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Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(3): 277-286, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558082


ABSTRACT Purpose: CT-guided MWA is a safe and effective tool that should be utilized in the treatment of small renal masses (SRMs). We aim to clarify the utility of CT-guided MWA by examining patient outcomes such as recurrence, treatment success, changes in renal function, and complications. Methods: A retrospective review of consecutive patients with SRMs who underwent same day renal mass biopsy (RMB) and CT-guided MWA between 2015 and 2022 was performed. Treatment safety was assessed by 30-day complications according to the Clavien-Dindo system and change in eGFR >30 days post-procedure. Treatment efficacy was defined by local recurrence and incomplete treatment rates and calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: A total of 108 renal masses were found in 104 patients. The overall complication rate was 7.4% (8/108), of which 4 were major complications (3.7%). For those with renal function available >30 days post ablation, the median eGFR was 47.2 (IQR: 36.0, 57), compared to 52.3 (IQR: 43.7, 61.5) pre-ablation, p<0.0001. 5-year local recurrence free survival was 86%. Among those with biopsy proven malignancy (n= 66), there were five local recurrences (7.54%) occurring at a median of 25.1 months (IQR 19.9, 36.2) and one case (1.5%) of incomplete treatment. Conclusions: As the medical field continues to evolve towards less invasive interventions, MWA offers a valuable tool in the management of renal masses. With low major complication and recurrence rates, our findings support the utility of CT-guided MWA as a tool for treatment of SRMs.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 28(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550545


Introducción: El cáncer conlleva a una mortalidad de hasta 12 % en los pacientes trasplantados, y se considera la tercera causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en los receptores, al ser estos susceptibles a desarrollar enfermedades oncoproliferativas, a largo plazo. Objetivo: Describir la incidencia de neoplasias en receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal que incluyó 15 receptores de trasplante renal funcionante, con diagnóstico de neoplasias malignas en diferentes localizaciones en el período comprendido entre enero de 2017 y junio de 2023 en el servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Universitario Clínico-Quirúrgico «Arnaldo Milián Castro» de Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Resultados: Predominaron los hombres y el color de piel blanca: 53,3 % y 73,3% respectivamente, con tiempo postrasplante superior a tres años en 12 pacientes (80 %). El antecedente de exposición al citomegalovirus representó el 80 %; la infección bacteriana de la vía respiratoria y digestiva fue la más frecuente. Conclusiones: La neoplasia intraepitelial cervicouterina, la de colon con metástasis hepática y las cerebrales resultaron las más frecuentes, y fueron tratadas con cirugía, quimioterapias o ambas, según los criterios quirúrgicos en cada caso; no obstante, la mortalidad fue elevada. La estirpe neoplásica preponderante fue la neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en un 26,6 %. La mortalidad fue alta y la supervivencia fue menor en el sexo masculino, sin rebasar los dos años posteriores al diagnóstico.

Introduction: cancer entails a mortality of up to 12 % in transplanted patients and is considered the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality in recipients who are susceptible to develop oncoproliferative diseases in the long term. Objective: to describe the incidence of neoplasms in renal transplant recipients. Methods: we carried out a descriptive and longitudinal study including 15 functioning renal transplant recipients who were diagnosed with malignant neoplasms in different locations in the Nephrology service at "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Clinical and Surgical University Hospital in Santa Clara, Villa Clara between January 2017 and June 2023. Results: males and white skin color predominated: 53.3 % and 73.3% respectively, with post-transplant time greater than three years in 12 patients (80 %). The history of cytomegalovirus exposure represented 80 %; bacterial infection of the respiratory and digestive tracts was the most frequent. Conclusions: cervicouterine intraepithelial neoplasia, colon cancer with liver and brain metastases were the most frequent and treated with surgery chemotherapies or both according to the surgical criteria in each case; however, mortality was elevated. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia predominated in a 26.6 %. Mortality was high and survival was lower in males, without exceeding two years after the diagnosis.

Kidney Transplantation , Kidney Neoplasms , Nephrology
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 339-347, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532734


Introducción. El cáncer de riñón es la undécima neoplasia maligna más común en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El carcinoma de células claras de riñón (CCR) es considerado la estirpe más frecuente y representa el 2-3 % de todos los cánceres a nivel mundial. En el contexto de la enfermedad metastásica, por lo general se identifica un tumor renal primario y las metástasis se localizan en pulmón, hueso, hígado, cerebro y, raramente, en tejidos blandos. Los pacientes con metástasis a tejidos blandos no tienen síntomas en las etapas iniciales y generalmente se identifican sólo cuando las lesiones aumentan de tamaño o durante el estudio de la pieza de resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente en la séptima década de la vida, con una metástasis en tejidos blandos de la región sacra, de 10 años de evolución posterior a una nefrectomía secundario a CCR. Resultados. Hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos de un tumor bien delimitado. Se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, bajo anestesia regional, con extirpación completa. Conclusión. Se recomienda que los pacientes con un sitio metastásico resecable y solitario sean llevados a resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres, como fue el caso de nuestra paciente, por su fácil acceso y ser una lesión única. En el CCR, además de su tratamiento quirúrgico inicial, es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia con examen físico e imágenes transversales, para detectar la presencia de metástasis y con ello evitar tratamientos tardíos.

