Taking Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an example, a survey of seven-year program students in-formation quality is made.Based on the survey result, it discusses the content, teaching method and approach reform of Traditional Chi-nese medicine literature and information retrieval course for seven-year program students, so as to make better contribution to improving the information literacy of the seven-year program students.
Biochemistry is an important basic medical course, and it is also a difficult course.In order to improve the comprehensive ability of seven-year program clinical medical students in Capital Medical University, teaching reform of Biochemistry was carried out.Teaching content was redesigned to strengthen the learning of basic knowledge of Biochemistry and to increase the depth of teaching content, while expanding the content by introducing new achievements and new technology to keep up with the forefront in the development of Biochemistry.Various methods such as the comparative method, case teaching and so on, were used flexibly in the teaching practice in order to improve teaching effects.The experiments carried out in the course were also redesigned and integrated, some distinctive experiments such as designing experiments, comprehensive experiments and innovative experiments were opened to improve students' hands-on ability and to cultivate students' scientific thinking.
Two-way choice is the main way for the seven-year-program clinical medical students and postgraduate supervisors.This article analyzes the influence factors and shortages of two-way choice for postgraduate supervisors and seven-year-program clinical medical students.This investigation discovers that the supervisor's abilities of research,teaching and clinical and their personal magnetism are important and key factors.The students' gender,character,hobbies and interests and the familiarity to profession are the secondary factors.The other factors that include employment status,the level of income and the advice of parents and friends also have influence on two-way choice for postgraduate supervisors and seven-year-program clinical medical students.In order to further improve the tow-way choice,the author gives some suggestions,including introducing profession and the scientific researches of supervisors in advance,encouraging the face-to-face communication between students and supervisors,promoting multiple profession choices and giving some aids to the students for choosing the supervisors.
The knowledge absence of neurosurgical regional anatomy is the major shortcoming which makes seven-year program medical students feel difficult in studying neurosurgical special course.The reasons for this phenomenon include the limited teaching time for basic medical course and the continuous progress in the field of neurological anatomy.The teacher should make good use of clinical resources to carry on the additional teaching of neurosurgical regional anatony.The detailed plans include small-class teaching and individual case analysis using the data of neuroimaging and angiography of the brain and spinal cord.All these measures are intend to let the students grasp of the basic knowledge clinical neurosurgery during the internship and make the smooth transition from interns to doctors,providing references for other department.
Medical education should combine clinical professional skills with humanities skills,integrate humanities knowledge into vocational education.Taking 2008 grade seven-year program clinical medicine students in the 2nd affiliated hospital of Harbin Medical University as fostering object,we made researches into students' understanding of doctor-patient relationship before practice and their mastering of skills.Through conducting questionnaire,we got to know the effect of humanities practice skill training for seven-year program clinical medicine students.Meanwhile,we compared students' self evaluation results before and after training,discussed on how to improve medical students' communication skills,cultural skills and the reform direction in an aim to guide students to transit from students to clinical doctor.
Pediatric knowledge was not fully learned by seven-year program medical students of pediatrics major in first five years,so two years of postgraduate was the key period for culturing their pediatric specialty.Students of seven-year program were characterized by strong theoretical knowledge but poor pediatric clinic knowledge,therefore,pediatric clinic teaching should emphasize on basic knowledge and skills,avoid dwelling on specific details at early stage,pay attention to their communicative ability with children and their relatives,combine theory with clinic practice and teach from surface to point.Meanwhile,we aimed at changing them into pediatric doctor through cultivating their clinic skills and scientific research ability.
As a widely used teaching model in higher medical education,problem-based learning is regard as one of the direction of education revolution in our country.Based on the PBL teaching practice in the second clinical medical college of Guangzhou university of traditional Chinese medicine,the article summarized determination of teaching content,compiling of teaching plan,methods of teaching process and teaching evaluation as well as analyzed some key questions in practicing PBL teaching in seven-year program clinical curriculum.
Clinical practice is a key step that seven-year clinic student take to become doctors.Take the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University as an example,in the medical practice of seven-year clinic students,there still exist some problems such as students' being unable to transform from probationers to doctors,not good at treating with interpersonal relationship in the department and having no perseverant practice attitude.So training before practice should be perfected and supervision should be strengthened to make the seven-year clinic students better.
