Arterial hypertension affects approximately a billion people worldwide and approximately 30 % of them remain undiagnosed.1% - 2% of known hypertensive patients will have hypertensive emergency at some time in their life Though hypertensive crisis contributes one fourth of all emergency visits and trend is increasing in last few years still there is lack of data over the actual incidence of hypertensive crisis The present study aims to know the incidence and clinical presentation of the hypertensive crisis ( hypertensive emergency and urgency ) in a tertiary hospital and will help us to know the incidence and pattern of clinical presentation with respect to different aspects. This is a prospective Methods; observational study of 100 cases of hypertensive crisis (hypertensive emergency and hypertensive urgency) presenting to the emergency department. Study conduct during 2016 to 2018. The incidence of hypertensive crisis was found to be Results; 20%.Most of the patients were belonged to the 5th and 6th decades of life and Male patients were more than female patients Majority of the patients were known hypertensives for 6 to 10 years and 22% of the known hypertensive patients has discontinued their anti hypertensive medications Cardiovascular symptoms in the form of dyspnoea & chest pain were the most common accompanying symptoms Acute coronary syndrome was the most common clinical manifestation followed by neurological de?cit. As the trend of hypertensive crisis is increasing efforts should be made to reduce the Conclusion; occurrence of hypertension Preventive measures should be taken in the form of community education for dietary modi?cation and routine exercise Routine blood pressure check ups compliance to the anti hypertensive treatment and control of associated comorbidities is essential to reduce the risk of hypertensive crisis.
Hypertensive crises is still a major public health problem, causing end organ damage like myocardial infarction, stroke, and renal failure. Labetalol and nitroglycerine are among the two most commonly used medicine to control the blood pressure, but there is no head to head comparison between these two medicines. This was a prospective randomized non-blinded study which included 50 patients of hypertensive crises, out which 25 patients received intravenous labetalol and 25 patients received intravenous nitroglycerine. We found that labetalol controlled the blood pressure more rapidly in comparison to nitroglycerine, without causing any extra side effect
Introducción: La hipertensión arterial constituye un problema de salud, tanto a nivel mundial como en Cuba, por las complicaciones e implicaciones que tiene en la morbilidad de la población mayor de 15 años. Una mayor y mejor asistencia sanitaria no consiste tan solo en la práctica de costosos tratamientos, sino ante todo en educar, sanitariamente, a la población en la utilización de los recursos de la naturaleza, así como en el empleo de técnicas y la búsqueda de terapias menos invasivas y sin efectos secundarios. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento acupuntural en la urgencia hipertensiva. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental en el Policlínico Fray Benito, municipio Rafael Freyre, en el período comprendido enero de 2019 y mayo de 2020. El universo lo conformaron todos los pacientes que acudieron al cuerpo de guardia de dicho policlínico, remitidos del consultorio médico de familia con diagnóstico de urgencia hipertensiva. La muestra de estudio se escogió de forma aleatoria y quedó constituida por aquellos pacientes con diagnóstico de urgencia hipertensiva, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y los criterios de exclusión. Las principales variables utilizadas fueron edad, sexo, resultados del tratamiento, presencia de reacciones adversas o no. Conclusiones: Se demostró la efectividad del tratamiento acupuntural en la urgencia hipertensiva en el Policlínico Fray Benito(AU)
