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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240203


Background: Significant growth in the proportion of older people in India will lead to changes in the country’s society. If common psychological problems such as depression and anxiety are not addressed, they can have lasting effects on individuals, particularly older individuals. It has the potential to impair the management of ongoing chronic illnesses and result in both physical and mental limitations. Aims and Objectives: The objective was to assess the psychological well-being (PWB) of the study participants attending the geriatric outpatient department and its contributing factor(s). Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, hospital-based study was conducted in the Geriatric Clinic of Medical College, Kolkata, among 301 geriatric people during a 1-year time period. The assessment of PWB was done using Ryff’s PWB scales, 42-item version. The analysis of the data was done using SPSS version 16. Results: The mean age of the participants was 66.68 (±6.48) years. The mean PWB score was 156.2 ± 18.6 according to Ryff’s PWB scales. The minimum score was 94, and the maximum score was 226. Poor PWB was seen among 50.8% of the elderly. Conclusion: Poor PWB among seniors and several factors such as current living arrangements, socioeconomic status, employment history, history of recent injury, and patients’ spiritual history play an important role. To handle the issue, new and modified geriatric health policies are very much needed.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239344


Aims: This study aimed to assess work motivation levels among healthcare providers in the Eradah Complex and evaluate healthcare providers’ job performance, considering various dimensions. Study Design: A cross sectional study design. Place and Duration of Study: The target population for this research comprises healthcare providers working within the Eradah Complex in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, including a diverse range of professionals, such as doctors, nurses, administrative staff, and other healthcare personnel, who collectively contribute to providing healthcare services within the complex, between June 2023 and September 2023. Methodology: A cross-sectional design with comprising healthcare providers working in Eradah Complex in Jeddah, with diverse range of professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and administrative staff, Data for this study were collected through the administration of a structured questionnaire and then the data for this study was collected from healthcare providers working within the Eradah Complex in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Data from the structured questionnaires had been distributed within two-week timeframe for the participants to complete the questionnaires. Data reliability and statistical analyses using appropriate tests was done using SPSS version 25.0 program. Results: This study involved 212 participants from different age groups with a mean age of 37.6±1.3 years old, and predominant male gender (75%), educational level, and professional status with majority (29.7%) of nurses participated in this study, that there was a significant difference in Work Motivation according to Profession (F= 2.68, P-value = 0.011), but there was no significant difference in the other demographic characteristics (age, gender, marital status, education level, and experience year, and there was a significant difference in Job Performance according to age (F= 3.655, P-value = 0.028). Conclusion: It was observed that there was a significant effect of work motivation on job performance, so the work motivational process may enhance the job performance among healthcare workers in some of Jeddah hospitals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234807


Objective- is to assess the psychological health of 1st year Medical students and Intern of same Medical college. Background- 12 item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) is commonly used as a screening instrument to assess psychological health. Method- The Cross sectional study analyses the factors of GHQ 12 on 1st year medical students and interns. Total 231 participants (133 First year student & 98 Interns ). Result- Prevalence of psychological morbidity was 39% in the First year students, which has been found 37% in the Interns. Conclusion- It has been found that Social dysfunction of First year students are more than that of Interns. And on the other hand Interns had scored high on Loss of con?dence questionaries . This study shows that the GHQ-12 is a valid and reliable instrument to detect psychological distress among medical students also.

Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (29): 29-49, jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437575


El estudio de la construcción de paz desde una postura con base en los comportamientos prosociales es un área nueva en la investigación psicosocial en Bolivia, mucho más si se tiene la intención de rescatar y resaltar la presencia de salud psicológica comunitaria aun en una época caracterizada por una poderosa incertidumbre producto de la combinación de dos factores: la inestabilidad y violencia política sumada a la presencia de la pandemia Covid-19 y la emergencia sanitaria derivada de ella. En esta investigación han participado 400 adultos jóvenes de entre 20 y 30 años de edad (162 varones y 268 mujeres de las ciudades de La Paz - 255 participantes - y El Alto - 155 participantes) con el objetivo de describir la relación entre tipos específicos de respuesta a la incertidumbre (político-económica y sanitaria) y conductas prosociales asociadas a ella durante la pandemia Covid-19. Se ha encontrado una correlación positiva significativa entre la presencia de Prosocialidad y la Respuesta a la Incertidumbre, implicándose la posibilidad de comportamientos de construcción de paz como mecanismos de adaptación a la misma. También se ha establecido que existe igualdad en un grado amplio con respecto a la magnitud de comportamientos prosociales entre La Paz y El Alto y que en las zonas donde se han registrado más casos positivos también se ha encontrado una mayor presencia de prosocialidad en especial en la ciudad de La Paz, existiendo, finalmente, ciertas diferencias específicas entre varones y mujeres en cuanto a la ejecución y orientación de comportamientos prosociales in-pandemia.

