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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239849


Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, progressive disease with serious complications, and its prevalence is rising, especially in India. This study evaluates the clinical characteristics, prehospital care, and proximity to healthcare facilities among patients presenting with diabetic emergencies at a tertiary care hospital. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 70 diabetic emergency patients (hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and DKA). Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire assessing clinical characteristics, prehospital care, and health-seeking behavior. Geospatial analysis measured the distance from patients' residences to the hospital. Results: Among the 70 participants, 36 (51.4%) were over 60 years old, and 55 (78.6%) were male. The most common symptoms were polyuria (85.7%) and excessive thirst (57.1%). Hyperglycemia was diagnosed in 68 (97.1%) cases, with 46 (65.7%) showing high random blood sugar levels (>200 mg/dl). Severe symptoms led 55 (78.6%) to seek emergency care, with 17 (24.3%) requiring ambulance services. Geospatial analysis revealed that 50% of patients lived 1-50 km from the hospital. Conclusion: The study emphasizes the need for improved access to diabetes care near patients' homes to prevent emergencies, highlighting the importance of decentralizing services to improve health outcomes.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240429


Background: COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose has emerged as an essential tool to control the spread of COVID-19 infections worldwide. The acceptance of vaccines is influenced by various factors such as knowledge, perception of the likelihood of COVID-19 spread, vaccine safety, logistics, vaccine efficacy, and perceived risk. Aim and Objectives: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose among health-care professionals (HCPs) at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 147 participants using a self-designed, semi-structured, and pre-validated questionnaire circulated through Google Forms to HCPs. Results: The results showed that all the participants were aware of the COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose. However, only 68.49% of the participants had received the dose. The major source of information was the World Health Organization. About 79.4% of the participants were worried about serious unknown long-term effects of the precautionary dose, but the majority were willing to take it without any hesitation. About 14.3% of the participants experienced side effects, with pain at the injection site being the most common. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that participants had a good understanding of the COVID-19 precaution dose, but their attitudes were slightly lesser compared to their knowledge, and also, there was a lot of hesitation with respect to practicing the COVID-19 vaccine precaution dose.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237122


Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), particularly those caused by antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, represent a significant global public health concern. The prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) remains a primary focus of health, safety and quality programmes. Despite the advances that have been made in the field of infection prevention, the impact of HAIs is particularly significant in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This narrative literature review aims to examine the care and infection control measures in the ICU, with an emphasis on the roles of nurses. HAIs represent a significant public health concern in Brazil and globally, with ICUs experiencing a higher incidence. Nursing plays a pivotal role in infection control within healthcare settings, particularly in the ICU context. A number of strategies have been proposed with the aim of enhancing patient safety protocol adherence. Among these, the use of technology is highlighted as a means of bolstering success in reducing infections in the ICU environment. Furthermore, it is imperative that ongoing health education be provided in order to achieve these goals. This should include the promotion of awareness among students regarding this topic by universities.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240280


Background: The presence of immunologically competent agglutinogens in ABO and Rhesus (Rh) system makes these blood groups clinically important. The distribution frequency of these blood groups in various geographical regions is essential for the maintenance of blood bank records, for research studies, etc. This helps in safe transfusion during emergency. Many population-based research works were conducted on the prevalence of blood agglutinogens. The lack of data on these blood antigens among young health-care professional students prompted the conduct of this study on blood groups. Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the study are to ascertain blood group frequencies among health-care professional students and to obtain prospective group of Rh-negative blood donor database. Materials and Methods: Research was accomplished on 400 health-care professional students of HIMS, Hassan, in department of physiology after going through knowledge, attitude, and practice questionnaire. Blood grouping was done by collecting blood from participants by finger prick method on glass slides. Results: In participants, the most common blood group was O (40.8%) with decreasing prevalence of B (34.3%), A (18%), and AB (7%). The frequency of Rh-positive and negative groups was 95.5% and 4.5%, respectively. Conclusion: Among participants, blood group O and blood group AB was most and least common, respectively. The frequency of Rh positive was far higher compared to Rh-negative groups.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239562


Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) pose persistent challenges, elevating risks in patient morbidity and mortality despite medical advancements. Antimicrobial materials integrated into medical textiles offer a promising strategy for comprehensive infection control. This paper explores the landscape of HAIs, emphasizing the urgent need for innovative measures. Focusing on antimicrobial agents like silver nanoparticles, copper ions, and peptides, it delves into their mechanisms and foundational knowledge crucial for effective integration into medical textiles. Techniques such as coating, impregnation, and nanofiber technology are discussed for practical application. Evaluating efficacy, durability, and impact on textile properties, the paper addresses the crucial balance between antimicrobial efficiency and textile integrity. Challenges like cytotoxicity, environmental impact, microbial resistance, regulatory compliance, and cost-effectiveness are examined, underscoring the importance of careful consideration. Advancements in smart textiles, sustainable solutions, nanofiber durability, AI integration, interdisciplinary research, and personalized approaches are highlighted. Antimicrobial textiles reduce HAI risks, improving patient outcomes and optimizing resource utilization. The promotion of a safer healthcare environment aligns with sustainability goals. This method section outlines the approach used to review the literature and assess the various aspects of antimicrobial medical textiles, including the types of agents, treatment methods, and recent advancements. The paper concludes that antimicrobial materials in medical textiles represent a transformative strategy for infection control, contributing to improved patient care, safety, and sustainability in healthcare settings.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235640


This study critically evaluates the effectiveness of public health policies and programs targeting Alzheimer's and dementia care in the United States, with a specific emphasis on early detection, disparities in access to care, and variations in service quality between urban and rural healthcare facilities. The research utilizes a representative sample sourced from national databases, including the World Bank’s Quality of Government (QoG) dataset, CDC’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Data Portal, and the Alzheimer's Association. Logistic regression models were employed to assess the influence of early detection programs on patient outcomes, while disparities in access to care were analyzed through regression models that incorporated demographic and geographic data from the National Institute on Aging and the CDC. The study also conducted extensive surveys targeting patients and healthcare providers across various settings to evaluate service quality. The findings reveal that while early detection programs are indispensable, their mere availability does not guarantee improved patient outcomes unless accompanied by high-quality implementation strategies. Significant disparities in access to care were identified, particularly along the lines of age and race, with minority groups and younger populations experiencing more significant barriers. Additionally, the study revealed pronounced differences in service quality between urban and rural areas, with rural healthcare facilities lagging in patient satisfaction, staff qualifications, and facility resources. The study recommends several targeted interventions: enhancing the quality and implementation of early detection programs, particularly in underserved areas; addressing disparities in care access by expanding Medicaid coverage and increasing funding for community health initiatives; and investing in rural healthcare infrastructure to bridge the gap in service quality and improve the overall care and support for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, particularly in marginalized communities.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234300


Background: Nurses are important health caregivers in Bangladesh. They help to improve health-facilities every day and reach it to helpless people. This study aimed to assess the responsibilities of professional nurses in public health hospitals. Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at Rajshahi Medical College (RMCH), Bangladesh from 18 September 2018 to 19 February 2019 included 300 individuals with following inclusion and exclusion criteria. A pre-tested questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. Results: Majority of participants age range of 31-40y 46.33%, 41-50y 27%, 20-30y, and 51-60y 19% and 7.67%, respectively. Moreover, Female are 96.33% and males constitute only 7.74%. Based on religion, Muslim 87%, Hindu 10%, Christian 1.67%, and Buddhist 1.33%. Beginning of education, diploma was compared to very few with advanced training for instance Master's and Ph.D. 38.67% nurses were 1-5 years of experience. But only 11 had ?21 years of experience. A significant portion, 48.02%, had a good level of assessment of patients and 36.67% of individuals excelled at a high level of proficiency. While only 2% showed an inferior level of patient assessment. Improvement of quality care, the majority of respondents 48.33% good, 17.67% excellent, 21.67% average, and 3.33% poor quality care. Conclusions: Nurses are the key element of the healthcare system. The study outcomes showing their best to provide quality service despite of lack of resources. If the responsible authority has a deep look at this domain, in the future they could make a role model in Bangladesh.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226773


Artificial intelligence (AI) keeps an eye on people in clinical studies to find out when bad things happen. This is a big way that AI is changing healthcare. It goes into a lot of detail about how AI has changed this field and stresses how important it is to use complicated formulas, always keep an eye on things, and follow the rules. These days, we have tools like deep learning frameworks, controlled and unsupervised learning models, and others that help us find bad things faster and more accurately. Tracking in real time is possible with early warning systems and constant data analysis. It helps make sure the experiment is done right and puts the safety of the people being tested first. AI-driven tracking systems can only work in an honest and reliable way if they follow the rules set by regulatory bodies such as the FDA and the EMA. The fact that AI has the ability to change the way medical research is done today, with benefits like making it faster and more accurate, makes its problems even more important. The report comes to the conclusion that more research, better teamwork, and a wider use of AI technologies are needed to make it more reliable to find bad events in clinical studies over time.

