Abstract The aim of this study was to verify whether obesity and acute physical exercise could influence the reactivity to mental stress. Twelve normal weight (NW) and ten obese (Ob) (31.82% women), normotensive individuals between 18 and 40 years old were evaluated. The Stroop color test was performed under two conditions: 1) Baseline and 2) 30 min after the end of aerobic physical exercise. Individuals performed 30 min of physical exercise (NW: 3.38 and Ob: 2.99 km·h-1; p< 0.05) between 50-60% of heart rate reserve (NW: 139±7 and Ob: 143±7 bpm). The reactivity to mental stress for systolic blood pressure - SBP (Δ2 min) and diastolic blood pressure - DBP (Δ2 and Δ4 min) was lower (p< 0.05) in Ob compared to NW group. The SBP reactivity to mental stress was less (p< 0.05) post-exercise in all moments (Δ2 and Δ4 min), regardless of obesity, while the DBP reactivity to mental stress was less post-exercise, only in NW. BP reactivity to stress correlated negatively with obesity indicators (r/Rho = - 0.42 to - 0.64), under the baseline condition, but not post-physical exercise. Obesity blunted BP reactivity to mental stress in normotensive young adults. Moderately-intensity acute aerobic exercise reduced SBP reactivity to mental stress, regardless of obesity, while it reduced DBP reactivity to mental stress, only in NW. In summary, acute physical exercise may be a one means to prevent cardiovascular changes.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a obesidade e o exercício físico agudo podem influenciar a reatividade ao estresse mental. Foram avaliados 12 indivíduos eutróficos (E) e dez obesos (Ob) (31,82% mulheres), normotensos entre 18 e 40 anos. O teste de cor Stroop foi realizado em duas condições: 1) Linha de base e 2) 30 min após o término do exercício físico aeróbio. Os indivíduos realizaram 30 min de exercício físico (E: 3,38 e Ob: 2,99 km•h-1; p<0,05) entre 50-60% da frequência cardíaca de reserva (E 139±7 e Ob: 143±7 bpm). A reatividade ao estresse mental para pressão arterial sistólica - PAS (Δ2 min) e pressão arterial diastólica - PAD (Δ2 e Δ4 min) foi menor (p< 0,05) no grupo Ob comparado ao grupo E. A reatividade da PAS ao estresse mental foi menor (p< 0,05) pós-exercício em todos os momentos (Δ2 e Δ4 min), independente da obesidade, enquanto a reatividade da PAD ao estresse mental foi menor pós-exercício, apenas no E. A reatividade da PA ao estresse correlacionou-se negativamente com os indicadores de obesidade (r/Rho = - 0,42 a - 0,64), na condição basal, mas não pós-exercício físico. A obesidade embotou a reatividade da PA ao estresse mental em adultos jovens normotensos. O exercício aeróbico agudo de ientesidade moderada reduziu a reatividade da PAS ao estresse mental, independentemente da obesidade, enquanto reduziu a reatividade da PAD ao estresse mental, apenas no E. Em resumo, o exercício físico agudo pode ser um meio de prevenir alterações cardiovasculares.
Resumen La psicología y las neurociencias ofrecen nuevas perspectivas para comprender el comportamiento económico y del consumidor. La neuroeconomía provee un nuevo marco de referencia para comprender la forma en la que las estructuras neuroanatómicas del cerebro se encuentran implicadas en las decisiones financieras de los individuos. En este contexto, el objetivo de la investigación es identificar la asociación entre la inhibición cognitiva y la cantidad de dinero que gastan los universitarios. Participaron 40 jóvenes universitarios, 47.5 % hombres y 52.5 % mujeres, entre 18 y 25 años, de la Ciudad de Querétaro, México. La inhibición cognitiva se evaluó con el Test de Stroop. Además, se preguntó sobre datos sociodemográficos y los gastos mensuales. Los resultados muestran descriptivamente el nivel de gasto de los jóvenes y las puntuaciones del efecto Stroop. Los jóvenes tienen puntuaciones medias en Palabra, Color, Palabra - Color e Interferencia, acorde a los parámetros establecidos. Respecto al gasto mensual se observa que, en promedio, gastan $ 666 pesos mexicanos (34.04 USD / 31.13 EUR). Adicionalmente, se encontró un déficit en el control inhibitorio relacionado con un aumento en el nivel de gasto realizado por los estudiantes universitarios, es decir, aquellos que gastan y compran, en mayor medida presentan dificultades en su inhibición cognitiva (autocontrol). El control inhibitorio se asoció con la edad y esta, a su vez, con el nivel de dinero gastado. Por último, se profundiza en la utilidad de los resultados dentro de la neuroeconomía en México y demás países latinoamericanos, así como su aporte como línea de investigación.
