Background- The sellar and juxtasellar regions are complex anatomical areas prone to various neoplastic and non- neoplastic lesions. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic interventions require comprehensive imaging assessments. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a critical tool due to its superior soft-tissue contrast and high spatial resolution. This study was conducted at the Department of Radio Diagnosis, Sri Aurobindo Medical College &Methods- Post Graduate Institute, Indore. It involved 45 patients with clinically suspected sellar and parasellar masses. MRI scans were performed using a Siemens 1.5 T MAGNETOM� Symphony� with Tim technology. The imaging protocol included routine MR pulse sequences and gadolinium-enhanced images. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, with MRI findings compared against histopathological results. The study found that pituitary adenomas were theResults- most prevalent lesions, accounting for 66.6% of cases, followed by craniopharyngiomas (16.6%) and meningiomas (13.3%). MRI demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing these conditions, with substantial agreement with histopathology results. MRI is a reliable diagnostic tool for identifying sellar and parasellar masses,Conclusion- offering distinct imaging characteristics that aid in differentiating between various lesion types. Its ability to provide detailed anatomical visualization makes it indispensable for planning appropriate treatment strategies.
Abstract Background Histopathology can be crucial for diagnosis of inflammatory nail diseases. Longitudinal excision and punch biopsies are the most used techniques to obtain the tissue sample. However, there is a low clinical-histopathological correlation, besides the risk of nail dystrophy. Tangential excision biopsy (TB) is a well-established technique for the investigation of longitudinal melanonychia. TB could also be used to evaluate diseases in which histopathological changes are superficial, as in psoriasis. Objective To study the value of TB in the histopathological diagnosis of nail psoriasis. Methods This is a prospective and descriptive study of the clinical-histopathological findings of samples from the nail bed or matrix and nail plate of 13 patients with clinical suspicion of nail psoriasis. Biopsies were obtained through partial nail avulsion and TB. Results In nine patients, the hypothesis of psoriasis was confirmed by histopathology; in one, the criteria for diagnosing nail lichen planus were fulfilled. The tissue sample of only one patient did not reach the dermal papillae, and, in four of 13 patients, the adventitial dermis was not sampled. No patient developed onychodystrophy after the procedure. Study limitations In three patients, the clinical and, consequently, histopathological nail changes were subtle. Also, in one patient's TB didn't sample the dermal papillae. Conclusions TB is a good option to assist in the histopathological diagnosis of nail psoriasis, especially when appropriate clinical elements are combined. Using this technique, larger and thinner samples, short postoperative recovery time, and low risk of onychodystrophy are obtained.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is much rarer in children and adolescents in comparison to adults with an incidence of 0.7/1,000,000 per year. Hepatitis B virus, a known carcinogen increases the chances of HCC at a young age. Very few case reports of HCC developing in HBV?positive male children have been published.We present a case of a 14?year?old Hepatitis B–positive boy who presented with abdominal distension and jaundice. Contrast enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) whole abdomen suggested a diagnosis of multinodular HCC with no evidence of metastasis on FDG PET?CECT. Histopathology with immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of moderately differentiated HCC.Clinical presentation of HCC in children is similar to adults. Viral hepatitis, metabolic disorders, and male gender increase the risk of HCC. In our case, boy never had any prior history of jaundice, abdominal pain/distension, or any other illness suggestive of liver dysfunction. When the boy was found to be HBV positive, his mother was also screened and turned out to be Hepatitis B virus positive. Histopathology along with a panel of immunohistochemical markers clinched the final diagnosis.
Background: Obstetric hysterectomy (OH) is the removal of the uterus at the time of caesarean section, following vaginal delivery or within the puerperium period. Despite developments in the conservative medical &surgical management of OH, it remains a lifesaving technique for the management of persistent hemorrhage refractory to conservative control. Histopathological examination of the specimen is necessary as it determines the cause of OH and confirms the clinical and radiological indications.Methods: This was cross-sectional observational study conducted from January 2017 to December 2022. It was conducted on 62 obstetric hysterectomy specimens.Results: The proportion of OH was 6.05% out of a total 1024 hysterectomies. The age range of the study population was 20-45 years with a mean of 30.35�25 years. The trend towards OH increased with an increase in LSCS and it has been considered as an underlying high-risk factor for OH. The chief morphological abnormalities found were placenta accreta, placenta previa, placenta increta, placenta percreta, and retained placenta, followed by subinvolution. The radiological and morphological findings in 21 cases showed a statistically significant association.Conclusions: Abnormal placentation is the predominant cause of obstetric hysterectomy. The association between the rising CS rate and incidence of obstetric hysterectomy with a history of CS is attributable mostly to the occurrence of morbidly adherent placenta/placenta increta These abnormalities are amenable to early diagnosis by imaging methods.
