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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 24-33, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553292


Os dentistas são um grupo de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças de desordens musculoesqueléticas e tendo em vista que o sistema de produção industrial desenvolve produtos que atendem a maioria da população destra, os estudantes canhotos precisam se adequar a uma formação acadêmica, usando instrumentais, cadeiras odontológicas eoutros objetos projetados para destros. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a coletade informações sobre os canhotos nos cursos de Odontologia da cidade de Uberlândia ­Minas Gerais. Foram incluídos todos os alunos canhotos matriculados no ano de 2022 e que estavam cursando ou já cursaram disciplinas com atividades laboratoriais ou clínicas. Questionários foram aplicados para identificação do perfil, das dificuldades, da ergonomia e das dores osteomusculares dos alunos canhotos em suas atividades. Os dados foram em seguida tabulados e passaram por análise estatística. Da quantidade total de alunos das três instituições (n=1.578), foram entrevistados 45 (2,8%) alunos canhotos, sendo a maioria feminina (80%), na qual identificou-se um posicionamento inadequado do operador canhoto quando comparado ao preconizado pela ISO-FDI, além da limitação de movimento na presença de auxiliar (82,2%). Os locais com maior frequência de dor/desconforto foram: pescoço (79%), costas superior esquerda (63%) e inferior esquerda (61%) e punhos/ mãos esquerda (56%). A intensidade da dor variou entre alguma, moderada e bastante. O impedimento de realizar atividades diárias foi relatado por 17% dos alunos (n=7) e destes somente 1 buscou atendimento médico. Não houve diferença estatística na comparação entre instituição pública e privada. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que os canhotos representam minoria dos alunos de Odontologia e apresentam várias regiões de dor/ desconforto devido às adaptações e posturas erradas durante os atendimentos. Apesar de grande parte apresentar dor, poucos tiveram impedimento de atividades rotineiras ou procuraram ajuda médica(AU)

Dentists are a high risk group for the development of musculoskeletal disorders and considering that the industrial production system develops products that serve the majority of the right-handed population, lefthanded students need to adapt to an academic training, using instruments, dental chairs and other objects designed for right-handers. This study aimed to collect information about left-handers in Dentistry courses in the city of Uberlândia - Minas Gerais. All left- handed students enrolled in the year 2022 and who were taking or had taken courses with laboratory or clinical activities were included. Questionnaires were applied to identify the profile, difficulties, ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain of left-handed students in their activities. The data were tabulated and then undergo statistical analysis. Of the total number of students from the three institutions (n=1,578), 45 (2.8%) left-handed students were interviewed, the majority being female (80%), in which an inadequate positioning of the left-handed operator was identified when compared to the recommended one by ISO-FDI, in addition to limitation of movement in the presence of an assistant (82.2%). The places with the highest frequency of pain/discomfort were: neck (79%), upper left back (63%) and lower left back (61%) and left wrists/hands (56%). The intensity of pain varied between some, moderate and a lot. The impediment to carrying out daily activities was reported by 17% of the students (n=7) and of these, only 1 sought medical attention. There was no statistical difference when comparing public and private institutions. In view of the results, it was concluded that left-handers represent a minority of dentistry students and have several regions of pain/discomfort due to adaptations and wrong postures during consultations. Although most of them had pain, few were prevented from performing routine activities or sought medical help(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Functional Laterality , Back
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564926


En la Educación Física la lateralidad motriz se debe desarrollar a temprana edad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar de manera integral la lateralidad de estudiantes de décimo año en la clase de Educación Física, a partir de sus necesidades y percepciones, para el diseño de actividades recreativas inclusivas que aborden trastornos de lateralidad. El estudio fue de tipo explicativo y corte transversal con un enfoque mixto y se desarrolló en ocho instituciones educativas particulares de la ciudad de Quito. Se seleccionaron 14 docentes para la entrevista y se evaluaron, con el test validado de Harris, a 688 estudiantes de décimo año, se identificó a 40 de ellos con trastorno de lateralidad, y se les aplicó una encuesta, con lo que se pudo diseñar una propuesta de intervención de actividades recreativas inclusivas que aborden este trastorno. Los datos se analizaron en Excel, luego de haber aplicado una escala de Likert en la encuesta, para comprender las experiencias, percepciones y adaptaciones en profundidad. Esta investigación arroja luz sobre la importancia de considerar la lateralidad en el diseño de actividades recreativas inclusivas, además se evidenció que la adaptación curricular y la personalización son claves para atender las necesidades específicas de estos estudiantes.

Na Educação Física a lateralidade motora deve ser desenvolvida desde cedo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar de forma abrangente a lateralidade dos alunos do décimo ano das aulas de Educação Física, a partir de suas necessidades e percepções, para o desenho de atividades lúdicas inclusivas que abordem os transtornos de lateralidade. O estudo foi explicativo e transversal com abordagem mista e foi desenvolvido em oito instituições de ensino privadas da cidade de Quito. Foram selecionados 14 professores para a entrevista e 688 alunos do décimo ano foram avaliados com o teste de Harris validado, 40 deles foram identificados com transtorno de lateralidade, e foi aplicado um questionário a eles, para que fosse apresentada uma proposta de intervenção para atividades lúdicas inclusivas que abordassem esse assunto; transtorno. Os dados foram analisados ​​em Excel, após aplicação de escala Likert na pesquisa, para compreender em profundidade as experiências, percepções e adaptações. Esta pesquisa esclarece a importância de considerar a lateralidade na concepção de atividades recreativas inclusivas. Também mostrou que a adaptação curricular e a personalização são fundamentais para atender às necessidades específicas desses alunos.