Abstract Psychology and neuroscience offer new perspectives to understand consumer and economic behaviour. Neuroeconomics provides a new frame of reference to understand the way in which the neuroanatomical structures of the brain are involved in the financial decisions of people. Currently, measurement scales are an application alternative to assess people's executive functions and cognitive inhibition quickly. In the present study for the evaluation of cognitive inhibition we will use the Stroop Test (Golden, 1994), which examines the cognitive processes associated with cognitive flexibility; the interference resistance from external stimuli and its effect on behaviour. The plates that make up the Stroop test present different possibilities for analysis and interpretation. Within neuroeconomics, there is an area that investigates how cognitive and affective regulation is critical to achieve economic results, in addition to investigating the problems caused by consumption and spending that people have in their daily lives. There is research shown that individuals who make compulsive purchases show cognitive deficiencies and difficulties in inhibiting their responses. Furthermore, compulsive purchases correlate with financial executive functioning, particularly with impulse control, organization and planning, showing that compulsive purchases are not limited only to impulse control. In Latin America and particularly in Mexico, there are few studies on neuroeconomics or consumer neuroscience, so consider that this research is an innovative contribution to the subject in our region. In this context, the objective of the research is to identify the association between cognitive inhibition and the money university students spend. This research evaluated the association between cognitive inhibition and the money university students spend. A total of 40 university students participated, 47.5 % men and 52.5 % women, between 18 and 25 years, from the City of Querétaro, Mexico. Cognitive inhibition was evaluated with the Stroop Test. In addition, sociodemographic data and monthly expenses were asked. The results descriptively detailed the level of youth spending and the Stroop effect variables. Young people have mean scores in Word, Colour, Word - Colour and Interference, according to the established parameters. Regarding monthly expenses, it is observed that on average they spend $ 666 Mexican pesos (34.04 USD / 31.13 EUR). In addition, a deficit was found in the inhibitory control related to an increase in the level of expenditure made by university students, that is, those who spend and buy more have difficulties in their cognitive inhibition (self-control). Inhibitory control is associated with age and this time with the level of money spent. Additionally, the inhibition processes allows us to assume certain activity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLFC), while they are ready to spend and who has problems with the control of their money, they cannot realize the excessive expenses that it does not recognize the symptoms that drive it to compulsive buying. The findings provide evidence to the neuroeconomy, as well as to the posture of cognitive control. Furthermore, it is corroborated that performance tests are an alternative in the detection of executive functioning deficiencies in a short time of application and provide evidence in the approach to neuroeconomics through this form of measurement. This offers a novel vision to understand the personal finances of Mexicans and their economic behaviour. Financial and consumer behaviour has become our main line of research from a neuroeconomic perspective; in the future, we intend to continue this study by incorporating affective and neurobehavioral factors involved in financial decisions in young people of our country. Finally, the usefulness of the results within the neuroeconomics in Mexico and Latin America is deepened, as well as its contribution as a line of research.
Minimal hepatic encephalopathy(MHE) is an early stage of hepatic encephalopathy with an insidious onset and a high rate of missed diagnosis in clinical practice, and it is of great importance to diagnose MHE as early as possible and provide effective clinical intervention. There are many diagnostic methods for MHE, among which psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score is the most commonly used method at present, but its wide application in clinical practice is limited by its complex and time-consuming operation, and therefore, it is urgent to find a simple, rapid, and effective clinical diagnostic method. Stroop test is a test for psychomotor speed and cognitive flexibility, and its value in the diagnosis of MHE has been verified in various countries including the United States and South Korea. This article introduces the development of Stroop test and its application in MHE, and the analysis shows that Stroop test based on mobile devices has a high sensitivity in the diagnosis of MHE and is simple, convenient, and feasible. It is hoped that this test can be widely used in the clinical work of MHE screening in China in the future.
Objective To investigate the value of Stroop test, a neuropsychological test, in the diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). Methods A total of 96 patients with liver cirrhosis who were hospitalized in Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, from August 2020 to March 2021 were enrolled, and the number connection test-A (NCT-A), digit symbol test (DST), animal naming test (ANT), and Stroop test were performed for all patients. Test results were recorded and related clinical data were collected. The t -test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between two groups; the chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to investigate the value of Stroop test in the diagnosis of MHE, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation of the results of Stroop test with those of NCT-A, DST, and ANT. Results For the 96 patients with liver cirrhosis, the prevalence rate of MHE was 30.21% (29/96). The Off+On time of Stroop test had a cut-off value of 212.49 s in the diagnosis of MHE, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.845, a sensitivity of 93.10%, and a specificity of 64.20%. The Pearson correlation analysis showed that the On+Off time and On time of Stroop test were moderately correlated with NCT-A( r =0.580 and 0.590, both P < 0.01), the Off time of Stroop test was strongly correlated with NCT-A( r =0.620, P < 0.01), and the On+Off time, On time, and Off time of Stroop test were strongly correlated with DST( r =-0.650, -0.650, and -0.630, all P < 0.01). Conclusion In the diagnosis of MHE, Stroop test is a highly sensitive method with easy-to-read results and a high diagnostic value and does not require professional equipment.