Medwave ; 24(7): e2952, 30-08-2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572842


Introducción La pandemia por COVID-19 ha impactado la salud mental de los trabajadores de salud. La perspectiva de cuidados se ha identificado como necesaria de estudiar, para entender causas atribuibles asociadas a hallazgos específicos en materia de salud mental y proponer cursos de acción para abordarla. Métodos Estudio de carácter transversal con enfoque analítico temático, derivado de la iniciativa internacional (HEROES) Fue realizado entre trabajadores de salud en Chile, durante el segundo semestre de 2022 y el primero de 2023, a través entrevistas semiestructuradas y codificación inductiva. Resultados Síntesis narrativa de 35 entrevistas, en cuatro temas: cuidados en el trabajo: presencia de cambios de funciones, preocupación por contagio, "mística" colectiva, estigma por condición de trabajador de la salud, conflictos con pacientes; cuidados en el hogar: diversas formas de arreglos de tareas domésticas, relevancia de la convivencia con otros, interrelación con dinámicas laborales, "doble carga" entre mujeres; relación con la propia salud mental: reconocimiento de afectación en salud mental, estrés asociado a cambio e incertidumbre, percepción de sobrecarga laboral, sentimientos de culpa o responsabilidad por contagio a familiares; y creencias y valores sobre la pandemia y sus efectos: aceptación de afectación psíquica de trabajadores de la salud, cultura organizacional como elemento relevante en postergación de propia salud mental, incredulidad inicial ante efectos de la pandemia, similitudes con periodos de conmoción social previos, igualdad entre personas respecto a vulnerabilidad frente a enfermedad. Conclusiones Cinco elementos surgen como potenciales áreas de intervención: perspectiva de género, exposición previa a experiencias de crisis, espacios de autocuidado, apoyo de pares y respuesta institucional. La perspectiva de cuidados es útil para estudiar la relación entre algunos factores estresantes y la salud mental de los trabajadores de salud en el contexto de pandemia.

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of healthcare workers. Studying the care perspective is essential to understanding the causes of specific mental health findings and proposing strategies to address them. Methods Cross-sectional study with a thematic analytical approach, derived from the international initiative "The Health Care Workers Study" (HEROES), conducted among healthcare workers in Chile during the second semester of 2022 and the first of 2023 through semi-structured interviews and inductive coding. Results A narrative synthesis of 35 interviews in four themes: care at work: the presence of changes in work tasks, concern about becoming infected, collective "mystique", stigma due to being a healthcare worker, conflicts with patients; care at home: multiple ways of arranging household tasks, the relevance of living with others, interrelation with work dynamics, "double burden" among women; relationship with one's own mental health: recognition of mental health impact, the stress associated with change and uncertainty, perception of work overload, feelings of guilt or responsibility for infecting family members; and beliefs and values about the pandemic and its effects: acceptance of psychological impact on healthcare workers, organizational culture as a relevant element in postponing one's own mental health, initial disbelief in the effects of the pandemic, similarities with previous periods of social upheaval, and equality among people in terms of vulnerability to the disease. Conclusions Five elements emerge as potential areas for intervention: gender perspective, previous exposure to crisis experiences, self-care spaces, peer support, and institutional response. The care perspective helps study the relationship between some stressors and healthcare workers' mental health in the context of a pandemic.

Medwave ; 24(7): e2931, 30-08-2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577152


En Latinoamérica y El Caribe la presencia de niños, niñas y adolescentes en los flujos migratorios internacionales es creciente. Los efectos que la migración genera sobre la salud de estos grupos han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de este artículo es indagar en las principales evidencias reportadas respecto al acceso y uso de servicios de salud por parte de niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes en América Latina y El Caribe. Esto, con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre el rol que cumplen los determinantes sociales de la salud de diverso nivel, en las condiciones de salud de estos grupos. También se busca identificar recomendaciones para su abordaje desde los sistemas de salud y la política pública. Para ello se realizó una revisión narrativa de 52 publicaciones sobre la base de un proceso de búsqueda de literatura científica de la base de datos y Google Académico. Se identificaron cinco temas relevantes: uso de urgencias asociado a falta de acceso a salud, a servicios preventivos y a otros determinantes sociales de la salud; exposición a enfermedades infecciosas prevenibles; salud mental; salud sexual y reproductiva; y vacunaciones y salud dental. Concluimos que la evidencia muestra la necesidad de abordar las inequidades y desventajas que están acumulando estos grupos, desde una óptica de determinantes sociales de la salud y de políticas que consideren la salud como derecho humano independiente de la situación migratoria de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, así como la de sus padres o cuidadores principales.

