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Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 6(2): 5-39, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575795


Abstract Background: Working memory-based spatial cognition has attracted the attention of the scientific community in navigation and reorientation projects. The dominant approach considers that spontaneous spatial navigation behavior is based merely on environmental geometry (built and natural environmental objects). In this domain, DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) motor skill orientation problems have been frequently associated with poor visuospatial cognition, while immersive VR environments encourage more repetition, allowing for faster motor skill development and recovery. Objective: This pilot study tested the functionality of an immersive VR environment with environmental geometry (rectangular arena rich in symmetry) and featural landmark cues (striped wall, flora) as a route-learning tool for children with motor skill disorders. Methods: Forty DCD children aged 5 to 8 years (20 boys and 20 girls); five (5) 3D reality modeling setups with orthogonality, symmetry, and striped walls as design parameters; and trial walk-through coordination exercises using a predefined visual pathway with different motor control conditions (daylight, darkness). Participants' path completion rate, path completion time, and walk-through satisfaction were recorded as route-learning performance variables and analyzed statistically. Results/findings: DCD children's spatial orientation was statistically shown to be more stable and robust (in path completion rates, termination time, and walk-through level of satisfaction) in a virtual 3D environment rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural cues as landmarks. In this compound environmental geometry setup, training functionality and immersive learning performance enjoyed an 8.16% better path completion rate, a 12.37% reduction in path completion time, and 32.10% more walk-through satisfaction than reality modeling setups poor in geometry and landmarks. The effectiveness and robustness were validated statistically. Conclusion: Children with motor skill difficulties train and learn better in virtual 3D environments that are rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural landmark cues.

Resumen Antecedentes: La cognición espacial basada en la memoria de trabajo ha atraído la atención de la comunidad científica en proyectos de navegación y reorientación. El enfoque dominante considera que el comportamiento espontáneo de navegación espacial se basa meramente en la geometría ambiental (objetos ambientales construidos y naturales). En este ámbito, los problemas de orientación de las habilidades motoras del TDC (Trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación) se han asociado con frecuencia a una cognición visoespacial deficiente, mientras que los entornos de RV (Realidad Virtual) inmersivos fomentan una mayor repetición, lo que permite un desarrollo y una recuperación más rápidos de las habilidades motoras. Objetivo: Este estudio piloto probó la funcionalidad de un entorno de RV inmersiva con geometría ambiental (arena rectangular rica en simetría) y señales de puntos de referencia característicos (pared rayada, flora) como herramienta de aprendizaje de rutas para niños con trastornos de la habilidad motora. Métodos: Cuarenta niños con TDC de entre 5 y 8 años (20 niños y 20 niñas); cinco (5) configuraciones de modelado de realidad 3D con ortogonalidad, simetría y paredes rayadas como parámetros de diseño; y ejercicios de coordinación de recorrido de prueba utilizando una ruta visual predefinida con diferentes condiciones de control motor (luz diurna, oscuridad). Se registraron la tasa de finalización del recorrido, el tiempo de finalización del recorrido y el grado de satisfacción de los participantes como variables de rendimiento del aprendizaje de recorridos y se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Se demostró estadísticamente que la orientación espacial de los niños con TDC era más estable y robusta (en tasas de finalización del camino, tiempo de finalización y nivel de satisfacción del recorrido) en un entorno 3D virtual rico en ortogonalidad, simetría y señales de características como puntos de referencia. En esta configuración de geometría ambiental compuesta, la funcionalidad del entrenamiento y el rendimiento del aprendizaje inmersivo disfrutaron de un 8,16% más de tasa de finalización de ruta, una reducción del 12,37% en el tiempo de finalización de ruta y un 32,10% más de satisfacción de recorrido que las configuraciones de modelado de realidad pobres en geometría y puntos de referencia. La eficacia y la solidez se validaron estadísticamente. Conclusiones: Los niños con dificultades motrices entrenan y aprenden mejor en entornos virtuales 3D ricos en ortogonalidad, simetría y puntos de referencia característicos.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569410


El perfeccionamiento del proceso de formación de profesionales es una necesidad actual en todas las carreras universitarias, en la que se incluye la Cultura Física; desde este contexto, se declara en el Plan de estudio el carácter eminentemente pedagógico de este perfil profesional, por lo que es necesario preparar a los estudiantes en habilidades profesionales pedagógicas, a partir del proceso de gestión. Para ahondar en la temática, se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de elaborar acciones estratégicas para la gestión de habilidades profesionales pedagógicas en estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera Licenciatura en Cultura Física, en la Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte "Manuel Fajardo". En el desarrollo del estudio, se emplearon métodos científicos del nivel teórico como el analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo; del nivel empírico, la observación, entrevista, encuestas, análisis documental, criterio de expertos y criterio de usuarios; del estadístico-matemático, distribuciones empíricas de frecuencias. Los resultados del diagnóstico permitieron detectar insuficiencias en el proceso de gestión con respecto al desarrollo de las habilidades profesionales pedagógicas, por lo que se elaboraron acciones estratégicas que fueron validadas teóricamente por los expertos, quienes las calificaron de muy adecuadas y esta misma categoría fue asignada por los usuarios para denotar la factibilidad de su implementación. Luego de la aplicación de las acciones estratégicas, se evidenciaron niveles superiores de desarrollo de las habilidades profesionales pedagógicas en la muestra estudiada.

