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J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 25(4): 195-200, 20231229.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563039


The presence of myofascial trigger points in the masticatory muscles can lead to pain and may be related to temporomandibular dysfunction. The dry needling technique (DN) is employed for mechanical disruption and deactivation of trigger points in skeletal muscles. The purpose of this observational longitudinal clinical study was to determine the morphofunctional capacity of the masseter and temporalis muscles, and bite force in patients with temporomandibular disorders of muscular origin after DN of the masseter muscle. Twenty-one patients with the presence of trigger points in the masseter muscle were selected. Electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles was assessed during the mandibular tasks of rest, protrusion, right and left laterality, and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Muscle thickness at rest and dental clenching at MVC was measured with ultrasound. Molar bite force (right and left) was analyzed with a digital dynamometer. Patients were evaluated before and seven days after intervention with DN. Data were subject to the paired t test for dependent samples (p<0.05). There was significant difference in the left masseter muscle in right laterality (p=0.01), right temporalis muscle thickness in MVC (p=0.05), and right (p=0.01) and left (p=0.008) molar bite force, after DN. The authors suggest that DN was efficient in the positive changes in the morphofunctional performance of the stomatognathic system. (AU)

A presença de pontos gatilhos miofasciais nos músculos mastigatórios pode gerar dor e estar relacionada à disfunção temporomandibular. A técnica de agulhamento a seco (AS) é utilizada para rompimento mecânico e desativação do ponto gatilho nos músculos esqueléticos. O objetivo deste estudo clínico longitudinal observacional foi determinar a capacidade morfofuncional dos músculos masseter e temporal, bem como a força de mordida, em pacientes com distúrbios temporomandibulares de origem muscular após AS no músculo masseter. Foram selecionados vinte e um pacientes com presença de pontos de gatilho no músculo masseter. A atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal foi avaliada durante tarefas mandibulares de repouso, protrusão, lateralidade direita e esquerda, e contração voluntária máxima (CVM). A espessura muscular em repouso e a contração dental na CVM foram medidas por ultrassom. A força de mordida molar (direita e esquerda) foi analisada com um dinamômetro digital. Os pacientes foram avaliados antes e sete dias após a intervenção com DN. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t pareado para amostras dependentes (p<0,05). Houve diferença significante no músculo masseter esquerdo na lateralidade direita (p=0,01), espessura do músculo temporal direito na CVM (p=0,05) e força de mordida molar direita (p=0,01) e esquerda (p=0,008), após AS. Os autores sugerem que o AS foi eficaz nas alterações positivas no desempenho morfofuncional do sistema estomatognático. (AU)

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1846-1851, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528789


Existen diversas formas de evaluar el músculo esquelético. Una herramienta que ha ganado relevancia es la evaluación ecográfica. Esta, permite medir el grosor muscular (GM) y el ángulo de penación (AP). Por otra parte, en la formación inicial de los Kinesiólogos es importante realizar el ejercicio de la confiabilidad en la medición en relación al experto. un procedimiento diagnóstico. Así, el objetivo de este estudio es determinar la confiabilidad inter-evaluador en la medición del GM y el AP, a través de la evaluación ecográfica, entre un experto y un kinesiólogo en formación. La capacitación contó de tres fases; el ciclo teórico, el ciclo práctico y el proceso de confiabilidad. Para este último, se realizaron 10 pruebas para cada una de las mediciones GM 1, GM 2 y GM 3 y de AP. La confiabilidad inter-evaluador en la medición de GM es buena a excelente en los tres intentos GM1 (ICC=0,81; p=0,001), GM2 (ICC=0,86; p<0,001), GM3 (ICC=0,88;<0,001). Por su parte, la confiabilidad del AP fue pobre a regular (ICC=0,21; p=0,143. Las conclusiones de esta investigación indican que existe una excelente confiabilidad inter evaluador en la medición de GM. No así, en la medición de AP, por lo que se sugiere incrementar las horas prácticas en el proceso de aprendizaje de esta medida.