Peacebuilding studies from a prosociality stance is a new area in psychosocial research in Bolivia, even more if there is an academic marked intention to rescue and highlight the presence of psychological communal health, in a time characterized by a powerful uncertainty derived from the combination of two unfortunate factors: political violence and instability coupled with the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent sanitary emergency and social stress. In this research, 400 young adults have participated, all of them among 20 to 30 years old (162 men and 268 women) from La Paz and El Alto cities, with the objective of describing the relationship between specific mechanisms to face uncertainty and the possible presence of associated prosocial behaviors in 2020 and 2021. A positive, significant correlation was found between prosociality and effective uncertainty-facing mechanisms, implying the possibility to execute peacebuilding conducts as a way to adapt to the pandemic. It has also been established that there is a great degree of similitude in regards to effective prosocial behaviors in La Paz and in El Alto cities, that in the zones where a greater number of positive cases was found, there was also a larger presence of prosociality, especially in La Paz, and that there are detailed executional differences between men and women in terms of prosocial in-pandemic behavior.

O estudo da construção da paz a partir de uma posição baseada em comportamentos pró-sociais é uma nova área na pesquisa psicossocial na Bolívia, muito mais se a intenção é resgatar e destacar a presença de saúde psicológica comunitária mesmo em uma época caracterizada por um poderoso produto da incerteza do combinação de dois fatores: instabilidade e violência política somadas à presença da pandemia Covid-19 e a emergência de saúde derivada dela. 400 jovens adultos entre 20 e 30 anos (162 homens e 268 mulheres das cidades de La Paz - 255 participantes - e El Alto - 155 participantes) participaram desta pesquisa com o objetivo de descrever a relação entre tipos específicos de resposta à incerteza (político-econômica e de saúde) e aos comportamentos pró-sociais associados a ela durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva significativa entre a presença da Prosocialidade e a Resposta à Incerteza, implicando na possibilidade de comportamentos de construção da paz como mecanismos de adaptação a ela. Também foi estabelecido que existe uma grande igualdade com respeito à magnitude do comportamento pró-social entre La Paz e El Alto e que nas áreas onde mais casos positivos foram registrados, uma maior presença de pró-socialidade também foi encontrada. especialmente na cidade de La Paz, havendo, finalmente, certas diferenças específicas entre homens e mulheres quanto à execução e orientação de comportamentos pró-sociais em situação de pandemia.

Male , Female , Adult , Altruism
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227022


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has shown a significant impact on the psychological wellbeing of health care workers. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological health of allied health sciences students in Bangalore. During the months of January and April 2022, 200 completed a survey containing measures of depression, anxiety and stress [using depression anxiety and stress-21 scale (DASS-21)] and questions regarding potential predictors such as the role of COVID-19 perception, availability of mental health support and study-related factors. The student t-test revealed factors associated with the presence of significant psychiatric symptoms. Methods: An online survey of a sample consisting of 140 students assessed sociodemographic, DASS 21 and their emotions and concerns during the outbreak. Results: Among the participants, 63,6% screened positive for moderate depression, 25% for moderate and sever anxiety and 35% and 64.7% for mild stress. Girls reported significantly more depression, anxiety, and stress than boys. Those who received mental health support reported significantly lesser depression, anxiety, and stress. Those who felt that quality of life was heavily impacted due to COVID-19 reported significantly high depression, anxiety, and stress. Most of the students were having mild degree of depression, anxiety and stress. Conclusions: Poor psychological well-being was prevalent in allied health sciences students; however, mental health measures have been shown to significantly reduce the mental health burden academically.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2023 Mar; 67(1): 21-28
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223973


Objectives: Trait emotional intelligence (TEI) is a key personality construct by which an individual recognizes, understands, expresses and regulates emotions in self and others to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goals. TEI skills are modifiable and have a potential to significantly influence psychological health (PH) of a person. The aims of current work were to evaluate relationship between TEI and PH of medical students and to explore the incremental validity of TEI to predict psychological distress beyond sociodemographic and educational factors in them. Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty-two medical students (mean age 18.02 years) participated in this cross-sectional study. TEI and PH were assessed using TEI questionnaire short form (TEIQue-sf) and depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21), respectively. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was carried out to determine if scores on TEIQue-sf added significantly to the prediction of psychological symptoms in medical students. Results: There was a significant negative association (r = ?0.57, P < 0.001) between TEIQue-sf and DASS-21 scores. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that after controlling for sociodemographic and educational variables, TEIQue-sf scores explained a statistically significant increment of variance (P < 0.001) in DASS-21 scores. TEI emerged as best predictor of psychological distress of medical students followed by educational factors. However, sociodemographic profile as an attribute failed to demonstrate significant capacity to predict PH of our participants. Conclusion: Our results indicate that TEI is a robust and unique predictor of better PH and plays a positive role in promoting psychological well-being

