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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583771


Se denominan síntomas subjetivos los que refieren las personas, pero en los que no se encuentran elementos objetivos que los justifiquen, después de realizarles un examen físico de calidad, lo que se complica más cuando tampoco se constatan resultados "anormales" en los exámenes complementarios que se les practican, por lo que se requiere de un alto grado de maestría clínica para interpretarlos adecuadamente. Se comentan algunas características generales de estos síntomas que no siempre son bien comprendidos ni valorados por los médicos, por los cuidadores ni, en ocasiones, por los propios aquejados, en una época en que proliferan la "rapidación", el pragmatismo y las evidencias, por lo que estas personas se rotulan con frecuencia como casos "conflictivos", con acento algo discriminatorio. Una anamnesis bien recogida cobra una importancia mayor en estos casos, a través de un "escuchatorio" e "interrogatorio de tercer grado", como parte del método clínico, basado en una adecuada relación médico-paciente, que tenga en cuenta el contexto del enfermo y sus características particulares. Se hace mención a algunos de los síntomas subjetivos más frecuentes, así como de "nuevos" síndromes que han hecho irrupción en la clínica, donde este tipo de síntomas predomina. Se brindan algunos consejos y recomendaciones relacionados con el manejo de estos casos y finalmente se alerta de la necesidad de dedicar adecuada atención a los enfermos con síntomas subjetivos, tanto para lograr su futuro bienestar, como para evitar lamentables sorpresas por no prestarles el debido cuidado.

Subjective symptoms are those that patients report, but in which no objective elements are found to justify them after performing a quality physical examination. This is even more complicated when "abnormal" results are not found in the complementary tests performed. In cases like these, high degree of clinical expertise is therefore required to interpret the symptoms appropriately. Some general characteristics of these symptoms are discussed, which are not always well understood or valued by doctors, by caregivers, or by those who suffer themselves on some occasions, in an era in which "speediness," pragmatism, and evidence proliferate. Therefore, these individuals are frequently labeled as "conflictive" cases, with discriminatory meaning. A well-collected anamnesis takes on greater importance in these cases through a "listening" and "third-degree interrogation," as part of the clinical method, based on an adequate doctor-patient relationship, which takes into account the context of the patient and its particular characteristics. Mention is made of some of the most frequent subjective symptoms and "new" syndromes that have burst into the clinic due to the predominance of this type of symptoms. Some advice and recommendations related to the management of these cases are provided, and finally the need to dedicate adequate care to patients with subjective symptoms is given, both to achieve their future well-being and to avoid unfortunate surprises due to not taking proper care of them.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764583


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to develop and test effects of flipped learning on a health education program for allergic rhinitis patients. METHODS: The study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design, with 38 participants (experimental group: 19, control group: 19). The education program for allergic rhinitis patients with flipped learning developed for this study was conducted in pre-class, in-class, and post-class stages for a total of 12 weeks. For the in-class stage, a TREAT model suitable for patient education program was developed. Data were analyzed with an independent t-test and repeated measures ANOVA. RESULTS: The experimental group showed significant improvement in knowledge (F=15.029, p<.001), self-efficacy (F=6.814, p<.001) and self-care behavior (F=41.761, p<.001). In addition, subjective symptoms (F=61.453, p<.001) and quality of life (F=52.413, p<.001) improved. CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that flipped learning in an education program is an effective method for those in their twenties persistent moderate-severe allergic rhinitis. Therefore, the education program for allergic rhinitis developed by this study is actively recommended for nurses or health managers at universities to educate subjects in their twenties with allergic rhinitis.

Humans , Education , Health Education , Learning , Methods , Patient Education as Topic , Quality of Life , Rhinitis, Allergic , Self Care
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-157385