SUMMARY: Skeletal muscle can be assessed in a number of different ways. Consequently, ultrasound evaluation has become a relevant diagnostic tool. This procedure allows measuring muscle thickness (MT) and pennation angle (PA). Furthermore, during the initial training of physical therapists it is important in a diagnostic procedure, to exercise reliability in measurement in comparison to the expert. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the inter-rater reliability in the measurement of MT and PA, through ultrasound evaluation, between an expert and a physical therapist in training. This training was comprised of three phases: The theoretical cycle, the practical cycle and the reliability process. For the latter, ten different tests were performed for each of the MT 1, MT 2 and MT 3 and PA measurements. Inter-rater reliability in the MT measurement was good to excellent in the three attempts MT1 (ICC=0.81; p=0.001), MT2 (ICC=0.86; p<0.001), MT3 (ICC=0. 88;<0.001). On the other hand, reliability of the PA was poor to fair (ICC=0.21; p=0.143. In conclusion, this research indicates that there is excellent inter-rater reliability in the measurement of MT. This does not however apply to the measurement of PA. It is therefore suggested that practical hours during the learning process of this measure be increased.

Humans , Ultrasonography/methods , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology , Muscle, Skeletal/diagnostic imaging , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1254-1260, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514348


La evaluación de la calidad y la arquitectura muscular son importantes para comprender y cuantificar los cambios musculares asociados con el envejecimiento y el estilo de vida sedentario, además nos facilita información de la capacidad del músculo para generar fuerza, potencia o funcionalidad. los objetivos del estudio fueron (I) determinar la asociación entre los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular y el índice de calidad muscular (MQI) y (II) determinar la asociación entre los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular y la potencia media relativa del sit to stand test (STS). Únicamente el grosor muscular (MT) mostró una asociación moderada con el MQI (r = 0,545). En contraste, tanto la longitud del fascículo (FL) como el ángulo de penación (PA) exhibieron asociaciones "muy bajas", las cuales no resultaron significativas con el MQI. Al examinar la relación de los parámetros de la arquitectura muscular con la potencia media relativa de STS, MT presentó una asociación "moderada" (r = 0,444). Sin embargo, tanto FL como PA mostraron asociaciones "muy bajas" y "bajas", respectivamente, con la potencia media relativa al STS. En conclusión, estos hallazgos refuerzan la idea de que MT puede ser un indicador relevante de la calidad muscular y la capacidad de generar potencia en la prueba de STS. Específicamente, se observó que un aumento en MT estaba asociado con una mejora en MQI y la potencia media relativa de STS.

SUMMARY: Assessment of muscle quality and architecture is important for understanding and quantifying muscle changes associated with aging and a sedentary lifestyle and provides information on the muscle's ability to generate strength, power, or function. The aims of the study were (I) to determine the association between muscle architecture parameters and muscle quality index (MQI) and (II) to determine the association between muscle architecture parameters and mean relative power in the sit-to-stand test (STS). Only muscle thickness (MT) showed a moderate association with MQI (r = 0.545). In contrast, both fascicle length (FL) and penile angle (PA) exhibited "very low" associations, which were not significant with the MQI. When examining the relationship between muscle architecture parameters and mean relative STS power, MT presented a "moderate" association (r = 0.444). However, both LF and PA showed "very low" and "low" associations, respectively, with a mean power relative to STS. In conclusion, these findings reinforce the idea that MT may be a relevant indicator of muscle quality and ability to generate power in the STS test. Specifically, an increase in MT was associated with an improvement in MQI and mean power relative to STS.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology , Muscle Strength/physiology , Sedentary Behavior
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 640-645, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440314


SUMMARY: Skeletal muscles play a fundamental role in people's lives and their evaluation provides significant information on health. Different tools have been used to evaluate muscle mass, and the evaluation of muscle thickness (MT) using ultrasound has been included as an alternative, which can be performed with the probe in different positions; however, these could present differences. The objectives of this study were to determine whether there are differences in the measurement of MT in the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle using the probe in the longitudinal or transverse position, and to determine its association with the lean mass of the lower limbs. The results indicated no significant differences between MT measurements with the probe in the longitudinal and transverse positions (p =0.084). However, when associating these measurements with lower limb lean mass, it was found that transverse measurements had a strong association (r =0.547; p < 0.001), while longitudinal measurements had a moderate association (r =0.351; p =0.007). This suggests that measurements with the probe positioned transversely to measure the MT would be the best option. Therefore, it could be useful as an indicator of lower limb lean mass in the absence of tools, such as bioelectrical bioimpedance or magnetic nuclear resonance.

