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Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 50(1): 292-313, Jan.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347325


SUMMARY Introduction: Experimental Solubilities of sulfamerazine (SMR) and sulfamethazine (SMT) in some (methanol + water), (ethanol + water) and (1-propanol + water) cosolvent mixtures were collected from the literature at five temperatures from 293.15 to 313.15 K. Methodology: The results were analyzed with the van't Hoff, Apelblat modified, Buchowski-Ksiazaczak λh, van't Hoff-Yaws model, two-parameter Weibull function model. It was determined that the models that best describe the solubility of these sulfonamides in (alcohol + water) mixtures were the van't Hoff and Apelblat models, obtaining correlation indices greater than 0.99 in all cases. Results: The results obtained with the Modified Apelblat equation presents a high correlation index for the solubility of SMR and SMT in cosolvent mixtures, followed by the van't Hoff-Yaws model that presents a high fit of the estimated data with respect to the theoretical ones. According to the two-parameter Weibull function model, the solubility ofSMR and SMT in the co-solvent mixtures shows important deviations from ideality, which is consistent with the literature. The results are discussed in terms of the solute-solvent interactions that occur in this system.

RESUMEN Introducción: Las solubilidades experimentales de la sulfamerazina (SMR) y la sulfametazina (SMT) en algunas mezclas cosolvents (metanol + agua), (etanol + agua) y (1-propanol + agua), se revisaron en la literatura a cinco temperaturas de 293,15 a 313,15 K. Metodología: Los resultados se analizaron con el modelo van't Hoff, Apelblat modificado, Buchowski-Ksiazaczak λh, van't Hoff-Yaws, y el modelo de la función Weibull de dos parámetros. Se determinó que los modelos que mejor describen la solubilidad de estas sulfonamidas en mezclas (alcohol + agua) son los modelos de van't Hoffy Apelblat, obteniendo índices de correlación superiores a 0,99 en todos los casos. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos con la ecuación de Apelblat modiicada presentan un alto índice de correlación para la solubilidad de SMR y SMT en mezclas de cosolventes, seguido del modelo van't Hoff-Yaws que presenta un alto ajuste de los datos calculados con respecto a los teóricos. Según el modelo de la función de Weibull de dos parámetros, la solubilidad de la SMR y la SMT en las mezclas de cosolventes muestra importantes desviaciones de las ideales, lo que es coherente con la literatura. Los resultados se discuten en términos de las interacciones soluto-solvente que se producen en este sistema.

RESUMO Introdução: As solubilidades experimentais de sulfamerazina (SMR e sulfametazina (SMT) em algumas misturas de cossolventes (metanol + água), (etanol + água) e (1-propanol + água), foram revisadas na literatura em cinco temperaturas de 293,15 a 313,15 K. Metodologia: Os resultados foram analisados com o modelo van't Hoff, Apelblat modificado, Buchowski-Ksiazaczak λh, van't Hoff-Yaws e o modelo de função Weibull de dois parâmetros. Determinou-se que os modelos que melhor descrevem a solubilidade dessas sulfonamidas em misturas (álcool + água) são os modelos van't Hoff e Apelblat, obtendo índices de correlação superiores a 0,99 em todos os casos. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos com a equação de Apelblat modi-icada apresentam um alto índice de correlação para a solubilidade de SMR e SMT em misturas de cosolventes, seguido pelo modelo de van't Hoff-Yaws que apresenta um alto ajuste dos dados calculados em relação a teóricos. De acordo com o modelo de função Weibull de dois parâmetros, a solubilidade de SMR e SMT em misturas de cosolventes apresenta desvios signiicativos dos ideais, o que é consistente com a literatura. Os resultados são discutidos em termos das interações soluto-solvente que ocorrem neste sistema.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;24(4): 1089-1106, out.-dez. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892569


This article examines anti-treponematoses work as part of US occupation public health policy in Haiti, a unique event in the history of international health. Yaws was highly prevalent in Haiti, but occupation doctors initially ignored it because of its close association with syphilis and stigmas attached to sexually transmitted disease. This changed when C.S. Butler asserted that yaws was "innocent" and that the two diseases should therefore be considered as one. Treatment increased as an anti-treponematoses campaign was now believed to hold great benefits for the occupation's paternalist and strategic aims, even though it ultimately failed. This work reflected Haiti's status as a public health "laboratory" which affected Haitian medicine for years to come and significantly influenced future campaigns aimed at disease eradication.

