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Rev. med. Risaralda ; 30(1): 185-190, jul.-dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576527


Resumen Descripción del caso: Paciente de 23 años con hemorragia abdominal de origen no claro, que posteriormente presenta inestabilidad hemodinámica, requiriendo manejo quirúrgico en tres ocasiones con evolución satisfactoria. Hallazgos clínicos: Presentó sangrado cuantificado de 5500 cc en cavidad abdominal (grado IV - clasificación ATLS) con lesiones hepáticas en los segmentos I, IV y VIII, sin hallazgos sugestivos de trauma al examen físico, ni otros hallazgos traumáticos internos. Tratamiento y resultados: Se llevó a cabo una intervención quirúrgica precoz mediante laparotomía exploratoria con hallazgos ya descritos, además de dos tiempos quirúrgicos adicionales que llevaron al control del sangrado, con evolución satisfactoria. Relevancia clínica: El sangrado abdominal y laceración de víscera sólida secundario a trauma cerrado de abdomen es una etiología común en pacientes jóvenes masculinos, siendo contrario a esta afirmación el sangrado de origen hepático sin trauma es una etiología poco común. El presente caso resulta ser una dificultad diagnóstica en cuanto a la etiología, ya que lo evidenciado en la exploración quirúrgica no concuerda con el examen físico externo, sin una historia clínica clara al ingreso se deja la interrogante de la causa.

Summary: Case description: 23-year-old patient with abdominal hemorrhage of unclear origin, who subsequently presented hemodynamic instability, requiring surgical management on three occasions with satisfactory evolution. Clinical findings: she presented quantified bleeding of 5500 cc in the abdominal cavity (grade IV-ATLS classification) with liver lesions in segments I, IV and VIII, without findings suggestive of trauma on physical examination, or other internal traumatic findings. Treatment and results: An early surgical intervention was carried out through exploratory laparotomy with findings already described, in addition to two additional surgical procedures that led to control of bleeding, with satisfactory evolution. Clinical relevance: Abdominal bleeding and solid viscus laceration secondary to blunt abdominal trauma is a common etiology in young male patients, contrary to this statement, bleeding of hepatic origin without trauma is a rare etiology. The present case turns out to be a diagnostic difficulty in terms of etiology, since what was evidenced in the surgical exploration does not agree with the external physical examination, without a clear clinical history at admission, the question of the cause is left.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569587


Introducción: La enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico es una de las principales causas de afección hepática. La citoqueratina 18 surge como marcador no invasivo para la valoración de fibrosis hepática. El objetivo del trabajo fue validar el uso de la citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica en el diagnóstico y evolución de los pacientes con enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico. Metodología: Para validar la citoqueratina 18 en el diagnóstico se realizó un estudio de tipo caso-control. El grupo caso fueron los pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, con diagnóstico de enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico vinculado al síndrome metabólico, captados entre 2/2/2019 al 2/2/2020. El grupo control fueron personas donantes de sangre. Se parearon 1-1 por edad y sexo. Se cuantificó la citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica de ambos grupos. Para validar la citoqueratina 18 en la evolución de los pacientes con enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico se realizó un trabajo prospectivo, longitudinal. El grupo de pacientes captados fueron seguidos durante un año bajo tratamiento estándar, finalizando el mismo se realizó la cuantificación de citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica. Las variables continuas se expresan con la media y desvío estándar. Se analizó con test de t Student, error α < 5% Resultados: 13 pacientes integran el grupo caso (12 mujeres), de 53 ± 11 años, con IMC 35.01 ± 8.9 kg/m2. El valor de citoqueratina 18 pre-tratamiento fue de 1410 ± 120 UI, y el valor post-tratamiento fue de 117 ± 56, p < 0,005.El grupo control fueron 13 personas (12 mujeres), de 43,4 ± 8,1 años e IMC 28,10 ± 5,4 kg/m2 El valor de citoqueratina 18 fue de 193 ± 7.2 UI, p < 0.005 vs grupo caso pretratamiento. Conclusiones: La citoqueratina 18 es más elevada en los pacientes con enfermedad hígado graso no alcohólico, siendo estadísticamente significativa y disminuye con el tratamiento con significación estadística, pudiendo constituirse en un marcador útil en este grupo de pacientes.

Introduction: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the main causes of liver disease. Cytokeratin 18 emerges as a non-invasive marker for the assessment of liver fibrosis. The objective of the work was to validate the use of cytokeratin 18 in peripheral blood in the diagnosis and evolution of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Methodology: To validate cytokeratin 18 in the diagnosis, a case-control study was carried out. The case group was patients over 18 years of age, of both sexes, with a diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease linked to metabolic syndrome, recruited between 2/2/2019 to 2/2/2020. The control group were blood donors. They were matched 1-1 for age and sex. Cytokeratin 18 was quantified in peripheral blood of both groups. To validate cytokeratin 18 in the evolution of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a prospective, longitudinal study was carried out. The group of patients recruited were followed for one year under standard treatment, at the end of which cytokeratin 18 was quantified in peripheral blood. Continuous variables are expressed with the mean and standard deviation. It was analyzed with Student's t test, α error < 5%. Results: 13 patients make up the case group (12 women), 53 ± 11 years old, with BMI 35.01 ± 8.9 kg/m2. The pre-treatment cytokeratin 18 value was 1410 ± 120 IU, and the post-treatment value was 117 ± 56, p < 0.005. The control group was 13 people (12 women), 43.4 ± 8.1 years and BMI 28.10 ± 5.4 kg/m2 The cytokeratin 18 value was 193 ± 7.2 IU, p < 0.005 vs. pretreatment case group. Conclusions: Cytokeratin 18 is higher in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, being statistically significant, and decreases with treatment with statistical significance, and may become a useful marker in this group of patients.