In Physical Education, motor laterality must be developed at an early age. The objective of this research was to comprehensively analyze the laterality of tenth-year students in Physical Education class, based on their needs and perceptions, for the design of inclusive recreational activities that address laterality disorders. The study was explanatory and cross-sectional with a mixed approach and was developed in eight private educational institutions in the city of Quito. 14 teachers were selected for the interview and 688 tenth-grade students were evaluated with the validated Harris test; 40 of them were identified with laterality disorder, and a survey was applied to them, so that an intervention proposal for inclusive recreational activities that address this disorder. The data was analyzed in Excel, after having applied a Likert scale in the survey, to understand the experiences, perceptions and adaptations in depth. This research sheds light on the importance of considering laterality in the design of inclusive recreational activities. It also showed that curricular adaptation and personalization are key to addressing the specific needs of these students.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 773-778, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564626


SUMMARY: The dorsal interosseous muscles (DIM) are intrinsic muscles of the hand located dorsally between metacarpal bones, which play a role in finger abduction. Anatomical variations of these muscles in terms of form and length have been well documented, but variations regarding sex and laterality are underexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology and morphometry of the DIM of the hand regarding sexual dimorphism and laterality. Twenty human cadavers belonging to the white individuals (n = 40 hands) with known sex and laterality were used for this study. DIMs were dissected and observed for morphology. Also, a digital calliper was used to measure the midpoint length of the DIM. The origin and insertion of all the DIM were normal with the left hand having no additional, supernumerary, and absent muscles in each compartment. The variations were only found on the right side and predominant in females: 2 out of 11 (18.18%) hands containing a space with a supernumerary muscle; 1 out of 11 (9.09%) hands having a space with a double muscle; and 1 out of 11 (9.09%) hands having a compartment with a unipennate muscle. In males, 1 out of 9 (11.11%) hands had a compartment with a supernumerary muscle. The mean midpoint length of each muscle in females and males in both hands from the first to the fourth muscle, respectively, was documented. In females on the left: 46.79 ± 3.56; 42.62 ± 3.57; 49.02 ± 4.21; 41.66 ± 2.15 and right: 47.30 ± 2.49; 39.27 ± 4.14; 45.69 ± 4.64; 38.12 ± 4.08. In males, it was on the left: 50.01 ± 3.95; 41.98 ± 3.79; 47.90 ± 4.83; 41.79 ± 4.25, and on the right: 46.65 ± 2.09; 39.01 ± 4.25; 47.47 ± 3.41; 38.31 ± 4.40. The mean midpoint length of the DIM was relatively higher on the left hand compared to the right hand in both females and males. In this study, variations regarding the supernumerary muscle, double interosseous space, and unipennate muscles were only observed on the right-hand side and predominantly in females, an insight that may guide in the treatment of fractures, stiffness of the hand, and compartment syndromes.

Los músculos interóseos dorsales (DIM) son músculos intrínsecos de la mano ubicados dorsalmente entre los huesos metacarpianos, que desempeñan un papel en la abducción de los dedos. Las variaciones anatómicas de estos músculos en términos de forma y longitud están bien documentadas, pero las variaciones con respecto al sexo y la lateralidad están poco exploradas. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la morfología y morfometría de los DIM de la mano con respecto al dimorfismo sexual y la lateralidad. Para este estudio se utilizaron veinte cadáveres humanos pertenecientes a individuos blancos (n = 40 manos) con sexo y lateralidad conocidos. Los DIM se diseccionaron y observaron para determinar su morfología. Además, se utilizó un calibrador digital para medir la longitud del punto medio del DIM. El origen y la inserción de todos los DIM fueron normales y la mano izquierda no tenía músculos adicionales, supernumerarios y ausentes en cada compartimento. Las variaciones se encontraron sólo en el lado derecho y predominaron en el sexo femenino: 2 de 11 (18,18%) manos contenían un espacio con un músculo supernumerario; 1 de cada 11 (9,09%) manos presentando un espacio con doble músculo; y 1 de cada 11 (9,09%) manos presentaba un compartimento con músculo unipenate. En los hombres, 1 de cada 9 (11.11%) manos tenía un compartimento con un músculo supernumerario. Se documentó la longitud media del punto medio de cada músculo en mujeres y hombres en ambas manos desde el primer al cuarto músculo, respectivamente. En mujeres de izquierda: 46,79 ± 3,56; 42,62 ± 3,57; 49,02 ± 4,21; 41,66 ± 2,15 y derecha: 47,30 ± 2,49; 39,27 ± 4,14; 45,69 ± 4,64; 38,12 ± 4,08. En los varones fue hacia la izquierda: 50,01 ± 3,95; 41,98 ± 3,79; 47,90 ± 4,83; 41,79 ± 4,25, y a la derecha: 46,65 ± 2,09; 39,01 ± 4,25; 47,47 ± 3,41; 38,31 ± 4,40. La longitud media del punto medio del DIM fue relativamente mayor en la mano izquierda en comparación con la derecha tanto en mujeres como en hombres. En este estudio, las variaciones con respecto al músculo supernumerario, el doble espacio interóseo y los músculos unipennados sólo se observaron en el lado derecho y predominantemente en el sexo femenino, un conocimiento que puede guiar en el tratamiento de fracturas, rigidez de la mano y síndromes compartimentales.

Humans , Male , Female , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology , Hand/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Sex Characteristics , Anatomic Variation , Functional Laterality
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240951


Introduction: According to WHO, Stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death and disability after Ischemic heart disease. Prevalence rate of stroke in India varies from 44.45 to 150 per lakh population. Studies have reported a higher frequency of stroke of the left hemisphere. The artery reported to be the most affected is Left Middle Cerebral artery(MCA) followed by Right Middle Cerebral artery. The aim of this study is to determine the side of cerebral hemisphere most affected by stroke and the arterial territories involved in high?risk patients aged above 35 years presenting to the tertiary healthcare centre, as well as to study the sex predilection of stroke. Materials and Methods: A cross?sectional prospective study of 50 high risk stroke patients with Diabetes Mellitus(DM) and /or Hypertension(HTN) presenting to General medicine OPD of a tertiary healthcare centre were investigated with CT/MRI for the side of the cerebral hemisphere affected and the arterial territories involved. The data was tabulated over the course of three months and statistical analysis was carried out. Results: The left cerebral hemisphere was affected in 50%, right in 40% and bilateral involvement was found in 10% patients. Slight predilection of stroke towards the left was seen, however it was not found to be statistically significant (P?value= 0.249). MCA territory was involved in 66% of the patients, Posterior Cerebral Artery(PCA) territory in 8%, Vertebrobasilar Artery(VB) territory in 8%, Anterior Cerebral Artery(ACA) territory in 6% and MCA+ACA in 4%, MCA+VB in 2% and MCA?PCA watershed in 6% patients. Conclusions: We found a slight predilection of stroke towards the left, which was however, not found to be statistically significant.We also found that Middle Cerebral Artery(MCA) territory is the most commonly involved in stroke.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020774