The presence of children and adolescents in migratory flows is growing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Little is known about migration's effects on these groups' health. This article aims to investigate the evidence available on the access and use of healthcare services by migrant children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean. We seek to explore the role of social determinants of health at different levels in the health conditions of these groups. Also, to identify potential recommendations for healthcare systems and public policy to address them. For this purpose, a narrative review of 52 publications was carried out based on a search of scientific literature in the Web of Science and Google Scholar databases. Five relevant topics were identified: use of emergency care associated with lack of healthcare access, preventive services, and other social determinants of health; exposure to preventable infectious diseases; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; and vaccinations and dental health. We conclude that the evidence shows the need to address the inequities and disadvantages faced by migrant children from a perspective of social determinants of health and policies that consider health as a human right regardless of the migratory status of children and adolescents, as well as that of their parents or primary caregivers.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(2): 90-104, 01/08/2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573797


La inteligencia artificial se está usando ampliamente en diversos campos de la medicina. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir las principales aplicaciones, oportunidades y desafíos de la inteligencia artificial en medicina brindando una perspectiva del contexto actual. Se realizó una revisión narrativa de la literatura, identificando la información más actualizada y relevante sobre el tema. Se consultaron las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, Scopus y SciELO, desde enero de 2019 a marzo de 2024, tanto en inglés como en español. Se incluyeron revisiones sistemáticas y no sistemáticas de la literatura, scoping reviews, artículos originales y capítulos de libros. Se excluyeron artículos duplicados, trabajos científicos poco claros, aquellos de bajo rigor científico y literatura gris. La implementación de la inteligencia artificial en medicina ha traído consigo notables beneficios, que van desde el registro de información médica hasta el descubrimiento de nuevos fármacos. Ha generado una revolución en la forma tradicional de hacer medicina. Por otro lado, ha traído consigo desafíos en materia de precisión, confiabilidad, ética, privacidad, entre otros. Es crucial mantener un enfoque centrado en el paciente y garantizar que estas tecnologías se utilicen para mejorar los resultados en salud y promover la equidad en el acceso a la atención médica. La colaboración entre profesionales de la salud, investigadores, entidades reguladoras y desarrolladores de tecnología será fundamental para enfrentar estos desafíos y aprovechar todo el potencial de la inteligencia artificial.

Artificial intelligence is being widely used in various fields of medicine. The aim of this review is to describe the main applications, opportunities and challenges of AI in medicine by providing an overview of the current context. An overview of the literature was conducted, identifying the most up-to-date and relevant information on the topic. The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus and SciELO were consulted, from January 2019 to March 2024, in both English and Spanish. Systematic and non-systematic literature reviews, scoping reviews, original articles and book chapters were included. Duplicate articles, unclear scientific papers, those of low scientific rigour and grey literature were excluded. The implementation of artificial intelligence in medicine has brought remarkable benefits, ranging from the recording of medical information to the discovery of new drugs. It has generated a revolution in the traditional way of doing medicine. On the other hand, it has brought with it challenges in terms of accuracy, reliability, ethics, privacy, among others. It is crucial to maintain a patient-centred approach and ensure that these technologies are used to improve health outcomes and promote equity in access to care. Collaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, regulators and technology developers will be critical to address these challenges and realise the full potential of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence , Medicine
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 36337, 29 ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570294


Introdução: O país adotou, com a criação do Programa Previne Brasil, uma nova forma de financiamento da Atenção Primária à Saúde, com a portaria ministerial 2.979/2019, a qual estabeleceu critérios para alocação de recursos, com foco para o desempenho e produtividade da Atenção Primária. Talmodelo vem sendo alvo de críticas pelo campo acadêmico da Saúde Coletiva e por gestões municipais, que em diferentes situações demonstram perdas financeiras, sobretudo, devido ao componente de capitação ponderada. Objetivo: Sistematizar o desempenho da Atenção Primária à Saúde do município de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, com base em indicadores de desempenho do Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica, e o financiamento da Atenção Primária, com base no Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde, entre os anos 2019 a 2022. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, com utilização de dados secundários e sistematização dos sete indicadores de desempenho da Atenção Primária e análise das despesas com saúdedo município de Natal. Resultados:Dos sete indicadores analisados, o município de Natal alcançou a meta em dois indicadores, referente à proporção de gestantes com pelo menos seis consultas pré-natal realizadas (46% em 2022) e com realização de exames para sífilis e HIV (67% em 2022). O município destinou à Atenção Primária, em 2022, apenas 6,33% de todas suas despesas com saúde. Destaca-se, também, que a cobertura da Atenção Primária no município é de 60%, havendo ainda um vazio assistencial para grande parte da população natalense. Conclusões:A análise de indicadores de saúde, torna-se importante ferramenta para a ação avaliativa do Sistema Único de Saúde, bem como dá suporte para a tomada de decisão por parte de gestores e equipes de saúde, além de produzir conhecimento crítico para a qualificação da Atenção Primária à Saúde (AU).