A melhoria do processo de formação profissional é uma necessidade atual em todos os cursos universitários, o que inclui Cultura Física; A partir deste contexto, a natureza eminentemente pedagógica deste perfil profissional é declarada no Plano de Estudos, pelo que é necessário preparar os alunos em competências pedagógicas profissionais, a partir do processo de gestão. Para aprofundar o tema, foi realizada uma investigação com o objetivo de desenvolver ações estratégicas para a gestão das competências pedagógicas profissionais em alunos do segundo ano do curso de Licenciatura em Cultura Física, da Universidade de Cultura Física e Ciências do Desporto". Manoel Fajardo." No desenvolvimento do estudo foram utilizados métodos científicos de nível teórico, como analítico-sintético e indutivo-dedutivo; no nível empírico, observação, entrevista, levantamentos, análise documental, avaliação de especialistas e avaliação de usuários; do estatístico-matemático, distribuições de frequência empíricas. Os resultados do diagnóstico permitiram detectar insuficiências no processo de gestão no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de competências pedagógicas profissionais, pelo que foram desenvolvidas ações estratégicas que foram validadas teoricamente pelos especialistas, que as classificaram como muito adequadas e esta mesma categoria foi atribuída pelos usuários para denotar a viabilidade de sua implementação. Após a aplicação das ações estratégicas, ficaram evidentes níveis mais elevados de desenvolvimento de competências pedagógicas profissionais na amostra estudada.

The improvement of the professional training process is a current need in all university courses, which includes Physical Culture; from this context, the eminently pedagogical nature of this professional profile is declared in the Study Plan, so it is necessary to prepare students in professional pedagogical skills, starting from the management process. To delve deeper into the topic, a research was carried out with the aim of developing strategic actions for the management of professional pedagogical skills in second-year students of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture, at the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences. "Manuel Fajardo." In the development of the study there were used scientific methods of the theoretical level such as analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods; of the empirical level, observation, interview, surveys, documentary analysis, expert judgment and user judgment and of the statistician-mathematician, empirical frequency distributions. The results of the diagnosis made it possible to detect insufficiencies in the management process with respect to the development of professional pedagogical skills, so strategic actions were developed that were theoretically validated by the experts, who classified them as very appropriate and this same category was assigned by users to denote the feasibility of its implementation. After the application of the strategic actions, higher levels of development of professional pedagogical skills were evident in the sample studied.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231326


Background: Embroidery is a craft that decorates fabric or other materials by using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Hand and finger strength is essential during embroidery design to minimize discomfort and risk of upper extremity injuries Aims and objective: This study aims to assess hand grip strength and pinch grip strength among healthy embroidery workers. Methodology: 100 embroidery workers were recruited. Demographic details including BMI were taken in self-designed form. Hand grip strength was assessed by Jamar Hand Held Dynamometer. Pinch grip strength was assessed by a Pinch Guage Dynamometer. Statistical analysis was done using the Python software. Results: The study included 100 subjects that involved all female subjects aged 20 to 40 yrs. with 4 or more than 4 years of experience. The study showed that the hand grip strength of embroidery workers was more affected than the pinch grip strength. This study also showed that age is not related to the hand grip and pinch grip strength. It also showed that an increase in the years of experience increases hand grip and pinch grip strength (p< 0.05) as well as grip strength was more in the dominant hand(p<0.0001).Conclusion: Hand grip strength was found to be affected more than the pinch grip strength. They found no correlation with the age and there was a correlation with years of experience.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550624


La atención a la habilidad auto ejercitación del ejercicio físico constituye punto de referencia para el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos planteados por las universidades cubanas, particularmente en la disciplina Educación Física del Plan de estudios E, como un contenido del currículo que favorece el protagonismo del estudiante en su propio proceso de aprendizaje, constituye una necesidad antes los cambios que se operan en el sistema de Educación Superior Cubano, dado fundamentalmente por condiciones que surgieron de aislamiento físico provocado por la COVID 19, unido a la falta de habilidades para realizar actividad física y por garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en elaborar una estrategia didáctica para la formación de la habilidad auto ejercitación del ejercicio físico; en la investigación se emplean métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se inicia con el diagnóstico, utilizándose diferentes métodos y técnicas, como la encuesta, la entrevista. Además, se aplica los test para evaluar la condición física y de las insuficiencias que presenta los estudiantes de Educación Física de la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Agraria de La Habana. La sistematización y los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos analizados permitieron diseñar una estrategia didáctica, la cual cuenta de cuatro etapas, cada una de ellas con su objetivo y sistema de acciones, las cuales se ofrecen como resultado para la formación de la habilidad auto ejercitación del ejercicio físico en los estudiantes objetos de estudio. La evidencia de los aprendizajes adquiridos por los estudiantes, la valoración de especialistas indica una mejora de los niveles de condición física, las acciones propuestas responden al propósito para el cual fue concebida la estrategia.

A atenção à habilidade de autoexercício do exercício físico constitui um ponto de referência para o cumprimento dos objetivos estratégicos traçados pelas universidades cubanas, particularmente na disciplina de Educação Física do Currículo E, como conteúdo do currículo que favorece o protagonismo do aluno. o seu próprio processo de aprendizagem, constitui uma necessidade face às mudanças que estão a ocorrer no sistema de ensino superior cubano, dadas fundamentalmente pelas condições que surgiram do isolamento físico causado pela COVID 19, juntamente com a falta de competências para a realização de actividade física e garantir uma educação inclusiva, equitativa e de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma estratégia didática para o treinamento da habilidade de autoexercício do exercício físico; Métodos qualitativos e quantitativos são utilizados na pesquisa. Começa com o diagnóstico, utilizando diferentes métodos e técnicas, como inquéritos e entrevistas. Além disso, são aplicados testes para avaliar a condição física e as insuficiências apresentadas pelos estudantes de Educação Física da carreira de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Agrária de Havana. A sistematização e os fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos analisados permitiram o desenho de uma estratégia didática, que conta com quatro etapas, cada uma delas com seu objetivo e sistema de ações, que são oferecidas como resultado para a formação da habilidade de autoexercício do exercício físico nos alunos estudados. A evidência das aprendizagens adquiridas pelos alunos, a avaliação dos especialistas indica uma melhoria nos níveis de aptidão física, as ações propostas respondem ao propósito para o qual a estratégia foi concebida.