Background: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been widely accepted as a diagnostic safe method for preoperative assessment of salivary gland lesions. This diagnostic tool is inexpensive, easy to perform, relatively painless and it provides useful information to differentiate between benign and malignant salivary gland tumors that helps in the management and surgical planning. This study was undertaken to compare FNAC results with permanent histopathological ?ndings of salivary gland tumors in order to assess its diagnostic accuracy.
Background: Formalin 10% is a fixative agent used in pathology laboratories. Formaldehyde released from formalin is a strong irritant and a carcinogen. The lab personnel are exposed to 10% formalin preserved surgical and post-mortem tissue samples during the visual examination and grossing. The present study aims to assess the exposure to formaldehyde in a histopathology laboratory unit as well as the effectiveness of existing engineering/ventilation systems. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Formalin levels were measured using portable air quality/pollution meter which measures formaldehyde (HCHO) in terms of mg/m3 in the morning, noon, and evening in different areas for one month. Areas of rooms and ventilation were mapped. The level of formalin was noted before, during, and after the grossing procedure and compared with the reference values given in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and World Health Organisation (WHO). Results: Formaldehyde concentration ranged from 0.005 to 0.48 ppm (parts per million) in the grossing room and 0.002-0.010 ppm in the museum. Formaldehyde levels were highest in the morning and during grossing without using exhaust/ventilation and the levels reached minimum value within 15-20 minutes of switching on the existing control methods (exhaust fan of grossing station and opening of window panes). Conclusions: Formalin from the histology laboratories cannot be removed entirely but can be reduced sufficiently to lessen the risks to health by educating lab personnel and adopting appropriate control techniques.
Background: First of all, globally, ovarian tumors are becoming a more common source of morbidity and death. The goal of the current investigation was to ascertain the incidence of different ovarian tumor histological and morphological variants in a tertiary healthcare center in southern India.Methods: The study, which took place in a tertiary healthcare facility in Chennai, involved 89 ovary specimens that were obtained over the course of 18 months (from August 2021 to December 2022) from patients in the obstetrics and gynecology department. The specimens underwent both histological and critical gross examination. Standard H&E-stained paraffin slices were observed. After being organized on proforma, the histology results were examined.Results: A total of 89 patients, ranging in age from 16 to 90, were enrolled in the study. The majority of patients (30.3%) were in the age range of 31 to 40 years. The majority of ovarian tumors were benign, accounting for 58 (65.2%) of the total, while malignant tumors accounted for 25 (28.1%). The most prevalent type of tumors, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, were surface epithelial tumors (76.12%), followed by germ cell tumors (18.46%). In the current investigation, one case of metastatic tumors to the ovaries was also identified. Serous cystadenoma 29 (32.6%) was found to be the most prevalent subtype among the many known subtypes of ovarian tumors, followed by papillary serous carcinoma 14 (15.7%).Conclusions: Compared to malignant or borderline tumors, benign ovarian tumors are more common. Surface epithelial tumors are the most prevalent histological subtype of ovarian cancers, followed by germ cell tumors. It's critical to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors in order to ensure appropriate treatment and healing. Future research of this kind with a larger sample size is advised.
