Abstract Introduction: Despite sensory enrichment being critical for ensuring the well-being of captive wild animals, smells are not being included in enrichment protocols for birds. For this group, neophobia can be a problem when it comes to implementing new enrichment devices. Objective: To explore how participation in an olfactory enrichment and latency times varies between bird taxonomic groups (Amazona spp. / Ara spp. / Ramphastos spp.). Methods: We exposed 257 birds to a scent enrichment, and we recorded which individuals engaged with it and the time they took to interact with it. Results: We discovered that participation by toucans in the enrichment was higher compared to amazons and macaws. Furthermore, latency time to interact with the enrichment was higher in amazons that in the other species. Our findings could suggest that toucans are neophilic species which could benefit from higher exploration rates. Amazons on the contrary seem to be particularly neophobic, possibly because of their less opportunistic feeding habits compared to toucans and their higher vulnerability to predation compared to macaws. Conclusion: These results point out that toucans would be more inclined to engage in environmental enrichments, while a more natural design using smells inside familiar objects could be a more successful enrichment for psittacids.
Resumen Introducción: A pesar de que el enriquecimiento sensorial es fundamental para garantizar el bienestar de los animales silvestres en cautiverio, los olores no son incluidos de forma rutinaria en los protocolos de enriquecimiento para aves. Además, en el caso de estos animales, la neofobia puede ser un problema a la hora de implementar nuevos dispositivos de enriquecimiento. Objetivo: Explorar cómo varía la participación y la latencia en la interacción con un enriquecimiento olfativo entre grupos taxonómicos de aves (Amazona spp. / Ara spp. / Ramphastos spp.). Métodos: Expusimos a 257 aves a un enriquecimiento olfativo y registramos qué individuos participaron y el tiempo que tardaron en interactuar con él. Resultados: La participación en el enriquecimiento fue mayor en los tucanes en comparación con las amazonas y los guacamayos. Además, el tiempo de latencia para interactuar con el enriquecimiento fue mayor en las amazonas que en las otras especies. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los tucanes son especies neofílicas que podrían beneficiarse de tasas de exploración más altas. Por otro lado, las amazonas parecen ser particularmente neofóbicas, posiblemente debido a sus hábitos alimenticios menos oportunistas en comparación con los tucanes y a su mayor vulnerabilidad a la depredación en comparación con los guacamayos. Conclusión: Estos resultados señalan que los tucanes serían más proclives a participar en enriquecimientos ambientales, mientras que un diseño que utilice olores dentro de objetos más naturales o familiares podría ser más exitoso para las psitácidas.
Animals , Parrots/growth & development , Animal Welfare , Amazona/growth & development , Refugium , Costa RicaABSTRACT
La enfermedad de Chagas es una infección causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi y transmitida por el vector Triatoma dimidiata, conocido en El Salvador como «chinche picuda¼. Esta enfermedad siempre ha sido de interés científico en modelos animales. Objetivo. Identificar el efecto de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones de diferentes cepas (BALB/c y NIH) y sexo. Metodología. Se establecieron ocho grupos: cuatro infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi y cuatro grupos no infectados, distribuidos por cepa y sexo, con cinco ratones por grupo. Durante seis semanas se registró el peso corporal de los ratones. Además, se prepararon muestras de sangre de los grupos infectados en láminas para realizar los conteos de parasitemia. Al final del estudio, se extrajeron el bazo y el corazón de ambos grupos para los análisis estadísticos. Resultados. Los grupos infectados mostraron un incremento de peso en comparación a sus grupos controles. En la cepa NIH, las hembras presentaron una mayor parasitemia, mientras que en la cepa BALB/c fueron los machos los de mayor parasitemia. Los órganos de los grupos infectados fueron significativamente más grandes comparados a los de los grupos de control, excepto en el corazón de la cepa BALB/c. Respecto al peso de los órganos, se observaron diferencias significativas únicamente en el corazón de los machos de la cepa BALB/c, mientras que en el bazo ocurrió lo contrario. Conclusión. Los machos de la cepa BALB/c son más susceptibles al Trypanosoma cruzi, presentando niveles de parasitemia más altos entre los grupos estudiados
Chagas disease is an infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and transmitted by the vector Triatoma dimidiata, known in El Salvador as "chinche picuda". This disease has always been of scientific interest in animal models. Objective. Identify the effect of Trypanozoma cruzi infection in mice of different strains (BALB/c and NIH) and sex. Methodology. Eight groups were established: four infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and four uninfected groups, distributed by strain and sex, with five mice per group. The body weight of the mice was recorded for six weeks. In addition, blood samples from the infected groups were prepared on slides for parasitemia counts. At the end of the study, the spleen and heart were extracted from both groups for statistical analyses. Results. The infected groups showed an increase in weight compared to their control groups. In the NIH strain, females had higher parasitemia, whereas in the BALB/c strain, males had higher parasitemia. The organs of the infected groups were significantly larger compared to those of the control groups, except in the heart of the BALB/c strain. Regarding organ weight, significant differences were observed only in the heart of the male BALB/c strain, while the opposite was true for the spleen. Conclusion. Males of the BALB/c strain are more susceptible to Trypanosoma cruzi, presenting higher levels of parasitemia among the groups studied.