Introdução: A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica é uma das principais causas de doença hepática. A citoqueratina 18 surge como um marcador não invasivo para avaliação de fibrose hepática. O objetivo do trabalho foi validar o uso da citoqueratina 18 no sangue periférico no diagnóstico e evolução de pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica. Metodologia: Para validar a citoqueratina 18 no diagnóstico, foi realizado um estudo caso-controle. O grupo caso foi composto por pacientes maiores de 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica ligada à síndrome metabólica, recrutados entre 02/02/2019 a 02/02/2020. O grupo controle eram doadores de sangue. Eles foram comparados em 1 a 1 por idade e sexo. A citoqueratina 18 foi quantificada no sangue periférico de ambos os grupos. Para validar a citoqueratina 18 na evolução de pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, foi realizado um estudo prospectivo e longitudinal. O grupo de pacientes recrutados foi acompanhado durante um ano sob tratamento padrão, ao final do qual a citoqueratina 18 foi quantificada no sangue periférico. As variáveis ​​contínuas são expressas com média e desvio padrão. Foi analisado com teste t de Student, erro α < 5%. Resultados: Compõem o grupo caso 13 pacientes (12 mulheres), 53 ± 11 anos, com IMC 35,01 ± 8,9 kg/m2. O valor de citoqueratina 18 pré-tratamento foi de 1410 ± 120 UI e o valor pós-tratamento foi de 117 ± 56, p < 0,005. O grupo controle foi de 13 pessoas (12 mulheres), 43,4 ± 8,1 anos e IMC 28,10 ± 5,4 kg/m2 O valor da citoqueratina 18 foi de 193 ± 7,2 UI, p < 0,005 vs. grupo de casos pré-tratamento. Conclusões: A citoqueratina 18 é maior em pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, sendo estatisticamente significativa, e diminui com o tratamento com significância estatística, podendo se tornar um marcador útil neste grupo de pacientes.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(5): 902-912, Oct. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582689


Resumen Introducción : El melanoma uveal primario es el tu mor intraocular maligno más frecuente del adulto. Cer ca del 50% de los pacientes fallecen de enfermedad metastásica, a pesar de un tratamiento local exitoso. El objetivo primario fue estimar la incidencia de metástasis y sobrevida en los pacientes con melanoma uveal pri mario. Como objetivo secundario se planteó determinar los predictores independientes de metástasis. Métodos : Se realizó un estudio analítico observacio nal, retrospectivo mediante un diseño de cohorte am bidireccional entre 2003 y 2020 en CABA, en pacientes con melanoma uveal primario y los potenciales facto res clínicos predictores de metástasis. Se determinó la densidad de incidencia de metástasis, la mortalidad, y se analizaron las curvas de sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier). Se realizó un análisis uni y multivariado utilizando el modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox. Resultados : De los 143 pacientes (edad promedio 57, DS 16), la mediana del espesor fue de 6. 2 mm DS 3.4, la media del diámetro tumoral fue de 12.6 mm (DS 3.8). Un 69.9% realizó tratamiento conservador con braquiterapia, un 25.9% enucleación. Un 19.6% presen taron metástasis (mediana de tiempo al evento: 26.5 meses). La mortalidad específica por melanoma fue de 17.5%. El diámetro mayor a 12 mm y la extensión fueron variables predictoras de metástasis en el modelo multivariado. Conclusión : Si bien la mediana del tiempo al evento metástasis fue de 26.5 meses, puede presentarse muchos años después de un tratamiento local oncológicamente eficaz. Un diagnóstico precoz permitiría pesquisar tumo res más pequeños y mejoraría el pronóstico.

Abstract Introduction : Primary uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular malignancy in adults. Almost 50% of patients die from metastatic disease despite success ful local treatment. The objective was to estimate the incidence of metastasis and survival in patients with primary uveal melanoma. The second objective was to determine the independent predictors of metastasis. Methods : A retrospective, observational, analytical study was carried out using an ambidirectional cohort design in patients from Buenos Aires City between Janu ary 2003 to January 2020. Patients with uveal melanoma and potential clinical predictors of metastasis were identified. The density of incidence of metastasis and mortality were determined, and survival curves were analyzed (Kaplan Meir) A univariate and multivariate analysis using Cox proportional hazard models was performed. Results : 143 patients (mean age 57 SD 16) were in cluded. The median thickness was 6.2 mm SD 3.4 mm, the mean tumor diameter was 12.6 mm (SD 3.8). 69.9% of the patients underwent conservative treatment with brachytherapy while 25.9% underwent enucleation. 19.6% presented metastasis, the median time to the event was 26.5 months. The specific mortality due to melanoma was 17.5%. Diameter greater than 12 mm and extension were predictor variables of metastasis in a multivariable model. Conclusion : Although the median time to the event (metastasis) is 26.5 moths, it could occur many years after local oncological effective treatment. An early di agnosis would allow finding smaller tumors and would improve the prognosis.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(5): 975-978, Oct. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582697


