological response for hepatitis C. As direct-acting antivirals become more available, healthcare practitioners should be familiar with managing patients with chronic coinfection.
RESUMEN Reportamos el caso de un paciente con infección crónica por hepatitis B y C, tratado con antivirales de acción directa de manera ambulatoria. Primero se trató la infección crónica por hepatitis B con entecavir, antes de iniciar el tratamiento para la infección crónica por de salud debe estar familiarizado con el manejo de pacientes con coinfección crónica.
Introducción. Colombia alberga dos millones de indígenas, que viven en condiciones de pobreza y tienen deficiencias en salud, por lo cual están expuestos a contraer infecciones virales como la hepatitis B. El departamento del Amazonas presenta una gran prevalencia del virus y barreras para acceder a la vacunación; por esto, parte de la población es propensa a la infección. Objetivo. Identificar factores asociados con la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B en indígenas colombianos. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos y controles en mayores de 18 años de cuatro departamentos del país. Los casos se identificaron mediante el registro nacional de notificación de hepatitis B (2015-2022). Los controles seleccionados de manera concurrente fueron pareados con los casos por edad, sexo, etnia y departamento. En una encuesta se consignaron las características sociodemográficas, los factores asociados con el contacto con sangre y fluidos, las prácticas socioculturales y los antecedentes de vacunación. El proyecto fue aprobado por Comité de Ética de la Universidad de Antioquia. Resultados. Participaron 75 casos y 150 controles de 13 grupos étnicos. El departamento del Amazonas aportó el 49 % de los participantes (83 % mujeres) con una mediana de edad de 30 años (RIC = 27-37). Los factores asociados con una mayor probabilidad de contraer la infección fueron el antecedente de algún familiar infectado con el virus de la hepatitis B (OR ajustado = 2,61) (IC95%: 1,09-6,27) y número de embarazos en mujeres, (OR ajustado = 1,61) (IC95%: 1,02-2,54). La vacunación mostró un efecto protector sin asociación significativa. Conclusión. Los aspectos asociados con la convivencia familiar y el número de embarazos contribuyen a una potencial transmisión vertical y horizontal del virus. No se identificaron prácticas culturales asociadas. Se requieren estrategias novedosas y diferenciales para reducir la transmisión del virus de la hepatitis B en poblaciones indígenas.
Introduction. Colombia is home to 2 million indigenous people who live in conditions of poverty and with health deficiencies, making them vulnerable to contracting hepatitis B (HBV). Amazonas has a high virus prevalence, and there are barriers to accessing vaccination; thus, part of the population is susceptible to infection. Objective. To identify factors associated with HBV in Colombian indigenous people. Materials and Methods. A case-control study of people over 18 years from four departments of Colombia. Cases were identified through the national hepatitis B notification registry (2015-2022). Controls were selected and matched to cases (2:1) by age, sex, ethnicity, and department. Sociodemographic characteristics, factors associated with contact with body fluids, cultural practices, and vaccination history were identified by means of a survey. The ethics committee of the Universidad de Antioquia approved the project. Results. Seventy five cases and 150 controls from 13 ethnic groups were surveyed. Amazonas contributed 49% of participants, 83% were women, and the median age of cases was 30 years (IQ range: 27-37). The associated factors were a family history of hepatitis B [adjusted OR: 2.61 (95% CI: 1.09-6.27)] and, in women, the number of pregnancies [adjusted OR: 1.61 (95% CI 1.02- 2.54)]. The vaccination history showed a protective effect, but the association was not significant. Conclusion. Aspects associated with family life and unprotected sexual relations seem to be responsible for the potential transmission of the virus. It was not possible to identify associated cultural practices. Innovative and differential strategies are required for indigenous people to achieve a reduction of HBV.