El músculo esquelético cumple un rol fundamental en la vida de las personas, y su evaluación entrega mucha información de la salud. Se han utilizado diferentes herramientas para evaluar la masa muscular, y el último tiempo se ha incluido la evaluación del grosor muscular (MT) a través de la ecografía como una alternativa para estimarla, las cuales se pueden realizar con la sonda en distintas posiciones, sin embargo, estas podrían presentar diferencias. Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar si existen diferencias en la medición de MT en el músculo vasto lateral (VL) utilizando la sonda en posición longitudinal o transversal y determinar su asociación con la masa magra de los miembros inferiores. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre las mediciones de MT con la sonda en posición longitudinal y transversal (valor p: 0.084). Sin embargo, al asociar estas mediciones con la masa magra de los miembros inferiores, se encontró que las mediciones transversales poseen una asociación fuerte (r: 0.547; valor p < 0.001), mientras que las mediciones longitudinales presentan una asociación moderada (r: 0.351; valor p: 0.007). Esto sugiere que las mediciones con la sonda posicionada transversal para medir MT serían la mejor opción. Por lo tanto, podría ser de utilidad como un indicador de masa magra de los miembros inferiores en caso de no contar con herramientas como la bioimpedancia bioeléctrica o resonancia nuclear magnética.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Adipose Tissue/diagnostic imaging , Quadriceps Muscle/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonics , Anthropometry , Adipose Tissue/anatomy & histology , Muscle, Skeletal , Quadriceps Muscle/anatomy & histology , Patient Positioning
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026765


Objective To evaluate whether the measurement of tibialis anterior muscle thickness(TA-MT)in sepsis can be used as an alternative method to understand systemic changes in skeletal muscle mass by comparing the trend of ultrasonic measurement of TA-MT with bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA)in detecting skeletal muscle mass.Methods A single-center prospective study was conducted.The patients with tumor sepsis who were treated in the department of intensive care unit(ICU)of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital from March to December 2022 were selected as the study subjects.The changes of TA-MT within 6 hours after sepsis and 3 days after treatment were measured by ultrasound.The changes of body mass,body mass index(BMI),lean body mass,body fat percentage,body fat,whole body protein,skeletal muscle mass,skeletal muscle index(SMI),arm circumference,right lower limb lean body mass,and body water were measured by BIA.The 28-day prognosis was followed up.The correlation between TA-MT and skeletal muscle indicators measured by BIA was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis.Results Eventually,40 patients were included.Compared with before treatment,the levels of TA-MT by ultrasound and acute physiology and chronic health evaluationⅡ(APACHEⅡ),sequential organ failure assessment(SOFA)and oxygen metabolism index blood lactic acid(Lac)measured after treatment were significantly reduced[TA-MT(cm):2.31±0.35 vs.2.50±0.36,APACHEⅡscore:11.00±3.18 vs.17.50±5.44,SOFA score:3.28±2.18 vs.6.30±3.11,Lac(mmol/L):1.38±0.35 vs.2.40±1.02,all P<0.05].Meanwhile,the BIA test showed that body mass,body mass index,lean body mass,body fat percentage,body fat,whole body protein,skeletal muscle mass,SMI,arm circumference,right lower limb lean body mass and body water were also significantly decreased after treatment[body mass(kg):63.87±13.96 vs.66.58±14.95,BMI(kg/m2):22.57±4.37 vs.23.52±4.59,lean body mass(kg):46.32±6.89 vs.49.66±7.84,whole body protein(kg):9.36±1.37 vs.9.93±1.55,skeletal muscle mass(kg):26.23±4.17 vs.27.96±4.72,SMI(kg/m2):7.12±1.04 vs.7.78±1.18,arm circumference(cm):29.41±3.66 vs.30.17±3.59,right lower limb lean body mass(kg):7.21±1.26 vs.7.77±1.42,total body water(L):36.38±5.44 vs.39.11±6.19,all P<0.05],body fat percentage and body fat were significantly elevated[body fat percentage:(21.96±8.30)%vs.(19.98±8.43)%,body fat(kg):14.81±8.64 vs.14.12±8.81,both P<0.05].Pearson correlation analysis showed that:the right TA-MT was negatively correlated with the electrical impedance of the right lower extremity(r =-0.445 2,P<0.001),the right side TA-MT was positively correlated with the right lower limb lean body mass,whole body protein,skeletal muscle mass,SMI and lean body mass(r values were 0.571 4,0.629 9,0.628 3,0.575 9,0.634 4,all P<0.000 1).Conclusion Significant skeletal muscle depletion can be observed in tumor patients with sepsis,and ultrasound measurement of TA-MT is an effective alternative method to assess systemic skeletal muscle mass trends.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924501