Introduction. Kidney cancer is the eleventh most common malignancy in the United States of Mexico. Carcinoma renal cell (CRC) is considered the most frequent type and represents 2-3% of all cancers worldwide. In the setting of metastatic disease, a primary renal tumor is usually identified, and metastases are located in the lung, bone, liver, brain, and rarely in soft tissue. Patients with soft tissue metastases do not have symptoms in the initial stages and are generally found only when the lesions increase in size or during the study of the surgical resection piece. Clinical case. In this case, we report a female patient in the seventh decade of life with a soft tissue metastasis located in the sacral region, 10 years after a nephrectomy secondary to CRC. Results. Clinical and radiological findings of a well-defined tumor. Surgical resection of the lesion is performed under regional anesthesia with complete excision. Conclusions. It is recommended that patients with a resectable and solitary metastatic site be candidates for surgical resection with free margins, as was the case with our patient due to its easy access and single lesion. In CRC, in addition to its initial surgical treatment, close surveillance with physical examination and cross-sectional images is essential to monitor the presence of metastases and thus avoid late treatments.

Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , Neoplasm Seeding , Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Diagnosis, Differential , Neoplasm Metastasis
Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 70-75, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026064


Objective:To explore the effects of apigenin on apoptosis and hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α)/nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway in renal cancer A498 cells.Methods:Human renal cell carcinoma A498 cells were cultured in vitro and divided into different concentrations of apigenin (10, 20, 40 μmol/L) groups, apigenin (40 μmol/L)+ HIF-1α agonist dimethylenediaminoacetic acid (DMOG) group, HIF-1α inhibitor rifiximab (YC-1) group, and control group. Cell proliferation was detected using cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay and plate clone formation assay, apoptosis was detected using Hoechst 33258 staining and flow cytometry, and expression of apoptotic proteins and HIF-1/NF-B pathway proteins was detected using Western blot assay.Results:Celery extract significantly inhibited the proliferation of A498 cells, and the inhibitory effect was concentration dependent ( P<0.001). Compared with the control group, the apoptosis rates of A498 cells in the 10, 20, and 40 μmol/L apigenin groups and YC-1 groups were significantly increased [(4.35±1.04)% vs (10.06±1.13)%, (18.52±2.58)%, (32.17±2.63)%, (26.94±2.41)%], as well as the expression levels of B lymphocyte tumor 2 related protein (Bax) and Cleaved Caspase-3 protein, while the expression levels of B lymphocyte tumor 2 (Bcl-2) were significantly reduced (all P<0.001). Compared with the control group, the HIF-1α protein expression levels (0.85±0.08 vs 0.63±0.06, 0.31±0.03, 0.16±0.02) and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65 ratio (0.82±0.08 vs 0.51±0.05, 0.30±0.03, 0.13±0.01) of A498 cells in the 10, 20, and 40 μmol/L apigenin groups were significantly reduced (all P<0.001). Compared with the apigenin group, the apoptosis rate of A498 cells in the apigenin+ DMOG group was significantly reduced [(32.17±2.63)% vs (14.85±1.62)%], and the expression levels of Bax and Cleared Caspase-3 proteins were significantly reduced, while the expression levels of Bcl-2 proteins were significantly increased (all P<0.001). Conclusions:Apigenin may promote apoptosis in renal cancer A498 cells by inhibiting the activation of the HIF-1α/NF-κB signaling pathway.

Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024479, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533847


ABSTRACT Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) is the second most common renal cell carcinoma (RCC), accounting for 10-15% of cases. Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC), on the other hand, accounts for only 1% of renal tumors and has a more favorable prognosis compared to PRCC. We report a 75-year-old female with a left upper pole solid renal mass displaying features of both papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) and mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSC). In this case, a shaggy luminal surface, multiple papillations, and psammoma bodies, absence of E-cadherin expression, and strong CD10 expression favored PRCC. Both immunohistochemistry and genomic analysis are critical to diagnose and differentiate tumors that may have overlapping features accurately.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 6-11, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028386