Resumen El síndrome de absceso hepático invasivo causado por cepas hipermucoviscosas de Klebsiella pneumoniae es una enfermedad poco frecuente. Esta serovariedad de Klebsiella se caracteriza por ser agresiva e invasiva pese a su perfil de sensibilidad. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 62 años con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus, que ingresó a nuestro centro con síndrome meníngeo. A las 24 horas del ingreso se aislaron en hemocultivos y en líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) bacilos Gram negativos que luego fueron tipificados como Klebsiella pneumoniae. Se identificó la presencia de un absceso hepático mediante tomografía computarizada. Pese al tratamiento antibiótico instaurado de manera temprana, el paciente evolucionó con dolor dorsal que le impedía movilizarse y hemiparesia dere cha. En la resonancia magnética nuclear de columna se identificó aumento de la señal de la región central de la médula espinal compatible con mielitis por lo cual reci bió tratamiento con metilprednisolona 1g/día por 5 días consecutivos. El paciente evolucionó de manera favorable. Las infecciones por K. pneumoniae hipermucoviscosas son agresivas e invasoras y más frecuentes en varones con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus, como en este caso. Su control requiere de un tratamiento antibiótico temprano y búsqueda de focos a distancia.

Abstract Invasive liver abscess syndrome caused by hyper virulent Klebsiella. pneumoniae is a rare disease. This type of K. pneumoniae is aggressive and invasive, despite its sensitivity profile. We report the case of a 62-year-old man with diabetes mellitus, who was admitted to our hospital with meningeal syndrome. Within 24 hours of admission, Gram negative bacilli were isolated blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures, which were later identified as K. pneumoniae. Liver abscess was detected by com puted tomography. Despite early antibiotic treatment, the patient developed back pain that prevented him from moving and right hemiparesis. Increased signal from the central region of the spinal medulla compat ible with myelitis was identified by magnetic resonance, for which he received methylprednisolone 1 g/day for 5 days. The patient evolved favorably. Infections caused by hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae are aggressive and invasive, and more common in men with a history of diabetes mellitus, as in this case. These infections require early antibiotic treatment and the search of metastatic infections.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 738-744, Septiembre 16, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571922


Introducción. El trasplante hepático es el tratamiento indicado en aquellas enfermedades del hígado en las cuales ya se han agotado otras medidas terapéuticas, y es un procedimiento complejo. Las complicaciones postquirúrgicas se relacionan con alta morbimortalidad y pueden llevar a desenlaces fatales; las complicaciones vasculares son las de mayor mortalidad, por lo que es crucial la detección temprana y el tratamiento oportuno. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los pacientes que presentaron complicaciones vasculares posterior a trasplante hepático. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con seguimiento a los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático en la Fundación Cardiovascular, entre los años 2013 y 2023, que presentaron complicaciones vasculares. Se evaluó el tipo de complicación, los factores de riesgo y los desenlaces postquirúrgicos. Resultados. Se incluyeron en total 82 pacientes trasplantados, con un predominio del sexo masculino 59,8 % (n=49); la principal indicación del trasplante fue el alcoholismo (21,9 %). Veinte pacientes presentaron complicaciones vasculares; la más frecuente fue trombosis de arteria hepática, en el 45 % (n=9). En tres de estos casos se requirió nuevo trasplante. Conclusión. Las complicaciones vasculares empeoran la evolución clínica postoperatoria de los pacientes y están relacionadas con alta morbimortalidad, por lo cual es crucial la valoración multidisciplinaria, el diagnóstico oportuno y la intervención temprana para disminuir los desenlaces fatales.

Introduction. Liver transplant is the treatment indicated for those liver diseases in which other therapeutic measures have already been exhausted, and it is a complex procedure. Post-surgical complications are related to high morbidity and mortality and can lead to fatal outcomes. Vascular complications are the ones with the highest mortality, so early detection and timely treatment are crucial. The objective of this study was to characterize patients who presented vascular complications after liver transplantation. Methods. Descriptive, retrospective study, with follow-up of patients undergoing liver transplant at the Fundación Cardiovascular, between 2013 and 2023, who presented vascular complications. The type of complication, risk factors and postsurgical outcomes were evaluated. Results. A total of 82 transplant patients were included, with a predominance of males with 59.8% (n=49); the main indication for transplant was alcoholism (21.9%). Twenty patients presented vascular complications; the most frequent was hepatic artery thrombosis 45% (n=9). In three of these cases a new transplant was required. Conclusion. Vascular complications worsen the postoperative clinical course of patients and are associated with high morbidity and mortality, which is why multidisciplinary assessment, diagnosis and early intervention are crucial to reduce fatal outcomes.

