Gastrointestinal tumors are a serious and threatening public health concern.Endoscopic minimally invasive treatment is an im-portant way to achieve early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors.Here,we summarize the history and current status of en-doscopic minimally invasive resection of early-stage gastrointestinal tumors,and explain the application of the new ERBEC concepts of endo-scopic minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of gastrointestinal tumors,which include elements,reservation-resection,bilateral-bene-fit,expansion,and collaboration.We also discuss the future direction of endoscopic minimally invasive resection for gastrointestinal tumors.
Objective:To explore the effectiveness of short-term prehabilitation in elderly patients undergoing gastrointestinal tumor surgery.Methods:Elderly patients(139 cases) with gastrointestinal tumors who were admitted to Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University for surgery from December 2020 to January 2022 were included through the purposive sampling method, and were divided into the intervention group (69 cases) and the control group (70 cases) according to the patient's wishes using a quasi-experimental research design of non randomized grouped. Routine perioperative nursing was used in the control group, while the short-term prehabilitation was used in the intervention group in addition. The incidence of postoperative complications, the performance indicators, and postoperative functional recovery indicators were analyzed in the two groups.Results:The 6MWD in the intervention group of 1 day and 7 days after the surgery were (460.93 ± 76.36) m and (391.72 ± 72.93) m, which were significant higher than those in the control group, (423.69 ± 72.88) m and (351.13 ± 65.04) m ( t = 8.65, 12.01, both P<0.05). The first exhaust time, first postoperative ambulatory time, the first full fluid intake time and the duration of drainage tube indwelling in the intervention group were (51.28 ± 21.74) h, (33.93 ± 12.50) h, (69.39 ± 29.36) h and (4.30 ± 1.44) d, which were significant lower than those in the control group, (71.51 ± 23.68) h, (47.37 ± 14.58) h, (96.29 ± 38.36) h and (5.35 ± 2.09) d ( t values were -5.83 - -3.44, all P<0.05). Besides, the best critical value of preoperative 6MWD to predict postoperative rehabilitation effect was 477.5 m, with a sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 71%. Conclusions:Short-term prehabilitation improves the perioperative functional reserve and promotes overall functional recovery after surgery to a certain extent, and the postoperative functional recovery effect may be better when the patient′s preoperative 6MWD reaches 477.5 m.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of digestive tract. In 2020, 1.93 million new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed globally, ranking third in the global incidence spectrum, and 930 000 new deaths were reported, ranking second in the global cause of death spectrum. Meanwhile, the medical cost of metastatic colorectal cancer is the highest among all stages. A large number of studies have demonstrated that traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) treatment can bring clinical benefits to patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with unique efficacy. In order to further standardize the TCM diagnosis and treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer and improve the level of TCM diagnosis and treatment, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, together with other relevant units in China, according to the guideline development process of the World Health Organization Handbook for Guideline Development and the relevant requirements of the Clinical Evidence Grading Criteria on TCM Based on Evidence Body, the Regulations for Group Standards of China Association of Chinese Medicine and others, combined with the characteristics of TCM diagnosis and treatment and the actual situation in China, the Guidelines for TCM Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer was developed in accordance with the Catalogue of TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Plans for 105 Diseases in 24 Specialties issued by Department of Medical Administration of National Administration of TCM.
RESUMEN Introducción: los tumores del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST), son las neoplasias de origen mesenquimático más frecuentes del tracto digestivo, sin embargo, representan menos del 1% de todos estos tumores. Actualmente se denominan GIST a los tumores mesenquimales CD117 positivos, fusiformes o epitelioides, primarios del tracto gastrointestinal, epiplón, mesenterio y retroperitoneo. Presentación de caso: presentamos un paciente de 60 años de edad que fue ingresado en el servicio de Medicina Interna por anemia crónica y dispepsia. Al examen físico se constata en la palpación de abdomen un tumor en hipocondrio derecho y epigastrio, no mesurable, fijo, doloroso. Se realizan complementarios como ecografía abdominal, esófago gastroduedenoscopia, TAC abdominal y laparoscopia demostrándose la presencia de un tumor de la curvatura mayor gástrica de aproximadamente 20 cm con crecimiento exofitico. Se interviene quirúrgicamente, realizándose gastrectomía total, espelenctomia y esofagoyeyunostomia. Los resultados definitivos de anatomía patológica informan: tumor de pared gástrica, fusocelular del estroma gastrointestinal, de bajo potencial. Tamaño del tumor 25cm. Índice Mitótico de 1 mitosis por 50 HPF con Inmunohistoquímica positiva para CD117, CD34, cumplió tratamiento quimioterapia y presenta una evolución favorable. Discusión: los GIST son tumores cuya presencia de síntomas dependerá del tamaño y localización del tumor y puede variar desde formas asintomáticas a casos que se presenten como una emergencia quirúrgica por perforación gástrica o sangramiento digestivo. Conclusiones: el paciente fue intervenido quirúrgicamente encontrándose un tumor fusocelular del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) de pared gástrica, de bajo potencial de malignidad, comportamiento agresivo.
