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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05762023, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569034


Resumo O objetivo foi analisar a qualidade dos dados antropométricos de crianças menores de cinco anos em dois sistemas de informação no estado de São Paulo. A amostra compreendeu 2.117.108 crianças do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisvan) e 748.551 do Projeto Estadual do Leite (Vivaleite). Inicialmente, avaliamos a frequência de valores faltantes e fora do espectro do equipamento, e calculamos o índice de preferência de dígito para peso. Após calcular os índices de altura para idade (A-I), peso para idade (P-I) e índice de massa corporal para idade (IMC-I), identificamos os valores biologicamente implausíveis (VBI) e calculamos o desvio-padrão (DP). Para cada município, calculamos a média e o DP de A-I, P-I e IMC-I; e plotamos os valores de DP em função da média. A preferência de dígito no peso foi maior em crianças de 24 a 59 meses no Sisvan. A frequência de VBI para A-I (SISVAN 2,56%; Vivaleite 0,98%) foi maior do que para P-I (Sisvan 2,10%; Vivaleite 0,18%). Para o índice A-I as variações entre os municípios foram mais acentuadas no Vivaleite do que no Sisvan. A variável altura apresentou baixa confiabilidade nos dois sistemas. A variável peso apresentou qualidade satisfatória no Vivaleite e insatisfatória no Sisvan.

Abstract This paper involves the analysis of the quality of anthropometric data on children under five years of age in two information systems in the State of São Paulo. The sample included 2,117,108 children from the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN), and 748,551 from the State Milk Project (VIVALEITE). Initially, we evaluated the frequency of missing values and others outside the equipment spectrum and calculated the digit-to-weight preference index. After calculating height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-age (WAZ), and body mass index-for-age (BAZ), we flagged the biologically implausible values (BIV) and calculated the standard deviation (SD). For each municipality, we calculated the mean and the SD of HAZ, WAZ, and BAZ; and plotted the SD values as a function of the mean. The digit-to-weight preference index was greater among children aged between 24 and 59 months in SISVAN. The frequency of BIV for HAZ (SISVAN 2.56%; VIVALEITE 0.98%) was higher than for WAZ (SISVAN 2.10%; VIVALEITE 0.18%). For HAZ, variations among municipalities were more pronounced in VIVALEITE than in SISVAN. The height variable presents low reliability in both systems. The weight variable reveals satisfactory quality in VIVALEITE and unsatisfactory quality in SISVAN.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e06032023, ago. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569053


Abstract The condom use can be influenced by psychological and sociocultural aspects, which can be modulated by individual's attitudes. The aim was to propose a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Short-Form Condom Attitude Scale (Short-Form CAS), describing all procedures of translation, transcultural adaptation, and psychometric properties evaluation when applied to undergraduate students. A cross sectional study was conducted among students enrolled at University of São Paulo (USP), Campus Ribeirão Preto (n = 491; 61.2% female; average age: 22 years; standard deviation: four years). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A one-factor model with seven items exhibited good factorial validity and reliability, suggesting to be a better factorial solution of the Short-Form CAS in the sample. Few studies have been carried out on the behavioral factors associated with condom use in key populations, which can be exacerbated by a lack of appropriate scales. Therefore, the main contribution of the present study was to propose a simplified and transculturally adapted version of the Short-form CAS with some psychometric properties verified. Since the use of condoms is a component of the study of sexual risk behavior, this scale might be an option to be applied in various Brazilian population segments for this purpose.

Resumo O uso de preservativos pode ser influenciado por aspectos psicológicos e socioculturais, que podem ser modulados por atitudes individuais. O objetivo foi propor uma versão em português brasileiro da Short-Form Condom Attitude Scale (Short-Form CAS), descrevendo os procedimentos de tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra de universitários. Trata-se de estudo transversal com estudantes matriculados na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Campus Ribeirão Preto (n = 491; 61,2% feminino; média de idade: 22 anos; desvio-padrão: quatro anos). Foi realizada análise fatorial confirmatória. O modelo unifatorial com sete itens apresentou boa validade fatorial e confiabilidade, sugerindo ser a melhor solução fatorial para a Short-Form CAS. Há poucos estudos sobre os fatores comportamentais associados ao uso de preservativos em populações-chave, o que pode ser influenciado pela falta de instrumentos. A principal contribuição deste estudo foi propor uma versão simples e adaptada transculturalmente da Short-Form CAS com algumas propriedades psicométricas verificadas. Uma vez que o uso de preservativos é um componente do comportamento sexual de risco, a escala se apresenta como uma nova opção para futuros estudos na população brasileira.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 35-49, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558384