Humans , Postoperative Complications , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Liver Transplantation , Reoperation , Mortality , Liver
Hepatología ; 5(3): 183-184, sept. 3, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570316


La trombosis de la vena porta (TVP) en pacientes con o sin cirrosis hepática (CH) se define como una obstrucción de la vena porta debido a la formación de un trombo que puede extenderse a las venas mesentéricas superiores y esplénica. Esta es una complicación común de la enfermedad hepática avanzada. Se creía que la TVP se producía predominantemente debido al potencial protrombótico del paciente con CH, ya que se observaba una mayor incidencia de TVP en CH con una puntuación MELD y Child-Pugh más altas, con una prevalencia informada del 10 % al 25%.

Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in patients with or without hepatic cirrhosis (CH) is defined as an obstruction of the portal vein due to the formation of a thrombus that may extend to the superior mesenteric and splenic veins. This is a common complication of advanced liver disease. It was believed that PVT predominantly occurred due to the prothrombotic potential of the patient with CH, as a higher incidence of PVT was observed in CH with higher MELD and Child-Pugh scores, with a reported prevalence of 10% to 25%.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(3): 294-304, jul.-set. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574097


El examen de rutina de los donantes de órganos para detectar la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) ha hecho que la transmisión del virus mediante el trasplante de órganos sea poco común. Sin embargo, a pesar de las pruebas de detección de rutina, la transmisión del HIV continúa siendo un riesgo del trasplante de órganos ya que, a diferencia de los tejidos, los órganos sólidos no se pueden procesar, desinfectar, ni modificar para inactivar patógenos infecciosos. A continuación, se describe un caso de posible transmisión de HIV por trasplante de órganos de un donante previamente seronegativo a dos de sus receptores.

Routine screening of organ donors to detect human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has detected the rare transmission of the virus through organ transplantation. However, despite routine screening, HIV transmission remains a risk in organ transplantation since, unlike tissues, solid organs cannot be processed, disinfected, or modified to inactivate infectious pathogens. A case of possible transmission of HIV by organ transplant is described below, from a previously seronegative donor to two recipients.

Humans , Organ Transplantation , HIV , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Tissue Donors , Blood Donors , Kidney Transplantation , Liver Transplantation , Biosurveillance , Seroconversion
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234138


Background: Scrub typhus is a zoonotic infectious disease presenting commonly with acute febrile illness of variable severity and symptoms. It mimics other more prevalent tropical febrile illnesses such as dengue, malaria, and leptospirosis. Prevalence is high in and around Udaipur due to hilly terrains and agricultural farmlands. Multisystem involvement is common but liver dysfunction is a fatal comorbidity. Methods: In a retrospective observational study, we analyzed the clinical, biochemical, and demographic parameters of 85 patients of scrub typhus. The study population was distributed into four groups for abnormal liver chemistries based on American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) clinical guidelines: normal, borderline high, mild elevation, and moderate elevation. Results: Almost 80% of patients had abnormal liver chemistries including either serum bilirubin or transaminases. More than 30% of patients were categorized in group 2 and group 3 of the abnormal liver chemistries. Group 4 with moderate to severe liver dysfunction had 15.3% (n=13) patients. Thrombocytopenia and elevated blood urea and Creatinine were significantly seen in patients with both scrub typhus and liver dysfunction. Conclusions: Thus, in our study prevalence of hepatitis and jaundice with multiorgan failure in scrub typhus patients was significantly high. Timely identification of systemic complications and screening of liver chemistries on presentation is of utmost importance for better outcomes, among seriously ill patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232748


Vomiting is a common symptom in pregnancy. However, vomiting in third trimester could be due to uncommon causes. One of the rare causes being acute fatty liver of pregnancy which is life threatening. Here we present an interesting case report and the importance of timely diagnosis of acute fatty liver of pregnancy.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(3): 569-573, ago. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575240


Resumen El sarcoma de Ewing (ES) y el tumor neuroectodérmi co primitivo (PNET) pertenecen al grupo de neoplasias denominadas tumores de células pequeñas y redondas. Los PNET se dividen en centrales y periféricos. El ES y los PNET periféricos surgen del tejido óseo, de los tejidos blandos o nervios periféricos. Presentamos un caso de ES/PNET hepático en un hombre sano que inició cuatro meses antes de la consulta con síntomas abdominales y pérdida de peso. La endoscopia digestiva alta y la analí tica no revelaron hallazgos relevantes. En la tomografía de abdomen se evidenció hígado aumentado de tamaño a expensas de lesión sólida que comprometía todos sus segmentos con realce al contraste endovenoso y grandes áreas de necrosis. Comprimía y desplazaba estructuras vecinas. Se realizó biopsia con aguja gruesa de la lesión hepática: neoplasia de células pequeñas y redondas. La inmunohistoquímica reveló negatividad para CD45, CKA1/A3, cromogranina, sinaptofisina y citoqueratinas CK7 y CK20. Expresión tenue de CD56 y positividad de CD99, FLI-1 y NKX2. Realizó tratamiento quimioterápico con carboplatino y etopósido por 6 ciclos con mejoría clínica y tolerancia al mismo. En imágenes de control se evidenció reducción de la masa con afección del lóbulo hepático derecho, compromiso de la vena cava inferior, infiltración de la glándula suprarrenal y polo superior del riñón derechos. Se remitió a cirugía hepatobiliar para resección quirúrgica de la lesión residual. El paciente rechazó el procedimiento quirúrgico. Nuestro objetivo es destacar el desafío diagnóstico clínico e histológico de esta entidad que obliga a descartar otras entidades clínicas.