Attention to the self-exercise skill of physical exercise constitutes a point of reference for the fulfillment of the strategic objectives set by Cuban universities, particularly in the Physical Education discipline of Study Plan E, as a content of the curriculum that favors the student's protagonism in his/her own learning process, constitutes a necessity in the face of the changes that are taking place in the Cuban Higher Education system, given fundamentally by conditions that arose from physical isolation caused by COVID 19, coupled with the lack of skills to perform physical activity and to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education. The objective of this work is to develop a didactic strategy for the training of the self-exercise skill of physical exercise; qualitative and quantitative methods are used in the research. It begins with the diagnosis, using different methods and techniques, such as surveys and interviews. In addition, tests are applied to evaluate the physical condition and insufficiencies presented by Physical Education students of the Veterinary Medicine career at the Agrarian University of Havana. The systematization and the theoretical and methodological foundations analyzed allowed the design of a didactic strategy, which has four stages, each of them with its objective and system of actions, which are offered as a result for the formation of the self-exercise skill of the physical exercise in the students studied. The evidence of the learning acquired by the students, the assessment of specialists indicates an improvement in physical fitness levels, the proposed actions respond to the purpose for which the strategy was conceived.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227756


Background: Young adulthood is a productive phase in an individual's life, marked by a shift towards achieving higher academic success and pursuing desired career paths. In this context, awareness of merits and demerits is vital in attaining desired goals. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to evaluate the differences in self-awareness skills among undergraduate students before and after participating in a life skills intervention program. Method: The study used a quasi-experimental design involving 243 students from four private undergraduate colleges. A half-day self-awareness training program was provided using activity-based participatory approaches. Data were collected pre and one-month post-intervention through a semi-structured questionnaire validated by two mental health professionals and three industry experts. Results: Of the 243 participants, 55.55% were female, and 44.44% were male. A significant number of female participants were in the age group of 18 to 20 (Male: 68 (62.96), Female: 113 (83.7), p<0.001) compared to male participants. The life skills intervention significantly enhanced participants' abilities to connect with like-minded individuals (Pre-in: 46.5%, post-in: 52.26%, p<0.01), make new friends (pre-in: 54.32%, post-in: 66.67%, p<0.002), and engage in team interaction (pre-in: 39.09%, post-in: 68.72%, p<0.001). additionally, there were improvements in adopting a positive approach towards tasks (pre-in: 62.14%, post-in: 64.2%, p<0.058) and prioritizing assignments (pre-in: 27.57%, post-in: 53.91%, p<0.001). Conclusions: Our study observed a significant improvement in the domains of harmony, self-belief, adaptability, and discipline post-intervention among students.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018962


Objective:To construct core medical skill index system for helicopter medical rescue personnel by Delphi expert consensus method.Methods:This study combined literature review and two rounds of Delphi expert correspondence to construct the core skill index system. Total of 22 experts from relevant disciplines were selected purposively to conduct Delphi expert consultation.Results:The effective questionnaire recovery rates of the two rounds of Delphi expert correspondence was 100%; the authority coefficient of experts was 0.87; the Kendall coordination coefficients of the importance of the first and second level indexes were 0.380 and 0.338 in the first round of correspondence, and then 0.415 and 0.357 in the second round. the Kendall coordination coefficients of the feasibility of the second level indexes were 0.347 in the first round of correspondence and 0.354 in the second round. The final core skill index system for helicopter medical rescue personnel includes 4 primary indicators: core medical skill for diseases or trauma in respiratory system, circulatory system, sports system and other system, and 32 secondary indicators.Conclusions:The core medical skill index system for helicopter medical rescue personnel constructed through two rounds of Delphi expert correspondence is scientific and reasonable, which can provide a scientific basis to accurately understand, describe, analyze, and evaluate the competence level of helicopter medical rescue personnel, as well as serve as a content framework for training programs.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 7-11, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026476


Objective:To investigate the quality control of magnetic resonance enterography(MRE)in the diagnosis of intestine diseases,and analyze the factors that affected the imaging quality of MRE,and enhance the imaging quality of MRE through adopted the measures of quality control.Methods:The documents of MRE examinations of 167 patients with intestinal disease who admitted to the 900th Hospital of People's Liberation Army Joint Service Support Force from May 2018 to March 2023 were retrospectively analyzed.The image qualities of all patients were evaluated after they completed clinical and image examinations.The reasons that image quality could not meet the requirement of diagnosis were analyzed.And then,the measures of quality control were proposed.Results:In 167 patients with intestinal disease,the MRE images of 153 patients(91.62%)could meet the requirement of diagnosis.In 14 patients(8.38%)whose MRE images could not meet the requirement of diagnosis,the reason of 3 cases(1.80%)was poor respiratory coordination,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was there were more severe magnetic sensitive artifacts in images,and that of 1 case(0.60%)was severe intestinal peristalsis leaded to blurred images,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was the flow void effect from intestinal peristalsis inside of intestinal cavity could not meet the requirement of diagnosis,and that of 4 cases(2.40%)was the intestinal tube without incomplete dilation caused by poor oral filling contrast agent,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was many residues in intestine due to poor preparation for intestine.Aimed at the factors that MRE images could not meet requirement of diagnosis,we proposed the following quality control measures:①the biphasic contrast agents with favorable safety,without severe adverse reactions,which can fully dilate intestinal cavity,should be selected.②we should do well for the dilation of intestinal tube,and inhibit the intestinal peristalsis and conduct respiratory training.③we should conduct scan with wide field at coronal site,so as to display panorama image of intestine.④The scans of conventionally anatomical sequence and functional imaging sequence on axis position were performed on lesions.Conclusion:MRE technique should choose appropriate contrast agent in the quality control of the diagnosis of intestine diseases,and do well the preparation for patients before examination.Using intraluminal contrast agents,conducting intestinal dilation and optimal imaging technique are essential for obtaining intestinal MRE images with high quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031069


