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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 84(1): 50-57, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565742


Introducción: La pandemia por SARS-CoV2 ha significado millones de contagiados y fallecidos a nivel mundial. Esta situación epidemiológica ha implicado un profundo cambio en distintos niveles del quehacer diario. En medicina, ha afectado la práctica médica y docencia. Transversalmente, los programas de residencia han tenido que migrar a la modalidad online de docencia para la continuidad de la educación. Objetivo: Exponer la opinión de los residentes de la SOCHIORL respecto de las modificaciones que han tenido sus distintos programas de especialidad, con el uso de herramientas online de docencia. Material y Método: Estudio transversal con encuestas anónimas, online mediante la plataforma Google forms®; enviada a residentes de los distintos programas de especialidad pertenecientes a la SOCHIORL, entre los años 2018-2021. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 51 respuestas. El 92% refiere transición a actividades online. El 96% ha participado en evaluaciones en línea y 94% en reuniones clínicas, tan solo un 9,8% de teleconsulta. Las plataformas Zoom (98%) y Google Meet (51%) han sido las más utilizadas. Las reuniones clínicas y pruebas/evaluaciones fueron las actividades mejor valoradas; y la peor evaluada teleconsulta. Problemas con el horario (extensión o fuera de horario) y técnicos (conexión inestable, problemas de audio, cámaras) fueron los principales obstáculos. 71,4% refiere sobrecarga respecto a actividades online. El 88% estima más beneficiosa la modalidad mixta de formación. Conclusión: Las herramientas online han sido útiles para continuar con los programas de especialidad durante la pandemia. Probablemente sería beneficioso mantener modalidad mixta para las actividades mejor valoradas, incluso posterior a la pandemia.

Introduction: The SARS-CoV2 pandemic has meant millions of infected and deceased worldwide. This epidemiological situation has resulted in a profound change at different levels of daily basis. In medicine, it has affected clinical practice and teaching activities. In many cases, residency programs have had to transition to online teaching modalities for the continuity of education. Objective: Present the opinion of SOCHIORL residents regarding the modifications that their different specialty programs have had, with the use of online teaching tools. Material and Method: Cross-sectional study with online surveys using the Google forms® platform; sent to residents of the different specialty programs belonging to SOCHIORL, between the years 2018-2021. Results: 51 responses were obtained. 92% refer to transition to online activities. 96% have participated in online evaluations and 94% in clinical meetings, only 9.8% refer teleconsultations. The platforms Zoom (98%) and Google Meet (51%) have been the most used. Clinical meetings and tests/assessments were the best valued activities; and teleconsultation being the worst evaluated. Problems with the schedule (extension or after hours) and technical problems (unstable connection, audio problems, cameras) were the main obstacles. 71.4% referred overload regarding online activities. Mixed modality of training was considered more beneficial by 88% of respondents. Conclusion: Online tools have been useful to continue specialty programs teaching during the pandemic. It would probably be beneficial to maintain a mixed modality for the most valued activities, even after the pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Otolaryngology/education , Education, Distance/methods , COVID-19 , Perception , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pandemics
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227692


Background: Worldwide, 2.4 billion persons lack improved sanitation and practice open defecation. In Kenya, about 14% of its population defecates in the open and the country loses over $324 million a year due to poor sanitation. The study focused on establishing infrastructural factors influencing the resurgence and sustainability of open-defecation-free status among adult residents in Kibwezi East Sub-County of Makueni County, Kenya. Methods: The study employed purposeful, cluster, proportionate, simple random sampling and descriptive cross-sectional design. Participants included residents aged 18 or older, who lived in the area at least two years. Chi-square tests at p?0.05 examined relationships between independent and dependent variables. Results: Majority of respondents were Christian (98.8%), with 52.9% completing primary education. Most were female (68.6%), married (89.1%), and averaged 48.40 years. Education at or below primary level increased the likelihood of not sustaining ODF practices (uOR=1.567, 95% CI: 1.061-2.315, p=0.024). Sanitary facilities were often within 10-50 m (59.5%), with a median walk time of 3.0 min. ODF sustainability was less likely without user-friendly facilities (uOR=2.47, p<0.001) and with roofless toilets (uOR=0.355, p<0.001). Longer walking times (>3 min) reduced ODF sustainability (uOR=0.341, p<0.001). Absence of designated open defecation sites increased ODF odds by 1.669 times (UOR=1.669, p<0.001), and odor-free toilets enhanced sustainability (UOR=1.287, p=0.030). Conclusions: The results highlight the significance of socio-demographic factors, including education levels, and infrastructural in maintaining ODF status.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565445


Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de un curso de anastomosis intestinal abierta simulada en residentes de cirugía general. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo no aleatorizado. Se aplicó un curso para residentes del programa de cirugía general del Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile en 2021 en su primera versión y una segunda vez en 2022. Se evaluó la percepción y confianza con encuestas pre y post curso. Resultados: Participaron diecisiete residentes. De ellos, 16 residentes habían asistido previamente en la técnica básica, 10 nunca habían realizado una anastomosis intestinal a un paciente real como primer cirujano, en su mayoría residentes de segundo y tercer año. El nivel de confianza promedio para realizar una anastomosis intestinal en pacientes previo al curso fue de 1,86/7, 3/7 y 5,38/7 para el primer, segundo y tercer año, respectivamente. De manera global, previo al curso, los residentes promediaron una confianza de 3,09/7. Después del curso, 15/16 residentes estuvieron de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo en que mejoró la confianza en la técnica; que el modelo representa correctamente la situación real, y que los modelos simulados son más efectivos para el aprendizaje que la experiencia clínica por sí sola. Los residentes aumentaron su confianza en 2,47 puntos, alcanzando un promedio de 5,56/7 para la técnica (p = 0,001). Conclusiones: El curso de anastomosis intestinal abierta es percibido por los residentes como efectivo, realista y aumenta, significativamente, la confianza en la realización de esta técnica.

Objective: To evaluate the impact of a simulated open intestinal anastomosis course on general surgery residents. Materials and Methods: Prospective non-randomized study. A course was applied to residents in the general surgery program at the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile in 2021 for its first version and a second time in 2022. Perception and confidence were evaluated with pre-and post-course surveys. Results: Seventeen residents participated. Of these, 16 residents had previously attended the basic technique, 10 had never performed an intestinal anastomosis as a first surgeon on a real patient, mostly second and third-year residents. The average confidence level for performing an intestinal anastomosis on patients prior to the course was 1.86/7, 3/7, and 5.38/7 for the first, second, and third year, respectively. Overall, prior to the course, residents averaged a confidence of 3.09/7. After the course, 15/16 residents agreed or strongly agreed that it improved their confidence in the technique; that the model accurately represents the real situation, and that simulated models are more effective for learning than clinical experience alone. Residents increased their confidence by 2.47 points, reaching an average of 5.56/7 for the technique (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The open intestinal anastomosis course is perceived by residents as effective, realistic, and significantly increases confidence in performing this technique.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019068


Objective To investigate the popularization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)knowledge and science popularization needs among urban and rural residents in Tonghai County,Yuxi City,Yunnan Province,so as to explore the establishment of an efficient and appropriate science popularization model.Methods A total of 300 residents aged 15-60 years old were selected from Tonghai County,Yuxi City,Yunnan Province using stratified and simple random sampling methods.A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct an anonymous questionnaire survey.Results Only 20.3%of Tonghai County residents master CPR skills,and 26.2%of Tonghai County residents have never heard of CPR.There is a statistically significant difference in the awareness rate of CPR between rural residents and non-rural residents(P<0.01).There are differences in residents'age and CPR awareness(P<0.01),the age and CPR are inversely proportional.The residents have a higher willingness to perform chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on strangers,66.2%and 68.6%respectively.63.79%of residents have never attended relevant training.But 92.76%of the people said they were willing to participate in the relevant training when they learned the training news.Conclusion Residents in Tonghai County generally lack knowledge of CPR first aid,but the demand for first aid knowledge of residential CPR is high and the attitude towards rescue is positive.It is recommended that relevant departments increase CPR science popularization and training efforts,and popularize CPR into villages.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022376