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217886


Background: Spiritual beliefs include the relationship to a superior being and recognition of a sense that there is something greater than myself. Psychological health is not just absence of mental disorder but a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope up with normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his/her community. Aims and Objectives: The present study was designed to analyze the impact of spiritual practices on memory, cognitive functions, psychological health, adjustment level, and stress response. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted in two phases on 150 subjects. In the first phase of study, subjects were divided into low, average and high spirituality groups on the basis of spirituality scores. Each group was required to perform memory test, stroop test along-with assessment of psychological health, and adjustment level. Their basal level of stress parameters was recorded. A stressor was introduced and stress parameters were again assessed. Subjects were asked to perform spiritual practices for 1 month duration and the parameters were again assessed. ANOVA and post hoc tests were used for inter group comparison. Student’s t-test was used to analyze data between baseline values and post spirituality values for various parameters. Results: On comparison of parameters in low, average and high spirituality groups, significant and non-significant results were obtained at baseline level and after 1 month practice of spirituality. Conclusion: Spiritual practices have positive effect on parameters studied.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 842-847, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993903


Objective:To evaluate and analyze the health status of elderly people from the physical, psychological and social aspects using the Health Criteria for Older Adults in China(2022), and to understand the impact of social demographic characteristics on the overall health status of the elderly.Methods:159 elderly people aged 60 years and over in the Lanyuan community of Malianwa Subdistrict, Haidian District, Beijing were selected by the stratified sampling method, with a mean age of(70.7±7.9)years, including 74 men and 85 women.The physical, psychological, social and overall health status of the elderly were comprehensively evaluated and analyzed from data collected through a self-designed questionnaire with face-to-face interviews at respondents' homes.Results:The percentage of participants in this community who were considered overall healthy was 30.2%(n=48). The proportions of those meeting the criteria for physical, mental and social health were 79.2%(n=126), 90.6%(n=144)and 32.1%(n=51), respectively.For participants of 3 age groups(60-69, n=89; 70-79, n=44; ≥80, n=26), differences in percentages of people who were considered not healthy, largely healthy and healthy, measured using the overall, physical, mental and social health criteria, were statistically significant( χ2=24.683, 57.096, 12.801, 11.802, all P<0.05), and results of the χ2test for trend showed that the frequency distribution of people with overall, physical, mental and social health decreased with age( χ2=16.878, 31.600, 9.626, 9.626, all P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that education level( OR=2.142, 95% CI: 1.053-4.538, P=0.035)was an influencing factor for overall health status of the elderly. Conclusions:The overall health status of community-dwelling elderly people in Beijing is relatively poor and deteriorates with age.Education level is a factor affecting their health status.Health assessment for the elderly should be strongly advocated, and targeted health education should be provided for the elderly in disease prevention and mental health care.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 838-846, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997817


Objective To explore heterogeneous subtypes of psychological and behavioral adaptation characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation and the characteristics differences of different types of children after liver transplantation. Methods Seven hundred and forty-one children who underwent living-related liver transplantation were enrolled. The self-designed general information questionnaire, Chinese version of 5-Item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) and the parent-report version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) were filled out by their guardians. The scores of five dimensions of SDQ were used as the manifest variables of the model. The classification model of psychological and behavioral adaptation characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation was constructed by latent profile analysis. The latent categories of psychological and behavioral adaptation characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation were analyzed. The influencing factors of latent categories were analyzed by univariate analysis and logistic regression model. Results There were three latent categories of psychological and behavioral adaptation characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation, including peer communication problem group (n=302), psychological and behavioral adaptation group (n=145) and psychological and behavioral adjustment difficulty group (n=294). The first two groups were merged into the psychological and behavioral health group (n=447), which had significant differences in the five dimensions and the total score of difficulties of SDQ compared with the psychological and behavioral adjustment difficulty group (n=294) (all P<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that age≤5 years old, primary disease of non-cholestatic liver disease, stem family were the risk factors for psychological and behavioral adjustment difficulties in pediatric recipients after liver transplantation. Female gender, high education levels of parents and high WHO-5 score of guardians were the protective factors for psychological and behavioral adjustment difficulties in pediatric recipients after liver transplantation (all P<0.05). Conclusions The psychological and behavioral adaptation characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation are heterogeneous. Medical staff should pay extensive attention to different characteristics of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation with different psychological and behavioral adaptation categories and adopt targeted screening and intervention strategies, aiming to improve psychological and behavioral adaptation outcomes of pediatric recipients after liver transplantation.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 369-373,379, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973289


