Background: Premna latifolia Roxb. (Lamiaceae) is a deciduous tree distributed in Africa to China, throughout Indochina and Malaysia, to Australia and the Pacific. The various parts of the plant (leaves, stem bark and root) is reported to have numerous medicinal properties. The lack of understanding and consideration of dormancy and germination traits of a species could result in unsuccessful restoration programme. The aim of the present study was to investigate the nature of seed dormancy of P. latifolia that have low germination in natural conditions. Materials and Methods: To determine the type of seed dormancy, water imbibition and germination test were performed. Seeds were treated by mechanical scarification, Gibberellic acid (GA) and combined treatment of scarification and GA before allowing them to imbibe in moist paper. Results: All the treated (mechanically scarified, GA treated, mechanically scarified + GA treated) and untreated (control) seeds imbibed water for 4 days, however the maximum imbibition occurred in scarified seed + GA3 500ppm for 24 h (40.3%) followed by mechanically scarified seeds (38.7%). Higher germination was observed in scarified seeds + GA3 500ppm for 24 h (44%) followed by GA3 500ppm for 24 h (29.3%). Whereas, lowest germination was observed in untreated seeds (6.6%). Conclusion: Seeds possess non -deep physiological dormancy which requires scarification and treatment of GA to enhance germination.
Acacia nilotica plays an important ecological role in its native habitats and has great relevance for restoration as well as in terms of economic worth. Acacia nilotica species frequently exhibit seed dormancy, which makes planting and seed testing difficult. In the present work, we examined the degree of dormancy and the impact of various pre-treatments on the dormancy breaking of Acacia species. Several tests were carried out against this backdrop to standardize the mechanical scarification, seed priming, and coating techniques. The results showed that mechanical scarification of Acacia nilotica seeds with @6 min scarification improved the seed germination percentage and vigour index percentage by 117 and 184 percent over the control. Correspondingly, the application of the TNAU seed coating formulation on Acacia nilotica seeds at 2g kg-1 increased the germination percentage and vigour index percentage by 129 and 186 percent, respectively, over the control. Also, humid priming of Acacia seeds (12 h soaking in water + 2 days humid incubation) resulted in a gradual increase in the seed germination percentage and vigour index percentage by 181 and 263 percent over the control. The seeds were not harmed by any of these treatments, which all reduced hard seeds to zero and improved germination percentages.
Gibberellic acid is a tetracyclic di-terpenoid molecule that acts as a plant hormone by promoting the growth and development of plants. Gibberellins, one of the longest-known groups of plant hormones, control several developmental and signaling processes, such as stem lengthening, germination, dormancy, flowering and floral development, as well as the senescence of leaves and fruits. Gibberellins can alter physiological and developmental processes, including plant vegetative growth, sex expression, yield, and yield components in several crops, when applied foliar. Gibberellin, therefore has significant economic and industrial significance. Their exogenous use aids in enhancing the several commercially significant and marketable traits of flowering plants and has several benefits, like being environmentally friendly and taking less time to treat the plant. Growth regulators like GA3 have finally impacted on flowering crops' physiological processes, which in turn has affected growth and flower production. To put things in perspective, current scientific advancements will significantly affect fruit productivity and quality. In this review, we have discussed the impact of gibberellins on different aspects of crop production with special emphasis on fruit crops. To make the use of these regulators ecologically and toxicologically safe for both plants and consumers, the proper concentration for exogenous applications in fruit crops should also be examined properly.
Black gram or Urdbean (Vigna mungo) is a widely cultivated pulse crop in India. The seeds of this crop show dormancy and are not able to germinate as and when required. Investigation of the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) in breaking the dormancy of black gram seeds is the objective of this experiment. To break the dormancy, seeds were soaked with different concentrations of GA3 along with hydro primed seeds and control seeds for 3 h and shade dried. Evaluation of germination and seedling growth of these primed seeds under controlled environment conditions revealed that the seed treated with 350 ppm of GA3 observed in maximum physiological parameters. Hence, the treatment of seeds with 350 ppm of GA3 is an effective dormancy-breaking treatment in black gram.
