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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 256-260, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558141


SUMMARY: This study evaluated the morphology of alpacas skin. Biopsies were collected and samples were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin for histological procedures. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius red and Masson's trichrome. Types I, III and IV collagen were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The derma presented sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as follicular groups with medullated fibers. Type I and type IV collagen were observed at epidermis and dermis as well as in glandular structures and hair follicles. The collagen III, was observed only in dermis.

Este estudio evaluó la morfología de la piel de alpacas. Se recogieron biopsias y las muestras se fijaron en formalina tamponada neutra al 10 % para procedimientos histológicos. Las secciones se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, rojo picrosirius y tricrómico de Masson. El colágeno tipo I, III y IV se analizó mediante inmunohistoquímica. La dermis presentó glándulas sebáceas y sudoríparas, así como grupos foliculares con fibras medulares. Se observó colágeno tipo I y tipo IV en la epidermis y la dermis, así como en estructuras glandulares y folículos pilosos. El colágeno III, se observó únicamente en la dermis.

Animals , Camelids, New World/anatomy & histology , Integumentary System/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 173-184, feb. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528836


SUMMARY: Calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 1 (CLCA1) is associated with cancer progression. The expression and immunologic function of CLCA1 in stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) remain unclear. In this investigation, the expression of CLCA1 in STAD tissues and its involvement in the progression and immune response of STAD were examined using databases such as cBioPortal, TISIDB, and UALCAN. In order to validate the expression level of CLCA1 protein in gastric adenocarcinoma, thirty clinical tissue specimens were gathered for immunohistochemical staining. The findings indicated a downregulation of CLCA1 in STAD patients, which was correlated with race, age, cancer grade, Helicobacter pylori infection, and molecular subtype. Through the examination of survival analysis, it was identified that diminished levels of CLCA1 within gastric cancer cases were linked to decreased periods of post-progression survival (PPS), overall survival (OS), and first progression (FP) (P<0.05). The CLCA1 mutation rate was lower in STAD, but the survival rate was higher in the variant group. The correlation between the expression level of CLCA1 and the levels of immune infiltrating cells in STAD, as well as the immune activating molecules, immunosuppressive molecules, MHC molecules, chemokines, and their receptor molecules, was observed. Gene enrichment analysis revealed that CLCA1 may be involved in STAD progression through systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), proteasome, cell cycle, pancreatic secretion, and PPAR signaling pathways. In summary, CLCA1 is anticipated to function as a prognostic marker for patients with STAD and is linked to the immunization of STAD.

El regulador 1 del canal de cloruro activado por calcio (CLCA1) está asociado con la progresión del cáncer. La expresión y la función inmunológica de CLCA1 en el adenocarcinoma de estómago (STAD) aún no están claras. En esta investigación, se examinó la expresión de CLCA1 en tejidos STAD y su participación en la progresión y respuesta inmune de STAD utilizando bases de datos como cBioPortal, TISIDB y UALCAN. Para validar el nivel de expresión de la proteína CLCA1 en el adenocarcinoma gástrico, se recolectaron treinta muestras de tejido clínico para tinción inmunohistoquímica. Los hallazgos indicaron una regulación negativa de CLCA1 en pacientes con STAD, que se correlacionó con la raza, la edad, el grado del cáncer, la infección por Helicobacter pylori y el subtipo molecular. Mediante el examen del análisis de supervivencia, se identificó que los niveles reducidos de CLCA1 en los casos de cáncer gástrico estaban relacionados con períodos reducidos de supervivencia posterior a la progresión (PPS), supervivencia general (OS) y primera progresión (FP) (P <0,05). La tasa de mutación CLCA1 fue menor en STAD, pero la tasa de supervivencia fue mayor en el grupo variante. Se observó la correlación entre el nivel de expresión de CLCA1 y los niveles de células inmunes infiltrantes en STAD, así como las moléculas activadoras inmunes, moléculas inmunosupresoras, moléculas MHC, quimiocinas y sus moléculas receptoras. El análisis de enriquecimiento genético reveló que CLCA1 puede estar involucrado en la progresión de STAD a través del lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), el proteasoma, el ciclo celular, la secreción pancreática y las vías de señalización de PPAR. En resumen, se prevé que CLCA1 funcione como un marcador de pronóstico para pacientes con STAD y está vinculado a la inmunización de STAD.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/metabolism , Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Chloride Channels/metabolism , Prognosis , Stomach Neoplasms/immunology , Immunohistochemistry , Adenocarcinoma/immunology , Biomarkers, Tumor , Survival Analysis , Chloride Channels/genetics , Chloride Channels/immunology , Computational Biology , Mutation
An. bras. dermatol ; 99(1): 66-71, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527681


