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Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 13(2)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569162


Introducción: La muerte es parte de los tabúes sociales existentes y puede fomentar actitudes que distan de su abordaje explícito en relación con los cuidados. Objetivo: Analizar las actitudes ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería de acuerdo con las publicaciones científicas en el contexto latinoamericano en el período 2018 a 2022. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura integrativa de las publicaciones científicas latinoamericanas respecto de las actitudes ante la muerte en el contexto de la enfermería, empleando los siguientes términos estandarizados: actitud, muerte, enfermería y cuidados de enfermería. Se incluyeron 8 artículos publicados en el período definido, en idioma español y portugués, en los que se abordó explícitamente la temática de la revisión. La información de los artículos fue analizada tomando como referencia los conceptos de la teoría de las transiciones. Resultados: Se encontraron diseños tanto cuantitativos (50 %) como cualitativos (50 %), elaborados en su totalidad en el ámbito hospitalario. Los principales resultados dan cuenta del predominio de la indiferencia ante la muerte en el contexto de los cuidados. En relación con la teoría de las transiciones, la mayoría de los artículos abordan las condiciones en que estas se dan, además de los conceptos de terapéutica de enfermería y patrones de respuesta. Conclusiones: La producción de investigaciones sobre la actitud ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería es escasa en Latinoamérica. Las experiencias de pérdidas cercanas, la capacitación y el soporte institucional son la base para contribuir a una mejor actitud hacia la muerte

Introdução: A morte faz parte dos tabus sociais existentes e pode fomentar atitudes que se distanciam de sua abordagem explícita em relação aos cuidados. Objetivo: analisar as atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem de acordo com as publicações científicas no contexto latino-americano no período de 2018 a 2022. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura integrativa de publicações científicas latino-americanas sobre atitudes diante da morte no contexto da enfermagem, utilizando os seguintes termos padronizados: atitude, morte, enfermagem e cuidados de enfermagem. Foram incluídos 8 artigos publicados no período definido, em espanhol e português, nos quais o tema da revisão foi abordado explicitamente. As informações dos artigos foram analisadas tendo como referência os conceitos da teoria das transições. Resultados: Foram identificados desenhos quantitativos (50 %) e qualitativos (50 %), elaborados totalmente no âmbito hospitalar. Os principais resultados mostram a predominância da indiferença diante da morte no contexto do cuidado. Em relação à teoria das transições, a maioria dos artigos aborda as condições em que as transições ocorrem, além dos conceitos de terapêutica de enfermagem e padrões de resposta. Conclusões: A produção de pesquisas sobre atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem é escassa na América Latina. As experiências de perdas próximas, a capacitação e o apoio institucional são a base para contribuir para uma melhor atitude em relação à morte

Introduction: Death is part of the existing social taboos and can foster attitudes that are far from its explicit approach in relation to care. Objective: To analyze attitudes towards death in nursing professionals according to scientific publications in the Latin American context in the period 2018 to 2022. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of Latin American scientific publications regarding attitudes towards death in the context of Nursing, using the following standardized terms: attitude, death, nursing and nursing care. Eight articles published in the defined period were included, in Spanish and Portuguese, in which the subject of the review was explicitly addressed. The information in the articles was analyzed using the concepts of the theory of transitions as a reference. Results: Both quantitative (50 %) and qualitative (50 %) designs were found, all of them elaborated in the hospital setting. The main results show the predominance of indifference to death in the context of care. In relation to the theory of transitions, most of the articles address the conditions under which these occur, in addition to the concepts of nursing therapeutics and response patterns. Conclusions: The production of research on the attitude towards death in nursing professionals is scarce in Latin America. Experiences of close losses, training and institutional support are the basis for contributing to a better attitude towards death