Introduction:The country adopted, with the creation of the Previne Brasil Program, a new form of financing Primary Health Care, with ministerial decree 2.979/2019, which established criteria for resource allocation, focusing on the performance and productivity of Primary Care. This model has been criticized by the academic field of Public Health and by municipal administrations, which in different situations demonstrate financial losses, mainly due to the weighted capitation component. Objective:Systematize the performance of Primary Health Care in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, based on performance indicators from the Health Information System for Primary Care, and the financing of Primary Care, based on the Information System of Public Health Budgets, between the years 2019 and 2022. Methodology:This is descriptive-exploratory research, using secondary data and systematization of the seven Primary Care performance indicators and analysis of health expenses in the city of Natal. Results: Of the seven indicators analyzed, the municipality of Natal reached the target in two indicators, referring to the proportion of pregnant women with at least six prenatal consultations carried out (46% in 2022) and with tests for syphilis and HIV (67% in 2022). In 2022, the municipality allocated only 6.33% of all its health expenses to PrimaryCare. It is also noteworthy that Primary Care coverage in the municipality is 60%, with there still being a care gap for a large part of the population of Natal. Conclusions:The analysis of health indicators becomes an important tool for the evaluative action of the Unified Health System, as well as providing support for decision-making by managers and health teams, in addition to producing critical knowledge for the qualification of Primary Health Care (AU).

Introducción: El país adoptó, con la creación del Previne Brasil, una nueva forma de financiamiento de la Atención Primaria de Salud, con el decreto ministerial 2.979/2019, que estableció criterios para la asignación de recursos, con foco en el desempeño y productividad de la Atención Primaria. Este modelo ha sido criticado por el ámbito académico de la Salud Pública y por las administraciones municipales, que en diferentes situaciones demuestran pérdidas financieras, principalmente por el componente de capitación ponderada. Objetivo: Sistematizar el desempeño de la Atención Primaria de Salud en la ciudad de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, con base en indicadores de desempeño del Sistema de Información en Salud para la Atención Primaria, y el su financiamiento, con base en el Sistema de Información Presupuestaria Pública en Salud, entre los años 2019 y 2022. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria, utilizando datos secundarios y sistematización de siete indicadores de desempeño de la Atención Básica y análisis del gasto en salud. Resultados: De los siete indicadores analizados, el municipio de Natal alcanzó la meta en dos indicadores, referidos a la proporción de gestantes con al menos seis consultas prenatales realizadas (46% en 2022) y con pruebas de sífilis y HIV (67% en 2022). En 2022, el municipio destinó sólo el 6,33% de todos sus gastos sanitarios a la Atención Primaria. También se destaca que la cobertura de Atención Primaria en el municipio es del 60%, existiendo aún brecha de atención para gran parte de la población. Conclusiones: El análisis de indicadores de salud se convierte en herramienta importante para la acción de evaluación del Sistema Único de Salud, además de brindar apoyo para la toma de decisiones de gestores y equipos de salud, además de producir conocimiento crítico para la calificación de la Atención Primaria de Salud (AU).

Primary Health Care , Health Care Rationing , Health Status Indicators , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Health Information Systems , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Health Expenditures , Decision Making , Health Resources
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 23(2): 305-314, may.-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582420


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar los seis elementos y condiciones clave de la gestión de la salud menstrual: información y educación; servicios de salud competentes y empáticos; productos de gestión menstrual; agua y sanitarios seguros e higiénicos; entornos sociales saludables; políticas públicas favorables, de estudiantes de secundarias públicas y la participación de los sectores educación y salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio mixto concurrente con estudiantes, personal educativo y de salud. Se aplicó un cuestionario cuantitativo a adolescentes de tres escuelas secundarias para indagar sobre su experiencia en la gestión de sus períodos menstruales. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a personal educativo y de salud para conocer su opinión sobre este tema y un grupo focal con alumnas de una de las escuelas. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y paramétrico de los resultados cuantitativos. Para los resultados cualitativos se realizó un análisis de la narrativa utilizando matrices para identificar categorías y códigos relevantes, los cuales sirvieron de base para organizar y sintetizar la información sobre los seis elementos y condiciones clave de la gestión de la salud menstrual. Resultados: Respondieron el cuestionario 117 estudiantes, de las cuales 15 participaron en el grupo focal. Cuatro miembros del personal educativo y seis del de salud respondieron a las entrevistas. Las principales fuentes de información sobre menstruación fueron las madres y las escuelas. Por su parte, el personal de salud reconoce limitaciones para proporcionarla. Las estudiantes reconocen ausentismo escolar y problemas ligados a falta de productos y condiciones que favorecen la gestión de la salud menstrual. El personal educativo y el de salud consideran que la colaboración intersectorial ayudaría a resolver importantes carencias. Conclusiones: La gestión de la salud menstrual no solo depende de la disponibilidad de productos de gestión menstrual. Se requiere asegurar el acceso a información de calidad y la creación de ambientes favorables mediante la acción conjunta de los sectores educación y salud. No obstante, también se requiere la colaboración de otros sectores de la sociedad para responder a una necesidad con muchas aristas.