Objective:To compare the outcomes of robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (RAPN) and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) in the treatment of tumors in isolated kidney, and analyze the factors influencing postoperative renal function and long-term survival in patients.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on clinical data of 67 patients with tumors in isolated kidney who underwent surgery at the Chinese PLA General Hospital from November 2010 to January 2022. There were 48 males and 19 females, with an average age of (58.6±10.1) years old. The patients were divided into RAPN group (43 cases) and LPN group (24 cases) based on the surgical approach. The RAPN group had a higher R.E.N.A.L. score than the LPN group [(8.7±1.5) vs. (7.9±1.7), P=0.042]. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of age [(57.4±10.2) years old vs. (60.9±9.8) years old, P=0.185], body mass index (BMI) [(25.7±3.5) kg/m 2 vs. (25.1±3.6) kg/m 2, P=0.518], and preoperative serum creatinine [(102.9±31.6) μmol/L vs. (102.3±22.4) μmol/L, P=0.930]. Twelve cases underwent hypothermic treatment during surgery, with 9 cases(20.9%) in the RAPN group and 3 cases(12.5%) in the LPN group( P=0.596). Surgical time, intraoperative warm ischemia time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative fasting time, perioperative complication rate, postoperative serum creatinine, and other indicators were compared between the two groups. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify factors affecting postoperative serum creatinine. Kaplan-Meier curves were employed to analyze patient prognosis, and log-rank tests were performed to compare the differences between the two groups. Multiple Cox regression analysis was used to identify factors influencing patient prognosis. Results:All surgeries were completed successfully with negative pathological margins. There were no statistically significant differences between the RAPN and LPN groups in terms of surgical time [(136.6±47.6) min vs. (125.3±34.4) min, P=0.311], intraoperative ischemia time [23.0 (16.0, 30.0) min vs. 19.0 (13.5, 27.5) min, P =0.260], intraoperative blood loss [50.0 (50.0, 100.0) ml vs. 50.0 (22.5, 100.0) ml, P=0.247], postoperative hospital stay [(6.6±3.5) days vs. (7.7±4.2) days, P=0.244], time to drain removal [4(3, 5) days vs. 5(3, 6) days, P =0.175], postoperative fasting time [(2.1±0.7) days vs. (2.2±1.0) days, P=0.729], perioperative complication rate [18.6% (8/43) vs. 16.7% (4/24), P=1.000], postoperative serum creatinine [145.2 (128.3, 191.3) μmol/L vs. 157.8 (136.2, 196.3) μmol/L, P =0.229], and pathological staging [T 1a/T 1b/T 2a/T 3a/T 4 stage: 32/7/1/3/0 case vs. 17/5/0/1/1 case, P=0.804]. Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed that the total survival rates at 1, 3, and 5 years after surgery were 94.7%, 84.9%, and 84.9% for the RAPN group, and 100.0%, 95.5%, and 95.5% for the LPN group, with no statistically significant difference in the log-rank test ( P=0.116). Excluding 10 patients with preoperative tumor metastasis (7 in the RAPN group and 3 in the LPN group), the progression-free survival rates at 1, 3, and 5 years after surgery were 84.8%, 81.1%, and 81.1% for the RAPN group, and 100.0%, 95.0%, and 90.0% for the LPN group, with no statistically significant difference in the log-rank test ( P =0.142). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the use of hypothermic treatment during surgery significantly reduced postoperative serum creatinine ( B=-72.191, P=0.048). Multiple Cox regression analysis revealed that BMI ( HR=0.743, P=0.044), pathological T stage ( HR=4.235, P=0.018), and preoperative metastasis ( HR=18.829, P=0.035) were independent factors affecting patient overall survival time. A smaller BMI, higher pathological stage, and preoperative metastasis were associated with poorer prognosis. Conclusions:Despite the higher R. E.N.A.L. score and greater surgical difficulty in the RAPN group, RAPN achieved similar perioperative and prognostic results as the LPN, indicating RAPN advantages in treating tumors in isolated kidney. Appropriate intraoperative hypothermic treatment can better protect postoperative renal function. BMI, pathological T stage, and preoperative metastasis are independent factors affecting overall survival time.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 53-54, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028395


When partial nephrectomy is performed by posterior abdominal approach, the surgical field is poorly exposed, resulting in increased surgical difficulty and risk of injury.In this study, 28 patients with T 1a stage kidney tumors underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Intraoperatively, exposure of the surgical field was achieved using the percutaneous puncture of the renal fascia suspension technique. There were no dissatisfactory exposures due to peritoneal damage during the surgery, no additional tubes were inserted, and no conversions to open surgery were needed. The operation time was (76.5±20.3) minutes, blood loss was (92.1±18.7) ml, renal artery clamping time was (19.5±4.3) minutes. Postoperatively, there were no complications such as bleeding, infection, or hematuria.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 112-117, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030421


Objective:To explore the mechanism by which miRNA-4469 (miR-4469) regulates the proliferation and invasion of renal cancer cells in vitro.Methods:The survival differences of patients with different expression levels of miR-4469 were analyzed based on the OncomiR database. Real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) method was used to detect the expression of miR-4469 in renal cancer cell lines ACHN, OS-RC-2, SK-RC-20, 769-P, A498 and normal renal tubular epithelial cell line HK-2, and the renal cancer cells with the lowest expression level of miR-4469 were divided into miR-4469 group and control group, and were transfected with miR-4469 mimic and negative control sequence, respectively. The CCK-8 assay was used to detect the cell proliferation ability (expressed as absorbance value) in the two groups, and Transwell assay was used to analyze the number of invasive cells in the two groups. TargetScan Release 8.0 software was used to predict the binding site between miR-4469 and protein disulfide isomerase A4 (PDIA4) mRNA, and dual-luciferase reporter gene assay was used to verify the targeting relationship between miR-4469 and PDIA4 mRNA. qRT-PCR method was used to detect the expression of PDIA4 mRNA in cells of each group, and Western blotting method was used to detect the expression levels of PDIA4 protein and PI3K-AKT-m-TOR pathway proteins in cells of each group.Results:Analysis of relevant data from the OncomiR database showed that compared with patients with low miR-4469 expression, the overall survival of renal cancer patients with high miR-4469 expression was better ( P < 0.001). The relative expression of miR-4469 in each renal cancer cell line was lower than that in HK-2 cells (all P < 0.05), and the expression of miR-4469 in 769-P cells was the lowest, which were selected to perform the subsequent experiments. The proliferation ability of 769-P cells in the miR-4469 group was lower than that in the control group ( P < 0.01). The number of 769-P cell invasions in the miR-4469 group were less than that in the control group [(19±3) cells vs. (64±7) cells, t = 5.44, P = 0.002]. Compared with the co-transfection of wild-type PDIA4 and miR-4469 negative sequence group, the relative luciferase activity of cells in the co-transfection of wild-type PDIA4 and miR-4469 mimic sequence group was lower (0.42±0.07 vs. 1.01±0.08, t = 5.74, P = 0.001); there was no statistical difference in cell luciferase activity between the co-transfected mutant PDIA4 and miR-4469 negative sequence group and the co-transfected mutant PDIA4 and miR-4469 mimic sequence group (0.99±0.11 vs. 1.02±0.11, t = 0.19, P = 0.001). The relative expression levels of PDIA4 mRNA in 769-P cells in the miR-4469 group were lower than that in the control group (0.98±0.23 vs. 7.19±2.23, t = 2.77, P = 0.032). Compared with the control group, the expression of PDIA4 protein and PI3K-AKT-m-TOR pathway-related p-PI3K, p-AKT, p-mTOR, and p-SGK1 proteins in 769-P cells in the miR-4469 group were all lower (all P < 0.05). Conclusions:miR-4469 may be related to the survival of renal cancer patients, and its expression is down-regulated in various renal cancer cell lines. miR-4469 may inhibit the proliferation and invasion of renal cancer 769-P cells by regulating the PI3K-AKT-m-TOR pathway through PDIA4.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 49(6): 716-731, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550271