Abstract Ewing sarcoma (ES) and primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) belong to the group of neoplasms called small round cell tumors. PNETs have been divided into central and peripheral. ES and peripheral PNETs arise from bones, soft tissues, or peripheral nerves. We pres ent a case of hepatic ES/PNET in a healthy man that began four months before consultation with abdominal symptoms and weight loss. Upper gastrointestinal en doscopy and laboratory tests revealed no notable find ings. The abdominal tomography revealed an enlarged liver due to a solid lesion that involved all its segments with intravenous contrast enhancement and large areas of necrosis. It compressed and displaced neighboring structures. Core needle biopsy of the liver lesion was per formed: small round cell neoplasm. Immunohistochemis try revealed negativity for CD45, CKA1/A3, chromogranin, synaptophysin, and cytokeratins CK7 and CK20. Dim CD56 expression and CD99, FLI-1, and NKX2 positivity. He underwent chemotherapy treatment with carboplatin and etoposide for 6 cycles with clinical improvement and tolerance. Control images showed reduction of the mass with involvement of the right hepatic lobe, involvement of the inferior vena cava, infiltration of the right adrenal gland and upper pole of the right kidney. He was referred to hepatobiliary surgery for surgical resection of the residual lesion. The patient rejected the proposed surgi cal procedure. Our objective is to highlight the clinical and histological diagnostic challenge of this entity that requires ruling out other clinical entities.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(3): 588-591, ago. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575244


Resumen El paracetamol es una droga analgésica y antipiré tica comúnmente utilizada, que ha experimentado un aumento en su consumo en los últimos años en nuestro medio. También se ha observado un incremento en el número de sobredosis accidentales e intencionales que fueron atendidas por el sistema de salud. Su toxicidad es dosis dependiente y puede causar falla hepática fulminante, convirtiéndose en una de las principales razones de trasplante hepático en países angloparlan tes. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 28 años con antecedentes de depresión mayor y cinco intentos de suicidio previos, quien ingirió deliberadamente una cantidad significativa de comprimidos de paracetamol. Desarrolló una falla hepática fulminante y acidosis metabólica, por lo que fue sometida a un trasplante hepático de emergencia debido a la gravedad de su condición evolucionando favorablemente. La decisión de realizar un trasplante hepático en casos graves como este y bajo una condición de vulnerabilidad psiquiátrica grave, es un desafío y debe considerarse cuidadosamente. Este caso en particular ilustra la im portancia de la atención multidisciplinaria incluyendo la evaluación psiquiátrica en pacientes con intoxicación por paracetamol.

Abstract Acetaminophen is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic drug, which has experienced an increase in its consumption in recent years in our environment. There has also been an increase in the number of accidental and intentional overdoses that were treated by the health system. Its toxicity is dose-dependent and can cause ful minant liver failure, becoming one of the main reasons for liver transplantation in English-speaking countries. The case of a 28-year-old woman with a history of major depression and five previous suicide attempts, who de liberately ingested a significant amount of paracetamol tablets, is here presented. She developed fulminant liver failure and metabolic acidosis, for which she underwent an emergency liver transplant due to the severity of her condition, from which she evolved favorably. The decision to perform a liver transplant in serious cases like this and under a condition of severe psychiatric vulnerability is challenging and must be carefully considered. This particular case illustrates the importance of multidisci plinary care including psychiatric evaluation in patients with acetaminophen poisoning.

Rev. argent. cir ; 116(3): 201-208, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575955


RESUMEN Antecedentes: En las últimas décadas ha habido un cambio considerable hacia un enfoque más conservador en el tratamiento del traumatismocerrado de abdomen, con énfasis en la preservación de la función de órganos; actualmente, el tratamiento no operatorio (TNO) se ha convertido en la técnica de manejo estándar en pacientes hemodinámicamente estables con lesiones de órgano sólido. Objetivo: Describir las variables clínicas asociadas a la tasa de éxito en una serie de pacientes con TNO de trauma abdominal cerrado con lesión de órganos sólidos. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, longitudinal, analítico entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2022, sobre pacientes admitidos con diagnóstico de traumatismo abdominal cerrado. Las variables evaluadas fueron: edad, sexo, estadía hospitalaria, complicaciones, requerimiento de transfusiones, tasa de éxito y mortalidad. Resultados: De 2590 pacientes ingresados por Guardia de Cirugía General, 24 pacientes se internaron con diagnóstico de traumatismo cerrado de abdomen. Fueron excluidos 15 pacientes por no cumplir con los criterios de inclusión. Los 9 pacientes seleccionados tuvieron un promedio de edad de 39 años (15-80) y 9 fueron varones. En el 36% presentaron lesiones esplénicas grados I-II, 27% presentó lesión renal grado II y el 18% restante con lesión hepática grado II. La tasa de éxito del tratamiento fue del 100% en nuestra serie sin evidenciar fallos en la terapéutica instaurada. Conclusión: Con los criterios empleados en TNO del traumatismo abdominal cerrado con lesión de órganos sólidos fue factible y permitió alcanzar una alta tasa de éxito, sin mortalidad.