Abstract Background: Only a fraction of patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) will eventually progress toward systemic disease (SLE). Objective: To find inflammatory biomarkers which could predict the progression of cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) into systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays. Methods: Immunohistochemical markers for cytotoxic, inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory responses and morphometric methods were applied to routine paraffin sections of skin biopsies, taken from lesions of 59 patients with discoid lupus, subacute lupus, and lupus tumidus. For the diagnosis of SLE, patients were classified by both the American College of Rheumatology (ACR-82) and the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC-12) systems. Results: Skin samples from CLE/SLE +patients presented higher expression of IL-1β (ARC-82: p = 0.024; SLICC-12: p = 0.0143) and a significantly higher number of cells marked with granzyme B and perforin (ARC: p = 0.0097; SLICC-12: p = 0.0148). Biopsies from CLE/SLE- individuals had higher expression of IL-17 (ARC-82: p = 0.0003; SLICC-12: p = 0.0351) and presented a positive correlation between the density of granzyme A+and FoxP3+ cells (ARC-82: p = 0.0257; SLICC-12: p = 0.0285) and CD8+ cells (ARC-82: p = 0.0075; SLICC-12: p = 0.0102), as well as between granulysin-positive and CD8+ cells (ARC-82: p = 0.0024; SLICC-12: p = 0.0116). Study limitations: Patients were evaluated at a specific point in their evolution and according to the presence or not of systemic disease. The authors cannot predict how many more, from each group, would have evolved towards SLE in the following years. Conclusions: In this cohort, immunohistochemical findings suggested that patients with a tendency to systemic disease will show strong reactivity for IL-1β, while those with purely cutaneous involvement will tend to express IL-17 more intensely.

Acta méd. peru ; 41(1): 47-52, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568743


RESUMEN El schwannoma de colon es una entidad sumamente rara que puede debutar como lesión subepitelial con signos ulcerativos de melena y anemia. El estudio de imágenes nos orienta a la localización mientras que la biopsia colonoscópica no es de ayuda. Muchas veces el diagnóstico y tratamiento se efectúa con la resección de la lesión en tanto que el diagnóstico final se realiza en el posoperatorio por histopatología y por la inmunohistoquímica, la cual muestra positividad intensa para S100 y vimentina en las células tumorales con un índice de proliferación KI67 menor al 1%, por lo que se concluye que se trata de una lesión benigna. Presentamos el siguiente caso por su dificultad diagnóstica pre e intraoperatoria, clínica inespecífica y diagnóstico definitivo por inmunohistoquímica.

ABSTRACT Colon schwannoma is an extremely rare entity that may debut as a subepithelial lesion with ulceration signs, such as melena and anemia. Imaging studies guide us to localization, while a colonoscopy biopsy is not helpful. Many times, the diagnosis and treatment are made with lesion resection, and the final diagnosis is postoperatively made with histopathology and immunohistochemistry, which shows intense positivity for S100 and vimentin in tumor cells with a KI67 proliferation index of less than 1%, therefore, it is concluded that this is a benign lesion. We present this case due to its pre- and intraoperative diagnostic difficulty, non-specific symptoms, and its definitive diagnosis that was achieved with immunohistochemistry.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 105: 3-3, ene. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559271


Resumen El tumor maligno de la vaina nerviosa periférica (TMVNP) es un sarcoma de alto grado de malignidad. Es poco frecuente, agresivo y generalmente se localiza en tronco y miembros inferiores. Se presenta mayormente en pacientes con neurofibormatosis tipo 1, aunque no siempre se encuentra esta asociación. Este tumorcomparte características histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas con el melanoma, lo que puede dificultar el diagnóstico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con TMVNP, en el cual los hallazgos histológicos iniciales condujeron a un diagnósticoerróneode melanoma.

