Generalization, the ability to apply learned knowledge or skills to different materials, individuals, or situations, is a challenge for children with autism. This difficulty in generalization hampers their development of independent living, learning, and working skills. Multiple exemplar training is a widely-used and effective teaching method in the field of autism education. This article provides an explanation of the different types of exemplars used in multiple exemplar training, the steps involved in teaching, and various areas of application. Practical recommendations are also offered based on this information, aiming to support skill learning and generalization research for children with autism in our country.
Background: Schizophrenia as a severe mental disorder characterized by profound deficits in thinking, perception, affect and social behaviour (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). Schizophrenia is treatable. Treatment with medicines and psychosocial support is effective. Methods: Quantitative approach with true experimental research design was adopted. Total 60 schizophrenic patients were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. Subjects were randomly assigned into the experimental (n=30) and control group (n=30). Social skill training was given to experimental group. The training includes discussion, questioning, group activity, role play. The tools used to collect the data were as follows: (1) Demographic questionnaire (2) Standardized tool social adaptive functioning evaluation. Baseline assessment was done on the 1st day, then pre-test was done and the social skill training was implemented in experimental group on the same day. The training includes six sessions of discussion, questioning, group activity, role play etc. given for seven days followed by post-test was done in both the experimental as well as control group. The data analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS 21 version. Results: The mean post-test social skill score in experimental group (38.90±11.813) and in control group is (30.97±11.556) which shows the significant difference in social skill score between the groups (t=2.629, P= 0.005472*). There was a significant association found between the education (chi square= 15.890, P= 0.043), social skill training programme (chi square= 6.058, P= 0.048). Conclusions: Thus, the training regarding social skill was effective in improving level of social skill among schizophrenic patient.
Juvenile delinquency has become the most important subject matter of discussion in various fields. The disarray and destruction due to deviant behavior is assuming alarming proportions which is an awakening call to the society. The present study aims to assess various psychosocial factors which play a crucial part in the exhibition of delinquency behavior. Purposive sampling was implemented to collect data after obtaining informed consent from a sample of 30 juveniles (15 heinous and 15 non heinous offenders). Independent sample t test is used to see the difference of the different variables between heinous and non heinous offenses and product moment correlation is used to find the relationship between the different variables. Results indicated that resilience factors like emotional insight, empathy, and availability of the family, connectedness with family, negative cognition and social skills are found to have correlation with delinquent behavior. Temperamental characteristics like activation control, attention, inhibitory control and perceptual sensitivity is negatively correlated with the delinquent behavior while aggression is positively correlated. Significant difference is also found in these factors between heinous and no heinous offenses. It is also found that attachment with mother and peers play an important role in exhibiting delinquent behavior
Objective:To test the validity and reliability of the Chinese Version Scale of Social Skill for Nursing(C-SSSN).Methods:The Japanese version SSSN was translated into Chinese according to Beaton's Translation Model.Totally 547 clinical nurses who met the criterion in a tertiary hospital in Yinchuan were selected for analyzing the items and investigating content validity,structure validity and internal consistency reliability.After 2 weeks,30 nurses were randomly selected for reassessment.Results:The content validity index (S-CVI) of C-SSSN was 0.87,the items content validities (I-CVI) varied from 0.86-1.00.Exploratory factor analysis was employed for extracting the 7 common factors and conformed 6 dimensions.The loads of items in the common factors were 0.43-0.88 correspondingly.The cumulative contribution rate was 60.38%.The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.89,the alpha coefficients of the 6 dimensions arranged 0.76-0.93.The retest reliabilities (r) were 0.83 for the total scale and 0.77-0.83 for the six dimensions.Conclusion:The Chinese Version Scale of Social Skill for Nursing has been proved to be reliable and valid which could be used to evaluate clinical nurses' social skill.