Mice , El SalvadorABSTRACT
Los cuerpos de agua dulce albergan una gran cantidad de microorganismos cruciales para los ecosistemas acuáticos, incluyendo las cianobacterias. Sin embargo, su proliferación descontrolada representa riesgos para la salud humana, animal y el medio ambiente. Esta revisión destaca los efectos adversos de las cianobacterias y sus toxinas, así como los métodos de detección y prevención. La gestión efectiva de estos eventos requiere una comprensión integral de los factores ambientales y un enfoque preventivo en el tratamiento del agua. Se necesitan estrategias multifacéticas que incluyan la monitorización continua, medidas de tratamiento adecuadas y políticas de conservación ambiental para abordar este desafío
Freshwater bodies host a large number of microorganisms crucial to aquatic ecosystems, including cyanobacteria. However, their uncontrolled proliferation poses risks to human, animal and environmental health. This review highlights the adverse effects of cyanobacteria and their toxins, as well as detection and prevention methods. Effective management of these events requires a comprehensive understanding of environmental factors and a preventive approach to water treatment. Multifaceted strategies including continuous monitoring, appropriate treatment measures and environmental conservation policies are needed to address this challenge
Veterinary Medicine , Health Risk , El SalvadorABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Even though only a few species are considered to be dangerous, pests or vectors, the majority of invertebrates produce a feeling of aversion in humans. This has contributed to the delay in the development of ethical considerations as regards this group in contrast with vertebrates, with the exception of cephalopods. Objective: In the present study, we provide an overview of the current situation on animal ethics and welfare in order to contribute to the development of a framework for ensuring invertebrate welfare. Methods: Today, animal welfare is multidisciplinary in nature to a very high degree as it includes ethology, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, nutrition, cognitive-neural, veterinary medicine, and ethics. Animal welfare is a complex concept, difficult to achieve successfully from one perspective. Results: As a consequence, we propose to include the five domains (nutrition, environment, health, behaviour and mental state) along with the three conceptions (basic health and functioning, affective state and natural living), as well as the 5R Principle (Replace, Reduction, Refinement, Respect and Responsibility) in seeking to achieve a comprehensive welfare state. Conclusions: We consider that in both research and animal production, the individual and collective ethical concerns coexist and, in fact, the main moral concern to account for is the collective one and that, within that collective view, the individual moral concern should be applied with responsibility and respect for the individual. Finally, we propose a practical example of invertebrate welfare production in sea urchin aquaculture with the aim of including animal production of invertebrates in this important discussion.