Objective To explore the risk factors of depression and anxiety in adult patients with epilepsy and their relationship with quality of life.Methods From May 2022 to January 2023,patients diagnosed with epilepsy(aged≥18 years)in the department of neurology of our hospital were collected.General demographic data and disease-related information were recorded.Quality of life,depression and anxiety scales were measured in all patients.SPSS26.0 software was used for multiple linear regression analysis,multiple ordered Logistic regression analysis,rank sum test,Pearson correlation analysis,etc.Results Among the 111 patients,49.5%had depression and 43.2%had anxiety.Depression score and anxiety score were correlated with attack type,attack frequency,quality of life and right temporal lobe,and there was a significant negative correlation between life quality score and anxiety and depression score(P<0.01).Seizure frequency,seizure type and right temporal lobe were common risk factors for depression and anxiety in patients with epilepsy(P<0.05).Conclusion Epileptic depression and anxiety were affected by seizure frequency and seizure type,and this bad mood further affected the quality of life of patients.No clear link has been found between the lateralization of seizures and the presence of depression and anxiety states,and further research is needed.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448880


El insuficiente estudio de los patrones de lateralidad en el deporte limita el diagnóstico del tipo de motricidad y obstaculiza notablemente los procesos de planificación del entrenamiento, desde las individualidades de los futbolistas, para buscar el rendimiento óptimo. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar los patrones de lateralidad predominantes en futbolistas masculinos del equipo Habana, categoría juvenil. Se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo que aplicó métodos de carácter teórico, empírico (entrevistas y encuestas), y estadístico-matemático (por medio de hojas de cálculo de Excel). Fueron aplicados seistest (Ojo director, Mano directora, Lateralidad de cadera, Lateralidad de hombro, Pierna dinámica y Pie director), con instrumentos internacionales contextualizados y avalados en investigaciones especializadas para su uso en Cuba. La heterogeneidad de la muestra mostró la tendencia genérica en el comportamiento preferencial de los futbolistas estudiados.

O estudo insuficiente dos padrões de lateralidade no esporte limita o diagnóstico do tipo de motricidade e dificulta significativamente os processos de planejamento do treinamento, a partir das individualidades dos jogadores de futebol, a fim de buscar um desempenho ideal. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar os padrões predominantes de lateralidade em jogadores de futebol masculino da equipe Habana, categoria juvenil. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório e descritivo com métodos teóricos, empíricos (entrevistas e pesquisas) e estatístico-matemáticos (por meio de planilhas do Excel). Foram aplicados seis testes (Olho Direcionado, Mão Direcionada, Lateralidade do Quadril, Lateralidade do Ombro, Perna Dinâmica e Pé Direcionado), com instrumentos internacionais contextualizados e aprovados em pesquisas especializadas para uso em Cuba. A heterogeneidade da amostra mostrou a tendência genérica no comportamento preferencial dos jogadores de futebol estudados.

The insufficient study of laterality patterns in sport limits the diagnosis of the type of motor skills and significantly hinders the training planning processes, from the individualities of the soccer players, to seek optimal performance. The objective of the study was to characterize the predominant laterality patterns in male soccer players of the Havana team, youth category. An exploratory and descriptive study was developed that applied theoretical, empirical (interviews and surveys), and statistical-mathematical methods (using Excel spreadsheets). Six tests were applied (Directing eye, Directing hand, Laterality of the hip, Laterality of the shoulder, Dynamic leg and Directing foot), with contextualized international instruments and endorsed by specialized research for their use in Cuba. The heterogeneity of the sample showed the generic trend in the preferential behavior of the soccer players studied.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232056


Background: Pre-eclampsia is a complex condition associated with maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Various screening tests have been proposed for the prediction of pre-eclampsia with varying results. Non-invasive doppler velocimetry studies of uterine arteries in second trimester with abnormal forms can predict the occurrence of pre-eclampsia. This abnormal wave forms indicate defective uterine perfusion and is consequence of placental implantation laterally. The objective of this study was to correlate placental laterality and uterine artery doppler in pre-eclampsia.Methods: It was prospective study from November 2019 to March 2021 at M S Ramaiah medical college and hospitals, Bangalore.Results: In the present study, preeclampsia was seen in 36.5 % with lateral location of placenta, 19.3% with posterior location of placenta and 15.9% with anterior location of placenta. This was statistically significant with p<0.001. Uterine artery doppler, the pulsatality index (PI) was <95th centile in 88.1% and 11.9% had >95th centile The subjects with PI >95th centile, 65.5% developed preeclampsia and <95th centile, 13.1% developed pre-eclampsia. This was statistically significant. In this study, with PI at 1.68, the sensitivity was 53.19%, specificity was 92.86%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 64.1% and negative predictive value (NPV) was 89.2%.Conclusions: USG is a simple, non-invasive, easy to perform and cost-effective method to locate the placenta. Every attempt should be made to do Uterine artery doppler at the same sitting. Both these are non-invasive and can predict the occurrence of pre-eclampsia. These patients can be managed as high risk and monitored more carefully. Surveillance will help in decreasing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 22-27, jan.-abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427850


Os indivíduos canhotos necessitam de utensílios para concretização de suas atividades diárias, bem como, para o exercício da prática odontológica onde a escassez de equipamentos específicos pode refletir em desgaste corporal, com isso, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar os estudantes canhotos do curso de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia além de identificar suas dificuldades, queixas e locais de dores osteomusculares nas atividades laboratoriais e clínicas. Métodos: Foram incluídos todos os alunos canhotos matriculados no ano de 2021. Foram aplicados questionários on line para coletar os dados dos alunos. Resultados: Foram tabulados e como resultados, encontrou-se que os canhotos representam 5,6% do total de alunos do curso de Odontologia, a maioria são mulheres (66,7%), com média de idade de 21 anos. O segundo período foi o que apresentou maior número de canhotos (25%). As atividades práticas do curso, estas foram cursadas por 91,7% dos entrevistados, que relataram com maior frequência usar a mão esquerda (62,5%), sentar na posição de 1 hora (20,8%) e ter maior dificuldade ao tratar o quadrante superior direito (45,8%). Os locais mais citados de dores osteomusculares após realizar essas atividades, foram: punhos e mãos (62,5%), parte inferior das costas (62,5%) e pescoço (58,3%). Conclusão: Os canhotos representam a minoria dos alunos e suas dificuldades são, a falta de estrutura física adequada e a incompreensão das pessoas ao redor. Em relação a queixa de dor ou desconforto, mãos, punhos, parte inferior das costas e pescoço foram os membros mais citados no estudo(AU)

