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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240435


Background: The most prevalent nutritional disorder during pregnancy is iron-deficiency anemia (IDA). Management of anemia can be done by either oral, parenteral, or blood transfusion, depending on the severity. Oral iron (OI) replacements can be taken as they are safe, effective, and lower cost. However, one disadvantage is poor tolerability, as they cause gastrointestinal complications. Iron sucrose complex is a relatively new drug used intravenously (IV) for the correction of IDA. Aims and Objectives: This research compared the safety and effectiveness of OI versus iron sucrose in the treatment of IDA during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was performed involving 60 patients who attended the antenatal clinic from June 2019 to November 2019 at Bidar Institute of Medical Science between 24 and 36 weeks of gestation and hemoglobin levels between 7 and 10 g/dL. In the IV group, 200 mg of iron sucrose was administered in 100 mL of 0.9% normal saline over 15–20 min on alternate days. In the oral group, 200 mg of ferrous ascorbate per day for 4 weeks was prescribed. All patients were monitored for laboratory responses and adverse effects. An unpaired “t” test was used for statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered significance. Results: There was an increase in hemoglobin in both groups, but there was a significant increase in hemoglobin in the IV group. The other laboratory parameters also showed a significant increase in the IV group than in the oral group. The IV group had no major side effects. Conclusion: The IV iron sucrose formulation was more effective than the oral formulation for anemia correction in pregnancy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240421


Background: Patients with ?-thalassemia major (TM) require lifelong blood transfusions, leading to iron overload, where active intervention is required. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate real-world efficacy and safety of deferasirox (DFX) in TM patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at thalassemia ward in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Gujarat for a period of 15 months from April 2021 to July 2022. A total of 100 patients were analyzed during the study period. Patient’s demographic profile, laboratory investigation, and treatment details were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Statistical analysis was done through the statistical software GraphPad Prism 9.4.1 (681). Results: A total of 100 patients were included in the study. A serial significant decrease in median serum ferritin levels was observed in >13 years age group after initiation of DFX. A significant increase in the median dose of DFX was observed at 12 months in the age group of 2–?13 years as compared to baseline (P < 0.05). Adverse reactions observed during the study were increased bilirubin level, increased alanine aminotransferase, and increased serum creatinine, rashes with itching, and arthralgia. Conclusion: A greater reduction in median serum ferritin levels was observed in the adult age group compared to pediatric patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240380


Mucormycosis, a lethal fungal infection caused by Rhizopus oryzae, has gained significant attention due to its association with the COVID-19 pandemic. The causal relationship between COVID-19 and mucormycosis is not yet fully understood. This narrative review focuses on the pathophysiology of mucormycosis, particularly in the context of COVID-19. Mucormycosis primarily affects immunocompromised individuals and is commonly observed in diabetic patients with COVID-19 who receive high doses of corticosteroids. The most common presentation of mucormycosis in COVID-19 is rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis. Early diagnosis and prompt initiation of treatment, including extensive surgical intervention and appropriate antifungal therapy, are crucial in preventing fatal complications. The global prevalence of mucormycosis varies widely, with a higher incidence in developing countries such as India. Diabetes mellitus remains the leading risk factor globally, while COVID-19 and corticosteroid therapy also predispose immunocompromised patients to mucormycosis. The impaired phagocytic activity in immunosuppressed individuals and the ability of Mucorales to acquire iron from the host play significant roles in the pathogenesis of mucormycosis. Endothelial damage and thrombosis, along with hyperglycemia, acidosis, and increased serum iron levels observed in COVID-19, contribute to the aggressive nature of mucormycosis in these patients. The review emphasizes the need for further research to establish a causal association between COVID-19, corticosteroid therapy, and mucormycosis, and highlights the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms to improve the management and outcomes of patients with this devastating fungal infection.