Generalization, the ability to apply learned knowledge or skills to different materials, individuals, or situations, is a challenge for children with autism. This difficulty in generalization hampers their development of independent living, learning, and working skills. Multiple exemplar training is a widely-used and effective teaching method in the field of autism education. This article provides an explanation of the different types of exemplars used in multiple exemplar training, the steps involved in teaching, and various areas of application. Practical recommendations are also offered based on this information, aiming to support skill learning and generalization research for children with autism in our country.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 278-282, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031335


The language expression level of doctors directly affects the effectiveness of information transmission and communication. In the past 20 years, a large number of studies have conducted questionnaire surveys related to “doctor-patient communication” among medical staff and patients in the form of scales, but there were few studies on the practical application of doctor-patient communication and case analysis of doctor-patient disputes. Using the Complaint Register Book of a tertiary A hospital as research material, this paper summarized five causes of medical disputes caused by medical remarks, namely, stiff tone and improper body language of the medical staff, unclear communication of treatment plans, unable to answer patients’ questions, different doctors’ statements are contrary each other, and a large gap between disease prediction and disease development. This paper aimed to analyze the handling points of such disputes, with a view to applying them in doctor-patient communication courses for medical students or language skills training for doctors in the future, optimizing doctor-patient communication, and promoting the development of doctor-patient relationships.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031681


@#Minimally invasive surgery is the development direction of surgery in the 21st century, and thoracoscopic or laparoscopic skills are essential skills that all surgeons must master. Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic skills training is an important part of surgical resident training. However, there are various methods for thoracoscopic or laparoscopic skill training internationally. The assessment is still in the stage of examiners’ visual observation and subjective evaluation. Here, we reviewed the current research status of thoracoscopic and laparoscopic simulation training and assessment, discussed the development experience and application achievements of Huaxi Intelligent Thoracoscopic Skill Training and Assessment System. We aimed to provide a theoretical basis and practical experience for the development of thoracoscopic or laparoscopic simulation education.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013278


ObjectiveTo investigate the developmental characteristics of gross motor skills and executive functions, and the correlation between them in school-age children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). MethodsFrom November, 2020 to May, 2021, 90 children with ADHD were recruited from Peking University Sixth Hospital and Beijing Haidian Wanquan Primary School, and other 90 children with normal development from this primary school were recruited matched their age and gender. Gross motor skills were assessed with the Test of Gross Motor Development in Children, Third Edition (TGMD-3), and inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility were assessed with Stroop Color Words Test (SCWT), Rey-Osterrich Complex Figure Test (ROCFT) and Trail Making Test (TMT), respectively. ResultsThe TGMD-3 score was significantly lower in children with ADHD than in normal children (t = -6.275, P < 0.001), while the test results of SCWT, ROCFT and TMT were worse (|t| ≥ 1.986, P ≤ 0.05). The TGMD-3 score of children with ADHD was negatively correlated with the word sense reaction time (r = -0.261), the number of word sense errors (r = -0.404) and the number of color errors (r = -0.326) (P < 0.05), positively correlated with the delayed structural memory scores (r = 0.228) (P < 0.05), and negatively correlated with the TMT-A reaction time (r = -0.255), the number of TMT-A errors (r = -0.329), TMT-B reaction time (r = -0.214) and the number of TMT-B errors (r = -0.474) (P < 0.05). Stratified linear regression analyses showed that the TGMD-3 score of children with ADHD was significant only in predicting test results for inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility (P < 0.05), with explanations of 8.7% and 22.5%, respectively. ConclusionDevelopments of both gross motor skills and executive function delay in children with ADHD, and there is a relation between them, especially the level of gross motor skills relating to the developments of inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564477


Introducción: Durante el proceso docente educativo en la asignatura de Cirugía, los estudiantes necesitan apoyarse en estudios imagenológicos y correlacionarlos con su planteamiento clínico para arribar a un diagnóstico certero. Sobre esta base proponen un tratamiento óptimo a pacientes con afecciones quirúrgicas, por lo cual requieren un adecuado desarrollo de esta habilidad. El avance de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, y las condiciones en las universidades de ciencias médicas, permiten su utilización como recurso del aprendizaje, en especial una de sus herramientas: la multimedia educativa. Objetivo: Diseñar una multimedia que permita el desarrollo de la correlación clínico-imagenológica en los estudiantes de la asignatura Cirugía. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación educativa de desarrollo tecnológico. En su diseño se utilizaron métodos teóricos: el histórico-lógico, el análisis documental, el enfoque sistémico estructural y el inductivo-deductivo; y empíricos: encuestas, entrevistas, observación, consulta a expertos y triangulación metodológica. Resultados: Se obtuvo una lista de dificultades y de potencialidades, que permitieron construir el contenido de una multimedia, cuyo diseño de carácter marxista-leninista contiene un enfoque pedagógico constructivista, flexible y abierto, con el fin de propiciar la autonomía, la colaboración, el estudio independiente y la innovación virtual. Conclusiones: Se identificaron necesidades de aprendizaje para una adecuada correlación clínico-imagenológica. Las habilidades fundamentales a desarrollar fueron la descripción del estudio imagenológico y la correlación clínica. Se encontró como necesario y pertinente el diseño de una multimedia para contribuir al desarrollo de dicha habilidad. Se diseñó la multimedia y se validó por expertos.