PURPOSE: Although a number of clinical parameters are well known to affect dry eye (DE) disease, it is unknown which factor mostly affects the discomfort of DE. Blepharitis is recognized as one of the leading causes of evaporative-type DE disease, but there have been no large-scale study to investigate the effect of blepharitis on DE symptoms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing subjective ocular discomfort in DE patients with blepharitis and to determine which parameter is most highly related to severity of blepharitis. METHODS: This investigation was a cross-sectional, clinical study. The test population consisted of DE patients suffering from moderate blepharitis. Seventy-three subjects aged 22 to 81 years (mean age 56.36) were enrolled, 49 of whom completed the investigation on a total of 49 eyes. A detailed assessment was conducted, including history taking, visual analog scale (VAS) pain scoring, ocular surface disease index (OSDI) questionnaire, blepharitis severity grading (score 0-4), conjunctival, corneal fluorescein staining (score 0-4), and tear break up time (TBUT) assessment. RESULTS: The results revealed significant correlations between subjective symptoms and blepharitis severity. Significant increases in overall VAS score, OSDI score (p = 0.031, p = 0.006) were recorded in DE patients with severe blepharitis. Conjunctival erosion was significantly related to VAS score (p = 0.016). Other parameters were not significantly related with VAS and OSDI scores. Additionally, conjunctival erosion was related with blepharitis severity (p < 0.0001), and corneal erosion was not correlated with blepharitis severity. TBUT also did not show any statistical correlation with blepharitis. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that blepharitis severity is the main factor influencing subjective pain and discomfort in DE patients, although blepharitis severity was not related with the known clinical parameters of DE such as corneal erosion and TBUT. This study indicates that targeting treatment for blepharitis can significantly improve quality of life for patients suffering from DE disease.

Humans , Blepharitis , Clinical Study , Fluorescein , Quality of Life , Tears , Visual Analog Scale
Korean Leprosy Bulletin ; : 47-62, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-68081


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to prove the characteristics of refractive error and visual acuity about hansen patients and old people. To compare the pupil and ocular function was to investigate the characteristics of the eye of the hansen patients. METHODS: Subjects were intended for the elderly over 60 years old 85 years old or younger both hansen patients in Wonju(n=29) and old people in Yangpyeong(n=29). Auto refraction(Topcon KR-7000) to objective refraction was conducted after the subjective refraction. Pupil size at normal illumination and light reflex, response velocity and the reaction states about light reflex were measured and Color vision test were. Writing questionnaires and analyzed the subjective symptoms about two groups. Spss ver.18.0 was used for statistics analysis and significance level was based on a 0.05. Methods were used Crosstabs analysis ,Paired T test and descriptive statistics. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: VA of hansen patients and old people did not differ by 0.29 +/-0.18 and 0.35+/-0.23. (p>0.05). CC of hansen patients and old people did differ by 0.55+/-0.26 and 0.44+/-0.21(p0.05). Old people during normal illumination and light reflex is normal (p<0.05). Direct light reflex state of hansen patients was normal 17.20% and abnormal 82.8%. Pupil's response velocity during light reflex of hansen patients was normal 3.4% and abnormal 96.6%. Pupil's reaction state during light reflex of hansen patients was normal 13.8%and abnormal 86.20%. Direct light reflex state of old people was normal 96.60%and abnormal 3.4%. Subjective symptoms were ranking 1.Dim sighted(23times) 2.Eyestrain(18times) 3.Tears(15times) of Hansen, that were ranking 1.Dim sighted(25times) 2.Tears(8times) 3.Pruritus(8times)of old people. Hansen patients and old people were not differ about result of CV test.

Aged , Humans , Anisocoria , Color Vision , Lighting , Miosis , Pupil , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reflex , Refractive Errors , Visual Acuity , Writing
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-128513


The surgical treatment of craniofacial disorders, using metallic internal osteofixation system has inspired an evolution with advanced operative technique and fixation devices over past two decades. As any other surgical procedures, this procedure also associates problems such as infection, palpability, loosening, and restrict craniofacial skeleton growth, which lead to undue secondary operations for removal. These problems are improved by using bioabsorbable osteofixation system. We compared the patient's subjective symptoms using bioaborbable system versus metallic osteofixation system in zygomatic bone fracture. we should take the individual steps (postoperative 2 weeks, and 1 year) in treating fractured zygoma. From August, 2001 to August, 2003, we used bioabsorbable osteofixation system in 28 patients in zygomatic fracture (Biosorb(TM) FX(R)) and compared 23 patients who were treated with metallic osteofixation system. There was no significant difference in the both groups in subjective symptoms and postoperative result.