Resumen Introducción: Aunque sólo unas pocas especies son consideradas peligrosas, plagas o vectores, la mayoría de los invertebrados producen un sentimiento de aversión en el ser humano. Esto ha contribuido al retraso en el desarrollo de consideraciones éticas respecto a este grupo en comparación con los vertebrados, a excepción de los cefalópodos. Objetivo: En el presente trabajo, proporcionamos una visión general de la situación actual en materia de ética y bienestar animal con el fin de contribuir al desarrollo de un marco para garantizar el bienestar de los invertebrados. Métodos: Hoy en día, el bienestar animal es de naturaleza multidisciplinaria en un grado muy alto, ya que incluye etología, fisiología, patología, bioquímica, genética, inmunología, nutrición, cognitivo-neural, medicina veterinaria y ética. El bienestar animal es un concepto complejo, difícil de lograr con éxito desde una sola perspectiva. Resultados: Como consecuencia, proponemos incluir los cinco dominios (nutrición, ambiente, salud, comportamiento y estado mental) junto con las tres concepciones (Salud básica y funcionamiento, estado afectivo y vida natural), así como el Principio 5R (Reemplazar, Reducir, Refinar, Respetar y Responsabilidad) en la búsqueda de alcanzar un estado de bienestar integral. Conclusiones: Consideramos que tanto en la investigación como en la producción animal coexisten las preocupaciones éticas individuales y colectivas y, de hecho, la principal preocupación moral a dar cuenta es la colectiva y que, dentro de esa visión colectiva, se debe aplicar la preocupación moral individual. con responsabilidad y respeto por la persona. Finalmente, proponemos un ejemplo práctico de producción de bienestar de invertebrados en la acuicultura de erizos de mar con el objetivo de incluir la producción animal de invertebrados en esta importante discusión.
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Aquaculture/ethics , Invertebrates/growth & development , Animal WelfareABSTRACT
Conhecer e compreender as contribuições da Terapia Assistida por Animais no desenvolvimento do indivíduo e no restabelecimento da saúde, na concepção dos cuidadores e familiares. Método: pesquisa descritiva exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, em uma empresa privada de Intervenções Assistidas com Animais da região noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no segundo semestre de 2022. Os participantes foram os familiares e/ou cuidadores dos praticantes e a terapeuta. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de questionário semiestruturado e a análise dos dados através da análise de conteúdo das falas e aprovada pelo parecer nº 5.652.286. Resultados: Verifica-se que os benefícios no desenvolvimento estão associados a aspectos como melhora no fortalecimento do tônus muscular, na linguagem, na autonomia, na coordenação motora, na tranquilidade e na afetividade. Conclusão: Essa intervenção tem grande potencial dentro do tratamento dos praticantes, e merece ser cada vez mais estudada.(AU)
To know and understand the contributions of Animal Assisted Therapy in the development of the individual and the restoration of health, in the conception of caregivers and family members. Method: exploratory descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, in a private Animal Assisted Interventions company in the northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the second half of 2022. The participants were the family members and/or caregivers of the practitioners and the therapist . Data collection took place through a semi-structured questionnaire and data analysis through content analysis of the statements and approved by opinion no. 5,652,286. Results: It appears that the benefits in development are associated with aspects such as improvements in strengthening muscle tone, language, autonomy, motor coordination, tranquility and affectivity. Conclusion: This intervention has great potential in the treatment of practitioners, and deserves to be increasingly studied.(AU)
Conocer y comprender los aportes de la Terapia Asistida con Animales en el desarrollo del individuo y el restablecimiento de la salud, en la concepción de los cuidadores y familiares. Método: investigación descriptiva exploratoria, con enfoque cualitativo, en una empresa privada de Intervenciones Asistidas con Animales en la región noroeste del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, en el segundo semestre de 2022. Los participantes fueron los familiares y/o cuidadores de los practicantes y el terapeuta. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado y el análisis de los datos mediante análisis de contenido de los enunciados aprobados por dictamen nº 5.652.286. Resultados: Parece que los beneficios en el desarrollo están asociados a aspectos como mejoras en el fortalecimiento del tono muscular, el lenguaje, la autonomía, la coordinación motora, la tranquilidad y la afectividad. Conclusión: Esta intervención tiene un gran potencial en el tratamiento de los profesionales y merece ser cada vez más estudiada
Relaxation Therapy , Equine-Assisted TherapyABSTRACT