This report provides an overview of the effectiveness of objectively measured physical activity, sports participation, and outdoor play on outcomes related to mental health and social skills in children and adolescents. Findings based on observation studies of longitudinal and cross-sectional design are inconsistent. On the other hand, several intervention studies with high intensity exercise programs indicated that intensity and amount of physical activity might provide a short-term benefit against depressive symptoms and anxiety. However, there are reports that psychosocial approaches confer effects similar to exercise programs. The effects of participation in organized sports clubs on mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, self-efficacy, health-related quality of life, social skills (e.g., relationship skills), and coping ability were diverse. Notably, there could be unfavorable relationships in athletes exhibiting a higher performance. Meanwhile, participation in sports could represent a predictor of escalation in alcohol use as evidenced by longitudinal observation studies in adolescent, although there could also be effectiveness in terms of preventing use of illicit drugs. Lastly, active outdoor play under natural conditions without supervision also represented an effective approach to promote mental health (e.g., reducing depressive symptoms and building social skills such as self-regulation and coping skills in the face of difficult human relationships). We recognize that not only sports participation but also outdoor play under abundant nature environment could represent a significant physical activity to maintain mental and social health from childhood to adolescence.
Objective:To explore the relationship between development of social skills and executive function and theory of mind in children and adolescents with autism.Methods:Forty-six children and adolescents with autism aged 6 to 17 years were recruited.The diagnosis was made according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,Fourth Edition(DSM-Ⅳ),and severe mental disorders were excluded by the screening of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age children (K-SADS).The Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT),Trail-Making Test,Verbal Fluency Test,Stroop Color-word Task,the First-Order Belief Test and the Second-Order Belief Test were used to assess executive function and theory of mind,and Social Response Scale (SRS) was used to assess social skills.The correlation between results of Executive Function and SRS was analyzed.The SRS scores between groups passing and without passing of First-Order Belief Test and Second-Order Belief were compared.Results:In the aspect of Executive Function,RCFT scores were positively correlated with autistic behavior factor score of SRS (r =0.31-0.41,Ps < 0.05),meanwhile,immediate recall structure scores of RCFT were positively correlated with social motivation factor scores of SRS (r =0.30,P < 0.05),delayed recall structure scores of RCFT were positively correlated with SRS total scores(r =0.34,P < 0.05).In Stroop Colorword Task,errors of the first task were positively correlated with social cognitive factor scores of SRS (r =0.32,P < 0.05).There were no correlation between other Executive Function results and SRS scores (r =-0.21-0.24,Ps ≥0.05).In the aspect of Theory of Mind,there was no significant difference in SRS scores between groups passing or without passing (t =-0.68-1.73,Ps ≥ 0.05).Conclusion:The development of social skill in children and adolescents with autism may have relationship withexecutive function,but have no relationship with the theory of mind.
RESUMO O presente estudo objetivou comparar o repertório de habilidades sociais (HS) de dependentes e não dependentes de álcool a fim de verificar se um menor repertório de HS constitui uma característica dessa população. Foram entrevistados 123 alcoolistas e 114 usuários de serviços de saúde com baixo ou nenhum consumo de álcool, utilizando questionário sociodemográfico, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e indicaram uma diferença significativa no repertório de HS, especificamente no fator de autocontrole da agressividade, indicando um pior desempenho dessa habilidade em alcoolistas. Os resultados sugerem que a avaliação dessa característica deva ser considerada no tratamento do alcoolismo e associada ao plano terapêutico.
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to compare the repertoire of social skills of alcoholics and non-alcoholics in order to verify if a minor repertoire of social skills constitute a feature of this population. Interviews were carried out with 123 alcoholics and 114 users of health service patients with low or no consumption of alcohol. It were used a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and the Social Skill Inventory. The data were analyzed quantitatively and the results indicated a significant difference in repertoire of social skills, specifically with respect to the factor of self-control of aggressiveness, on which was demonstrated the worst performance. The results suggest that the evaluation of this feature should be considered in the treatment of alcoholism and associated with a therapeutic plan.
Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi revisar a literatura a cerca da relação entre transtornos alimentares e habilidades sociais em adolescentes. Pesquisou-se as bases de dados Medline, SciELO e Lilacs, cruzando os descritores “transtornos alimentares”, “anorexia nervosa”, “bulimia nervosa” e “comportamento alimentar”, com os descritores “psicologia social” e “isolamento social”, e com as palavras chave “competência social”, “habilidade social” e “relação interpessoal”. Incluiu-se estudos com adolescentes, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, e publicações realizadas entre os anos de 2007 a 2012. A busca resultou em 63 artigos, sendo incluídos 50 nesta revisão. A maioria dos estudos foi conduzido no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. Do total, 43 eram artigos originais. Os estudos visavam compreender como o estado emocional poderia influenciar no estabelecimento dos transtornos alimentares, assim como as relações interpessoais e a relação entre os pares. Os artigos também discutiram a influência da mídia e da sociedade neste processo. A partir da análise dos estudos, observou-se que quanto maior o repertório de habilidades sociais dos adolescentes, maior será o fator de proteção contra o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares.