Plants are extremely sensitive to changes in their environment, particularly variations in photoperiod or day length. Photoperiodism refers to a plant's capacity to detect variations in day length and make use of this knowledge to control key developmental processes including flowering, growth, and dormancy. Through a process known as photoperiodism, plants can detect and react to variations in the number of daylight hours, or photoperiod. The physiological response of plants to the length of day or night is known as photoperiodism. The plant uses this physiological response to time-critical developmental events like flowering. In this essay, I will cover the current understanding of how plants respond to photoperiod and the molecular mechanisms underpinning this response. Three groups of plants' photoperiodic responses can be distinguished: short-day plants (SDPs), long-day plants (LDPs), and day-neutral plants (DNPs). Whereas LDPs bloom when the length of the day exceeds the crucial threshold, SDPs do so only when it is shorter than the critical threshold. Conversely, DNPs do not have a crucial day duration and can bloom at any day length. Many genes and biochemical processes control how a plant responds to the photoperiod. The creation and movement of the hormone florigen, which starts blooming in response to photoperiodic signals, is a crucial regulating mechanism. On the other hand, a class of photoreceptors known as phytochromes is involved in the biochemical mechanisms driving photoperiodic responses in plants. The perception of light's duration, quality, and amount is caused by phytochromes. The red-light-absorbing Pr form and the far-red-light-absorbing Pfr form are the two interconvertible states in which they can exist. The ratio of Pr to Pfr is altered by the duration of light exposure and is utilizes by plants to assess day length. Exposure to light in SDPs causes the expression of the CONSTANS (CO) gene, and the CO protein causes the expression of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a gene that encourages flowering. By exposing LDPs to light, a different gene called GI (GIGANTEA) is induced rather than CO, which is normally expressed. The FT gene's expression is encouraged by GI's interaction with the protein ZEITLUPE (ZTL), which also encourages flowering. In addition to these essential elements, several proteins and signalling pathways are also involved in photoperiodic responses in plants. For instance, to optimise the response to variations in day length, the photoperiodic pathway interacts with the circadian clock, which controls numerous physiological processes in plants. In some species, the hormone gibberellin (GA) also aids in the promotion of flowering. One essential adaptation that enables plants to synchronize their developmental processes with seasonal changes is their capacity to react to variations in day length. Phytochromes play a key role in how plants perceive the day in the complex network of proteins and signalling channels that make up the molecular mechanisms behind photoperiodic responses in plants. There is still much to learn about the diversity and complexity of the photoperiodic response across several plant groupings, even if much is known about it in particular species.
Dormancy in seeds is defined as the failure of seeds to germinate despite the presence of all necessary conditions for germination. It is caused by the impermeability of the hard seed coat or a lack of availability and activity of germination-essential enzymes. Seeds undergo a variety of physical and chemical pre-treatments to break their dormancy. It results into lower seed germination rate and poor growth. To overcome this drawback various treatments are given to the seeds before sowing this study reviews some of the pre-sowing practices and the effects they have on seed germination and growth. Scientists are quite concerned about seed dormancy; hence it is a research topic of interest to develop an effective solution. All viable seeds are capable of germinating if the proper pre-sowing treatment is used.
Postoperative asymptomatic patients with early cancer (lung cancer) have dormant disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) in their metastatic target organs, and the proliferation of these DTCs is the key link leading to clinical metastasis. The development of therapeutic agents to maintain DTCs dormant or eradicate dormant DTCs will prevent tumor metastasis and break through the bottleneck of improving the overall efficacy of treating malignant tumors. This paper reviews the methods of establishing in vitro and in vivo research models of DTCs with dormant characteristics to promote the understanding of dormant DTCs and improve the research and development efficiency of anti-tumor metastasis drugs.