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582019


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la invarianza factorial de la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Cambio Climático (EACC). Diseñada con base en la Teoría de la Acción Planificada, la escala mide tanto las creencias como la intención de conducta hacia el cambio climático. El instrumento original consta de 15 ítems, con un formato de respuesta tipo Likert de cinco opciones. Se aplicó a una muestra no probabilística de 800 participantes chilenos. Después de su traducción y revisión, la escala mostró una adecuada validez de contenido. Un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) validó la idoneidad del instrumento, ajustado a 13 ítems, manteniendo su estructura original de dos factores. El análisis de invarianza factorial confirmó que la estructura bidimensional no se ve afectada por el género. Se encontraron evidencias de validez convergente y discriminante, así como una confiabilidad adecuada en ambas dimensiones. En conclusión, se respalda el uso de la versión en español de la CCAS en comunidades hispanohablantes, lo que fortalece la investigación sobre el cambio climático en la región desde una perspectiva psicosocial.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas e a invariância fatorial da Escala de Atitudes em relação às Mudanças Climáticas (EAMC). Baseada na Teoria da Ação Planejada, a escala mede tanto as crenças quanto as intenções comportamentais em relação às mudanças climáticas. O instrumento original possui 15 itens, com um formato de resposta tipo Likert de cinco opções. Foi aplicado a uma amostra não probabilística de 800 participantes chilenos. Após sua tradução e revisão, a escala demonstrou validade de conteúdo adequada. Uma Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) validou a adequação do instrumento, ajustado para 13 itens, mantendo sua estrutura original de dois fatores. A análise de invariância fatorial confirmou que a estrutura bidimensional não é influenciada pelo gênero. Foram encontradas evidências de validade convergente e discriminante, bem como uma confiabilidade adequada em ambas as dimensões. Em conclusão, respalda-se o uso da versão em espanhol da EAMC em comunidades de língua espanhola, fortalecendo a pesquisa sobre mudanças climáticas na região a partir de uma perspectiva psicossocial.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the Climate Change Attitude Scale (CCAS). Based on Planned Behavior Theory, the scale measures both beliefs and behavioral intentions towards climate change. The original instrument consists of 15 items, using a five-point Likert response format. It was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 800 Chilean participants. After translation and review, the scale demonstrated adequate content validity. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) validated the instrument's suitability, which was adjusted to 13 items while maintaining its original two-factor structure. The invariance analysis confirmed that the bidimensional structure is not affected by gender. Evidence was found of convergent and discriminant validity, as well as adequate reliability in both dimensions. In conclusion, we support use of the Spanish version of the CCAS in Spanish-speaking communities, thus strengthening climate change research in the region from a psychosocial perspective.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241465


Food labels are an excellent avenue of communication. The food package has assumed the responsibility of communicating relevant information that consumers need to know about the product. The objectives of this study was to understand the impact of food labels on consumer purchasing decisions and also to understand the impact of Demographic variables on awareness and Preference level about Food labels among women consumer in Mysore urban. A total of 200 Housewives between age group of 25-45 years from the residential areas of Mysore Urban and who gave consent to participate in the study were included. The research was based on survey using standardized questionnaire and personal interview. The results showed that 33 percent of the respondents were graduates and 63.5 percent were housewives. The awareness about food labels and the attitude of reading labels was studied and the results were encouraging to note that the entire respondent practiced to read the label information. 70-74 percent of the respondents believed that the label information ascertained the safety of the food for used. There was a positive correlation between the Respondents� score and preference score towards food labels and consumer purchasing decisions. It was evident that demographic profile of the consumers has an impact on the awareness of food label and consumer purchasing decision. It was found (Table 4) that subjects Awareness score positively correlated with attitude score towards food labels (r = 0.7825) and similarly Awareness score was also positively correlated with Preference of the same (r = 0.9704). The results also showed that Attitude and Preference for making purchasing decision had a significant correlation with each other (r= 0.8913). It can be concluded that many demographic factors such as age, occupation, family income and food habits had impact on decision making for purchasing the food products. This results of the present study highlight the needs to improve food labeling, provide education to consumers to raise their awareness on importance of reading and use of food labeling information to make an informed choice of the food.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240738


A learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as e-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of e- learning. e-learning can provide them with the required self-paced learning modules. Certain learning components built into an employee's learning program can facilitate just-in-time learning, enabling the application of training in the immediate work environment and increasing productivity. To enable the process of e-learning employs various technologies that could enable each of its functionality. Technologies of e-learning comprise mainly of course management systems like Learning management systems, and virtual learning systems, while the technology components include Email, discussion lists, use of online library catalogues, electronic references, web searches, online quizzes. Web pages, blogging, wikis, podcasting, videos, Virtual worlds, online games, social networking sites, and participatory (Web 2.0 systems) are becoming common in e-learning. For teacher and trainers, it offers a whole new world of exciting options to supplement classroom interaction with technology enabled content and to explore alternative options to extend the classroom. For learners, it signifies flexible and personalised learning options that are available to them at their convenience. The investigator selected 300 students using random sampling techniques from eight colleges. The findings show that the attitude towards e-learning of B.Ed., Teacher-Trainee in Pondicherry region is favourable.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240429