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a review of the literature on the relationship between eating disorders and social skills in adolescents. A search was made on the Medline, SciELO and Lilacs databases, for items combining the terms ‘eating disorders’, ‘anorexia nervosa’, ‘bulimia nervosa’ and ‘food behavior’, with the terms ‘social psychology’ and ‘social isolation’, and with the keywords ‘social competence’, ‘social skill’ and ‘interpersonal relations’. The following were included: studies on adolescents; in Portuguese, English and Spanish; published in the years 2007 through 2012. The search resulted in 63 articles, and 50 were included in this review. The majority of the studies were made in Brazil and the United States. Of the total, 43 were original articles. The studies aimed to understand how emotional state could influence the establishment of eating disorders, interpersonal relationships and peer relationship. The articles also discussed the influence of the media and of society in this process. Based on the analysis of the studies, it was observed that the greater an adolescent’s repertory of social skills, the greater his or her factor of protection against the development of eating disorders.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Feeding and Eating Disorders/prevention & control , Social Skills , Brazil , Bulimia , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Bulimia NervosaABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have problems in social interactions. We compared the effect of 10-session social skill training (SST) among two groups, children with pure ADHD, and those with ADHD with comorbidity. METHODS: Consecutive 10-session SST was conducted for 34 children from 2006 to 2012. There were 22 children with pure ADHD (male 20, female 2), and 12 children suffering from ADHD with comorbidity (male 11, female 1). All children took medication as prescribed by their doctors before the start of SST. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Korean Personality Inventory for Children (K-PIC), the Conner's Rating Scale, the ADHD Rating Scale, and the Home Situation Questionnaire were completed by mothers before and after the SST. All children completed the Child Depression Inventory, the Stat-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, the Self-Concept Scale and the ADHD Diagnostic System before and after the SST. RESULTS: Only children with pure ADHD showed improvement in anxiety and self-concept in scales rated by children. In the CBCL rated by parents, the pure ADHD group and the ADHD with comorbidity showed improvement in both externalizing and internalizing subscales. In the K-PIC rated by parents, the pure ADHD group showed improvement in most outcomes and ADHD with comorbidity showed positive change in verbal development. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that SST has significant positive effects on both the pure ADHD and ADHD with comorbidity group. Further research is needed in order to target diverse comorbidity groups with ADHD to improve the effectiveness of the SST.
Child , Female , Humans , Anxiety , Checklist , Child Behavior , Comorbidity , Depression , Interpersonal Relations , Mothers , Only Child , Parents , Personality Inventory , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
Este estudo objetivou analisar o esporte adaptado enquanto processo de integração social e qualidade de vida de atletas de basquete em cadeiras de rodas. A população alvo foram 25 atletas de três equipes esportivas do Estado do Paraná. Foram instrumentos: Questionário de qualidade de vida WOOQHL Bref, Inventário de Habilidades Sociais, Questionário de Ambiente de Grupo e entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados indicaram: os atletas possuem uma boa qualidade de vida e um bom repertório de habilidades sociais, contudo necessitando de atenção específica em situações de exposição a desconhecidos e autocontrole da agressividade; em relação à coesão do grupo, o foco concentrou-se na tarefa do que relacionado à integração social; as variáveis de integração social e autocontrole da agressividade explicaram positivamente a qualidade de vida dos atletas. Conclui-se que: o esporte adaptado contribuiu para o desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais e da integração social, tendo impacto positivo na percepção de qualidade de vida dos atletas.