Immunotherapy combined with effective therapeutics such as chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy have been shown to be a successful strategy to activate anti-tumor immune responses for improved anticancer treatment. However, developing multifunctional biodegradable, biocompatible, low-toxic but highly efficient, and clinically available transformed nano-immunostimulants remains a challenge and is in great demand. Herein, we report and design of a novel carrier-free photo-chemotherapeutic nano-prodrug COS-BA/Ce6 NPs by combining three multifunctional components-a self-assembled natural small molecule betulinic acid (BA), a water-soluble chitosan oligosaccharide (COS), and a low toxic photosensitizer chlorin e6 (Ce6)-to augment the antitumor efficacy of the immune adjuvant anti-PD-L1-mediated cancer immunotherapy. We show that the designed nanodrugs harbored a smart and distinctive "dormancy" characteristic in chemotherapeutic effect with desired lower cytotoxicity, and multiple favorable therapeutic features including improved 1O2 generation induced by the reduced energy gap of Ce6, pH-responsiveness, good biodegradability, and biocompatibility, ensuring a highly efficient, synergistic photochemotherapy. Moreover, when combined with anti-PD-L1 therapy, both nano-coassembly based chemotherapy and chemotherapy/photodynamic therapy (PDT) could effectively activate antitumor immunity when treating primary or distant tumors, opening up potentially attractive possibilities for clinical immunotherapy.
Tumor dormancy refers to the status of disseminated cancer cells that remain in a viable yet not proliferating state for a prolonged period. Dormant cells will eventually "re-awake" resume their proliferation, and produce overt metastasis. The dormancy mechanism of cancer has attracted attention because of the close relationship between late recurrence and tumor dormancy. In this review, we illustrate the latest discoveries on the biological underpinnings of breast cancer dormancy and offer clinicians an overview of dormancy in breast cancer to guide them in the basic understanding of the complexity that underlies this process.
Commercial propagation of pequizeiro, which stands out among the main native fruits of the Cerrado region for its high economic potential, has been done by seeds, despite their erratic germination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seed size and presence of thorns on the endocarp on seedling emergence of pequizeiro in the field. Seeds were collected in a pequizeiro commercial area in Canarana-MT, Brazil. Due to availability, 2,353 thorny seeds (3 sizes) and 106 seeds without thorns (medium sized) were tested. Thorny seeds were classified as large longer than 50 mm; medium between 40 and 50 mm; small less than 40 mm. Seedling emergence started after 50 days in all seed categories, extending up to 100 days in the large seeds and to about 1 year after sowing in the small and medium sized ones. Small seeds showed a lower rate and speed of emergence compared to the others. Large seeds showed higher emergence speed compared to the medium ones. The presence of thorns did not affect seedling emergence. These results indicate the advantages of pequizeiro seed classification for sowing purposes.
Germination , Seedlings , Plant Dormancy , MalpighialesABSTRACT
The prevention and treatment of tumor metastasis can significantly improve the survival of patients with solid tumors. However, there is still a lack of effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of metastasis. The main reason is that the existing intervention and therapeutic drugs are difficult to achieve precise prevention and treatment of metastasis. Due to disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) already exist in the metastatic target organs of early postoperative patients, they are difficult to be detected with existing imaging techniques, and there is a lack of effective intervention drugs and efficacy evaluation systems. When DTCs grow to be detectable by imaging, the patient is already in the advanced stage of cancer, which has become a bottleneck restricting the breakthroughs in metastasis prevention and treatment. This paper reviews the dormancy and survival mechanism of DTCs in metastatic target organs and its intervention strategies, in order to promote the curative effect of metastasis prevention and treatment.
Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. There is an urgent need for safe, effective, and accessible new treatments since the currently approved drugs have serious limitations. Drug development for Chagas disease has historically been hampered by the complexity of the disease, critical knowledge gaps, and lack of coordinated R&D efforts. This review covers some of the translational challenges associated with the progression of new chemical entities from preclinical to clinical phases of development, and discusses how recent technological advances might allow the research community to answer key questions relevant to the disease and to overcome hurdles in R&D for Chagas disease.