Introduction: During the teaching-educational process in the subject Surgery, students need to rely on imaging studies and correlate them with their clinical approach to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. On this basis, they propose an optimal treatment to patients with surgical conditions, a reason why they require an adequate development of this skill. The advance of information and communication technologies, as well as the conditions in the universities of medical sciences, allow their usage as learning resources; especially one of their tools: educational multimedia. Objective: To design a multimedia that allows the development of the clinical-imaging correlation in students of the subject Surgery. Methods: An educational research of technological development was carried out. Theoretical methods were used in its design (the historical-logical method, documentary analysis, the structural-systemic approach, and the inductive-deductive method), as well as empirical methods (surveys, interviews, observation, expert consultation, and methodological triangulation). Results: A list of difficulties and potentialities was obtained, which allowed building the content for a multimedia, whose Marxist-Leninist character design contains a constructivist, flexible and open pedagogical approach, in order to promote autonomy, collaboration, independent study and virtual innovation. Conclusions: Learning needs were identified for an adequate clinical-imaging correlation. The fundamental skills to be developed were description of the imaging study and clinical correlation. The design of a multimedia to contribute to the development of these skills was found to be necessary and pertinent. The multimedia was designed and validated by experts.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574637


This study offers a counterpoint to the generalization of positive and linear effects resulting from challenge stressors in the workplace. The guiding objective was to verify whether social challenge stress impacts individuals' work engagement positively or negatively, according to the political skill degree available by professionals. We used moderation analysis and hierarchical regression to assess these relationships. The sample comes from civil servants of a Brazilian federal institution (N = 606). The results indicate that political skill moderates the relationship between social stress and engagement positively, except in cases where such skill is low, a situation in which the interaction becomes negative. The evidence also reveals that a positive curvilinear association better explains the association between social stress and work engagement. The findings suggest that the Challenge-Hindrance Stress Framework (CHF) has an application conditioned by the possible abilities that a given stressor demands to be evaluated as an obstacle or a challenge. We intended to extend the theory on stressors and contribute to the human resource management practice by elucidating conditions or portions of professionals in which the CHF does not apply or lacks contextualization.

Este estudio ofrece una contraparte a la generalización de los efectos positivos y lineales resultantes de los estresores desafiantes en el lugar de trabajo. El objetivo principal fue verificar si el estrés del desafío social afecta positiva o negativamente el engagement en el trabajo de las personas según el grado de habilidad política disponible en los profesionales. Se utilizaron el análisis de moderación y la regresión jerárquica para evaluar estas relaciones. La muestra consiste en funcionarios públicos de una institución federal brasileña (N= 606). Los resultados indican que la habilidad política modera positivamente la relación entre el estrés social y el engagement, excepto en los casos en que dicha habilidad es baja, momento en el cual la interacción se vuelve negativa. Además, la evidencia revela que una asociación curvilínea positiva explica mejor la relación entre el estrés social y el engagement. Los hallazgos sugieren que el Modelo de Estrés-Desafío-Obstáculo (MDO) tiene una aplicación condicionada por las habilidades requeridas para evaluar un determinado estresor como un obstáculo o un desafío. El objetivo era ampliar la teoría sobre los estresores y contribuir a la práctica de la gestión de recursos humanos aclarando las condiciones o situaciones en las que el MDO no se aplica o carece de contextualización.

Este estudo oferece um contraponto à generalização dos efeitos positivos e lineares resultantes de estressores desafiadores no ambiente de trabalho. O objetivo norteador foi verificar se o estresse do desafio social impacta positivamente ou negativamente o engajamento no trabalho dos indivíduos, de acordo com o grau de habilidade política disponível pelos profissionais. Usamos análise de moderação e regressão hierárquica para avaliar essas relações. A amostra é de servidores públicos de uma instituição federal brasileira (N = 606). Os resultados indicam que a habilidade política modera positivamente a relação entre estresse social e engajamento, exceto nos casos em que tal habilidade é baixa, situação em que a interação se torna negativa. As evidências revelam que uma associação curvilínea positiva explica melhor a associação entre estresse social e Engajamento no trabalho. Os achados sugerem que o Modelo de Estresse Desafio-Obstáculo (MDO) tem aplicação condicionada pelas possíveis habilidades que determinado estressor demanda para ser avaliado como obstáculo ou desafio. Pretendemos ampliar a teoria sobre estressores e contribuir para a prática da gestão de pessoas, elucidando condições ou parcelas de profissionais em que o MDO não se aplica ou carece de contextualização.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 22(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584002


Introducción: Durante los últimos años, los países latinoamericanos han mostrado un aumento en la producción de investigación científica, aunque este crecimiento no ha sido uniforme en todas las disciplinas debido a la insuficiente formación y desarrollo de habilidades de investigación entre los profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: Proporcionar pautas para el desarrollo del enunciado del problema teniendo en cuenta las respuestas de investigadores cualificados en el campo de la salud. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de metodología cualitativa descriptiva a través de un cuestionario virtual que contenía una pregunta abierta. Esta fue respondida por ocho investigadores certificados por RENACYT, mayormente hombres, con un promedio de 6,5 años de experiencia. La selección fue intencional tomando el criterio de accesibilidad. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando el análisis temático y con la asistencia computacional de la librería RQDA para identificar patrones significativos. Resultados: Los resultados indican que seis de los ocho códigos generados pueden ser utilizados como pautas para el desarrollo del enunciado del problema (Contextualización, Delimitación, Necesidad de investigación, Deductivo, Vacío de conocimiento y Formulación), ya que están involucrados en la acción de escribir el enunciado. Conclusiones: En cuanto a los códigos Pautas, se consideran aspectos previos a la escritura. Se discuten las implicaciones del estudio y se presentan recomendaciones para el planteamiento del problema en la investigación en salud.