Humans , Fractures, Bone , Skeleton , Zygoma , Zygomatic Fractures
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-372940


Traditional Japanese massage, <i>Anma</i> therapy has a long history and popularity in Japan. It is known to maintain well-being, promote health, treat illness and prevent disease empirically, however, it is difficult to find published studies. It is necessary to explore the mechanisms of traditional Japanese massage, <i>Anma</i> therapy scientifically, thus, this preliminary study was examined. In this study, three clients assigned to the <i>Anma</i> therapy group participated in five <i>Anma</i> therapy sessions (two per week for two and a half consecutive weeks) of 40 minutes duration. Three healthy volunteer students assigned to a non-intervention group participated in one session involving rest on a bed. Immediate changes between pre- and post-therapy, and longer-term changes between first and last session were observed. In the results, for the <i>Anma</i> therapy group immediate changes were lower subjective symptom and state anxiety scores, with general longer-term effects. Another immediate change in the <i>Anma</i> therapy group was an increase in secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva, but salivary cortisol concentrations did not change. These results suggest that <i>Anma</i> therapy may be physically and psychologically effective in ameliorating subjective symptoms and anxiety, and enhancing immune function, though sample sizes used were too small to analyze statistically. In addition, the result from salivary cortisol concentration implies that effect of <i>Anma</i> therapy is different from that of Western style massage.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-284945


<p><b>OBJECT</b>The purposes of this study were to investigate the actual status in subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF) and lifestyles of young male students living in two different life spheres of the Tokyo metropolitan area and a rural area, and to find, regional differences in these characteristics and relations between SSF and lifestyles in school life.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A questionnaire regarding SSF and lifestyle was administered to 412 healthy male students (16-18 yr) attending the two National Colleges of Technology located in the Tokyo metropolitan area (MA) and a local city (LC). Statistical techniques such as a chi-square test and Hayashi's Quantification Theory I analysis were used to examine relations between SSF and lifestyles.</p><p><b>RESULTS AND CONCLUSION</b>A significant difference was found only in "feeling of physical disintegration,", and the MA group was higher than the LC group. The MA students showed shorter sleeping hours and earlier awaken time compared with LC students. In the relations between SSF and lifestyles, sleeping habit was an important factor significantly relating to SSF in both groups. Paying attention to good sleeping habits is an important countermeasure for preventing SSF in the male students.</p>

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213872


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the chronological subjective symptoms and related factors in ex-workers who were occupationally exposed to Carbon disulfide. METHODS: One hundred and seventy-seven subjects (147 males and 30 females) were randomly selected among ex-workers and interviewed by well trained doctors, who filled out a structured questionnaire developed by authors on the subjective symptoms. The questionnaire was composed of symptoms in the head and neck, and those of the neuro-psychological, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and reproductive systems. Other factors such as general and occupational characteristics including work department, work duration, duration since cessation of exposure, and compensation for occupational disease were also investigated. RESULTS: The mean subject age was 55.4 years. The mean cumulative exposure index (CEI) was 38.96 +/- 31.18. CEI was significantly higher in the compensated group (47.61 +/- 32.51) than in the non-compensated group (26.81 +/- 24.75)(p=0.000). Symptom complaints were significantly higher in the compensated group in all organ systems, and their incidence increased gradually until 10 years after cessation of work, and then decreased. The mean duration for cessation of exposure at the time of compensation was 10.97 years. The significantly different factors between the compensated group and the non-compensated group were total cumulative exposure index and the time interval between the cessation of work and the time of compensation. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that total cumulative exposure index and the time interval between the cessation of work and the time of compensation may be important factors affecting the compensation for occupational disease. Therefore, further studies will be necessary.

Humans , Male , Carbon Disulfide , Carbon , Compensation and Redress , Head , Incidence , Neck , Occupational Diseases , Occupations , Poisoning , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-361479


Object: The purposes of this study were to investigate the actual status in subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF) and lifestyles of young male students living in two different life spheres of the Tokyo metropolitan area and a rural area, and to find regional differences in these characteristics and relations between SSF and lifestyles in school life. Methods: A questionnaire regarding SSF and lifestyle was administered to 412 healthy male students (16-18 yr) attending the two National Colleges of Technology located in the Tokyo metropolitan area (MA) and a local city (LC). Statistical techniques such as a chi-square test and Hayashi’s Quantification Theory I analysis were used to examine relations between SSF and lifestyles. Results and conclusion: A significant difference was found only in “feeling of physical disintegration,” and the MA group was higher than the LC group. The MA students showed shorter sleeping hours and earlier awaken time compared with LC students. In the relations between SSF and lifestyles, sleeping habit was an important factor significantly relating to SSF in both groups. Paying attention to good sleeping habits is an important countermeasure for preventing SSF in the male students.