Hematología (B. Aires) ; 28(2): 30-35, oct. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582382


Resumen Introducción. La hemocromatosis hereditaria es un trastorno metabólico hereditario común del metabolismo del hierro con penetrancia variable. La trombosis de la vena porta tiene varias causas bien conocidas que incluyen cirrosis, neoplasia mieloproliferativa, afecciones inflamatorias del abdomen, neoplasia maligna intraabdominal, cirugía intraabdominal y trombofilia. Se desconoce si la hemocromatosis hereditaria está asociada con la trombosis de la vena porta. Material y metodología. Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de la base de datos de la Muestra Nacional de Pacientes Hospitalizados de 2016 a 2020 utilizando los códigos de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades-10 para identificar hospitalizaciones con trombosis de la vena porta. Utilizamos un análisis de regresión multivariado para calcular el odds ratio ajustado después de controlar por edad, sexo, tipo de seguro, índice de comorbilidad de Charlson, cirrosis, neoplasia mieloproliferativa, afecciones inflamatorias del abdomen, neoplasia maligna intraabdominal, cirugía intraabdominal, antecedentes de trombosis pasada, trombofilia, enfermedad renal terminal, obesidad, tabaquismo e hiperlipidemia. Resultados . Hubo 25.805 hospitalizaciones con diagnóstico primario de trombosis de la vena porta. La regresión logística multivariada mostró que la hemocromatosis hereditaria se asoció de forma independiente con la trombosis de la vena porta (odds ratio = 4.7, IC del 95 % = 1.15 a 19.35, valor de p = 0,03) cuando se controlaron cirrosis, neoplasia mieloproliferativa, afecciones inflamatorias del abdomen, neoplasia maligna intraabdominal, antecedentes de trombosis, antecedentes de cirugía abdominal, antecedentes de trombofilia y enfermedad renal terminal, entre otros factores.

Abstract Introduction. Hereditary hemochromatosis is a common inherited metabolic disorder of iron metabolism with variable penetrance. Portal vein thrombosis has several well-known causes including cirrhosis, myeloproliferative neoplasm, inflammatory conditions of the abdomen, intra-abdominal malignancy, intra-abdominal surgery, and thrombophilia. It is unknown whether hereditary hemochromatosis is associated with portal vein thrombosis. Material and methodology. A retrospective analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database from 2016 to 2020 was conducted using International Classification of Diseases-10 codes to identify hospitalizations with portal vein thrombosis. We used multivariate regression analysis to calculate the adjusted odds ratio after controlling for age, gender, insurance type, Charlson Comorbidity Index, cirrhosis, myeloproliferative neoplasm, inflammatory conditions of the abdomen, intra-abdominal malignancy, intra-abdominal surgery, history of past thrombosis, thrombophilia, end-stage renal disease, obesity, smoking, and hyperlipidemia. Results. There were 25805 hospitalizations with primary diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis. Multivariate logistic regression showed that hereditary hemochromatosis was independently associated with portal vein thrombosis (Odds ratio= 4.7, 95% CI=1.15 to 19.35, p-value=0.03) when cirrhosis, myeloproliferative neoplasm, inflammatory conditions of the abdomen, intra-abdominal malignancy, history of thrombosis, history of abdominal surgery, history of thrombophilia, and end-stage renal disease among other factors were controlled.

Hematología (B. Aires) ; 28(2): 36-56, oct. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582383