Abstract Microorganisms have been efficiently used for the biological control of phytopathogens through the production of antimicrobial substances. However, the objectives of this work were: to study the germination of Butia purpurascens Glassman and Butia archeri Glassman seeds in different substrates, to select and identify the endophytic and rhizospheric bacterial isolates of B. purpurascens and B. archeri, and to perform antibiosis tests based on the isolated microorganisms of these tree species. No difference was found between the cultivation substrates for the percentages of germination, hard seeds, and fungal contamination in the B. purpurascens seeds. The Bacillus subtilis isolated showed the best capacity for suppressing the growth of the two deteriorative fungi tested in B. purpurascens seeds. No difference was found for inhibition of the growth of Aspergillus niger fungus (deteriorative fungus of B. archeri seeds) between the microorganisms with Bacillus sp. and Brevibacillus brevis compared to the control. In the microbiolization of B. purpurascens and B. archeri seeds performed with microbiological solutions produced from the endophytic and rhizospheric strains of Bacillus sp., no differences were observed in the percentages of germination and contamination by fungi. For B. archeri seeds, there was contamination by fungi and bacteria after one day of cultivation, primarily in the regions with lesions caused by the extraction and scarification process.
Resumo Microorganismos específicos tem sido usados eficientemente para o controle biológico de fitopatógenos através da produção de substâncias antimicrobianas. Portanto, os objetivos deste estudo foram: estudar a germinação de sementes de Butia purpurascens Glassman e Butia archeri Glassman em diferentes substratos; selecionar e identificar isolados bacterianos rizosféricos e endofíticos de B. purpurascens e B. archeri, e realizar testes de antibiose a partir de microorganismos isolados dessas espécies arbóreas. Não houve diferença entre os substratos de cultivo para as porcentagens de germinação, de sementes duras e de contaminação por fungos nas sementes de B. purpurascens. O isolado bacteriano Bacillus subtilis apresentou melhor capacidade de supressão do crescimento dos dois fungos deterioradores testados nas sementes de B. purpurascens. Não foi encontrada diferença para a inibição do crescimento do fungo Aspergillus niger (fungo deteriorador de sementes de B. archeri) entre os microorganismos com Bacillus sp. e Brevibacillus brevis em comparação ao controle. Na microbiolização das sementes de B. purpurascens e B. archeri realizada com soluções microbiológicas produzidas a partir de cepas endofíticas e rizosféricas de Bacillus sp. não foram observadas diferenças na porcentagem de germinação e contaminação por fungos. Para B. archeri houve contaminação por fungos e bactérias após um dia de cultivo, principalmente nas regiões de lesão proporcionadas pelo processo de extração e escarificação.
Seeds , Arecaceae , Bacteria , Germination , Brevibacillus , FungiABSTRACT
Abstract Blueberry is an important fruit crop, with many health benefits. Despite its importance, much remains to be studied concerning the dormancy dynamics in rabbiteye cultivars growing in a mild winter climate. In this research, the dormancy in blueberry, rabbiteye cultivars 'Bluegem', 'Climax', 'Delite', and 'Powderblue', was studied in a mild winter region. The single-node cuttings biological test and the evaluation of the hydric status were performed in dormant winter reproductive buds. These experiments were performed during fall and winter in one year (2016). Moreover, chilling hours under or equal to 7.2 ºC were measured, and chill units were calculated according to Utah Model [1], Modified Utah Model [2], and Blueberry Model [3]. In conclusion, the four cultivars showed a similar pattern, revealing a dormant state in the initial sampling dates and a released dormancy in the final treatments, showing the decrease of dormancy in June and July. However, Delite was earlier than the other cultivars. Bluegem and Delite required 134.0 chilling hours, 127.0 chill units (Utah Model), 198.5 chill units (Modified Utah Model), and 971.5 chill units (Blueberry Model) for 50% of their green tip buds reach the opened bud stage. Climax required 44.0, -11.0, 56.5, and 440.5, respectively. And Powderblue required 44.0, 5.5, 77.0, and 725.0 respectively. This study can bring some insights into crop management and production of this important fruit crop, especially in a global climate-changing scenario, related to flowering and dormancy control, as well as helping to select suitable cultivars to a region, concerning chilling requirements.