ABSTRACT Introduction: the Gastrointestinal Stroma Tumors (GIST), the neoplasia from which those stem are those of highest mesenquimatic frequency of the digestive tract, However, it represents less than 1 % of all these tumors. At present, mesenquimales name the tumors GIST CD117 positive, fusiform or epithelioid, primary of the tract gastrointestinal, epiplón, mesentery and retro-peritoneum. Case presentation: we introduced a 60-year-old patient that went through admittance in the Internal Medicine service due to chronic anemia and dyspepsia. To the physical examination through palpationof the abdomen, a tumor in straight hypochondrium and epigastrium is verified, notmeasurable, It is fixed, painful. Complementary tests are also performed, like abdominal echography, esophagus gastroduedenoscopy abdominal CAT and laparoscopy, showing the presence of a tumor of the bigger gastric curvature of approximately 20 cm with exofitic growth. Surgery is performed, coming true total gastrectomy, splenectomy and esofagoyeyunostomy, which have proven to be definite of morbid anatomy, as the inform discloses: Tumor of gastricwall, gastrointestinal fusocellular stroma, of potential bass. Size of the tumor 25cm. Meiotic index of 1 mitosis for 50 HPF with positive Inmunohistochemical for CD117, CD34, treatment fulfilled chemotherapy and it presents a favorable evolution. Discussion: the GIST symptoms are depended of the tumor size and localization. They had some types of clinical presentation such as gastric perforation or haemorrage. Conclusion: in the OR we found a gastrointestinal fusocelullar tumor, at the gastric wall. With very aggressive behavior.
RESUMO Introdução: os tumores estromais gastrointestinais (GIST) são as neoplasias mais frequentes de origem mesenquimal do trato digestivo, porém representam menos de 1% de todos esses tumores. Atualmente, os GISTs são positivos para CD117, fusiformes ou epitelióides, tumores mesenquimais primários do trato gastrointestinal, omento, mesentério e retroperitônio. Apresentação do caso: apresentamos um paciente de 60 anos que deu entrada no serviço de Clínica Médica por anemia crônica e dispepsia. O exame físico revelou tumor doloroso, fixo e não mensurável em quadrante superior direito e epigástrio à palpação de abdome. Exames complementares como ultrassonografia abdominal, gastroduedenoscopia de esôfago, tomografia computadorizada de abdome e laparoscopia são realizados, demonstrando a presença de tumor da grande curvatura gástrica de aproximadamente 20 cm com crescimento exofítico. Foi realizada intervenção cirúrgica, realizando gastrectomia total, espelenctomia e esofagojejunostomia. Os resultados definitivo do laudo anatomopatológico: tumor da parede gástrica, fusocelular do estroma gastrointestinal, de baixo potencial. Tamanho do tumor: 25cm. Índice mitótico de 1 mitose por 50 HPF com imunoistoquímica positiva para CD117, CD34, foi submetido a tratamento quimioterápico e apresenta evolução favorável. Discussão: GISTs são tumores cuja presença de sintomas dependerá do tamanho e localização do tumor e podem variar desde formas assintomáticas até casos que se apresentam como emergência cirúrgica por perfuração gástrica ou sangramento digestivo. Conclusões: a paciente foi operada e encontrou tumor de células fusiformes do estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) da parede gástrica, com baixo potencial de malignidade e comportamento agressivo.