Resumen Con frecuencia un perfil básico de hierro orienta hacia condiciones ferropénicas o de secuestro inflamatorio del hierro, pero a veces también hacia la sospecha de patologías con sobrecarga de hierro, que pueden o no terminar confirmándose. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una interpretación precisa de los resultados para evitar errores diagnósticos. La ferremia refleja la cantidad de hierro en tránsito en un momento determinado desde células que expresan la ferroportina hacia las que expresan el receptor de transferrina-1, mientras que la transferrinemia refleja la avidez del organismo por el hierro. Pero la ferritinemia puede ser reflejo tanto de los depósitos de hierro como de condiciones inflamatorias, con la consiguiente dificultad para interpretar sus resultados normales o elevados. En este articulo diferencio, entre los perfiles de hierro sugestivos de sobrecarga, los que cursan con una sobrecarga de hierro evidente de los que presentan sólo una hiperferritinemia sin evidencia (franca) de sobrecarga de hierro, aunque la superposición entre ambas situaciones es frecuente. La hiperferritinemia secundaria reactiva es, por mucho, más frecuente que la vinculada a sobrecarga de hierro, así como es común encontrar pacientes con más de una causa de hiperferritinemia. "Hiperferritinemia reactiva de origen desconocido" puede ser un rótulo diagnóstico provisorio para aquellos pacientes sin una causa (hasta el momento) evidente de su hiperferritinemia. Algunos pacientes tienen claramente presencia o ausencia de sobrecarga de hierro, pero en muchos casos la situación es dudosa, incompleta o intermitente. En consecuencia, es a veces difícil decidir sobre la indicación o no de una terapia quelante. La sobrecarga de hierro, de estar presente, puede ser secundaria (básicamente a patologías con eritropoyesis inefectiva) o primaria. Ésta, a su vez, puede ser clasificada como hemocromatósica (HFE o no HFE) o no hemocromatósica. Aunque muy raras, las sobrecargas de hierro primarias no hemocromatósicas tienen perfiles de hierro confundentes, pero fácilmente interpretables si se las sospecha. Una de ellas, la enfermedad por ferroportina, en las antípodas de las hemocromatosis, merece ser tenida en cuenta, ya que no es muy infrecuente. Finalmente, el diagnóstico de una hemocromatosis debe estar apoyado en un perfil de hierro inequívoco y confirmado por mutaciones HFE severas bialélicas o, más raramente, por mutaciones en genes no HFE. Por el contrario, mutaciones HFE leves, como la H63D, tanto en condición mono como bialélica, no justifican por sí solas una sobrecarga de hierro típica. Frente a esta situación debemos investigar otra(s) causa(s) de sobrecarga de hierro: hemocromatosis no HFE si el perfil de hierro es típicamente hemocromatósico, o sobrecargas de hierro no hemocromatósicas (primarias o secundarias) en caso contrario. El riesgo de considerar una mutación HFE leve (aún en la condición doble heterocigota HFE C282Y/H63D) como responsable única de la sobrecarga de hierro o de una hiperferritinemia, es dejar de lado otras condiciones que pueden merecer atención y tratamiento quizás más prioritarios.

Abstract A basic iron profile often provides a useful approach to ferropenic or iron-sequestered inflammatory conditions, but sometimes also to the primary suspicion of iron overloading pathologies, which may or may not, at last, harbor a real iron overload. Therefore, a thoughtful interpretation of the results is mandatory to avoid misdiagnosis. The serum iron concentration reflects the quantity of iron moving at one moment from ferroportin- to transferrin receptor-1-expressing cells, while the transferrin concentration reflects the organism avidity for iron. But serum ferritin concentration may reflect iron deposits as well as inflammatory conditions, hence being difficult the interpretation of its normal or high values. In this paper I distinguish, among abnormal iron profiles, those with evident iron overload from those with hiperferritinemia without (clear) evidence of iron overload, although there is a frequent overlap between these two conditions. Secondary reactive hiperferritinemia is, by far, much more common than hiperferritinemia related to iron overload, as it is also frequent to deal with patients with more than one cause for their hiperferritinemia. "Reactive hiperferritinemia of unknown origin" should be the temporary diagnosis for patients with (yet) no evident etiology for their hiperferritinemia. Some patients have clearly absence or presence of iron overload, but in many cases this condition is doubtful, incomplete or intermittent. Hence, it is difficult in some cases to decide the need for chelation therapy. Iron overload, if present, may be secondary (basically to ineffective erythropoiesis) or primary. Primary iron overload may be, in turn, classified as hemochromatosic (HFE or non HFE) or non hemochromatosic. Although very rare, the non hemochromatosic primary iron overloads have confounding iron profiles, but with an easy approach if suspected. One of them, the ferroportin disease, just the opposite of hemochromatosis, deserves some attention, for it is not very infrequent. Finally, the diagnosis of hemochromatosis must be supported by an unequivocal typical iron profile and by biallelic severe HFE mutations or, rarer, mutations in non-HFE genes. The last but not the least, mild HFE mutations, as H63D, either mono o biallelic, do not justify by themselves any typical iron overload. In presence of such a genetic diagnosis, other cause(s) of iron overload must be looked for: non-HFE hemochromatosis if the iron profile is typically hemochromatosic, non-hemochromatosic iron overload (primary o secondary) if not. The risk of considering a mild HFE mutation (even in the case of HFE C282Y/H63D double heterozygous) as responsible for an iron overload or a hiperferritinemia is to overlook other causes for these conditions that may deserve particular and, eventually, more imperative attention and treatment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236666