Background: COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose has emerged as an essential tool to control the spread of COVID-19 infections worldwide. The acceptance of vaccines is influenced by various factors such as knowledge, perception of the likelihood of COVID-19 spread, vaccine safety, logistics, vaccine efficacy, and perceived risk. Aim and Objectives: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose among health-care professionals (HCPs) at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 147 participants using a self-designed, semi-structured, and pre-validated questionnaire circulated through Google Forms to HCPs. Results: The results showed that all the participants were aware of the COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose. However, only 68.49% of the participants had received the dose. The major source of information was the World Health Organization. About 79.4% of the participants were worried about serious unknown long-term effects of the precautionary dose, but the majority were willing to take it without any hesitation. About 14.3% of the participants experienced side effects, with pain at the injection site being the most common. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that participants had a good understanding of the COVID-19 precaution dose, but their attitudes were slightly lesser compared to their knowledge, and also, there was a lot of hesitation with respect to practicing the COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240403


Background: An antimicrobial stewardship program (AMSP) is defined as a coordinated intervention designed to improve and measure the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents, by promoting the selection of optimal antimicrobial drug regimen including dosing, duration of therapy, and route of administration. Understanding the knowledge, attitude, and perception (KAP) of medical students and early training about antimicrobial use and resistance will help reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and further enforce the implementation of AMSP. Aims and Objectives: This study aims to assess the KAP on AMSP among medical students. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire- based study was carried out among the 2nd-year medical students. The data were collected using an online (Google Form) platform. The questionnaire was divided into five sections – demographic details, KAP, and miscellaneous questions. Results: A total of 139 students participated in the present study. In the knowledge section, 80% of participants responded correctly regarding the most important reason for AMR and 85% of them could answer about the goals of the antimicrobial stewardship program. Overall 113 (81%) students showed a positive attitude toward AMSP. Regarding the perception of the students about AMSP, 91% of students are aware of the fact that inappropriate use of antimicrobials is the major cause of AMR and strong knowledge about antimicrobials is necessary in a medical career. Conclusion: The majority of the students revealed a positive attitude toward learning more about the appropriate use of antimicrobials. Efforts should be made to strengthen their knowledge and awareness further about AMSP.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240383


Background: Medical professionalism is crucial for health-care practitioners, ensuring public trust, patient safety, and quality care. It comprises attitudes, behaviors, and values guiding medical students and physicians in interactions with patients, colleagues, and the health-care system. With introduction of competency-based medical education (CBME) curriculum, it is important to investigate how CBME curriculum influences the development of professionalism among medical students. Aims and Objectives: The present study is planned with the objective to evaluate and compare medical professionalism dimensions using the learners’ attitude of medical professionalism scale (LAMPS) among medical interns from traditional/old and CBME curricula. Materials and Methods: The study involved medical interns from both traditional and CBME curricula, selected based on voluntary participation and informed consent. Data were collected using the validated LAMPS, assessing attitudes and behaviors related to professionalism. Google Forms, an online survey tool, facilitated efficient data collection and management through questionnaire surveys. Results: The study assessed medical professionalism in domains such as duty/ accountability, excellence/autonomy, honor/integrity, altruism, and respect. Mean scores were comparable between the traditional and CBME curriculum groups. For instance, in duty/accountability, the old curriculum scored 3.8673 (standard deviation [SD] ± 0.9954) compared to 3.7477 (SD ± 1.0066) for CBME. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences in professionalism scores between the two groups across all domains, as indicated by t-statistics and P-values. Conclusion: While both curricula demonstrate similar professionalism levels among interns, contextual factors such as curriculum implementation challenges, resource constraints, pandemic-related disruptions, survey timing, and participation rates may contribute to the observed outcomes. Addressing these factors could enhance the effectiveness of professionalism education within CBME frameworks.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240382