Abstract Objective: To identify and analyze the elements and conditions of menstrual health management (information and education; health services and menstrual health management products) of public secondary schools and the participation of education and health sectors. Materials and methods: Mixed-concurrent study with female students, and education and health personnel. We applied a questionnaire to adolescents in three secondary schools to investigate about their experience regarding their management of menstrual periods. We made semistructured interviews with education and health personnel about their opinion regarding this issue and a focal group with students from one of the schools. We made a descriptive parametric analysis of the quantitative results and the qualitative results were analyzed using matrixes to identify relevant categories and codes. Results: A total of 117 students answered the questionnaire, out of which, 15 participated in the focal group. Four members of the education personnel and six of the health professionals answered the interviews. The main sources of information about menstruation were the students' mothers and schools. The health personnel recognizes limitations to provide it. The students acknowledge absenteeism at school and problems related to the lack of products and conditions that favor menstrual health management. The education and health personnel consider that intersector collaboration would help solve important deficiencies. Conclusions: Menstrual health management not only depends on the joint action of the education and health sectors; it also requires the collaboration of other sectors of society to be able to respond to a multifaceted need.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);29(8): e06532023, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569040


Resumo A presente revisão integrativa tem por objetivo identificar os arranjos de cuidado em saúde mental que foram implementados no enfrentamento à pandemia de COVID-19. Realizou-se busca em três bases de dados (SciELO, PubMed e LILACS), em português, inglês e espanhol, com os descritores "SAÚDE MENTAL" or "SALUD MENTAL" or "MENTAL HEALTH" AND "COVID-19", no período de 2020 a 2021. Foram encontrados 3.451 artigos, sendo 43 selecionados para análise. Em relação ao cuidado em saúde mental, os principais arranjos identificados foram os digitais, de natureza pública, desenvolvidos na esfera municipal e com integração com a rede de saúde. Os modelos de cuidado em saúde mental para o enfrentamento da pandemia são discutidos a partir dos tipos de arranjo produzidos nesse contexto sanitário emergencial e crítico. Apresenta-se, ainda, um recorte da realidade encontrada no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), reiterando sua resiliência. Concluiu-se que os arranjos digitais foram os mais usados e que há necessidade de investigar a acessibilidade deste modelo para populações com maior vulnerabilidade social. Reafirma-se a importância do SUS para o enfrentamento da COVID-19 e no acesso a informações de saúde.

Abstract This integrative review aims to identify the mental health care measures that were produced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted on three databases (SciELO, PubMed, and LILACS) with the following descriptors in Portuguese, English, and Spanish: "SAÚDE MENTAL" or "SALUD MENTAL" or "MENTAL HEALTH" AND "COVID-19" from 2020 to 2021. In total, 3,451 articles were found, 43 of which were analyzed. Most measures were digital, stemmed from public institutions, focused on the local perspective, and were integrated with the public health care system. This study discusses the models of care in mental health based on measures to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. It also discusses the Brazilian health care system, reiterating its resilience. In conclusion, digital measures occurred most often. This study suggest the evaluation of the accessibility of this mental health care model for most vulnerable groups. Finally, this research reinforces the importance of the Brazilian health care system for public health and access to information to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240222


Background: Medical devices are now an essential component of modern healthcare, providing better illness screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Every medical equipment has some level of health risk. Health-care professionals such as resident doctors, intern doctors, and nursing staff play an important role in identifying and reporting adverse events caused by medical devices. Aim and Objective: The study aimed to evaluate Healthcare professionals’ awareness, attitudes and practices concerning Materiovigilance within a tertiary care hospital setting. Materials and Methods: This was a cross- sectional questionnaire-based study done among resident doctors, intern doctors, and nursing staff of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. To collect the relevant data of the study variable, a self-administered Google Form-based questionnaire was created. It consists of a total of 18 questions related to KAP aspects of the Materiovigilance. The study participants were given access to the questionnaire via a digital web link using several social media platforms, and their responses were collected. Results: A total of 147 participants responded, of which 40.1% were resident doctors, 29.9% were intern doctors, and 29.9% were nursing staff. After analysis of responded data, 50% had proper Knowledge, 77.5% had proper Attitude, and 37.4% had a proper practice of materiovigilance. Conclusion: It was discovered that the participants in our study lacked adequate Materiovigilance knowledge and practice, but had better attitudes toward Materiovigilance. For the purpose of raising awareness and encouraging the reporting of adverse events caused by medical devices, more workshops and training programs must be held.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(2)ago. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575212


Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), also known as nosocomial infections or hospital-acquired infections, begin within 48 hours of hospitalization, within 30 days after hospital discharge, or 90 days after undergoing surgical procedures. Objective: The study aimed to describe the compliance with the five moments for hand hygiene (HH) of the healthcare workers (HCWs) in a hospital. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted from June 1 to 30,2020 in a pediatric hospital. HCWs compliance with the five moments of HH was registered by direct observation blindly to the participants, using the fact sheet for HH of the WHO. In the rows, the five moments of contact with the patients were recorded: before touching a patient, before clean aseptic procedure, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching a patient and after touching patient surroundings. The actions performed, also was registered: hand washing, alcohol hand friction, omission, or use of gloves. Data were analyzed in SPSS V 21. The protocol was approved by the institutional review board. Results: During the study period, 2.595 observations to 104 HCWs were made. They were pediatric residents 38.5 %, nurses 32.7 % and pediatricians 28.8 %. A global compliance with the five moments of HH of the participants were 64.5% (1673/2595). Before touching a patient, the adherence was 86,9%. The nurses adhered in 69%, pediatrician in 68.6 % and the pediatric residents in 57.2%. Discussion: The global percentage of compliance with the five moments of HH of the medical and nursing staff of the pediatric hospital was 64.5%. Nurses had the highest percentage of adherence. Handwashing compliance was higher before contact with the patients.

Introducción: Las infecciones asociadas a la atención médica (IAAS), también conocidas como infecciones nosocomiales o infecciones adquiridas en el hospital, comienzan dentro de las 48 horas posteriores a la hospitalización, dentro de los 30 días posteriores al alta hospitalaria o 90 días después de someterse a procedimientos quirúrgicos. Objetivo: El estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el cumplimiento con los cinco momentos para la higiene de manos (HH) de los trabajadores de la salud (TDS) en un hospital. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional prospectivo del 1 al 30 de junio de 2020 en un hospital pediátrico. La adherencia de los TDS con los cinco momentos de HH fue registrada por observación directa de manera ciega a los participantes, utilizando la hoja informativa para HH de la OMS. En las filas se registraron los cinco momentos de contacto con los pacientes: antes de tocar a un paciente, antes de un procedimiento aséptico limpio, después de exponerse a fluidos corporales, después de tocar a un paciente y después de tocar el entorno del paciente. También se registraron las acciones realizadas: lavado de manos, fricción con alcohol en gel, omisión o uso de guantes. Los datos fueron analizados en SPSS V 21. El protocolo fue aprobado por el comité de ética institucional. Resultados: Durante el período de estudio, se realizaron 2,595 observaciones a 104 TDS. Eran residentes pediátricos en un 38.5%, enfermeras en un 32.7% y pediatras en un 28.8%. La adherencia global a los cinco momentos de HH de los participantes fue del 64.5% (1673/2595). Antes de tocar a un paciente, la adherencia fue del 86.9%. Las enfermeras se adhirieron en un 69%, los pediatras en un 68.6% y los residentes pediátricos en un 57.2%. Discusión: El porcentaje global de cumplimiento con los cinco momentos de HH del personal médico y de enfermería del hospital pediátrico fue del 64.5%. Las enfermeras tuvieron el mayor porcentaje de adherencia. El cumplimiento del lavado de manos fue mayor antes del contacto con los pacientes.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(4): 605-618, ago. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575254


Resumen Introducción : El objetivo del estudio fue describir la prevalencia del reporte de síndrome post-COVID-19 y sus características según género, profesión y otros de terminantes sociales, en personal de salud. Métodos : Se realizó un estudio de corte transver sal en profesionales de salud con antecedentes de COVID-19 en América Latina, y para este análisis se seleccionaron las 2030 respuestas de Argentina. Se recolectaron datos sociodemográficos, información sobre el curso inicial de la enfermedad COVID-19, y persistencia de 21 síntomas más allá del primer mes, su gravedad, evolución clínica y requerimiento de ser vicios de salud. Resultados : Se identificó que la prevalencia re portada de síndrome post-COVID-19 fue mayor en mujeres para cada uno de los grupos de síntomas explorados. La gravedad del cuadro inicial, el género femenino, la profesión de enfermería, el multiempleo y trabajar en áreas de emergencia fueron variables independientes. Discusión : La mayor sobrecarga del personal de sa lud durante la pandemia -altamente feminizado- y las determinaciones de género asociadas podrían explicar parcialmente estos hallazgos.