Climate Change , Vaccinium myrtillus , Plant Dormancy , Ericaceae , VacciniumABSTRACT
RESUMEN Amaranthus hybridus L., conocido como bledo, es una planta maleza en una gran variedad de cultivos en el mundo, que se caracteriza por producir alto número de semillas latentes. Para generar estrategias de manejo sostenibles en esta especie es necesario comprender mejor la fisiología de sus semillas. Por tanto, el objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la luz, de las giberelinas y la profundidad de la siembra sobre la germinación de semillas de bledo. En un primer experimento, se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos de luz (rojo, azul, sin luz y luz natural «testigo¼); en el segundo, se imbibieron semillas en diferentes concentraciones de ácido giberélico (0, 200, 400 y 800mg L-1 de GA3) y, en un último experimento, se evaluaron ocho profundidades de siembra (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 y 80mm), utilizando turba como sustrato. Se encontró mayor porcentaje de germinación en oscuridad, indicando que son semillas fotoblásticas negativas. Para el experimento de giberelinas, el mejor resultado se obtuvo con 400 y 800mg L-1 de ácido giberélico. En el tercer experimento, se observó alto porcentaje de emergencia de plántulas en las primeras profundidades (10mm a 30mm); a mayor profundidad hubo menor emergencia. La respuesta diferencial a la luz, a la aplicación de las giberelinas y el alto porcentaje de semillas viables que no germinaron permite concluir que semillas de bledo poseen latencia fisiológica.
ABSTRACT Amaranthus hybridus L., known as bledo, is a weed in a wide variety of crops worldwide, characterized by producing high number of seeds with dormancy. To generate sustainable management strategies of this species, it is necessary to better understand the physiology of its seeds. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the effect of light, gibberellins, and seed burying depth on seed germination of bledo. In the first experiment, four light conditions were evaluated (red, blue, without light and natural light (control)), in the second experiment the seeds were imbibed in different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0, 200, 400 and 800mg L-1 of GA3), and in the last experiment, 8 planting depths were evaluated (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80mm) using peat as a substrate. A higher percentage of seed germination in darkness was found, indicating that this species had negative photoblastic seeds. For the gibberellin experiment, the best result was obtained with treatment with 400 and 800mg L-1 of gibberellic acid. In the third experiment, a high percentage of seedling emergence was observed from the first depths (10mm to 30mm); the greater was the depth, the less emergence was found. The differential responses to light, the application of gibberellins, and the high percentage of non-germinated viable seeds allowed to conclude that bledo seeds possess physiological dormancy.
We used exogenous GA_3 to break the seed dormancy of Thesium chinense. We used high-throughput sequencing technology was used to sequence the transcriptome of dormant seed embryos and dormancy breaking seed embryos of Th. chinense, and the data was analyzed bioinformatically and systematically. The results showed that exogenous GA_3 could effectively break the seed dormancy of Th. chinense; 73 794 up-regulated genes and 42 776 down regulated genes were obtained by transcriptome sequencing; 116 570 diffe-rential genes were annotated by GO function to GO items such as metabolism process, cell process, cell, cell component, binding and catalytic activity. A total of 133 metabolic pathways were found by Pathway analysis of 26 508 differentially expressed genes. In the process of dormancy release, DEGs were mainly enriched in translation, carbohydrate metabolism, folding, classification, degradation and amino acid metabolism. Based on the annotation results in KEGG database, 20 metabolic pathways related to dormancy release were found. Dormancy release of Th. chinense seeds is a complex biological process, including cell morphology construction, secondary metabolite synthesis, sugar metabolism and plant signal transduction, among which plant hormone signal transduction is one of the key factors to regulate dormancy release. The results of qRT-PCR showed that the sequencing results were consistent with the actual results.
Gene Expression Profiling , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Plant Dormancy , Plant Growth Regulators , Santalaceae , Seeds , TranscriptomeABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to explore the expression pattern of miRNA in the process of embryo dormancy and provide a reference for the mechanism of regulating seed dormancy and germination by miRNA. We used high-throughput sequencing technology, bioinformatics analysis and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR(qPCR) technology to sequence, screen and identify miRNAs of dormant and dormant embryos. The results showed that there were 23 811 977, 24 276 695, 20 611 876 and 20 601 811 unique sequences in the four sample libraries during the period of dormancy and dormancy release. MiRNAs are mainly distributed between 21 and 24 nt, among which the length of 24 nt occurred most frequently. A total of 31 known miRNAs were identified, belonging to 13 different families. 93 new miRNAs were predicted by bioinformatics software. Ten miRNAs(mir156 a-5 p, mir160 a-5 p, mir160 h-1, mir169 a-5 p, mir157 d, mir159 a-1, mir395-3, mir156 f-5 p, mir156-2 and mir171 a-3 p) were screened out. In this study, 10 miRNAs related to seed dormancy release were identified. The target genes mainly involved carbohydrate metabolism, plant hormone signal transduction, cell division and growth. The results of qRT-PCR showed that the sequencing results were consistent with the actual results.