Introduction: Regular aerobic exercise (AE) can reduce the cognitive losses typically experienced with aging can be blunted by regular aerobic exercise (AE). AE also induces acute improvement of cognitive function among older adults; and AE practice with blood flow restriction (BFR) addss other benefits to elderly health, such as improvements in aerobic fitness, and increase in muscle mass and strength, however, it is not clear which EA protocol is more efficient to cognitive function. Objectives: Thus, the aimof this study was to compare AE protocols with and without BFR on the inhibitory control of the elderly. Methodology: Twenty-one elderly performed the Stroop test before and after three AE sessions in a repeated measure, cross-over design: AE with high load (70% VO2max), AE with low load (40% VO2max), and AE with blood flow restriction (AE-BFR) BFR (40% VO2max and 50% of BFR). Results and discussion: There was no significant effect from experimental sessions on cognitive function, assessed by inhibitory control in Stroop test. Perhaps, the load applied was not proper to stimulate cognitive function improvements, as seen the moderate loads have been more efficient to increase cerebral blood flow, among other physiological mechanisms encompassed. Final Considerations: Moreover, we observed very heterogeneous responses among individuals and sessions, suggesting that future research also considers biological individuality.
Introdução: As perdas cognitivas tipicamente experimentadas com o envelhecimento podem ser atenuadas por exercícios aeróbicos (EA) regulares. EA também induz melhora aguda da função cognitiva em idosos; e a prática de EA com restrição de fluxo sanguíneo (RFS) agrega outros benefícios à saúde do idoso, como melhorias na aptidão aeróbia e aumento da massa e força muscular. No entanto, não está claro qual protocolo de EA é mais eficaz para a funcao cognitiva. Objetivos: Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar diferentes protocolos de EA com e sem RFS no controle inibitório de idosos. Metodologia: Vinte e um idosos realizaram o teste de Stroop antes e após três sessões de EA em medida repetida, desenho cruzado: EA com alta carga (70% VO2máx), EA com baixa carga (40% VO2máx) e EA com RFS (40% VO2máx e 50% do RFS). Resultados e discussão: Não houve efeito significativo das sessões experimentais na função cognitiva avaliada pelo controle inibitório no Stroop Test. Talvez, as cargas aplicadas não tenham sido adequadas para estimular melhorias no controle inibitório, visto que as cargas moderadas têm sido mais eficientes para aumentar o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral, entre outros mecanismos fisiológicos Considerações Finais: Além disso, observamos respostas bastante heterogêneas entre indivíduos e sessões, sugerindo que pesquisas futuras considere também a individualidade biológica.
Introducción: El ejercicio aeróbico regular (EA) puede reducir la perdida cognitiva tipicamente experimentada durante el envejecimiento. EA puede tambien inducir mejora en la funcion cognitiva entre adultos mayores, ademas, la practica de resticcion de flujo sanguíneo (RFS) agrega otros beneficios para la salud en los ancianos, así como mejoras en la aptitud aeróbica, aumento de la masa muscular y la fuerza, sin embargo, no está claro qué protocolo de EA es más eficiente para la función cognitiva. Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los protocolos de EA con y sin RFS en el control inhibitorio de los ancianos. Metodología: Veintiún ancianos realizaron la prueba de Stroop antes y después de tres sesiones de EA en medida repetida, diseño cruzado: EA con carga alta (70% VO2max), EA con carga baja (40% VO2max) y EA con restricción del flujo sanguíneo (EA-RFS) RFS (40% VO2max y 50% de RFS). Resultados y discusión: No hubo efecto significativo de las sesiones experimentales sobre la función cognitiva, evaluada por el control inhibitorio en la prueba de Stroop. Quizás, la carga aplicada no fue la adecuada para estimular mejoras en la función cognitiva, ya que las cargas moderadas han sido más eficientes para aumentar el flujo sanguíneo cerebral, entre otros mecanismos fisiológicos englobados. Consideraciones finales: Además, nosotros observamos respuestas muy heterogéneas entre individuos y sesiones, lo que sugiere que para futuras investigaciones también se debe considerar la variabilidad biológica.
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aptitude , Aging , Exercise , Clinical Protocols , Health of the Elderly , Cognition , Stroop Test , Health , Methodology as a Subject , Muscle Strength , Metallothionein 3ABSTRACT
Aging is related to a decrease in physiological abilities, especially cognitive functions. To unravel further evidence of age-related cognitive decline, we analyzed which physical and functional variables are predictors of cognitive performance in a sample of 498 Brazilian elderly (67.26% women). To do so, we used the Stroop test as a tool to evaluate executive functions and the General functional fitness index (GFFI) to evaluate the functional fitness of the participants. A linear regression analysis revealed that female sex (β=-0.097; t=-2.286; P=0.023), younger age (β=0.205; t=4.606; P<0.0001), more years of education (β=-0.280; t=-6.358; P<0.0001), and higher GFFI (β=-0.101; t=-2.347; P<0.02) were predictors of better cognitive performance. Body mass index (kg/m2) and nutritional status (underweight, eutrophic, overweight, or obese) were not predictors of cognitive performance. Interestingly, among the GFFI tasks, muscle strength influenced the test execution time, both in upper and lower limbs (elbow flexion: β=-0.201; t=-4.672; P<0.0001; sit-to-stand: β=-0.125; t=-2.580; P<0.01). Our findings showed that: 1) women performed the Stroop test faster than men; 2) the older the person, the lower was the cognitive performance; 3) the higher the education, the better the test execution time; and 4) higher scores in the GFFI were associated with a better performance in the Stroop test. Therefore, gender, age, education, and functional fitness and capacity were predictors of cognitive performance in the elderly.