Abstract@#Objective To investigate the prevalence of dissociative tendency and its influencing factors among middle school students, so as to provide insights into prevention and early interventions of adolescent dissociative tendency.@* Methods@# Students at ages of 13 to 18 years that studied in 9 high schools were sampled using a multistage, stratified, cluster sampling method from 3 counties (districts) of Hangzhou City from January, 2021 and March, 2022. Participants' demographics and social, school, family environment and psychological factors were collected using self-designed questionnaires and standardized scales. The dissociative tendency was initially screened using the Adolescent Dissociative Experience Scale (A-DES), and the diagnosed by three psychiatrists according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th Edition). Factors affecting ADT were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model. @*Results@# Totally 3 240 students were recruited, and 2 841 students were qualified, with a response rate of 87.69%. The respondents included 1 389 men (48.89%) and 1 452 women (51.11%), and had a mean age of (15.69±1.58) years. The prevalence of dissociative tendency was 24.04%, and the detection of dissociative tendency was higher among men than among women (29.23% vs. 19.08%; χ2=24.529, P<0.001). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified negative teacher-student relationship (OR=1.055, 95%CI: 1.010-1.103), family emotional expressiveness (OR=0.872, 95%CI: 0.777-0.978), family conflict (OR=1.152, 95%CI: 1.045-1.271), family organization (OR=0.880, 95%CI: 0.780-0.992) and family cohesion (OR=0.871, 95%CI: 0.766-0.987) as factors affecting dissociative tendency among men, and somatization (OR=1.041, 95%CI: 1.002-1.082) and paranoid ideation (OR=1.094, 95%CI: 1.006-1.190) as factors affecting dissociative tendency among women. @*Conclusions@# The prevalence of dissociative tendency was 24.04% among middle school students. Negative teacher-student relationship, family emotional expressiveness, family conflict, family organization, and family cohesion may affect dissociative tendency among men, while somatization and paranoid ideation may affect dissociative tendency among women.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 706-711, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013311


{L-End}Objective To analyze the effect of occupational stress on the psychological health of obstetricians and gynecologists who participated in the standardized residency training (hereinafter referred to as "obstetrics and gynecology residents") in Guangdong Province. {L-End}Methods A total of 509 obstetrics and gynecology residents from national-level western medicine residency training bases in Guangdong Province were selected as the research subjects using a convenience sampling method. The psychological health status and occupational stress were investigated using the Symptom Checklist-90 and the Clinician Occupational Stressor Scale. The effects of occupational stress on psychological health of obstetrics and gynecology residents in Guangdong Province were analyzed by binary logistic regression. {L-End}Results The positive detection rate of psychological health in obstetrics and gynecology residents in Guangdong Province was 47.5% (242/509), and the detection rate of high-level occupational stress was 63.9% (325/509). The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that career development, interpersonal relationships, and professional interests were influencing factors of their psychological health after controlling the confounding factors (all P<0.05). Residents with high level of occupational stress in career development, interpersonal relationships, and professional interests had poor psychological health. {L-End}Conclusion The psychological health of obstetrics and gynecology residents in Guangdong Province is generally poor, with career development, interpersonal relationships, and professional interests being risk factors for their psychological health.

J. Appl. Cogn. Neurosci. (Barranquilla) ; 4(2): 00424527, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566849


This research investigates astronaut performance under simulated space conditions, using THOR, an analog astronaut training protocol, during a week-long confinement in an Analog Astronaut Training Center in Poland. Materials and Five participants, including four military and one civilian, underwent a week of isolation. Tests were conducted to assess heart rate variability ­HRV­, psychological health, and sleep patterns. Data collection and analysis were standardized, with an alpha level of p < 0.05 and power of 80%. The study found reductions in fat percentage and weight, while muscle mass and water content remained stable. HRV showed significant changes. Increased sleep and state anxiety levels were noted, along with decreased cognitive abilities. Personality traits exhibited heightened hostility and social anxiety, culminating in psychological discomfort. HRV values were normal with variations likely due to stress. A significant correlation was found between mental performance and HRV, indicating potential influence of sleep on cognitive function during isolation. The study highlights the need for more research on the psycho-logical and physiological implications of long-duration space missions and similar high-demand environments.

Esta investigación examina el rendimiento de los astronautas análogos bajo condiciones espaciales simuladas durante una semana de confina-miento en un Centro de Entrenamiento de Astronautas Análogos en Polonia. Cinco participantes, incluyendo cuatro militares y un civil, fueron sometidos a una semana de aislamiento. Se realizaron pruebas para evaluar la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca ­HRV­, la salud psicológica y los patrones de sueño. La recolección y análisis de datos fueron estandarizados, con un nivel alfa de p < 0.05 y una potencia del 80%. El estudio encontró reducciones en el porcentaje de grasa y peso, mientras que la masa muscular y el contenido de agua permanecieron estables. La HRV mostró cambios significativos. Se observaron niveles elevados de sueño y ansiedad estado, junto con disminuciones en las habilidades cognitivas. Los rasgos de personalidad mostraron una hostilidad y ansiedad social aumentada, culminando en incomodidad psicológica. Los valores de HRV fueron normales con variaciones probablemente debidas al estrés. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre el rendimiento mental y la HRV, indicando la posible influencia del sueño en la función cognitiva durante el aislamiento. El estudio resalta la necesidad de más investigaciones sobre las implicaciones psicológicas y fisiológicas de las misiones espaciales de larga duración y entornos similares de alta demanda.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 30: e69170, jan. -dez. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417594