Humans , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Liliaceae , MicroRNAs , Plant Dormancy , RNA, Plant , SeedsABSTRACT
Abstract Passion fruits species presents a larger economic importance for in natura consumption and industry. The main way to propagate these species is by seeds; however, the aril presence and environmental conditions may inhibit the seeds germination. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of aril removal methods and light conditions on P. edulis var. flavicarpa seeds quality and germination. There were used five methods to remove the seeds aril: (1) friction on steel mesh sieve for 5 minutes; (2) friction with coarse sand on steel mesh sieve for 5 minutes; (3) immersion in lime solution at 10% (w/v), for 30 minutes; (4) fermentation in sugar solution at 10% (w/v), during 48 hours; and (5) natural pulp fermentation, during five days. The seeds were submitted to germination test at darkness and lightness, as well as, to length seedlings and emergence test. Regardless the aril removal method, the germination percentage was lower at lightness than darkness highlighting the natural pulp fermentation treatment, which presented 86% of seeds germinated. On the other hand, the aril removal methods did not affect the seedlings emergence, with emergence percentages ranged from 88 to 94%.
Resumo As espécies de maracujá apresentam grande importância econômica, tanto para o consumo in natura, quanto para a indústria. A principal maneira de propagar essas espécies é por sementes; contudo, a presença de arilo e condições ambientais pode inibir a germinação. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se estudar o efeito de métodos de remoção do arilo e luminosidade na qualidade e germinação das sementes de Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa. Cinco métodos foram empregados para a remoção do arilo: (1) fricção em peneira de malha de aço por cinco minutos; (2) fricção com areia grossa em peneira de malha de aço por cinco minutos; (3) imersão em solução de cal a 10% (m/v), por 30 minutos; (4) fermentação da polpa em solução de açúcar a 10% (m/v), por 48 horas; e (5) fermentação natural da polpa, por cinco dias. As sementes foram submetidas ao teste de germinação no escuro e no claro, teste de comprimento de plântulas e teste de emergência. Independente do método de remoção do arilo, a porcentagem de germinação no claro apresentou-se menor em comparação ao escuro, com destaque para o tratamento de fermentação natural da polpa, o qual apresentou 86% de sementes germinadas. Por outro lado, os métodos de remoção do arilo não afetaram a emergência das plântulas, com porcentagem de emergência variando entre 88 a 94%.
Seeds/physiology , Germination/physiology , Passiflora/physiology , Flowers/physiology , Seeds/growth & development , Seeds/radiation effects , Passiflora/growth & development , Passiflora/radiation effects , Seedlings/physiology , LightABSTRACT
El objetivo fue evaluar los requerimientos de germinación de Phacelia secunda J.F. Gmel. y Eryngium paniculatum Cav. y Dombey ex F. Delaroche, herbáceas perennes colonizadoras de ambientes degradados del noroeste patagónico argentino y de interés para la restauración ecológica. Se evaluó el porcentaje, tiempo medio e inicio de germinación en un control (C) y dos tratamientos pre-germinativos: escarificación mecánica con bisturí (EM) y estratificación húmeda fría durante 45 días (EHF). En P. secunda, el porcentaje de germinación en el tratamiento EHF (2%) fue menor que en el C (24%) y el tratamiento EM (16%). En E. paniculatum se encontraron diferencias entre el C (94%) y el tratamiento EHF (82%), pero no entre el C y EM (91%). El tratamiento EHF aceleró el inicio de la geminación en ambas especies. Las semillas de P. secunda mostraron baja capacidad de germinación siendo necesario evaluar nuevos tratamientos. Eryngium paniculatum mostró alta capacidad germinativa aún en el control, lo que evidencia que no requiere tratamientos pregerminativos específicos.