ABSTRACT Objectives: Accurate preoperative prediction of adverse pathology is crucial for treatment planning of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Previous studies have emphasized the potential of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PSMA PET/CT) in differentiating between benign and malignant localized renal tumors. However, there is a scarcity of case reports elucidating the identification of aggressive pathological features using PET/CT. Our study was designed to prospectively compare the diagnostic value of enhanced CT, 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET/CT in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) with necrosis or sarcomatoid or rhabdoid differentiation. Materials and Methods: A prospective case series of patients with a newly diagnosed renal mass who underwent enhanced CT, 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 18F-FDG PET/CT within 30 days prior to nephrectomy was included. Complete preoperative and postoperative clinicopathological data were recorded. Patients who received neoadjuvant targeted therapy, declined enhanced CT or PET/CT scanning, refused surgical treatment or had non-ccRCC pathological indications were excluded. Radiological parameters were compared within subgroups of pathological characteristics. Bonferroni corrections were used to adjust for multiple testing and statistical significance was set at a p-value less than 0.017. Results: Seventy-two patients were available for the final analysis. Enhanced CT demonstrated poor performance in identifying necrosis, sarcomatoid or rhabdoid differentiation and adverse pathology (all P > 0.05). The maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT was more effective than 18F-FDG PET/CT in identifying tumor necrosis and adverse pathology, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.85 (cutoff value=25.26, p<0.001; Delong test z=2.709, p=0.007) for tumor necrosis and AUC of 0.90 (cutoff value=25.26, p<0.001; Delong test z=3.433, p<0.001) for adverse pathology. However, no significant statistical difference was found between 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 18F-FDG PET/CT in predicting sarcomatoid or rhabdoid feature (AUC of 0.91 vs.0.75, Delong test z=1.998, p=0.046). Subgroup analyses based on age, sex, tumor location, maximal diameter, stage and WHO/ISUP grade demonstrated that 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT SUVmax had a significant predictive value for adverse pathology. Enhanced CT value and SUVmax demonstrated strong reliability [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) > 0.80], indicating a robust correlation. Conclusions: 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT demonstrates distinct advantages in identifying aggressive pathological features of primary ccRCC when compared to enhanced CT and 18F-FDG PET/CT. Further research and assessment are warranted to fully establish the clinical utility of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT in ccRCC.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 33: e-33110, Jan.-Dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570583


Introdução: O câncer renal, patologia relevante e relativamente frequente, tem pouca literatura baseada em dados brasileiros. Objetivo: Analisar um grupo de pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia por massas renais, quanto ao perfil histopatológico e a abordagem cirúrgica utilizada. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado em um hospital da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil, utilizando dados de laudos anatomopatológicos e análise da descrição cirúrgica de nefrectomias por tumor primário renal, no período de 2007 a 2018. Resultados: Foram analisados 324 casos, sendo 65,1% de pacientes do sexo masculino, com idade média de 60,5±14,1 anos. As nefrectomias parciais (NP) foram realizadas em 61,1% dos casos e foi observada tendência de aumento da realização deste tipo de cirurgia ao longo do tempo (p = 0,024), além do aumento das NP laparoscópicas (p<0,001). Os diagnósticos histológicos mais frequentes foram os carcinomas de células claras (64,5%), seguidos dos carcinomas de células renais (CCR) papilares (11,8%) e CCR cromófobos (10,9%). Achados de lesões benignas ocorreram em 9,6% dos casos, com proporção igual entre angiomiolipomas e oncocitomas. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo corroboram os dados da literatura internacional. O aumento no número de NP e cirurgias laparoscópicas seguem uma tendência de realização de cirurgias mais conservadoras e utilização de técnicas minimamente invasivas.