Abstract Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is a high-grade sarcoma. It is rare, aggressive and generally located on the trunk and lower limbs. It occurs in a high percentage of patients with neurofibormatosis type 1, although this association is not always found. This tumor shares histological and immunohistochemical characteristics with melanoma, which can make diagnosis difficult. We present the case of a patient with MPNST, in whom the initial histological findings led to an erroneous diagnosis of melanoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017006


Objective Studies on the expression and location of zinc finger protein A20 (A20) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) in liver tissues of patients with chronic hepatitis B were conducted, and the relationship between them and liver fibrosis was determined by FibroScan. Methods Studies on A20 and CTGF in liver tissues of 160 patients with chronic hepatitis B were conducted in accordance with the stage of pathological fibrosis and inflammation of the liver, and quantitative immunohistochemistry test was conducted, and statistical analysis was conducted by FibroScan. Results The expressions of A20 and CTGF in liver tissues increased with the aggravation of liver pathological fibrosis and inflammation, and there were significant differences between each stage and the control group (P0.05). There was positive correlation between liver A20 and CTGF, r=0.796 (P<0.05). Conclusions In patients with chronic hepatitis B, A20, CTGF and FibroScan are positively correlated with the degree of liver fibrosis, and A20 and CTGF are also positively correlated with the degree of liver inflammation, which can be used as indicators to evaluate the degree of liver inflammation and fibrosis, and further guide the anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis treatment of patients.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 651-656, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017513


Objective To investigate the expression and significance of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 3(CDKN3)in human papillomavirus type 16(HPV16)-positive cervical cancer.Methods CDKN3 expression in pan-cancer was retrieved and downloaded from the Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis(GEPIA)platform,and the expression levels of CDKN3 between normal cervical tissues(13 samples)and cervical cancer tissues(306 samples)were compared.Subsequently,GSE39001 data of HPV16-positive cervical cancer was sourced and downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO)database,and the expression levels of CDKN3 mRNA in HPV16-positive cervical cancer tissues(43 samples)and normal cervical tissues(12 samples)were compared.Immunohistochemical method was used to detect the expression of CDKN3 in 12 ca-ses of HPV16-positive cervical cancer,12 cases of HPV16-positive cervical precancerous lesions,10 cases of HPV16-positive chronic cervicitis and 7 cases of HPV-negative normal cervical samples collected from the Af-filiated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University.SiHa(HPV16-positive),HeLa(HPV18-positive)and HCC94(HPV-negative)cervical cancer cell lines were selected,and their CDKN3 expression were detected by West-ern blot.Results The GEPIA platform analysis showed that CDKN3 was highly expressed in pan-cancer,and the expression level of CDKN3 in cervical cancer tissue was significantly higher than that in normal cervical tissue(P<0.05).The GEO dataset reflected a significantly increased CDKN3 mRNA expression level in HPV16-positive cervical cancer compared to normal cervical tissue(P<0.001).Immunohistochemical verifi-cation showed that the positive expression rates of CDKN3 in HPV16-positive cervical cancer,HPV16-positive cervical precancerous lesion,HPV16-positive chronic cervicitis and HPV-negative normal cervical tissues were 91.7%,58.3%,0 and 0,respectively.Western blot analysis of cervical cancer cells showed that the expression level of CDKN3 in SiHa(HPV16-positive)cells was significantly higher than that in HeLa(HPV18-positive)and HCC94(HPV-negative)cells(P<0.05).Conclusion CDKN3 is a new oncogene of HPV16-positive cer-vical cancer,which may be used as a marker of cervical precancerous lesions and cervical cancer screening,and may provide a theoretical basis for subsequent mechanism research and targeted therapy.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 215-221, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018771