The standardized training of residents is an important stage for medical students to transition from medical theory to clinical practice,and the only way to become a qualified clinician.In recent years,the development of standardized resident training in China has changed from system construction to quality connotation construction.Medical simulation education,as an important bridge between medical theoretical teaching and practical teaching,has been recognized to a higher degree for its appropriate safety and high repeatability.However,there are still many restrictions in the practical application,so that the actual effect is difficult to reach the expectation.This review discussed the application and practice of medical simulation in the standardized training of residents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023409


A teaching clinic is an outpatient clinic specialized for teaching, where trainees are responsible for medical activities such as medical history taking, physical examination, and diagnosis and treatment, under the assistance and guidance of teachers. Only a few hospitals in China have built up teaching clinics for standardized training of pediatric residents. This paper summarizes the experience in the operation management of the standardized residency training teaching clinic in Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. The teaching clinic takes teaching as its core task, adheres to humanistic care, and follows the principle of hierarchical progression. Its operation involves organizational approval, preliminary arrangements, outpatient appointments, the implementation of teaching activities, and other processes, which are carried out under organizational management and quality management. We have explored a preliminary strategy for evaluating the teaching effects of teaching clinics, and proposed some suggestions for the future development of pediatric residency training teaching clinics such as increasing objective evaluation methods and increasing pediatric subspecialty teaching clinics.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025324


Objective:Operational efficiency and influencing factors of China's basic medical insurance system from 2020 to 2021 is conducted to provide reference for improving the operational efficiency and optimizing the input-output relationship.Methods:The super-efficiency SBM model based on unexpected output and the Malmquist index are used to measure the static and dynamic efficiency of resident medical insurance in 31 provinces in China,and Tobit regression analysis is employed to analyze the influencing factors.Results:The overall operational efficiency of resident medical insurance still needs improvement.The operational efficiency of resident medical insurance in the central and western regions is lower than that in the eastern region,and the gap is significant.Different levels and regions have differentiated main constraints on the operational efficiency of resident medical insurance.In terms of dynamic efficiency,the total factor productivity of resident medical insurance operation shows an increasing trend,mainly due to technological progress.In terms of influencing factors,the degree of aging,the level of medical expenses and the level of medical insurance supervision have a significant impact on the operational efficiency.Suggestions:Efforts should be made to bridge regional disparities,promote the equitable development of medical insurance,reasonably control the level of medical expenses,strengthen the supervision of medical insurance funds,and implement active aging policies.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 232-239, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025517


Objective:To construct an evaluation the index system of entrustable professional activities for resident training doctors in psychiatric department,and to provide reference for formulating training strategies and assessment standards.Entrustable professional activities refers to the ability of trainees to perform and complete spe-cific clinical tasks independently after they have been trusted.Methods:Through documental analysis and semi-structured interviews,the item database of entrustable professional activities for psychiatric resident training physi-cians was established.Delphi consultation was conducted among 63 experts in the field of psychiatry from 7 national resident training bases and 3 medical colleges in China.Indicators were comprehensively screened and sorted out,and indicators at all levels and their weights were determined by the analytic hierarchy process.Results:A hierarchi-cal evaluation index system of entrustable professional activities for psychiatric resident training doctors was con-structed,including 4 first-level indicators,17 second-level indicators and 68 third-level indicators.The weights of the first-level,second-level and third-level indicators were determined.Conclusion:The evaluation index system of en-trustable professional activities is comprehensive and systematic,which is suitable for clinical work and convenient for practical application.It could provide quantitative standards for the assessment of psychiatric residents and pro-mote the improvement of training quality.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 113-119, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026139