Background: Menstrual problems remain a challenging condition for women at all ages. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is defined as bleeding from uterine corpus that is abnormal in volume, regularity and or timing and that has persisted for the majority of the previous six months. AUB can affect people of any age and be either ovulatory or non- ovulatory. Histopathological assessment of endometrial curettages has a 96% sensitivity and 98.3% specificity. Thus, endometrial biopsy sample with a clinico-pathologic correlation may continue to be the gold standard for accurately diagnosing endometrial pathology and its management. To study the endometrial histology patterns inObjectives: women among different age groups with abnormal uterine bleeding. A retrospective study was conductedMethods: among 185 women with abnormal uterine bleeding from May 2022 to September 2023. Histopathological study of endometrial patterns was studied. The clinical information and investigation reports pertaining to each case were acquired from individual case requisitions. The data was collected and tabulated in Microsoft excel sheet and the percentages were calculated. This study included 185 women with abnormal uterine bleeding, distributed intoResults: three age groups such as 31-40 years, 41-50 years and 51-60 years of age groups respectively. Most of them (51.35%) belonged to 41-50 years of age group. The Histopathological patterns of endometrium was studied among all the patients, where it showed 100 (54.05%) patients having a proliferative phase endometrium followed by 66 (35.6%) patients having a secretory phase endometrium. Most of them (63%) in this study having proliferative endometrium were in the age group between 41-50 years. Based on the present study, abnormal uterine bleeding wasConclusion: high among peri-menopausal women associated with proliferative endometrium histopathology. Endometrial sampling should be considered in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal group. We conclude that, histopathological studies facilitate in diagnosis and managing women with abnormal uterine bleeding.
Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) represents a diverse group of conditions characterized by abnormal trophoblastic proliferation within the placenta. GTD includes benign and malignant lesions, ranging from complete and partial hydatidiform moles to more severe forms like invasive moles, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumors (PSTTs), and epithelioid trophoblastic tumors. Given that neoplastic GTD lesions respond remarkably well to chemotherapy, early and accurate histopathological diagnosis is crucial as it directly influences treatment and prognosis. Aim and Objectives: This study examined the histomorphological features of various types of GTD alongside key clinical factors such as age, parity, and gestational period. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Pathology over the course of10 years, from January 2014 to January 2024. All cases of GTD confirmed through histopathological examination of hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides were included in the analysis. Results: Out of 60 diagnosed cases of GTD, 34 (56.66%) were complete hydatidiform moles, 22 (36.67%) were partial hydatidiform moles, 1 (1.67%) was an invasive mole, 1 (1.67%) was choriocarcinoma, and 2 (3.33%) were PSTTs. The age of the affected patients ranged from 18 to 45 years, with the highest incidence observed in the 20–25 year age group (30 cases, 50%). Most cases (33, 55%) occurred during the first trimester, with a predominance among primigravida patients (28 cases, 46.66%). The most common clinical presentation was per vaginal bleeding, reported in 56 cases (93.33%). Conclusion: Although GTD can lead to serious complications, including metastasis, it is treatable. In this study, the complete hydatidiform mole was the most frequently encountered lesion and is associated with a higher risk of severe complications such as persistent GTD, invasive moles, and choriocarcinoma. Thus, early and accurate histopathological diagnosis is vital for the timely initiation of therapy, ultimately reducing the mortality rate. This study highlights the various categories and histomorphological features of GTD, emphasizing the importance of understanding its clinical presentation to mitigate disease burden and complications.
Background: Right iliac fossa (RIF) pain in females presents a significant diagnostic challenge due to the wide range of potential underlying causes. This study aims to elucidate the complexities and diagnostic dilemmas associated with RIF pain in females, focusing on the prevalence of various conditions, the utility of laboratory markers, and the outcomes of surgical interventions. Methods: This prospective study was conducted at Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital, Gazipur, Bangladesh and involved 100 female patients provisionally diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The study included females aged 12 years and above, presenting with symptoms suggestive of acute appendicitis and who were operable. Patients underwent clinical evaluations, laboratory testing, and, where indicated, surgical intervention, including appendectomy. Data were analyzed using SPSSV.19, with findings presented in table format. Results: The most common presenting symptoms were central abdominal pain shifting to RIF, nausea, vomiting, and pyrexia (45%). Laparotomy findings indicated acute suppurative appendicitis in 68% of cases. Appendicectomy results showed a 61% positive diagnosis rate for appendicitis, with 23% negative appendicitis findings. Laboratory results revealed leukocytosis (>11000/mm3) in 66% and a neutrophil count of ?70% in 71% of the cases. Histopathological analysis post-appendectomy revealed 57.14% acute appendicitis, 15.48% gangrenous appendicitis, and 27.38% normal vermiform appendix. Conclusions: The study highlights the diagnostic challenges in females presenting with RIF pain, with a significant rate of negative appendicitis diagnoses post-appendectomy. The findings underscore the need for a comprehensive diagnostic approach and suggest the potential utility of laboratory markers in supporting diagnoses. The study advocates for improved diagnostic criteria and methods to enhance accuracy and patient outcomes.