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, en un grupo de personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Materiales y métodos: Se contó con un grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69.38) y otro para el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69.31). Se utilizó la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, de 25 ítems. Se efectuó un análisis por juicio de personas expertas y un estudio piloto, para establecer la escala por validar; posterior a esto, se realizó el estudio de validación completo. Se aplicaron análisis factoriales y alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial extrajo dos factores denominados: a) "capacidad de autoeficacia" y b) "capacidad de propósito y sentido de vida". La consistencia interna en el nivel global fue 0.84 (21 ítems); para el primer factor, 0.81, y para el segundo factor, 0.74. Conclusiones: El instrumento es confiable y válido para valorar los niveles de resiliencia desde una óptica integral e interdisciplinaria, en una población de personas adultas mayores con las características similares a las de la muestra estudiada. A futuro, se recomienda realizar análisis cualitativos para delimitar mejor los constructos, con base en las características de la población.

Abstract Purpose: To analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale Argentine version in a Costa Rican elderly group. Materials and methods: The study had two groups, one for the pilot study (N = 40, X = 69.38), and another for the analysis of the psychometric properties (N = 100, X = 69.31). The 25-item Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, Argentine version, was used. An analysis by expert judgment and a pilot study were carried out to establish the scale to be validated, after which, the complete validation study was carried out. Factor analyzes and Cronbach's alpha were applied. Results: They were obtained two factors named: a) "selfefficacy capacity", and b) "purpose in life capacity". The global internal consistency was 0.84, for the first factor was 0.81 and for the second factor was 0.74. Conclusions: The scale generated is reliable and valid to assess resilience in an elderly people with similar characteristics to the present study. In the future, it is recommended to carry out qualitative analyzes to better define the constructs based on the characteristics of the population.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, em um grupo de pessoas idosas costarriquenhas. Materiais e métodos: Um grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69,38) e outro grupo para a análise das propriedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69,31) foram utilizados. A Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, com 25 itens, foi utilizada. Para estabelecer a escala a ser validada, foi realizada uma análise de julgamento por especialistas e um estudo piloto, após o qual foi realizado o estudo de validação completo. A análise fatorial e o alfa de Cronbach foram aplicados. Resultados: A análise fatorial extraiu dois fatores: a) "capacidade de autoeficácia" e b) "capacidade de propósito e significado na vida". A consistência interna ao nível global foi de 0,84 (21 itens); para o primeiro fator foi de 0,81 e para o segundo fator foi de 0,74. Conclusões: O instrumento é confiável e válido para avaliar níveis de resiliência a partir de uma perspectiva holística e interdisciplinar em uma população de idosos com características semelhantes às da amostra estudada. Recomendam-se futuras análises qualitativas para melhor delimitar as construções com base nas características da população.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550538


Introducción: durante las últimas dos décadas, el concepto de capital social se ha utilizado con creciente frecuencia en las ciencias de la salud debido a las relaciones directas e indirectas entre el capital social y la salud física y mental de las poblaciones. Por tanto, es necesario construir un instrumento para cuantificar este concepto con seguridad y confiabilidad. Objetivo: analizar la consistencia interna y dimensionalidad de una escala de siete ítems para medir el capital social en adultos de la población general de Colombia. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de validación en línea, que incluyó una muestra de 700 adultos de entre 18 y 76 años, el 68 % eran mujeres. Los participantes completaron una escala de siete ítems llamada Escala de Capital Social Cognitivo (ECSC). El alfa de Cronbach y el omega de McDonald se calcularon para probar la consistencia interna. Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios para explorar la dimensionalidad de la ECSC. Resultados: la ECSC presentó una consistencia interna baja (alfa de Cronbach de 0,56 y omega de McDonald de 0,59) y pobre dimensionalidad. Seguidamente, se probó una versión de cinco ítems (ECSC-5). La ECSC-5 mostró una alta consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach de 0,79 y omega de McDonald de 0,80) y una estructura unidimensional con indicadores de bondad de ajuste aceptables. Discusión: la ECSC-5 presenta alta consistencia interna y una estructura unidimensional para medir el capital cognitivo social en adultos colombianos. Se recomienda la ECSC-5 para la medición del capital social en la población general colombiana. Futuras investigaciones deben corroborar estos hallazgos en aplicaciones de lápiz y papel y explorar otros indicadores de confiabilidad y validez.

