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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997260


Based on qi-depression constitution, we systematically sorted out and summarized the manifestations of specific symptoms and prescriptions of qi-depression constitution. It is believed that a series of syndromes can be developed due to the imbalance in patients with qi-depression constitution. The four most common syndromes inclinic were summarized as liver depression, deficient depression, phlegm-heat depression, and stagnation. “Liver depression” resulted from liver failing to free flow of qi, then qi stagnated, so Xiaoyao Powder (逍遥散) was recommended as treatment for liver qi depression, spleen deficiency and blood insufficiency; Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder (丹栀逍遥散) for liver depression and spleen deficiency, depression transforming into fire; Bentun Decoction (奔豚汤) for liver depression transforming into fire, upward rushing of qi counterflow. “Deficient depression” resulted from long-term mental disorder and will consume qi and blood potentially to qi and blood deficiency, so Ganmai Dazao Decoction (甘麦大枣汤) was recommended as treatment for deficiency of both heart and spleen, and heart and spleen failing to tonify; Baihe Dihuang Decocotion (百合地黄汤) for heart and lung with yin deficiency, spirit and soul failing to guard. “Phlegm-heat depression” resulted from disturbance of qi movement, affecting the transportation of essence, blood and body fluids, gathering dampness and forming phlegm into heat. Banxia Houpo Decoction (半夏厚朴汤) was recommended as treatment for liver depression and failing to transportation, phlegm coagulation and qi stagnation; Chaihu (or Chaiqin) Wendan Decoction (柴胡(芩)温胆汤) for liver depression and phlegm-heat harassing internally, and disharmony of gallbladder and stomach; self-made Shugan Jieyu Decoction (舒肝解郁汤) for liver-qi stagnation and phlegm-fire harassing internally. “Stagnation” resulted from stagnation of Qi and blood, accumulation of turbid phlegm, and forming stasis over time, so Yueju Pill (越鞠丸) was recommended as treatment for liver depression and failing to transportation, phlegm-fire with damp diet and blood depression; self-made Rupi Sanjie Decoction (乳癖散结汤) for liver depression, stagnation of Qi and blood.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689442


Variety of accessibility to edible species in different regions has climatic and historical roots. In the present study, we try to systematically analyze 28,064 records of relationships between 11,752 edible species and 228 geographic zones by hierarchical clustering. The 228 geographic regions were classified into 11 super groups named as A to K, which were further divided into 39 clusters (CLs). Of them, at least one member of each of 28 CLs is associated to 20 or more edible species according to present information of KNApSAcK DB ( We examined those 28 CLs and found that majority of the members of each of the 27 CLs (96%) have specific type of climate. Diversity of accessibility to edible species makes it possible to separate 8 geographic regions on continental landmasses namely Mediterraneum, Baltic Sea, Western Europe, Yucatan Peninsula, South America, Africa and Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia, and Arctic Ocean; and three archipelagos namely, Caribbean Islands, Southeast Asian Islands and Pacific Islands. In addition, we also examined clusters based on cultural exchanges by colonization and migration and mass movement of people and material by modern transportation and trades as well as biogeographic factors. The era of big data science or data intensive science make it possible to systematically understand the content in huge data and how to acquire suitable data for specific purposes. Human healthcare should be considered on the basis of culture, climate, accessibility of edible foods and preferences, and based on molecular level information of genome and digestive systems.