ABSTRACT Background: In recent decades, there has been a significant shift toward a more conservative approach to the management of blunt abdominal trauma with an emphasis on preserving organ function; currently, non-operative management (NOM) has become the standard of care for hemodynamically stable patients with solid organ injury. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the different clinical variables associated with the success rate of NOM of blunt abdominal trauma with involving solid organs. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective, observational, longitudinal, and analytical study of patients admitted for blunt abdominal trauma between January 1, 2017, and December 1, 2022. The variables evaluated were age, sex, length of hospital stay, complications, transfusion requirements, success rate and mortality. Results: Between January 2017 and December 2022, of 2590 patients seen in the emergency department, 24 were admitted with a diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma. Fifteen patients did not meet the inclusion criteria. The mean age of the 9 patients included was 39 years (15-80 years) and 6 were men. Thirty-six percent had grade I and II splenic lesions, 27% had grade II renal lesions, and 18% had grade II hepatic lesions. The success rate of our series was 100% and there were no failures. Conclusion: The variables analyzed allowed us to affirm that NOM of blunt abdominal trauma with solid organ injury was feasible and allowed us to achieve a high success rate, without deaths.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234229


Background: Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is an increasingly recognised entity that includes the acute deterioration of chronic liver disease usually associated with a precipitating event, development of one or more organ failure and high short-term mortality. Methods: This is a prospective observational study. Clinical data of patients admitted with ACLF at Goa Medical College between November 2019 to November 2021 are summarized and analyzed using relevant statistical tests. Results: A total of 70 patient抯 data was collected. Most common cause of underlying chronic liver disease was alcohol (85.7%) followed by hepatitis B (4.3%), autoimmune diseases (4.3%), cryptogenic (4.3%) and hepatitis C (1.4%). Infections were the most common precipitating factors for ACLF (42.8%) followed by alcohol (28.5%), upper gastrointestinal bleeding (21.42%), drug (AKT) induced (1.42%), unknown cause (10%). Conclusions: Infection and alcohol were found to be important precipitating factors. A multicentre study involving larger numbers of patients are required to know further details and to form a standard treatment protocol.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234207


Background: Predicting esophageal varices in cirrhosis using the measurement of splenic stiffness is an exciting area of study. Vein enlargement in the lower esophagus, known as varices, is a common symptom of cirrhosis caused by portal hypertension. These varicose veins are potentially fatal since they bleed easily. The present study aims to predict the OV in cirrhosis patients by splenic stiffness in and around this region. Methods: After receiving permission from the Institutional Ethics Committee, the study was performed. The present study authors measured splenic stiffness and liver stiffness by using FibroScan in 112 consecutive cirrhotic patients who met the inclusion criteria. Patients were also assessed by hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, liver stiffness, liver spleen diameter to platelet ratio score, and platelet count to spleen diameter ratio. Results: Among 112 patients enrolled, 64 patients had valid liver stiffness and splenic stiffness measurement, and 64 patients had EV (small, n=23 and large n=42). There was a significant difference in median liver stiffness (54.2 vs. 21.3 kPa, p<0.05), splenic stiffness (56.1 vs. 30 kPa, p<0.05), liver spleen diameter to platelet ratio score (6.3 vs. 2.7, p<0.05), and platelet count to spleen diameter ratio (798 vs 1,241, p<0.05) between patients with OV and those without OV. Conclusions: Non-invasive markers, such as splenic stiffness, may help identify individuals with cirrhosis who are at risk of having esophageal varices, especially large ones, and who are at risk of bleeding, the study's authors conclude.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234170


Background: A parasitic hydatid disease called liver echinococcosis is brought on by the tapeworm echinococcus and is a reason for concern for global health. In addition to the liver, the lungs can harbor parasites. In the life cycle of parasites, humans occupy a middle position. Depending on the size and intensity of the cyst, the clinical signs can vary and be non-specific. The complications include bleeding, perforation, suppuration, cyst rupture, mechanical jaundice, and portal hypertension. Here is an analysis of own results of surgical treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis in Grodno region, Belarus between June 2012 to October 2022. Methods: The research design was cross-sectional. Diagnostic methods that are instrumental and laboratory-based include a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, an enzyme immunoassay (IFA), abdominal and retroperitoneal MRIs and ultrasounds, abdominal and chest CT scans and brain scans. There were 10 men and 17 women among the 27 patients. The age range of the majority of the patients was 18 to 83. Results: All patients underwent resections, including laparoscopic procedures. One of the patients in our series of cases received a two-stage therapy regimen due to a secondary focus of echinococcosis in the left lung. In our series of cases, no postoperative complications or mortality occurred. Conclusions: Patients with hepatic echinococcosis should be treated at specialized hospitals. Abdominal, chest, and brain CT scans are required in order to search for additional foci. When it comes to treating echinococcosis, minimal invasive surgical procedures should be preferred.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 44(3): 259-264, jul.-set. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583898