Objective To investigate the effects and mechanisms of peimine(PME)on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)in mice.Methods The mice were randomly divided into 4 groups(20 mice in each group),control group,PME group,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group and treatment group.Animal models of COPD were induced in mice by lipopolysaccharide combined with smoke.The effects of PME on COPD model mice was analyzed by HE staining,transmission electron microscopy and the ratio of wet/dry weight of mouse lung tissue.The effects of PME on COPD model mice were analyzed by HE staining,transmission electron microscopy and the ratio of wet/dry weight of mouse lung tissue.The effects of PME on inflammatory factor tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α,interleukin(IL)-6 and IL-1β in lung tissue were analyzed by ELISA and Western blotting.The effects of PME on oxidative stress in lung tissue were analyzed by dihydroethidium(DHE)staining and Western blotting.The effects of PME on nuclear factor kappa-B(NF-κB)pathway and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(Nrf2)pathway were analyzed by protein immunoblotting.Results Compared with the COPD group,PME treatment could significantly improve the lung tissue injury and the number of inflammatory cells in mice,and the wet/dry weight ratio of lung tissue was significantly reduced.Compared with the control group,the levels of TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-1β in the alveolar lavage fluid of COPD mice significantly increased,and the level of TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-1β in the alveolar lavage fluid of mice after PME treatment was significantly reduced.In addition,compared with the control group,the protein expression of TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-1β in the lung tissue of COPD mice significantly increased,and the level of TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-1β in the lung tissue of COPD mice after PME treatment were significantly reduced.Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting showed that the level of superoxide dismutase 2(SOD2)protein in COPD group was significantly lower than that in control group,while PME treatment could improve the level of superoxide dismutase protein.The analysis of MDA content in lung tissue showed that compared with the COPD group,the production of MDA in lung tissue of COPD mice was significantly inhibited after PME treatment.Protein Western blotting showed that PME treatment could prevent the phosphorylation of inhibitor of NF-κB(IκBα)and the transfer of NF-κB p65 to the cell nucleus,and the expression of Nrf2 and its main downstream target heme oxygenase-1(HO-1)in the lung tissue of mice treated with PME significantly increased.Conclusion PME is able to inhibit inflammation and oxidative stress and improve lung tissues damage in the COPD model in vivo and this protection effect might be both the Nrf2 pathway activation and NF-κB pathway inhibition.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019350


Purpose To investigate the expression of Che-mokine(C-X-C Motif)receptor 5(CXCR5)and its clinico-pathological significance in classic Hodgkin lymphoma(CHL).Methods The expression of CXCR5 was assessed in 33 pa-tients by immunohistochemistry(IHC),and retrospectively ana-lyzed the expression and clinical significance of CXCR5 in the four subtypes of CHL.Meanwhile,10 cases of ALK-positive an-aplastic large cell lymphoma(ALCL)and 10 cases of ALK-neg-ative ALCL were collected as the control group.ResultsThere were 31 cases with CXCR5-positive in all 33 cases(93.94%),including 15/16(93.75%)in nodular sclerosis CHL,12/13(92.31%)in mixed cellularity CHL,2/2 in lymphocyte-rich CHL,and 2/2 in lymphocyte-depleted CHL.The positive ex-pressions of CXCR5 in different immunophenotypes of CHL were as follow,31/33(93.94%)in CD30 positive and PAX5 weakly positive CHL.12/14(85.71%)in CD15 negative CHL,24/26(92.31%)in CD20 negative CHL,10/11(90.91%)in EBER-negative CHL and 5/6 in LMP1-negative CHL.CXCR5 were not expressed in all 20 cases of ALCL.Conclusion The positive expression rate of CXCR5 in CHL is high.When the tumor cells are negative for CD15,LMP1 and CD20 or EBER,CXCR5 also has a high positive expression rate,which is helpful for the diagnosis of CHL.CXCR5 can be used to differentiate CHL from ALCL,especially the cases lacking typical morpholo-gy and immunohistochemistry.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019353