Since the rectus femoris muscle is associated with trauma and disorders such as muscle strain, it is often a target for evaluation and treatment. However, in many studies, measurement results were obtained from only a part of the rectus femoris muscle and used as a representative value without considering the differences across the muscle. The rectus femoris muscle may change shape with knee flexion because the structure is complicated; it has an intramuscular tendon. The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in shape of the rectus femoris muscle during flexion of the knee joint in different directions. Twelve lower limbs of 12 male university students were analyzed. The rectus femoris muscle was divided into eight parts, and short-axis images were taken with an ultrasonic diagnostic imaging device at the knee joint; in extension; flexion at 30 °, 60 °, 90 °, and 120 °; muscle thickness; muscle width; and cross-sectional area. It was suggested that the thickness of the rectus femoris muscle increased from “A” to “F” due to knee flexion, and that this increase occurred because of stretching at the same site. In “G,” there was no difference between the angle conditions; conversely, in “H,” the muscle thickness decreased due to knee flexion. It should also be noted that D and E have the greatest muscle thickness when measuring in the knee flexion position.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924644


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of aquatic treadmill training on abdominal muscle thickness and balance function in patients with hemiplegia after stroke. MethodsFrom March to October, 2021, 60 patients with hemiplegia after stroke were randomly divided into control group (n = 20), suspension group (n = 20) and aquatic treadmill group (n = 20). On the basis of comprehensive rehabilitation training, the control group received treadmill training, the suspension group received skyrail suspension walking training, and the aquatic treadmill group received treadmill training in water, for four weeks. The curative effect was evaluated by musculoskeletal ultrasound with muscle thickness of bilateral external oblique, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. And they were assessed with Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patient (PASS) and Timed 'Up & Go' Test (TUGT) before and after treatment. ResultsAfter treatment, the thickness of external oblique and internal oblique muscles on the unaffected side, the PASS score and the TUGT time improved in all the three groups (|t| > 2.135, P < 0.05); while the thickness of external oblique, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles in the aquatic treadmill training group increased (|t| > 5.567, P < 0.001). The PASS score, the TUGT time, and the thickness of external oblique and internal oblique muscles on the affected side improved more in the aquatic treadmill training group than in the control group and the suspension group (P < 0.05). ConclusionThe aquatic treadmill training is more effective in strenghthening abdominal muscle to improve balance function.

Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 133-136, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927347


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the clinical efficacy of acupoint injection combined with Vitalstim electrical stimulation for post-stroke dysphagia.@*METHODS@#A total of 98 patients with dysphagia after first stroke were randomized into an acupoint injection group (35 cases, 2 cases dropped off), an electrical stimulation group (31 cases, 3 cases dropped off) and a combination group (32 cases, 3 cases dropped off). Injection of mecobalamin into Tunyan point, Vitalstim electrical stimulation and the combination of injection of mecobalamin into Tunyan point and Vitalstim electrical stimulation were applied respectively in the 3 groups, once a day, 10 times as one course, 2 courses were required. Before and after treatment, the tongue muscle thickness and video fluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) score were observed in the 3 groups.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the tongue muscle thickness was decreased (P<0.05), the VFSS scores were increased (P<0.05) compared with before treatment in the 3 groups, and the variation of tongue muscle thickness and VFSS score in the combination group was greater than the acupoint injection group and the electrical stimulation group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Both acupoint injection of mecobalamin and Vitalstim electrical stimulation have therapeutic effect on dysphagia after stroke, and the two have synergistic effect.

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Deglutition , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Electric Stimulation , Treatment Outcome
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 425-432, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385611


SUMMARY: The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effects of eccentric training on muscle architecture in the adult population. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statements were followed using keywords associated with architecture muscular and eccentric training. Four databases were used: PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science. Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale. A total of 1260 articles were retrieved, 18 included in this review. The parameters most frequently evaluated in the studies consulted were pennation angle (PA), fascicle length (FL), and muscle thickness (MT). These were assessed mainly in lower limb muscles such as biceps femoris long head (BFlh), vastus lateralis (VL), medial gastrocnemius (MG) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG), respectively. Eccentric training for at least four weeks generates adaptations in these parameters, mainly by increasing MT with FL and decreasing PA, determining muscle function. These results provide evidence on the effects of eccentric training on muscle architecture, which could be helpful to prevent injuries and favor muscle recovery processes.