This study had as main goal to analyze sport practice as social integration and quality of life with wheelchair basketball players. The population was constituted by 25 athletes from three sports teams from Parana state. Instruments used were: Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL Bref), Social Skills Inventory and the Group Environment questionnaire. Results indicate that athletes possess a good quality of life and a good repertory of social skills, however a specific attention is required to situations of exposition to different experiences and selfcontrol of aggressiveness. As for group cohesion a task aspect was highlighted in relation to social dimension. Also, quality of life was positively predicted by social variables, especially those connected to task cohesion. Therefore it is concluded that sport seems to contribute to development of social skills, has a positive impact on perception of quality of life.
El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los deportes adaptados como un proceso de integración social y calidad de vida de los deportistas de baloncesto en silla de ruedas. La población objetivo fueron 25 atletas de tres equipos deportivos en el estado de Paraná. Los instrumentos fueron: Cuestionario de calidad de la vida (WOOQHL Bref), El Inventario de Habilidades Sociales, Cuestionario de Ambiente de grupo y entrevista semi-estructurada. Los resultados mostraron que los atletas tienen una buena calidad de vida y un buen repertorio de habilidades sociales, sin embargo, requieren una atención específica en las situaciones de exposición a lo desconocido y la auto-agresión; en relación con la cohesión del grupo, la atención se concentró en la tarea que en relación con la integración social; las variables de integración social y la auto-agresión se explican de manera positiva la calidad de vida para los atletas. Se concluye que: el deporte adaptado ha contribuido al desarrollo de habilidades sociales y de integración social tiene un impacto positivo en la percepción de calidad de vida de los atletas.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the preliminary effects of school-based short term mental health awareness and school bullying prevention programs. METHODS: From April to December 2013, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Promotion team of Seoul National Hospital conducted school-based short term social skill training (N=56, 4 sessions), mental health awareness (N=84, 4 sessions) and school bullying prevention programs (N=171, 1 session) in elementary and junior high schools located in Seoul. The changes in the subjects before and after the program were assessed. RESULTS: The a social skills training program improved the 'helping' behaviors in boys (t=-2.355, p<.05) and 'sharing' (t=-3.223, p<.01), 'cooperation' (t=-2.235, p<.05), and 'comforting' (t=-2.830, p<.01) behaviors in girls, assessed using the Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire. The mental health awareness program improved 'general health awareness' (t=2.620, p<.05), measured using the Korean General Health Questionnaire. The school bullying prevention program resulted in decreased 'self esteem' (t=3.769, p<.01), measured using the Self Esteem Scale and decreased 'anger' (t=4.198, p<.01), assessed using the Novaco Anger Scale. CONCLUSION: The results of our preliminary analysis suggest that school-based mental health awareness and school bullying prevention programs may be effective even when conducted for a short term. Future investigation is necessary in order to validate the long term effects of these programs.
Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Anger , Bullying , Education , Mental Health , Self Concept , Seoul , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Asperger's disorder (AD) in children are associated with attentional problems, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and difficulties with social interactions. Pharmacological treatment may alleviate symptoms of ADHD, but seldom solves difficulties with social interactions. Social skills training (SST) may assist in improving their social interactions. We examined the effects of SST on children's social competences, general behavior, and ADHD symptoms. METHODS: Thirty four children, aged 7 to 12 years, participated in the cognitive behavioral SST program once a week at the outpatient division of child-adolescent psychiatry. SST was composed of 24 sessions (ninety minutes) for 6 months. Twenty-five children were diagnosed with ADHD, and 9 children were diagnosed with AD. Parents of the children rated Korea-Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL), Conner's rating scales, Korean-ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS), Social Skill Rating System (SSRS), and Matson's Social Skill Rating Scale as an evaluation of the treatment effect, before the first session and after the final session of the training. RESULTS: The ADHD group showed significantly increased scores of social and social competence of CBCL and SSRS. Further, scores of externalizing problems of CBCL, CRS, and ARS were significantly decreased. The Asperger's group showed significantly increased scores of social competence of CBCL, SSRS, and MESS. There was a significant difference of the improvement in CBCL's school and total behavior problem score, CRS between drug change group and no drug change group. CONCLUSION: The result of this study suggests that SST is effective in improving social skills for children with ADHD and AD. In addition, SST has shown its effectiveness in treating attentional problems for children with ADHD. To prove objective usefulness of SST, further studies with a more structured design and long-term duration along with a sufficient number of AD participants will be necessary.