Purpose To explore the pathological features of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma(AITL)with bone marrow involvement and to improve awareness of bone marrow infiltration in AITL.Methods The tissue morphology of 32 cases of AITL with bone marrow involvement was retrospectively analyzed.Im-munohistochemistry using the EnVision method and ten-color flow cytometry were conducted to detect AITL-related immune markers.T cell clonality was analyzed through T cell receptor(TCR)gene rearrangement.Results The predominant pat-terns of tumor cell infiltration were nodular(20/32,62.5%)and interstitial or small clusters(10/32,31.3%).The nodules showed a mixture of cellular components.In some cases,the fo-ci contained a mixture of cells with characteristic"granuloma-toid"changes.The tumor cells were mainly small to medium-sized lymphocytes with inconspicuous atypia.Some cases showed plasma cell proliferation.19 cases were subject to immunohisto-chemical staining,which revealed a low count of CD4-positive T cells,with an average of 8.4%.The positive rates of T follic-ular helper cells(TFH)markers were as follows:CD10(7/14,50.0%),BCL6(6/19,31.6%),PD-1(13/19,68.4%),and CXCL13(13/19,68.4%).In most cases,tumor cells showed co-expression of PD-1 and CXCL13,but the number of positive cells was less than 1%.Flow cytometry analysis was performed in 24 cases,among which 22 cases all consistently expressed cytoplasmic CD3(cCD3),CD5,CD4,and CD2,with varying degrees of CD10 expression.In some cases,there was a lack of expression of surface CD3(sCD3)(12/22,54.5%),while there was a lack of expression of CD7(8/22,36.4%).and no abnormal T cells were found in 2 cases.TCR gene rearrangement analysis was performed in 7 cases,with 3 cases showing TCR clonality.Conclusion AITL with bone marrow involvement exhibits a lower proportion of tumor cells and less atypia,making it prone to misdiagnosis.The presence of lymphocytic foci with mixed cellular components in the bone marrow can indicate bone marrow involvement in AITL.Flow cy-tometry detection of abnormal T cells(double positive for CD4 and CD10)strongly suggests bone marrow infiltration in AITL.A comprehensive diagnosis of bone marrow involvement in AITL re-quires consideration of bone marrow biopsy,flow cytometry,and TCR gene rearrangement analysis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019355


Purpose To explore the molecular features of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL)with high expression of MYC.Methods The clinical data of 45 cases of DLBCL were collected.Immunohistochemical EnVision method was used to classify the patients into the group with high expression of MYC and the group with low expression of MYC.All samples were subjected to DNA targeted sequencing and molecular typing was performed using the LymphGen online tool.Cellular origin was determined by using the Lymph2Cx method.The correlation be-tween MYC overexpression and clinicopathological parameters was analyzed by the x2 test and Fisher precise test.Survival curves were drawn and survival-related factors were analyzed u-sing Cox univariate and multivariate regression.ResultsCases were classified into DLBCL with high expression of MYC(n=17)and DLBCL with low expression of MYC(n=28).Com-pared to the group with low expression of MYC,the group with high expression of MYC had more PIM1,MYD88,CD79B,CD58 and PRDM1 mutations(76.5%vs 28.6%,70.6%vs 32.1%,58.8%vs28.6%,29.4%vs3.6%,29.4%vs 3.6%,P<0.05),MCD were more frequently found(58.8%vs 10.7%,P=0.001),GCB were rarely found(17.6%vs 50.0%,P=0.030).Overall survival was significantly shorter in DLBCL with high expression of MYC(P<0.05).Cox multi-factorial analysis showed that age was an independent prognostic factor for DLBCL(P<0.05).Conclusion Patients with high expression of MYC were frequently characterized as MCD and ABC,and PIM1,MYD88,CD79B,CD58 and PRDM1 muta-tions were common.Patients with high expression of MYC had a poorer prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019356


Purpose To explore the clinicopathological characteristics of tonsil squamous cell carcinoma(TSCC),and to explore the whole exome mutations and tumor mutational bur-den(TMB)in TSCC cases.Methods Ten patients with clini-cally and histopathologically confirmed TSCC and their clinico-pathological characteristics were collected,The expression of CK(AE1/AE3),CK5/6,p63,p40,p16 and Ki67 were meas-ured by two steps of EnVision,and the whole exome sequencing(WES)and TMB were conducted in 3 of them.Results A-mong the 10 patients,there were 6 females and 4 males which aged from 43 to 76 years old.Microscopically,the cancer cells infiltrated into the subdermis of crypts in the form ofnests and irregular cord,accompanied by comedo like necrosis,intercellu-lar bridges,and varying degrees of keratinization.Obvious atyp-ia and mitotic figures were easily seen.Follow-up was available in all cases,ranging from 6 to 45 months.Nine cases had sur-vived.Immunohistochemistry staining showed that all cases were positive for CK(AE1/AE3),CK5/6,p63,p40,and p16 was positively expressed in three cases,and the proliferation index Ki67 ranged from 40%to 90%.The WES of three cases showed that ARID1B and LRP6 were common cancer susceptibility genes,and WDFY4,ZFHX4 exhibited higher mutation rates,which were both 3/3.The TMB analysis showed that one out of three cases was>9 mut/Mb.Conclusion The early symptoms of TSCC are not obvious that lead to easily missed and misdiag-nosed.The WES analyses suggest that WDFY4 and ZFHX4 had a higher mutation rate.The TMB analysis suggests that some TSCC patients may benefit from immunotherapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019364