Objetivo: identificar o nível do bem-estar subjetivo e seus fatores associados em residentes na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método: estudo transversal, com amostra de 143 residentes nessa região, de janeiro a maio de 2021. Os cinco itens do Índice de Bem-Estar da OMS-5 integraram o questionário eletrônico, autoadministrado. Análise pelos testes de Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher, p-valor˂0,05. Resultados: o escore do bem-estar subjetivo da amostra foi de 51,1, sendo esse escore menor nos homens (46,04) do que nas mulheres (53,42). O bem-estar apresentou associação estatística com adoecimento pela COVID-19; residência na Baixada Fluminense; sentimentos de tédio, frustração, aborrecimento, angústia, solidão e nervosismo durante o isolamento social; e risco de exposição ao SARS-CoV-2 no transporte alternativo. Conclusão: o bem-estar subjetivo demonstrou ter sido prejudicado pela pandemia da Covid-19 e cuidados de saúde mental devem ser ampliados no sistema de saúde.

Objective: to identify the level of subjective well-being and associated factors in residents of the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan region during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this cross-sectional study of a sample of 143 residents of the region was conducted from January to May 2021. The electronic, self-administered questionnaire comprised the five items of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index. Analysis was by Mann-Whitney, Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests (p-value ˂ 0.05). Results: overall, the sample scored 51.1 in subjective well-being; men scored lower (46.04) than women (53.42). Well-being showed a statistical association with illness from COVID-19; residence in the Baixada Fluminense; feelings of boredom, frustration, annoyance, anguish, loneliness and nervousness during social isolation; and risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 on alternative transport. Conclusion: subjective well-being seems to have been harmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and mental health care must be expanded in the health system.

Objetivo: identificar el nivel de bienestar subjetivo y sus factores asociados en residentes de la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Método: estudio transversal, con una muestra de 143 residentes en esta región, de enero a mayo de 2021. Los cinco ítems del Índice de Bienestar OMS-5 formaron parte del cuestionario electrónico autoadministrado. El análisis se hizo por las pruebas de Mann-Whitney, Chi-cuadrado y la prueba Exacta de Fisher, p-valor˂0.05. Resultados: la puntuación de bienestar subjetivo de la muestra fue de 51,1, siendo menor en los hombres (46,04) que en las mujeres (53,42). El bienestar mostró una asociación estadística con la enfermedad por COVID-19; residencia en Baixada Fluminense; sentimientos de aburrimiento, frustración, molestia, angustia, soledad y nerviosismo durante el aislamiento social; y riesgo de exposición al SARS-CoV-2 en transporte alternativo. Conclusión: el bienestar subjetivo parece haber sido perjudicado por la pandemia de Covid-19 y la atención a la salud mental debe ser ampliada en el sistema de salud.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448543


El estudio de la construcción de paz desde una postura con base en los comportamientos prosociales es un área nueva en la investigación psicosocial en Bolivia, mucho más si se tiene la intención de rescatar y resaltar la presencia de salud psicológica comunitaria aun en una época caracterizada por una poderosa incertidumbre producto de la combinación de dos factores: la inestabilidad y violencia política sumada a la presencia de la pandemia Covid-19 y la emergencia sanitaria derivada de ella. En esta investigación han participado 400 adultos jóvenes de entre 20 y 30 años de edad (162 varones y 268 mujeres de las ciudades de La Paz - 255 participantes - y El Alto - 155 participantes) con el objetivo de describir la relación entre tipos específicos de respuesta a la incertidumbre (político-económica y sanitaria) y conductas prosociales asociadas a ella durante la pandemia Covid-19. Se ha encontrado una correlación positiva significativa entre la presencia de Prosocialidad y la Respuesta a la Incertidumbre, implicándose la posibilidad de comportamientos de construcción de paz como mecanismos de adaptación a la misma. También se ha establecido que existe igualdad en un grado amplio con respecto a la magnitud de comportamientos prosociales entre La Paz y El Alto y que en las zonas donde se han registrado más casos positivos también se ha encontrado una mayor presencia de prosocialidad en especial en la ciudad de La Paz, existiendo, finalmente, ciertas diferencias específicas entre varones y mujeres en cuanto a la ejecución y orientación de comportamientos prosociales in-pandemia.