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of preoperative interview with humanistic care in patients undergoing resection of tumor.Methods:Two hundred patients, aged 35-64 yr, with body mass index of 18-28 kg/m 2, of American Society Anesthesiologists physical status Ⅰ or Ⅱ, undergoing elective laparoscopic gastrointestinal tumor resection, were divided into 2 groups ( n=100 each) by a random number table method: conventional preoperative interview group (group C) and preoperative interview with humanistic care group (group H). Pre-interview anxiety was assessed using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) at 1 day before the interview (T 0), and pre-interview heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were recorded, followed by a preoperative interview.Conventional preoperative interview was given in group C, and preoperative interview with humanistic care was given in group H. Anxiety was assessed again after interview (T 1) and HR and MAP were recorded at 24 h. Venous blood samples were collected for determination of plasma norepinephrine (NE) and cortisol (Cor) concentrations by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at T 0 and T 1. Results:Compared with group C, the MAP, HR and SAS scores were significantly decreased at T 1, the incidence and degree of anxiety and plasma NE and Cor concentrations were decreased at T 1, and the incidence of abnormalities of MAP, HR and plasma Cor concentrations were decreased in group H ( P<0.05). Conclusion:Preoperative interview with humanistic care can alleviate the post-interview anxiety and reduce the over-stress response in patients undergoing resection of tumor.
RESUMEN Con el auge contemporáneo de novedosos paradigmas en las ciencias médicas, como la Medicina personalizada, se busca una resección oncológica más eficaz, con nuevos márgenes quirúrgicos de acuerdo al estadio tumoral. Para alcanzar estos resultados, se abren paso técnicas como la cirugía radioinmunoguiada. En Cuba, los adelantos biotecnológicos han permitido el desarrollo de fármacos líderes en el mundo, como el Nimotuzumab, un anticuerpo monoclonal dirigido contra el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico, sobrexpresado en múltiples tumores malignos de origen epitelial. Al marcarlo con un radioisótopo puede auxiliar al cirujano en la determinación precisa de la extensión tumoral (radioguiada) de estas neoplasias durante el acto quirúrgico(AU)
ABSTRACT The contemporary rise of new paradigms within medical sciences, such as personalized medicine, a more effective oncological resection is pursued, with new surgical margins based on tumor stage. To achieve these outcomes, some techniques, such as radioimmunoguided surgery, are expanding. In Cuba, biotechnological advances have allowed the development of world-leading drugs, such as nimotuzumab, a monoclonal antibody directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor, overexpressed in multiple malignant tumors of epithelial origin. Marking it with a radioisotope can help the surgeon in the precise determination of tumor extent (radioguided) of these malignancies during the surgical act(AU)
Humans , Precision Medicine/methods , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
Aurora kinases constitute a highly evolutionarily conserved family of serine/threonine kinases, which includes Aurora A, Aurora B, and Aurora C. These kinases are dynamically distributed throughout the cell cycle, and ensure the normal completion of the cell cycle by regulating centrosome maturation and separation, bipolar spindle assembly and stabilization, accurate separation of chromosomes, and efficient division of cytoplasm during mitosis. In recent years, it has been shown that Aurora kinases are overexpressed in a variety of solid tumors in the human body. The overexpression of Aurora kinases leads to abnormal mitosis, causes genetic instability, and is closely related to the occurrence, proliferation, and poor prognosis of tumors, which indicates that these kinases could be novel anti- tumor targets. Currently, Aurora kinase inhibitors are considered as novel candidates for molecular targeted therapies. Some of these inhibitors with strong anti-tumor activity have even entered clinical trials. In this article, we have reviewed the relationship between the biological characteristics of Aurora kinases, Aurora kinase inhibitors, and the occurrence and development of gastrointestinal tumors.