Introduction: During the last two decades, the concept of social capital has been used increasingly frequently in health sciences due to the direct and indirect relationships between social capital and populations' physical and mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to build an instrument to quantify this concept confidently and reliably. Objective: The study aimed to internal consistency and dimensionality of a seven-item scale to measure social capital in Colombia's general population of adults. Methods: An online validation study included a sample of 700 adults aged between 18 and 76 years; 68% were females. Participants completed a seven-item scale called the Cognitive Social Capital Scale (CSCS). Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega were computed to test internal consistency. The authors explore the internal consistency and dimensionality of the CSCS. Results: The CSCS presented a low internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.56 and McDonald's omega of 0.59) and poor dimensionality. Then, the researchers tested a five-item version (CSCS-5). The CSCS-5 showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.79 and McDonald's omega of 0.80) and a one-dimension structure with acceptable goodness-of-fit indicators. Discussion: The CSCS-5 presents high internal consistency and a one-dimensional structure to measure cognitive capital social in the Colombian sample. Authors can recommend measuring social capital in the general Colombian population. Further research should corroborate this pencil and paper application findings and explore other reliability and validity indicators.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550610


El criterio (juicio o consulta) de expertos, en las últimas décadas, ha sido ampliamente utilizado en las investigaciones cualitativas, puede decirse que para muchos investigadores constituye la "regla de oro" para validar sus hallazgos. El propósito del artículo consistió en proponer un procedimiento para el procesamiento estadístico de los datos cuando se emplea una extensión del método convencional del criterio de expertos, para establecer la validez, consistencia y fiabilidad en los hallazgos científicos. El mismo fue aplicado en la toma de decisiones de una de las tres dimensiones de la variable de los componentes del ejercicio problémico interdisciplinario del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el proceso investigativo se utilizaron métodos empíricos como la revisión de documentos, la encuesta y el criterio de expertos. Los tests estadísticos aplicados arrojaron significación estadística (P < 0.05 hasta P < 0.001) entre las comparaciones y/o asociaciones realizadas. Los hallazgos encontrados demostraron, al aplicar el procedimiento, una aproximación hacia la validez, consistencia y fiabilidad de los resultados científicos.

O julgamento de especialistas (julgamento ou consulta) tem sido, nas últimas décadas, amplamente utilizado em pesquisas qualitativas, indiscutivelmente o "padrão ouro" para muitos pesquisadores validarem suas descobertas. O objetivo do artigo foi propor um procedimento para o processamento estatístico de dados ao usar uma extensão do método convencional de julgamento de especialistas para estabelecer validade, consistência e confiabilidade em descobertas científicas. Ele foi aplicado na tomada de decisão de uma das três dimensões dos componentes variáveis do exercício interdisciplinar de solução de problemas do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Métodos empíricos, como análise de documentos, pesquisa e julgamento de especialistas, foram usados no processo de pesquisa. Os testes estatísticos aplicados mostraram significância estatística (P < 0,05 a P < 0,001) entre as comparações e/ou associações feitas. Os resultados demonstraram, ao aplicar o procedimento, uma abordagem voltada para a validade, a consistência e a confiabilidade dos resultados científicos.

In recent decades, expert judgment has been widely used in qualitative research, and it can be said that for many researchers it constitutes the "golden rule" for validating their findings. The purpose of the article was to propose a procedure for the statistical processing of data when an extension of the conventional method of expert judgment is used to establish the validity, consistency and reliability of scientific findings. It was applied in the decision making of one of the three dimensions of the variable of the components of the interdisciplinary problem-solving exercise of the teaching-learning process. Empirical methods such as document review, survey and expert judgment were used in the research process. The statistical tests applied showed statistical significance (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) among the comparisons and/or associations made. The findings found demonstrated, when applying the procedure, an approach towards the validity, consistency and reliability of the scientific results.

Medwave ; 24(1): e2746, 29-02-2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532755


Dentro de la práctica clínica, así como en la salud poblacional, es habitual utilizar cuestionarios que permiten evaluar condiciones o variables que no son directamente observables. No obstante, la construcción y validación de estos instrumentos o cuestionarios suele ser poco conocida. El objetivo de esta revisión narrativa es sintetizar de manera general el proceso de construcción y validación de estos cuestionarios, para así tener una mejor comprensión de este proceso, de los aspectos que se evalúan y de la mejor forma de utilizarlos. La validación de cuestionarios corresponde a un proceso de análisis de este, cuya finalidad es medir una variable latente o constructo, así como sus dimensiones, las que no pueden ser observadas directamente. Una variable latente puede ser inferida a través de un conjunto de atributos específicos que forman parte de ella, como los ítems de un cuestionario y que sí son observables. En este artículo se abordan de manera teórica los conceptos fundamentales de validación de cuestionarios o test, variables latentes o constructos, estudio de la confiabilidad y de la validez, así como los factores que afectan a estas dos últimas características, a través de una revisión narrativa. En el texto, se presentan ejemplos sobre estos conceptos.