Purpose To analyze the expression of FOXA3 in colorectal cancer(CRC)and its correlation with clinicopatho-logical features.Methods FOXA3 mRNA expression in 31 CRC cancer tissues and their matched normal tissues was detec-ted by real-time quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR).The protein ex-pression of FOXA3 in 120 CRC cancer tissues was detected by immunohistochemical EnVision two-step method,and the clini-copathologic features such as lymph node metastasis and immu-nohistochemical expression were analyzed.Results The mRNA expression level of FOXA3 in colorectal cancer tissues was sig-nificantly higher than that in paired paracancer tissues(t=2.952,P=0.006 1).FOXA3 protein expression level in color-ectal cancer tissues was not significantly correlated with gender,age,site and size of patients,but significantly correlated with the degree of tissue differentiation(P=0.006)and lymph node metastasis(P=0.002).The degree of differentiation was nega-tively correlated with FOXA3 expression,while lymph node me-tastasis was positively correlated with FOXA3 expression.Sur-vival analysis showed that higher FOXA3 expression was associ-ated with worse overall survival(P<0.000 1),and FOXA3 was an independent risk factor for prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer.Conclusion This study suggests that FOXA3 may play a promoting role in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer,and FOXA3 may be a molecular marker for the diagnosis,metastasis and prognosis of colorectal cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019365


Purpose To investigate the clinical feature and histopathology of pyloric gland adenoma.Methods Clinical da-ta of 16 cases of pyloric adenomas were collected.The expres-sion of Pepsinogen I,p53,MUC6,MUC5AC,CgA,Syn,CD56,Ki67,CDX-2,MUC2,β-catenin,and CD10 was detec-ted by immunohistochemistry EnVision method.The relationship with clinicopathological features and prognosis was analyzed.Results There were 7 males and 9 females,aged from 26 to 81 years with an average of 58 years.Tumor diameters ranged from 0.2 to 4 centimeter with a mean of 1.3 centimeter.The anatomi-cal sites of the 16 PGA were stomach(6 cases),including 3 ca-ses in body,3 cases in fundus and duodenum(3 cases).7 ca-ses of low-grade PGAs were composed of closely packed pyloric-type glands,lined by cuboidal/low columnar epithelia.The nu-clei(round to ovoid)were basally located,with inconspicuous nucleoli.Neoplastic cells characterized by a defined ground-glass appearance,with clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm.The cell was lack of a well-defined apical mucin cap.1 case of high-grade PGAs consistently exhibited architecture,crowded nuclei,and loss of nuclear polarity.The remaining 8 cases had both low-and high-grade components.Squamous morula was found in 5 cases.According to immunohistochemical characteristics,8 of 16 cases were mixed pattern(MUC5AC+,MUC6+).Others were pure pyloric type(MUC5AC-,MUC6+).No foveolar-dominant type(MUC5AC+,MUC6-)was found.Conclusion PGA is a rare tumor of the digestive system,with characteristic morpholog-ical characteristics and immunophenotype.Clinicians and pathol-ogists need to strengthen their understanding and better manage patients because of the risk of malignant transformation.Early detection,early diagnosis and early treatment are needed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019366


Purpose To observe the clinicopathological changes of gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic-gland mucosa type(GA-FGM).Methods The clinicopathological data of 4 cases of GA-FGM was analyzed retrospectively.The expression of MUC5AC and MUC6 was detected by immunohistochemical method,and review relevant literature.Results The tumor dif-ferentiated into gastric foveal epithelium and gastric fundus gland.The differentiated part of the pits consists of high colum-nar neoplastic epithelium with low atypia,which can be papilla-ry,villous or tubular morphology.Immunohistochemical staining showed MUC5AC expression.The gastric fundus gland differen-tiated into cervical mucous cells,main cells and parietal cells,and was positive for MUC6 immunohistochemistry.Conclusion Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic-gland mucosa type has u-nique pathologic characteristics,which is very difficult to diag-nose in biopsy,and the morphology of GA-FGM overlaps with that of gastric fundus adenocarcinoma,so we need to strengthen our understanding.Immunohistochemistry plays an important role in differential diagnosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019370