Introduction: Although kidney cancer is a relevant and relatively frequent pathology there is shortage of literature based on Brazilian data. Objective: To analyze a group of patients who had been submitted to nephrectomy by renal mass, taking into consideration the histopathological profile and the surgical approach used. Methods: Undertaken in a hospital in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, this cross-sectional, observational study utilises data taken from anatomopathological reports and analysis of surgery description of nephrectomies carried out on primary renal tumours between 2007 and 2018. Results: We analyzed 324 cases, 65.1% of male with an average age of 60.5±14.1 years. Partial nephrectomies (PN) were performed in 61.1% of the cases and there was a tendency to increase the incidence of this type of surgery over time (p = 0.024), in addition to an increase in PN laparoscopies (p<0.001). The most frequent histological diagnoses were clear cell carcinomas (64.5%), followed by papillary renal cell carcinomas (11.8%) and chromophobic renal cell carcinomas (10.9%). Benign lesions were evident in 9.6% of cases, with an equal proportion of angiomyolipomas and oncocytomas. Conclusion: The findings of this study corroborate the data found in the international literature, whilst the increase in the number of PN and laparoscopic procedures follows a trend towards more conservative surgery and the use of minimally invasive techniques.

Humans , Male , Female , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , General Surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Neoplasms , Nephrectomy
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(4): e202202835, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443060


La hipertensión arterial (HTA) grave en pediatría responde fundamentalmente a causas secundarias. Presentamos una paciente adolescente de 14 años con HTA grave, alcalosis metabólica e hipopotasemia, secundaria a un tumor de células yuxtaglomerulares productor de renina, diagnosticado luego de dos años de evolución de HTA.

Severe arterial hypertension (HTN) in pediatrics is mainly due to secondary causes. Here we describe the case of a 14-year-old female adolescent with severe HTN, metabolic alkalosis, and hypokalemia, secondary to a renin-secreting juxtaglomerular cell tumor diagnosed after 2 years of HTN progression.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Hypertension/etiology , Hypokalemia/complications , Kidney Neoplasms/complications , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosis , Renin/metabolism , Juxtaglomerular Apparatus/metabolism , Juxtaglomerular Apparatus/pathology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233351


Renal malignancy is the 15th leading cause of annual deaths, with late detection and misdiagnosis leading to decreased patient survival. We hereby present three cases of malignant renal tumours which grabbed our attention because of their rarity and interesting presentation. Case 1-A 38 year old male presented with palpable lump in right flank, CT revealed a multilocular cystic lesion in right kidney, along with horse-shoe kidneys. In view of renal biopsy suggesting Tubulocystic carcinoma, patient underwent nephrectomy and diagnosis confirmed to be the same histomorphologically as well as immunohistochemically using AMACR and PR. Case 2-A 77-year-old male had lower urinary tract symptoms due to prostatomegaly, and a left renal mass and small hepatic cysts were detected incidentally. Kidney function was normal. Microscopy showed Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, which was confirmed with immunohistochemical markers CK7 and CKIT. Case 3-A 50 year female presented with recurrent lump in her left flank, CT confirmed a huge left renal fossa mass. Biopsy showed features of malignant mesenchymal neoplasm consistent with leiomyosarcoma based on immunohistochemical panel of vimentin, h-Caldesmon, SMA, EMA, HMB-45 and S100, which helped in differentiating it from tumours like angiomyolipoma. Renal tumours have varied morphological overlapping and it is important to rule out close differentials using immunohistochemistry before coming to a diagnosis. Awareness of such presentations and findings can broaden our understanding of renal tumours which can help in early and accurate diagnosis for better outcome of the patient.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233175


Renal malignancy is the 15th leading cause of annual deaths, with late detection and misdiagnosis leading to decreased patient survival. We hereby present three cases of malignant renal tumours which grabbed our attention because of their rarity and interesting presentation. Case 1-A 38 year old male presented with palpable lump in right flank, CT revealed a multilocular cystic lesion in right kidney, along with horse-shoe kidneys. In view of renal biopsy suggesting Tubulocystic carcinoma, patient underwent nephrectomy and diagnosis confirmed to be the same histomorphologically as well as immunohistochemically using AMACR and PR. Case 2-A 77-year-old male had lower urinary tract symptoms due to prostatomegaly, and a left renal mass and small hepatic cysts were detected incidentally. Kidney function was normal. Microscopy showed Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, which was confirmed with immunohistochemical markers CK7 and CKIT. Case 3-A 50 year female presented with recurrent lump in her left flank, CT confirmed a huge left renal fossa mass. Biopsy showed features of malignant mesenchymal neoplasm consistent with leiomyosarcoma based on immunohistochemical panel of vimentin, h-Caldesmon, SMA, EMA, HMB-45 and S100, which helped in differentiating it from tumours like angiomyolipoma. Renal tumours have varied morphological overlapping and it is important to rule out close differentials using immunohistochemistry before coming to a diagnosis. Awareness of such presentations and findings can broaden our understanding of renal tumours which can help in early and accurate diagnosis for better outcome of the patient.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440535