Tumores periampulares (TP) são originados a partir de estruturas próximas a Ampola de Vater e correspondem a um grupo heterogêneo de neoplasias. O adenocarcinoma da papila duodenal maior faz parte desse grupo de neoplasias. As principais manifestações são a icterícia do tipo obstrutiva, prurido, colúria, acolia fecal, além de perda ponderal e dor abdominal, associado a elevação dos níveis séricos de bilirrubina e enzimas hepáticas. O prognóstico é obscuro, sendo os carcinomas do tipo pancreaticobiliar aqueles com pior prognóstico. A ecografia endoscópica é o método mais sensível para diagnóstico e estadiamento e o tratamento de escolha é pancreaticoduodenectomia, conhecida como cirurgia de Whipple, frequentemente associada à quimioterapia adjuvante ou terapia de quimiorradiação. O presente trabalho propõe descrever um caso de adenocarcinoma da ampola de Vater em paciente de 38 anos atendida no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (HU-UFJF), abrangendo desde a sintomatologia inicial, processo diagnóstico até a conduta terapêutica. Sua relevância está em alertar os profissionais da saúde sobre a importância de elencar os tumores periampulares entre os possíveis diagnósticos diferenciais para pacientes com síndrome colestática, dado que o diagnóstico e a ressecção cirúrgica precoce são os fatores decisivos para um melhor prognóstico. (AU)
Periampular tumors (PT) originate from structures close to Vater's Ampulla and correspond to a heterogeneous group of cancers. The adenocarcinoma of the major duodenal papilla is part of this group of cancers. The main manifestations are obstructive jaundice, pruritus, choluria, fecal acholia, weight loss and abdominal pain, associated with elevated serum levels of bilirubin and liver enzymes. The prognosis is poor, with pancreaticobiliar type carcinomas having the worst prognosis. Endoscopic ultrasound is the most sensitive method for diagnosis and staging, and the best treatment is pancreaticoduodenectomy, known as Whipple surgery, often associated with adjuvant chemotherapy or chemoradiation therapy. The article proposes to describe a case of adenocarcinoma of the Vater's ampulla in a 38-year-old patient treated at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (HU-UFJF), covering from the initial symptoms, the diagnostic process and the therapeutic conduct. Its relevance is to alert health professionals about the importance of listing periampular tumors among the possible differential diagnoses for patients with cholestatic syndrome, considering that the diagnosis and early surgical resection are decisive factors for a better prognosis. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Adenocarcinoma , General Surgery , Ampulla of Vater , Carcinoma , Hospitals, University , Jaundice , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
As an inhibitory receptor , T cell immunoglobulin mucin domain containing molecules-3 ( Tim-3 ) expresses high levels in the gastrointestinal tumor microenvironment .Tim-3 can promote T cell exhaustion , negatively regulate the anti-cancer immuni-ty of NK cell and induce polarization of macrophages to M 2.Tumor can escape from immunological surveillance through Tim-3.Tim-3 plays an important role in the development and transformation of gastrointestinal tumors .This article summarizes the role of Tim-3 in the gastrointestinal tumors from the aspects of gene polymorphism , T cells, NK cells and mononuclear macrophage .
OBJECTIVE:To systematically review the efficacy of folic acid in the prevention of gastrointestinal(GI)tumors in elder,and provide evidence-based reference for the clinical treatment. METHODS:Retrieved from Cochrane Library,PubMed,EM-Base,Web of Science,CMB,CJFD,VIP and Wanfang Database,the randomized controlled trials (RCT) about folic acid (test group)versus placebo(control group)in the prevention of GI tumors in elder(age>50 years old). After quality evaluation and da-ta extract,Meta-analysis was performed buy using Rev Man 5.3 statistics software. RESULTS:A total of 9 RCT were included,in-volving 29 494 patients. Results of Meta-analysis showed there was no significant difference in the incidence of GI tumors between 2 groups[RR=0.91,95%CI(0.74,1.12),P=0.38]. Results of subgroup analysis showed the incidence of GI tumors was not affected by GI tumor stage,age,basic serum folic acid level,type and dose of folic acid and follow-up time during follow-up period. CON-CLUSIONS:Folic acid supplement can not effectively prevent the incidence of GI tumors in elder. The incidence of GI tumors in elder with different ages and baseline of folic acid are not decreased by any dose and duration,without obvious adverse reactions. It indicates that folic acid supplement should be careful and give full conscideration to the patients’general situation. Due to the limit of methodological quality and sample size,it remains to be further verified with more rigorously designed and long-term follow-up of large-scale RCT.
Objetivo: Evaluación de los casos de tumores carcinoides gastrointestinales en el Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur y confrontarlos con la literatura. Sede: Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur (centro de atención de tercer nivel). Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal, descriptivo, observacional. Análisis estadístico: Porcentaje como medida de resumen para variables cualitativas. Material y métodos: Se revisaron 19 casos de muestras de patología del Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur. Resultados: En este trabajo presentamos 19 casos de pacientes diagnosticados con tumores carcinoides gastrointestinales encontrados en toma de biopsias por endoscopia o piezas postquirúrgicas. Histológicamente se observaron células tumorales similares, con escaso citoplasma granular eosinófilo o núcleo redondeado moteado. Las variaciones de tamaño nuclear y celular fueron mínimas y las mitosis raras. El crecimiento celular fue predominantemente submucoso con extensión a capa muscular y serosa en algunos casos. Doce correspondieron al sexo femenino y siete, al masculino. El promedio de edad fue de 47 años. El órgano con más frecuencia de aparición fue el estómago y el apéndice cecal y los de menor frecuencia fueron el duodeno y el hígado. Conclusión: El sexo femenino predominó, constituyendo el 63% de los casos, la edad media para las mujeres fue de 49 años, coincidiendo con lo revisado en la literatura. Se encontró una incidencia aumentada en tumores de estómago y apéndice.