Introduction: Hypertension constitutes a health problem, both worldwide and in Cuba, due to the complications and implications it has on the morbidity of the population over 15 years of age. More and better health care does not consist only in the practice of expensive treatments, but above all in educating the population in health, in the use of natural resources, as well as in the use of techniques and the search for less invasive therapies and without side effects. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergency. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out at Fray Benito Community Clinic, Rafael Freyre municipality, from January 2019 to May 2020. The universe was made up of all the patients who attended the emergency room of said polyclinic, referred from their family doctor's office with emergency hypertensive diagnosis. The study sample was chosen randomly with those patients with a hypertensive emergency diagnosis, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main variables used were age, sex, treatment results, presence of adverse reactions or not. Conclusions: The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergencies was demonstrated at Fray Benito Community Clinic(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Acupuncture/methods , Hypertension/epidemiology , Medicine, Traditional/methods , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as TopicABSTRACT
Introducción: La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es definida por algunos como una enfermedad, aunque también se la considera como factor de riesgo cardiovascular. Hoy conocemos como las enfermedades cardiovasculares dependen más de la influencia simultánea de varios factores de riesgo que de la acción aislada de uno de ellos. Por ello, toda actividad preventiva en este campo, debe ser multifactorial y dirigida en diversos sentidos. Desarrollo: Cuando la HTA no es controlada se triplica la probabilidad de accidente cerebrovascular e insuficiencia cardiaca, con menor incidencia de enfermedad coronaria y arterial periférica. El propio aumento de la masa del ventrículo izquierdo, así como los cambios estructurales que tienen lugar a nivel del miocardio y de los vasos coronarios pueden desencadenar episodios de cardiopatía isquémica. El remodelado intersticial y el aumento de la masa del ventrículo izquierdo son factores predisponentes a la aparición de arritmias ventriculares y muerte súbita. Es importante evaluar y tratar a los pacientes recién diagnosticados con HTA con medicamentos adecuados y seguimiento para prevenir la progresión de la hipertensión no controlada a crisis hipertensivas, es decir, urgencia o emergencia hipertensiva. Conclusiones: El reconocimiento inmediato de una emergencia hipertensiva con las pruebas de diagnóstico apropiadas conducirá a una reducción adecuada de la presión arterial, aliviando la incidencia de consecuencias negativas a los órganos diana. El tratamiento adecuado ayudará a aliviar la progresión de la enfermedad y mejorar los resultados a largo plazo.
Introduction: Hypertension (HT) is defined by some as a disease, although it is also considered a cardiovascular risk factor. Today we know cardiovascular diseases depend more on the simultaneous influence of several risk factors than on the isolated action of one of them. Therefore, all preventive activity in this field must be multifactorial and directed in various ways. Developing: When HT is not controlled, the probability of stroke and heart failure, with a lower incidence of coronary and peripheral arterial disease triples. The increase in left ventricular mass itself, as well as, the structural changes that occur at the level of myocardium and coronary vessels, can trigger episodes of ischemic heart diseases. Interstitial remodeling and increased left ventricular mass are predisposing factors to the appearance of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. It is important to evaluate and treat newly diagnosed patients with HT with recommended medications and follow-up to prevent the progression of uncontrolled HT to hypertensive crises, that is, urgency or emergency hypertension. Conclusion: The immediate recognition of a hypertensive emergency with the affected diagnostic tests will lead to an adequate reduction of blood pressure, alleviating the incidence of negative consequences to the target organs. Proper treatment helps to decrease the progression of the disease and improves long-term outcomes.
Hypertensive urgency is sometimes repeated and difficult to treat with anti-hypertensive agents or anxiolytics. There were few reports on treatment of hypertensive urgency with Kampo medicine. We experienced five cases of frequent hypertensive urgency, successfully treated with shichimotsukokato only. All cases had deficiency pattern and symptoms of blood deficiency. It took relatively short term to stabilize blood pressure after taking shichimotsukokato, and the efficacy of this drug had been continued. Shichimotsukokato can attribute to rapid and continuous stabilization of blood pressure for frequent hypertensive urgency of those who have deficiency pattern and blood deficiency.