Iron is essential for cell survival; however, iron overload disorders lead to excess iron deposition, which can induce oxidative stress and reduce cell viability. Rapid chelation of iron to prevent oxidative stress is critical to avoiding the negative impacts of iron overload. Iron-chelating agents are often used to treat iron overload; however, most of these agents have adverse side effects and a narrow scope of applications. Recently, many classes of phytochelators with additional antioxidant activities have been developed for clinical use. Sulforaphane (SFN) has potent antioxidant and cytoprotective activities, but its role in iron metabolism has never been reported. Thus, we assessed the protective role of SFN against iron-induced cell toxicity in hepatoma Hep3B cells and examined its mechanism. In this study, Fe ions increased intracellular ROS levels and decreased cell viability. An antioxidant transcription factor called NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) was activated by Fe treatment. Iron chelator deferoxamine (DFO) reduced ROS levels but did not affect cell viability. Next, we assessed the protective role of SFN and showed that SFN decreased ROS levels and improved cell viability by further enhancing Nrf2 levels via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway. Mechanistically, Nrf2 transcriptionally activated metallothionein (MT), a metal-binding protein. Overexpression of MT protected Hep3B cells from excess iron-induced toxicity, similar to SFN cytoprotective activities. These results suggest that the induction of Nrf2 and the increased MT mRNA by SFN are essential mechanisms contributing to reduced oxidative stress and improved viability in iron overload disorders.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236646


Knowledge of variability in wheat genotypes is important for proposing crosses intended for development of heterotic combinations with improved stability. The present study consists of 120 wheat genotypes comprised of landraces, genetic stocks, released varieties, and improved genotypes. For the research experiment was conducted field in two rabi seasons (2019–2020 and 2020–2021) at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal and a total of 120 genotypes were assessed using a randomized block approach for four quality (Zinc, iron, protein content and nitrogen) and six different physiological traits (Normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]-1, NDVI-2, Soil Plant Analysis development [SPAD]-1, SPAD-2, Canopy Temperature [CT]-1, and CT-2) beside grain yield (GY). The occurrence of significant genetic variability amongst the several genotypes for nutritional and physiological characters indicates the inevitability for utilization of a considerable degree of genetic variation through the process of selection. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation (Genotypic coefficient of variation and Phenotypic coefficient of variation) exhibited their peak values for the trait GY, tailed by, grain zinc content, nitrogen (%), and SPAD-2. The high heritability values, in conjunction with substantial genetic advances, are indicative of the significance of GY, zinc, nitrogen, and protein content are key traits that hold potential for crop enhancement purposes. The total set of 120 genotypes clustered into 12 discrete sets on the basis of quality and physiological traits using the clustering technique and principal component analysis program available in the Statistical Package for Agricultural Research. Principal components axis 1 to principal component axis 4 unveiled about 71.31% of the total variability. Based on the findings of this study, it can be inferred that the released varieties showed greater performance in terms of grain output, although some landraces displayed higher values for the quality features. Hence, to acquire a comprehensive range of superior quality (Zn, PC, N, and Fe) cum high-yielding segregants, the selected genotypes from clusters “C” and “L” could function as better lines of parentage to organize breeding plans.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241867


Back ground Anaemia is considered to be the most common nutritional de?ciency worldwide. Inappropriate knowledge and indifferent attitude regarding healthy eating among females result in deterioration of their anaemic state. Objectives To assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Anaemia in adult female patients attending General Medicine OPD in Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry. The present study was crossMaterial And Methods sectional study carried out among the adult female patients attending the outpatient department, department of general medicine. The study period is of 3 months. Patients with hereditary anaemia, chronic illnesses were excluded. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants participated in the study. The sample size was estimated to 200. The data was collected in a semi structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. 83.5% had known about anaemia, 76.5% had known about symptoms and 74% the causes. 77% hadResults known iron rich foods. 84.5% thought anaemia to be serious health problem. 73.5% interested in knowing their anaemic status. 67.5% were willing to take medication for anaemia. Only 39% thought they can be anaemic. 78% wash hand with soap after defecation. 25.5% regularly skipped some meal. Addressing the knowledge gap regarding food interactions is vital as many had reported to consume coffee/teaConclusion alongside food and only fewer proportion were suspecting anaemia in them which again is barrier to screening. Only few had reported to eat green leafy vegetables/fresh meat.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240229