RESUMEN: El propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue determinar los efectos del entrenamiento excéntrico sobre la arquitectura muscular en la población adulta. Se siguieron las recomendaciones del Ìtems de referencia para publicar Revisiones Sistemáticas y Metaanálisis (PRISMA) utilizando palabras clave asociadas con la arquitectura muscular y el entrenamiento excéntrico en cuatro bases de datos: PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus y Web of Science. La calidad metodológica se evaluó mediante la escala PEDro. Se encontró un total de 1260 artículos, del los cuales, 18 fueron incluidos en esta revisión. Los parámetros más frecuentemente evaluados en los estudios fueron el ángulo de penación (AP), la longitud del fascículo (LF) y el grosor muscular (Gm). Estos fueron evaluados principalmente en músculos de los miembros inferiores como la cabeza larga del bíceps femoral (CLBf), el vasto lateral (VL), el gastrocnemio medial (GM) y el gastrocnemio lateral (GL), respectivamente. El entrenamiento excéntrico durante al menos cuatro semanas genera adaptaciones en estos parámetros, principalmente aumentando el GM con la LF y disminuyendo el AP, determinando de esta manera la función muscular. Estos resultados aportan evidencias sobre los efectos del entrenamiento excéntrico en la arquitectura muscular, que podrían ser útiles para prevenir lesiones y favorecer los procesos de recuperación muscular.

Humans , Exercise , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 376-383, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385630


SUMMARY: The main purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between the aerobic and anaerobic performance of diaphragm thickness in athletes. That study was conducted with 15 team athletes (TA) (age 21.80 ± 2.40 years), 15 individual athletes (IA) (age 18.93 ± 2.31 years) and the control group (CON) 10 people living sedentary lifestyles (age 23.60 ± 2.91 years). In this study, diaphragm muscle thickness (B-mode ultrasonography), respiratory function (spirometry and maximum inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory pressures (MEP), aerobic capacity yo-yo intermittent endurance Test 1 (YYIET-1), and anaerobic power by Monark 834 E were assessed. The diaphragm thickness was determined from the intercostalspace between the 8th and 9th ribs at the expiration time by ultrasound and from the intercostal space between the 10th and 11th ribs at inspiration and then, the thickness of the diaphragm was measured from the diaphragm is seen best. There was a positive correlation between DiTins (r= 0.477) and DiTins-ex (r= 0.473) parameters of TA. In IA, there was a significant correlation between DiTins and DiTins-ex parameters and Peak Power (r= 0.495 and 0.435, respectively) and average power (r= 0.483 and 0.446, respectively). No significant correlation in all parameters of the CON group (p<0.05). As a result, it was determined that athletes with high diaphragm thickness had higher anaerobic performance, and athletes with thinner diaphragm thickness had better VO2Max capacity. The diaphragm thickness of the athletes in individual branches was thicker than the team athletes, and their anaerobic performance was also higher.

RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de este estudio fue examinar la correlación entre el rendimiento aeróbico y anaeróbico del grosor del diaframa en atletas. Dicho estudio se realizó con 15 deportistas de equipo (TA) (edad 21,80 ± 2,40 años), 15 deportistas individuales (IA) (edad 18,93 ± 2,31 años) y el grupo control (CON) 10 personas con sedentarismo (edad 23,60 ± 2,91 años). Se midió, el grosor del diaframa (ultrasonografía en modo B), la función respiratoria (espirometría y presiones máximas inspiratorias (MIP) y espiratorias (MEP), prueba de resistencia intermitente yo- yo de capacidad aeróbica 1 (YYIET-1) y resistencia anaeróbica potencia por Monark 834 E. El grosor del diafragma se determinó a partir del espacio intercostal entre las costillas 8 y 9 en el momento de la espiración por ultrasonido y del espacio intercostal entre las costillas 10 y 11 en la inspiración. Hubo una correlación positiva entre los parámetros DiT ins (r= 0,477) y DiTins-ex (r= 0,473) de TA. En IA, hubo una correlación significativa entre los parámetros DiTins y DiTins-ex y el pico Potencia (r= 0,495 y 0,435, respectivamente) y potencia media (r= 0,483 y 0,446, respectivamente). No hubo correlación significativa en todos los parámetros del grupo CON (p<0,05). Como resultado, se determinó que los atletas con mayor espesor del diaframa tenían un mayor rendimiento anaeróbico, y los atletas con menor espesor del diaframa tenían una mejor capacidad de VO2Max. El grosor del diafragma de los atletas en ramas individuales fue mayor que el de los atletas de equipo, y su rendimiento anaeróbico también fue mayor.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Ultrasonics , Diaphragm/diagnostic imaging , Athletes , Diaphragm/anatomy & histology , Diaphragm/physiology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206168