Xanthogranulomatous oophoritis is a rare, peculiar, non-neoplastic, chronic inflammatory pathology that can mimic ovarian mass. Affected organ shows replacement of normal tissue with foamy histiocytes, multinucleate giant cells, neutrophils, fibroblasts, plasma cells and areas of necrosis within. Its aetiology is still unknown, and the final diagnosis is usually made through histopathological examination. The present case report describes an unusual presentation of simultaneous occurrence of Xanthogranulomatous oophoritis and fibrothecoma masquerading as bilateral tubo-ovarian masses in a post-menopausal female. Despite initial assumptions and suspicions of tubo-ovarian abscesses, surgical exploration revealed an unexpected pathology. Histopathological evaluation confirmed the diagnosis, emphasising the importance of vigilant and comprehensive assessment in atypical presentations.
Introducción: las neoplasias malignas en cavidad oral representan de 3-5% de todas las neoplasias, el carcinoma de células escamosas representa 90%, es la neoplasia más frecuente. Objetivo: identificar la frecuencia de neoplasias malignas diagnosticadas histopatológicamente en 2,042 casos consecutivos en la cavidad oral, en un servicio patológico privado, clasificándolas por edad, sexo y localización. Material y métodos: estudio transversal de un muestreo por conveniencia en un periodo que data de enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2018. Resultados: la prevalencia de neoplasias malignas fue de 6.06% (124/2042). Conclusiones: las neoplasias malignas afectan principalmente a personas mayores de 40 años con predilección por el sexo masculino, probablemente porque las mujeres acuden con mayor frecuencia a evaluaciones médicas (AU)
Introduction: malignant neoplasms in oral cavity represent 3 to 5% of all the neoplasms where squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequent with a representation rate of 90%. Objective: identify the frequency of malignant neoplasms diagnosed histopathologically in 2,042 consecutive cases in the oral cavity in a private oral pathology service, classifying them by age, sex and location. Material and methods: cross-sectional study of a sampling for convenience from the periods of January 2017 to December 2018. Results: the prevalence of malignant neoplasms was 6.06% (124/2042). Conclusions: malignant neoplasms mainly affect people over 40; with a predilection for the male sex, probably because women attend medical evaluations more frequently (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mouth Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Age Factors , Age and Sex Distribution , Hospitals, Military/statistics & numerical data , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background: Rifampicin and Isoniazid are two main medicinal drugs used as regimen in the treatment of Tuberculosis. These drugs induce hepatotoxicity. Liv-52, a polyherbal formulation has been shown to have clinical use in the treatment of liver disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the histopathological and biochemical effects of Liv-52 on INH and RIF induced hepatotoxicity. Methods: Adult albino rats weighing 150g to 250g were used. A total of 24 rats were randomly assigned into 4 groups of 6 rats each. Group 1 served as negative control. Hepatotoxicity was achieved by administering 50 mg/kg/day of RIF and INH each as positive control. Hepatoprotective effect was determined by administering Liv-52 concurrently with positive control. Low dose Liv-52 and high dose Liv-52 was administered at (155 mg/kg/day and 207 mg/kg/day) respectively, concurrently with RIF and INH at (50 mg/kg) each orally daily. After 21 days, the albino rats were sacrificed humanely, liver harvested and blood samples taken for estimation of liver serum biomarkers. The livers were processed and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin for histological examination. Significance levels of (p?0.05). Results: The three selected liver biochemical parameters (ALT, AST and ALP) significantly increased in positive control group relative to negative control. The hepatoprotective groups (especially the HD Liv-52 group) showed significant reduction in the biochemical parameters. The liver histopathological results confirmed the above findings. Conclusion: High dose Liv-52 significantly prevents hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular therapy by inhibiting rise liver biochemical parameters and also ameliorating the deranged liver histomorphological features.