Life Style , Fatigue
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-218521


OBJECTIVES: Kyung Hee-Frankfurter Beschwerde-Fragebogen(K-FBF) is a representative subjective symptom measuring tool of schizophrenic patients. We performed psychopathology measurements using K-FBF, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS) and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised(SCL-90-R) in patients with schizophrenia and then compared the results of these three examinations one another, in order to examine which psychopathologic aspects K-FBF might reflect and to measure the possibility whether this instrument reflect the negative symptoms or cognitive impairments, which are difficult to measure by conventional objective instruments measuring psychopathology. METHODS: All 66 patients satisfying DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia, were approached. Their education level was more than high school and they were not in the acute stage of schizophrenia. They performed K-FBF and SCL-90-R, and at the same day, they were interviewed by one of both psychiatirsts using PANSS. We examined the patterns of K-FBF response and performed facor analysis about 10 subscales. We examined the correlation between K-FBF and age, sex and insight. Also, we performed correlation analysis among the K-FBF, PANSS and SCL-90-R. RESULTS: As for K-FBF, with increasing age, the number of positive response items and the symptom severity were decreased. Even when controlling prevalence period as control variable, the correlation remained unchanged. Performing factor analysis to the K-FBF subscales, we created 2 factors, ie summation subscales. We named those recognized distress(RD) and perceptual alteration(PA) each. Using K-FBF standardized total scores as controlling variable, we performed partial correlation between PA and PANSS negative symptom scale. The result was PA and PANSS have statistically significant correlation. This correspons with the view that Huber's basic symptoms are reflecting subjective approach of negative symptoms of schizophrenia. While K-FBF standardized total scores and PANSS total scores had statistically strong correlations, SCL-90-R total scores and PANSS total scores had statistically significant, but very mild correlations. So, we had the judgement that the correlations among the psychopathology measurement tools are more influenced by the rater than the contents of tools. CONCLUSION: We concluded that Huber's basic symptoms, measured by K-FBF, reflect more negative symptoms of schizophrenia than other symptoms. And K-FBF has more correlation with the PANSS, objective psychopathology measuring tool, than the SCL-90-R, self-report quetionnaire. But, more studies using patients with another disease stages and another demographic variables are needed in order to generalize the results of this study.

Humans , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Education , Prevalence , Psychopathology , Schizophrenia
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371892


The purpose of this study was to examine sex differences in subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF) in high school and college students by considering the relationship between subjective feeling of fatigue and life habits.<BR>A questionnaire on SSF (54 items), dealing with subjective feeling of fatigue and life habits (frequency of exercise, going to sleep, waking in the morning and physical condition) was administered to 5622 healthy students aged 15-20 yr, and data of 5335 properly completed questionnaires was analyzed.<BR>The following was determined :<BR>1) Sex differences were confirmed in most SSF items. SSF complaints for females was generally higher than that of males.<BR>2) The relationship between SSF and the age was low in both sexes.<BR>3) Subjective feeling of fatigue is somewhat related to SSF.<BR>4) The going to sleep last night influence on SSF was different in both sexes and related largely to the next day SSF in males.<BR>5) Waking this morning and today's physical condition are related to SSF in both sexes.<BR>6) In males, the influence of exercise habits on SSF regarding drowsiness is relatively large.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204610