Introduction: In recent years, Latin American countries have shown an increase in scientific research production, although this growth has not been uniform across all disciplines due to insufficient training and development of research skills among health professionals. Objective: To provide guidelines for the development of the problem statement, considering the responses of qualified researchers in the field of health. Materials and Methods: A descriptive qualitative methodology study was carried out through a virtual questionnaire containing an open-ended question. This was answered by eight RENACYT-certified researchers, mostly men, with an average of 6.5 years of experience. The selection was intentional, based on the criterion of accessibility. The data were processed using thematic analysis and with the computational assistance of the RQDA library to identify significant patterns. Results: The results indicate that six out of the eight generated codes can be used as guidelines for the development of the problem statement (Contextualization, Delimitation, Research Need, Deductive, Knowledge Gap, and Formulation), as they are involved in the action of writing the statement. Conclusions: Regarding the Guidelines codes, they are considered aspects prior to writing. The implications of the study are discussed, and recommendations for the problem statement in health research are presented.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3768, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1424044


Abstract Objective: to build and validate a clinical simulation scenario on hospital nurse managerial decision-making competence for undergraduate nursing students. Method: a descriptive and methodological study was carried out in a higher education institution, with the participation of 10 judges and five players. To do so, the conceptual simulation model proposed by Jeffries and standards of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning were used to prepare the scenario and the checklist. Results: the scenario was called "Managerial decision-making of nurses in the face of adverse events in a hospital". The scenario script and checklist were built for validation. The checklist was face- and content-validated. Afterward, judges used the checklist to validate the scenario, which, in its final version, was composed of Prebriefing (seven items), Scenario in Action (18 items) and Debriefing (seven items). Conclusion: the scenario proved to be a teaching strategy that anticipates the reality of future nurses, bringing them the self-confidence to perform their activities and helping them to act critically and reflectively during decision-making processes.

Resumo Objetivo: construir e validar um cenário de simulação clínica sobre a competência tomada de decisão gerencial do enfermeiro hospitalar para estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Método: estudo descritivo e metodológico realizado em uma instituição de ensino superior, com a participação de 10 juízes e cinco atores. Utilizou-se o modelo conceitual de simulação proposto por Jeffries e guias padronizadas da International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning para a elaboração do cenário e do checklist. Resultados: o cenário ficou denominado como "Tomada de decisão gerencial do enfermeiro diante de eventos adversos no contexto hospitalar". Construiu-se o script do cenário e o checklist para a sua validação. Realizou-se validação de face e conteúdo do checklist. Posteriormente, juízes de posse do checklist, validaram o cenário que, em sua versão final, ficou composto por Prebriefing (sete itens), Cenário em Ação (18 itens) e Debriefing (sete itens). Conclusão: o cenário mostrou-se uma estratégia de ensino capaz de antecipar a realidade do futuro enfermeiro, trazendo autoconfiança na execução de suas atividades, contribuindo para agir de forma crítica e reflexiva durante o processo de tomada de decisão.

Resumen Objetivo: construir y validar un escenario de simulación clínica sobre la competencia en la toma de decisiones gerenciales del enfermero hospitalario para estudiantes del grado en enfermería. Método: estudio descriptivo y metodológico realizado en una institución de educación superior, con la participación de 10 jueces y cinco actores. Se utilizó el modelo conceptual de simulación propuesto por Jeffries y guías estandarizadas de la International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning para la elaboración del escenario y del checklist. Resultados: el escenario se denominó "Toma de decisiones gerenciales del enfermero ante eventos adversos en el contexto hospitalario". Se construyó el script del escenario y el checklist para su validación. Se realizó la validez aparente y el contenido del checklist. Posteriormente, los jueces en posesión del checklist, validaron el escenario que, en su versión final, quedó compuesto por Prebriefing (siete ítems), Escenario en Acción (18 ítems) y Debriefing (siete ítems). Conclusión: el escenario demostró ser una estrategia de enseñanza capaz de anticipar la realidad del futuro enfermero, trayendo autoconfianza en la ejecución de sus actividades, contribuyendo para actuar de forma crítica y reflexiva durante el proceso de toma de decisiones.