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a rapidly increasing global health concern, having a substantial impact on morbidity and mortality. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is the primary measure of diabetes control, reflecting glycemic levels over the past 3 months. However, hemoglobin (Hb) abnormalities, such as those seen in iron deficiency anemia (IDA), can theoretically affect HbA1c levels. IDA, affecting over 30% of the global population, results from inadequate iron intake, hemorrhage, or poor iron absorption, leading to reduced Hb production. This study aims to evaluate the impact of IDA on HbA1c levels in non-diabetic patients, providing insights into accurate HbA1c interpretation in anemic patients. Aims and Objectives: The study aimed to determine the impact of IDA on HbA1c levels in non-diabetic individuals. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted over 6 months at Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Center. There were a total of 100 IDA patients and 100 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Hb levels below 10 g/dL with a microcytic image suggestive of iron deficiency, postprandial blood sugar (PPBS) levels below 140 mg/dL following an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and fasting blood sugar (FBS) levels below 100 mg/dL were the inclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria included Hb levels above 10 g/dL, altered FBS or PPBS values post-OGTT, diagnosed Type 2 diabetes mellitus, individuals younger than 18 years, and those with conditions such as hemoglobinopathies, hemolytic anemia, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, or abnormal renal function tests. Ethical approval and informed consent were obtained. Data collection included demographics, medical history, and laboratory investigations. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 26, with t-tests, mean, and standard deviation (SD) for association analysis, and Chi-square tests for sex comparisons. Correlations were assessed through t-test. The significance level was kept at 0.05. Results: The study confirmed that both groups met the inclusion criteria for non- diabetic status. The control group exhibited normal Hb levels, whereas the study group had Hb levels indicative of IDA. General and systemic examination findings were normal in both groups. Significant differences were observed across all measured parameters, with Hb levels, serum ferritin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular Hb, mean corpuscular Hb concentration, and red cell distribution width significantly lower in the study group. HbA1c levels were significantly elevated in the study group compared to the control group (5.87 ± 1.25 vs. 4.97 ± 1.59, P < 0.001),supporting the hypothesis that IDA is associated with elevated HbA1c levels in non-diabetic patients. Conclusion: The study’s findings align with previous research indicating that IDA leads to elevated HbA1c levels. The prolonged erythrocyte survival and altered Hb glycation processes in IDA are likely contributors to this elevation. These results emphasize the need to consider anemia status when interpreting HbA1c valuesto avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate management of diabetes. Clinicians should ensure comprehensive evaluations, including iron status assessments when encountering unexpectedly high HbA1c levels in non-diabetic individuals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239568


Background: Daily iron and folic acid supplementation (IFAS) during pregnancy reduces the risk of all types of maternal anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia at term; despite the WHO recommendations, pregnant women are still vulnerable because the use of Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation is still low in many countries including Tanzania. Therefore, the study aims to comprehensively understand the prevalence and factors associated with non-adherence to Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation among pregnant women attending Antenatal Care at Mwembeladu Hospital. Achieving this objective will contribute to developing effective strategies to improve IFAS adherence. Methodology: The study was cross-sectional and ANC-based, using questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to the 260 pregnant women attending ANC at Mwembeladu Hospital. Data were analyzed using SPSS computer software version 22. Results: Our study showed that 52.7% had more than 4 ANC visits. Based on self-reported adherence, about (61.9%) of pregnant women were taking IFAS supplementation, and (38.1%) were not taking IFAS completely. Among those taking IFAS, (60.2%) out of 161 pregnant women were taking four tablets per week as recommended by WHO, and (39.8%) out of 161 were not following the WHO recommendations. Therefore, out of 260, zero adherence was 38.1%, poor adherence was 24.6%, and good adherence was 37.3%. Hence, 62.7% were non-adherent to IFAS supplementation as recommended by WHO. Also, the result showed that the major factors militating against pregnant women taking IFAS are lack of knowledge of IFAS (22.1%), side effects of IFAS (19%), forgetfulness (18.4%), and lack of understanding of anaemia (12.3%). Conclusion: Overall, the adherence to IFAS among pregnant women was low and did not meet the WHO recommendations for preventing and treating anaemia during pregnancy. Socio-demographic factors, including occupation and education level, maternal characteristics, parity, and gestation age, are not significantly associated with adherence to IFAS. Factors associated with poor adherence to IFAS include side effects, failure to access IFAS, forgetfulness, and knowledge about anaemia and IFAS. Healthcare facilities and providers should strengthen the system to create community awareness of IFAS, its benefits, and side effects, as this will help increase adherence to IFAS among pregnant women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234184