Left-handed individuals need tools to carry out their daily activities, as well as for the exercise of dental practice where the scarcity of specific equipment can reflect on body wear, with this, the present work aims to identify left-handed students of the course of Dentistry at the Federal University of Uberlândia, in addition to identifying their difficulties, complaints and sites of musculoskeletal pain in laboratory and clinical activities. Methods: All left-handed students enrolled in the year 2021 were included, and three questionnaires were applied online to identify the profile of students and the difficulties encountered in laboratory and clinical practice. Results: They were tabulated and as a result, it was found that left-handers represent 5.6% of the total number of students in the Dentistry course, most of them are women (66.7%), with a mean age of 21 years. The second period was the one with the highest number of left-handers (25%). The practical activities of the course were carried out by 91.7% of the interviewees, who reported more frequently using their left hand (62.5%), sitting in the 1 o'clock position (20.8%) and having greater difficulty when treat the upper right quadrant (45.8%). The most cited sites of musculoskeletal pain after performing these activities were: wrists and hands (62.5%), lower back (62.5%) and neck (58.3%). Conclusion: Lefthanded people represent the minority of students, and their difficulties are the lack of adequate physical structure and the misunderstanding of the people around them. In relation to complaints of pain or discomfort, hands, wrists, lower back and neck were the most cited members in the study(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Dentists , Musculoskeletal Pain , Functional Laterality , Students , Wrist , Cumulative Trauma Disorders , Sitting Position , Hand , Ergonomics , Neck , Occupational Diseases
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440756


El proyecto "Estudio de patrones de lateralidad de atletas elites de Cuba" tiene como objetivo el diagnóstico, la caracterización y la valoración de los patrones de lateralidad de atletas activos y retirados con altos resultados deportivos, pero hasta el momento se adolece de una profundización en la utilidad que puede tener la lateralidad en la preparación técnico-táctica en los deportes de combate, por lo que el objetivo de este artículo fue sistematizar las principales investigaciones relacionadas con la utilización de la lateralidad en estos deportes. Para ello, se emplearon los métodos inductivo-deductivo, análisis-síntesis y revisión bibliográfica con el fin de determinar los antecedentes e interpretar las principales investigaciones referentes sobre esta temática. Se concluyó que entre los principales aspectos abordados estuvieron: las ventajas competitivas de los deportistas zurdos, el volumen técnico que se realizó en competiciones, la caracterización del deportista de acuerdo a sus preferencias laterales y cómo estas influyen en el rendimiento deportivo. Sin embargo, no se apreció estudio alguno referido a la utilización de los patrones de la lateralidad en la preparación técnico-táctica en los deportes de combate, lo que devino en carencia, para el estudio de estas disciplinas deportivas.

O projeto "Estudo dos padrões de lateralidade de atletas de elite em Cuba" tem como objetivo diagnosticar, caracterizar e avaliar os padrões de lateralidade de atletas ativos e aposentados com altos resultados esportivos, mas até agora não houve um estudo aprofundado da utilidade que a lateralidade pode ter na preparação técnico-táctica em esportes de combate, portanto o objetivo deste artigo foi sistematizar as principais pesquisas relacionadas com o uso da lateralidade nestes esportes. Para este fim, foram utilizados os métodos indutivo-deducativo, análise-síntese e revisão bibliográfica a fim de determinar os antecedentes e interpretar as principais pesquisas sobre este assunto. Concluiu-se que entre os principais aspectos abordados estavam: as vantagens competitivas dos atletas canhotos, o volume técnico realizado nas competições, a caracterização do atleta de acordo com suas preferências laterais e como estas influenciam o desempenho esportivo. Entretanto, não foi encontrado nenhum estudo sobre o uso de padrões de lateralidade na preparação técnico-táctica em esportes de combate, o que resultou em uma falta de estudo destas disciplinas esportivas.

The project "Study of laterality patterns of elite athletes in Cuba" has as its objective the diagnosis, characterization and assessment of laterality patterns of active and retired athletes with high sports results, but so far it lacks a deepening in the usefulness that laterality can have in the technical-tactical preparation in combat sports, so the objective of this article was to systematize the main researches related to the use of laterality in these sports. For this, the inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis and bibliographic review methods were used in order to determine the background and interpret the main reference research on this subject. It was concluded that among the main aspects addressed were: the competitive advantages of left-handed athletes, the technical volume that was carried out in competitions, the characterization of the athlete according to their lateral preferences and how they influence sports performance. However, no study was observed regarding the use of laterality patterns in technical-tactical preparation in combat sports, which became a lack, for the study of these sports disciplines.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024932


Objective To explore the features of frontotemporal lobes'resting-state functional connectivity(rsFC)in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders(ASD)based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS)and to explore the possible neurological markers for early identification of ASD.Methods Sixty-three preschool ASD children and 72 typical development(TD)children were enrolled.Selected bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(DLPFC),bilateral premotor cortex(PMC),and bilateral temporal lobe(TL)cortex as the regions of interest(ROI).Changes of Oxyhemoglobin in the 6 ROIs in resting-state were measured by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS).Compared the frontotemporal rsFC strength and calculate the laterality index(LI)between two groups.Results Compared with the TD group,rsFC strength was significantly lower in the ASD group(P<0.05),and the differences existed mainly within the left ROIs(0.21±0.11 vs.0.32±0.18),right ROIs(0.16±0.16 vs.0.30±0.14),bilateral DLPFCs(0.20±0.14 vs.0.39±0.17;0.15±0.13 vs.0.36±0.13),bilateral TLs(0.15±0.14 vs.0.28±0.17;0.14±0.15 vs.0.31±0.17),and between the 10 groups of ROIs-ROIs(including right DLPFC-left DLPFC,right DLPFC-right PMC,right DLPFC-left PMC,right DLPFC-right TL,right DLPFC-left TL,left DLPFC-right PMC,left DLPFC-left PMC,left DLPFC-right TL,left DLPFC-left TL,right TL-left TL).There were a significant differences in the rsFC's laterality index of DLPFC and whole-brain between the two groups(t=2.002,P=0.047;t=3.003,P=0.003),and the ASD group showed left-lateralized connectivity.Conclusion Frontotemporal lobe's resting-state functional connectivity is abnormal in preschool children with ASD,characterized by low short-range functional connectivity of bilateral DLPFCs and TLs,low long-range functional connectivity associated with DLPFCs,and left-lateralized connectivity.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1229-1245, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010608