Introducción: Las consultas monográficas de Onconefrología surgen como respuesta a las demandas asistenciales de pacientes con daño renal y cáncer. Objetivo: Establecer los motivos de remisión a la consulta de Onconefrología y caracterizar los pacientes atendidos en ella. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, transversal en el Hospital Universitario «Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau» de Villa Clara, Cuba, en el período comprendido de agosto 2020 - agosto 2021; se incluyeron los 53 pacientes atendidos en la consulta. Resultados: El 73,6% de los pacientes fue masculino, de piel blanca el 75,5%, la edad media fue de 68,38 años, con hipertensión arterial el 69,8%, con enfermedades cardiovasculares el 22,6%. Prevaleció el adenocarcinoma de próstata en el 24,5%, el 54,7% manifestó algún grado de enfermedad renal crónica y el 35,8% tuvo una causa obstructiva. El filtrado glomerular fue superior a mayor edad según la fórmula: Modificación de la Dieta en la Enfermedad Renal, independientemente del sexo. Conclusiones: Se realizó la caracterización de los pacientes; los criterios de remisión fueron establecidos, los más frecuentes fueron las alteraciones del medio interno o el sedimento urinario, hipertensión arterial no controlada, necesidad de tratamiento depurador renal extracorpóreo o cuidados paliativos.

Introduction: monographic consultations of Onconephrology arise as a response to the care demands of patients with kidney damage and cancer. Objective: to establish the reasons for referral to the Onconephrology consultation and to characterize the patients treated there. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out at "Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau" University Hospital in Villa Clara, Cuba from August 2020 to August 2021; 53 patients seen in this consultation were included. Results: 73.6% of the patients were male, 75.5% white-skinned, mean age was 68.38 years, 69.8% with arterial hypertension, 22.6% with cardiovascular diseases. Prostate adenocarcinoma prevailed in 24.5%, 54.7% had some degree of chronic kidney disease and 35.8% had an obstructive cause. Glomerular filtration rate was higher with increasing age according to the formula: Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, and regardless of gender. Conclusions: patients' characterization was made; the remission criteria were established, in which the most common ones were alterations of the internal environment or urinary sediment, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, need for extracorporeal renal purifying treatment or palliative care.

Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Acute Kidney Injury , Kidney Neoplasms
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;86(3): 277-280, May 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439380


ABSTRACT Ocular metastases from systemic tumors are uncommon. The choroid is the most frequent target, with a preference for elderly individuals. Lung cancer is the predominant primary tumor that metastasizes to the eyes in males, although other ocular conditions such as uveitis and retinal lesions can mimic secondary tumor implants in ocular tissues. On fundoscopy, choroidal metastasis resembles other infectious processes, especially choroidal tuberculoma. Therefore, patients presenting with choroidal masses should undergo detailed clinical examinations, especially if the mass is the first manifestation of a systemic and severe disease. In this report, we describe a young man with a metastatic choroidal tumor secondary to papillary renal cell carcinoma mimicking a unilateral choroidal tuberculoma.

RESUMO A disseminação metastática ocular de tumores sistêmicos é incomum, ocorrendo principalmente na coroide e em pacientes idosos. O câncer de pulmão é considerado o principal tumor metastático ocular em homens, contudo, outras doenças oculares, como as uveítes e lesões retinianas, podem mimetizar os implantes secundários tumorais nos tecidos oculares. O aspecto fundoscópico das neoplasias da coroide pode apresentar similaridade com outros processos infecciosos, especialmente o tuberculoma de coroide. Dessa forma, a investigação clínica detalhada é de grande importância no diagnóstico de pacientes com massas coroideanas, especialmente quando configuram a primeira manifestação de uma doença sistêmica e grave. Relatamos um caso raro de metástase coroideana como primeira manifestação clínica do carcinoma de células renais em um homem jovem, mimetizando um tuberculoma de coroide.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 49(1): 97-109, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421713


ABSTRACT Purpose: We examined if malnutrition, as defined by the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI), is independently associated with 30-day postoperative complications in patients undergoing nephrectomy for the treatment of renal cancer. Materials and methods: Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database from 2006-2019, we identified patients ≥65 years old who underwent nephrectomy for renal cancer. The following formula for GNRI was used to define preoperative nutritional status: 1.489 x serum albumin (g/L) + 41.7 x (current body weight [kg]/ ideal body weight [kg]). Based on the GNRI, patients were classified as having no (> 98), moderate (92-98), or severe malnutrition (< 92). After adjusting for potential confounders, multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association between GNRI and 30-day postoperative complications. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. Results: A total of 7,683 patients were identified, of which 1,241 (16.2%) and 872 (11.3%) had moderate and severe malnutrition, respectively. Compared to normal nutrition, moderate and severe malnutrition were significantly associated with a greater odds of superficial surgical site infection, progressive renal insufficiency, readmission, extended length of stay, and non-home discharge. Severe malnutrition was also associated with urinary tract infection (OR 2.10, 95% CI 1.31-3.35) and septic shock (OR 2.93, 95% CI 1.21-7.07). Conclusion: Malnutrition, as defined by a GNRI ≤ 98, is an independent predictor of 30-day complications following nephrectomy. The GNRI could be used to counsel elderly patients with renal cancer prior to nephrectomy.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 104-110, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996195


