Introducción: Las características y complejidad de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 motivan la necesidad de un abordaje multi e interdisciplinario. El estudio persigue caracterizar las representaciones sociales de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que posee un grupo de pacientes adultos, residentes en Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, corte transversal. Se aplicó cuestionario sociodemográfico elaborado ad hoc y técnica de palabras asociadas. Participaron 90 pacientes adultos, reclutados principalmente del servicio de diabetológica del Hospital de Clínicas "José de San Martin" dependiente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Resultados: El núcleo de la representación social estuvo integrado por palabras referidas al impacto y malestar emocional que causa esta patología; la identidad de la enfermedad y la necesidad de cuidado de la salud. La periferia contuvo los siguientes temas, de mayor a menor importancia: obesidad, complicaciones de la diabetes, plan alimentario, tratamiento médico y medicación. En menor medida, se mencionaron elementos como actividad física y sedentarismo. De manera tangencial, surgieron los elementos de desinformación y sexualidad. Discusión: La representación social de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes se caracteriza por reflejar, en su núcleo, el temor, impacto y malestar que causa esta enfermedad. La reproducción del discurso médico mediante los temas referidos a factores de riesgo, complicaciones y tratamiento, conforman el sistema periférico de la representación. Elementos importantes tales como actividad física, sedentarismo, desinformación y sexualidad, son poco mencionados. Se destaca la importancia de la salud mental, como una problemática central a abordar en este tipo de patologías. También se sugiere implementación de educación terapéutica.
Introduction: Characteristics and complexity of type 2 diabetes generates the need for a multi and interdisciplinary approach. The aim of the study is to characterize social representations of type 2 diabetes in a group of adult patients, living in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional design. An ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and the associated words technique were applied. 90 adult patients participated, recruited mainly from a diabetes service of a public hospital. Results: The core of the social representation was made up of words referring to the impact and emotional discomfort caused by this pathology, the identity of the disease and the need for health care. The periphery contained the following topics, from most to least important: obesity, diabetes complications, eating plan, medical treatment, and medication. Elements such as physical activity and sedentary lifestyle were mentioned to a lesser extent. Also, misinformation and sexuality were mentioned tangentially. Discussion: Social representation of type 2 diabetes in patients is characterized by reflecting at its core, the fear, impact and discomfort that this disease causes. The reproduction of medical discourse, through topics related to risk factors, complications and treatment, make up the peripheral system of representation. Important elements such as physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, misinformation and sexuality are rarely mentioned. The importance of mental health is highlighted as a central problem to be addressed in this type of pathology. Also, it's suggested the implementation of therapeutic education.
Objetivo: Avaliar o risco de Lesão por Pressão em pessoas acamadas assistidas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. Método: Estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 62 pacientes. A coleta de dados sucedeu-se por meio de questionário semiestruturado com dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e a avaliação do risco de Lesão por Pressão por meio da Escala de Braden. Os dados foram analisados pelo softwareestatístico Statistical Package for Social Science, versão 20.0. Resultados: Prevaleceram os pacientes do sexo feminino (61,3 %), cor branca (43,5%), viúvos (35,5%), aposentados (66,1%) e não alfabetizados (62,9%). O principal motivo de estar acamado foi devido a sequelas do Acidente Vascular Encefálico (35,5%). Evidenciou-se prevalência de risco muito alto em 59,7% das pessoas acamadas. Conclusão: O risco para Lesão por Pressão foi elevado, e a identificação dos fatores de risco é necessária e pode contribuir para estratégias preventivas ou redutoras deste agravo. (AU)
Objective: To assess the risk of pressure ulcers in bedridden individuals assisted by the Family Health Strategy. Method: A cross-sectional study employing a quantitative approach was conducted with 62 patients. Data collection was performed through a semi-structured questionnaire, encompassing sociodemographic and clinical data, as well as the assessment of pressure ulcer risk using the Braden Scale. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software, version 20.0. Results: Female patients (61.3%), Caucasians (43.5%), widows (35.5%), married individuals (66.1%), and those with no formal education (62.9%) predominated. The primary reason for being bedridden was sequelae from a stroke (35.5%). A prevalence of very high risk was observed in 59.7% of bedridden individuals. Conclusion: The risk of pressure ulcers was high, emphasizing the necessity of identifying risk factors to inform preventive or mitigating strategies for this condition. (AU)
Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de Úlceras por Presión en personas encamadas atendidas por la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo con 62 pacientes. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado con datos sociodemográficos y clínicos, así como la evaluación del riesgo de úlceras por presión utilizando la Escala de Braden. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el softwareStatistical Package for Social Science, versión 20.0. Resultados: Predominaron pacientes de sexo femenino (61,3%), raza blanca (43,5%), viudas (35,5%), jubiladas (66,1%) y analfabetas (62,9%). El principal motivo de encamación fue por las secuelas de un accidente cerebrovascular (35,5%). Hubo una prevalencia de riesgo muy alta en el 59,7% de las personas encamadas. Conclusión: El riesgo de úlceras por presión fue alto, y la identificación de los factores de riesgo es necesaria y puede contribuir a estrategias preventivas o reductoras de esta condición. (AU)
Humans , Adult , Pressure Ulcer , National Health StrategiesABSTRACT
While the Internet has brought convenience and speed to human life, it has also led to frequent privacy violations. In the context of epidemiological investigations and information disclosure regarding confirmed Covid-19 patients, many individuals have utilized the Internet as a means to disseminate information and engage in cyber manhunts, resulting in breaches of privacy for those involved. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent within the realm of the Internet, where the boundaries of privacy invasion become blurred. Various types of privacy infringements, both active and passive negligence, are evident on social networking platforms. The juxtaposition of the virtual world of the Internet with real-life scenarios presents novel challenges in the realm of privacy violations. The Internet era, coupled with the widespread use and integration of big data, has diminished the absolute right to privacy on the Internet. This paper examines the challenge of safeguarding the identity information of infectious patients through the lens of two theoretical frameworks -Kantianism and Utilitarianism- in an effort to address this ethical dilemma.
Aunque Internet ha aportado comodidad y rapidez a la vida humana, también ha dado lugar a frecuentes violaciones de la intimidad. En el contexto de las investigaciones epidemiológicas y la divulgación de información relativa a pacientes confirmados de covid-19, muchas personas han utilizado Internet como medio para difundir información y participar en cibercacerías, lo que ha dado lugar a violaciones en la intimidad de los implicados. Este fenómeno prevalece en el ámbito de Internet, donde los límites de la invasión de la intimidad se vuelven vagos. En las redes sociales, se manifiestan diversos tipos de violaciones de la intimidad, tanto por negligencia activa como pasiva. La yuxtaposición entre el mundo virtual de Internet con escenarios de la vida real plantea nuevos retos en el ámbito de las violaciones de la intimidad. La era de Internet, junto con el uso generalizado y la integración del bigdata, han mermado el derecho absoluto a la privacidad. Este artículo examina el reto de salvaguardar la información sobre la identidad de los pacientes infecciosos a través de la lente de dos marcos teóricos -el kantianismo y el utilitarismo- en un esfuerzo por abordar este dilema ético.
Enquanto a Internet trouxe conveniência e velocidade à vida humana, ela também levou a frequentes violações da privacidade. No contexto de investigações epidemiológicas e divulgação de informações em relação a pacientes confirmados de Covid-19, muitos indivíduos utilizaram a Internet como um meio para disseminar informação e participar de uma caçada cibernética, resultando em violações da privacidade para aqueles envolvidos. Esse fenômeno é particularmente prevalente no âmbito da Internet, onde os limites de invasão da privacidade se tornaram borrados. Vários tipos de infrações da privacidade, tanto negligências ativa como passiva, são evidentes em plataformas de redes sociais. A justaposição do mundo virtual da Internet com cenários da vida real apresenta novos desafios no âmbito das violações da privacidade. A era da Internet, juntamente com o amplo uso e integração de megadados (big data), diminuiu o direito absoluto à privacidade na Internet. Esse artigo examina o desafio de proteger a informação de identidade de pacientes infectantes através das lentes de dois enquadres teóricos -Kantianismo e Utilitarismo- em um esforço para abordar esse dilema ético.
Resumo Introdução: As ações desenvolvidas na Atenção Primária à Saúde são um dos pontos fortes de combate à tuberculose. Nesse nível de atenção, o contato contínuo do enfermeiro por meio da consulta de enfermagem permite manter relação com a população adoecida. Diante da relação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada para o estabelecimento do vínculo e adesão ao tratamento contra tuberculose, compreende-se a importância do referencial teórico de Imogene King para estruturar a interação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada e oferecer uma dinâmica para esse processo. Objetivo: Analisar a relação enfermeiro-pessoa afetada pela tuberculose fundamentada na Teoria do Alcance de Metas de Imogene King. Método: Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, com 14 enfermeiros da APS, selecionadas por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu de agosto a novembro de 2018, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, elaborada com base no Registro Meta-Orientado de Enfermagem de Imogene King. Os dados foram analisados de forme qualitativa pelo Software IRAMUTEQ. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: Após a análise, emergiram quatro classes: 1) relação estabelecida com base no acolhimento; 2) relação enfermeiro-pessoa com tuberculose e o apoio de outros profissionais e familiares; 3) relação estabelecida com vistas ao cumprimento do tratamento; e 4) relação estabelecida para enfrentamento do preconceito diante da tuberculose. Conclusão: O acolhimento, a família e o vínculo entre profissional, paciente e equipe da Atenção Primária à Saúde fortalecem o enfrentamento da doença e reforçam a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso.