The aim was to evaluate the seed germination requirements of Phacelia secunda J.F. Gmel. and Eryngium paniculatum Cav. y Dombey ex F. Delaroche, perennial herbaceous colonizers of degraded environments of northwest Argentinian Patagonia and of interest for ecological restoration. The germination percentage, mean germination time and time until initiation of germination of a control (C) and two pre-germination treatments: mechanical scarification with a scalpel (EM) and 45 days cold moist stratification (EHF) were evaluated. In P. secunda, the germination percentage in EHF treatment (2%) was lower than in C (24%) and EM (16%) treatment. In E. paniculatum, differences between C (94%) and EHF (82%) were found, but not between C and EM (91%). EHF treatment accelerated the germination initiation in both species. Seeds of P. secunda showed low germination capacity being necessary to evaluate new treatments. Eryngium paniculatum showed high germination capacity in the control. Thus this species does not require specific pre-germination treatments.
Choosing cultivars that require less chilling temperatures to overcome dormancy is crucial, for example, peaches that grow in subtropical areas, which is not an appropriate climate for them. Thus, alternative techniques are necessary to induce sprouting. Yet there are not many available products in market, restricting options for fruit growers to a reduced number of chemical molecules, which are often harm the health to applicators. Therefore, this study aimed to assess phenological cycles and productive performance of three peach cultivars, submitted to foliar nitrogen fertilizer and calcium nitrate to induce sprouting. This study took place at Experimental Orchard of School of Agriculture (FCA, UNESP), Botucatu, state of São Paulo. Three peach cultivars were evaluated: 'Douradão', 'BRS Kampai' and 'BRS Rubimel' by applying four doses of foliar nitrogen fertilizer (FNF) at 0, 1.25, 2.50 and 3.75%; associated with 4% calcium nitrate. A 3x4 factorial arrangement (3 cultivars X 4 FNF doses) in a randomized block design was used, with 4 replicates and 2 plants per plot, totalizing 96 plants. Results indicated that FNF positively affected cultivars development, providing wider sprouting, flowering and fruit set; consequently, greater production. Then FNF became a good alternative to induce sprouting in peaches at mild winter temperatures. Moreover, 'BRS Rubimel' presented high sowing percentage associated with low flowering and fruit set percentages, that is, low production mainly caused by its lack of adaptability to studied region
A escolha de cultivares mais adaptados, com menor exigência em acúmulo de horas de frio para superação da dormência, é fundamental para o cultivo do pessegueiro em regiões subtropicais. Uma vez que estas regiões não possuem condições ideais para o cultivo do pessegueiro, torna-se necessário a utilização de técnicas alternativas, como a aplicação de indutores de brotação. Entretanto, no mercado ainda existem poucos produtos disponíveis para esta finalidade, restringindo as opções do fruticultor a um número reduzido de moléculas químicas, que muitas vezes apresentam elevada toxicidade ao aplicador. Dentro deste contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar os ciclos fenológicos e o desempenho produtivo de três cultivares de pessegueiro, submetidos à aplicação de fertilizante foliar nitrogenado e nitrato de cálcio para a indução da brotação das plantas. O trabalho foi realizado no pomar experimental da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus Botucatu, SP. Foram avaliados os cultivares de pessegueiro Douradão, BRS Kampai e BRS Rubimel e quatro doses de fertilizante foliar nitrogenado (FFN): 0; 1,25; 2,50 e 3,75%, associadas a 4% de nitrato de cálcio. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos, 4 repetições e 2 plantas por parcela, totalizando 96 plantas, em esquema fatorial, compreendendo 3 cultivares e 4 doses de FFN. O FFN afetou positivamente o desenvolvimento dos cultivares, proporcionando maior brotação, florescimento e fixação de frutos e, consequentemente, maior produção, configurando como boa alternativa para a indução de brotação de pessegueiros em regiões de inverno ameno. O cultivar BRSRubimel apresentou elevado percentual de brotação associado a baixos percentuais de florescimento e fixação de frutos, o que refletiu em menor produção, evidenciando sua menor adaptabilidade à região de Botucatu - SP.