Objective: This study investigates mucin expression patterns in gastric adenocarcinoma (GAC), examining neutral, sialomucins, and sulfomucins using histochemistry. We aim to correlate histological grading and molecular classication with mucin histochemistry offering potential diagnostic and prognostic markers. These ndings contribute to understanding the complex interplay between mucin alterations, molecular pathways, and clinical outcomes in GAC. This observational study, conducted from March 2021 to August 2022, included 50 Materials and Methods: cases of gastric adenocarcinoma. It utilized both prospective and retrospective approaches to gather specimens and employed histochemical staining techniques to assess mucin changes. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0, focusing on mucin expression patterns across different histopathological variants. Our ndings revealed age and sex d Results: istribution trends, distinct tumor histological patterns, and signicant peri-neural and lymphovascular invasion. In diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma, mucin staining patterns indicate increased mucin production and a shift toward neutral mucin. Conversely, intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma exhibits strong positivity for intestinal-type mucin components and sialomucins, with signicant sulphomucin presence. In our study, we explored various clinicopathological aspects of g Conclusion: astric adenocarcinoma (GAC) and delved into mucin staining patterns. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of GAC characteristics with potential clinical implications.
Bullous haemorrhagic dermatosis (BHD), a distinctive non-immune cutaneous eruption, manifests as the formation of haemorrhagic bullae on the skin. While it is an uncommon dermatologic entity, its clinical significance is underscored by its association with various medications, including anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, as well as chemotherapeutic drugs. Clinical or pathological signs of inflammation are usually absent. The pathophysiology of BHD involves the disruption of normal skin integrity, leading to the development of bullae containing blood. These bullae typically appear at sites distant from the initial lesion or injection site, posing challenges in diagnosis and management. Here we discuss three such cases and their presenting features.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Environmentally Relevant Concentration of Copper (ERCC) on anti-oxidant defense machinery and genotoxicity as well as their ultimate threats on the liver of Channa punctatus. Methodology: After acclimatization, fish were categorized into four separate groups. Group I served as control Group, while II, III and IV were exposed to ERCC, 10% and 20% increase in ERCC (0.85 mg l-1, 0.935 mg l-1 and 1.02mg l-1, respectively) for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Post-completion of stipulated exposure period, oxidative stress, DNA damages and hepato-architectural modifications were assessed. Results: The activities of Superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and lipid peroxidation were enhanced, while glutathione level decreased significantly (p<0.05) with elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in a dose-dependent manner. Micronuclei induction and COMET assay confirmed the genotoxic potential of ERCC. Elevated levels of serum glutamic oxaloaceticacid transaminase, glutamic pyruvate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase along with the distorted liver architecture validated hepato-toxicity. Interpretation: Fish are prone to toxicity at ERCC. Further increase by 10% or 20%, would be hazardous to fish, and eventually to humans at various tropic levels.
Background: Aim was to compare histological diagnosis of differently stained endometrial tissue on chromohysteroscopy.Methods: A total of 80 patients diagnosed with AUB and satisfying the study design were included in the study. Hysteroscopy followed by chromohysteroscopy was done using 1% methylene blue. Staining patterns were observed and guided biopsies were taken from differently stained areas and sent for histopathology.Results: On chromohysteroscopy, out of the 80 participants, 53 (66.3%) had focal staining and 27 (33.7%) had diffuse staining. The overall sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of TVS in diagnosing uterine abnormalities was 51.7%, 45.1%, 34.9%, 62.2% respectively. The overall sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for hysteroscopy were 96.6%, 41.2%, 48.3%, 95.5% respectively. The indices for chromohysteroscopy were as follows: sensitivity-69% for focal and 31% for diffuse staining, specificity-49.0% for focal staining and 69.7% for diffuse staining, PPV-43.5% for focal and 33.3% for diffuse staining, NPV-73.5% for focal staining and 62.3% for diffuse staining.Conclusions: The idea of staining of endometrium and taking a guided biopsy is exciting and is undoubtedly, better than a blind sampling. However, subjecting all the patient of AUB to chromohysteroscopy in order to find a major histopathological difference is questionable and needs larger trials to reach to concrete decision.