Abstract Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal symptoms, primarily attributed to sensitization of somatosensory system carrying pain. Few reports have investigated the impact of fibromyalgia symptoms on cognition, corticomotor excitability, sleepiness, and the sleep quality — all of which can deteriorate the quality of life in fibromyalgia. However, the existing reports are underpowered and have conflicting directions of findings, limiting their generalizability. Therefore, the present study was designed to compare measures of cognition, corticomotor excitability, sleepiness, and sleep quality using standardized instruments in the recruited patients of fibromyalgia with pain-free controls. Methods: Diagnosed cases of fibromyalgia were recruited from the Rheumatology department for the cross-sectional, case-control study. Cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination, Stroop color-word task), corticomotor excitability (Resting motor threshold, Motor evoked potential amplitude), daytime sleepiness (Epworth sleepiness scale), and sleep quality (Pittsburgh sleep quality index) were studied according to the standard procedure. Results: Thirty-four patients of fibromyalgia and 30 pain-free controls were recruited for the study. Patients of fibromyalgia showed decreased cognitive scores (p = 0.05), lowered accuracy in Stroop color-word task (for color: 0.02, for word: 0.01), and prolonged reaction time (< 0.01, < 0.01). Excessive daytime sleepiness in patients were found (< 0.01) and worsened sleep quality (< 0.01) were found. Parameters of corticomotor excitability were comparable between patients of fibromyalgia and pain-free controls. Conclusions: Patients of fibromyalgia made more errors, had significantly increased reaction time for cognitive tasks, marked daytime sleepiness, and impaired quality of sleep. Future treatment strategies may include cognitive deficits and sleep disturbances as an integral part of fibromyalgia management.(AU)
Humans , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Cognition , Chronic Pain , Sleep Hygiene , Cortical Excitability , Reaction Time , Pain Measurement/instrumentation , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Stroop Test , Observational StudyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Covert hepatic encephalopathy (CHE) is difficult to detect due to the lack of easily applicable screening tools. The Stroop EncephalApp is a smartphone application already validated for CHE screening. However, its applicability to the Brazilian population is not known. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of CHE and evaluate the use of Stroop EncephalApp in a cirrhotic population in Brazil. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 99 patients previously diagnosed with liver cirrhosis in a Private Hospital in Curitiba/PR. Patients were initially submitted to the mini mental state examination (MMSE) to exclude individuals with dementia. After, the Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score (PHES) test was performed and lastly, the Stroop EncephalApp test. Results were adjusted for age, sex and education levels to evaluate the accuracy of the app on detecting the disease, comparing its results with the gold standard method (PHES). Patients with one or more of the following were excluded: dementia, inadequate MMSE score, illiteracy, color blindness, history of drugs/alcohol abuse within the past 3 months and previous or actual episodes of encephalopathy. The statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 2.0 and the significance adopted by 5%. RESULTS: We included 82 individuals in the final analysis. Among these patients, 29 were diagnosed with CHE by the PHES test (35.36% prevalence) and 28 of those obtained equal diagnosis by the Stroop EncephalApp (96.6% sensitivity). A total of 53 patients obtained negative results for CHE by PHES, while the Stroop test classified 27 of them as having the disease. In the multivariate analysis, high levels of education were associated with better performance during the tests. No significant relationship was observed between age and sex with the probability of diagnosing CHE through the PHES test.
RESUMO CONTEXTO: A encefalopatia hepática mínima (EHM) é uma complicação neuro-psiquiátrica da cirrose cuja detecção é dificultada pela falta de ferramentas práticas. O Stroop EncephalApp é um aplicativo de smartphones capaz de detectar a doença, entretanto sua aplicabilidade na população brasileira ainda não é conhecida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso do Stroop EncephalApp para diagnóstico e avaliação de EHM em uma população de pacientes cirróticos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Através de um estudo observacional transversal, 99 indivíduos sabidamente cirróticos foram recrutados do ambulatório de hepatologia de um hospital privado em Curitiba/PR. Primeiramente, foram aplicados o mini exame do estado mental (MEEM) para excluir indivíduos com demência; após, foram aplicados o Escore Psicométrico da Encefalopatia Hepática (PHES), atual padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de EHM, e posteriormente o Stroop EncephalApp, ajustando para idade, sexo e anos de formação acadêmica, buscando avaliar a eficiência do aplicativo em detectar a doença e comparar seus resultados com o atual padrão-ouro. Foram excluídos do estudo indivíduos com demência, pontuação insuficiente no MEEM, analfabetos, daltônicos, e com histórico de abuso de álcool/drogas ilícitas nos últimos 3 meses e paciente com episódios prévios ou atuais de encefalopatia hepática. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo SPSS 2.0 e a significância adotada em 5%. RESULTADOS: Um total de 82 indivíduos foram incluídos na análise final. Destes, 29 foram diagnosticados com EHM (35,36% de prevalência) através do PHES e 28 obtiveram o mesmo resultado após a aplicação do Stroop (96,6% de sensibilidade). Cinquenta e três pacientes obtiveram um resultado negativo para EHM através do PHES, sendo que 27 desses obtiveram um resultado positivo para EHM através do Stroop. Na análise multivariada, níveis elevados de escolaridade estiveram associados com melhor desempenho durante a execução dos testes. Não houve associação significativa entre idade e sexo com a probabilidade de apresentar encefalopatia através do PHES. CONCLUSÃO: O Stroop EncephalApp é uma ferramenta viável e com boa sensibilidade para o screening de EHM, mas possui baixa especificidade na população estudada.