Child , Humans , Asperger Syndrome , Checklist , Impulsive Behavior , Interpersonal Relations , Mental Competency , Outpatients , Parents , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
PURPOSE: In this study the effects of a social skill training program on attention deficit hyperactivity, communication ability, and peer relations in children using a community child center were examined. METHODS: A quasi-experimental design was used. Data were collected from November 10 to December 15, 2009. To test the effects of the social skill training program, the children using a community child center were divided into two groups, an experimental group (21) and a control group (21). The outcomes were measured by the Korean ADHD Rating Scales (K-ARS), communication ability scales, and peer relations scales. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in attention deficit hyperactivity scores and peer relations scores between the experimental group and the control group. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the social skill training program applied cognitive behavior therapy is a useful nursing intervention for decreasing the attention deficit hyperactivity and improving the peer relations of these children using a community child center.
Child , Humans , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Communication , Education , Nursing , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Alcohol problems of parents have an influence on not only their psychological problems but also on their children's psychosocial adaptation. The purpose of this study was to compare the emotional and behavioral problems, including school bullying and social skills, between children of alcoholics (COAs) and children of non-alcoholics (non-COAs). METHODS: We recruited 4th grade children (n=741) from 7 primary schools in Seoul and their parents as subjects. The self-rated psychiatric symptoms were assessed with the Korean version of the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST-K), the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), the Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale (RSES), the School Bullying Scale, the Social Skill Rating Scale and the Korean version of Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire-Adolescent (AEQ-A). The Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale-IV (ARS) was completed by the parents. RESULTS: 518 children were non-COAs and 223 were COAs. The COAs showed higher CDI and ARS-IV scores and lower RSES scores than the non-COAs. Especially, the COAs also showed higher school bullying scale scores and lower cooperative scale scores on the social skill rating scales. But there was no difference of alcohol expectancy between the COAs and non-COAs. CONCLUSION: It was plausible that the COAs had more behavioral & psychosocial problems than the non-COAs among the school aged children. It is important to identify and intervene to solve the problems of peer relationships of school age COAs in order to prevent victimization by bullying and to improve psychosocial adaptation.
Aged , Child , Humans , Alcoholics , Bullying , Crime Victims , Depression , Mass Screening , Parents , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Psychosocial treatment combined with pharmacological treatment has been established as one of the most important interventions for schizophrenia. However, it still does not show Editor's note: I was not certain whether you intended the highlighted text to convey "psychosocial treatment + pharmacological treatment is an important treatment" or "psychosocial treatment is an important treatment, and pharmacological treatment is also an important treatment." My edit reflects the former. If you actually intended the latter meaning, please change this sentence to read, "Psychosocial treatment has been established alongside pharmacological treatment as one of the most important interventions for schizophrenia." satisfactory results with regard to patients' social adjustment and independent living abilities. For this study, we reviewed the psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia: its therapeutic concepts, methods, effects of clinical application, and therapeutic limitations. METHODS: We searched four areas of the English website Pubmed: family therapy, social skills training, cognitive remediation, and vocational rehabilitation, which are the main psychosocial treatment areas for schizophrenia. RESULTS: Family therapy can reduce the relapse rate through psychoeducation, stress management, and behavioral intervention for family members when the therapy lasts longer than 9 months. This effect seems to last longer than 2 years. Social skills training allows patients to acquire specific skills but shows a relatively small effect on symptom improvement and relapse prevention. However, it is possible that social skills training has a lasting or generalized effect on the obtained skills if practiced long term (longer than 1 year). Basic neurocognitive function training shows a relatively small effect on social functioning, while additive and comprehensive social interventions, such as social cognition, social skill training, and context appraisal show a moderate effect on patients' social functioning. The success of vocational adjustment is related to premorbid functioning, negative symptoms, and cognitive functioning, and direct expert support can help patients' vocational functioning in the workplace. CONCLUSION: The psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia has many important achievements during the past 30 years. However, several limitations of each type of psychosocial therapy have been ascertained during this same period. Researchers in the field of psychosocial treatment for schizophrenia have recently been trying to find more efficient treatments, by correcting distortions of social cognition, combining various treatment modules, and attempting new therapeutic approaches to psychosocial treatment.