In the present research study 4 shoulder muscles-the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, the middle deltoid and the upper part of the trapezius-were assessed for muscle thickness using real time ultrasonography (RUSI) in various degrees of abducted and flexed arm positions, in 30 patients with acute and sub-acute shoulder pain and 30 asymptomatic healthy subjects (N=60). The symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects were further subdivided according to affection of dominant (n=15) and non-dominant (n=15) shoulder joint. Muscle thickness (mm) was measured using real time ultrasonography of dominant and non-dominant shoulder in different range of movement of shoulder abduction and flexion in symptomatic patients and asymptomatic subjects with and without gripping action on the dynamometer. The subjects were asked to produce a static handgrip force of in 8 different arm positions. In all positions, the subjects held a dynamometer in the hand. The activity in the shoulder muscles was assessed using RUSI while the participating subjects produced a handgrip with maximal force. Muscle thickness and changes with activity was similar in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Muscle activity increased in the middle deltoid muscle in humeral flexion and abduction from 0 0 through 800, whereas supraspinatus and lower trapezius showed increased muscle thickness only in the initial ranges of movement of shoulder flexion, whereas, infraspinatus did not show exhibit any significant change. Our findings imply that high static hand grip force, particularly in elevated arm positions, increases the load on some shoulder muscles, independent of presence of pain in the shoulder. Handgrip activity is important to evaluate while assessing shoulder load in manual work and in clinical evaluations of patients with shoulder pain. Also, while rehabilitation it would be possible to make use of hand gripping activity and load the shoulder muscles differently and distinctly throughout the ranges of movement of shoulder joint.

Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 876-881, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762118


Architectural changes in healthy muscle after denervation have not yet been reported. This study aimed to investigate architectural changes in the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle (GCM) after aesthetic tibial nerve ablation in healthy adults using ultrasonography (US). The effects of tibial nerve ablation were verified by visual observation and surface electromyography analysis. US images of medial GCMs were taken by one trained physician using B-mode and real-time US with a linear-array probe before nerve ablation, at 1 week after nerve ablation and at 3 months after nerve ablation in an anatomic standing position with the feet about shoulder-width apart in 19 healthy adults (17 females and 2 males). Muscle thickness was significantly reduced on the left side at 1 week and 3 months after the procedure and on the right side at 3 months after the procedure (p<0.050). Although fascicle length was not significantly changed, pennation angle was significantly reduced on both sides at 3 months after the procedure (p<0.050). Muscle thickness and pennation angle of the muscle fascicle were significantly reduced, although fascicle length was not significantly changed, after tibial nerve ablation in the medial GCM of healthy adults.

Adult , Female , Humans , Denervation , Electromyography , Foot , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Head , Muscle, Skeletal , Posture , Tibial Nerve , Ultrasonography
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765425


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plank exercises with resistance of one-sided hip adduction on abdominal muscle thickness. METHODS: Thirty subjects were divided into a group that underwent plank exercises with one-sided hip adduction resistance (n=15) and a group that underwent plank exercises only (n=15). Their changes in abdominal muscle thickness before the experiment (n=15) and three and six weeks after the experiment were analyzed using a two-way repeated analysis of variance at a statistical significance level of α=0.05. When there was any interaction between the time of measurement and each group, post hoc t-tests were conducted at a statistical significance level of α=0.01. RESULTS: The results of the experiment showed statistically significant differences in the thickness of the rectus abdominis, internal oblique muscle, and transversus abdominis, depending on the time of measurement and the interaction between the time of measurement and each group (p<0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed in the thickness of the external oblique, depending on the time of measurement, the interaction between the time of measurement and each group, and variances between the groups (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that plank exercises with resistance of one-sided adduction are effective for increasing abdominal muscle thickness. The study's overall findings will likely be used as basic data for lumbar stabilization exercises and rehabilitation treatment.