Humans , Hepatic Encephalopathy , Hepatic Encephalopathy/diagnosis , Hepatic Encephalopathy/epidemiology , Liver Cirrhosis/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/diagnosis , Psychometrics , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Background: The simultaneous usage of cell phone while driving and reading has become ubiquitous phenomenon which can have detrimental effects. Objective: We evaluated the effect of simultaneous cell phone conversation on multiple cognitive domains using standard battery of cognitive tests. Materials and Methods: Apparently healthy participants (age 18–25 years) who had no cognitive, visual, motor, and hearing impairments were recruited. They performed visual reaction time (VRT), Go-No-Go (GNG) task, Stroop’s task, and N-back test either during a cell phone conversation or without it, in a randomized crossover trial. The difference in latency was analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed-Ranked test among the paired data which were not normally distributed, while paired t-test was used for the normally distributed data. McNemar test was used to find the accuracy of the responses for all the four tasks. Results: The latency of the VRT, GNG, and Stoop’s test significantly increased while using the cell phone compared to without using a cell phone (P < 0.001). N-back test had a similar trend though not statistically significant. Accuracy reduced during the cell phone conversation in VRT (P < 0.004), Stroop’s test (P < 0.001), and N-back test (P < 0.013). GNG did not show a statistically significant reduction in accuracy. Conclusions: There is reduction in specific cognitive abilities (both in latency and accuracy) during multitasking, for instance, reaction time and executive function while conversing through a mobile phone.
Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of a based-team sports physical education class on inhibitory control of elementary school children. Methods: Were selected 29 elementary school students (13 boys and 16 girls; 10.7 ± 0.7 years old; 43.2 ± 8.2 kg weight; 147 ± 5 cm height). Participants were submitted to a 50-minute sports-based physical education class performed at moderate intensity. Inhibitory control was measured before and immediately after the end of the physical education class by the Stroop Test. Results: Results indicate that the variables derived from Stroop Test performance overall reaction time were significantly reduced after the physical education class (p < 0.05). Conclusion: These results suggest that a 50-minute sports-based physical education class performed at moderate intensity elicited a significant improvement on the inhibitory control elementary school students.
Humans , Child , Physical Education and Training/methods , Education, Primary and Secondary , Executive Function , Team Sports , Stroop TestABSTRACT
Introdução: O teste de Stroop é comumente utilizado para avaliar a flexibilidade cognitiva e função executiva. O teste mostrou correlacionar-se com variáveis como idade, nível educacional e atividade física, porém, pouco se sabe sobre as variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho no teste em populações previamente ativas. Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho no teste de Stroop em população fisicamente ativa. Métodos: 89 estudantes foram recrutados, os mesmos tiveram seus níveis de atividade física avaliado por questionário e composição corporal avaliada por bioimpedância. Resultado: Observamos que as variáveis relacionadas à prática de atividade física não apresentaram correlação com o teste de Stroop. Foi identificado correlação do teste com as variáveis peso corporal e índice de massa corporal (IMC), sendo que maiores valores de peso e IMC resultaram em melhor desempenho no teste. Conclusão: Para indivíduos fisicamente ativos, outros fatores parecem ser preponderantes à atividade física com relação ao desempenho no teste de Stroop.
Introduction: The Stroop test is commonly used to assess cognitive flexibility and executive function. The test was correlated with variables such as age, educational level and physical activity, but little is known about variables related to performance in this test in previously active populations. Objective: To evaluate Stroop performance in a physically active population. Methods: 89 recruited students had their physical activity levels assessed by questionnaire and body composition evaluated by bioimpedance. Result: We observed that variables related to the physical activity level did not present correlation with the Stroop test. Was identified correlation of the test with the variables body weight and body mass index (BMI), being that higher values of weight and BMI resulted in better Stroop performance. Conclusion: For physical active individuals, other factors may be preponderant to physical activity in relation to Stroop performance.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Executive Function , Stroop TestABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo O presente estudo analisou a confiabilidade do Teste dos Cinco Dígitos (FDT), um instrumento de avaliação dos processos atencionais baseado no paradigma Stroop. O teste usa números e quantidades para avaliação do efeito de interferência atencional. Métodos Avaliamos 49 adultos brasileiros por meio do FDT. Os participantes realizaram o teste em dois momentos, com aproximadamente duas semanas de intervalo. A confiabilidade do teste foi estimada pela consistência interna (método das metades) e pela avaliação da estabilidade teste-reteste (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e teste de Wilcoxon para amostras repetidas). Resultados O tempo de resposta médio dos participantes apresentou discreta melhora nas etapas mais simples do teste e mais acentuada nas etapas mais complexas. A consistência interna do teste foi superior a 0,9. A estabilidade teste-reteste variou em função da etapa do teste, e todas as correlações foram significativas (p < 0,01) e explicaram entre 60% e 90% da variância encontrada. Conclusão O FDT apresenta evidências robustas de confiabilidade na amostra avaliada. Esse foi o primeiro estudo brasileiro a avaliar essa propriedade pelo método de teste-reteste. Os resultados propiciam melhor aplicabilidade do FDT nos contextos de clínica e pesquisa.