Resumen Introducción: Uno de los puntos fuertes de la lucha contra la tuberculosis son las acciones desarrolladas en la atención primaria de salud. En este nivel asistencial, el contacto continuo de las enfermerías a través de la consulta de enfermería permite mantener una relación con la población enferma. Frente a la relación enfermería-persona para el establecimiento del vínculo y la adherencia al tratamiento contra la tuberculosis, se entiende la importancia del referente teórico de Imogene King para estructurar la interacción enfermería-persona y ofrecer una dinámica para este proceso. Objetivo: Análisis de la relación entre el personal de enfermería y las personas afectadas por la tuberculosis, a partir de la teoría del logro de objetivos de Imogene King. Método: Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, con 14 enfermeras de atención primaria de salud, seleccionadas por conveniencia. La recolección de datos ocurrió de agosto a noviembre de 2018, a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, elaborada con base en el registro meta-orientado de enfermería de Imogene King. Los datos fueron analizados cualitativamente utilizando el software IRAMUTEQ. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética. Resultados: Después del análisis, surgieron cuatro clases: 1) relación establecida con base en la recepción, 2) relación enfermería-persona con tuberculosis y apoyo de otras personas profesionales y familiares, 3) relación establecida con miras al cumplimiento del tratamiento y 4) relación establecida para combatir los prejuicios contra la tuberculosis. Conclusión: La acogida, la familia y el vínculo entre profesional, paciente y equipo de atención primaria de salud fortalecen el afrontamiento de la enfermedad y refuerzan la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico.
Abstract Introduction: One of the main aspects in the fight against tuberculosis are the actions developed in Primary Health Care (PHC). At this level of care, the nurse's continuous contact through the nursing consultation allows them to maintain a relationship with the sick population. Regarding the nurse-patient relationship for establishing a bond and the compliance with tuberculosis treatment, we understand the importance of Imogene King's theoretical framework for structuring the nurse-patient interaction and offering a dynamic for this process. Objective: To analyze the nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship based on Imogene King's Theory of Goal Achievement. Method: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with 14 PHC nurses, selected by convenience. Data were collected from August to November 2018 through semi-structured interviews based on Imogene King's Meta-Oriented Nursing Record. The data were analyzed qualitatively using the IRAMUTEQ software. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: After the analysis, four classes emerged: 1) relationship established on the basis of welcoming; 2) nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship and the support of other professionals and family members; 3) relationship established towards treatment compliance; and 4) relationship established to confront prejudice associated with tuberculosis. Conclusion: The welcoming, the family, and the bond between the professional, the patient and Primary Health Care team strengthen the coping with the disease and reinforce the compliance with the pharmacological treatment.
Humans , Female , Primary Health Care , Tuberculosis/nursing , Nurse-Patient Relations , BrazilABSTRACT
Introducción: las lesiones premalignas y malignas del complejo bucal se incrementan en la población, lo que demanda una correcta ejecución del Programa de Detección Precoz del Cáncer Bucal (PDCB). En el trabajo se exponen las transformaciones en el nivel de conocimientos de pacientes y estomatólogos acerca de las afecciones concernientes al PDCB para perfeccionar su ejecución. Método: se realizó una intervención educativa en el área de salud Julio Antonio Mella del municipio Camagüey desde mayo de 2022 hasta junio de 2023, con la participación de 36 pacientes y 30 estomatólogos. Las fuentes de información fueron la historia clínica, un cuestionario y una prueba de entrada y salida, aplicados a pacientes y estomatólogos respectivamente, antes y después de la intervención; para constatar las transformaciones. Resultados: antes de la intervención los pacientes estaban mal informados sobre las consecuencias nocivas de hábitos tóxicos, higiénicos y dietéticos, así como desconocimiento de la importancia del correcto autoexamen bucal; los que alcanzaron en su mayoría un alto nivel de conocimientos con la intervención. Los estomatólogos mejoraron sus conocimientos sobre diagnóstico y seguimiento de lesiones pre malignas y malignas del complejo maxilofacial. Discusión: la adecuada ejecución del PDCB descansa tanto en pacientes como en estomatólogos y aunque las investigaciones se enfocan a los primeros por los beneficios reportados; la superación de posgrado constituye una vía para sistematizar conocimientos y fortalecer competencias profesionales que impacten de manera positiva en el PDCB. La intervención educativa se considera satisfactoria al elevar el nivel de conocimientos de pacientes y estomatólogos, lo que demuestra sus potencialidades para perfeccionar la ejecución del PDCB.