Objective:To screen key genes of renal clear cell carcinoma based on bioinformatics methods, identify possible microRNA (miRNA)-mRNA action axis, and explore the expression of related genes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissues and cells.Methods:Gene expression profiles of GSE40435 and GSE71302 datasets were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. TCGA-KIRC datasets were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. R software was used to identify the differentially expressed mRNA and miRNA, and the functional enrichment analysis was performed. STRING database and Cytoscape software were used to perform the protein interaction analysis. The prognosis-related differentially expressed miRNA was evaluated by the Oncomir database. The potential targeted genes regulated by miRNA were determined by using TargetScan and miRDB targeted gene prediction tools. The tissue samples and clinicopathological features of 34 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma in the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from June to December 2021 were collected, and normal renal cell line 293T and clear cell renal cell carcinoma cell line 786O were selected. The real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), was used to detect the relative expression of genes; Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining were used to detect the expression levels of the targeted proteins. The dual luciferase reporter gene assay was carried out to verify the targeting relationship between genes.Results:A total of 1 351 differentially expressed mRNA and 50 differentially expressed miRNA were screened and identified. The result of functional enrichment analysis suggested that the fatty acid metabolism pathway and xenobiotic metabolism pathway were suppressed in clear cell renal cell carcinoma, while the apoptosis and immune response pathways were activated. Protein interaction analysis suggested that the signal transduction and protein ubiquitination pathways might play a key role in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. The screening results showed that miRNA-224-5p (miR-224-5p) was most closely associated with clear cell renal cell carcinoma progression and was highly expressed in tumor tissues, and its prognosis-related target gene was NEDD4L. The relative expression of NEDD4L mRNA in clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissues and paraneoplastic tissues were 0.138±0.103 and 1.000±0.026 ( t = 46.23, P < 0.05), and the relative expression of miR-224-5p was 1.000±0.043 and 0.129±0.108 ( t = 45.28, P < 0.05). The differences of NEDD4L mRNA and miR-224-5p expressions in different grades and stages of clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissues were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The expression of NEDD4L protein was decreased in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. The relative expression of NEDD4L gene in 293T and 786O cells were 1.000±0.125 and 0.210±0.044 ( t = 17.52, P < 0.05); the relative expressions of miR-224-5p gene were 0.209±0.049 and 1.000±0.234 ( t = 10.61, P < 0.05). The relative expressions of NEDD4L mRNA in miRNA mimic group and negative control group were 0.236±0.062 and 1.000±0.024, and the difference was statistically significant ( t = 43.56, P < 0.05). NEDD4L protein expression was reduced in the miRNA mimic group. Dual luciferase reporter gene assay suggested that NEDD4L was a direct target gene of miR-224-5p. Conclusions:In clear cell renal cell carcinoma, miR-224-5p targets and regulates NEDD4L expression, and this mechanism may be related to carcinogenesis and progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 401-407, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996247


In 2022, World Health Organization (WHO) launched the 5th edition of the classification of renal tumors. This classification continues to use the previous classification framework of renal tumors based on morphology and tissue structure, and proposes the concept of renal cell carcinoma defined by molecular features for the first time. This article interprets from the 3 aspects of historical changes of WHO classification and grading of renal tumors, comparison of 2022 and 2016 WHO classification of renal tumors, and the role of molecular characteristics in the new pathological types such as ELOC mutant renal cell carcinoma, ALK rearrangement renal cell carcinoma, eosinophilic solid and cystic renal cell carcinoma. The purpose is to better understand the WHO from the traditional classification system based on tissue morphology to a three-in-one integrated classification system covering morphology, immunophenotype and genetic characteristics, and to understand the important value of molecular pathology in guiding the work of pathologists and clinicians under the new classification system.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 584-591, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996279