Peacebuilding studies from a prosociality stance is a new area in psychosocial research in Bolivia, even more if there is an academic marked intention to rescue and highlight the presence of psychological communal health, in a time characterized by a powerful uncertainty derived from the combination of two unfortunate factors: political violence and instability coupled with the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent sanitary emergency and social stress. In this research, 400 young adults have participated, all of them among 20 to 30 years old (162 men and 268 women) from La Paz and El Alto cities, with the objective of describing the relationship between specific mechanisms to face uncertainty and the possible presence of associated prosocial behaviors in 2020 and 2021. A positive, significant correlation was found between prosociality and effective uncertainty-facing mechanisms, implying the possibility to execute peacebuilding conducts as a way to adapt to the pandemic. It has also been established that there is a great degree of similitude in regards to effective prosocial behaviors in La Paz and in El Alto cities, that in the zones where a greater number of positive cases was found, there was also a larger presence of prosociality, especially in La Paz, and that there are detailed executional differences between men and women in terms of prosocial in-pandemic behavior.

O estudo da construção da paz a partir de uma posição baseada em comportamentos pró-sociais é uma nova área na pesquisa psicossocial na Bolívia, muito mais se a intenção é resgatar e destacar a presença de saúde psicológica comunitária mesmo em uma época caracterizada por um poderoso produto da incerteza do combinação de dois fatores: instabilidade e violência política somadas à presença da pandemia Covid-19 e a emergência de saúde derivada dela. 400 jovens adultos entre 20 e 30 anos (162 homens e 268 mulheres das cidades de La Paz - 255 participantes - e El Alto - 155 participantes) participaram desta pesquisa com o objetivo de descrever a relação entre tipos específicos de resposta à incerteza (político-econômica e de saúde) e aos comportamentos pró-sociais associados a ela durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva significativa entre a presença da Prosocialidade e a Resposta à Incerteza, implicando na possibilidade de comportamentos de construção da paz como mecanismos de adaptação a ela. Também foi estabelecido que existe uma grande igualdade com respeito à magnitude do comportamento pró-social entre La Paz e El Alto e que nas áreas onde mais casos positivos foram registrados, uma maior presença de pró-socialidade também foi encontrada. especialmente na cidade de La Paz, havendo, finalmente, certas diferenças específicas entre homens e mulheres quanto à execução e orientação de comportamentos pró-sociais em situação de pandemia.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);140(1): 101-107, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357460


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Among healthcare professionals, nursing workers are the most prone to becoming victims of workplace violence and present the highest burnout levels. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between burnout syndrome and workplace violence among nursing workers. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study carried out at a teaching hospital in southern Brazil. METHODS: This study involved 242 nursing workers. We collected data over a six-month period using a sociodemographic and occupational survey, the Survey Questionnaire Workplace Violence in the Health Sector and the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. For occupational violence, we selected the Survey Questionnaire Workplace Violence in the Health Sector. Burnout syndrome was evaluated using the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. The data were analyzed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Categorical variables were described as absolute and relative frequencies and numerical variables in terms of central trend and dispersion measurements. For data analysis, we applied descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: The multiple models indicated that the workers who had experienced verbal abuse, physical violence and concern about workplace violence over the past 12 months had significantly higher chances of presenting high emotional exhaustion (P < 0.05) and depersonalization (P < 0.05) and low professional accomplishment (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Occurrence of violence significantly increased the chances of great emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and low professional achievement, within burnout syndrome. Therefore, workplace violence prevention strategies need to be put in place to provide workers with a safe workplace in which to conduct their activities.

Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Workplace Violence/psychology , Nursing Staff , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workplace/psychology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960362


Background The health effects of forest therapy have been widely recognized, while the previous studies mostly focused on a single activity mode of forest walks. The effects of different types of forest therapy activities remain unclear. Objective To explore the effects of short-term forest therapy on cardiopulmonary health, psychological health, and sleep quality, and the health effects of different types of forest therapy activities, aiming to provide population empirical study data for the development of forest therapy. Methods A self-control study was conducted in a national forest park in suburb of Beijing from August to September 2018. A total of 31 healthy college students were recruited as the study subjects, with a total forest stay for 3 days and 2 nights. During the period of study, each subject practiced walking therapy, sitting therapy with five senses experience (sitting therapy thereafter), and handmade work therapy, successively. Each type of forest therapy lasted about 2 h. Changes of blood pressure, oxygen saturation (SpO2), lung function, and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) were estimated by measuring corresponding indicators before and after the forest therapy. Psychological health and sleep quality were assessed by Profile of Mood States and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index respectively at the same time. Mixed effects models were used to analyze the changes of these health indicators. The health effects of different types of forest therapy activities were further analyzed. Results The average age and body mass index of subjects in this study were (24.5±2.6) years and (20.7±1.7) kg·m−2, respectively. After a short-term forest therapy, the selected indicators of cardiopulmonary health, psychological health, and sleep quality of subjects were all improved. In particular, the pulse pressure (PP) and FeNO decreased by 3.02 mmHg and 1.10 ppb, respectively, while the SpO2 and peak expiratory flow (PEF) increased by 0.65% and 0.50 L·s−1, respectively, and the negative emotion and global sleep quality also presented significant positive changes (all P<0.05). Furthermore, different therapy activities presented differential effects in the health indicators. Walking therapy significantly improved pulmonary function, SpO2, and confusion (CON) emotion, in which the SpO2, forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC) increased by 0.48%, 0.14 L, and 0.12 L, respectively, and the score of CON decreased by 0.97 (all P<0.05). Sitting therapy significantly reduced blood pressure and tension (TEN) emotion of subjects, including a decrease of the systolic blood pressure (4.45 mmHg), PP (4.19 mmHg), and the score of TEN (0.84) (all P<0.05). The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increased slightly after handmade work therapy (ΔDBP=2.44 mmHg, P=0.016), but there were no significant changes in other indicators. Conclusion Short-term forest therapy could significantly improve cardiopulmonary health, psychological health, and sleep quality of young healthy individuals, and different types of forest therapy activities may have differential health effects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-930471