Objective: To evaluate the cases of gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors in the Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, and to compare them with reports in the literature. Setting: Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur (third level health care center). Design: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study. Statistical analysis: Percentage as summary measure for qualitative variables. Material and methods: We reviewed 19 cases of pathology samples from the Hospital y Fundación Clínica Médica Sur. Results: In this report we present 19 cases of patients diagnosed with gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors found in endoscopically taken biopsy samples or in postsurgical pieces. Histologically, similar tumor cells were observed with scarce granular eosinophilic cytoplasm or rounded spotted nucleus. Variations in nuclear and cellular size were minimal and mitoses were rare. Cell growth was predominantly submucous extending to the muscular and serosa layer in some cases. Twelve corresponded to women and seven to men. Average age was of 47 years. The organs most frequently affected were the stomach and the cecal appendix, the least frequent ones were the duodenum and the liver. Conclusion: Women predominated, constituting 63% of cases, mean age of women was of 49 years, coinciding with the literature. We found an increased incidence of tumors in the stomach and appendix.
Objective To explore the effect of ω-3 fish oil on nutrition improvement and inflammatory reaction of patients with gastrointestinal tumor after operation.Methods 60 cases with gastrointestinal tumor were divided into control group(30 cases) and study group (30 cases),both groups were provided with parenteral nutrition treatment[ 104.6 kJ · kg-1 · d-1 ].Fish-oil fatty emulsion was given to the study group.The postoperative for the first day received half of the total energy and the total energy The remaining four days.Blood samples were gained on the morning of day 1,on the morning of day 3 and day 6 after operation respectively to measure albumin ( ALB),prealbumin (PA),total protein(TP),transferrin(TRF),the neutrophilic granulocyte count,lymphocyte count (TLC),serum C-reactive protein(CRP).Results Both groups of patients was comparable(all P < 0.05 ).Both groups of patients was treated after five days of postoperative and ALB,TP,TRF were not significantly different.PA in both groups on day 6 was significantly increased,and the study group was higher than control group.there were statistical differences between them ( all P < 0.05 ).The neutrophilic granulocyte count and CRP of both groups were significant reduced,and the study group was lower than control group.There were statistical differences between them( all P <0.05 ).Conclusion ω-3 fish oil on nutrition could improve nutritional quality and modulate inflammatory reaction of patients with gastrointestinal tumor after operation.
Background: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) have a mesenchymal origin and correspond to 1 percent of all gastrointestinal tumors. They have a benign behavior in approximately 75 percent of cases. They express CD117, CD34, smooth muscle actin, S-100 and desmin, markers that are useful in the differential diagnosis of smooth muscle tumors and those of neurogenic origin. Aim: To report our experience with GIST. Material and Methods: A retrospective, observational study. The pathology reports of GIST in the period 2004-2008 were reviewed. Immunohistochemical expression, pathological grade, mitotic index and histological patterns were reviewed. The medical records of patients were reviewed to obtain age and gender, location, size and presence of metastases. Results: A total of 51 GIST were identified, coming from 21 males and 30 females. Nineteen tumors were located in the small bowel, 18 in the stomach, four in the rectum, two in the colon and in five, the location was not specified. In 28 cases, the pathological pattern was spindle cell, in 12 mixed, in six epithelioid, in three pleomorphic, in one signet ring cell and giant cell in one. Forty nine percent of tumors were of high grade. Metastases were found in the liver in two cases, in the omentum in two and in the spleen, kidney, retroperitoneum and pancreas, in one case each. Two had lymph node involvement. Conclusions: GIST tumor corresponded to a 0.12 percent of all pathology reports during the study period. Most tumors in this series were of high grade.