Humans , Professional Competence , Decision Making, Organizational , Simulation Exercise , Education, Nursing , Patient Safety , Nurses
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 780-801, dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530593


Los médico-docentes han sufrido las secuelas de la pandemia y que sigue evidenciándose en la postpandemia como estrés laboral; por ello tuvieron que aprender estrategias de afrontamiento para superar este problema de salud mental. Objetivo. Analizar las características del Síndrome de burnout Académico de cuatro docentes-médicos universitarios y las estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizaron en un contexto de postpandemia. Metodología. Investigación cualitativa, fenomenológica, interpretativa, en la que se utilizó la entrevista en profundad a cuatro docentes-médicos (2 varones y 2 mujeres), permitió analizar y reflexionar acerca de las experiencias de los participantes de las secuelas que les dejó el SBA después de la pandemia generada por la COVID-19 y cómo realizaron el afrontamiento. Las categorías fueron SBA y afrontamiento. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en tres fases: (a) descriptiva, en ella se organizó y planificó el proceso metodológico y ético, (b) fase estructural, se elaboraron las guías de entrevista, la matriz para organizar la información, transcripción y codificación de la información y (c) fase de discusión, en la se confrontaron las experiencias discrepantes y semejantes que fueron contrastados con otros estudios. Hallazgos. La COVID-19 generó en los médico-docentes SBA, que se evidenciaron en problemas emocionales, cognitivos, conductuales-psicosomáticos y sociales. El afrontamiento integral con las técnicas cognitivo-conductuales, mindfulness, relajación y la religión permitieron revertir los efectos del SBA. A manera de conclusión. El integral de técnicas terapéuticas de afrontamiento a SBA postraumático mostraron ser eficientes.

Physician-teachers have suffered the after-effects of the pandemic, which continues to be evidenced in the post-pandemic as occupational stress; therefore, they had to learn coping strategies to overcome this mental health problem. Objective. To analyze the characteristics of Academic Burnout Syndrome of four university teacher-physicians and the coping strategies they used in a post-pandemic context. Methodology. Qualitative, phenomenological, interpretative research, using in-depth interviews with four physician-teachers (2 men and 2 women), made it possible to analyze and reflect on the participants' experiences of the after-effects of BMS after the pandemic generated by COVID-19 and how they coped. The categories were BMS and coping. The work was carried out in three phases: (a) descriptive, in which the methodological and ethical process was organized and planned, (b) structural phase, in which the interview guides, the matrix to organize the information, transcription and codification of the information were elaborated, and (c) discussion phase, in which the discrepant and similar experiences were compared and contrasted with other studies. Findings. The COVID-19 generated BMS in the physician-teachers, which were evidenced in emotional, cognitive, behavioral-psychosomatic and social problems. Integrated coping with cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness, relaxation and religion allowed reversing the effects of BMS. By way of conclusion. The integrated therapeutic techniques of coping with posttraumatic BMS proved to be efficient.

Os professores de medicina sofreram os efeitos colaterais da pandemia, que ainda são evidentes no período pós-pandemia como estresse relacionado ao trabalho, e tiveram de aprender estratégias de enfrentamento para superar esse problema de saúde mental. Objetivo. Analisar as características da Síndrome de burnout acadêmico em quatro professores-médicos universitários e as estratégias de enfrentamento que eles usaram em um contexto pós-pandêmico. Metodologia. A pesquisa qualitativa, fenomenológica e interpretativa, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com quatro professores-doutores (2 homens e 2 mulheres), nos permitiu analisar e refletir sobre as experiências dos participantes em relação às sequelas da SBM após a pandemia gerada pela COVID-19 e como eles lidaram com isso. As categorias foram BMS e enfrentamento. O trabalho foi realizado em três fases: (a) descritiva, na qual o processo metodológico e ético foi organizado e planejado; (b) fase estrutural, na qual foram elaborados os guias de entrevista, a matriz para organizar as informações, a transcrição e a codificação das informações; e (c) fase de discussão, na qual experiências discrepantes e semelhantes foram comparadas e contrastadas com outros estudos. Resultados. A COVID-19 gerou BMS nos médicos-professores, que foram evidenciados em problemas emocionais, cognitivos, comportamentais-psicossomáticos e sociais. O enfrentamento integrado com técnicas cognitivo-comportamentais, atenção plena, relaxamento e religião permitiu reverter os efeitos da SGB. À guisa de conclusão. As técnicas terapêuticas integradas de enfrentamento da SGB pós-traumática mostraram-se eficazes.

Humans , Male , Female
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233470


Background: Schizophrenia as a severe mental disorder characterized by profound deficits in thinking, perception, affect and social behaviour (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). Schizophrenia is treatable. Treatment with medicines and psychosocial support is effective. Methods: Quantitative approach with true experimental research design was adopted. Total 60 schizophrenic patients were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. Subjects were randomly assigned into the experimental (n=30) and control group (n=30). Social skill training was given to experimental group. The training includes discussion, questioning, group activity, role play. The tools used to collect the data were as follows: (1) Demographic questionnaire (2) Standardized tool social adaptive functioning evaluation. Baseline assessment was done on the 1st day, then pre-test was done and the social skill training was implemented in experimental group on the same day. The training includes six sessions of discussion, questioning, group activity, role play etc. given for seven days followed by post-test was done in both the experimental as well as control group. The data analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS 21 version. Results: The mean post-test social skill score in experimental group (38.90±11.813) and in control group is (30.97±11.556) which shows the significant difference in social skill score between the groups (t=2.629, P= 0.005472*). There was a significant association found between the education (chi square= 15.890, P= 0.043), social skill training programme (chi square= 6.058, P= 0.048). Conclusions: Thus, the training regarding social skill was effective in improving level of social skill among schizophrenic patient.