Objective:To investigate the prevalence of overactive bladder (OAB) in Chinese boys and risk factors, and to evaluate the psychological and behavioral status of OAB patients.Methods:Cross-sectional study.From October 2020 to July 2021, 2 800 boys aged 6-15 years from 6 primary and secondary schools in a county of Henan Province were selected by stratified random cluster sampling method.An anonymous questionnaire was used to investigate the epidemiological situation of OAB, including the basic information, lower urinary tract symptoms, Overactive Bladder Score Scale (OABSS) scores, pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ) and strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). In addition, the correlation between OAB and residence, body mass index (BMI), nocturnal enuresis (NE), overuse of diapers, history of urinary tract infection, abnormal stool, phimosis, redundant prepuce, and concealed penis by Chi- square test, Logistic multivariate regression analysis, and t-test. Results:A total of 2 333 valid questionnaires were collected.The overall prevalence of OAB in boys was 6.0%(141/2 333 cases). NE, history of urinary tract infection, abnormal stool, overuse of diapers, phimosis, redundant prepuce, concealed penis were risk factors for OAB in boys ( OR>1, P<0.05), while BMI was not a risk factor for OAB in boys ( OR<1, P>0.05). The emotional symptoms[ (7.64±2.03) scores vs.(6.51±2.53) scores], conduct problems [(8.14±1.62) scores vs.(7.31±1.88) scores], hyperactivity[(5.64±2.27) scores vs.(4.98±2.03) scores], peer communication problems [(7.16±1.63) scores vs.(6.59±1.60) scores], difficulty scores[(30.26±6.48) scores vs.(27.69±6.44) scores] and PSQ scores [(5.36±3.00) scores vs.(3.94±2.53) scores] in OAB group were significantly higher than those of non-OAB group ( t=-5.117, -5.005, -3.310, -4.056, -4.553, -5.006, respectively, all P<0.05). Conclusions:OAB in boys is common and affects mental health and sleep quality.Meanwhile, NE, history of urinary tract infection, abnormal stool, overuse of diapers, phimosis, redundant prepuce, or concealed penis are the risk factors for OAB in boys.

Rev. Investig. Salud. Univ. Boyacá ; 9(1): 133-148, 20220000. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1400938


Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha representado una alta carga laboral y emocional en los trabajadores de salud, lo cual se ha asociado con consecuencias negativas para la salud de estas personas, como el agotamiento psicológico (AP). Objetivo: Identificar en la producción de la literatura la prevalencia del síndrome de AP y sus factores asociados en el personal de salud en la pandemia por COVID-19. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura en bases de datos electrónicas como Medline, Science Direct y LILACS para tres ejes temáticos: 1) AP en personal de la salud, 2) prevalencia del AP durante la pandemia por COVID-19 y 3) los factores asociados durante los años 2019 al 2021. Resultados: Diversos estudios evaluaron el AP en personal de salud durante la pandemia por COVID-19, con prevalencias desde el 8% hasta el 68%. Adicionalmente, los factores que se asociaron con una mayor prevalencia fueron tener mayor carga laboral, pocas horas de sueño, menor edad y trabajar en cuidados intensivos. Conclusiones: El personal de salud presentó prevalencias muy variadas del síndrome de AP en la pandemia por COVID-19, asociados a condiciones laborales y de formación clínica, que fueron los más representativos.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic represents a high work and emotional burden on health workers, which has been associated with negative consequences for the health of these people, such as psychological exhaustion. Objective: To identify in the production of literature, the prevalence of burnout syndrome and its associated factors in health personnel in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out in electronic databases such as Medline, Science Direct and LILACS for three thematic axes: (i) Burnout in health personnel, (ii) pre- valence of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic, and (iii) the associated factors during the years 2019 to 2021. Results: Several studies evaluated burnout in health personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic, with prevalences from 8% to 68%. Additionally, the factors that were associated with a higher prevalence were having a higher workload, few hours of sleep, being younger, and working in intensive care. Conclusions: Health personnel presented very varied prevalences of burnout syndrome in the COVID-19 pandemic, associated with work conditions and clinical training were the most frequently associa- ted with a higher prevalence.