Introduction: premalignant and malignant lesions of de oral area increase in the population which demands a correct implementation of the Early Detection of Oral Cancer Program. In this work transformations are exposed knowledge level of both patients and dentists regarding lesions concerning the Early Detection of Oral Cancer Program (EDOCP). Method: educational intervention was carried out in Julio Antonio Mella health area of Camaguey municipality from May 2022 to June 2023 which 36 patients and 30 Deontologists. Information sources were the Clinical History, a questionnaire and a test applied to patients and Deontologists respectively, before and after the intervention, to confirm the transformations in the sample. Results: Prior to intervention patients were poorly informed about consequences of toxic, hygienic and dietetic habits combined with lack of knowledge regarding importance of a correct oral self-examination whose knowledge improved to reach a high level in most of them after the intervention. Deontologists improved their knowledge on diagnosis and follow-up of premalignant and malignant lesions affecting the maxillofacial complex. Discussion: correct application of the EDOCP depends on both patients and deontologists, however reserchers focus on the former due to the reported benefits; the postgraduate training is a way to systematize knowledge and strengthen professional competences with positive impact on EDOCP. The educational intervention was satisfactory since it improved the level of knowledge of both patients and dentists which shows its potential on a correct implementation of the Early Detection of Oral Cancer Program.
El cáncer es una de las causas de muerte más habitual por enfermedad en menores. Debido a los grandes avances en la investigación médica y los tratamientos, una gran tasa de niños la supera, de ahí que la promoción, prevención y tratamiento constituye un reto necesario a asumir a partir del análisis de sus dimensiones. El objetivo del trabajo es diseñar un sistema de actividades psicoterapéuticas para el perfeccionamiento de la atención a los pacientes oncológicos en el Hospital Provincial Pediátrico de Camagüey. La metodología empleada fue la cuanticualitativa (análisis de documentos, entrevista, encuestas, observación, entre otros). Se fundamentan teóricamente los elementos conceptuales, se exponen los asuntos psicosociales y didácticos de su diseño, así como la valoración por especialistas. Los resultados introducidos en la práctica desde la Sala de Oncología fueron apreciados favorablemente por los pacientes y familiares en 10 sesiones que incluyeron temas como la autoestima y asertividad.
Cancer is one of the most common causes of death due to illness in children. Due to the great advances in medical research and treatments, a large percentage of children overcome it, hence promotion, prevention and treatment constitute a necessary challenge to assume based on the analysis of its dimensions. The objective of the work is to design a system of psychconapeutic activities to improve care for oncological patients at the Provincial Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey. The methodology used was quantitative (document analysis, interview, surveys, observation, among cons). The conceptual elements are theoretically based, the psychosocial and didactic issues of its design are exposed, as well as the assessment by specialists. The results introduced into practice from the Oncology Ward were favorably appreciated by patients and family members in 10 sessions that included topics such as self-esteem and assertiveness.
Objective. This article presents a literature review to explore and analyze the current situation of pressure ulcers or lesions or decubitus ulcers, pathophysiological, epidemiological aspects, and risk factors. The progress in evidence of the effectiveness of preventive repositioning in the appearance of these lesions in vulnerable hospitalized patients is also evaluated. Methods. Databases were reviewed in non-systematic manner, including the Cochrane Wounds Specialized Register; Medline, Scopus, PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; MEDLINE (Ovid); EMBASE (Ovid), Web of Science, SciELO, and Lilacs. The general search terms included [pressure ulcers or pressure lesions or decubitus ulcers] and [prevention or preventive] and [repositioning or positioning or position changes or postural change] and [patient at risk or vulnerable] and [hospitalized or ICU or intensive care]. Systematic literature reviews, randomized clinical trials, observational studies, cost-effectiveness and qualitative studies in English or Spanish were included. Results. Although globally, the incidence, prevalence, and years of disability associated to these lesions has diminished between 1990 and 2019, the high impact on health persists. Evidence found on the effectiveness of repositioning in preventing pressure ulcers and health associated costs has been evaluated with certainty between low and very low, as a result of conducting research with serious methodological limitations that report results with high inaccuracy. Conclusion.The findings reported present that these lesions persist at hospital level and continue being a global social and health problem with high impact on health budgets. Likewise, there is a need to develop greater quality research on prevention strategies, such as repositioning, which validate their effectiveness, and justify their use.