Humans , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Hepatitis B , Case-Control Studies , Risk Factors , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Background: Viral hepatitis B is a life-threatening condition with global public health implications. It is highly endemic and one of the leading causes of mortality in Africa. There are no screening strategies defined for the general population in Nigeria despite an estimated 19 million Nigerians living with Hepatitis B, and a high prevalence of 11-13%. This study aims to identify indications for Hepatitis B screening, as well as the virologic, radiologic and sociodemographic characteristics of this populace. Methods: This is a cross-sectional review of the viral hepatitis database of Adult Hepatitis B positive patients. The biodata, laboratory and radiological parameters were analyzed using SPSS version 26 and Categorical variables were reported as frequencies and percentages. Continuous variables were reported as means ±SD, and a p-value of ?0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the 454 hepatitis B positive patients was 38.33±11.16years comprising198(43.8%) females and 255(56.2%) males. All six geopolitical regions of Nigeria were represented in the study with the south-south region having the highest representation of 220 patients. Incidental findings such as pre-employment screening, pre-marriage screening, screening before blood donation, pre-surgery screening for non-Hepatic related diagnosis and public health awareness campaigns accounted for 64% of the indications for screening, 4.4% were diagnosed from the compulsory antenatal screening and 11.3% with advanced liver disease. The majority of patients (94.7%) were HBeAg negative, while HBV DNA levels ranged from <20 to 170,500,000 IU/ml (mean=4,509,723.97 ± 26,264,722.07 IU/ml). Increased AST and ALT levels were observed in 256 (56.4%) and 193 patients (42.5%) respectively while 22.2% of the study population had radiological evidence of hepatic disorders at initial screening. Conclusion: This study revealed that Hepatitis B infection in Nigeria cuts across all regions and has a gender disparity with more males affected than females. The majority of the participants were diagnosed incidentally or during an illness, highlighting the importance of routine screening. Additionally, the majority of patients had HBeAg-negative chronic Hepatitis B, indicating the need for effective public health strategies to address this prevalent form of the disease.
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection poses a significant health challenge in Bangladesh, with the hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) being a crucial marker due to its lifelong presence in the bloodstream. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anti-HBc (total) positivity among unvaccinated adults in Northeastern Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Sobhanighat area of Sylhet, Bangladesh, in collaboration with the department of gastroenterology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, from November 2022 to August 2023. A total of 216 participants were selected using consecutive sampling. HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc (total) were tested for all subjects, and data were collected using a pre-formed questionnaire and analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 24. Results: Among the participants, 16 (7.4%) tested positive for anti-HBc (total), while HBsAg was positive in 6 (2.77%) individuals. Anti-HBs was detectable in 23 (10.6%) participants, with 3 (1.38%) showing isolated anti-HBc positivity. Notably, 20% of HBsAg-positive cases exhibited heterotypic anti-HBs. Moreover, 56.25% of respondents with anti-HBc (total) positivity had detectable anti-HBs (p<0.001). Gender did not show significant associations with HBsAg, anti-HBc (total), anti-HBs, or isolated anti-HBc (p>0.05). Conclusions: The study underscores a notable prevalence of anti-HBc (total) positivity among unvaccinated individuals in Bangladesh, indicative of past HBV exposure. It underscores the necessity for enhanced vaccination coverage and robust infection control measures to mitigate HBV transmission in this demographic.
Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores associados à adesão à vacina contra hepatite B em gestantes expostas à sífilis. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa analítica, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada em uma capital do nordeste brasileiro. Participaram gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis. Utilizou-se um instrumento previamente validado para coleta de dados. A pesquisa atendeu os aspectos éticos. Resultados: Do total de 73 participantes, 43,8% estavam no primeiro trimestre, 53,4% com faixa etária de 26 a 38 anos, 80,8% casadas ou em união estável, 57,5% com menos de 12 anos de estudos, 94,5% não brancas, 61,7% sem renda. À adesão à vacina contra hepatite B foi verificada em 57 gestantes (78%). E teve associação com escolaridade (p= 0,057) e ter um trabalho remunerado (p= 0,028). Conclusão: À adesão à vacinação contra Hepatite B foi elevada quando comparada com populações chaves, contudo abaixo da meta proposta pelo ministério da saúde. Gestantes mais esclarecidas e que tinha alguma remuneração iniciaram o prénatal no primeiro trimestre e tiveram maior adesão a vacina. Recomenda-se aproveitar oportunidades para atualização do cartão vacinal. (AU)
Objective: To evaluate the factors associated with adherence to the hepatitis B vaccine in pregnant women exposed to syphilis. Methods: This is analytical research, with a quantitative approach, carried out in a capital city in northeastern Brazil. Pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis participated. A previously validated instrument was used for data collection. The research met the ethical aspects. Results: Of the total of 73 participants, 43.8% were in the first trimester, 53.4% were aged between 26 and 38 years, 80.8% were married or in a stable relationship, 57.5% had less than 12 years of schooling, 94.5% non-white, 61.7% without income. Adherence to the hepatitis B vaccine was verified in 57 pregnant women (78%). And it was associated with schooling (p=0.057) and having a paid job (p=0.028). Conclusion: Hepatitis B vaccination adherence was high when compared to key populations, but below the target proposed by the Ministry of Health. More informed pregnant women who had some remuneration started prenatal care in the first trimester and had greater adherence to the vaccine. It is recommended to take advantage of opportunities to update the vaccination card. (AU)
Objetivo: Evaluar los factores asociados a la adherencia a la vacuna contra la hepatitis B en gestantes expuestas a sífilis. Métodos: Se trata de una investigación analítica, con enfoque cuantitativo, realizada en una ciudad capital del noreste de Brasil. Participaron mujeres embarazadas con diagnóstico de sífilis. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó un instrumento previamente validado. La investigación cumplió con los aspectos éticos. Resultados: Del total de 73 participantes, el 43,8 % se encontraba en el primer trimestre, el 53,4 % tenía entre 26 y 38 años, el 80,8 % estaba casado o en relación estable, el 57,5 % tenía menos de 12 años de escolaridad, el 94,5 % no -blanco, 61,7% sin ingresos. Se verificó la adherencia a la vacuna contra la hepatitis B en 57 gestantes (78%). Y se asoció con la escolaridad (p=0,057) y tener trabajo remunerado (p=0,028). Conclusión: La adherencia a la vacunación contra la Hepatitis B fue alta en comparación con las poblaciones clave, pero por debajo de la meta propuesta por el Ministerio de Salud. Las gestantes más informadas y con algún ingreso económico iniciaron el control prenatal en el primer trimestre y tuvieron mayor adherencia a la vacuna. Se recomienda aprovechar las oportunidades para actualizar el carné de vacunación. (AU)
Hepatitis B Vaccines , Syphilis , Pregnant WomenABSTRACT
There is a significant research gap in India due to incomplete investigation of seroprevalence of co-infection with visceral leishmaniasis (VL), hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). This study attempts to fill this gap by providing an in-depth analysis of the prevalence and consequences of these co-infections. The study of 32 VL patients revealed that 28 (8.88%) tested positive for HBV, 1 (0.317%) for HCV and 3 (0.95%) for both HBV and HCV. These results highlight how difficult it is to treat people with two diseases at the same time. An example of how co-infection makes treatment much more difficult is the fact that a patient with both VL and HBV required six courses of anti-leishmaniasis medication. The study shows how important it is for VL patients to be tested regularly for HBV and HCV to improve treatment response and support India's plan to get rid of kala-azar. Accurate identification of co-infections is necessary to reduce the overall burden of the disease and develop effective treatment regimens. Systematic testing of VL patients for HBV and HCV not only helps in controlling and perhaps even eliminating kala-azar, but also makes it easier to treat each patient as an individual, improving their health. In areas where viral hepatitis is prevalent, this strategy is particularly important as these diseases represent a double burden on public health. Implementing integrated treatment regimens and routine screening can reduce the impact of co-infection and advance the public health goal of kala-azar elimination. To improve patient outcomes and advance public health goals, the results of this study strongly support the integration of comprehensive screening programs into existing healthcare systems to improve the treatment of VL patients.