Background: The progress in creating novel antibiotics has been lethargic in recent decennium, in spite of the pressing demand. Those on the brink of entering the medical field – final-year undergraduates, interns, and postgraduate residents – represent the forthcoming cohort of antimicrobial prescribers. It is imperative that they possess a comprehensive understanding and a conscientious approach to antibiotic prescription. This is crucial to address antibiotic resistance sagaciously and pave the way for judicious management. Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the study are to assess understanding and attitudes about antibiotics, resistance, and related factors among undergraduate, intern, and postgraduate medical students. Materials and Methods: A group of 144 individuals (35 final-year medical students, 72 interns, and 37 resident doctors) completed a pre-validated questionnaire. Data collected included basic antimicrobial information, treatment protocol comprehension, and attitudes toward antimicrobials. Percentages were calculated for categorical data, and Chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis (significance level P < 0.05). Results: 86.8% correctly identified infections requiring antibiotics; 12.5% mistakenly thought that both viral and bacterial infections needed antibiotics. 93.8% said that antibiotics could be used for treatment and prophylaxis. 94.4% agreed that overuse and misuse cause antibiotic resistance. 31.3% and 62.5% identified macrolides and fluoroquinolones as common for upper respiratory infections and urinary tract infections, respectively, with a P < 0.05. 71.52% knew about infection control programs, and 48.6% were aware of their institute’s antibiotic policy. Conclusion: Despite strong foundational knowledge about antibiotics, gaps remain. The study’s findings could help set new goals for teaching medical students proper antibiotic knowledge and attitudes toward antibiotic recommendation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239588


Background: Healthcare providers, including pharmacists who prescribe medications, have a professional obligation to select treatments that are in the best interests of their patients. Consequently, the concept of off-label drug use, where drugs are used outside their approved indications, dosages, routes, or patient groups, often appears in medical literature, continuing education, and online resources. This term can be contentious, linked to both significant benefits and risks for patients. This study aimed to assess community pharmacists' knowledge and attitudes towards off-label medications. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered, 24-item questionnaire distributed to 330 randomly selected community pharmacies in Khartoum State from December 2020 to February 2021. Results: A 100% response rate was achieved. Most respondents were female (63.3%), aged 25-29 years (59.5%), and had 1-6 years of experience (36.6%). Over 75.1% were familiar with the concept of off-label prescribing, primarily through practical experience rather than formal education. Reasons mentioned for off-label prescriptions included indications (76.5%). More than half (62%) believed that prescribing off-label drugs is illegal, and only 16% felt they had adequate knowledge about off-label drug use. Despite concerns about safety (51%) and efficacy (54.7%), the majority of pharmacists relied on the British National Formulary (50%) or national guidelines (18.1%) rather than local formularies or package inserts for information. While 59.5% agreed they had a responsibility to inform prescribers about off-label use, 51.5% felt similarly towards informing patients. Regarding specific medications, 88% of respondents considered the use of metformin for obesity to be off-label, compared to 26.9% for pregabalin for neuropathic pain, and 66.7% and 31.3% for prazosin and clomiphene, respectively. Conclusion: Community pharmacists in Khartoum State appear to have limited awareness and concerns about the issues surrounding off-label prescribing. Most acquired relevant knowledge through work experience rather than formal training.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239578


Background: The rising number of chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) presents a major danger to the worldwide health community. The ability of individuals to successfully manage their medical problems with the help of healthcare professionals is essential to the effective control of chronic illnesses. Objective: The current study focuses to evaluate the knowledge of community pharmacist’s regarding chronic disease management, their attitude, and their practice to control chronic diseases. Methods: A cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted using random sampling method in Lahore, Pakistan. The samples collected for this study was 110. However, the final sample size was 93, the remaining forms were discarded. Data was collected by visiting community pharmacies in Lahore. The filled questionnaires were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences program software (SPSS Inc., version 21.0, IBM corp., Armonk NY, USA). P-value of less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant values. Results: The results, with a p value of 0.001, indicate a significant difference in adequacy of knowledge between the male and female groups. Majority of the participants have bachelor’s education and are unmarried. The p-value of 0.871 for level of education shows insignificant association between the higher education and better practice scores. The most important finding in this study is significant relationship between technology proficiency and adequacy of knowledge with p-value of 0.005. This shows that those who are more proficient in the technology are significantly more likely to have adequate knowledge. Conclusion: This study concludes that the majority of community pharmacists had adequate knowledge regarding chronic disease management. But showed neutral attitude and fair practice towards the control of chronic diseases. In order to optimize the management of chronic diseases, community pharmacists need to exhibit best practices and a positive attitude.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241868