In clinical practice and population health, it is common to use questionnaires to assess conditions or variables that are not directly observable. However, the construction and validation of these instruments or questionnaires are often poorly understood. This narrative review aims to summarize in a general way the process of construction and validation of these questionnaires in order to have a better understanding of this process, the aspects that are evaluated, and the best way to use them. The validation of questionnaires corresponds to a process of analysis of the questionnaire, aiming to measure a latent variable and its dimensions, which cannot be observed directly. A latent variable can be inferred through a set of specific attributes that are part of it, such as the items of a questionnaire, which are observable. Through a narrative review, this article addresses the fundamental concepts of questionnaire or test validation, latent variables or constructs, reliability and validity studies, and the factors that theoretically affect the latter two characteristics. Examples of these concepts are presented in the text.

Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Surveys and Questionnaires
Interacciones ; 10: 25-33, Jan.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569285


RESUMEN Introducción: La inteligencia emocional (IE) es una habilidad clave para el desarrollo personal y académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Por ello, es conveniente disponer de instrumentos pertinentes para medir este constructo. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Wong-Law (WLEIS) en estudiantes universitarios de la región de Lambayeque, Perú. Método: Nuestro estudio tiene un diseño instrumental. Aplicamos un cuestionario virtual distribuido en redes sociales a 317 estudiantes universitarios (124 varones y 193 mujeres) de diferentes carreras profesionales, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 años (M=20,3; DE=2,7). Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio (estimador WLSMV) y se evaluó la consistencia interna. Resultados: Se encontraron cuatro factores correlacionados, de orden superior, y bifactoriales, siendo el primero el que presentó los índices de mejor ajuste: X2(98) = 262.63, p < .001, CFI = .97, TLI = .96, RMSEA = .07 (IC 90%; .06 - .08), SRMR = .04 y WRMR = .91. Los resultados de consistencia interna utilizando el coeficiente omega son ωSEA = .81, ωOEA= .79, ωUOE= .84 y ωROE = .85. Conclusión: La WLEIS en estudiantes universitarios de la región Lambayeque del Perú tiene suficientes evidencias de validez y confiabilidad para garantizar la pertinencia de su aplicación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) is a key skill for the personal and academic development of university students. Therefore, it is appropriate to have relevant instruments to measure this construct. Objective: This study aims to analyze the evidence of validity and reliability of the Wong-Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) in university students in the region of Lambayeque, Peru. Method: Our study has an instrumental design. We applied a virtual questionnaire distributed in social networks to 317 university students (124 males and 193 females) from different professional careers, aged between 18 and 30 years (M=20.3; SD=2.7). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed (WLSMV estimator), and internal consistency was assessed. Result: We found four correlated factors, higher order, and bifactor, the first being the one with the best-fit indices: X2(98) = 262.63, p < .001, CFI = .97, TLI = .96, RMSEA = .07 (CI 90%; .06 - .08), SRMR = .04 and WRMR = .91. Internal consistency results using the omega coefficient are ωSEA = .81, ωOEA= .79, ωUOE= .84 and ωROE = .85. Conclusion: The WLEIS in university students in the Lambayeque region of Peru has sufficient evidence of validity and reliability to guarantee the relevance of its application.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 738-744, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017528


Objective To develop nurses'knowledge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia,and test its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the evidence-based summary of the best evidence of medication management for patients with dysphagia,guided by the the-ory of knowledge,attitude and practice,the basic dimensions and item pool of the questionnaire were deter-mined through group discussion,Delphi expert consultation and pre-investigation.In order to revise the ques-tionnaire,437 nurses from 10 tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province were conveniently selected for investigation,and the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested according to the survey results.Results The nurses'knowl-edge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia included 43 items in three dimensions.The three dimensions were analyzed by exploratory factors,and six common factors with characteristic roots>1 were extracted.Two factors were extracted from the knowledge dimension,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 74.958%,One factor was extracted from the attitude dimen-sion,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 77.655%.Three factors were extracted from the prac-tice dimension,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 72.274%.The factor load of each item was 0.618-0.902,Cronbach's α coefficient of the total questionnaire was 0.949,and the test-retest reliability was 0.909.The overall content validity coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.922,and the content validity coeffi-cient for each item was 0.800-1.000.Conclusion The nurses'knowledge,attitude and practice questionnaire on medication management for patients with dysphagia developed in this study has good reliability and validi-ty,and could be used as an effective tool to evaluate the status quo of nurses'medication management for pa-tients with dysphagia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020427