Objetivo. Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura con el objetivo de explorar y analizar la situación actual de las úlceras o lesiones por presión o úlceras por decúbito, aspectos fisiopatológicos, epidemiológicos, y factores de riesgo. Se evalúa además el progreso en la evidencia de la eficacia del reposicionamiento preventivo en la aparición de estas lesiones en pacientes vulnerables hospitalizados. Métodos. Se revisaron bases de datos de forma no sistemática, incluyendo The Cochrane Wounds Specialised Register; Medline, Scopus, PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; MEDLINE (Ovid); EMBASE (Ovid), Web of Science, Scielo, y Lilacs. Los términos de búsqueda generales incluyeron [úlceras por presión o lesiones por presión o úlceras por decúbito] y [prevención o preventivo] y [reposicionamiento o posicionamiento o cambios de posición o cambio postural] y [paciente en riesgo o vulnerable] y [hospitalizado o UCI o cuidados intensivos]. Se incluyeron revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura, ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, estudios observacionales, estudios de costo-efectividad y cualitativos en idioma inglés o español. Resultados. Aunque globalmente la incidencia, prevalencia y años de incapacidad asociado a estas lesiones ha disminuido entre 1990 y 2019, el impacto en salud persiste de forma elevada. La evidencia encontrada sobre la eficacia del reposicionamiento en prevención de úlceras por presión y costos asociados en salud ha sido evaluada con certeza entre baja y muy baja, como resultado de la realización de investigaciones con serias limitaciones metodológicas que reportan resultados con alta imprecisión. Conclusión.Los hallazgos reportados presentan que estas lesiones persisten a nivel hospitalario y continúan siendo un problema social y de salud mundial con alto impacto en los presupuestos en salud. Así mismo se presenta la necesidad de desarrollar mayor investigación de calidad en estrategias preventivas como el reposicionamiento, que validen su eficacia, y justifiquen su utilización.
Objetivo. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de explorar e analisar a situação atual das úlceras por pressão ou úlceras de decúbito, os aspectos fisiopatológicos e epidemiológicos e os fatores de risco. Também avalia o progresso na evidência da eficácia do reposicionamento preventivo no desenvolvimento dessas lesões em pacientes hospitalizados vulneráveis. Métodos.Foram revisados bancos de dados não específicos do local, incluindo The Cochrane Wounds Specialised Register; Medline, Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; MEDLINE (Ovid); EMBASE (Ovid), Web of Science, Scielo e Lilacs. Os termos gerais de pesquisa incluíram [úlceras de pressão ou lesões por pressão ou úlceras de pressão ou úlceras de decúbito] e [prevenção ou preventivo] e [reposicionamento ou posicionamento ou mudanças de posição ou mudança postural] e [paciente em risco ou vulnerável] e [hospitalizado ou UTI ou terapia intensiva]. Foram incluídas revisões sistemáticas da literatura, ensaios clínicos randomizados, estudos observacionais, estudos de custo-efetividade e qualitativos em inglês ou espanhol. Resultados. Embora, em geral, a incidência, a prevalência e os anos de incapacidade associados a essas lesões tenham diminuído entre 1990 e 2019, o impacto na saúde continua alto. As evidências encontradas sobre a eficácia do reposicionamento na prevenção de úlceras por pressão e os custos de saúde associados foram avaliadas com certeza baixa a muito baixa, como resultado de pesquisas com sérias limitações metodológicas que relataram resultados altamente imprecisos. Conclusão. Os resultados relatados mostram que essas lesões persistem em nível hospitalar e continuam a ser um problema social e de saúde global com alto impacto nos orçamentos de saúde. Também há necessidade de mais pesquisas de qualidade sobre estratégias preventivas, como o reposicionamento, para validar sua eficácia e justificar seu uso.
Humans , Nursing , Pressure Ulcer , Moving and Lifting PatientsABSTRACT
Reminiscence therapy (RT) attenuates psychological disorders in cancer patients. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of RT on anxiety, depression, spiritual well-being, and quality of life in elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer. A total of 222 elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer were randomized into RT group (RT plus usual care, n=112) or control group (usual care, n=110) with a 6-month intervention. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for Anxiety (HADS-A) and Depression (HADS-D), Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp), and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (QLQ-C30) were evaluated at month (M)0, M1, M3, and M6. Concerning the primary outcome, HADS-A score at M6 decreased in the RT group compared to the control group (P=0.005). As to secondary outcomes, the RT group showed decreased HADS-A scores at M3, anxiety rate at M3, HADS-D scores at M3 and M6, depression rate at M6, as well as greater FACIT-Sp scores at M1, M3, and M6 vs the control group (all P<0.050). Additionally, QLQ-C30 global health score was elevated at M1 (P=0.046) and M6 (P=0.005), functions score was greater at M6 (P=0.038), and symptoms score was lower at M3 (P=0.019) in the RT group than in the control group. Subgroup analysis revealed that the addition of RT was more effective for patients with anxiety or depression at baseline. In summary, RT alleviated anxiety and depression, and improved the spiritual well-being and quality of life within 6 months in elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer.