Hypokalemic paralysis is a rare neuromuscular disorder characterized by painless muscle weakness resulting from low potassium levels, most commonly presenting during adolescence. In this case report, we detail the presentation and management of an 80-year-old female who experienced sudden onset bilateral limb weakness. Initial clinical assessment revealed the absence of reflexes and hypotonia in all four limbs without any gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms. Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation identified severe iron deficiency anemia and an unusual history of clay ingestion due to pica as the underlying causes of her hypokalemic paralysis. Treatment included intravenous and oral potassium supplementation, as well as packed cell volume transfusions, leading to a significant improvement in her symptoms and normalization of her potassium levels. This case highlights the need to consider atypical etiologies, such as pica-induced clay ingestion, in the differential diagnosis of hypokalemic paralysis, particularly in elderly patients with nutritional deficiencies. Early recognition and appropriate management are critical for favourable outcomes.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232800


Background: Anemia during pregnancy, often attributed to iron deficiency, poses substantial risks to both maternal and fetal health. This retrospective study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) in managing anemia among pregnant women.Methods: The study encompasses women who received FCM treatment for anemia during pregnancy between October 2023 and March 2024 at SSG hospital, Vadodara. Key outcomes evaluated include maternal safety and pregnancy outcomes. Prospective observational study; Treatment effectiveness was assessed by repeat hemoglobin (Hb) measurements and patient report of well-being in the postpartum period. Safety was assessed by analysis of adverse drug reactions and fetal heart rate monitoring during the infusion.Results: A total of 50 patients were included. The intravenous administration of FCM notably raised hemoglobin levels in all pregnant female participants compared to initial levels. Monitoring of fetal heart rate showed no adverse effects attributable to the medication. No severe side effects were observed.Conclusions: This prospective observational study suggests that FCM represents a safe and effective therapeutic option for managing anemia during pregnancy. Despite study limitations, the findings underscore the potential of FCM in addressing this prevalent concern, advocating for its consideration in clinical practice.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241831


In this present communication, green ?lamentous alga, Oedogonium capillare has been collected from Badshahithaul, Uttarakhand, India. The green alga has been exploited to fabricate spindle shaped iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) against 10 mM ferric chloride solution. The biofabricated IONPs have been characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDAX). The changes of pigment content in O. capillare specially Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b andEnergy-dispersive X-ray analysis ( carotenoids during production of IONPs have been analyzed and it was observed the amount of all studied pigments decreased after 72h of reaction. The crystal violet (CV) removal capacity of metal free and IONPs loaded O. capillare has been checked by spectroscopic method. Control and IONPs loaded ?laments of O. capillare showed 65% and 83% of CV removal within 20 min of exposure in aqueous CV solution respectively.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241557