Objective:To develop the Scale of Pain-Relevant Responses from Spouse for Chronic Pain Patients and to test its reliability and validity, so as to provide a reliable tool for the scientific assessment of the pain-relevant responses from spouses for chronic pain patients.Methods:Based on the interpersonal process model of intimacy, the first draft of the scale was formed through literature analysis, semi-structured interview, Delphi expert consultation and pre-investigation. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 388 patients with chronic pain who visited the Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University from April 2022 to April 2023 using convenience sampling method to test the reliability and validity of the scale.Results:The Scale of Pain-Relevant Responses from Spouse for Chronic Pain Patients included 21 items in 4 dimensions: emotional support pain-relevant responses, behavioral support pain-relevant responses, distractive pain-relevant responses and negative pain-relevant responses. The range of I-CVI was 0.850-1.000. The results of structural validity analysis showed that four qualified common factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 71.173%. The confirmatory factor analysis model fit indicators were within the acceptable range. The correlation validity coefficient was 0.692 ( P<0.01). The Cronbach α coefficient of the total table was 0.894, the half reliability was 0.906, and the retest reliability was 0.927. Conclusions:The Scale of Pain-Relevant Responses from Spouse for Chronic Pain Patients has good reliability and validity, and is suitable for the evaluation of pain-relevant responses from spouse of chronic pain patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021022


Objective To understand the reliability of caloric test results through the analysis of the pod shape dia-gram types of caloric test and to provide a more accurate and reliable basis for vestibular system function evaluation.Meth-ods The results of caloric test in 528 patients from July 2021 to May 2022 in vertigo diagnosis and treatment center were analyzed.According to pod pattern and unilateral weakness(UW),the patients were divided into five groups:cold and warm test symmetrical group,left and right side asymmetry group,single value significant abnormal group,bilateral hypo-plasia group and pod morphology unable to be classified group.Unreliable data can be identified by comparing,explaining,and summarizing the results of UW of different groups,so as to reduce the interference of unreliable data to clinical diagno-sis and treatment.Results Cold and warm test symmetric group(n=439)included patients with symmetry of bilateral vestibular function(n=273)and decreased vestibular function of one side(n=166).Left and right symmetrical groups in-eluded pationts with bilateral symmetric vestibular function(n=11)and unilateral reduction(n=13).Single value signifi-cant abnormal group showed cases with unilateral vestibular function reduction(n=25)and bilateral symmetric vestibular function(n=11).Bilateral hypolasion group showed cases with bilateral symmetric vestibular function(n=25)and unilat-eral reduction(n=9).Pod morphology unclassified group(n=5)suggested varions interference factors.Conduson When the function of the peripheral vestibular is symmetrical and normal,we should be alert to the existence of temperature effect,and should consider the inspection of the perfusion apparatus and the calibration of the irrigation temperature.When the function of the peripheral vestibular shows unilateral weakness,repeating the irrigation is recommended when the single value of the caloric test significantly increases or decreases.If there is no change,repeating the irrigation at the same tem-perature in the other ear or even repeating the whole caloric test are recommended.The UW value could not truly reflect the state of peripheral vestibular function when the caoric test produces bilateral weakness.Therefore,water irrigation could be used to make a correct judgment based on the medical history and other auxiliary examinations.It is of great significance to judge the effectiveness of caloric test comprehensively by combining the morphology of pod diagram with UW value.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021212


BACKGROUND:Confirming the reliability and validity of the My jump 2 application for measuring lower limb vertical stiffness may offer the possibility of it as an alternative to the Kistler three-dimensional force platform for measuring lower limb stiffness. OBJECTIVE:To verify the reliability and validity of the My Jump 2 application in measuring lower limb vertical stiffness of college students. METHODS:The drop jump data of the participants were collected through the Kistler three-dimensional force platform and the My Jump 2 application,and the vertical stiffness of the participants'lower limb vertical stiffness was calculated.The intraclass correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data measured by the My Jump 2 application and the Kistler three-dimensional force platform,attempting to verify the reliability of the My Jump 2 application.The bias and average between the two devices were drawn into a Bland-Altman diagram to verify the consistency between the two test methods.Finally,the test-retest reliability of the My Jump 2 applications at 30 cm and 40 cm was analyzed using the Cronbach's alpha(α)and coefficient of variation.Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the correlation of My Jump 2 applications. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:My Jump 2 application has high reliability and validity when measuring the vertical stiffness of the lower limb.At the same time,due to its advantages of low cost,convenient portability and field testing for large samples,it can be used as an alternative to the Kistler three-dimensional force platform to test the vertical stiffness of the lower limb in college students and similar populations.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021224