Elderly breast cancer patients have different characteristics from young breast cancer patients,and their treat-ment faces many challenges.The treatment for elderly patients with breast cancer is often based on retrospective studies or evi-dence of general population lacks Class I clinical evidence.This article summarized the relevant clinical studies of advanced breast cancer with different molecular subtypes,explored the optional treatments and development directions for advanced elderly breast cancer,and provided reference for clinicians.
Patients with severe tumors do not refer to the patients with end-stage tumors,but rather to the patients with a performance status(PS)score between 2 and 4 in certain stages due to various reasons,such as acute or chronic comorbidities,tumor itself,or treatment-related adverse events.To these patients,there is a high probability of achieving survival benefit and/or improvement in PS scores after synergistic management of available life-support technologies and anti-tumor therapies based on dynamic and precise testing.Elderly patients with tumors frequently present with one or more chronic illnesses and have poor toler-ance and compliance to treatment.Moreover,their treatment regimens often lack high-quality clinical evidence,making them more susceptible to developing severe tumors.The management of severe tumors in the elderly is based on three basic diagnosis and treatment technologies:dynamic and precise detection,powerful life support technologies,and skillful application of current anti-tumor treatments.In specific clinical practice,the following 7 flexible and individualized treatment strategies should be adopted for different tumor types:1.concurrent management of cancer and comorbidities,2.upgrading and downgrading of anti-tumor drugs based on PS score,3.dynamic accurate detection,4.skillful combinations for increasing efficacy and reducing toxicity,5.complete overview,paying equal attention to systemic therapy and local therapy,6.safety first in medication for the elderly,7.multi-discipli-nary participation,individualized and comprehensive treatment.This article introduced the concept of severe tumors in the elderly and the associated management strategies,to increase awareness and provide feasible guidance for clinical practice.
Senescence is the major risk factor that promotes development of different stages of chronic liver diseases and is closely related to occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.Significant differences consist in clinicopathological features and tumor microenvironment between elderly and young patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.With rapid development of systemic therapy,immune checkpoint inhibitors combined with targeted therapy have greatly improved the prognosis of patients with advanced hepa-tocellular carcinoma.The selection of treatment decisions for elderly patients with hepatocellular carcinoma requires to consider u-nique age-related issues.Adequate communication and necessary evaluation should be carried out before making decisions.Elderly patients with hepatocellular carcinoma are speculated to benefit from combination immunotherapy based on age subgroup analysis of large clinical studies.However,data of effects and security obtained from clinical trials has certain limitations when being ap-plied in elderly populations of real world.The optimal therapeutic strategies for elderly patients with hepatocellular carcinoma still remain to be further explored in large-scale prospective clinical studies.
Elderly patients are often complicated with a variety of underlying diseases.Because aging can impact the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs,and affect the immune effect,conventional anti-tumor treatment modes such as radiotherapy,chemotherapy,targeted therapy,or immunization,can not achieve optimal efficacy.Comprehensive geriatric assess-ment(CGA)is a multi-dimensional and multidisciplinary diagnostic process,which is currently regarded as the core of the as-sessment of elderly patients with cancer.By utilizing a variety of tools and scales,comprehensive assessment of elderly patients with cancer can facilitate early intervention,guide reasonable treatment,increase the chances of benefit,and improve the quality of life for some elderly patients.Moreover,CGA can help reasonably allocate medical resources and reduce the economic burden on the community.