Back ground Hypothyroidism is a commonest endocrine disorder globally. The awareness of the patient regarding the disease and treatment is vital. To assess the knowledge, attitude, practice among patients with hypothyroidismObjectives in a tertiary care hospital at Puducherry. The present study was cross sectional study carried out among hypothyroidMaterial and methods patients more than 18 years of age attending to the outpatient department, department of general medicine. The study period was 3 months. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants included into the study. The sample size was estimated to 200. The data was collected in a semi structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. 122 (61%) had known the shape of thyroid. 144Results (72%) had known the location of thyroid gland. 102 (51%) had known the hormones responsible for hypothyroidism. 84 (42%) had known the relation between TSH and hypothyroidism. 164 (82%) reported that they took thyroid medications regularly. 130 (65%) reported that they sometime miss the doses. 148 (74%) reported that they take medication 30 to 60 minutes prior to breakfast. With regard to practice,Conclusion certain recommended practices like checking TSH levels were poor. Increasing the knowledge in aid in better practice among the participants.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241867


Back ground Anaemia is considered to be the most common nutritional de?ciency worldwide. Inappropriate knowledge and indifferent attitude regarding healthy eating among females result in deterioration of their anaemic state. Objectives To assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Anaemia in adult female patients attending General Medicine OPD in Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry. The present study was crossMaterial And Methods sectional study carried out among the adult female patients attending the outpatient department, department of general medicine. The study period is of 3 months. Patients with hereditary anaemia, chronic illnesses were excluded. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants participated in the study. The sample size was estimated to 200. The data was collected in a semi structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. 83.5% had known about anaemia, 76.5% had known about symptoms and 74% the causes. 77% hadResults known iron rich foods. 84.5% thought anaemia to be serious health problem. 73.5% interested in knowing their anaemic status. 67.5% were willing to take medication for anaemia. Only 39% thought they can be anaemic. 78% wash hand with soap after defecation. 25.5% regularly skipped some meal. Addressing the knowledge gap regarding food interactions is vital as many had reported to consume coffee/teaConclusion alongside food and only fewer proportion were suspecting anaemia in them which again is barrier to screening. Only few had reported to eat green leafy vegetables/fresh meat.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234291


Background: Cervical cancer is a common gynecological malignancy and public health problem that can be prevented, but the utilization of screening is just 2.6%-5% in India. Healthcare providers mainly nursing personnel are crucial and play a vital role in raising awareness and educating the public about implementation of low-cost cervical cancer screening approaches in low-resource settings. Objectives were to determine baseline information about knowledge of cervical cancer and explore attitude and practice of pap smear screening among staff nurses. Methods: The questionnaire containing mostly recognition and some recall type questions about demographics, knowledge about cervical cancer, its risk factors, screening techniques, attitudes towards cervical cancer screening and its practices and their knowledge was tested. Results: Analyses of knowledge showed that majority of nurses recognized the risk factors and symptoms associated with carcinoma of cervix. A considerable lack of knowledge was observed on the treatment of cervical cancer but a significant portion of nurses knew about prevention. A positive attitude was observed on all aspects of cervical cancer and its prevention. Conclusions: This study demonstrates a good knowledge and positive attitude about carcinoma of cervix and its prevention amongst the nurses which plays a key role in the campaign to prevent cervical malignancy. Poor practice seen in this study emphasizes the need to translate the awareness to practice. Easier availability of HPV testing and better distribution of HPV vaccine is paramount to successfully prevent cervical cancer in future.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226765


Background: This study was done to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of medical undergraduate students toward the usage of sunscreen as protective measures against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among the undergraduate medical students in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India. A pre-designed and validated questionnaire containing 13 questions was used to assess knowledge, attitude and practice. The filled KAP questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 100 medical students participated in our study. The mean age of respondents was 19.9±0.73 years. Half of the study participants (50%) were aware of the association between long term sun exposure and skin cancer. Only 17.5% of students were aware of the correct quantity of sunscreen to be used for effective sun protection.65% of respondents did not apply the sunscreen product 30 minutes prior to sun exposure. Only 40% of students could name at least 1 ingredient in sunscreen. Reapplication rates were 39.1% among respondents. Conclusions: This study indicated that the awareness and level of knowledge of sunscreen use is not adequate among the medical personnel, thus requiring health education programs to emphasize the importance of regular and correct sunscreen use. It is imperative that the medical students are adequately informed regarding sunscreen benefits and skin cancer prevention as they form the future healthcare system.