ABSTRACT Objective This study examined the reliability test of the Five Digits (FDT), an assessment tool of attentional processes based on Stroop paradigm. The test uses numbers and quantities for the assessment of attentional interference effect. Methods We assessed 49 Brazilian adults through FDT. Participants performed the test on two occasions, about two weeks apart. The test reliability was estimated by internal consistency (split-half method) and the evaluation of test-retest stability (intraclass correlation coefficient and Wilcoxon test for repeated measures). Results The mean response time of the participants showed a slight improvement in the simpler test measures and more pronounced in the more complex ones. The internal consistency of the test was 0.9. The test-retest stability varied depending on the test stage, where all correlations were significant (p < 0.01) and explained between 60% and 90% of the explained variance. Conclusion FDT provides robust evidence of reliability of the sample investigated. This was the first Brazilian study to evaluate this property by test-retest method. The results provide a better applicability of FDT in clinical and research settings.
ABSTRACT Tests evaluating the attentional-executive system are widely used in clinical practice. However, proximity of an objective cognitive test with real-world situations (ecological validity) is not frequently investigated. The present study evaluate the association between measures of the Five Digit Test (FDT) and the Oral Trails Test (OTT) with self-reported cognitive failures in everyday life as measured by the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ). Brazilian adults from 18-to-65 years old voluntarily performed the FDT and OTT tests and reported the frequency of cognitive failures in their everyday life through the CFQ. After controlling for the age effect, the measures of controlled attentional processes were associated with cognitive failures, yet the cognitive flexibility of both FDT and OTT accounted for by the majority of variance in most aspects of the CFQ factors. The FDT and the OTT measures were predictive of real-world problems such as cognitive failures in everyday activities/situations.
RESUMO Testes que avaliam o sistema atencional-executivo são amplamente adotados no contexto clínico. Contudo, a proximidade de uma medida cognitiva objetiva com situações reais (validade ecológica) são pouco investigadas. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a associação entre o Teste dos Cinco Dígitos (FDT) e o Oral Trails Test (OTT) com falhas cognitivas do dia a dia relatadas no Questionário de Falhas Cognitivas (CFQ). Sessenta adultos brasileiros, de 18 a 65 e cinco anos, realizaram o FDT e o OTT e reportaram a frequência das falhas cognitivas por meio do CFQ. Controlando o efeito da idade, as medidas de processos atencionais controlados foram associadas com as falhas cognitivas, sendo que o componente de flexibilidade cognitiva do FDT e do OTT explicou a maior parte da variância das falhas. O FDT e o OTT foram preditores de problemas reais do dia a dia, como as falhas cognitivas.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Attention , Activities of Daily Living/psychology , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Cognition/physiology , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Cognition Disorders/diagnosis , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Self Report , Stroop Test/standardsABSTRACT
Objective To evaluate clinical application value of critical flicker frequency (CFF),psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score (PHES) and Stroop test in the diagnosis of covert hepatic encephalopathy (CHE).Methods A total of 110 patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis and 54 individuals without liver diseases were enrolled as control group.According to PHES<-4 points as reference threshold for CHE,the threshold of CFF and time of Stroop test for CHE diagnosis was caculated.Positive results of at least two of PHES,CFF and Stroop tests was considered as the gold standard for CHE diagnosis,and then the value of these three methods in CHE diagnosis was evaluated.Student's t test and receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) were used for statistical analysis.Results Among the 110 patients with liver cirrhosis,40 patients had no hepatic encephalopathy (HE0),52 patients had CHE,and 18 patients had grade 2 hepatic encephalopathy (HE2).The CFF value and total time of Stroop test of control group were (43.70±1.92) Hz and (201.17±20.65) s,respectively.The CFF value of HE0 group was (41.40 ± 1.85) Hz,which was higher than that of CHE group ((38.33 ± 2.32) Hz),and the difference was statistically significant (t=-7.116,P<0.01).The total time of Stroop test of HE0 group was (197.91±26.68) s,which was shorter than that of CHE group ((253.24± 33.33) s),and the difference was statistically significant (t=8.936,P<0.01).When PHES<-4 points was considered as a reference threshold of CHE,the threshold of CFF for CHE diagnosis was 39 Hz,the sensitivity was 94.9% and the specificity was 73.1%,the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.879.The threshold of the total time of Stroop test for CHE diagnosis was 233.80 s,the sensitivity was 83.3 % and the specificity was 71.1%,the AUC was 0.803.The completion time of the number connection test (NCT)-A,NCT-B and digit symbol test (DST),which were there of five subtests of PHES,of CHE group were (80.27±36.05) s,(124.18±55.96) s and (25.03±8.23) s,respectively,compared with those of HE0 patients ((56.68±18.82) s,(80.00±25.58) s and (34.68±8.75) s,respectively),the differences were statistically significant (t =3.691,4.108 and-4.780;all P<0.01).Compared with the results of combined PHES and Stroop test in the diagnosis of HE0,CHE and HE2,the consistency rates of CFF<39 Hz as threshold for diagnosis were 95.0%,61.5% and 100.0%,respectively.Conclusions NCT-A,NCT-B and DST three subtests of PHES have higher efficiency in CHE diagnosis.CFF and Stroop test are also reliable screening methods for CHE,with advantage of objectivity and high specificity.