Objective To investigate the effect of rimimazolam tosylate on hemodynamics during the induction of general anesthesia in elderly patients.Methods A total of 90 elderly patients who received non-cardiac surgery under tracheal intubation general anesthesia in our hospital were selected,and randomly divided into the remimazolam tosylate group(group R)and the etomidate group(group E).During anesthesia induction,patients in the group R were given 0.3 mg/kg of remimazolam tosylate,and patients in the group E were given 0.3 mg/kg of etomidate.The heart rate(HR),mean arterial pressure(MAP),and bispectral index(BIS)before the induction of anesthesia(T0),after the induction of anesthesia(T1),and after tracheal intubation(T2)of patients in the two groups were compared.The induction time,extubation time,Ramsay sedation score 5 minutes after extubation,time out of the postanesthesia care unit(PACU),operation time,anesthesia time and incidence of adverse reactions in the two groups were counted.Results There was no significant difference in the MAP,HR or BIS of patients at T0 between the two groups(P>0.05);the MAP of patients at T1 and T2 in the group R were higher than those in the group E(P<0.05),and the HR of patients at T2 was lower than that in the group E(P<0.05).Compared with T0,the HR,MAP and BIS of patients at T1 and T2 in the group R were decreased;the MAP and BIS of patients at T1 and T2 in the group E were decreased,HR of patients was decreased at T1 and increased at T2,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).The induction time and extubation time of patients in the group R were shorter than those in the group E(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the Ramsay sedation score,time out of the PACU,operation time oranesthesia time of patients between the two groups(P>0.05).The incidences of myoclonus and hypotension of patients in the group E were higher than those in the group R,and the total incidence of adverse reactions in the group E was higher than that in the group R,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared to etomidate,remazolam tosylate is more stable in inducing hemodynamics and has fewer adverse reactions in elderly patients under general anesthesia.
Objective To investigate the relevant risk factors for endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis in elderly patients with acute epistaxis,and establish and validate a nomogram prediction model to facilitate early selection of appropriate hemostasis methods in clinical practice.Methods Clinical data of 228 elderly patients with unilateral acute epistaxis from January 2018 to December 2022 were collected.There were two groups,the electrocoagulation group(n = 112)and the conservative packing group(n = 116),based on whether they received endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis.Analysis was performed to explore the independent risk factors for requiring endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis.A nomogram prediction model was established based on the multivariate results,and receiver operator characteristic curve(ROC curve),calibration curve and clinical decision curve analysis(DCA)were used to evaluate the predictive performance and consistency of the model.Results According to the research results,the univariate analysis showed that age,hypertension,cardiovascular disease,anticoagulant use,and bleeding site were associated with endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis(P<0.05).The multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis revealed that older age,the presence of hypertension,long-term use of anticoagulants,and bleeding sites located in the posterior nasal region or unknown location were associated with a higher likelihood of undergoing endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis(P<0.05).Based on these independent risk factors,a nomogram model for predicting endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis for acute epistaxis in elderly patients was established,the area under the curve(AUC)was 0.856(95%CI:0.805~0.907).The calibration curve and DCA showed that the use of the nomogram model could benefit patients over a wide range of diagnostic threshold probabilities.Conclusion A nomogram model based on age,hypertension,anticoagulant use,and bleeding site to predict the risk of endoscopic electrocoagulation hemostasis in elderly patients with acute epistaxis has a good predicted performance.
Objective:To analyze the current situation and influencing factors of family economic burden in children with congeni-tal heart disease,and provide reference basis for relevant departments.Methods:Conduct a questionnaire survey on the parents of children with congenital heart disease,and use a multiple linear regression model to analyze the factors affecting the economic bur-den of the disease.Results:The median total economic burden of families with congenital heart disease is 44 140 yuan,which is higher than the average level of per capita disposable income among residents of Xinjiang from 2020-2022.The median direct non-medical economic burden is 2 700 yuan,and the median indirect economic burden is 2 890 yuan.The length of hospital stay and monthly household income are important factors affecting the total economic burden.Conclusion:The total economic burden of families with congenital heart disease is higher than the per capita disposable income.The more complex the condition,the longer the days of hospitalization and the longer the time lost from work,resulting in a higher overall financial burden.
Due to the particularity of the Intensive Care Unit(ICU)environment,the visiting time of family members is strictly limited,resulting in family members being unable to communicate with patients in time to understand their wishes and preferences.Moreover,the sudden onset of the diseases and clinical uncertainty can easily lead to ambivalence among family members in decision-making,leading to decision-making dilemmas.This paper reviewed the concepts,assessment tools,causes,effects,and coping strategies of decision-making dilemmas for family members of ICU patients,with a view to providing a theoretical basis for future intervention in decision-making dilemmas for family members of ICU patients,improving their quality of agency decision-making,shortening patient hospitalization time,improving the health outcomes of patients,and ultimately increasing the satisfaction of medical and nursing.