To improve wellness and quality of life by recognizing the health effects of stress, the author estimated the relationships between stress, subjective symptoms and clinical diagnosis through a questionnaire and a battery of specified laboratory tests - electrocardiography, blood pressure, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), gamma glutamyl transferase(gamma-GTP), fasting blood sugar, gastro-endoscopy or UGI, abdominal sonography, etc. The data was gathered from 337 clients who were undergoing multiphasic screening program at a University Hospital from January to March 1998. The mean age of subjects was 46.5+/-11.2 years and the mean of body mass index was 24.0+/-3.7kg/m2. The mean level of stress was 18.5+/-6.0 expressed as the score out of 40. By general characteristics and life style among male, mean level of stress was significantly higher in case of lower socioeconomic status, habitual drug use, longer daily working time(>10 hours), no regular exercise, drinkers, irregular meal, skipping breakfast(p10 hours), no regular exercise, drinkers, smokers, irregular meal, skipping breakfast(p<0.05). Significant correlations were observed between stress and subjective symptoms in all kinds of organ system(p<0.01). Correlation coefficients of stress among male were relatively high with neuro-psychiatric symptom(gamma=0.476) and cardio-vascular symptom(gamma=0.361) in order, and correlation coefficients of stress among female was highest with neuro-psychiatric symptom(gamma=0.371). The prevalence of the diagnosis through the battery of laboratory tests was high in upper gastrointestinal disorders and hypercholesterolemia in order in both sex group. Among male the mean score of stress was significantly high in ulcerative peptic disorder of upper gastrointestine and hepatopathy in order (p<0.05) . Among female that was significantly high in diabetes mellitus. In summary, it is likely that there are associations between stress, subjective symptoms and clinical diagnosis. To promote wellness and quality of life through, therefore, it would be of value that periodic stress evaluation program and stress management including appropriate control of smoking and drinking, regular exercise and meal.

Female , Humans , Male , Alanine , Aspartic Acid , Blood Glucose , Blood Pressure , Body Mass Index , Cholesterol , Diabetes Mellitus , Diagnosis , Drinking , Education , Electrocardiography , Fasting , Hypercholesterolemia , Life Style , Meals , Multiphasic Screening , Prevalence , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Smoke , Smoking , Social Class , Stress, Psychological , Ulcer
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36443


BACKGROUND: The effect of Video Display Terminals(VDT) Syndrome is well documented. The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in systemic subjective symptoms between long term users of computers with that of the general population and to help plan to avoid the risk of developing Video Display Terminal Syndrome. METHOD: Data was collected for this study between August 1996 and February 1997. Two groups consisting of seventy(70) long term computer users(Exposed Subjects) and fifty nine(59) non users (Non Exposed Subjects), were selected for the survey. Data was gathered from the exposed subjects through their response to the survey questionnaire posted on the internet requiring detailed responses concerning ten systemic subjective symptoms that were experienced as a result of the long term exposure to VDT. Data was gathered from the non exposed subjects through written responses to the questionnaire. RESULTS: Among the more significant difference was the experience of ocular symptoms among the exposed group. The exposed group experienced in descending order eleven items of ocular symptoms. Congestion, strain, decreased visual acuity, ocular pain, and dryness. Among seven items of lifestyle, the exposed group characteristically exercised less(P<0.05) and did more home activity (P<0.05), characteristically lead healthier life than the non exposed group. Participation in exercise differed most among the groups. The exposed group participating in moderate exercise scored 517+/-551.6 compared to the non exposed group which exercised very vigorously(p<0.05). In comparison of subjective symptom and life styles per daily exposure time(over 8,10,16 hours daily) there was significant difference between 8 and 10hour exposers only in the stress item(P<0.05). In the exposure group there were less cardiovascular symptoms(P<0.05) due to more art activity(P<0.05), more cardiovascular symptoms and less sleep activity(P<0.001) and more ocular symptoms(P<0.05) due to higher levels of stress. CONCLUSIONS: By exercising, exposers can decrease the respiratory symptoms, and by seeking methods that enable efficient management of work time, the subjects can benefit from the reduced work time, and by seeking methods so that one receive less stress and can resolve them they can reduce their ocular symptoms, sleep problems, cardiovascular symptoms. And in their spare time, the subjects can be recommended to involve in art activity for each person, through PC indirectly. Designing the development of cyber gallery, museum, literature room, concert can reduce the oecur-rence rate of cardiovascular symptoms.

Humans , Computer Terminals , Estrogens, Conjugated (USP) , Internet , Life Style , Museums , Visual Acuity , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204370