Background: Fibrosis is the most important predictor of prognosis in patients with Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) related liver disease. Detecting early fibrosis is vital to reduce complications of CHB like cirrhosis and HCC. High viral load is an important predictor of fibrosis. There are many studies reporting the association of hepatitis B (HBV) viral load with degree of liver fibrosis, but results are inconsistent. Hence, this study was undertaken to assess the relationship of HBV DNA titre with liver fibrosis. Methods: We recruited all newly detected treatment naive CHB patients between May 2021 to January 2023 at Department of Hepatology SCB medical college Cuttack. HBVDNA quantification and fibrosis assessment using 2D shear wave elastography (SWE) were done. The primary endpoint was the relation between HBVviral load and liver fibrosis stage and the estimation of HBV DNA cut off levels for advanced fibrosis ?F3. Results: Ninety-eight patients were enrolled (mean age: 46.05±13.21 years, male to female ratio-2.76:1). HBV DNA levels were higher in patients with advanced fibrosis LSM ?8kpa (F3) although the difference was statistically not significant (P=0.6). HBV DNA levels were also higher in CHB patients with significant fibrosis than those with less degree of fibrosis, in both HBeAg positive and HbeAg negative individuals, although this difference did not achieve statistical significance (p=0.655 and p=0.685). Age, serum albumin, serum ALT levels, total platelet count, CTP score and MELD-Na score were significant predictors of fibrosis on univariate analysis. But on multivariate analysis, platelet count (OR=0.999, CI=0.981-0.997, p=0.006) and MELD-Na score (OR=1.064, CI=1.01-1.198, p=0.024) were independent predictors of liver stiffness. A cut off HBV DNA of 17500 (IU/ML) with sensitivity of 51 % and specificity of 41% had a poor diagnostic accuracy to predict F3 fibrosis. Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between HBV DNA levels and stage of liver fibrosis.
Resumen La vacuna ADN recombinante contra el virus de la hepatitis B es la vacuna estándar debido a su alta efectividad. Sin embargo, algunos pacientes tienen respuestas insuficientes. Este artículo busca describir la vacunación contra el virus de la hepatitis B en situaciones especiales y el desarrollo de nuevas vacunas. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed y ScienceDirect con términos como "Non-responsiveness", "HIV", "renal patients", "dialysis patients", "biological therapy" y "Hepatitis B vaccine"; se seleccionaron 41 artículos para revisión. En condiciones como infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, enfermedad renal crónica, terapia biológica y no respondedores, debido a factores genéticos, inmunológicos y variables individuales, existe un mayor riesgo de no generar anticuerpos suficientes para alcanzar un estado de inmunización adecuado. Actualmente, se han desarrollado nuevas vacunas (Fendrix®, Heplisav-B®, PreHevbrio®) que han mostrado tener mejores resultados, por lo que es necesario considerar una vacunación diferente a la estándar en situaciones especiales.
Abstract The recombinant DNA vaccine against Hepatitis B virus is the standard vaccine due to its high effectiveness. However, some patients have inadequate responses. This article seeks to describe HBV vaccination in special situations and the development of new vaccines. A search was conducted on PubMed and ScienceDirect using terms such as "Non-responsiveness," "HIV," "renal patients," "dialysis patients," "biological therapy," and "Hepatitis B vaccine," selecting 41 articles for review. In conditions such as HIV infection, chronic kidney disease, biological therapy, and non-responders due to genetic, immunological, and individual variables, there is a greater risk of not generating sufficient antibodies to achieve adequate immunization status. New vaccines (Fendrix®, Heplisav-B®, PreHevbrio®) have been developed which have shown better results, thus necessitating consideration of alternative vaccination approaches in special situations.