Salud UNINORTE ; 40(2): 446-457, mayo-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584277


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los estereotipos y las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento con los motivos para la realización de ejercicio físico en usuarios de gimnasios de Matamoros (Tamaulipas, México). Método: Estudio correlacional en una muestra de 163 usuarios de gimnasios. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Estereotipos Negativos hacia la Vejez, la Escala de Actitudes Hacia el Envejecimiento de Kogan y el autoinforme de Motivos para la Práctica del Ejercicio Físico. Resultados: No se encontró relación entre los estereotipos negativos ante el envejecimiento (p=.119) y las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento (p=.92) con los motivos para la realización de ejercicio físico. Las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento mostraron relación con la diversión y bienestar (p=.014), prevención y salud positiva (p=.011), fuerza y resistencia muscular (p=.004), reconocimiento social (p=.032), control del estrés (p=.017) y urgencias de salud (p=.029). Conclusiones: No se encontró relación entre las escalas globales empleadas para medir los estereotipos y actitudes hacia el envejecimiento con los motivos para hacer ejercicio físico; se encontró que las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento están relacionadas con la diversión y bienestar, prevención y salud positiva, fuerza y resistencia muscular, reconocimiento social, control del estrés y urgencias de salud.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the relationship between aging stereotypes and attitudes with the reasons for performing physical exercise in gym users in Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico). Method: Correlational study in a sample of 163 gym users. The negative stereotypes towards aging and the self-report of reasons for the practice of physical exercise were applied. Results: No relationship was found between negative stereotypes regarding aging (p=.119) and attitudes towards aging (p=.92) with the reasons for physical exercise. Attitudes towards aging showed a relationship whit fun and well-being (p=.014), prevention and positive health (p=.011), muscular strength and resistance (p=.014), social recognition (p=.032), stress control (p=.017) and health emergencies (p=.029). Conclusions: No relationship was found between the global scales used to measure stereotypes and attitudes towards aging with the reasons for doing physical exercise; it was found the attitudes towards aging are related to fun and well-being, prevention and positive health, muscular strength and resistance, social recognition, stress control and health emergencies.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240377


Background: The menace of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) disproportionately affects low and middle-income countries. The general public plays a major role in the emergence and spread of AMR. Aim and Objectives: (1) The aim and objectives of the study are to assess the current knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding antibiotic usage in the general population of Karnataka; (2) to identify demographic characteristics associated with particular knowledge, attitude, and practices; and (3) to determine whether a person’s attitudes toward and knowledge of risks associated with taking antibiotics affected the practices relating to antibiotic use. Materials and Methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted using a structured and validated questionnaire using the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire consisted of participant’s demographic data and questions to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices pertaining to antibiotic use. Chi-square test was used to assess the association between demographic variables and knowledge, attitude, and practice scores. Linear regression was used to examine the association between knowledge, attitude, and practice scores. Results: 510 respondents were included in the study. The performance of the participants in all three domains in our study was average with only 48.43% securing a “good” score. 20.20% believed that antibiotics were used to treat viral infections, 48.43% were aware of the meaning of antibiotic resistance, 37.06% believed that antibiotics which worked earlier can be re-used, 30.20% believed that there is no need to complete the antibiotic course, and 32.94% thought that antibiotics could be shared with friends. 14.9% said that they had received antibiotic without prescription. Scores improved significantly with increase in the level of education (P < 0.001) and the occupational level of the participants (P < 0.001). Linear regression analysis demonstrated a positive effect of knowledge and attitude on practice regarding antibiotic use (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The current study reiterates that the level of knowledge regarding antibiotics and AMR in the Indian public is only average. A combination of educational programs and stringent legislation should be implemented to limit the menace of AMR.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240231