Backgrounds: Iron nutritional anemia is anemia that arises due to empty iron reserves in the body so that the formation of hemoglobin is disrupted. Hemoglobin is part of red blood cells used to determine anemia status. Decreased iron intake can reduce hemoglobin levels in the body. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine food intake and consumption of blood supplement tablets (Iron) on the incidence of anemia among adolescent girls in Urban and Rural areas. Study Design: This type of research is Experimental Research using Quasi Experimental design. Place and Duration of Study: This research was carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Manado and SMP Kristen Koha after obtaining approval from the ethics commission in August � September 2023 Methods: The population in this study were adolescent girls in SMP Negeri 3 Manado and SMP Kristen Koha. The sample in this study was obtained from the Estimating the difference between two population proportions with absolute precision formula totaling 88 students divided into 44 adolescent girls in urban areas and 44 adolescent girls in rural areas. Results: This study indicates that there is a difference in the average hemoglobin levels of adolescent girls in State Junior High School 3 Manado and Kristen Koha with a value of p<0.005, there is a difference in the average food intake (energy) of adolescent girls State Junior High School 3 Manado and Kristen Koha with a value of p<0.005, there is a difference in the average consumption of Iron tablets of adolescent girls in State Junior High School 3 Manado and Kristen Koha with a value of p<0.005. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that there is a difference in the average hemoglobin levels of urban and rural adolescent girls with p<0.005, there is a difference in the average food intake (energy) of urban and rural adolescent girls p<0.001, and there is a difference in the average consumption of Iron tablets of urban and rural adolescent girls with p<0.004.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2024 Jun; 122(6): 52-54
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238879


Background : Biochemical, histopathologiacal and in vivo brain imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial sonography revealed a consistent increase in substantia nigra iron in Parkinson抯 Disease. Under normal condition iron status influences the synthesis of major proteins of systemic iron metabolism (eg, Ferritin, Transferrin, Transferrin receptor). Iron deposition in substantia nigra in Parkinson抯 Disease has been associated with systemic defect in the regulation of iron metabolism and storage. Remarkably, there is few data available concerning to overall systemic iron metabolism in Parkinson抯 Disease. So, we measured blood hemoglobin levels, Serum Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) in patients with Parkinson抯 Disease and controls. Materials and Methods : A total 104 subjects, including controls, were enrolled in the study and further grouped as, 52 clinically examined Idiopathic Parkinson抯 Disease patients (35 males and 17 females) while remaining 52 were taken as age and sex matched healthy controls. Two tailed student 憈� test was used for statistical analysis. Results: We found concentration of blood hemoglobin (p>0.05) not differ statistically in Parkinson抯 Disease patients and controls. Further we observed Serum Iron (p<0.001) was significantly lower in Parkinson抯 Disease patients as compared with controls and TIBC not increased as expected in systemic iron metabolism, but it was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in Parkinson抯 Disease patients as compared with controls.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234128


Background: It is imperative to examine the nutritional quality of adult populations, both tribal and non-tribal, in the Udaipur region of Rajasthan in order to comprehend the health dynamics of these societies. Tribal communities frequently encounter particular difficulties with regard to healthcare access, socioeconomic standing, and cultural customs that may have an impact on their nutritional well-being that is distinct from that of non-tribal communities. Methods: Our study group consisted of 300 tribals and 300 non tribals. The blood was tested to determine various nutritional parameters like minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins like vitamin, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Results: Comparable levels of parameters like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin D3 were found in both non-tribal and tribal people, suggesting that both groups' nutritional statuses were generally similar. Non-tribal males and females exhibited significantly higher iron levels compared to their tribal counterparts. Both non-tribal males and females had considerably higher levels of vitamin C and B12 compared to tribal peers. Conclusions: The study highlights the differences in iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 levels that occur in the Udaipur region between non-tribal and tribal individuals.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;94(2): 133-140, Apr.-Jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556909


Resumen Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar en nuestro medio la prevalencia de anemia en el preoperatorio de la cirugía cardiovascular, su incidencia postoperatoria y su evolución durante el primer mes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo en el que se incluyeron todos los pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular central intervenidos durante el periodo del 01/09/2021 al 01/09/2022 en un hospital universitario. Se realizó seguimiento clínico y de laboratorio previo a la cirugía, al quinto y al día treinta del postoperatorio. Se comparó a los grupos con y sin anemia preoperatoria. Resultados: La prevalencia de anemia en el preoperatorio fue del 32.1%. La incidencia de anemia en el postoperatorio fue del 96% en el grupo de pacientes sin anemia previa. Al mes de la cirugía un 73 y un 90% de los pacientes, con y sin anemia preoperatoria respectivamente, persistían anémicos. Los pacientes con anemia preoperatoria tuvieron una menor recuperación de sus valores de hemoglobina al mes. Se observó una tendencia a mayor mortalidad y una mayor necesidad de derivación a centros de rehabilitación postegreso hospitalario en aquellos con anemia preoperatoria. Conclusiones: En este trabajo se evidenció una alta prevalencia e incidencia de anemia en el perioperatorio de las cirugías cardiovasculares. Así como su subtratamiento y elevada persistencia durante el mes posterior a la cirugía.