ABSTRACT Background: One of the pathways involved in liver regeneration processes is TWEAK/Fn14 (tumor necrosis factor-related weak inducer of apoptosis/fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14), which has been proposed to act directly and selectively on hepatic progenitor cells; however, its role in the regeneration of steatotic liver metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease has not been fully elucidated. Objective: To evaluate the behavior of Fn14 and its ligand TWEAK, as well as cellular stress signals as biochemical cues for possible liver regeneration in MAFLD. Materials and methods: A prospective study was carried out where the behavior of Fn14 and its ligand TWEAK, as well as cellular stress signals were observed as biochemical indications of a possible liver regeneration in a condition of tissue damage caused by excessive lipid accumulation. The expression of TWEAK, Fn14 and heat shock proteins in hepatic steatosis of non-alcoholic origin was assessed using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Results: The histological classification of the tissues under study corresponded to microvesicular steatosis. We report a high level of expression of heat shock proteins in the cytoplasm. The expression of TWEAK and Fn14 in liver tissue affected by lipid accumulation was localized in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, showing a higher intensity of reactivity for Fn14 compared to its ligand TWEAK. Conclusion: The expression of TWEAK/ Fn14 axis was positive suggesting reactivity of the signaling pathway in metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease.

RESUMEN Antecedentes: Una de las vías implicadas en los procesos de regeneración hepática es el eje TWEAK/Fn14 (inductor débil de la apoptosis similar al factor de necrosis tumoral/factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos inducible 14), el cual se ha propuesto que actúa directa y selectivamente sobre las células progenitoras hepáticas; sin embargo, su papel en la regeneración del hígado esteatósico asociado a la enfermedad metabólica del hígado graso no ha sido completamente dilucidado. Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento de Fn14 y su ligando TWEAK, así como señales de estrés celular como indicadores bioquímicos de posible regeneración hepática en MAFLD. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo donde se observó el comportamiento de Fn14 y su ligando TWEAK, así como señales de estrés celular como indicaciones bioquímicas de una posible regeneración hepática en una condición de daño tisular causado por acumulación excesiva de lípidos. La expresión de TWEAK, Fn14 y proteínas de choque térmico en esteatosis hepática de origen no alcohólico se evaluó mediante inmunohistoquímica y western blot. Resultados: La clasificación histológica de los tejidos estudiados correspondió a esteatosis microvesicular. Reportamos un alto nivel de expresión de proteínas de choque térmico en el citoplasma. La expresión de TWEAK y Fn14 en el tejido hepático afectado por acumulación de lípidos se localizó en el citoplasma de los hepatocitos, mostrando una mayor intensidad de reactividad para Fn14 en comparación con su ligando TWEAK. Conclusión: La expresión del eje TWEAK/Fn14 fue positiva, sugiriendo reactividad de la vía de señalización en la enfermedad metabólica del hígado graso asociada a disfunción metabólica.

Actual. nutr ; 25(2): 96-102, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562046


Introducción: El hígado graso no alcohólico se enmarca en un grupo de patologías de etiología multifactorial, en el que la alimentación tendría un papel protagónico. En este sentido, el consumo de dietas ricas en fructosa, en especial a partir de fructosa añadida o jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa, ha sido motivo de investigación por su probable rol en la patogénesis de esta enfermedad. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en relación con los efectos de las dietas ricas en fructosa sobre parámetros que podrían afectar la esteatosis hepática con el objetivo de organizar las principales evidencias al respecto. Resultados: Los estudios analizados tienden a evidenciar asociaciones positivas entre estas dietas y un mayor riesgo de desarrollar disbiosis intestinal, pérdida de integridad de la barrera intestinal y esteatosis hepática. Conclusiones: Los antecedentes recopilados en la presente revisión muestran evidencia de que este tipo de dietas favorecerían una serie de eventos que pueden conducir al hígado graso no alcohólico; por lo tanto, procurar un consumo adecuado de este monosacárido representaría una interesante alternativa de prevención para esta patología

Introduction: The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease falls within the group of multifactorial etiology pathologies in which food would play an important role. It is in this regard that the consumption of diets rich in fructose, especially from added fructose or corn syrup in fructose, has been a subject of investigation due to its likely roll in the pathogenesis of this disease. Methodology: A research for articles was performed about the effects of very rich fructose diets on parameters who could affect the liver steatosis in order to organize the main evidences. Results: The studies analized tend to report positive association between this diets and a higher risk of intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal barrier loss and partially with increased hepatic steatosis. Conclusions: The records compiled in the present review show evidence that this type of diets promote a serie of events that could result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease so try a adequate consumption of this monosaccharides it would represent an interesting alternative to prevent this pathology

High Fructose Corn Syrup , Fructose , Dysbiosis , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228616