Purpose To evaluate the classification criteria of triple negative breast cancer(TNBC)based on histomorphol-ogy and immunohistochemistry(IHC),and to provide theoreti-cal basis for the classification and treatment of TNBCs.Methods TNBC subtyping was performed according to the histomorphologi-cal characteristics and the expression of immune markers AR,CD8 and FOXC1,and the clinicopathological features and prog-nostic differences were compared.Results Among 93 cases of TNBC,there were 23 cases(24.7%)of luminal androgen re-ceptor subtypes,24 cases(25.8%)of immunomodulatory type,39 cases(42.0%)of basal immunosuppressive type,and 7 ca-ses(7.5%)of mesenchymal type.There were significant differ-ences in the clinicopathological features of subtypes,including pT stage(P=0.030),histological grade(P<0.001),intersti-tial lymphocyte infiltration pattern(P<0.001),expression of PD-L1(P<0.001),and HER2-low(P=0.024).There was no significant difference in disease-free survival among the sub-types(P>0.05).Univariate survival analysis showed there was significant difference in disease-free survival among the subtypes at pT1 stage(P=0.011),and other clinicopathological features were not independent prognostic factors.Conclusion The clini-copathological characteristics of TNBC subtypes are different,which are expected to be an alternative choice for complex gene expression profile analysis and to provide theoretical basis for subtypic therapy and targeted therapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019372


Purpose To explore the application and clini-copathological significance of molecular classification in endome-trial cancer(EC)of WHO(2020)tumors of the female repro-ductive system.Methods Sixty-two EC patients were collected and categorized into four subgroups,namely POLE mutation type,mismatch repair deficient(MMRd)type,non-specific molecular spectrum(NMSP)type,and p53 mutation type,based on WHO molecular classification tested by PCR and im-munohistochemistry.The correlation among four molecular sub-groups and their clinicopathological features were analyzed.Re-sults The molecular classification was distributed as follows:3(4.8%)cases were POLE-mutated,15(24.2%)cases MMRd,36(58.1%)cases NSMP and 8(12.9%)cases p53 abnormal expression.There were no significant differences a-mong POLE-mutated and infiltration depth,grade,lymph vascu-lar space invasion and other pathological factors such as lymph node metastasis and FIGO stage(P>0.05).Among 15 patients with MMRd,the proportion of FIGO stage Ⅱ+Ⅲ significantly increased.One case showed abnormal overexpression of p53 pro-tein,while two cases showed complete loss of expression in MMRd subgroup.36 cases of NSMP were associated with low histopathological grade(Grade Ⅰ+Ⅱ)(P<0.05),and no significant differences were observed among NSMP and other clinicopathological factors(P>0.05).The p53 abnormal ex-pression in 8 cases was related to high histopathological grade(Grade Ⅲ)(P<0.05),and the rate of lymph node metastasis and FIGO stage Ⅱ+Ⅲ significantly increased in patients with p53 abnormal expression,and although the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion The molecu-lar subgroups of EC have certain clinical application value,the cases with MMRd and p53 abnormal expression may have poor prognosis than these with POLE-mutated and NSMP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019597