Objective To study the effect of curcumin on wound healing in diabetic mice.Methods The effect of curcumin on fibroblast activity was examined by the MTT assay,and the ROS detection kit was used to detect the effect of curcumin on the hydrogen peroxide-induced scavenging effect of reactive oxygen species(ROS)in fibroblasts.Q-PCR was used to detect the effects of curcumin on the mRNA expression of inflammatory factors CD86,CD206,IL-6 and ARG1 in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7macrophage.The wound model of diabetes was established by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin.Hematoxylin-eosin(HE)and Masson staining were used to evaluate wound healing and histomorphological changes,and immunofluorescence staining was used to determine skin tissue α-smooth muscle actin,CD86 and CD206 expression.Results Curcumin had no significant effect on fibroblast activity at concentrations less than 20 mol·L-1;curcumin scavenged hydrogen peroxide-induced intracellular ROS in fibroblasts;curcumin decreased the mRNA expression of CD86 and IL-6 while increasing CD206 and ARG1 in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages.After in vivo administration,compared with the control group,wound healing was significantly faster in the curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)group after 7 d and 14 d of wound perforation(P<0.01).Hematoxylin-eosin(HE)and Masson staining results confirmed a significant increase in granulation tissue and a significant increase in collagen deposition in the curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)group.Immunofluorescence assay showed significantly higher expression of CD206(P<0.01)and significantly reduced expression of CD86(P<0.01)in the skin wounds of curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)for 14 d.In addition,the expression of α-SMA in the wound of the high-dose curcumin(30 mg·mL-1)group was significantly higher than that of the low-dose curcumin group(P<0.01).Conclusion Curcumin accelerates diabetic wound healing by promoting granulation tissue proliferation and collagen deposition in refractory diabetic wounds in mice through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Disease animal model is an indispensable part of studying the pathogenesis and treatment of diseases.Review of the ethics and welfare is the necessary measure to ensure the quality of scientific research and promote the scientific and rational use of laboratory animals.In the review practice,it is found that most applicants are difficult to accurately understand the items listed in the application form and ethical principles related to items.Therefore,a practical and feasible set of ethical guidelines for animal experiments is necessary.This review focuses on the legal and ethical basis of developing oral disease animal models,and divides the methods of establishing oral disease animal models into physical methods,chemical methods,biological methods,and combined methods.It also elaborates on the ethical and welfare review points of different modeling methods and model evaluation methods.Hopefully,ethical censors and project applicants may get more understanding of ethical review for disease animal models,and ultimately improve the standardization and applicability of animal models.
Objective:To establish a reliable,stable and clinically realistic model of blunt contusion injury to the rat skele-tal muscle. Method:A model of the rat gastrocnemius muscle blunt contusion injury was established by using a weight of 170g,a height of 70cm and a spring with a diameter of 0.5cm at the bottom to buffer the polymeric strik-ing part and guide the fall to hit for 5 consecutive times.The gait changes of rats were evaluated by CatWalk analysis system at 0h,12h,24h,3 days,7 days and 14 days after modeling;local histopathological changes were observed by HE staining and local ultrastructural changes were observed by transmission electron micros-copy.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was used to detect the changes of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)in local tissues. Result:Compared with the blank group,the mean speed and maximum speed change rate of the model group were significantly decreased,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001);compared with the normal foot group,the maximum contact area,footprint area and standing phase duration of the limb of the injured limb group were significantly decreased,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).A large infiltration of inflammatory cells and massive lysis necrosis of muscle fibers were observed on HE stain-ing after 3 days.By 14 days,although scar tissue was still present,tissue repair with HE staining was almost indistinguishable from that of the blank group.Vacuolation was observed in part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum at 0h after the blow,and lysis of muscle fibers and part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum at 3 days with in-creased inflammatory response which basically returned to normal by 14 days.The TNF-α level began to rise gradually and reached a peak from 0h to 12h after injury,and remained higher level from 12h to 72h,and the difference was statistically significant compared with the blank group(P<0.05),and basically returned to the normal level by 14 days. Conclusion:The model can cause moderate damage of skeletal muscle in rats,with a 14-day natural recovery time at least.It can provide as one of the methods for for the establishment of the rat skeletal muscle blunt contusion model.