Abdominal Muscles , Exercise , Hip , Rectus Abdominis , Rehabilitation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765442


PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of plank exercise combined with breathing and arm exercises on the external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominal muscle thickness. METHODS: Thirty healthy adults consisting of 12 males and 18 females from K area were divided into a plank exercise combined with breathing and arm exercises group (n = 15) and a plank exercise only group (n=15). The changes in muscle thickness before the exercise and four and eight weeks after the exercise were analyzed using a two-way repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance level was set to α=0.05. Post-hoc t-tests were conducted to detect the interactions between the time and groups, and the significance level was set to α=0.01. RESULTS: According to the experimental results, the external oblique abdominal muscle showed significant differences over time (p<0.05). The internal oblique abdominal muscle also showed significant differences over time and in the interactions between the time and groups (p<0.05). The transverse abdominal muscle showed significant differences over time, in the interactions between time and groups, and in the changes between the groups (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The results indicated that plank exercise combined with breathing and arm movement exercises led to increases in the abdominal muscle thickness. These types of exercises may be useful in lumbar stabilization rehabilitation treatment.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Abdominal Muscles , Arm , Exercise , Rehabilitation , Respiration
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738382


Resistance training is a treatment for muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. Although previous studies reported that muscle strength increased via changes in neural adaptation after low-intensity resistance training with skin cooling (SC), the effects of the training on both muscle strength and muscle thickness were unclear. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of low-intensity training of the triceps brachii with SC on muscle strength and muscle thickness. Volunteers were 12 healthy men, with one arm randomly assigned to SC and the other to control groups. Elbow extension exercises were performed for 8 weeks, and 1 repetition maximum (RM) and muscle thickness of triceps brachii were measured before and after training. Resistance exercise was performed thrice a week using a dumbbell adjusted to 50% of 1 RM for both the groups. The SC side used an ice bag secured to the triceps brachii during training. There were no significant interaction effects of 1 RM and muscle thickness of triceps brachii;however, both variables significantly increased after training in both the SC and control groups. Muscle strength and muscle thickness increased after the 8-week training program with SC. No significant differences were observed between the groups.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786654


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between hamstring muscle thickness and knee flexion peak torque, and rate of torque development (RTD) calculated during 0–50 ms (RTD50) and 0–200 ms (RTD200).METHODS: Thirty-six active individuals' dominant side hamstring thickness were measured using portable ultrasound device. Participants performed maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MVIC) of knee flexion. Peak torque was identified as the maximum torque during MVIC testing. RTD was calculated initial 50 ms and 200 ms after the onset of joint torque. Pearson's correlation (r) coefficients were utilized to assess relationships between muscle thickness and knee flexion peak torque, RTD50 and RTD200. The significant level of hypothesis verification is set-up as α=0.05.RESULTS: Greater peak torque and RTD200 was associated with greater muscle thickness of semitendinosus and semimembranosus (p<0.05). Greater RTD50 was associated with greater muscle thickness of semitendinosus only. Biceps femoris thickness was not associated with knee flexion peak torque, RTD50, and RTD200.CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the training specific hamstring muscle (medial hamstrings) for improving muscle thickness would be effective for increasing knee flexion peak torque and RTD.

Joints , Knee , Torque , Ultrasonography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905707


Objective:To investigate the reliability of the morphological measure of medial gastrocnemius by musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging on the standing and prone positions, and compare the differences in the structural parameters of the medial gastrocnemius in different positions. Methods:From December, 2017 to May, 2018, 30 healthy young subjects were measured the muscle thickness, fascicle length and pennation angle of medial gastrocnemius on the prone and standing position respectively by two testers with musculoskeletal ultrasound. One of the testers re-tested three days later. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), measurement standard error (SEM) and minimum detectable change (MDC) of all muscle morphological parameters in different positions were calculated respectively, and the differences of the morphological measurement of the medial gastrocnemius between these two positions were compared. Results:In the prone position, the ICC of inter-rater was 0.932 to 0.943 and the ICC of intra-rater was 0.880 to 0.915. In the standing position, the ICC of inter-rater was 0.922 to 0.938, and the ICC of intra-rater was 0.839 to 0.925. There were significant differences in muscle thickness, fascicle length and pennation angle of medial gastrocnemius in standing position and prone position (P < 0.01). Inter-rater SEM of muscle thickness and fascicle length was less in standing position than in prone position, while intra-rater MDC of pennation angle was less in prone position. Conclusion:It is reliable to measure medial gastrocnemius in standing and prone positions with ultrasonography. Morphological measurement of gastrocnemius is more accurate in standing position, while the measurement in prone position is more sensitive.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688500