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo de validade de critério do teste Stroop de Cores e Palavras, para controle inibitório, na população de Curitiba e região metropolitana. Para isso foram realizados estudos, com três amostras, contendo, no total 234 participantes entre 18 a 63 anos de ambos os sexos. O primeiro estudo verificou a influência de duas versões traduzidas no desempenho dos participantes, uma contendo a cor vermelha (red) e a outra a cor rosa (pink), onde constatou-se que não existem diferenças significativas entre os resultados de cada versão. A segunda amostra consistiu em verificar a correlação entre a versão original, em inglês, e as duas versões em português (versão vermelha e versão rosa), sendo constatado, também, que não existem diferenças significativas entre as correlações das duas versões. Por fim, a terceira amostra consistiu na aplicação do Teste Stroop de Cores e Palavras, juntamente com o Teste de Trilhas e a Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt, para verificar se os dados estatísticos indicariam correlações estatisticamente significativas entre esses três testes que avaliam o constructo. O último estudo indicou que não existem correlações significativas entre os instrumentos, evidenciando a ausência de validade deste instrumento para a avaliação de controle inibitório.
This project had the objective to make a validity study of the Stroop Color and Word Test to inhibitory control for the population of Curitiba and metropolitan area. For this, studies were made with three samples, containing 234 participants, between 18 at 63 years old, both genders. The first study examined the influence of two translated versions, one containing the red color, and the other containing the pink color, and revealed that there arent significant differences between results of each version. The second sample consisted in verifying the correlations between original and the two translated versions, the result showed that are no significant differences between the original and the translate versions. At last, in the third sample were applied three test, Stroop Color and Word Test, Trail Making Test and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, for identify if statistical analyses would show correlations between this tests. The last study did not showed significantly correlations between instruments, highlighting the lack of validity of this instrument for the assessment of inhibitory control.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Impulsive Behavior , Psychometrics , Forensic Psychiatry/statistics & numerical data , Stroop Test , Neuropsychological Tests , NeuropsychologyABSTRACT
Objective: Literatures on factors influencing performance of the Stroop interference have been elusive on coping styles. Past investigations of coping influence on Stroop test have been indirect and inconclusive due to variability of multidimensional coping models and application of different Stroop test. The concept of constricted versus flexible or broad cognitive style have linked personality and coping styles to Stroop performance. The objective of this study was to determine the associations of coping styles with Stroop resistance towards interference (Stroop RI) and subsequently determine the predictors of Stroop performance. Methods: This was a cross-sectional community research design study with purposive sampling. In this study, the self-administered Brief COPE inventory questionnaires and Stroop Test were performed among 205 undergraduate medical students. Results: Findings revealed that behavioural disengagement (r=-0.361), dysfunctional coping (r=-0.355), self-blame (r = 0.222), and substance abuse (r = -0.173) showed negative correlation and proven strong association with Stroop RI. Further multiple regression analyses identified behavioural disengagement (R2 = 0.13), and dysfunctional coping (R2 = 0.024) as significant predictors for interference. Conclusion: Coping styles have implication on Stroop test exhibited in varied cognitive styles. Integrating coping styles factor on Stroop test has glimpsed the future direction of other neuropsychological assessment batteries on the importance of profiling individualistic baseline norms.
OBJECTIVE: The Trail Making Test (TMT) and Stroop Test (ST) are attention tests widely used in clinical practice and research. The aim of this study was to provide normative data for the adult Brazilian population and to study the influence of gender, age and education on the TMT parts A and B, and ST cards A, B and C. METHODS: We recruited 1447 healthy subjects aged ?18 years with an educational level of 0-25 years who were native speakers of Portuguese (Brazilian). The subjects were evaluated by the Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III, along with the TMTA, TMTB and ST A, B and C. RESULTS: Among the participants, mean intellectual efficiency was 103.20 (SD:12.0), age 41.0 (SD:16.4) years and education 11.9 (SD:5.6) years. There were significant differences between genders on the TMTA (p=0.002), TMTB (p=0.017) and STC (p=0.024). Age showed a positive correlation with all attention tests, whereas education showed a negative correlation. Gender was not found to be significant on the multiple linear regression model, but age and education maintained their interference. CONCLUSION: Gender did not have the major impact on attentional tasks observed for age and education, both of which should be considered in the stratification of normative samples.
