The nutritive composition from tissues of Perinereisaibuhitensis was analyzed. The result indicated that there was 67. 43% amino acids and 14. 24% fatty acids in the tissues, a-mong them the EPA comprises 6. 5343% of the total fatty acids and the glutamic acid comprises 10. 288% of the whole tissues. In the meanwhile, the tissues also contains high content of trace elements, such as zinc, iodine, selenium as well as fibrinolytic enzymes and so on, showing a prospective application value in the future.
Object To extract and purify a novel fibrinolytic enzyme from Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube Methods The enzyme was precipitated from the extract by ammonium sulfate, dialyzed, chromatographed on Sephadex G 100 column, and then purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Its fibrinolytic activity was assessed with fibrin plate method Results The purified enzyme showed an isoelectric point (PI) around 4 5 as tested by gel isoelectric focusing It consisted of two polypeptide chains with molecular weights around 33 000 u and 14 400 u, respectively Conclusion This was a novel fibrinolytic enzyme discovered from P aibuhitensis for the first time
Objective To study antioxidant activity of extracts from Perinereis aibuhite.Meth- ods The extracts from Perinereis aibuhite were purified by using Sephadex LH-20 and its an- tioxidant activities were determined by the method of DPPH.Results and Conclusion The ex- tracts from Perinereis aibuhite showed strong free radical scavenging activity,and it was identified as a group of low molecular weight peptides by qualitative analyzing method.