Mechanical allodynia (MA), including punctate and dynamic forms, is a common and debilitating symptom suffered by millions of chronic pain patients. Some peripheral injuries result in the development of bilateral MA, while most injuries usually led to unilateral MA. To date, the control of such laterality remains poorly understood. Here, to study the role of microglia in the control of MA laterality, we used genetic strategies to deplete microglia and tested both dynamic and punctate forms of MA in mice. Surprisingly, the depletion of central microglia did not prevent the induction of bilateral dynamic and punctate MA. Moreover, in dorsal root ganglion-dorsal root-sagittal spinal cord slice preparations we recorded the low-threshold Aβ-fiber stimulation-evoked inputs and outputs of superficial dorsal horn neurons. Consistent with behavioral results, microglial depletion did not prevent the opening of bilateral gates for Aβ pathways in the superficial dorsal horn. This study challenges the role of microglia in the control of MA laterality in mice. Future studies are needed to further understand whether the role of microglia in the control of MA laterality is etiology-or species-specific.

Mice , Animals , Hyperalgesia/metabolism , Microglia/metabolism , Disease Models, Animal , Spinal Cord/metabolism , Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn/metabolism , Ganglia, Spinal/metabolism
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e032, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430050


Abstract In dentistry, most equipment is designed for right-handed (RH) individuals. Thus, left-handed (LH) individuals are often forced to adapt to demanding RH working conditions, and therefore, experience difficulties in their practice. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of left handedness among dental students at the Dental Clinic of Monastir, Tunisia, and to investigate the difficulties for LH individuals during clinical practice. A cross-sectional study was conducted among dental students during the academic year from September 2019 to March 2020. An adaptation of the Grad-Corllet Diagram and a specific questionnaire on clinical practices were administered to 221 participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 statistical software for descriptive statistics and the chi-square test was performed (with a 5% significance level). The study revealed that 18.1% of dental students were LH. Among which, 82.5% of LH students had difficulties using instruments designed for RH dentists, 47.5% of LH students preferred the 3 o'clock working position, and 77.5% of LH students preferred to work in a sitting position. Most LH students (70%) reported that endodontic treatment was the most difficult procedure to perform. All students, whether RH or LH, presented a higher percentage of pain in the lumbar and neck/cervical regions; however, LH students presented higher values (77.5%) with statistically significant differences being reported for lower back pain (p = 0.026) and neck pain (p = 0.012). This study highlights the difficulties that LH dental students face in performing dental work. Dental Schools should provide LH students with appropriate equipment and a proper learning environment.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 43(2): 199-208, jul./dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426353


Objetivo: este estudo buscou averiguar a possível discrepância bilateral de indicadores antropométricos de pessoas com e sem síndrome de Down (SD). Material e Método: para tal, contou-se com a participação de 60 indivíduos com e sem síndrome de Down, com idades entre 11 e 14 anos, que foram avaliados quanto à dominância lateral, dobras cutâneas, percentual de gordura, circunferência muscular de braço e antebraço e força de preensão palmar. Principais resultados: notou-se maior número de indivíduos sinistros e com indefinição na lateralidade no grupo com síndrome de Down do que nas pessoas com desenvolvimento típico. Os valores da percentagem de gordura, das medidas de dobra cutânea, da circunferência muscular do braço e da circunferência de antebraço foram maiores entre os participantes com síndrome de Down do que entre os do grupo controle. A força de preensão palmar foi maior nos indivíduos típicos. Não houve diferença na composição corporal bilateral dos indivíduos com síndrome de Down. Conclusão: os resultados encontrados demonstraram a existência de uma simetria bilateral nos indivíduos com e sem síndrome de Down.

Objective: this study sought to investigate the possible discrepancy in the bilateral anthropometric indicators of people with and without Down syndrome (DS). Material and Method: 60 individuals with and without Down syndrome, aged between 11 and 14 years, who were evaluated for lateral dominance, skinfolds, fat percentage, arm and forearm muscle circumference, and hand grip strength. Main results: there were a greater number of sinister individuals with a vagueness in laterality in the group with Down syndrome than in people with typical development. The percentage of fat, skinfold measurements, arm muscle circumference and forearm circumference were higher among participants with Down syndrome than those in the control group. Hand grip strength was greater in typical individuals. There was no difference in the bilateral body composition of individuals with Down syndrome. Conclusion: the results found demonstrated the existence of a bilateral symmetry in individuals with and without Down syndrome.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Syndrome , Body Composition , Down Syndrome , Functional Laterality , Persons , Hand
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(1)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448867


La lateralización, al ser la preferencia motriz de un lado del cuerpo sobre el otro, tiene aplicaciones prácticas en los deportes, pues el control y potenciación del lado diestro y no diestro requieren de análisis previos y de estrategias específicas de desarrollo. En tal sentido, y como primer paso de la investigación, se propone como objetivo validar teóricamente a través de especialistas nacionales e internacionales una propuesta de indicadores de lateralidad a tener en cuenta en el entrenamiento del dribling del baloncesto de iniciación. La investigación es teórica-descriptiva, de orden correlacional y análisis cualitativo, estudiando los criterios teóricos emitidos por 13 especialistas nacionales de baloncesto (Grupo 1) y diez especialistas extranjeros (Grupo 2). De los nueve indicadores analizados, en seis existieron diferencias significativas en los criterios emitidos por cada grupo independiente (LV: p=0.000; LH: p=0.000; LC: p=0.002; Pdi: p=0.000; PE: p=0.000 y ME: p=0.001), con excepción de la mano dinámica (Mdi: p=0.648), mano director (MD: p=0.738) y el indicador mano no director (MnD: p=0.605). Todos los rangos promedios emitidos por los especialistas internacionales fueron mayores que en los especialistas nacionales, indicativo de que los primeros consideran de mayor importancia el entrenamiento de diversos indicadores de lateralidad en el dribling del baloncesto de iniciación. En tal sentido, se recomienda realizar un trabajo metodológico con los especialistas nacionales en función de mejorar la comprensión sobre la importancia del entrenamiento de la lateralidad en todas sus manifestaciones, especificando aspectos relacionados con el entrenamiento técnico y técnico-táctico, incluyendo el dribling como técnica fundamental.