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of anemia in the preoperative period of cardiovascular surgery, its postoperative incidence and its evolution during the first month in our setting. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out in which all patients undergoing central cardiovascular surgery operated during the period 09/01/2021-09/01/2022 in a university hospital were included. Clinical and laboratory follow-up was carried out prior to surgery, on the fifth and on the 30th postoperative day. Groups with and without preoperative anemia were compared. Results: The prevalence of anemia in the preoperative period was 32.1%. The incidence of anemia in the postoperative period was 96% in the group of patients without previous anemia. One month after surgery, 73 and 90% of the patients, with and without preoperative anemia, respectively, remained anemic. Patients with preoperative anemia had less recovery of their hemoglobin values at one month. A trend towards higher mortality and a greater need for referral to post-hospital discharge rehabilitation centers was observed in those with preoperative anemia. Conclusions: In this work, a high prevalence and incidence of anemia in the perioperative period of cardiovascular surgeries was evidenced. As well as its subtreatment and high persistence during the month after surgery.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241527


Multigrain cookie premixes were developed using finger millet (Eleusine coracana) to provide a nutritious food option for vulnerable groups, especially preschool children facing micronutrient malnutrition. Three types of cookie premixes were formulated with varying proportions of grains and evaluated for sensory parameters using a 9-point hedonic scale. The best combination of calcium and iron-rich ingredient s was found to be finger millet flour, refined wheat flour, grain amaranth, garden cress seed, milk powder in the ratio of 40:25:20:5:10. This premix was also evaluated for nutritional composition and shelf life. The cookies made from this premix were rich in essential nutrients, with 319.8 mg of calcium and 8.89 mg of iron per 100 g. The sensory evaluation showed that all the premixes were well accepted (sensory score >7) and the selected premix remained acceptable over a storage period of 90 days.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242009


Background of the Study: Iron De?ciency Anemia is a widespread nutritional condition worldwide. Anemia caused by an insuf?ciency of red blood cells due to inadequate iron in the body that prevents oxygen rich blood from reaching body tissues is known as Iron De?ciency Anemia, which gradually worsen if the body cannot produce enough blood cells from iron. To evaluateAim: the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia among adolescent girls. Method: Quantitative research approach and pre-experimental research design was adopted and 60 samples were collected through convenient sampling technique. In the pre-test 6(10%) have adequate knowledge, 15(25%) have moderately adequate knowledge, and 39(65%) haveResult: inadequate knowledge regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia. In the post-test 45(75%) have adequate knowledge, 12(20%) have moderately adequate knowledge, and 3(5%) have inadequate knowledge regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia. The calculated paired 't' test of t=14 was found to be statistically signi?cant at p<0.05 level which infers that a Structured Teaching Programme regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia among adolescent girls was found to be effective in improving the level of knowledge regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia. Concerning religion chi- 2 square (? =9.6,p=0.047, df=6) had shown a statistically signi?cant association with the pre-test level of knowledge regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia among adolescent girls. The study concluded that participants have inadequate knowledge in pre-test and majority haveConclusion: adequate knowledge in post-test regarding Iron De?ciency Anemia which revealed signi?cant improvement in the post-test and there is also an association with religion of adolescent girls with the knowledge score.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241189


Hemochromatosis is a common genetic disorder manifesting as an iron overload state requiring complex processes in diagnosis, treatment, and management of both adult, and pediatric, populations. This review outlines general diagnostic and treatment strategies for hemochromatosis detailing fundamental processes in iron excess, or iron overload, through physiologic function and associated pathological effects. Genetic mutations, as ascribed to hemochromatosis, have significant impact in producing pathophysiology. Understanding basic pathophysiological mechanisms can inform future diagnosis and treatment through advances such as erythrocytophoresis. Linking concepts related to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of adult and juvenile hereditary hemochromatosis with scientific advances may enlighten clinical medicine and future hemochromatosis therapy.