Introdução: A pandemia COVID-19 tem colocado um elevado trabalho e uma carga emocional sobre os trabalhadores da saúde, o que tem sido associado a consequências negativas para os trabalhadores da saúde, tais como o esgotamento psicológico (EP). Objetivo: Identificar na literatura a prevalência da síndrome de EP e os seus fatores associados nos trabalhadores da saúde na pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão narrativa da literatura em bases de dados electrónicas tais como Medline, Science Direct e LILACS para três eixos temáticos: 1) EP no pessoal de saúde, 2) pre- valência de EP durante a pandemia COVID-19 e 3) fatores associados durante os anos de 2019 a 2021. Resultados: Vários estudos avaliaram EP em trabalhadores da saúde durante a pandemia da COVID-19, com prevalências que vão de 8% a 68%. Além disso, os fatores associados a uma maior prevalência foram uma maior carga de trabalho, uma diminuição do sono, uma idade mais jovem e o trabalho em cuidados intensivos. Conclusões: Os trabalhadores da saúde tinham prevalências muito variadas da síndrome de EP na pandemia de COVID-19, associadas às condições de trabalho e à formação clínica, que eram as mais representativas.

Burnout, Psychological , Prevalence , Health Personnel , COVID-19
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);139(5): 496-504, May 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290266


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has led to extraordinary measures taken worldwide and has led to serious psychological disorders. With the measures taken, the difficulties in women's daily lives are increasing exponentially. This situation has caused women to experience more mental health problems. OBJECTIVE: To identify the relationship between women's health anxiety and psychological wellbeing and the factors affecting these situations during the COVID-19 pandemic. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive study conducted online among women living in Adana, Turkey. METHOD: This descriptive study was conducted among 623 married women between April 1 and April 20, 2020, using a SurveyMonkey online questionnaire. Data were collected using the link that was established. The questions comprised personal information, perceptions regarding the pandemic, the Health Anxiety Inventory (Short Form) and the Psychological Wellbeing Scale. RESULTS: The women who participated were found to have a high level of anxiety and a moderate level of psychological wellbeing. A positive, moderate-level relationship was found between the scales. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative effects on both physical and psychological health. Support for women, to be provided within their holistic understanding of care, is of great importance for maintaining the psychological health of society.

Humans , Female , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Anxiety/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Women's Health , Depression , SARS-CoV-2
Humanidad. med ; 21(1): 259-273, ene.-abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250055


RESUMEN Introducción: El medio ambiente propiciador del surgimiento y conservación de la especie humana, está amenazado por factores de diversa naturaleza, con mayor peso los de tipo antropogénico. Paradójicamente, el ser humano con su actividad económica-social constituye una amenaza a la conservación saludable del medio ambiente y su propia salud. Objetivo: describir la repercusión del cambio climático en la salud psicológica de las personas. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de tipo exploratoria en el periodo de julio a agosto del 2020. Para ello se revisaron 32 bibliografías provenientes de las bases de datos Scielo, Pudmed y Medline, , disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y en el sitio web de la Organización Panamericana para la Salud y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, se hizo análisis y síntesis de los datos más relevantes, exponiendo además cirterios del autor según su experiencia de trabajo en desastres naturales. Resultados: se obtuvo que el cambio climático genera eventos que atentan directa o indirectamente sobre la salud humana, se identificó como la causa fundamental de este problema la actividad humana que provocan la contaminación del medio ambiente, generando desastres naturales, olas de calor, sequías prolongadas, lluvias, inundaciones y migraciones como fenómeno asociado; causando ansiedad, depresión, estrés y otros daños psicológicos. Conclusiones: se concluye que el cambio climático incide sobre la salud psicológica humana y por ello se precisan medidas inmediatas para su mitigación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the environment, which fosters the emergence and conservation of the human species, is threatened by factors of diverse nature, but with greater weight those of an anthropogenic type. Paradoxically, the human being with his economic-social activity constitutes a threat to the healthy conservation of the environment and the human being's own health. Objective: to describe the impact of climate change on the psychological health of people. Methods: an exploratory bibliographic review was carried out in the period from July to August 2020. For this, 32 bibliographies from the Scielo, Pudmed and Medline databases were reviewed, available in the Virtual Health Library and on the website of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization, a synthesis and analysis of the most relevant data was made, also exposing the author's criteria according to his work experience in natural disasters. Results: it was obtained that climate change generates events that directly or indirectly affect human health, the fundamental cause of this problem was identified as human activity that causes pollution of the environment, generating natural disasters, heat waves, prolonged droughts, rains, floods and migrations as an associated phenomenon; causing anxiety, depression, stress and other psychological damage. Conclusions: it is concluded that climate change affects human psychological health and therefore immediate measures are needed to mitigate it.