BACKGROUND:Traditional 3D dental segmentation methods usually utilize predefined spatial geometric features,such as curvature and normal vectors,as the reference information for tooth segmentation. OBJECTIVE:To propose an algorithm for complex 3D dental segmentation and deeply explore the correlation between segmentation results and application scenarios. METHODS:A 3D dental segmentation algorithm based on dual stream extraction of structural features and spatial features was established,and the modular design of split flow was used to avoid feature confusion.Among them,the attention mechanism on the structural feature flow was used to capture the fine-grained semantic information required for tooth segmentation,and the Tran Net based on the spatial feature flow was used to ensure the robustness of the model to complex tooth and jaw segmentation.This algorithm verified its effectiveness and reliability based on clinical datasets including healthy dental jaws and complex dental jaws such as missing teeth,malocclusion and dentition crowding.The segmentation performance of the model was measured in terms of overall accuracy,mean intersection over union,and directional cut discrepancy. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The overall segmentation accuracy of this algorithm in the clinical data set is 97.08%,and the segmentation effect is superior to that of other competitive methods from the qualitative and quantitative perspectives.It is verified that the structural feature flow designed in this paper can extract more precise local details of tooth shape from coordinate and normal information by constructing an attention aggregation mechanism,and the spatial feature flow designed in this paper can ensure the robustness of the model to complex teeth such as missing teeth,dislocated teeth,and crowded dentition by constructing a transformation network(Tran Net).Therefore,this tooth segmentation algorithm is highly reliable for clinicians'practical reference.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022083


BACKGROUND:In clinical practice,the anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine are usually located by palpation,and the tilt of the pelvis is determined by visual observation method or photogrammetry.Among them,the visual observation method can only have qualitative conclusions,and its reliability is poor.The photogrammetry is not only more convenient and fast,but also can give more accurate quantitative data,which is one of the best clinical evaluation methods.However,there are no studies on the reliability of pelvic posture assessment using photogrammetry in China. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the pelvic posture by visual observation method and photogrammetry,and to compare the reliability level of the two methods to guide clinical application. METHODS:Forty-five healthy subjects were selected and red marks were made at the bilateral anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine.Pelvic posture was photographed from the front,back(coronal plane),left,and right(sagittal plane).The left and right pelvic tilt angles(α,β angles)were selected from the front and back views,which represented the angle between the bilateral anterior superior iliac spine line or the bilateral posterior superior iliac spine line and the horizontal line.The anterior and posterior pelvic tilt angles(γ,θ angles)were selected from the side view,which represented the angle between the ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine line and the horizontal plane,indicating the sagittal plane pelvic tilt.Evaluation methods included visual observation method and photogrammetry.Two evaluators independently evaluated the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles using the visual observation method first,and then recorded the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles using the photogrammetry.After a one-month interval,the visual observation method and photogrammetry were performed again,and the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles were recorded.The intraclass correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data obtained from the two evaluation methods and the before-and-after measurements:0.90-0.99 as an excellent correlation,0.80-0.89 as a good correlation,0.70-0.79 as a moderate correlation,and≤0.69 as a poor correlation.The standard error of measurement and the minimal detectable change with 95%confidence intervals were calculated to evaluate the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The interrater intraclass correlation coefficients of the visual observation method and photogrammetry were as follows:anterior view:0.682 and 0.718,posterior view:0.513 and 0.867,left view:0.739 and 0.960,and right view:0.756 and 0.971.The visual observation method showed poor correlation between the anterior and posterior views and moderate correlation between the left and right views,while the photogrammetry showed moderate correlation for the anterior view,good correlation for the posterior view,and excellent correlation for the left and right views.The standard error values of measurement were as follows:anterior view:3.266 and 1.625,posterior view:4.278 and 1.763,left view:5.935 and 1.787,and right view:5.723 and 1.698.The minimal detectable change values with 95%confidence intervals were as follows:anterior view:9.053 and 4.504,posterior view:11.858 and 4.887,left view:16.451 and 4.953,and right view:15.863 and 4.707.(2)The interrater intraclass correlation coefficients of the visual observation method and photogrammetry were as follows:anterior view:0.452 and 0.723,posterior view:0.483 and 0.904,left view:0.518 and 0.955,and right view:0.657 and 0.968.The visual observation method showed poor correlation in all four directions,while the photogrammetry showed moderate correlation for the anterior view and excellent correlation for the other three directions.The standard error values of measurement were as follows:anterior view:5.651 and 1.610,posterior view:4.237 and 1.523,left view:7.322 and 1.891,and right view:6.509 and 1.781.The minimal detectable change values with 95%confidence intervals were as follows:anterior view:15.664 and 4.463,posterior view:11.744 and 4.222,left view:20.296 and 5.242,and right view:18.042 and 4.937.(3)These results confirm that the sagittal and coronal plane photogrammetries have good intrarater and interrater reliability for evaluating pelvic posture,especially with the use of the photogrammetry,which has good data stability.This method is simple,fast,efficient,accurate,low-cost,and does not cause X-ray damage,and can qualitatively and quantitatively reflect the actual situation of the patient's pelvis,making it suitable for clinical use.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 1-10, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022134