Abstract Introduction : This study aimed to describe the re ported prevalence of post-COVID-19 syndrome and its characteristics by gender, profession, and other deter minants among health care workers. Methods : A cross-sectional study was conducted among health workers with a history of COVID-19 in Latin America, and the 2030 responses from Argentina were selected for this analysis. Sociodemographic infor mation, as well as data on initial course of COVID-19, and the persistence of 21 symptoms beyond the first month, their severity, clinical evolution, and health care demands were collected. Results : The reported prevalence of post-COVID-19 syndrome was higher in women for each of the symptom clusters studied. Severity of the initial symptoms, female gender, nursing profession, multi-employment, and work ing in emergency areas were all independent variables. Discussion : The greater strain of health care workers during the pandemic -highly feminized- and the as sociated gender conditions may partially explain these findings.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242068


Background: Antimicrobial Resistance is a major concern. The rising trend has created a nuisance affecting the global economy and sustainable development Goals. Data about antimicrobial resistance therefore might help in knowing the trends and acting. Critical care patients are prone to develop nosocomial infections. A brief knowledge about this would help in the judicious use of antibiotics. This multicentric study was undertaken to understand the trends in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance pattern, Multidrug Resistance (MDR)/ Extensive Drug Resistance (XDR)/Pan-drug Resistance (PDR), among GNB isolates from respiratory, urinary, and bloodstream samples from Indian ICUs. Methods: This is a retrospective study done in 16 Indian adult intensive care units (ICUs). The sensitivity pattern of defined GNB isolates against defined antibiotics was analyzed. Results: A total of 20,874 isolates of A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, and E. coli from the included samples were obtained A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa species showed a higher prevalence of XDR than MDR whereas K. pneumonia detected MDR. Among all the GNBs in this study, A. baumannii was the most carbapenem-resistant organism (XDR) and K. pneumoniae demonstrated the highest percentage of PDR strains both being higher in the respiratory and bloodstream isolates than that in the urinary isolates. Conclusion: This study shows high Prevalence of MDR/XDR GNB is high in Indian ICUs. Using the right antibiotic or introducing various strategies along with infection control measures can help in reducing antimicrobial resistance.

J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2024 Jul; 42(3): 167-175
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238922


Introduction/Background: Oral health care for children with special health-care needs (CSHCN) is often overlooked despite a substantial global population with disabilities or special needs. This scoping review delves into the challenges dentists face in delivering oral health care to CSHCN. Methodology: The scoping review was conducted as per the guidelines of PRISMA-ScR with a search strategy based on the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO) framework of the research question. The databases searched were PUBMED, Google Scholar, and EBSCOhost. Articles published within 20 years and in the English language were included in the study. Results: The review included 20 studies and highlighted several significant barriers encountered by dentists when providing oral health care for CSHCN. They included inadequate training among dentists in managing special needs patients, the time-intensive nature of oral procedures for this population, and the unpredictable behaviors exhibited by CSHCN during dental visits. Conclusion: The findings underscore the crucial need to address the challenges dentists face in delivering oral health care to CSHCN.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238022


Nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp) provides a promising prospect in the field of healthcare owing to its biocompatibility and resemblance to the mineral composition of genuine bone. Nevertheless, there are still obstacles to overcome in order to convert its potential into practical applications. An important challenge is to develop scalable and reproducible synthesis methods that guarantee constant quality of nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp). Ensuring precise control over particle size, shape, and purity is of utmost importance, as these parameters have a direct influence on the biocompatibility and effectiveness. Furthermore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the long-term stability and degradation rates in living organisms in order to ensure proper absorption of materials and minimize the risk of toxicity. Notwithstanding these difficulties, nHAp exhibits great potential. The capacity to function as a precise drug delivery system, namely for the treatment of bone disorders and cancer, is a highly intriguing field of study. Moreover, scaffolds built on nHAp exhibit promise in the field of bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. By integrating antibacterial compounds or altering the surface features of nHAp, there are possibilities for addressing infections and inflammation. Maximizing the complete capabilities of nHAp requires continuous research, namely in the areas of scalable synthesis, toxicity assessment, and clinical application. Successfully overcoming these obstacles will clear the path for nHAp to completely transform the healthcare industry and contribute to a new age of patient care.