A lateralizarão, sendo a preferência motora de um lado do corpo sobre o outro, tem aplicações práticas no esporte, já que o controle e a capacitação do lado direito e do lado não direito exigem análise prévia e estratégias específicas de desenvolvimento. Neste sentido, e como primeiro passo da pesquisa, propõe-se como objetivo validar teoricamente através de especialistas nacionais e internacionais uma proposta de indicadores de lateralidade para levar em conta no treinamento de drible no basquetebol introdutório. A pesquisa é descritiva teórica, de ordem correlacional e análise qualitativa, estudando os critérios teóricos emitidos por 13 especialistas nacionais em basquetebol (Grupo 1) e dez especialistas estrangeiros (Grupo 2). Dos nove indicadores analisados, em 6 houve diferenças significativas nos critérios emitidos por cada grupo independente (LV: p=0,000; LH: p=0,000; LC: p=0,002; Pdi: p=0,000; PE: p=0,000 e ME: p=0,001), com exceção da Mão Dinâmica (Mdi: p=0,648), mão direcionadora (MD: p=0,738) e do indicador de mão não direcionadora (MnD: p=0,605). Todas as faixas médias emitidas pelos especialistas internacionais foram superiores às dos especialistas nacionais, indicando que os primeiros consideram de maior importância o treinamento de vários indicadores de lateralidade no drible no basquetebol introdutório. Neste sentido, recomenda-se realizar um trabalho metodológico com especialistas nacionais a fim de melhorar a compreensão da importância do treinamento da lateralidade em todas as suas manifestações, especificando aspectos relacionados ao treinamento técnico e técnico-táctico, incluindo o drible como técnica fundamental.

Lateralization, being the motor preference of one side of the body over the other, has practical applications in sports, since the control and empowerment of the right-handed and non-right-handed side require previous analysis and specific development strategies. In this sense, and as a first step of the research, it is proposed as an objective to validate theoretically through national and international specialists a proposal of laterality indicators to be taken into account in the training of dribbling in initiation basketball. The research is theoretical-descriptive, of correlational order and qualitative analysis, studying the theoretical criteria issued by 13 national basketball specialists (Group 1) and ten foreign specialists (Group 2). Of the nine indicators analyzed, in 6 there were significant differences in the criteria issued by each independent group (LV: p=0.000; LH: p=0.000; LC: p=0.002; Pdi: p=0.000; PE: p=0.000 and ME: p=0.001), with the exception of the Dynamic Hand (Mdi: p=0.648), director hand (MD: p=0.738) and the non-director hand indicator (MnD: p=0.605). All the average ranges issued by the international specialists were higher than in the national specialists, indicating that the former consider of greater importance the training of various indicators of laterality in the dribbling of initiation basketball. In this sense, it is recommended to carry out methodological work with national specialists in order to improve the understanding of the importance of laterality training in all its manifestations, specifying aspects related to technical and technical-tactical training, including dribbling as a fundamental technique.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 16(1): 7-12, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385860


ABSTRACT: This work aims to verify the effectiveness of the semi-adjustable articulator (SAA) when compared to a clinical examination of samples in individuals comparing the number of occlusal interferences. The research was carried out at FAESA (Integrated University of São Pedro), in which two independent researchers compared occlusal interferences in protrusion and laterality movements in the clinical examination and in models mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator, with carbon from Baush, in 77 patients who attended to the graduation clinic. Data were tabulated and evaluated by the Mann- Whitney statistical test and data normality was verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. When analyzing the interference of protrusion on central incisors, it was found that the mean was higher for the SAA on clinical examination. As for the right laterality in the canine guides, it was observed that the clinical examination had a higher interference average in relation to the SAA. The same was true for left laterality, where the mean interference was also higher for the clinical examination. That is, by increasing the values of occlusions in the SAA, the values of occlusions in the clinical examination also increase. As central incisor protrusions between the SAA and clinical examination were moderately positive, there was a strong positive relationship for the right sides and a moderate positive relationship for the left sides. It is concluded that a semi-adjustable articulator is an effective tool for the diagnosis and planning of the dentist, due to its ability to simulate mandibular movements. However, such a tool requires prior knowledge for an ideal assembly for treatment success.

RESUMEN: Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo verificar la efectividad del articulador semi-ajustable (SAA) cuando se compara con un examen clínico de muestras en individuos de acuerdo al número de interferencias oclusales. La investigación se llevó a cabo en FAESA (Universidad Integrada de São Pedro), en la que dos investigadores independientes compararon las interferencias oclusales en los movimientos de protrusión y lateralidad en el examen clínico y en modelos montados en un articulador semiajustable, con carbón de Baush, en 77 pacientes que acudieron a la clínica de graduación. Los datos se tabularon y evaluaron mediante la prueba estadística de Mann-Whitney y la normalidad de los datos se verificó mediante la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Al analizar la interferencia de la protrusión en los incisivos centrales, se encontró que la media era mayor para el SAA en el examen clínico. En cuanto a la lateralidad derecha en las guías caninas, se observó que el examen clínico tuvo un promedio de interferencia más alto en relación al SAA. Lo mismo ocurrió con la lateralidad izquierda, donde la interferencia media también fue mayor para el examen clínico. Es decir, al aumentar los valores de oclusiones en el SAA, también aumentan los valores de oclusiones en el examen clínico. Como las protuberancias de los incisivos centrales entre el SAA y el examen clínico fueron moderadamente positivas, hubo una fuerte relación positiva para los lados derechos y una relación positiva moderada para los lados izquierdos. Se concluye que un articulador semi-ajustable es una herramienta eficaz para el diagnóstico y planificación del odontólogo, debido a su capacidad para simular movimientos mandibulares. Sin embargo, tal herramienta requiere conocimientos previos para un montaje ideal para el éxito del tratamiento.

Humans , Dental Articulators , Mandibular Condyle/diagnostic imaging , Physical Examination/methods , Extraoral Traction Appliances , Jaw Relation Record
Saúde Pesqui. (Online) ; 15(1): e7863, abr./jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368053


O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar dados normativos para o TFMJT para a população brasileira. Participaram do estudo 360 pessoas, entre 06 e 49 anos, divididas em seis grupos por faixa etária, sendo 178 do sexo masculino e 182 do sexo feminino. Os dados foram apresentados separadamente para as diferentes faixas etárias, para sexo masculino e feminino. Os valores referentes às médias e ao desvio padrão foram calculados para cada uma das sete tarefas, considerando mão dominante e mão não dominante. Observou-se desempenho superior para mão dominante, com diferença significante para a soma das sete tarefas, em ambos os sexos (p=0,001). Os resultados obtidos poderão servir de parâmetros de referência para a população brasileira e contribuir para avaliações quantitativas do desempenho manual em programas de avaliação ou reabilitação do membro superior.