Objective To evaluate the value of high-throughput sequencing(HTS)data reanalysis that does not include ERBB2 copy number variation(CNV)analysis,in identifying ERBB2 amplification in patients with colorectal cancer.Methods The HTS data of 252 cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed by pathological biopsy who received peripheral blood cfDNA HTS detection samples were retrospectively analyzed.According to the HTS data of ERBB2 non-amplified samples judged by immunohistochemistry(IHC)and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH),the number of chromosome 17(Chr17)reads in the total number of reads was calculated the range of the ratio was initially determined as the threshold for prompting ERBB2 amplification.Suspected positive samples were screened according to thresholds and verified by digital PCR,IHC and FISH.Results The proportion of the number of Chr17 reads accounts for the number of total reads in the 89 cases of ERBB2 non-amplified samples determined by IHC and/or FISH ranged from 0.188 to 0.299(0.239±0.192).Using 0.298(1.25 times the mean)as the threshold indicating ERBB2 amplification,the data of 163 samples were analyzed,of which 7 cases were suspected to be positive,and the ratio ranged from 0.302 to 0.853.Among them,5 cases were determined to be positive by IHC and/or FISH,and 6 cases were confirmed to be positive by digital PCR.The ratio of the number of Chr17 reads to the number of total reads was positively correlated with the ratio of ERBB2/EIF2C1,and the correlation was good(r2=0.909).Conclusion The high-throughput sequencing data that does not cover the ERBB2 CNV analysis has a certain hint value for ERBB2 amplification in patients with colorectal cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020937


Ocular adnexal lymphoma is a common orbital malignant tumor.The incidence of ocular adnexal lymphoma is in-creasing rapidly each year,and the clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics of the disease are not specific.Therefore,the diagnosis of the disease relies on pathological tissue analysis.Accurate diagnosis of ocular adnexal lymphoma relies on mor-phology,immunohistochemistry,molecular and cytogenetics.With in-depth research on the disease,it has been found that the clinical prognosis of this tumor is characterized by high recurrence.This article mainly explains the correlation between high dis-ease recurrence rate and histopathological characteristics.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021671


BACKGROUND:As a dominant breed pig in southwest China,the southern Yunnan small-ear pig has been widely used as an experimental animal in the basic research of other disciplines,but there are still no reports on its application in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. OBJECTIVE:To establish a large animal model of the southern Yunnan small-ear pig with anterior cruciate ligament with autologous Achilles tendon was established. METHODS:Twenty adult female Yunnan small-ear pigs were equally randomized into two groups.In the autologous Achilles tendon group,the right knee anterior cruciate ligament was reconstructed with autologous Achilles tendon as a graft,while in the sham-operated group,a similar operation was performed on the right knee without any treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament.General conditions of each pig were observed and recorded before and 12 months after surgery.Ligaments and grafts were taken for gross observation and MAS scoring.Hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed to observe morphological characteristics of ligaments.The staining and arrangement of type I and type Ⅲ collagen were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.Transmission electron microscopy was used to observe the type,size,diameter,ratio,and distribution of collagen fibers in ligaments. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:All animals had normal diet and activity,good wound healing,no obvious inflammatory reaction,no local purulent infection,and no significant changes in mental and urinary conditions compared with those before surgery.The reconstructed cruciate ligament of the knee was intact,with no stiffness and normal range of motion.Both the anterior drawer and Lachman tests were negative.Gross observation of the graft:12 months after surgery,the grafts was in good position,with good integrity,obvious tension,ligament color close to the original anterior cruciate ligament,and complete surface synovial coverage.Most of the intraarticular ligaments in the autologous Achilles tendon group were defined as MAS I type and a few were defined as MAS Ⅱ type.In the sham-operated group,the intraarticular ligament was defined as MAS I type.Hematoxylin-eosin staining indicated that,12 months after surgery,collagen fibers in the autologous Achilles tendon group began to appear bundled,isotropic,and uniformly arranged,with more obvious isotropic corrugations,and the nuclei were mainly linear or spindle-shaped,which were similar to those in normal anterior cruciate ligament tissue of the sham-operated group.Immunohistochemistry results indicated that,12 months after surgery,there was a higher expression of type I collagen and significantly less expression of type Ⅲ collagen in the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament in the autologous Achilles tendon group.The degree of type I and type Ⅲ staining was similar in the two groups.Under the transmission electron microscope,the diameter,arrangement and density of collagen fibers in the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament of the autologous Achilles tendon group were similar to those of the original anterior cruciate ligament at 12 months after surgery,indicating that the ligament remodeling process had been basically completed in the autologous Achilles tendon group at 12 months after surgery.Through a comprehensive evaluation of animal general conditions,ligament general view,MAS score,hematoxylin-eosin staining,immunohistochemistry,and transmission electron microscopy observation,we successfully established a large animal model of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous Achilles tendon in southern Yunnan small-ear pigs,with good morphological,histological and ultrastructural results.