Background: Acute liver failure is a life-threatening condition with sudden onset liver injury, decreased liver functions, hepatic encephalopathy, and coagulopathy in patients without preexisting liver disease. The objective of this study was to find out the clinical and etiological factors of acute liver failure in children.Methods: This study was a hospital based prospective observational study conducted from November 2017 to October 2019 at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College Srinagar, Kashmir. Fifty-one consecutive patients of ALF in the age group of 1 to 18 years were included in this study.Results: The most common clinical presentation in our study was jaundice which was present in all cases followed by anorexia (90.2%), vomiting (84.3%), fever (76.5%) and abdominal pain (64.7%). HE was present at admission in 54.9% cases and exaggerated DTR抯 was present in 49% cases. Of the other clinical manifestations, bleeding was present in 49% cases, ascites in 33.3% cases and edema in 5.9% cases. Infections (76.5%) were the most common cause of ALF in children followed by indeterminate (9.8%), autoimmune (5.9%), drug induced (3.9%), Wilson抯 disease (2%) and HLH (2%). In infectious etiology, the most common cause was Hepatitis A (66.7%) followed by Enteric fever (7.8%) and Hepatitis E (2%).Conclusions: The most common clinical manifestation of ALF in children is Jandice. Hepatitis A is the most common cause of ALF in children.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(2): 337-341, jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564789


Resumen El carcinoma sarcomatoide primario hepático es un tumor agresivo que representa el 0.4-0.7% de todas las neoplasias primarias hepáticas. Se asocia a hepa topatía por virus hepatotropos, es más prevalente en la población asiática y en su histología se evidencian componentes de carcinoma y sarcoma. No posee carac terísticas clínicas ni imagenológicas patognomónicas y su diagnóstico se realiza en base a los hallazgos de la anatomía patológica e inmunohistoquímica. La cirugía en estadio localizado representa la única modalidad terapéutica con impacto en la sobrevida. Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 72 años, coreana, con an tecedentes de hepatopatía crónica por virus B, a quien se le diagnosticó un carcinoma sarcomatoide hepático primario con metástasis ósea y ganglionares.

Abstract Primary hepatic sarcomatoid carcinoma is a very ag gressive tumor, representing 0.4-0.7% of all primary he patic neoplasms. The disease is associated with liver dis ease due to hepatotropic viruses and is more prevalent in Asians. Histology shows sarcomatous and carcinoma components. It does not have pathognomonic clinical or imaging characteristics and its diagnosis is based on the pathological and immunohistochemistry findings. Surgery could prolong survival in localized stages. We report the case of a 72-year-old Korean patient with a history of chronic liver disease due to B virus, who was diagnosed with primary hepatic sarcomatoid carcinoma with bone and lymph node metastases.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 819-825, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564599


SUMMARY: Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic element that accumulates in kidney and liver. L-carnitine(LC) is a natural compound that has been shown to exhibit antioxidant activity. Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of L-carnitine against cadmium-induced changes in liver and kidney tissues in prepubertal female rats. In this study 21-day-old female Wistar Albino rats were used. Control, cadmium (2 mg/kg cadmium intraperitoneally), L-carnitine (300 mg/kg orally) and cadmium+L-carnitine groups were formed. Liver and kidney tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson Trichrome. Histological scoring was performed in liver and kidney. In the liver tissue given Cd, bile duct proliferation, inflammation cells and connective tissue in the portal area were decreased in treatment group. In kidneys, cadmium group treated with L-carnitine, it was observed that the capillary congestion in the kidneys decreased, but tubular dilatation continued in some places. In fibrosis scoring of the liver groups,statistically significant decrease was observed in the Cd+LC group compared to group of cadmium. In the histological scoring results of the kidney groups, statistically significant decrease in congestion and tubular epithelial degeneration was observed in the group treated with L-carnitine compared to group with cadmium. In conclusion medium-dose cadmium has toxic effects in liver and kidney of prepubertal female rats in subacute period,these effects are alleviated with L-carnitine.

El cadmio (Cd) es un elemento tóxico que se acumula en los riñones y el hígado. La L-carnitina (LC) es un compuesto natural que ha demostrado tener actividad antioxidante. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto de la L-carnitina contra los cambios inducidos por el cadmio en los tejidos del hígado y el riñón en ratas hembra prepúberes. En este estudio se utilizaron ratas Wistar Albinas hembra de 21 días de edad. Se formaron grupos control, cadmio (2 mg/kg de cadmio por vía intraperitoneal), L- carnitina (300 mg/kg por vía oral) y cadmio + L-carnitina. Se tiñeron secciones de tejido de hígado y riñón con Hematoxilina-Eosina y tricrómico de Masson. La puntuación histológica se realizó en hígado y riñón. En el tejido hepático que recibió Cd, la proliferación de los conductos biliares, las células inflamatorias y el tejido conectivo en el área portal disminuyeron en el grupo con tratamiento. En los riñones, en el grupo de cadmio tratado con L- carnitina, se observó que la congestión capilar disminuyó, pero la dilatación tubular continuó en algunos sitios. En la puntuación de fibrosis de los grupos de hígado, se observó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en el grupo de Cd+LC en comparación con el grupo de cadmio. Los resultados de puntuación histológica de los grupos de riñón, arrojó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la congestión y el epitelio tubular Se observó degeneración en el grupo tratado con L-carnitina en comparación con el grupo con cadmio. En conclusión, las dosis medias de cadmio tienen efectos tóxicos en el hígado y los riñones de ratas hembras prepúberes en el período subagudo; estos efectos se alivian con L-carnitina.

Animals , Female , Rats , Cadmium/toxicity , Carnitine/pharmacology , Kidney/drug effects , Liver/drug effects , Rats, Wistar