AIM:To improve the success rate of experimental modeling of non-alcoholic fatty liver(NAFLD)in rats by high-fat diet through comparing three different formulations of high-fat diets in con-structing non-alcoholic fatty liver rats model,so as to provide a reliable animal model for the study of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.METHODS:SPF-grade male SD rats were divided into four groups randomly:control group,high-fat diet group1(HFD1),high-fat diet group2(HFD2),high-fat diet group3(HFD3).Each group was given the corre-sponding feed for 8 weeks while modeling.The da-ta on general observation,body weight changes,and ingestion of the rats were recorded during the modeling period.After 8 weeks'feeding,liver ultra-sound,CT and MRI examination were performed for the rats of each group to check the status.Blood and liver samples were collected.Changes in liver function(ALT,AST),blood lipids(TC,TG,HDL-C,LDL-C),and inflammatory indexes(IL-1β,IL-6,TNF-α)were detected.The morphology of the liv-ers was observed with the naked eyes,and the liv-er index and Lee's index were calculated at the end of 8 weeks.The effects of different high-fat diets on the establishment of NAFLD model in SD rats were comprehensively evaluated by comparing the difference of above indexes among the groups.RE-SULTS:Compared with the control group,rats in the HFD1,HFD2 and HFD3 groups showed poor mental deterioration,decreased activity,severe hair loss,decreased food intake,increased body weights,and significantly increased liver index and Lee's in-dex,along with increased liver volume,blunt edge,steatosis and lipid deposition,and the trend was even more pronounced in the HFD3 group.Com-pared with the control group,the serum levels of ALT,AST,TC,TG,LDL-C,IL-1β,IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly increased,while the contents of HDL-C was significantly decreased in the HFD1,HFD2 and HFD3 group,especially in the HFD3 group.Com-pared with the control group,the B ultrasonogra-phy showed an enlarged liver with enhanced paren-chymal echo and pipe unsharpness,CT showed that the liver and spleen CT ratio decreased obvi-ously,and the MRI images showed obvious differ-ence of liver signal intensity between in/out of phase image in the HFD1,HFD2 and HFD3 group,and the most significant imaging changes was ob-served in the HFD3 group.CONCLUSION:The above three kinds of high-fat diets can establish NAFLD model in SD rats after 8 weeks'feeding,the models induced by HFD3 was better than those in-duced by the other two groups.NAFLD lesion is rel-atively serious and expected to last longer in HFD3 group,which are more suitable for investigating the underlying mechanisms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and development of lipid-lowering drugs.
Objective:In order to truly realize the deep integration of ideological and political education and professional edu-cation in the course of Animal Immunology and effectively improve the comprehensive quality of students.Methods:The experiment adopts the teaching method of integrating the online and offline hybrid teaching of Animal Immunology into the ideology and politics of the course,studies the course design concept,teaching objectives,teaching design and teaching implementation,and will conduct an evaluation of the teaching effect from the examination results and ideological and political effect.Results:The results show that the teaching model has stimulated students'interest in learning and improved their overall ability.Conclusion:It shows that the teaching effect of this method is good and the basic task of moral education is realized.
Lyme disease is a natural zoonotic infectious disease transmitted by ticks infected by different genotypes of Borre-lia burgdorferi sensu lato,which was discovered in the 1970s.This pathogen is prevalent primarily in temperate and subtropi-cal areas.Dogs,cats,horses,cattle,deer,and other animals are susceptible,and humans are also susceptible hosts.The main symptoms of Lyme disease in humans are erythema migrans,arthritis,and other neurological symptoms,and the common symptoms in infected animals include joint diseases,coat shedding,fever,laminitis,and lameness.Lyme disease is wide-spread,but diagnosis is difficult,and this disease is easily misdiagnosed and missed.Awareness of Lyme disease must be in-creased to avoid its toll on livestock and the pet industry.Therefore,this article reviews research progress in diagnosis and con-trol technology for animal Lyme disease and Borrelia burgdorferi,to provide a reference for accurate,rapid diagnosis and con-trol of Lyme disease.