Background: The private sector contributes significantly to health care service delivery in India. Study shows the prevalence of newborn care practices like early initiation of breastfeeding, kangaroo mother care, and hepatitis B birth dose practices in private sector hospitals across India. Methods: We conducted a basic analysis of unit-level data from the NFHS-5 survey; to understand the newborn care practices in private hospitals in India. Result: The place of the delivery has a significant impact on newborn care practices like kangaroo mother care, early breastfeeding within an hour of birth, and hepatitis-B vaccination at birth. The private sector accounts for 20.73 percent of deliveries wherein, 39.56 percent of private sector hospitals follow EIBF practice. Pre-lacteals were provided to 14.95 percent of the children within the first three days after birth. The better practice of kangaroo mother care was seen in the public sector. The prevalence of the hepatitis B vaccine at birth is very low with 3.25 percent in India.
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) have several important similarities including worldwide distribution, hepatotropism, similar modes of transmission, and the ability to induce chronic infections that may lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Coinfection with both HBV and HCV is linked with higher morbidity as well as mortality and impacts health-care resource utilization. Objectives: This study aims to understand the occurrence of HBV, HCV, and its coinfection in a rural tertiary care hospital. Methods: The study was done from March 2022 to August 2022 in the Department of Microbiology of a rural tertiary care hospital. Patients who visited outdoor patient departments or were admitted to indoor patient departments were advised to undergo HBV and HCV tests for screening before any invasive/surgical procedure was included in the study. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid immunochromatographic test were performed for HCV antibody and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Results: A total of 10,765 samples were tested for HBV and HCV. Out of them 483 (4.48%) samples were positive for HCV antibody. HBsAg was positive in 195 (1.81%) samples. Coinfection of both hepatitis B and C was found in 10 (0.09%) cases. HCV antibody was detected in 257 (53.21%) males and HBsAg was detected in 127 (65.13%) male samples. Conclusions: Strict adherence to universal precautions and proper disposal of used material should be implemented to decrease the risk of transmission of HBV and HCV. Immunization with HBV vaccine is recommended. Regular surveillance and precise estimate of the occurrence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HBV/HCV co-infection would be needed to formulate policy decisions and plan communal health interventions.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a global epidemic. Chronic HBV infection continues to pose a serious global health problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection in 2019, with 1.5 million new infections each year. The WHO has adopted a goal of eliminating HBV infection as a public health threat by 2030, defined as a 90% decrease in incidence and a 65% decrease in mortality compared to 2015 baseline estimates. Universal infant vaccination with a timely birth dose and peripartum antiviral prophylaxis for eligible mothers can effectively prevent motherto-child transmission. Universal safe health care practices and strict screening of blood donors could reduce HBV transmission. Under the guidance of the 75th World Health Assembly’s (May 2022) integrated global health sector strategies, a broad range of Member States have developed comprehensive national hepatitis programs and elimination strategies. Translating scientific evidence into community practice can make HBV elimination programs successful in South Asian countries.
Background: To investigate the risks factors associated to the non-response of hepatitis B (HB) immunization in participants over the age of 15 years. Methods: From October 2020 to December 2021, data were collected from individuals aged over 15 years who receive at least one dose of vaccine. An algorithm consisted of three (03) tests researching anti-HBs whose detectability threshold was 10 IU/L and anti-HBc. Results: A total of 330 participants were included in this study, among which 158 received three doses of vaccine, of these 83.59% and 6,6% were found positive respectively to anti HBs and anti-HBc. We noted that, age [30 – 40] years [OR= 2.41; CI at 95% (1.24 – 4.80)]; single status [OR=10.80; CI at 95% (1.78 – 114.8)], obesity [OR=2.99; CI at 95% (1.13 – 7.27)], alcohol [OR=10.80; CI at 95% (1.78 – 114.8)]; HEPATITIS vaccine [OR=3.40; CI at 95% (1.24 – 9.10)] were associated with non-response to hepatitis B vaccines. Conclusion: Non-response to hepatitis B vaccination has been influenced by several risk factors that should be considered during the vaccination process.