Humans , Achievement , Cognition , Family Therapy , Independent Living , Recurrence , Rehabilitation, Vocational , Schizophrenia , Social AdjustmentABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulties in social behavior. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a short-term training program for improving social skills, selfperception and attention deficits. METHODS: The subjects were nine children diagnosed with ADHD with (or without) other mental disorders using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-ADHD) module. Children were given eight sessions of a social skills training program. Parents of children simultaneously participated in their own training which was designed to support their children's generalization of skills. Assessments included child, parent and teacher ratings of social skills, self-perception and attention deficit at baseline and post-treatment. RESULTS: Social skills training led to significant improvements in child-reported measures of self-esteem, in teacherreported measures of social skills, and in parent-reported measures of attention deficit. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that short-term social skills training programs for children with ADHD may improve their social skills, self-perception and attention deficits.
Child , Humans , Appointments and Schedules , Generalization, Psychological , Mental Disorders , Parents , Self Concept , Social BehaviorABSTRACT
@#Objective To investigate the effect of play therapy on childhood autism.Methods A child with autism treated with play therapy was reported.Results and Conclusion The play therapy is helpful to improve the social skill of the children with autism.
Objective:To study the efficacy of social skill-training on the positive symptoms, negative symptoms and cognitive function of patients with chronic schizophrenia.Method:100 subjects who met with the criteria of Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Schizophrenia were randomly assigned to the skill-training group (50 patients) and the control group (50 patients). Under the condition of stable antipsychotic medication, the skill-training group received the skill-training course offered by Liberman RP for 12 weeks. BPRS and SANS were used to evaluate every four weeks; WCST and SDSI were evaluated before and after the treatment.Result:(1) 45 patients of skill-training group and 46 patients of control group completed the study. (2) There were significant differences between skill-training group and control group in total score, anxiety depression and lacking active factor of BPRS (P
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems among the Korean adolescents today and has been associated with delinquent behavior in adolescents. The number of adolescents who abuse drugs is increasing yearly. Solutions to the problem, however, have not been well developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a drug use prevention program which was developed by researchers. The program was a modified DARE(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program for Korean adolescents. MEHTODS: This study used an experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 122 middle school students who were at one middle school located in Seoul. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire where 'knowledge and attitude about drug use', 'social skill', and 'self-esteem' were measured. The program had 12 sessions to improve knowledge and attitudes towards drugs, decision making skills, social resistance skills, management of stress and self-esteem of students. Teaching strategies for each session were varied : lectures, group discussion, role-playing, question-and-answer sessions and audiovisual materials. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre- and post-test scores on knowledge of and attitudes towards drug use, social skills, and self-esteem. RESULTS: There were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes about drug use between pretest and post-test(p.05). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the drug use prevention program was not effective in promoting social-skill and self-esteem of Korean adolescents. These findings might be due to the respondents being in the period of early adolescence(puberty) and not being good at group discussion. So, further study is needed to develop a drug use prevention program appropriate to students 9 and 10 years old, and to encourage small group discussion.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires , Decision Making , Lecture , Seoul , Illicit Drugs , Substance-Related DisordersABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems among the Korean adolescents today and has been associated with delinquent behavior in adolescents. The number of adolescents who abuse drugs is increasing yearly. Solutions to the problem, however, have not been well developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a drug use prevention program which was developed by researchers. The program was a modified DARE(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program for Korean adolescents. MEHTODS: This study used an experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 122 middle school students who were at one middle school located in Seoul. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire where 'knowledge and attitude about drug use', 'social skill', and 'self-esteem' were measured. The program had 12 sessions to improve knowledge and attitudes towards drugs, decision making skills, social resistance skills, management of stress and self-esteem of students. Teaching strategies for each session were varied : lectures, group discussion, role-playing, question-and-answer sessions and audiovisual materials. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre- and post-test scores on knowledge of and attitudes towards drug use, social skills, and self-esteem. RESULTS: There were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes about drug use between pretest and post-test(p.05). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the drug use prevention program was not effective in promoting social-skill and self-esteem of Korean adolescents. These findings might be due to the respondents being in the period of early adolescence(puberty) and not being good at group discussion. So, further study is needed to develop a drug use prevention program appropriate to students 9 and 10 years old, and to encourage small group discussion.