Rev. crim ; 65(2): 57-69, 20230811.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537686


Presentamos a continuación el análisis de la experiencia llevada a cabo en el curso de experto universitario en "Prevención de Violencia de Género", curso realizado por la Universidad de Alicante en coordinación con la Generalitat Valenciana y el Instituto Valenciano de Seguridad Pública y Emergencias (IVASPE). Dirigido a las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad (FFCCS). El objetivo es mejorar las habilidades y técnicas de comunicación en las intervenciones de emergencia por violencia en parejas heterosexuales. Nuestra experiencia se enmarca dentro de un diseño de taller de formación especializada de 10 horas de duración en el marco de la asignatura "Habilidades y técnicas de comunicación", cuyo desarrollo se basa en la capacidad que la dialéctica constructiva tiene de afrontamiento y transformación social, así como en la concepción de la violencia contra las mujeres como un atentado contra los derechos humanos y la pertinencia de las habilidades y técnicas de comunicación efectiva en la intervención policial en este tipo de emergencias. Nuestros resultados muestran una buena estructuración de la intervención policial en tres fases (llegada, desarrollo y cierre) y la necesidad de profundizar en la intervención y protocolo a seguir con los agresores.

The following is an analysis of the experience in the university expert course on "Prevention of Gender Violence", a course carried out by the University of Alicante in coordination with the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencian Institute of Public Safety and Emergencies (IVASPE) aimed at security forces and corps (FFCCS). The objective is to improve communication skills and techniques in emergency interventions for violence in heterosexual couples. Our experience is framed within a 10-hour specialised training workshop design within the framework of the subject "Communication skills and techniques", whose development is based on the capacity that constructive dialectics has for coping and social transformation, as well as on the conception of violence against women as an attack on human rights and the relevance of effective communication skills and techniques in police intervention in this type of emergency. Our results show a good structuring of police intervention in three phases (arrival, development and closure) and the need to deepen the intervention and protocol to observe with the aggressors.

A seguir, é apresentada uma análise da experiência realizada no curso de especialização em "Prevenção da violência de gênero", realizado pela Universidad de Alicante em coordenação com a Generalitat Valenciana e o Instituto Valenciano de Seguridad Pública y Emergencias (IVASPE). Destinado às forças e corpos de segurança (FFCCS). O objetivo é melhorar as habilidades e técnicas de comunicação em intervenções de emergência devido à violência em casais heterossexuais. Nossa experiência se enquadra em um projeto de oficina de treinamento especializado de 10 horas no âmbito da disciplina "Habilidades e técnicas de comunicação", cujo desenvolvimento se baseia na capacidade que a dialética construtiva tem de enfrentamento e transformação social, bem como na concepção da violência contra a mulher como um ataque aos direitos humanos e na relevância de habilidades e técnicas de comunicação eficazes na intervenção policial nesse tipo de emergência. Nossos resultados mostram uma boa estruturação da intervenção policial em três fases (chegada, desenvolvimento e encerramento) e a necessidade de aprofundar a intervenção e o protocolo a ser seguido com os agressores.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220783


Background Of The Study: Worldwide, 136 million babies are born annually. 10 million require some stimulation at birth to breathe, while 6 million require basic resuscitation with a bag and mask. Evidence shows that 1 million neonatal deaths occur yearly on the day of birth. Near about 2 million babies die in the rst week of life and 4 million die in the neonatal period, which accounts for 46% of under-ve mortality. This mortality is estimated to increase to 52% in 2030 unless strategic interventions are implemented. To assess the effect of a simulation-based teaching Objective: program on knowledge and skill regarding basic neonatal resuscitation procedures among female health workers of selected areas. Pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test research design will be used. The duration of the study will Methodology: be one month. 60 female health workers from selected primary health centres and sub-health centres of Nagpur district will be selected as a sample through the simple random sampling technique. The structured questionnaire and standardized observational checklist will be used to assess the knowledge and skill respectively. Validity and reliability of the tool will be determined with appropriate standardized methods. Enhance knowledge and skill after simulation-based Expected Result: teaching program. Female health workers working in primary health centres and sub-health centres of Nagpur Limitation: district will be included in this study. The study ndings will reect the need for simulation based education to Conclusion: enhance the knowledge and skill of female health workers to identify birth asphyxia and its potential complications leading to neonatal mortality during the rst few hours after birth.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219161


Introduction:Good communication skills (CSs) are not only the crux of a good doctor–patient relationship but also the foundation over which any human relationship is based. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of training on CS in Phase I MBBS students in a Government Medical College in West Bengal, India. MaterialsandMethods: One hundred and eighty‑four Phase I medical students were trained on how to communicate properly with their peers, seniors, teachers, college authorities, department staff, patient relatives, and other health professionals. Each participant underwent a set of three assessments (presession, postsession, and late postsession) for both knowledge and skills in CS. After postsession assessment, feedback by the faculties and peers was provided and reflections were obtained from the participants. A prevalidated questionnaire and Gap‑Kalamazoo CS Assessment Form (with some modification) were used for knowledge and skill’s assessment, respectively. At the end of the module, feedback was collected from the participants. Data were tabulated and results were compared and interpreted. Results: Mean score and standard deviation for knowledge assessment were 5.29 ±1.35, 9 ±1.20 and 8.55 ±0.97 in T1, T2, and T3 and for skills’ score were 17.78 ±4.89, 26.32 ±5.04 and 30.77 ±3.66 in SA1, SA2, and SA3, respectively. Most participants showed improvement in T2 with mean improvement score (T2–T1) of 79.57 ±47.25 and mean retention score (T3–T1) of 71.9 ±47.84. About 52% of participants showed deterioration in T3 with late deterioration score (T3–T2) of−4.06±11.42. 33% showed no change in knowledge, i.e., they retained their improvements, whereas 15% showed further improvement. Fifty‑two percent of participants showed skills’ improvement by scores of 7–12, 43% showed retention by 13–18, and late deterioration was shown by 82%, their scores dropped by 0–6. Conclusion: The training module was successfully implemented, and participants appreciated this type of participant centric assessment‑based teaching learning module. They learned about the effective ways of communication in a fun manner and were determined to apply all that they have learned