Background: Dysmenorrhea and its associated pain disable adolescents in their daily activities and also affect the social and mental behavior. The vehement practice of self-medication alarms health-care professionals for conducting periodic awareness programs. Aims and Objectives: We aimed to assess the knowledge about dysmenorrhea and to compare the level of understanding and practices among medical students. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective, observational, cross-sectional, and questionnaire-based study conducted among medical students in a tertiary care hospital. Results: There was no difference in distribution regarding knowledge and attitude of the study population toward dysmenorrhea among the three groups regarding treatment of dysmenorrhea and health education. In contrast, response about contraindications and adverse effects of medications used was observed in only half of the 1st-year students. Half of the study participants, daily activities were affected and led to absenteeism. The negative emotions such as depression, anger, anxiety, and irritability are most noted and the majority of the students felt like distancing themselves during menstruation. Conclusion: The present study concludes that dysmenorrhea, a major problem among adolescents, had an impact on the quality of life including psychological disturbances. Thus, the awareness patterns and practices need to be analyzed periodically among adolescents for better improvement and management of dysmenorrhea.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239931


Background: University students must learn rapidly and handle complex academic concepts, making it crucial to understand the prevalence of learning difficulties in this population. This study determines the prevalence and factors associated with learning difficulties among university students. Methods: This cross-sectional correlation study was conducted at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and involved 546 undergraduate students using self-administered questionnaires. IBM SPSS version 28 was used for descriptive and multivariate analysis. Results: The most common difficulties were in expression (33.3%) and general study (34.0%). Age positively correlated with all difficulties, while gender effects were statistically insignificant (p>.05). A positive attitude significantly reduced reading, writing, and calculation difficulties (p<.001), whereas a negative attitude increased expression and general study difficulties (p<.001). Individual factors notably affected the expression and general study, teacher-related factors impacted reading, writing, and calculation, and environmental factors increased difficulties across all domains (p<.001). Better previous academic performance was associated with fewer difficulties (p<.05). Conclusion: The study recommends strategies to improve student attitudes, address individual, teacher-related, and environmental factors, and promote academic performance. Future research should explore different educational systems and the role of gender in learning difficulties.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242064


Background: Food labelling is used as a tool to safeguard and promote public health by giving consumers accurate nutritional information to help them make informed dietary choices. Methods: This study was limited to the town panchayat and the village of Avinashi in the district Tirupur. A Questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 adult participants, on their knowledge, attitudes, and their sociodemographic profile. Results: Based on this study maximum number of subjects prefer monthly purchases in town 50% and in the village 46.66% of subjects and branded too. 410 subjects (82%) out of 500 were aware of manufacture and expiry. 100% were noted cost. Ingredients list was noted by 22% of respondents. About 12% did not check any other mandatory information while purchasing. 62% & 76.6% were aware of green and red symbols, while 16% of subjects were not aware. 22% of the subjects were not seen or aware of the nutritional values of the product. After the testing, the sample of masala showed the presence of monosodium glutamate in 11 samples which were unmentioned in the ingredients list. Hence it shows the food package label did not mention the ingredient added in the food masala. Conclusions: It is concluded that nutrition labelling is a useful tool for guiding people toward consuming wholesome foods. Encouraging the potential of nutrition labelling and health claims to promote health. Truthful and complete information allows value comparisons to be made among competing products. Ingredient labelling also helps people avoid foods to which they may be allergic.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238686


Background: Globally, the aging population is expanding rapidly, impacting every aspect of the society. In developing nations like India, where family members primarily serve as caregivers for older adults, inadequate knowledge about their complex needs increases caregiver burden. The topic of caregiving has been extensively studied worldwide, mainly focused on the negative aspects of caregiving. The present study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice, and burden of family caregivers providing care to older adults at homes in South India. Methods: This was a descriptive, observational study, which was conducted using a questionnaire-based approach. In this study, a purposive sampling technique was used, and a total of 56 family caregivers participated, who were caregivers to the patients admitted to a tertiary hospital in South India. Data Collection: A prevalidated questionnaire from previous studies was used to explore the knowledge, practices, and attitudes of caregivers of older patients.Caregiver burden was measured using Zarit Burden Interview. Results: The data were analyzed using SPSS v21. Caregiver burden was found to be high among those who cohabited with the patient (P < 0.05). Sons/daughters and grandchildren had a better grasp about the medical conditions of older people, P < 0.05. Attitude toward caring for older adults was strongly positive irrespective of the age category. Conclusion: Our study revealed that caregivers’ knowledge on the medical needs of the older population was inadequate. This study could pave the way for developing hospital policies, as well as planning action research, training, and counseling programs to strengthen family caregiver capacity and promote active and healthy aging.