Objective:To explore the role of conducting a"thematic morning report"based on post-competency in the standardized residents training in hospital in the Intensive Care Unit(ICU).Methods:A total of 60 resident training physicians who participated in the standardized residents training in hospital in the ICU of this hospital from January 2020 to December 2022 were included,and randomly divided into an observation group and a control group,with 30 in each group.The observation group adopted an interactive teaching method of themed morning report based on post-competency,while the control group adopted the traditional teaching method.The assessment results of clinical theoretical knowledge and operational skills of the two groups of resident training physicians under different teaching methods were compared.The 360°assessment method was used to record the multi-directional evaluation of patients or their families,nurses,colleagues,and teaching teachers on the post-competence of resident training physicians(self-learning ability,team collaboration ability,effective communication ability,and learning interest).Results:The assessment scores of clinical theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the observation group after teaching were higher than those in the control group,with statistically significant differences(theoretical assessment:t=2.101,P<0.05;practical assessment:t=9.647,P<0.05).The post-competence scores of nurses,colleagues,and teaching teachers on resident training physicians in the observation group were higher than those in the control group after one-month regular training,and the differences were statistically significant(nurses'evaluation of self-learning ability:t=3.182,P=0.002,team collaboration ability:t=3.978,P<0.05,effective communication ability:t=2.180,P=0.0335,learning interest:t=3.884,P<0.05;colleagues'evaluation of self-learning ability:t=2.888,P=0.005,team cooperation ability:t=6.816,P<0.05,effective communication ability:t=3.833,P<0.05,learning interest:t=4.086,P< 0.05;teaching teacher's evaluation of self-learning ability:t=3.429,P=0.001,team cooperation ability:t=3.086,P=0.003,effective communication ability:t=3.493,P=0.001,learning interest:t=3.126,P=0.003).There was a statistically significant difference in the satisfaction scores of patients or their familymembers towards the two groups of resident training physicians(t=3.126,P=0.003).Conclusion:The use of the interactive teaching method of thematic morning report based on post-competency in the standardized residents training in hospital in the ICU can not only improve the theoretical practice and case analysis test scores of resident training physicians,but also improve the post-competence and the satisfaction of patients and their families.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 51-55, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026651


Objective Explore the factors affecting rural residents'willingness to use telemedicine in China,and put forward relevant suggestions to promote the development of telemedicine in rural areas.Methods A research model was built based on Technology Acceptance Model,data were collected through using a questionnaire survey and analyze by structural equation modelling for validation.Results The awareness rate of telemedicine among rural residents was 62.0%and the usage rate was 10.0%,which was low.Perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,social participation,social support,and facilitators positively influence rural residents'willingness to use telemedicine(P<0.05),while perceived risk and social connection have no effect on the willingness of rural residents to use telemedicine(P>0.05).Conclusion Promote the construction of telemedicine system infrastructure to comprehensively enhance the level of rural medical and health services;improve telemedicine laws and regulations to promote the policy guarantee of the three medical institutions;give full play to the role of social capital to improve the information literacy of rural residents in the use of telemedicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029077


A 6-month primary care quality improvement (QI) project was conducted for 63 general practice residents at Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from November 2021 to April 2022. The effectiveness of the QI project on the post competency of general practice residents was comprehensively assessed by three dimensions: self-satisfaction, objective evaluation and teacher-evaluation. The overall satisfaction score of general practice residents was significantly increased after the implementation of QI project((3.83±0.67) vs. (3.41±0.63), t=3.35, P=0.009). The total score of objective assessment was increased from (73.48±8.04) before the project implementation to (78.14±5.24) after the implementation ( t=3.37, P=0.001). The total score of training effectiveness significantly increased from (57.57±11.84) before the project implementation to (79.27±8.40) after the implementation ( t=30.07, P<0.001). The results indicate that the primary care QI project can improve the post competency of general practice residents, and also improve the self-satisfaction of residents for active learning and participation in the training.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029106