Objective:To investigate the value of a cuproptosis-related differential long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) scoring formula related to the prognosis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) patients in the clinical diagnosis, prognosis prediction and treatment options based on bioinformatics.Methods:Gene matrix and clinical data of ccRCC patients were obtained from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database (update to 29 March, 2022). The expression data of 539 ccRCC tissues and 72 paracancerous normal tissues were collected from gene matrix; the data of 530 ccRCC were collected from clinical data. Pearson correlation analysis, Wilcoxon signed rank test and univariate Cox proportional risk model were used to analyze the screened cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA related to the prognosis. R software was used to randomly divide 530 ccRCC patients with survival data into training set (266 cases) and validation set (264 cases) according to approximate 1∶1 ratio. LASSO regression analysis was used to construct a cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA scoring formula and cross-validation was performed. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA scoring formula, and the area of the curve (AUC) was calculated. According to the median risk value, all patients were divided into the low-risk group and high-risk group; Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the difference in the overall survival (OS) of patients in the low-risk group and high-risk group. T test was used to detect the differences in the risk value of patients with different clinicopathological characteristics. R package rms was used to construct the nomogram for predicting 1-year, 3-year, 5-year OS rates of ccRCC patients, R package pRRophetic was used to predict the half-inhibitory concentration ( IC50) of common targeted drugs such as sorafenib and sunitinib in clinical treatment of ccRCC patients, and IC50 value of patients in low-risk group and high-risk group was compared by using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Tissue samples of 20 ccRCC patients who underwent radical nephrectomy and were diagnosed with pathology and the matched paracancerous normal tissues were collected from the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University between June 2021 and December 2021. Real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to detect the expression of key lncRNA in ccRCC tissues. Results:Based on the expression matrix of 10 cuproptosis genes (FDX1, LIAS, LIPT1, DLD, DLAT, PDHA1, PDHB, MTF1, GLS, CDKN2A) of ccRCC patients in TCGA database, 153 cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA related to the prognosis were identified. According to LASSO regression analysis, a scoring formula of 4 cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA related to the prognosis was obtained, risk value was calculated as 0.020×AC015912.3+0.011×AC026401.3+0.063×AC103706.1+(-0.076)×EPB41L4A-DT. All patients were divided into high-risk group (≥0.76) and low-risk group (<0.76) based on the median value (0.76). ROC curve analysis showed that the scoring formula had good prediction accuracy in 1-year, 3-year, 5-year OS rates. In training set, validation set, the total cohort, the OS of patients in the high-risk group was worse than that in the low-risk group (all P < 0.001). The age, pathological degree, tumor staging, risk value calculated by cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA were independent influencing factors of OS (all P < 0.001). There were statistically significant differences in the risk value calculated by cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA scoring formula among patients with different pathological degree, tumor staging, T staging, N staging, M staging (all P < 0.01), while there were no statistically significant differences among patients with different gender and age (all P > 0.05). The established nomogram had good prediction accuracy in the 1-year, 3-year, 5-year OS rates. Sunitinib and sirolimus showed higher sensitivity in the high-risk group; axitinib, sorafenib and pazopanib showed higher sensitivity in the low-risk group. qRT-PCR results showed that relative expression level of AC015912.3 in ccRCC tissues was up-regulated compared with paracancerous tissues (1.00±0.04 vs. 0.68±0.24, t = 6.37, P < 0.01); the relative expression level of AC026401.3 in ccRCC tissues was up-regulated compared with paracancerous tissues (1.00±0.05 vs. 0.64±0.22, t = 7.29, P < 0.01); the relative expression level of AC103706.1 in ccRCC tissues was up-regulated compared with paracancerous tissues (1.00±0.04 vs. 0.64±0.21, t = 7.49, P < 0.01); the relative expression level of EPB41L4A-DT in ccRCC tissues was up-regulated compared with paracancerous tissues (1.00±0.06 vs. 0.73±0.10, t = 10.68, P < 0.01). Conclusions:Cuproptosis-related differential lncRNA scoring formula based on TCGA database can be used as a new marker for clinical diagnosis and prognosis prediction of ccRCC patients, which can help guide the clinical drug treatment of patients and facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 802-811, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010133


OBJECTIVE@#To retrospectively analyze clinical data of patients under 40 years old who underwent surgical treatment for renal tumors with tumor thrombus from January 2016 to December 2022 at Peking University Third Hospital, and to evaluate the surgical effect and investigate the relationship between clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 17 young patients with renal tumor thrombus were retrospectively analyzed, and the clinicopathological features and prognosis were summarized. The patients were grouped according to the presence or absence of symptoms, 2017 American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) clinical stage, and postoperative combined adjuvant therapy. Kaplan-Meier method was used to plot the survival curve, and Log-rank test was used to compare the differences in postoperative survival time and progression-free survival time between the different groups. The relationship between clinicopathological features and prognosis was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#All the 17 patients received venous tumor thrombectomy, including 16 patients (94.1%) who underwent radical nephrectomy and 1 patient (5.9%) who underwent partial nephrectomy. Twelve patients (70.6%) had symptoms and 5 (29.4%) had no symptoms before operation. A total of 17 renal tumors were observed, with 2 patients (11.8%) identified as benign and 15 patients (88.2%) classified as malignant. Among the malignant tumors, 1 patient (6.7%) was diagnosed as clear cell carcinoma, while the remaining 14 patients (93.3%) were categorized as non-clear cell carcinoma. In terms of tumor stage, 8 patients (53.3%) were classified as stage Ⅲ according to the AJCC classification, while 7 patients (46.7%) were categorized as stage Ⅳ. Additionally, 6 patients (40%) received multiple adjuvant therapy, while 9 patients (60%) did not undergo such treatment. The follow-up period ranged from 2 to 78 months, with a median follow-up of 41 months. During this time, 3 patients (20%) died. The median survival time after surgery was 39.0 (2.3, 77.8) months, and the progression-free survival time was 16.4 (2.3, 77.8) months. There was no significant difference in postoperative survival time and progression-free survival time among young patients with renal tumor with tumor thrombus, based on the presence of symptoms before surgery (P=0.307, P=0.302), clinical stage of AJCC (P=0.340, P=0.492), and postoperative adjuvant therapy (P=0.459, P=0.253) group.@*CONCLUSION@#The pathological types of young patients with renal tumor with tumor thrombus are more complex and varied due to symptoms, and the proportion of non-clear cell carcinoma in malignant tumor with tumor thrombus is higher. Symptomatic and non-clear cell carcinoma may be potentially associated with poor prognosis. Surgical operation combined with adjuvant therapy is a relatively safe and effective treatment for young patients with renal tumor and tumor thrombus.

Humans , Adult , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Vena Cava, Inferior/surgery , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Prognosis , Thrombosis/surgery , Thrombectomy/methods , Nephrectomy/methods