Objective To develop a self-care scale for patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery and verify its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the model of knowledge,belief and practice,a questionnaire item pool was constructed after literature reviews and qualitative interviews.A questionnaire-based scale was drafted based on the established item pool by carrying out two rounds of consultation with 15 clinical nursing specialists,nursing administrators and nursing educators from 8 provinces or cities in China.Reliability and validity of the scale were tested using convenience sampling,involving 444 patients with breast cancer surgery related lymphedema from 7 general hospitals in Hubei and Henan provinces,China,between May and July 2023.Results The response rates for the two rounds of expert consultation were 93.75%and 93.33%,respectively.The authority coefficients of the two rounds were 0.86 and 0.89,respectively,and the coordination coefficients for the 2 rounds were 0.130 and 0.379,respectively.In the first round,the average importance rating was from 4.33 to 4.93 with the coefficient of variation from 0.05 to 0.19,and the full score ratio from 53.33%to 93.33%.In the second round,the average importance rating ranged from 2.86 to 4.93 with the coefficient of variation from 0.05 to 0.36,and the full score ratios from 7.14%to 92.86%.A total of 421 patients completed the survey.The overall Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.943,the overall split-half reliability was 0.824,the scale-level content validity index(S-CVI)was 0.912,and the item-level content validity index(I-CVI)of the total scale ranged from 0.857 to 1.000.The KMO value of exploratory factor analysis was 0.919,the Bartrett spherical test value was 4671.724(P<0.001),and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 64.155%.Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good model fit.After the reliability and validity tests,the scale was finalised and determined to consist of three dimensions with 33 items:knowledge(9 items),attitude(6 items)and behaviour(18 items).Conclusion The self-care scale for the patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery has demonstrated good reliability and validity,and makes it an effective assessment tool for the patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 52-57, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022141


Objective Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of disability attitude scales(DAS-CN)toward disabled persons were created and tested to provide an assessment instrument for measuring the attitude of medical staff toward disabled persons in China.Methods Authorised by the author of DAS in August 2020,based on BRISLIN translation model,the English version of DAS was translated into Chinese followed by back translation,cultural debugging and then put it into pre-experiment in September 2020.The reliability and validity of the finalised DAS-CN were further tested in a survey with 400 randomly selected medical staff in rehabilitation from 8 general hospitals in Jinzhou,Panjin,Yingkou and Fushun in Liaoning Province,China by using the convenience sampling method in March 2021.Results A total of 357 surveyees completed the survey.The localised DSA-CN was composed of 4 dimensions with a total of 20 items,including 4 items in clinical knowledge and skills,4 in clinical responsibility,8 in clinical behaviour and 4 in emotional response.The Cronbach α coefficient of the scales was 0.943,with the split-half reliability and test-retest reliability at 0.824 and 0.899,respectively.The Cronbach α coefficient of each dimension was 0.843~0.944,and the split half reliability was 0.854~0.904.The test-retest reliability ranged from 0.701 to 0.913.The KMO value of exploratory factor analysis was 0.921.The Bartrett spherical test value was 5534.981(P<0.01).The total explanatory rate of variation was 73.050%.Conclusion The Chinese version of Disability Attitude Scales(DSA-CN)has good reliability and validity.Therefore,DSA-CN can be used as an instrument in investigation of the current status about the attitudes towards the disabled persons among the medical staff in China.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 203-207, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022238


Objective To develop and assess the reliability and validity of an outpatient satisfaction questionnaire tailor-ed for enterprise-run hospitals.Methods The initial questionnaire was formulated using interviewing and literature review,fol-lowed by a satisfaction survey administered to 380 outpatients at an enterprise-run hospital in Guangxi.Item analysis,exploratory factor analysis,and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to finalize the evaluation questionnaire and evaluate its reliability and validity.Results The final questionnaire comprised 18 items with the item reliability of 0.438-0.856,composite reliabili-ty of 0.846-0.956,and convergence validity of 0.668-0.782.The correlation coefficients among the common factors were less than the square root of the convergent validity values.Conclusion The outpatient satisfaction evaluation questionnaire developed is characterized by robust reliability and validity.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 22-28, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027808