Medicinal plants are used to cure diseases, and their replacement is frequent and affects public health. The genus Baccharis has representatives within the medicinal flora of Argentina, although the replacement of the species of this genus known under the vulgar name of "carqueja" by Baccharis spicata has been detected i n herbalists or markets of herbal products. The genotoxic safety of this species has been established in previous work of our group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiviral activity of an infusion made from B. spicata leaves against hepatitis B virus with the HepG2.2.15 cellular system and to determine cytotoxicity in HepG2.2,15, A549 and Vero cell lines. Infusion of B. spicata was active to inhibit HBV replication with an EC 50 of 22.54 µg/mL and a CC 50 of 190 µg/mL.
Las plantas medicinales son empleadas para la cura de enfermedades, y su sustituc ión es frecuente y afecta a la salud pública. El género Baccharis posee representantes dentro de la flora medicinal de Argentina, aunque se ha detectado la sustitución de las especies de dicho género conocidas bajo el nombre vulgar de "carqueja" por Baccha ris spicata en herboristerías o mercados de productos herb arios . Se ha establecido la seguridad genotóxica de esta especie en trabajos previos de nuestro grupo. Este estudio buscó evaluar la actividad antiviral de una infusión elaborada a partir de hojas de B. spicata frente al virus de la hepatitis B con el sistema celular HepG2.2.15 y determinar la citotoxicidad en las líneas celulares HepG2.2.15, A549 y Vero. La infusión de B. spicata fue activa para inhibir la replicación del virus con un EC 50 de 22.54 µg/mL y un CC 50 de 190 µg/mL.
Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Baccharis/chemistry , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Virus Replication/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cell Line/drug effects , Hepatitis B virus/drug effects , Plant Leaves , Asteraceae , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
Objective To detect the expressions of intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1)and nu-clear factor(NF)-κB in hepatic tissues of the patients with chronic hepatitis B,and to analyze their correlation with the hepatic inflammatory activity and fibrosis degree.Methods The liver biopsy specimens from 66 pa-tients with hepatitis B and 10 non-hepatopathic controls were selected,and immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to detect ICAM-1 and NF-κB expression levels in different liver tissues.Results The positive rate of ICAM-1 and NF-κB expression in liver tissues of the patients with chronic hepatitis B was higher than that in normal liver tissues,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The expres-sion of ICAM-1 and NF-κB in the patients with hepatitis B was positively correlated with the inflammatory ac-tivity and fibrosis degree(r=0.493,0.496,P<0.01;r=0.580,0.519,P<0.01).Conclusion ICAM-1 and NF-κB in the patients with chronic hepatitis B are highly expressed,which is useful in judging the hepatic in-flammatory activity and fibrosis degree.
Viral hepatitis is a common infectious disease caused by a variety of hepatitis viruses,mainly including types A,B,C,D and E,among which hepatitis B virus(HBV)and hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection are more common.It is one of the important causes of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.In the case of pregnancy,the interaction between pregnancy and viral infection must be considered,including the impact of the virus on fetal development,the impact on maternal health,and the progression of the disease itself caused by pregnancy,among which the prevention of mother-to-child transmission is the key to reducing the global burden of chronic viral hepatitis.In September 2023,the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)published the clinical practice guidelines for viral hepatitis in pregnancy,which replaced the 2007 version.According to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE),the guidelines put forward six suggestions.This paper interpreted the important recommended updates of the guidelines one by one,in order to provide help for the clinical practice of viral hepatitis during pregnancy.