Objectives: Newer diagnostic techniques like cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification techniques (CB NAAT) need to be evaluated for extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB), as being a paucibacillary condition, it is often underdiagnosed with conventional methods. We conducted this study to assess the utility of CB NAAT (GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay) in rapid diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Material and Methods: Liver disease patients admitted from June 2019 to June 2020 were investigated for EPTB based on clinical and radiological suspicion. EPTB was diagnosed based on one of the following: (i) histological evidence of caseating granulomas; (ii) smear positivity for acid-fast bacilli; (iii) CB NAAT (GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay, Cepheid, USA). Results: A total of 290 EPTB specimens received in the laboratory were included. The extrapulmonary samples that were received included body fluids (n = 143) which included pleural fluid, ascitic fluid, drain fluids, and pus aspirates, followed by biopsies (n = 82), lymph nodes (n = 43), urine (n = 19), and CSF (n = 3). GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay was positive in 10.3% (n = 30) samples, whereas negative in 89.7% (n = 260) samples. The overall sensitivity of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay was 61.36% (95% CI 46.62%–74.28%), specificity 89.29% (95% CI 72.8%–96.29%), positive predictive value (PPV) 90% (95% CI 74.38%–96.54%), and negative predictive value (NPV) 59.52% (95% CI 44.49%–72.96%). Conclusion: The GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay is a valuable tool for extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In addition to other tests like smear, culture GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay helps in the confirmation of diagnosis. Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis with overall good sensitivity and specificity makes it a beneficial test.
Background: Nasal and paranasal abnormalities frequently represent the primary observations in the otorhinolaryngology domain. Thorough clinical evaluation and radiological methodologies aid in establishing a preliminary diagnosis; however, histopathological examination (HPE) remains indispensable for confirming a definitive diagnosis. The objective is to determine the demographic breakdown of patients exhibiting sinonasal lesions and to evaluate and correlate clinical and radiological observations with histopathological diagnoses. Materials and Methods: This ambispective observational study involved 128 sinonasal lesions diagnosed via histopathology spanning 3 years (2020–2023). All pertinent clinical radiological observations were recorded, and tissue samples underwent staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), special stains, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) when necessary. The collected data were organized into tables, and statistical analyses were conducted. Results: Among the 128 cases examined, 98 (76.56%) were identified as non-neoplastic lesions, 14 (10.93%) as benign neoplasms, and 16 (12.50%) as malignant lesions through HPE. The male-to-female ratio stood at 1.2:1. The highest number of cases was observed within the age bracket of 21–40 years. Nasal obstruction emerged as the predominant symptom, accounting for 46 (35.93%) cases. Conclusion: A broad range of lesions can impact the sinonasal tract. While clinical and radiological characteristics may exhibit similarities, histopathology is the ultimate standard for confirming a definitive diagnosis.
Introduction: In terms of female genital tract?related cancers, ovarian tumors account for 3% of all tumors. On the basis of gross, radiological, and clinical features alone, ovarian neoplasms cannot be diagnosed. Therefore, a clear histological diagnosis is necessary before beginning a permanent course of therapy. Settings and Design: Cross?sectional analytical study. Material and Methods: In this ambispective study, a total of 480 patients with ovarian tumors were included from January 2015 to July 2022 at a tertiary care center in western Maharashtra. Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics?percentages, mean, and Chi?square test (to calculate P value) were used to analyze the collected data. Aim: To determine clinical presentation, age distribution and incidence of various morphological and histological variants of ovarian tumors. Results: Out of 480, 250 cases (52%) in 41–50 years of age, followed by 154 cases (32%) in 21–30 years of age. Our study showed 301 cases of benign, 42 cases of borderline, and 137 cases of malignant neoplasms of ovary out of 480 cases studied. Out of 480 cases, 244 cases (50.83%) were cystic, 138 cases (28.75%) were solid, and 98 cases (20.42%) were mixed (cystic/ solid). Out of 480 cases, 326 cases (67.91%) were surface epithelial ovarian neoplasms. In this research, most frequent ovarian neoplasms were serous tumors in 216 cases (45%) followed by mucinous tumors in 78 cases (16.25%). In 96% cases, clinical diagnosis matched with histopathological diagnosis. Conclusion: In our research, benign ovarian neoplasms were most frequent. Serous tumors were the most frequent type of surface epithelial neoplasms followed by mucinous tumors. Peak incidence was seen in fifth decade. Higher risk of malignancy was seen in nulliparity or low parity and early menarche not associated with risk of malignancy. Cystic morphology more common in benign neoplasms and complex or solid morphology showed greatest increase in incidence of malignancy. Latest WHO classification has important impact on prognosis and therapy of the patient.