The aim of this study was to present normative data for the JTHF for the Brazilian population. Participated 360 individuals between 06 and 49 years old, divided into six groups by age, being 178 males and 182 females. The data were presented separately for the different age groups, for men and women. Values for means and standard deviation were calculated for each of the seven tasks, considering dominant and non-dominant hands. Superior performance was observed for the dominant hand, with a significant difference for the sum of the seven tasks, in both sexes (p = 0.001). The results obtained is a reference parameter for the Brazilian population and contribute to quantitative assessments of manual performance in programs of assessment or rehabilitation of the upper limb.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 956-959, ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385455


SUMMARY: Studies related to the upper respiratory pathway asymmetries are still scarce in the veterinary literature. We present here a study of choanae asymmetries of a pure horses belonging to "Cavall Pirinenc Català" (Pyrenean Horse Breed). For this goal, the palates of 23 dry skulls with no apparent pathologies were photographed and evaluated using geometric morphometrics. On each photo, we identified and digitized a total of 26 points (subset of 2 mid-sagittal, 4 paired landmarks (discrete homologous points) and 10 semilandmarks (points on an outline determined by extrinsic criteria) per side on the choana. Both fluctuating and directional asymmetries appeared statistically significant, the latter accounting more than half of the total variation. The lateral bend observed in horse choanae may be due to the asymmetrically positioned nasal passages. So detected equine choana asymmetry must rather be considered functional, with no clinical implication and presents an important consideration when equine choanae shape.

RESUMEN: Los estudios relacionados con las asimetrías de las vías respiratorias superiores aún son escasos en la literatura veterinaria. Presentamos un estudio de coanas asimetrías de un caballo puro perteneciente al "Cavall Pirinenc Català" (Raza del Caballo de los Pirineos). Para ello, se fotografiaron y evaluaron los paladares de 23 cráneos secos sin patologías aparentes mediante morfometría geométrica. En cada foto, identificamos y digitalizamos un total de 26 puntos (subconjunto de 2 puntos medio sagitales, 4 puntos de referencia emparejados (puntos homólogos discretos) y 10 puntos semillanos (puntos en un contorno determinado por criterios extrínsecos) por lado de la coana. Ambos fluctúan Las asimetrías direccionales aparecieron estadísticamente significativas, representando estas últimas más de la mitad de la variación total. La curvatura lateral observada en las coanas de caballo puede deberse a los conductos nasales asimétricamente posicionados. Por lo tanto, la asimetría de coanas equinas detectada debería considerarse funcional, sin implicación clínica y presenta una importante consideración cuando se forman coanas equinas.

Animals , Nasopharynx/anatomy & histology , Horses/anatomy & histology , Nasal Cavity/anatomy & histology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 149(5): 689-697, mayo 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389520


Background: The crossed cerebro-cerebellar (CCC) activation facilitates the diagnosis of cortical language lateralization, but needs to be explored with language tasks suitable for patients with different age ranges, educational attainment and eventual presence of language deficits. Aim: To determine the effect of demographic variables in the performance of three language tasks in healthy volunteers and to determine the CCC activation of these tasks as a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm in brain tumor patients. Material and Methods: The behavioral performance (correct responses and reaction time) of three language tasks (verbal fluency, semantic and phonological decision tasks) was first examined in 76 healthy volunteers balanced by age and educational level. Later, these tasks were implemented as fMRI paradigms to explore CCC language activation of 20 patients with potential diagnosis of brain tumors. Results: The performance of the verbal fluency task was affected by age. The CCC language activation was reproducible with the semantic and phonological tasks. The combination of the tasks determined typical and atypical language lateralization in 60% and 40% of our patients, respectively. Conclusions: The verbal fluency task must be implemented with care as a clinical fMRI paradigm. Our results suggest that semantic and phonological tasks can be a good alternative for brain tumor patients with language deficits.

Humans , Brain Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Language , Brain , Brain Mapping , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Functional Laterality
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(1): 114-124, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155062


RESUMEN La lateralidad se considera como el dominio funcional de un lado del cuerpo sobre el otro para la realización de actividades específicas. En el deporte, la lateralidad es potenciada de forma sistemática, dado que el perfeccionamiento de todas las partes del cuerpo infiere ventajas competitivas de alto valor técnico-táctico. El objetivo de esta investigación es validar teóricamente a través de expertos nacionales e internacionales una propuesta de indicadores de lateralidad a tener en cuenta en el entrenamiento de los fundamentos técnico-ofensivos de futbolistas sub-12, evidenciando la importancia que brinda cada indicador en cada grupo de expertos independientes. Esta Investigación es de tipo teórico-descriptiva, de orden correlacional y análisis cualitativo, seleccionado intencionalmente a diez expertos nacionales (Ecuador) e internacionales (España e Italia) para la determinación cuantitativa y cualitativa de indicadores que evalúan la lateralidad. Como parte de los resultados se evidencian diferencias significativas en el indicador lateralidad visual (p=0.000), lateralidad de hombros (p=0.000), lateralidad de cintura (p=0.000), pierna estática (p=0.000), pie director (p=0.043) y pie no director (p=0.000), mientras que en el indicador de pierna dinámica no se presentaron diferencias significativas (p=1.000) entre grupos independientes. los expertos internacionales valoran integralmente todos los indicadores de lateralidad estudiados, brindando un mayor puntaje en total. Por consiguiente, se evidencia la necesidad de realizar un trabajo metodológico en los expertos nacionales en función de mejorar la comprensión sobre la importancia del entrenamiento de la lateralidad en todas sus manifestaciones.