Objective To study the effect of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1(NQO1)expression lev-el on prognosis in patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma(HBV-HCC).Methods A total of 103 patients with HBV-HCC underwent surgical treatment in Seventh People's Hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from March 2019 to January 2020 were enrolled.The cancer tissue and adjacent normal tissues were extracted during surgery.Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the expression of NQO1 in tissues.The clinical and pathological data of patients were collected,and the rela-tionships between high and low expression of NQO1 and pathological characteristics were discussed.A 3-year follow-up was conducted,and the Kaplan-Meier survival curve was drawn and Log-rank test was conducted on median survival time.Then COX model analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting the prognosis of HBV-HCC patients.Results The positive rate of NQO1 in HBV-HCC tissues was 84.47%(87/103)and the high expression rate was 59.22%(61/103).The positive rate and the high expression rate of NQO1 in HBV-HCC tissues were higher than those in adjacent normal tissues(P<0.05).There were statistically significant differences in tumor maximum diameter,number of lesions,American Joint Committee on Cancer(AJCC)staging,and vascular invasion between patients with high and low expression of NQO1(P<0.05).The 3-year follow-up results denoted that the median survival time of patients was 37 months,and no cases were lost in follow-up.Among 103 patients,there were 34 dead cases with an overall survival rate of 66.99%(69/103)and 42 recurrence cases with a recurrence-free survival rate of 59.23%(61/103).Kaplan-Meier survival curve re-sults showed that the overall survival rate and recurrence-free survival rate were 52.46%(32/61)and 50.82%(31/61)in NQO1 high expression group,which were lower than 88.10%(37/42)and 71.43%(30/42)in NQO1 low expression group(P<0.05).COX model analysis results showed that high expression of NQO1,tumor maximum diameter ≥5 cm,multiple lesions,AJCC stage Ⅲ to Ⅳ and vascular invasion were independ-ent risk factors for prognosis(P<0.05).Conclusion NQO1 is highly expressed in HBV-HCC tissue,and is related to the clinicopathological characteristics of patients,so it could be used as an independent biomarker for evaluating prognosis.
Objective To investigate the predictive value of serum oncogene[proliferation-related gene(C-myc),transformation gene(N-ras),silk/threonine kinase 1(PLK1),fibroblast growth factor 2(FGF2)]protein levels in patients with hepatitis B associated hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)after hepatic arterial chemoem-bolization(TACE).Methods A total of 127 patients with hepatitis B-associated hepatocellular carcinoma ad-mitted to a hospital from July 2016 to January 2021 were selected and divided into death group and survival group according to the follow-up results.The serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1 and FGF2 protein levels were determined by double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Univariate and multivari-ate Cox analysis were used to analyze the risk factors of serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1 and FGF2 pro-tein levels in patients with hepatitis B-associated hepatocellular carcinoma after TACE.The receiver operating characteristic curve was used to evaluate the prognostic value of the serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1 and FGF2 protein levels,and the patients were divided into high expression group and low expression group ac-cording to the corresponding cutoff value.Kaplan-Meier survival curve was used to evaluate the prognosis of different serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1 and FGF2 protein level.Results Multivariate Cox regression a-nalysis indicated that TNM stage Ⅲ to Ⅳ(HR=2.998,95%CI:1.239-7.257),portal vein metastasis(HR=3.737,95%CI:1.941-7.193),abdominal metastasis(HR=3.482,95%CI:1.709-7.097),Child-Pugh grade B(HR=2.587,95%CI:1.045-6.406),high serum oncogene C-myc protein level(HR=1.224,95%CI:1.090-1.374),high serum oncogene N-ras protein level(HR=1.218,95%CI:1.097-1.353),high serum oncogene PLK1 protein level(HR=1.237,95%CI:1.110-1.379)and high serum oncogene FGF2 protein level(HR=1.141,95%CI:1.060-1.228)were independent risk factors for the prognosis of hepatitis B-asso-ciated hepatocellular carcinoma patients after TACE(all P<0.05).The overall survival rate of low expression group of serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1,FGF2 protein level was significantly higher than that of high expression group of serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1,FGF2 protein level,the difference was statistically significant(all P<0.001).Conclusion Serum oncogene C-myc,N-ras,PLK1,FGF2 protein levels have predic-tive value for the prognosis of patients with HBV-related liver cancer after TACE.