【Objective】 To investigate the effect of polymerized human cord hemoglobin (PolyCHb) in chemoimmunotherapy for breast cancer in mice. 【Methods】 A 4T1 breast cancer in situ tumor model was established, and 15 mice were randomly divided into 3 groups: blank group: no intervention; Control group: doxorubicin + PD-1 inhibitor was given intraperitoneal injection of doxorubicin 5 mg·kg-1 once a week and PD-1 inhibitor 12.5 mg·kg-1 once a week; Experimental group: DOX+ a-PD-1+ PolyCHb, the usage of DOX and a-PD-1 was the same as above, PolyCHb: PolyCHb 600 mg·kg-1 was injected into the tail vein, three times a week; The administration period was 4 weeks. During the administration, the tumor volume was recorded 3 times per week, the tumor growth curve of each group was drawn and the tumor inhibition rate was calculated. The mice were killed on the 29th day, and the tumor was removed and weighed to calculate the tumor inhibition rate. Immunofluorescence, HE staining, TUNEL method and immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of HIF-1α, observe the pathological changes of tumor tissue, detect the apoptosis of tumor cells, and detect the expression of tumor proliferation index Ki67. 【Results】 Compared with the blank group and the control group, the tumor volume in the experimental group decreased significantly (P<0.05) and the tumor inhibition rate (%) increased significantly (P<0.05). The content of HIF-1α in tumor tissue in experimental group decreased (P<0.05). In the experimental group, the growth area of tumor tissue decreased, accompanied by the increase of necrosis area; The positive rates (%) of apoptosis in tumor tissues of blank group, control group and experimental group were 18.79±0.62, 20.68±1.19 and 41.65±2.99 respectively (F=135.2, P<0.001). In addition, the results of tumor proliferation index Ki67 showed that there was a statistical difference between the control group and the experimental group (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 PolyCHb increases the sensitivity of chemoimmunotherapy in breast cancer mouse model, and the mechanism may be related to the decrease of HIF-1α expression, the promotion of apoptosis and the inhibition of cell proliferation.
Objective To overcome the limitations of existing human respiratory syncytial virus(hRSV)animal models,such as semi-permissiveness and short duration of infection,this study established an IL2rg gene knockout(IL2rg-/-)rat model using TALEN gene editing technology.Methods The animal model was infected with hRSV intranasally.Clinical characteristics,body weight,and temperature changes were observed over the infection period(0~35 days).The total viral loads in respiratory organs,such as the nasal tissue,trachea,and lungs,were measured at various time points(4,11,20,and 35 days post-infection).Pathological analysis was conducted on target organs at the endpoint of observation(35 days post-infection).Changes in peripheral blood T,B,NK,and NKT cells and various cytokines were assessed at various time points(4,20,and 35 days post-infection).Results(1)IL2rg/-knockout rats sustained high viral loads in the nasal cavity upon intranasal inoculation with hRSV.The average peak titer rapidly reached 1 × 1010 copies/g in nasal tissue and 1 × 107 copies/g up to 5 weeks post-infection.(2)However,no significant pathological changes were noted in nasal,tracheal,or lung tissues.(3)An increase was observed in the content of peripheral blood B cells in hRSV-infected IL2rg--rats.(4)IL-6 and MCP-1 were increased in the early stage of infection and then decreased at the end of the observation period.Conclusions This study established a new IL2rg-/-rat model using TALEN technology and found that this model effectively supported high-level replication and long-term infection of hRSV,providing a good basis for antiviral drug screening and in vivo efficacy evaluation of anti-hRSV antibodies.