Objective:To explore the application effect of 5A self-management support method in the management of patients with stroke.Methods:A 5A self-management support program for stroke patients was developed from the five dimensions of Ask,Advice,Assess,Assist and Arrange.A total of 75 stroke patients admitted to the Neurology Department of Beijing Shijitan Hospital from November 2020 to April 2021 were randomly selected and divided into a control group(38 cases)and an observation group(37 cases)according to different intervention methods.The control group adopted routine intervention method,the observation group adopted 5A self-management support method.The intervention time expired 3 months after the patient was discharged.The intervention effects of the two groups were evaluated from the scores of self-management behavior,self-efficacy,activities of daily living and depression and anxiety situation.Results:At the end of the third month after discharge,the self-management behavior and self-efficacy scores for weekly exercise time,cognitive symptom management,communication with doctors,symptom management self-efficacy and disease common management self-efficacy scores of patients in the observation group scored(180.92±102.38),(3.68±1.32),(3.29±1.41),(7.15±3.44)and(6.82±2.10),respectively,which were significantly higher than those of the control group,the differences were statistically significant(t=5.63,4.10,4.37,6.40,7.60,P<0.05).At the end of the third month after discharge,the modified Barthel index(MBI)score of the patients in the observation group was(68.06±12.80),which was significantly higher than that of control group,the difference was statistically significant(t=7.27,P<0.05);the depression and anxiety scores of patients in the observation group were lower than those of the control group,the difference was statistically significant(t=2.38,2.64,P<0.05).Conclusion:The 5A self-management support method can significantly improve the self-management behavior and the ability of daily living activities of stroke patients after discharge,and effectively improve the anxiety and depression of patients,and improve the self-management effect of stroke patients after discharge.
Objective:To investigate the consistency of swept-source optical coherence tomography(SS-OCT)and time-domain optical coherence tomography(TD-OCT)in measuring the parameters of anterior chamber angle.Methods:A total of 46 myopic patients(92 eyes)were retrospectively selected from Department of Ophthalmology of Army Specialty Medical Center from January 2023 to May 2023.Both SS-OCT and TD-OCT were used to measure respectively the parameters of anterior chamber angle of patients.And then,the differences of central anterior chamber depth(ACD),angle opening distance(AOD500,AOD750),scleral spur angle(SSA),trabecular iris area(TISA500,TISA750)between SS-OCT and TD-OCT were compared and analyzed.The Pearson correlation analysis and Bland-Altman test were adopted to analyze and measure the correlation and consistency of the measures.Results:There was significant difference in ACD between the two kinds of scan methods(t=-6.83,P<0.001).Additionally,the differences of the AOD500,AOD750,SSA500,TISA500 and TISA750 of measured data beside of nose were significant(t=-5.16,5.51,-6.51,-4.75,-5.69,P<0.001),respectively.Similarly,the differences of them beside of temple were significant(t=-5.04,-4.8,-6.06,-3.84,-4.02,P<0.001),respectively.There was positive correlation between the two kinds of scan methods(r=0.71-0.92).The Bland-Altman analysis showed that 2.1% to 8.9% of the measured values were outside the consistency limit by 95%.Conclusion:There are differences between SS-OCT and TD-OCT in the measures of the parameters of anterior chamber angle of myopic patients,and the measured results of them appear positive correlation.
Objective To identify and analyze the key factors affecting the use behavior of elderly patients with smart medical services by taking the smart medical system of a top-three hospital as an example,so as to provide a basis for promoting the use of smart medical services for elderly patients and the age-appropriate transformation of smart medical services.Methods The factors influencing the use behavior of elderly patients with smart medical services were analyzed,and correlation analysis of factors influencing the use behaviour of elderly patients with smart medical services were analyzed by DEMATEL method.Results The centrality and causation of all influencing factors were calculated,and the key influencing factors affecting the use behavior of elderly patients with smart medical services were identified.Among them,the main factors of reason degree are the hospital's willingness to adapt to aging transformation,the influence of key population and relevant national policy support,and the main factor of center degree is the perceived cost of patients.Conclusion The perceived cost of elderly patients can be reduced by improving the smart medical service,enhancing the health information literacy of elderly patients and giving full play to the social support effect,so as to promote the use behavior of elderly patients'smart medical services.
Fertility preservation technology provides an effective method for protecting the reproductive resources of patients with malignant tumors. At the same time, it is inevitable to face great ethical dilemmas in the process of technological implementation. From an ethical perspective, this paper sorted out the research on fertility preservation in tumor patients abroad, as well as analyzed the ethical issues faced by tumor patients in the communication decision-making and implementation stages of fertility protection. Specifically, these included informing and discussing the reproductive information and preservation choices of tumor patients, fertility decision-making of adolescent tumor patients, psychological support for fertility in tumor patients, ownership and use rights of reproductive materials and their disposal methods, fairness in the allocation of social health resources and other ethical issues. Combining with the actual situation in China, this paper further discussed how to put forward corresponding countermeasures based on following ethical principles such as favorable without harm, informed consent, cautious application, and ethical supervision, with a view to promoting the further development and application of fertility preservation technology in clinical practice.