Objective:To explore the current status of the post competency evaluation index systems of Chinese general practitioners (GPs), and to summarize the post competency evaluation index systems of GPs in China.Methods:This study was a systematic review. We searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, China Science and Technology Journal Database (CQVIP), SinoMed, PubMed and other databases using "general practitioner" or "family doctor" or "standardized training for residents" or "post competency" or "evaluation system" or "core capability" or "assessment" or "evaluation" etc. as search terms and adding free words. The search was conducted from data establishment to October 2022. Literature screening and data extraction were carried out independently by 2 researchers using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Ekman quality evaluation tool was used to evaluate the quality of the included literature. Excel was used to extract data information, including basic information of literatures, basic information of index systems and index content.Results:A total of 1 284 literatures were retrieved and 33 studies were included. A total of 15 research methods were used, and 28 (84.8%) applied 3 or more methods. There were 14 studies (42.4%) with good reliability and validity, and 17 studies (51.5%) with index weights. There were 12 applied theoretical bases, of which 20 studies (60.6%) used mature foreign competency models as a reference, 14 studies (42.4%) combined the job analysis and position requirements of GPs, and 11 studies (33.3%) interpreted policy documents. The content analysis method yielded 1 537 initial indicators, 1 268 indicators after eliminating repeated indicators, and 6 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators after combining and summarizing. Among the first-level indexes, "patient care" appeared most frequently (36.4% (462/1 268)); the secondary index with the highest frequency in this dimension was "master medical theoretical knowledge" followed by "community-oriented care ability" and "treatment and follow-up of common and frequently-occurring diseases"; the indicators "family-based care ability" and "human-centered care concept" reflected the characteristics of general medical practice. The frequency of "professional spirit and moral quality" (16.3%(207/1 268)), "clinical teaching and learning ability" (14.3%(181/1 268)) and "system-based practical ability"(11.1%(141/1 268)) ranked second, third and fourth among the first-level indicators respectively. The frequency of "basic public health service ability" (11.0%(139/1 268)) ranked the fifth, and the secondary indicator "health management of key community groups" reflected the concept of the whole life cycle of residents and the basic principle of continuity of care in general medicine. The frequency of "interpersonal and communication skills"(10.9%(138/1 268)) ranked sixth.Conclusions:There have been numerous researches on the post competency index evaluation system of GPs in China, but more research is still needed. There are many research methods with rich theoretical basis and Chinese characteristics. This study summarized the post competency evaluation index systems of GPs in China, generalized 6 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators that reflect the basic principles and characteristics of general medicine.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036426


@#Introduction: Poor appetite is prevalent among older adults and may negatively impact on their overall health. This is especially true for institutionalised residents. Despite this, there is a paucity of research on appetite and its associated factors among institutionalised residents, which signified the present study. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among elderly residents at long-term care facilities in the state of Selangor, Malaysia to ascertain their appetite status and its associated factors. Results: A total of 97 residents with mean age of 74.2±8.4 years old were recruited. They comprised 61.9% females and 38.1% males. More than 50% had poor appetite with early satiety. There were 63.0%, 82.4%, and 94.8% who had poor oral health, poor sleep quality, and depression, respectively. Ethnicity (OR=2.73; 95% CI=1.00-7.44; p=0.049) was the only factor that predicted poor appetite among older adults in long-term care facilities, with Malay residents having poorer appetite than their Chinese and Indian counterparts. Conclusion: The prevalence of poor appetite was high among residents staying at long-term care facilities in Selangor, Malaysia, especially among Malays. This issue deserves further studies to identify the specific underlying factors contributing to poor appetite among older adults from different ethnicities. Acknowledging the high prevalence of poor appetite among older adults and its possible unfavourable outcomes, appropriate nutrition interventions are therefore needed to address this issue among institutionalised elderly.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 177-180,184, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038796


Objective@#To investigate the health literacy and its influencing factors among residents in areas out of poverty in Kunming City, so as to provide insights into formulating health education strategies.@*Methods@#A total of 1 916 permanent residents at ages of 15 to 69 years were sampled in three areas out of poverty in Kunming City using the multi-stage stratified random sampling method and probability proportionate to size sampling method from August to October, 2020. Health literacy was investigated using the Questionnaire on the Health Literacy among Chinese Residents, the level of health literacy was analyzed and weighted by the population of the China's Seventh National Population Census. Factors affecting health literacy among residents in areas out of poverty were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#A total of 1 916 questionnaires were allocated, and 1 908 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 99.58%. The respondents included 997 men (52.25%) and 911 women (47.75%), and had a mean age of (45.58±14.28) years. The level of health literacy was 21.38%. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified age (15 to 24 years, OR=5.087, 95%CI: 1.573-16.450; 25 to 34 years, OR=6.016, 95%CI: 1.991-18.183; 35 to 44 years, OR=7.526, 95%CI: 2.541-22.289; 45 to 54 years, OR=4.800, 95%CI: 1.640-14.050), educational level (junior high school, OR=5.333, 95%CI: 3.100-9.175; high school/vocational high school/technical secondary school, OR=19.895, 95%CI: 10.418-37.966; college or above, OR=27.580, 95%CI: 12.349-61.597) as factors affecting health literacy among residents in areas out of poverty in Kunming City.@*Conclusion@#The level of health literacy is 21.38% among residents in areas out of poverty in Kunming City, and age and educational level are associated factors.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012736