Introducción: Los Tumores del Estroma Gastrointestinal (TEGI) son de origen mesenquimal comprendiendo el 1 por ciento de todos los tumores GI. Son benignos del 70 a 80 por ciento. Expresan CD117, CD34, actina de músculo liso, S-100 y desmina, marcadores útiles en el diagnóstico diferencial de tumores de músculo liso y tumores de origen neurogénico. Material y Método: Es un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se revisaron los reportes en el período 2004-2008 registrados como TEGI, valorando la expresión Inmunohistoquímica, grado histológico, índice mitótico, y patrones histológicos. Del reporte histológico se obtuvo la edad y sexo del paciente, localización, tamaño y metástasis. Resultados: Se recolectaron 51 casos corroborados como TEGI. Encontrando una prevalencia del sexo femenino (30) y una edad media de 52 años. Las localizaciones fueron: Intestino delgado (19), estómago (18), no especificado (5), recto (4), colon (2), retroperitoneo (2), no encontramos en esófago. Los patrones encontrados fueron el fusocelular (28), mixto (12), epitelioide (6), pleomórfico (3), células en anillo de sello (1), células gigantes (1). La mayoría (49 por ciento) fue de alto grado, presentando metástasis a hígado (2), ganglios (2), epiplón (2), bazo (1), riñón (1), retroperitoneo (1) y páncreas (1). Discusión: Se realizaron un total de 41.035 estudios histopatológicos, de los cuales 51 casos corresponden a LEGI, esto equivale al 0,12 por ciento. Encontramos tumores en los que su morfología, tamaño e índice mitótico fueron de bajo grado y presentaron metástasis y recidivas al momento del diagnóstico. Veinticinco casos fueron de alto grado (49 por ciento), lo cual es mayor a lo reportado por la literatura 20-30 por ciento, probablemente porque este es un hospital de concentración y generalmente los pacientes acuden a atención médica en una etapa avanzada de la enfermedad.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/epidemiology , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/pathology , Age and Sex Distribution , Actins/analysis , /analysis , Desmin/analysis , Immunohistochemistry , Neoplasm Metastasis , Prevalence , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-kit/analysis , Retrospective Studies , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/metabolismABSTRACT
Objective To observe the expression levels of CD174, cyclin D1 and cyclin E in gastrointestinal tumor tissues, analyze the correlation among CD174, cyclin D1 and cyclin E, and evaluate the expression level of CD174 for diagnosis and prognosis of gastrointestinal tumors.Methods Flow cytometry was used to determine the expression of CD174, cyclin D1 and cyclin E on surface of the cells which were collected from the tumor tissues and distant part beside the same tumor and suspended. The expression and topography of CD174 in gastrointestinal tissue were investigated with immunohistochemical staining.Results The expression of CD174 in tumor tissues was obviously lower than that in distal noncancerous tissues (P
The aim of this review is to evaluate the recent advances in chemotherapy for upper gastrointestinal tumors (esophagus,stomach,pancreas,liver).The role of both the neoadjuvant,adjuvant and palliative chemotherapy regimens, efficacy and side effects will be discussed,as well as its future development.
Gastrointestinal tumor patients are characterized by malnutrition resulting from various elements. So it is necessary to analyze,assess, and treat malnutrition of patients with gastrointestinal tumor. Nutrition support is an indispensable step in tumor therapy.
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of resection (EMR) of gastrointestinal tumors by EUS assisted with high-frequency probe EUS (HFPE). Methods EMR assisted with HFPE was attempted in 30 patients with gastrointestinal tumors with 0. 5 - 3. 5 cm in diameter. Complications such as bleeding and perforation were carefully monitored. The entire resected specimen received histopathological examination. Follow-up was regularly taken in outpatient clinic. Results In 28 (93. 3% )out of 30 patients tumors were successfully resected by EMR. 95. 2% cancerous and 85. 7% tumorous lesions were resected satisfactorily. No severe bleeding or perforation occurred nor had any recurrences be observed when follow-up of 2 ~ 13 months. Conclusion EMR assisted with HFPE is a safe and desired measure in the treatment of early small gastrointestinal tumors.
This paper reports on the real-tim ultrasonographic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumors in 60 patients ; and the ultrasonograms of gastrointestinal tumors and their classification are analysed. In this report, the diagnostic value of ultrasound in gastrointestinal tumors has been deduced. We consider that pseudorenal signs are the ultrasonography of gastrointestinal system and most of them are gastrointestinal tumors . Our observations suggest that the sonography of pseudorenal sign may be used as an anatomic feature of abdominal masses.