RESUMO A lateralidade é considerada como o domínio funcional de um lado do corpo sobre o outro para o desempenho de atividades específicas. No desporto, a lateralidade é sistematicamente melhorada, uma vez que a melhoria de todas as partes do corpo infere vantagens competitivas de elevado valor técnico-táctico. O objetivo desta investigação é validar teoricamente através de peritos nacionais e internacionais uma proposta de indicadores de lateralidade a ter em conta na formação dos fundamentos técnicos e ofensivos dos jogadores de futebol sub-12, mostrando a importância de cada indicador em cada grupo de peritos independentes. Esta investigação é de tipo teórico-descritivo, de ordem correlacional e análise qualitativa, selecionou intencionalmente dez peritos nacionais (Equador) e internacionais (Espanha e Itália) para a determinação quantitativa e qualitativa de indicadores que avaliam a lateralidade. Como parte dos resultados, são evidenciadas diferenças significativas no indicador visual de lateralidade (p=0,000), lateralidade do ombro (p=0,000), lateralidade da cintura (p=0,000), perna estática (p=0,000), pé direcionador (p=0,043) e pé não direcionador (p=0,043). 000), enquanto que no indicador dinâmico das pernas não houve diferenças significativas (p=1.000) entre grupos independentes. Os peritos internacionais valorizam integralmente todos os indicadores de lateralidade estudados, fornecendo uma pontuação mais elevada no total. Por conseguinte, é evidente a necessidade de realizar um trabalho metodológico nos peritos nacionais, a fim de melhorar a compreensão da importância da formação em lateralidade em todas as suas manifestações.

ABSTRACT Laterality is considered as the functional domain of one side in the body over the other to carry out specific activities. In sport laterality is systematically enhanced, since the improvement of all body parts infers competitive advantages of high technical-tactical value. The objective of this research is to theoretically validate, through national and international experts, a proposal of laterality indicators to be taken into account in the training of the technical-offensive foundations of U-12 soccer players, evidencing the importance of each indicators in each group of independent experts. This is a theoretical-descriptive research of correlational order and qualitative analysis, intentionally selected 10 national experts (Ecuador) and 10 international experts (Spain and Italy) for the quantitative and qualitative determination of indicators that evaluate laterality. There are significant differences in indicator Visual Laterality (p = 0.000), Shoulder Laterality (p = 0.000), Waist Laterality (p = 0.000), Static Leg (p = 0.000), Director Foot (p = 0.043) and Non-director Foot (p = 0.000), while in the Dynamic Leg indicator there were no significant differences (p = 1.000) between independent groups. International experts comprehensively assess all the laterality indicators studied, providing a higher total score. Consequently, the need to carry out methodological work in national experts in order to improve understanding of laterality training importance in all its manifestations is evident.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 37(1): 12-19, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248564


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad cerebrovascular constituye un problema de salud pública. Esta entidad representa una importante causa de discapacidad permanente en el adulto, además de tener impacto social, económico y sanitario. Los altos costos que demanda la atención sanitaria desde su momento diagnóstico, el manejo inicial del evento y la posterior rehabilitación-paliación de las secuelas, obligan al conocimiento de características del individuo y factores pronósticos. Esto como insumo de planificación de servicios de prevención para personas en riesgo y atención de pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular. OBJETIVO: Identificar el papel pronóstico que tienen algunos factores asociados con la lesión isquémica, con respecto al grado de discapacidad y mortalidad en el infarto cerebral de la circulación anterior. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional analítico, prospectivo de cohorte, con un análisis anidado de casos y controles. Se identificó la escala del National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) para determinar el compromiso neurológico al ingreso. A los tres meses del evento, se obtuvo la escala Rankin modificado (mRS, variable dependiente) en busca de discapacidad residual y mortalidad; se consideraron casos los mRS desfavorables (puntajes: 3, 4, 5 y 6), y controles los mRS favorables (puntajes: 0, 1, 2). RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 93 pacientes con ACV-i de circulación anterior; la mediana para la edad fue 67 años RIC (57-76); el NIHSS más frecuente fue moderado (50 pacientes, 53,8 %) y la mediana de tiempo transcurrido para el inicio de manejo médico fue de 5 horas RIC (3-24 horas). La identificación de la etiología del ACVi fue posible en 33 pacientes (35,5 %, más frecuente el cardioembólico). Luego de 90 días del ACVi, la clasificación mRS más frecuente fue de tres puntos "moderado" (22 pacientes, 23,7 %) y la mortalidad fue de siete pacientes (7,5 %). En el análisis bivariado la ubicación del infarto en el hemisferio izquierdo fue una variable desfavorable en términos de discapacidad a los tres meses en comparación con el hemisferio derecho (OR: 2,51; IC 95 %: 1,06 - 5,9; p = 0,03). CONCLUSIONES: La población de estudio fue predominantemente de sexo masculino, con una limitación funcional moderada (NIHSS 5-15) al ingreso a urgencias. Tres meses después del evento, la mayoría de los pacientes cursó con movilidad reducida, algún compromiso de las funciones mentales, pero esencialmente independientes en su vida diaria. La lesión del hemisferio izquierdo se comportó como un factor de mal pronóstico en la recuperación funcional de los pacientes.

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Cerebrovascular disease constitutes a public health problem. This entity represents an important cause of permanent disability in adults, social, economic and health impact as well. The high costs demanded by health care from the moment of diagnosis, initial management of the event, and subsequent rehabilitation-palliation of the sequelae, requires knowledge of population characteristics and possible prognostic factors. This can be useful as an input for planning prevention services for people at risk and care of stroke patients. OBJECTIVE: To identify the prognostic role that some factors associated with the ischemic lesion have regarding the degree of disability and mortality, in the cerebral infarction of the anterior circulation. Methods: Observational, analytical, prospective cohort study was performed, with a nested case-control analysis. Neurological involvement was measured at admission with the NIHSS scale. At three months post-event, the modified Rankin scale (mRS: dependent variable) was measured, pursuing residual disability and mortality; cases: patient with unfavorable mRS score (score: 3, 4, 5, 6); controls: patient with favorable mRS score (score: 0, 1, 2). RESULTS: 93 patients with diagnosis of ischemic stroke of anterior circulation were included. Median age was 67 years RIQ (57-76); most frequent NIHSS was moderate (50; 53.8 %) and the median evolution time to medical management was 5 hours RIQ (3-24 hours). Etiology was identified in 33 patients (35.5 %, cardio-embolic the most). After 90 days since ischemic injury, most frequent mRS was "3: moderate" (22; 23.7 %) and 7 (7.5 %) patients died. Bivariate analysis identified left hemisphere stroke as an unfavorable variable in terms of disability at three months compared to the right hemisphere (OR 2.51, 95 % CI 1.06-5.9, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: The population with ischemic stroke was predominantly males with multiple comorbidities, with a moderate neurological compromise on admission (NIHSS score: 5-15). After three months post event, patients were predominantly with reduced mobility, some mental functions affection, but essentially independent in activities of daily living. The involvement of left hemisphere is projected as poor prognostic factor in the functional recovery of our patients.

Transit-Oriented Development