OBJETIVO: Os testes de atenção Trail Making Test (TMT) e Stroop Test (ST) são largamente usados na prática clínica e em pesquisas. O objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer informação normativa para a população brasileira de adultos e estudar a interferência de gênero, idade e educação no TMT parte A e B e no ST cartão A, B e C. MÉTODOS: Recrutamos 1447 sujeitos saudáveis com idade ?18 anos, nível educacional de 0-25 anos, falantes nativos do Português (Brasil). Os sujeitos foram avaliados pelos subtestes do Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III Raciocínio Matricial e Vocabulários, além do TMTA, TMTB e ST A, B e C. RESULTADOS: Entre os participantes a média de eficiência intelectual foi de 103,20 (SD:12,0), de idade 41,0 (SD:16,4) anos e de escolaridade 11,9 (SD: 5,6) anos. Houve diferenças significantes por gênero em TMTA (p=0,002), TMTB (p=0,017) e STC (p=0,024). Idade se correlacionou de modo positivo com todos os testes de atenção, enquanto a escolaridade correlacionou-se de modo negativo. Após o modelo de regressão linear múltipla o gênero não manteve correlação significativa, mas idade e escolaridade mantiveram sua interferência. CONCLUSÃO: O gênero não mostrou grande impacto nas tarefas atencionais como a idade e escolaridade que devem, portanto, ser consideradas na estratificação de amostras normativas.
Humans , Attention , Trail Making Test , Demography , Stroop TestABSTRACT
Objective To study the attention dysfunction of postoperative glioma patients.Methods Attention network test (ANT),digital span (DS),color trail test Ⅱ (CTT Ⅱ) and stroop test (ST) were used to detect the characteristics of attention function of 45 postoperative glioma patients,admitted to our hospital from January 2010 to January 2012 and 18 healthy controls.The relations of attention dysfunction with tumor localization,malignancy and postoperative recovery time were analyzed.Results As compared with that in the control group,orientation network dysfunction was detected in parietal lobe tumor group,with significant difference (P<0.05); as compared with patients with low grade rumors (grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ),the patients with high grade tumors (grade Ⅲ-Ⅳ) had significantly lower scores in backward recite test,longer time in digital color connection test and higher word color naming interference value,enjoying significant differences (P<0.05).No significant relation was observed between postoperative recovery time and attention impairment (P>0.05); Conclusion The frontal and parietal lobe glioma patients suffer attention dysfunction and the high-grade glioma patients have more seriously impairment in attention,attention switching effect and selective attention ability than the low-grade ones.
OBJECTIVES: Previous studies reported that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) resulted from a deficit of selective attention and sustained attention. In this study, we assessed the result of methylphenidate-induced changes of the cerebral frontal executive functions in patients with ADHD. METHODS: The subjects in this study consisted of 16 ADHD patients whose age ranged from 7 to 12. We used ADHD Diagnostic System (ADS) for the attention improvement, and the Stroop Test for the executive function response to pharmacotherapy with MPH. RESULTS: After pharmacotherapy with methylphenidate for 12 weeks, the study group showed improvement in the clinical aspects through Clinical Global Impression-Severity, ADHD-rating scale and Inattention/Overactivity With Aggression Conner's Parents Rating Scale. In the ADS test, only in auditory task there was a decrease of both the response time and the standard deviation of the response time significantly. In the Stroop Test, there was a decrease in the word task, color task and color-word task significantly. CONCLUSION: Our results show that psychostimulant medication improves neuropsychological function, including the cerebral frontal executive function. This study implies that we have to consider the improvement of executive function, as well as attention when evaluating the efficacy of treatment.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Aggression , Drug Therapy , Executive Function , Methylphenidate , Parents , Reaction Time , Stroop TestABSTRACT
To determine the hemodynamic mechanisms responsible for the attenuated blood pressure response to mental stress after exercise, 26 healthy sedentary individuals (age 29 ± 8 years) underwent the Stroop color-word test before and 60 min after a bout of maximal dynamic exercise on a treadmill. A subgroup (N = 11) underwent a time-control experiment without exercise. Blood pressure was continuously and noninvasively recorded by infrared finger photoplethysmography. Stroke volume was derived from pressure signals, and cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were calculated. Perceived mental stress scores were comparable between mental stress tests both in the exercise (P = 0.96) and control (P = 0.24) experiments. After exercise, the blood pressure response to mental stress was attenuated (pre: 10 ± 13 vs post: 6 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.01) along with lower values of systolic blood pressure (pre: 129 ± 3 vs post: 125 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), stroke volume (pre: 89.4 ± 3.5 vs post: 76.8 ± 3.8 mL; P < 0.05), and cardiac output (pre: 7.00 ± 0.30 vs post: 6.51 ± 0.36 L/min; P < 0.05). Except for heart rate, the hemodynamic responses and the mean values during the two mental stress tests in the control experiment were similar (P > 0.05). In conclusion, a single bout of maximal dynamic exercise attenuates the blood pressure response to mental stress in healthy subjects, along with lower stroke volume and cardiac output, denoting an acute modulatory action of exercise on the central hemodynamic response to mental stress.