Objective To classify and analyze the existing animal models of vertigo based on the clinical characteristics of Chinese and Western medicines,evaluate the clinical fit of the models,and their advantages and disadvantages,to improve the existing animal models and provide a more intuitive reference for clinical research.Methods The existing animal models of vertigo in the database from January 2000 to March 2023 were searched,and the models were classified by the modeling method combined with the characteristics of Chinese and Western medicine clinical conditions of vertigo and the existing animal model evaluation method,and assigned values to evaluate the clinical fit and the advantages and disadvantages of the models.Results The existing animal models of vertigo were neck surgery,motor stimulation,otogenic stimulation,sclerotherapy injection,flight variation pressure,vertebral artery ligation,and stasis injection models.Among them,the Western medical fit was high for the neck surgery model(65%)and otogenic stimulation model(65%).All models had a moderate Chinese medical fit(50%≤fit<60%)or low(fit<50%)TCM anast omosis.No model had both high Chinese and Western medicines anastomosis.Conclusions The animal models of vertigo are mainly Western medicine disease models,Chinese medicine evidence models are lacking,and few models have a high clinical fit between Chinese and Western medicines,which fail to highlight the characteristics of Chinese medicine.Therefore,the establishment of animal models of vertigo that are closely integrated with the clinical characteristics of Chinese and Western medicines may provide more reasonable and comprehensive experimental support for the development,screening,and clinical evaluation of new anti-vertigo drugs.
Objective To optimize the method of combining azomethane oxide(AOM)and dextran sodium sulfate(DSS)to create a colitis-associated colon cancer(CAC)model,and to explore the pathogenesis of the intestinal flora in CAC.Methods Model groups A and B were established by one and two injections of AOM,respectively,combined with free drinking of DSS,and a normal control group was injected intraperitoneally with normal saline combined with purified water(n=10 mice per group).The better modeling scheme was selected by comprehensive evaluation of the disease activity index score,colon length,tumor rate,and mortality.Serum levels of interleukin-6(IL-6),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),and tumor markers CA199,CEA,and CA724 were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Colon lesions were evaluated by hematoxylin and eosin(HE)staining.Changes in the intestinal microbiota in CAC mice were detected by 16S rDNA high-throughput gene sequencing analysis of mouse feces.Results Both single and enhanced AOM injections combined with DSS induced CAC mice;however,colon growths were larger,more closely arranged,and their morphological size was more consistent in group B compared with group A,with a tumor-formation rate of 100%.IL-6 levels were increased in the model group compared with the normal group(P<0.05).TNF-α levels were increased in the model group compared with the normal group(P>0.05).The CA199 and CEA levels were also significantly increased(P<0.05),but CA724 levels were not.Infiltration of inflammatory cells in the colon detected by HE pathology was accompanied by high-grade intraepithelial tumor-like changes on the surface of the lumen.The diversity and abundance of intestinal bacteria were decreased in CAC mice compared with normal mice:phyla Verrucomicrobiota and Actinobacteriota were significantly increased(P<0.05),Bacteroidota and Campilobacterota were significantly decreased(P<0.05).Akkermansia,Prevotellaceae,Ruminococcus,and Bifidobacterium were significantly increased(P<0.05),and Roseburia,Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group,Anaeroplasma,and Muribaculaceae were significantly decreased(P<0.05).Conclusions Two injections of AOM combined with 1.5%(1.5 g/100 mL)DSS induced CAC model mice with a high colon-tumorigenesis rate,uniform tumor morphology,and low mortality,and may thus be the preferred modeling scheme for pharmacodynamic experiments.Disorders or dysfunction of the intestinal flora may lead to increased permeability,loss of intestinal mucosal barrier function,and the release of enterogenic endotoxins,Resultsing in a sustained inflammatory response,as an indirect or direct cause of CAC pathogenesis.
Objective To induce an NLRP3-/- mouse model of ulcerative colitis(UC)using different concentrations of dextran sulfate sodium(DSS)and different administration times,and to analyze and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the preparations to provide a more suitable animal model for the study of UC pathogenesis in humans and the development of therapeutic drugs.Methods Forty-eight male NLRP3-/- specific-pathogen-free mice were divided randomly into blank,2.5%7 d,3%7 d,and 3%5 d groups(n=12 mice per group).UC mouse models were induced using combinations of different concentrations and administration times of DSS.Body weight,DAI(disease activity index)score,hematoxylin and eosin(HE)staining,colon length,and related indicators(interleukin IL-6,tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α,and tight junction protein(ZO-1))were observed and evaluated.Results(1)UC membrane type was induced in each group with different concentrations and administration times.(2)Mouse body weight decreased,the fecal occult blood became more positive,the DAI score increased,and more mice died with increasing DSS concentration and administration time.(3)Longer administration time and higher concentration of DSS were also associated with more severe damage to the intestinal mucosa,as shown by HE staining.(4)Immunohistochemistry showed that the inflammatory factors TNF-α and IL-6 were increased in the model group compared with the blank control group,while expression of ZO-1 was decreased compared with the blank group.Conclusions(1)Administration of 2.5%or 3%DSS for 7 days or 3%DSS for 5 days can induce UC in NLRP3-/- mice.(2)The combination of DAI score,HE staining,the detection of related indicators,and mouse survival rate indicated that NLRP3-/- mice treated with 3%DSS for 5 days produced the most suitable UC model to study the clinical manifestations and drug treatment of UC.
Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders,of which diarrhea-predominant IBS(IBS-D)accounts for the largest proportion.The pathogenesis of IBS-D is complicated and diverse,and there is currently a lack of clinically effective drugs.The establishment of animal models is an essential tool for further studies of the disease mechanisms,evaluation of clinical efficacy,and drug development,and the preparation and evaluation standards of models are important factors affecting the quality of the research.Based on the currently accepted pathogenesis of IBS-D and the previous modeling experience of our research group,this review systematically summarizes the evaluation method used in animal models of IBS-D in terms of diarrhea observation,visceral sensitivity tests,and intestinal motility tests,to provide a reference for future studies.
Pigeons show flocking and homing behaviors,which require characteristics including long-distance weight-bearing and continuous flight,with excellent navigation and spatial cognitive abilities.Pigeons have been widely used in animal robot research in recent years.Pigeon robots achieve motor behavior control by applying neural information intervention to specific neural targets in the pigeon's brain.This review summarizes research progress in pigeon robots based on the sensory system,motivation and emotional system or cortex and midbrain motor area respectively,according to the distribution of hierarchical multi-level neural regulatory targets in the pigeon's brain,with the aim of providing reference and guidance for further applied research into the use of pigeon robots in space perception,reconnaissance,and anti-terrorism search and rescue.
Diminished ovarian reserve(DOR)is associated with a reduced quantity and/or quality of retrieved oocytes,usually leading to low numbers of retrieved oocytes and poor reproductive outcomes.DOR may potentially progress to premature ovarian insufficiency and premature ovarian failure,which have adverse impacts on women's health.There is currently no effective clinical treatment to rescue ovarian function.The limited availability of human ovarian tissues and medical ethics issues mean that animal models are crucial for improving our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of DOR and identifying preventive and therapeutic targets.This review thus aims to summarize the techniques and strategies used to establish rodent models of DOR,to provide a reference for future studies.
Objective To evaluate the quality of animal studies into acupuncture for glaucoma using SYRCLE's risk of bias tool,ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines,and the GSPC checklist.Methods Databases from CNKI,VIP,Wanfang,Sinomed,PubMed,Web of Science,Embase and Cochrane Library were searched to find animal research articles on acupuncture for glaucoma.Risk of bias was assessed for the included studies using the SYRCLE's tool,and reporting quality was evaluated using the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines and GSPC checklist.Statistical analysis was performed by Excel and SPSS software.Results Thirty articles met the inclusion/exclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis.Six of the 10 items of the SYRCLE's tool had a low-risk rate of<50%,and the non-low-risk items focused on selectivity bias,implementation bias and measurement bias.Twelve of the 22 essential sub-items of the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines had a low-risk rate of<50%;9 of the 16 recommended sub-items had a low-risk rate of<50%;and 12 of the 19 subentries of the GSPC list had a low-risk rate of<50%.Randomization,blinding,ethical statements,housing and husbandry,animal care and monitoring,and protocol registration were the non-low-risk items in the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines and GSPC list.Conclusions The quality of the methodology and experimental reporting of animal studies into acupuncture for glaucoma are generally low,and the description of several items is not yet complete,which affects the readers'judgment on whether the result of animal studies can be translated to clinical studies.It is advisable to further promote the use of SYRCLE's tool and reporting guidelines for animal experiments to enhance the design,performance,and reporting of animal experiments;ensure the reproducibility of experiments and result;and provide reliable evidence for the translation of result to the clinic.