@#Introduction: The industrial park in the district of Parit Raja, Batu Pahat resulted in rapid growth of the town during the last 20 years and has been a reason of concern that this park also has contributed greatly to the problem of air pollution. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between industrial air pollution and respiratory symptoms in adults living in the Parit Raja. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was undertaken among residents in the district of Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. A total of 110 residents aged between 19 and 65 years were randomly selected and information on personal characteristics and respiratory symptoms was obtained through a validated questionnaire. The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was compared between residents recruited from the areas situated about 5km radius of the industrial park (exposed) and >5km radius from the industrial park (comparative). Results: A total of 34.5% and 25.5% of adults from the exposed group reported experiencing coughing for the last 3 months and chest tightness for the last 3 years. The logistic regression models showed that symptoms of coughing was associated with the exposed group (aOR=6.34, 95% CI=2.08-19.35), male respondents (aOR=3.18, 95% CI=1.10-9.16) and who stay in Part Raja for more than 14 years (aOR=3.16, 95% CI=1.14-8.79). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that long-term air pollution exposures are consistently associated with respiratory symptoms in residents living in the proximity of industrial parks. Therefore, public health initiatives that aim to provide more conducive environment are needed, especially for residents living near industrial parks.

Rev. venez. cir ; 77(1): 11-16, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1579602


Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia del síndrome de Burnout en residentes del servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital "Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño" en el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2019.Método: Trabajo de campo, tipo prospectivo, descriptivo y transversal. Datos obtenidos por el cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory. Organización de datos por técnica de estadística descriptiva, mediante programa Excel. Resultados: Se resalta niveles altos de cansancio emocional, agotamiento por trabajo, sensación de vacío al culminar, frustración en el trabajo y despersonalización. Conclusiones: Se Identificó el síndrome de Burnout en los residentes del servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño. Recomendaciones: Revisar exigencias en jornadas diarias para comparar la condición de trabajo en los servicios de cirugía y otras especialidades en el hospital(AU)

Objective: To identify the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in residents of the General Surgery service of the "Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño" in the period between 2018 and 2019. Method: Field work, prospective, descriptive and transversal. Data obtained from the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire. Organization of data by descriptive statistics technique, using Excel program. Results: High levels of emotional exhaustion, work exhaustion, feeling of emptiness upon completion, frustration at work and depersonalization are highlighted. Conclusions: Burnout syndrome was identified in the residents of the General Surgery service of the Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño Hospital. Recommendations: Review demands in daily shifts to compare the working condition in the surgery services and other specialties in the hospital(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Surgery Department, Hospital , Burnout, Psychological , Medical Staff, Hospital , General Surgery , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education, Medical, Graduate , Working Conditions
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(4): 12-22, dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527564