Background: Hypertensive crisis is a severe clinical condition in which sudden increase in arterial blood pressure can lead to acute vascular damage of vital organs. So timely detection, evaluation and adequate treatment are crucial to prevent permanent damage to vital organs. The aim of the present study is to evaluate incidence and clinical presentation of hypertensive crisis in relation to age, sex, severity of hypertension, accompanying symptoms and clinical manifestations.Methods: It is a clinical prospective study done during the period between January to June 2018 at Narayana Medical College, Nellore. All patients who were more than 18 years with blood pressure>180/120 mmHg to the emergency, outpatients, and inpatients were included. A thorough History and clinical examination was done and necessary investigation was sent to the laboratory.Results: The study results indicate that males (64%) were significantly over represented compared to females (36%). Out of 50 patients majority of the subjects belonged to age group of 50-59 years. Out of 50 Patients most common symptom is Headache (48%), Vomiting (48%), Giddiness (38%), Dyspnoea (22%), Loss of consciousness (22%) followed by chest pain (20%), Blurring of vision (20%) and weakness of limbs (14%). Most of the individuals are in the hypertensive emergency (66%) followed by Hypertensive urgency (34%). Out of 50 patients 56% had neurological involvement and 44% had cardiological involvement. Our study states that most of cases were in grade 1retinopathy (8%) followed in order by grade 4 retinopathy (8%), grade 2 retinopathy (6%) and grade 3 retinopathy (6%).Conclusions: The present study concludes that majority of patients present presenting in hypertensive emergency belonged to fifth and sixth decades of age. So, treating physician should rapidly assess the differentiation of hypertensive emergency and hypertensive urgency in order to prevent end organ damage and to prevent further morbidity and mortality.
La urgencia hipertensiva (UH) es una situación muy frecuente que asusta tanto a los pacientes como a sus familiares y al personal de salud y representa aproximadamente el 30% de las consultas no programadas (o de urgencia). En el presente artículo, los autores se hacen eco de publicaciones recientes y proponen dejar de utilizar el término urgencia hipertensiva para describir las situaciones de elevación de la presión arterial por encima de una tensión arterial sistólica ≥ 180 mmHg y/o una tensión arterial diastólica (TAD) ≥ 110 mmHg, sin asociación con daño de órgano blanco (con o sin sintomatología inespecífica concurrente), ya que los pacientes con este cuadro no corren riesgo inminente, no requieren atención médica de urgencia y, por lo tanto, deberían enmarcarse dentro de los cuidados habituales de los pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular y riesgo cardiovascular global elevado. Esto implica no solo un cambio semántico, sino un desafío en el abordaje y manejo de estas situaciones tan frecuentes. (AU)
Hypertensive urgency (UH) is a very frequent clinical situation that scares patients, their families as well as health care provid-ers and represents approximately 30% of the non-scheduled (or urgent) visits. In the present article, taking into account recent publications, the authors propose to stop using the term hypertensive urgency to describe situations of elevated blood pressure above systolic blood pressure ≥ 180 mmHg and / or diastolic blood pressure ( TAD) ≥ 110 mmHg, without end organ dam-age (with or without concurrent non-specific symptomatology), since patients with this condition are not at imminent risk, do not require urgent medical attention and should therefore be framed within usual care of patients with cardiovascular risk factors and high overall cardiovascular risk. This implies not only a semantic change, but a challenge in the approach and management of these frequent situations. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Disease Management , Hypertension/classification , Signs and Symptoms , Cardiovascular Diseases/classification , Health Education/trends , Patient Education as Topic , Risk Factors , Emergencies/classification , Arterial Pressure , Health Promotion/trends , Hypertension/prevention & control , Hypertension/drug therapy , Antihypertensive Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Crise hipertensiva é uma situação clínica comum, caracterizada por elevação sintomática da pressão arterial. Apresenta alta taxa de morbidade e mortalidade e é classificada como emergência e urgência hipertensiva. O quadro clínico de emergência hipertensiva difere do quadro de urgência por apresentar risco de morte iminente decorrente de lesão em órgãos-alvo instalada ou em evolução, em particular no coração, cérebro, rins e artérias. Essa condição requer uma abordagem clínica criteriosa, que permita o diagnóstico rápido e correto do órgão-alvo envolvido.
Hypertensive crisis is a common clinical situation characterized by symptomatic rise of the blood pressure, it presents high rate of morbidity and mortality, and it is classified in hypertensive emergency and urgency. The clinical picture of hypertensive emergency differs from that of hypertensive urgency by presenting an imminent death risk due to established or developing damage in target-organs, especially heart, brain, kidneys and arteries. This condition requires a sensible clinical approach that allows a correct and fast diagnosis of the compromised target-organ.