Studying classic cases is one of the applicable methods for student's self-learning,especially at clinical rotation period.Seven-year program pediatric students (2004 grade) from pediatric medical collage,Capital Medical University of China shared classic cases from New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM),reported clinical cases they took part in and summarized their writing of case report.Through these measures,students felt the significance of studying classic cases and noticed that case study played an important role in training of clinical reasoning,multidisciplinary approach,as well as self-learning ability for medical students.
By analyzing data from a questionnaire survey on bilingual teaching, we evalueted the results of bilingual teaching for seven-year medical students and the main problems of bilingual teaching and solutions accordingly. An uneven English level on the part of teachers and students and imperfect materials etc. affect the overall results of bilingual teaching. Therefore persistent efforts need to be made in enhancing the teachers' English level, improving teaching methods and compiling proper textbooks so as to genuinely improve the bilingual teaching program.
An investigation and analysis on the effect of current bilingual teaching has been done among the 2002rd seven-year program students by using questionnaire.The result can provide basic foundation for improving the quality of bilingual teaching.
Objective:To explore the mode,methods,and attentive problems of bilingual teaching of Burn Surgery for Seven-year medical program students.Methods:The bilingual teaching project of Burn Surgery was considered comprehensively from various angles,such as the teaching mode,methodology,teacher training,teaching material selection and teaching management in specialized course.Conclusion:It is very necessary to develop bilingual education for Seven-year program students.The course of bilingual teaching should be student-oriented to improve their integrated ability of English and to assure mastery of professional theory and knowledge.
The way to develop the seven-year program studnts'ability mainly includes:paying great attention to study the basic theory for developing students'comprehensive abilities;laying stress on clinical teachers'important role in training students'ability on scientific research and their participation in clinical scientific research activities in order to develop their ideology and ability of clinical oncology scientific research.
There has been a series of teaching innovation carried out to improve the clinical teaching of seven-year program students in the department of gynecology and obstetirics of Xinqiao hospital.By using case as a guide and problem as foundation,with multimedia and other advanced teaching plan,we paid more attention to the Chinese-English teaching to improve mixed diathesis of these medical students and find out a better teaching model.
In order to improve the teaching quality of seven-year program courses,and by adopting LBL,PBL and CBL,we develop a comprehensive teaching mode helpful to the develop-ment of students.This teaching mode,which has better teaching effect than the traditional one,can pay attention to teaching purposes,excitate the students'learning potential,lead them to study more independently.
High medical education of seven-year program is to cultivate better medical talents who have master degree.We gained some experience of pediatric practice teaching in sevenyear program:to actualize special teachers'supervision system,adopt multi-means teaching(case,enlightening,questing,multimedia,sick-centered clinic observation and thinking),cultivate clinic ideation,improve the teaching,enhance doctor-patient communication,treat skillfully the relationship between the sick child and its parents and cultivate pupils scientific thinking and innovation spirit.
By participating in the research practice of basic medicine,the innovative consciousness,the scientific thinking and researching ability of seven-year program medical students can be improved. Meanwhile,the generalization of Open Experimental Teaching and further development of self-design experiment also improve the innovation and research ability of medical students,which can serve as a new approach to the quality education of higher medical talents.
To accomplish the teaching target on clinical practice in Gynecology and Obstetrics for seven-year program,we should consider the features of clinical practice in Gynecology and Obstetrics,choose appropriate teaching methods and make best use of entrance guidance and teaching ward-round and so on to improve students'comprehensive ability.
There are some characteristics in ophthalmology teaching for students of seven-year program,such as ophthalmological theory teaching,teaching materials selection,clinical effective teaching methods,and research training methods.In view of the existing problems in current ophthalmology teaching mode for seven-year program,a series of initiatives for researching a new mode has been taken,and some achievements have been made in these fields by exploring some effective teaching methods and practice.
Summing up years of experiences in teaching for seven-year program,we look on exerting students' enthusiasm and attaching importance to cultivating students' ability as our golden rules,and take some reformative measures to improve physiology teaching quality for long-term system,including adjustment of curricular structure,optimizing teaching methods,strengthening class discussion,performing summary lessons,reforming experiment courses and carrying out simple research design.