Introducción: Dentro de las recomendaciones internacionales para la formación de médicos expertos, se encuentra el integrar la mejor evidencia disponible a la práctica clínica y contribuir a la creación del conocimiento científico. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la implementación de un programa formal de investigación en residentes de ortopedia y traumatología. Metodología: Se desarrolló un programa de investigación para residentes de ortopedia y traumatología, coordinado por un equipo con formación en metodología y bioestadística. El objetivo principal fue que los residentes lograran adquirir herramientas en el desarrollo del método científico e integrar la medicina basada en la evidencia en la práctica profesional. Para ello, se enfocó en tres ejes: 1. formación general 2. análisis crítico de la literatura y 3. desarrollo de investigación científica. Resultados: El año 2015 se implementó el programa. Comenzó con el módulo de formación general a través de seminarios de investigación y una rotación mensual obligatoria. De forma semanal se implementaron reuniones de revisiones críticas de la literatura a partir de casos clínicos y cada dos o tres meses sesiones de journal club. Se han formulado 30 proyectos de investigación, 22 de ellos se han presentado en congresos y ha habido un total de 27 publicaciones con coautoría de residentes (6 de primer autor). Conclusión: A través del programa de investigación, los residentes han adquirido herramientas para poder integrar la medicina basada en la evidencia a su práctica profesional y desarrollar proyectos científicos.

Introduction: In the international recommendations for resident education, there is integrating the best available evidence into clinical practice and contributing to the creation of scientific knowledge. This research aims to describe implementing a formal research program for orthopedic residents. Methodology: We developed a research program for orthopedic residents coordinated by a team trained in methodology and biostatistics. The main objective for residents was to acquire tools to develop the scientific method and to integrate evidence-based medicine into professional practice. To do this, it focused on: 1. theoretical courses, 2. critical analysis of literature, and 3. creation of scientific research. Results: 2015, the program started with a theoretical course through research seminars and a mandatory monthly rotation. Critical analysis of articles meetings were weekly, and journal club sessions every 2 or 3 months. Residents formulated 30 research projects and presented 22 at national and international congresses. There were 27 scientific publications with resident participation (6 were lead authors). Conclusion: Through the research program, residents have acquired tools to integrate evidence-based medicine into their professional practice and develop scientific projects.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(2): 15-28, 28 jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451979


Introducción: los residentes de especialidad médica están expuestos a un alto nivel de burnout lo cual impacta negativamente en el profesionalismo. Esto ha promovido que los programas de residencias instalen curricularmente actividades de bienestar y autocuidado. Este estudio busca identificar la presencia de actividades de autocuidado/bienestar en residencias de psiquiatría de Chile y conocer la opinión docente respecto del tema. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal invitando vía correo electrónico a 80 docentes de 3 departamentos de psiquiatría a contestar un cuestionario sobre el tema de bienestar/autocuidado de sus residentes en sus programas de formación. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de los datos. Resultados: un 69,4% de los encuestados señaló que su residencia no cuenta con contenidos curriculares formales o un programa de autocuidado/bienestar para sus residentes. Las actividades existentes para las residentes relacionadas al autocuidado/bienestar y mencionadas por los docentes son: supervisión, resolución de conflictos, habilidades de comunicación y apoyo o trabajo grupal guiado. Las principales barreras son la limitación de tiempo, la falta de conocimiento y el financiamiento. Discusión: el bienestar de los residentes ha ganado relevancia en los últimos años. El Consejo de Acreditación de Educación Médica para Graduados (ACGME) lo promueve activamente. En Chile, según los programas encuestados, hay poca presencia sistemática de actividades estandarizadas o programas dirigidos al autocuidado y bienestar de este grupo. Parece necesario incluir este aspecto considerando el impacto del burnout en el personal de salud especialmente en un contexto de pandemia o crisis sanitaria.

Introduction: medical speciality residents are exposed to high burnout, which harms professionalism. This mental health situation has led to creating programs promoting well-being and self-care, which have not been installed transversally in medical education. The present study seeks to identify self-care/well-being activities in psychiatry residences in Chile and the teaching interest in implementing them. Methods: 80 professors from 3 Departments of Psychiatry were invited via email to answer a questionnaire on aspects of well-being. A quantitative analysis was performed. Results: 69.4% of those surveyed said their residence does not have formal content or a self-care/well-being program for its residents. The self-care/well-being activities most included in the residents surveyed were su-pervision, conflict resolution and communication skills, and support or guided group work. The main barriers are limited time and lack of knowledge. Discussion: The well-being of residents has gained relevance in recent years, so much so that the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) actively promotes it. In Chile, the situation seems to be different; there is a systematic lack of standardized activities aimed at self-care and the resident's well-being. Including mental health advocating programs is an essential challenge considering the context of pandemic and the relevance of preventing burnout in health personnel.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232049