Resistance training is a treatment for muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. Although previous studies reported that muscle strength increased via changes in neural adaptation after low-intensity resistance training with skin cooling (SC), the effects of the training on both muscle strength and muscle thickness were unclear. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of low-intensity training of the triceps brachii with SC on muscle strength and muscle thickness. Volunteers were 12 healthy men, with one arm randomly assigned to SC and the other to control groups. Elbow extension exercises were performed for 8 weeks, and 1 repetition maximum (RM) and muscle thickness of triceps brachii were measured before and after training. Resistance exercise was performed thrice a week using a dumbbell adjusted to 50% of 1 RM for both the groups. The SC side used an ice bag secured to the triceps brachii during training. There were no significant interaction effects of 1 RM and muscle thickness of triceps brachii;however, both variables significantly increased after training in both the SC and control groups. Muscle strength and muscle thickness increased after the 8-week training program with SC. No significant differences were observed between the groups.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717902


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study compared the muscle thickness (MT) and echo intensity (EI) of the abdominal, thigh, and lower leg muscles between the paretic and nonparetic sides in chronic stroke survivors. METHODS: Thirty-two stroke survivors living in the community participated in this study. The MT and EI, which are indicators of muscle mass and intramuscular fat or connective tissue, were assessed in the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, and soleus via transverse ultrasound imaging. In addition, a possible indicator of physical activity—the frequency of going out per week—was evaluated. RESULTS: All quadriceps muscles and the tibialis anterior were significantly thinner and the EI values of the vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and soleus were significantly higher in the paretic limb than the nonparetic limb. The MT and EI values of abdominal muscles did not differ significantly between the two sides. The MT values of the paretic rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis were significantly associated with the frequency of going out after adjusting confounding factors. The MT of the nonparetic vastus lateralis was significantly associated with latency from stroke onset after adjusting confounding factors. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that quantitative and qualitative changes on the paretic side in stroke survivors were the most robust in the thigh muscles, whereas such changes might not occur in the abdominal muscles.

Humans , Abdominal Muscles , Connective Tissue , Extremities , Leg , Lower Extremity , Muscles , Quadriceps Muscle , Rectus Abdominis , Stroke , Survivors , Thigh , Ultrasonography
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714272


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between functional level and muscle thickness (MT) of the rectus femoris (RF) and the gastrocnemius (GCM) in young children with cerebral palsy (CP). METHODS: The study participants were comprised of 26 children (50 legs) with spastic CP, aged 3–6 years, and 25 age-matched children with typical development (TD, 50 legs). The MT of the RF, medial GCM, and lateral GCM was measured with ultrasound imaging. The functional level was evaluated using the Gross Motor Function Measurement-88 (GMFM-88), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), and based on the mobility area of the Korean version of the Modified Barthel Index (K-MBI). The measurement of spasticity was evaluated with the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). RESULTS: We note that the height, weight, body mass index, and MT of the RF, and the medial and lateral GCM were significantly higher in the TD group (p < 0.05). There was a direct relationship between MT of the RF and medial GCM and the GMFM-88, GMFCS, and mobility scores of the K-MBI in individuals with early CP. In addition, we have noted that there was a direct relationship between MT of the lateral GCM and the GMFM-88 and GMFCS. Although there was a tendency toward lower MT with increasing MAS ratings in the knee and ankle, the correlation was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: In young children with CP, MT of the RF and GCM was lower than in age-matched children with TD. Furthermore, it is noted with confidence that a significant positive correlation existed between MT and functional level as evaluated using the GMFM-88, GMFCS, and mobility area of K-MBI.

Child , Humans , Ankle , Body Weight , Cerebral Palsy , Classification , Knee , Muscle Spasticity , Quadriceps Muscle , Ultrasonography