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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991363


In order to optimize the undergraduate teaching methods and improve students' comprehensive competitiveness, this study explored the scientific research training methods of medical laboratory undergraduates during medical internship. On the premise of ensuring that students carry out clinical practice according to the internship plan, the research group leads students to carry out scientific research training in their spare time. The scientific research training was divided into two stages. In the first stage, on the basis of informed consent and independent choice, the students in the control group were trained by self-regulated learning and teachers' question answering, while the students in the experimental group were trained by the way of centralized scientific research lectures and scientific research practice. In the second stage, all the students were in independent research and exploration under the guidance of teachers within 5 months. The results showed that in the process of independent research, the time of topic selection in the experimental group [(3.5±1.1) days] was significantly shorter than that in the control group [( 5.4 ± 1.9) days], and the time of topic design in the experimental group [(12.2±2.5) days] was significantly shorter than that in the control group [(14.6±3.1) days]. It shows that carrying out scientific research training in the medical internship stage of undergraduates is helpful to increase the efficiency of students' later independent research and accelerate the process of independent research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954886


Objective:To explore the practical effect of nursing research group model in a training program for clinical nurses′ scientific research ability.Methods:From August 2020 to July 2021, 30 clinical nurses from the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University were trained by case teaching mode through the construction of a complete nursing scientific research training course system with the nursing research group as the carrier. The scores of nursing scientific research ability of clinical nurses before and after the training were compared, and the evaluation of teaching effect and the output of scientific research results were analyzed.Results:After the training, the total scores of clinical nurses′ scientific research ability, problem discovery ability, literature reading ability, scientific research design ability, data processing ability, scientific research practice ability and thesis writing ability were 78.33 ± 7.48, 8.83 ± 1.42, 14.47 ± 1.22, 13.27 ± 1.36, 11.07 ± 1.60, 14.73 ± 1.28, 15.97 ± 1.35 respectively. The scores were significantly higher than those before the training (59.00 ± 7.44, 6.53 ± 1.22, 11.80 ± 1.37, 9.53 ± 1.31, 8.10 ± 1.37, 11.30 ± 1.34, 11.73 ± 1.46), and the differences were statistically significant ( t values were -52.80 - -21.14, all P<0.05). The proportion of clinical nurses who believed that the training with nursing research group as the carrier could improve learning attitude, enhance clinical comprehensive ability and promote professional development was ≥90%. After the training, 8 papers were published, 3 projects were approved and 2 patents were approved, which were significantly higher than those before the training (2, 1 and 0), and the total scientific research and innovation achievements increased by 333.33% (10/3) compared with those before the training. Conclusions:Scientific research training with nursing research group as the carrier can improve the scientific research ability of clinical nurses and improve their innovative thinking.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1783-1787, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-823059


OBJECTIVE:To investigate the status quo and influential factors for scientific research training of pharmacists (nurses)in PIVAS of China ,to provide direction and reference for the development of PIVAS. METHODS :The survey method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey of PIVAS pharmacist (nurses)from 29 tertiary and secondary hospitals in 24 provinces, autonomous regions , municipalities from eastern , western and central China through the i nternet by using self-designed questionnaire. The survey period was from Mar. to Apr. 2019. The survey content included the basic information (gender,region, hospital level ,professional and technical title ,education background ,employment nature )of the survey participants and the status quo of scientific research training (frequency and content of scientific research training ,degree of need for scientific research , degree of interest in scientific research ,etc.)and status quo of scientific research output (publication and application of the project). Main influential factors for scientific research training were analyzed. RESULTS :A total of 504 questionnaires were sent out,and 501 valid questionnaires were collected ,with effective response rate of 99.40% . Totally 63.1%(316/501)of the respondents had scientific training ,and the frequency of scientific training was mainly less than one time/month (26.1%,131/501) and 1-2 times/month(25.0%,125/501);72.1%(361/501)of the respondents have medium or above scientific research needs , 82.4%(413/501)of the respondents have medium or above interest in scientific research ,only 6.0%(30/501)of the respondents had mastered the major scientific research methods , only 5.4%(27/501)of the respondents thought that their scientific research ability were strong. The pharmaceutical re search - direction was mainly related to clinical rational use of drugs , less to precision medicine ,new drug and new dosage form: development, therapeutic drug monitoring research , 028-85503220。 translational medicine , etc. Only 16.6% (83/501) of the respondents had published articles after working in PIVAS ,and 9.0%(45/501)had applied for projects. There were statistical significances in the scientific research training among the respondents with different regions ,professional and technical titles , educational backgrounds and employment natures (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS :The scientific research training of PIVAS pharmacist(nurses)in China is inadequate and the research output is low. Main influential factors for scientific research training include region ,professional and technical title ,educational background and employment nature .

Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(2): 340-352, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094003


Resumen Introducción: Desde la antigüedad, las relaciones interdisciplinarias contribuyeron a establecer estrategias de cooperación. Objetivo: En el presente estudio se reflexiona sobre la importancia de una concepción teórica interdisciplinar para la formación científico-investigativa superior. Materiales y métodos: El trabajo metodológico fue realizado con estudiantes del primer semestre intensivo de la Facultad de Marketing y Comunicación de la Universidad ECOTEC y se pudo constatar la importancia de tener una concepción interdisciplinar para romper el esquema del trabajo aislado y construir nuevos conocimientos desde un enfoque integrador y sistémico. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos empíricos, teóricos y estadísticos con el fin de articular puntos de unión referentes al propósito, objetivos y métodos, a la vez la estrategia por proyectos permitió gestionar el conocimiento desde un problema común, como resultado de las relaciones interdisciplinarias se puede afirmar que constituyen una vía para ajustar el currículo a las necesidades especiales de los educandos. Resultados: Los materiales utilizados sirvieron para llegar a sistematizar el marco conceptual y aportar con el carácter innovador a partir de dos o más enfoques disciplinarios. Conclusión: Las visitas de campo y las discusiones contribuyeron a la deducción de las bases teóricas de diferentes ciencias científicas, tecnológicas y prácticas para llegar a la solución de una problemática social.

Abstract Introduction: The student's training in research scientific activity depends on the application of strategies for the development of research skills that allow innovation and involves a contact with reality. Objective: By Since ancient times, interdisciplinary relationships have helped to establish cooperation strategies. Materials and methods: In this study we reflect on the importance of an interdisciplinary theoretical conception for higher scientific-research training. The methodological work was carried out with students from the intensive first semester of the School of Marketing and Communication of the Universidad ECOTEC and it was possible to confirm the importance of having an interdisciplinary conception to break the isolated work scheme and build new knowledge from an integrative and systemic approach. In the research empirical, theoretical and statistical methods were used in order to articulate points of union referring to the purpose, objectives and methods, while the strategy by projects allowed to manage the knowledge from a common problem, as a result of interdisciplinary relationships. can affirm that they constitute a way to adjust the curriculum to the special needs of the students. Results: The materials used served to systematize the conceptual framework and contribute innovative character from two or more disciplinary approaches. Conclusion: Field visits, fieldwork and discussions led to the deduction of the theoretical bases of different scientific, technological and practical sciences to arrive at the solution of a social problem.

Resumo Introdução: Desde os tempos antigos, as relações interdisciplinares ajudaram a estabelecer estratégias cooperativas. Objetivo: Neste estudo, refletimos sobre a importância de uma concepção teórica interdisciplinar para a formação avançada em pesquisa científica. Materiais e Métodos: O trabalho metodológico foi realizado com alunos intensivos do primeiro semestre da Escola de Marketing e Comunicação da ECOTEC e foi possível confirmar a importância de um desenho interdisciplinar para quebrar o padrão de trabalho isolado e construir novos conhecimentos e abordagem sistêmica. Observamos também que o desenho do novo programa promove um trabalho cooperativo e multidisciplinar que atende às necessidades da sociedade. Na pesquisa, métodos empíricos, teóricos e estatísticos foram utilizados para articular os pontos de união em relação a objetivos, objetivos e métodos, enquanto a estratégia baseada em projetos foi utilizada para gerenciar o conhecimento a partir de relações interdisciplinares. pode ser dito ser um meio de adaptar o programa às necessidades específicas dos alunos. Resultados: Os materiais utilizados foram utilizados para sistematizar o arcabouço conceitual e trazer um caráter inovador a partir de duas ou mais abordagens disciplinares. Conclusão: As visitas de campo e discussões permitiu deduzir as bases teóricas das diferentes ciências científicas, tecnológicas e práticas para chegar à solução de um problema social.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1305-1307, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660146


The development of modern medicine requires that doctors trained in medical colleges have the abili -ty to find and solve the problems scientifically .However , many factors affect the enthusiasm of medical students to participant in the scientific research training .Shanghai Jiaotong University summer scientific research training is a project which is carried out for medical students in school , and train their research ability and thinking .It includes basic theory , theoretical study of cell and molecular biology technology , and observation and operation of experi-mental techniques .Establishing perfect organization framework or path , bringing into research groups as research team members according to their interests , maintaining long-term contact to maintain their research continuity and other measures are helpful for the training of research ability of medical students .

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1305-1307, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662491


The development of modern medicine requires that doctors trained in medical colleges have the abili -ty to find and solve the problems scientifically .However , many factors affect the enthusiasm of medical students to participant in the scientific research training .Shanghai Jiaotong University summer scientific research training is a project which is carried out for medical students in school , and train their research ability and thinking .It includes basic theory , theoretical study of cell and molecular biology technology , and observation and operation of experi-mental techniques .Establishing perfect organization framework or path , bringing into research groups as research team members according to their interests , maintaining long-term contact to maintain their research continuity and other measures are helpful for the training of research ability of medical students .

Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 525-528, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-492536


Objective To discuss the pattern and effect of reading report activities on college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education. Methods We chose 154 college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education who studied at our department from 2009 to 2012 as control group, meanwhile the experimental group consisted of 168 college-to-undergrad-uate nursing students in adult higher education who studied at our department from 2013 to 2014.We used thefive-in-oneteaching method involving relevant scientific knowledge training, tutorial system, group report meeting, exchange of excellent reading report and score checking to train the experimental group, while the control group was still trained by primary method which was relevant scientific knowledge teaching and discussion of excellent reading report. Results The reading reports wrote by the students in the experimental group were superior to those wrote by the control group (P<0.001);The experimental group had better scores in the achievements of scientific knowledge and theory (P<0.001); The self-assessment of experimental group students in the ability of literature review, reading and analysis was higher than that of the control group (P<0.001).As to the effects of reading report such as enhancing scien-tific awareness, expanding scope of knowledge and so on, the experimental group had a obvious advantage over the control group ( P<0.001). Conclusion The five-in-onetraining pattern in the reading report activities involving relevant scientific knowledge training, tutorial system, group report meeting, exchange of excellent reading report and score checking can effectively improve the scientif-ic awareness of college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education, which is conductive to establish the basis of nurs-ing scientific research, guide the clinical nursing work and improve the comprehensive quality of students.

Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 959-961, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456709


Objective How to improve nursing students′consciousness and ability of scientific research remains a big chal-lenge to in advanced nursing education .This study aimed to investigate the mode and methods of training the scientific research ability of adult nursing students in the junior-to-regular college education program . Methods Using a new mode of scientific research train-ing, i.e.class training+tutors′guidance+individual appraisal , we trained 242 adult nursing students from grades 2009 to 2013 of the junior-to-regular college education program , along with related questionnaire investigation . Results All the students considered the mode to be effective in improving their consciousness and ability of scientific research .During their study at school , they published 115 research papers in the Source Journals for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations , and 18 of them undertook nursing re-search projects and won various awards for science and technology achievements in nursing research . Conclusion This new mode can effectively promote the scientific research ability of adult nursing students in the junior -to-regular college education program .

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438474


Long-term medical education program requires that the medical students should ac-quire both professional knowledge and scientific research ability. These students,with heavy task and course,have difficulty in performing the scientific research systematically. It is very important to develop the early scientific research training. Department of pathology in Central South University,took early sci-entific research activities in various forms,such as literature searching,reviews writing,research design-ing,experiment performing,lecture communicating and clinical practicing after combining the discipline characteristic and arranging the overall process. Satisfactory effects were achieved with efforts.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-595101


Scientific research training program is an important component in the 8-year medical education program. It focuses on the training of scientific research thinking and research methods. It is necessary to establish an effective evaluation system in order to achieve the learning outcomes of scientific research training program. PUMC has established an effective evaluation system which involves research project selecting,supervising,formative assessment,oral defense. This paper introduces the evaluation system of scientific research training program at PUMC.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624394


We made our specific teaching program for these students with evidence-based medicine theory,according to their teaching characteristics. They studied the research methods of evidencebased medicine,and learned to search informations,write reviews,discuss clinical cases, design subjects under the guidance of teachers. Their scientific research ability was improved after these practices and training program.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622528


In China medical university 8 weeks early exposing to scientific research have been arranged for the students on seven-year program of clinical medicine. The purpose is to let the students understand scientific research procedures based on the tutor's research project. The students gain great achievements. The result of questionnaire shows that the attitudes of the students are positive and 81% of them are satisfied in general. The paper also summarizes the experiences of the practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623849


The early training of scientific research for seven-year medical program students is an important step to foster inventive advanced medicine professionals.According to our department research project,we give the students the medical research lecture and establishing the tutorial system in which the tutors are responsible for guiding students to become a study group,leading them to develop their primary scientific research.The result shows it has good effect on establishing scientific thinking,improving their scientific research ability and raising their awareness of scientific research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624214


The training of basic scientific research skills is very important for seven-year medical program students. Through various kinds of scientific research training in preclinical medical teaching stage, the students’ abilities of scientific thinking, performing experiments, and writing scientific papers have been improved.

China Pharmacy ; (12)1991.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-673156


How to perform the scientific research and training in domestic hospital pharmacy is proposed in present paper. The proposal is in connection with the present stutus of domestic hospital pharmacy and for promoting its development. The significance of scientific research and training is described with emphasizing the points of attention. The general procedure of scientific research and writing of research papers are discussed. The problems that should be deliberated in the field of pharmaceutics, clinical pharmacy and drug therapeutics are more thoroughly enumerated in this paper. On the epuipment of hospital pharmacy, the elopment in mechanization and automation is emphasized. Thus, a good working condition can be established to help specialized construction and to promote the raising of scientific and technical levels.