Este artigo investiga o trabalho anti-treponêmico como parte da política norte-americana de saúde pública na ocupação do Haiti, evento inédito na história da saúde internacional. Era alta a incidência da bouba no Haiti, mas médicos da ocupação a ignoravam por ser parecida com a sífilis e pelos estigmas da doença sexualmente transmitida. A situação mudou quando C.S. Butler afirmou que a bouba era "inocente" e que as duas doenças deveriam ser consideradas uma. Surgiram mais tratamentos com uma campanha anti-treponêmica que trazia benefícios aos objetivos paternalistas e estratégicos da ocupação, apesar do seu fracasso final. Esse trabalho ilustra o Haiti como "laboratório" de saúde pública, o que afetou a medicina haitiana por anos e influenciou campanhas futuras para erradicar a doença.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Yaws/history , Syphilis/history , Public Health/history , Racism/history , Arsenic/history , Arsenic/therapeutic use , United States , Warfare , Yaws/prevention & control , Yaws/drug therapy , Syphilis/drug therapy , Communicable Disease Control/history , Diagnosis, Differential , Disease Eradication/history , Haiti , Laboratories/history
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-170218


Yaws, a non-venereal treponematosis, affecting primarily the tribal populations, has been considered historically as one of the most neglected tropical diseases in the world. In 1996, India piloted an initiative to eradicate yaws based on a strategy consisting of active case finding through house-to-house search and treatment of cases and their contacts with long acting penicillin. Thereafter, the campaign implemented in all 51 endemic districts in 10 states of the country led to the achievement of a yaws-free status in 2004. In the post-elimination phase, surveillance activities accompanied by serological surveys were continued in the erstwhile endemic districts. These surveys carried out among children between the age of 1-5 yr, further confirmed the absence of community transmission in the country. The experience of India demonstrates that yaws can be eradicated in all endemic countries of Africa and Asia, provided that political commitment can be mobilized and community level activities sustained until the goal is achieved.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;19(1): 197-216, jan.-mar. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-623301


Analisa o Programa de Erradicação da Bouba, desenvolvido no Brasil entre 1956 e 1961. Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, durante a qual iniciou-se o uso de antibióticos, um novo método parecia possibilitar a erradicação de treponematoses em curto prazo: a aplicação de injeções de penicilina em dose única. Sob o clima de valorização do controle das endemias rurais no país, a organização de uma campanha contra a bouba tornou-se possível. Os trabalhos, realizados pelo Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais, encontraram uma população desnutrida e faminta, o que colocou em dúvida as pretensões da campanha e as concepções de saúde e desenvolvimento da época.

The article analyzes the Program to Eradicate Yaws, enforced in Brazil from 1956 through 1961. Following World War II, when antibiotics first came into use, it seemed there might be a method for eradicating treponematosis in a short time: a single-dose injection of penicillin. At a moment when priority was being placed on fighting rural endemic disease in Brazil, it became possible to organize a campaign against yaws. The article explores the initiatives undertaken by the National Department of Rural Endemic Diseases that revealed a malnourished, starving population, and called into question the very intentions behind the campaign and the day's concepts of health and development.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Yaws/history , Endemic Diseases/history , Disease Eradication/history , Penicillins , Brazil , Hygiene , Malnutrition
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-558562


Objective To study the clinical and the X-ray characteristics of the yaws disease in bone.Methods The clinical features and X-ray imaging appearances of 12 cases with bone yaws were analyzed and summarized,and discussed with related cultural heritage.Results Nine patients were period Ⅱ yaws,whose skin of all extremities were detected multiple symmetry or no-symmetry papulas and nodes,with systematic toxic symptom.There patients were period Ⅲ yaws,with multiple brown abscess in and under the skin of all extremities,multiple bayberrylike nodes up and down surrounding the ulcer.In the(9 patients) with period Ⅱ yaws,the bone lesions were predominantly periosteal proliferation and hyperostosis.In the 3 patients with period Ⅲ yaws,the bone lesions were hyperostosis with destruction of bone.Conclusion The X-ray characteristics of bone yaws are:(1) multiple bones are involved;(2)the pathological change is mainly located in the long bone diaphysis;(3) local irregular periosteal proliferation and cortical hyperplassia,medullary canal blurring or disappearing;(4)diffusing long bone sclerosis with cortical bone destruction and cancellated bone erosion;(5)the bones involved has no sequestra.