Objective To develop an Exercise Behavior Perception Scale for Lung Cancer Patients in China,and to test its reliability and validity.Methods According to the health belief model,the first draft of the scale was formed through literature review,semi-structured interview,research group discussion,2 rounds of expert correspondence and pre-survey.A total of 842 patients with lung cancer who received treatment in a tertiary A hospital in Zhengzhou City from October 2022 to April 2023 were selected for investigation,and item analysis,validity analysis,and reliability analysis were applied to adjust the items to form a formal scale.Results The Exercise Behavior Perception Scale for Lung Cancer Patients contained 24 items,and exploratory factor analysis generated 6 common factors,including physical rehabilitation benefits,emotional and mental benefits,information disorders,disease symptom disorders,condition disorders,and psychological disorders.The cumulative variance contribution rate reached 73.916%,and the results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit was good,the x2/df was 2.371,the root mean square error of approximation was 0.057,the normed fit index was 0.924,and the comparative fit index was 0.954,the scale score was moderately positively correlated with the total score of the Frenchay activities index(r=0.529,P<0.001).The Cronbach's α,coefficient,half reliability,and retest reliability of the scale were 0.884,0.741,and 0.889,respectively.Conclusion The Exercise Behavior Perception Scale for Lung Cancer Patients had good reliability and validity,and it can be used to effectively evaluate the exercise behavior perception status of lung cancer patients.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 287-291, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027846


Scales are crucial instruments for measuring variables in the field of nursing research.Its development process needs to follow the basic procedures strictly.This paper describes the basic steps involved in nursing scale development,with a focus on ensuring accuracy and reliability at each stage where issues may arise.It also provides a comprehensive analysis of common problems found in current nursing scale development papers and offers suggestions and solutions.The aim is to provide a reference for nursing professionals engaged in scale-related research and to enhance the quality of nursing scale development papers.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 438-446, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027866


Objective To develop a health-promoting lifestyle scale for women with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS),and to test its reliability and validity,and preliminarily apply it.Methods Based on the Pender health promotion model,the item pool of the scale was constructed through literature research,semi-structured interviews and group discussions.After 2 rounds of Delphi expert consultation and pre-survey,the initial scale was formed.From April to July 2022,316 patients with PCOS in the health management center,reproductive medicine center and endocrinology department of a tertiary hospital in Nanjing were selected for item analysis,exploratory factor analysis and reliability test,respectively.From August to October 2022,358 PCOS patients were selected for confirmatory factor analysis.From November 2022 to February 2013,294 PCOS patients were selected,and the scale was used to investigate the status of health-promoting lifestyle in PCOS patients.Results The health-promoting lifestyle scale for PCOS patients included 5 dimensions and 33 items.The total content validity index of the scale was 0.942,and the content validity index of each item was 0.810-1.000.5 common factors were extracted by 2 exploratory factor analyses,and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 62.399%.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit was good.The Cronbach's a coefficient of the total scale was 0.930;the split-half reliability was 0.842;the test-retest reliability was 0.888.The preliminary application results showed that the total score of health-promoting lifestyle in PCOS patients was(96.925±14.273),and the average score of items was(2.937±0.433),which was at a medium level.Conclusion The health-promoting lifestyle scale for PCOS patients has good reliability and validity,which can be used as a tool for medical staff to assess the level of health-promoting lifestyle of PCOS patients,and can help nurses to quickly identify the level and dimensions of health-promoting lifestyle of patients,so as to formulate individualized precise health management plans.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029094


Objective:To evaluate the reliability and validity of a questionnaire assessing the leadership qualities of primary healthcare institution managers, and to further clarify the current state of leadership development among management teams of community health service centers in Shanghai.Methods:The study was a cross-sectional survey. It was conducted from August to December 2021, and used a stratified sampling method. Using a self-developed questionnaire for primary healthcare institution managers, we surveyed 279 individuals from 10 community health service centers in Shanghai, including management teams, middle-level cadres, general practitioners, and staff from health administrative departments in their respective districts. Leadership qualities were evaluated on five dimensions: inspiration, decisiveness, control, influence, and foresight. Cronbach′s α coefficient and split half coefficient were used to analyze the reliability of the questionnaire, and confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the structural validity of the scale.Results:The overall Cronbach′s α reliability of the questionnaire for the comprehensive management of community health service centers was 0.96, and the Spearman-Brown split-half coefficient was 0.94. The validity analysis yielded a KMO value of 0.975, the RMSEA for factor analysis was 0.085, and the adaptation indexes all met the model adaptation conditions. Of the 279 participants, 174 were female (62.4%), 257 held a mid-level or higher professional title (92.1%). The overall leadership score of the community health service center management teams was (4.43±0.59), with the dimensions ranked from highest to lowest as follows: inspiration (4.52±0.55), decisiveness (4.46±0.62), control (4.44±0.60), influence (4.42±0.63), and foresight (4.32±0.69). The foresight score was significantly lower than the other four dimensions (all P<0.05). Conclusions:The questionnaire used to assess the leadership qualities of primary healthcare institution managers is reliable and valid. The development of leadership qualities among management teams of community health service centers in Shanghai is unbalanced, with foresight being the weakest dimension.