Background: Over the past few years awareness on gender dysphoria has risen but accessing healthcare as a transgender person (TGP) is still challenging. Deficits in training of residents may contribute to disparities impacting their health. Hence, the pressing priority is to understand the unique need of the TGP and be equipped to offer them competent care. The aim of the current study was to assess the comfort, knowledge and training of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology residents in Tamil Nadu with regard to transgender healthcare.Methods: This was a cross sectional survey sent as a Google Form electronically to 100 residents who had recently completed their residency in obstetrics and gynecology in Tamil Nadu. The questions were designed to assess their knowledge and experience in the care of transgender population. Microsoft Excel software was used to analyze the resultsResults: The response rate for the survey was 67%. Among them, 47.1% of the residents were unaware of the current recommendations for Gender Reassignment Surgery. The expertise related to transition of people with gender dysphoria and the hormonal regimen wanted for them were lacking. While half of the residents realized their lack of competency in caring for TGP, 98.5% were ready for under going further training to improve their knowledge.Conclusions: It was observed that the residents did not have enough training and competency to adequately care for the TGP though they are ready to upskill their knowledge. Hence, efforts should be made to incorporate training modules for TGP care in Indian OBG residency curriculum and train the upcoming residents to offer quality care to all.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(1): [16], abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440167


Fundamento: El estudio teórico, el diagnóstico realizado y la experiencia de los investigadores, posibilitan formular como problema de la presente investigación: limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología del Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila. Objetivo: Elaborar una concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los residentes de la especialidad de Dermatología, a partir de la caracterización del estado actual de esta habilidad. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación educativa con un componente descriptivo en el Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila, en los cursos escolares desde 2016 al 2020. La población de estudio fueron los 16 residentes de año que matricularon la especialidad de Dermatología en el período de estudio. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y empírico. Resultados: La caracterización realizada reveló limitaciones en el desarrollo de la habilidad diagnosticar enfermedades dermatológicas en los laboratorios de Anatomía Patológica, Microbiología y Parasitología Médica, por los residentes (100 %). La concepción didáctica del proceso de formación interdisciplinar de la habilidad diagnosticar orienta el proceso desde las actividades docentes-atencionales y prácticas de laboratorio en una consecutividad lógica y sistematización desde las diferentes formas de enseñanza y tipologías de clase. Integra la interdisciplinariedad y la utilización del método investigativo establecido en las ideas rectoras. Conclusiones: La concepción didáctica como aporte de la investigación resuelve la contradicción dialéctica entre la aplicación del método clínico y los procedimientos en la práctica de laboratorio que se da en ese proceso formativo y constituye un soporte didáctico que respalda las actividades prácticas en los laboratorios para cumplir con los objetivos del Plan de estudio de la especialidad.

Background: The theoretical study, the diagnosis conducted and the experience of the researchers make possible to formulate the problem of the present research: limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the Specialty of Dermatology of the General Provincial Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila. Objective: To elaborate a didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in residents of the specialty of Dermatology, based on the characterization of the current state of that ability. Methodology: An educational research with a descriptive component was conducted at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Avila, in the 2016-2020 school years. The study population consisted of the 16 first-year dermatology residents who enrolled in the specialty during the study period. Results: The characterization conducted showed limitations in the development of the ability to diagnose dermatological diseases in anatomic pathology laboratories, Microbiology and Medical Parasitology, by residents (100%). The didactic conception of the interdisciplinary training process of diagnostic ability focuses on teaching and learning activities and laboratory practices in a logical consecutiveness and systematization from the different forms of teaching and class typologies. It integrates the interdisciplinary and the use of the research method that is established in the guiding ideas. Conclusions: The didactic conception, as a research contribution, resolves the dialectic contradiction between the application of the clinical method and the procedures in laboratory practice that occurs in this formative process which is a didactic support that backs up the practical activities in the laboratories in order to achieve the objectives of the study plan of the specialty.

Clinical Competence , Dermatology/education , Education, Medical/methods , Interdisciplinary Placement/methods , Medical Staff