In order to investigate symptoms prevalence related to visual display terminal (VDT) syndrome, and to evaluate the variables affecting the development of the VDT syndrome, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 119 (92 men and 27 women) VDT operators who had been engaged in one plant design company in Seoul. The results were as follows : The average age of questionnaire respondents was 30. The average years of service were 4.3 years, and the working hours per day with VDT for half of them were more than 4 hours with the average being about 4.7 hours. The majority of subjects (71 persons) were working at computer aided design (CAD) or computer programming tasks. Subjective symptoms of VDT syndrome were divided into 4 groups with musculoskeletal, eye, skin, and industrial fatigue according to their major affected organ. 4 high incidence of complaints of eye discomfort was observed. In the 3 subgroups of industrial fatigue symptom, the highest average group score was accounted for by 'dullness and sleepiness', followed by 'difficulty in concentration', 'bodily projection of fatigue' in the order of sequence, suggesting the heavier mental stress of VDT work rather than physical burden. Relationship among these 4 groups of symptoms showed statistically significant correlations one another. This result suggests that VDT syndrome is a multi-organ disease composed of these 4 symptom groups which were commonly caused by the use of VDT. Multiple regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between risk factors and these symptom groups of VDT syndrome. As the result of analysis, the most important risk factor for VDT syndrome was the average daily VDT working hours. The longer was VDT working hours, the higher was symptom prevalence of VDT syndrome. In addition, daily total working hours including VDT working hours and shift of work also affected the health of VDT users. In order to protect workers from VDT syndrome, it is urgently required to implement standard management recommendations including restriction of VDT working hours and allowance of more sufficient resting time for VDT workers.

Humans , Male , Computer-Aided Design , Data Collection , Fatigue , Incidence , Plants , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Seoul , Skin
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204381


In order to investigate industrial fatigue of pharmacists, the questionnaire survey for subjective symptoms and its related factors was carried out on 435 pharmacists who were managing pharmacies in Seoul. The Questionnaires were composed of three groups of 10 items each, representing dullness and sleepness(I), difficulty in concentrations (II) and bodily projection of fatigue (III). The results were as follows : 1. The complaint rate of fatigue was the highest in 'eye strain' and followed by 'whole body tires', 'apt to forget', 'leg feel heavy', 'feel drowsy' and 'feel like tying' in the descending order. 2. The average weighted score of fatigue complaint was the highest in dullness and sleepness group(I) and followed by difficulty in concentrations group(II) and bodily projection of fatigue group(III) in the descending order, suggesting the heavier mental stress rattier than physical burden of the pharmacists work contents. 3. The average weighted scores of fatigue complaints were significantly higher in female and 0-3 off-duty days per month group than those in male and more than 4 off-duty days per month group. 4. The average weighted scores of fatigue complaints were significantly different among the characteristic groups of counselling postures, noise and using chairs. 5. The groups with the high quality of sleeping, regular physical exercise and diet, or satisfied with their job and income had significantly lower average weighted scores of fatigue complaints. 6. The 42.5% of the subjects complained feeling heavy chronic fatigue. And the significant differences for average weighted scorns were noted among three groups, representing 26.64 in feeling heavy chronic fatigue, 18.23 in feeling light chronic fatigue, and 9.50 in feeling no chronic fatigue.

Female , Humans , Male , Diet , Exercise , Fatigue , Noise , Pharmacies , Pharmacists , Posture , Surveys and Questionnaires , Seoul
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-151466


This study was undertaken to identify the relationship between the subjective symptoms and the psychosocial well-being status of VDT operators. The study subjects of this study were 89 female telephone operators in Korea Telecom. The mean age of study subjects was 37.7 (s.d.; 3.1), and 91% of them were the married and 9% were the single. The mean values of psychosocial well-being status by general characteristics were not statistically significant. Of the 89 operators, 98.9% felt musculoskeletal subjective symptoms in shoulder, 91.2% in neck, 89.9% in hand, 89.9% in lowback, 88.9% in arm, 87.8% in back, and 85.6% in leg, respectively. The mean scores of the psychosocial well-being status by three categories of subjective symptoms were significant in shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and leg, but were not significant in back and lowback. Correlations between the subjective symptoms and the psychosocial well-being status were significant in discomfort scale, leg, arm, neck, shoulder, lowback, and hand, but were not significant in back. Multiple regression analysis were used to determine whether the independent variables (age, discomfort, and subjective symptoms) contributed to explaining the psychosocial well-being status. Discomfort and the subjective symptoms in leg were a correlate of the psychosocial well-being status.

Female , Humans , Arm , Hand , Korea , Leg , Neck , Shoulder , Telephone
Kampo Medicine ; : 109-120, 1995.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368109


In order to evaluate the “Sho” (Kampo diagnosis) objectively, the authors attempted to quantify patients in a hypertension patient group by means of the quantification III method.<br>The first axis of symptom values expressed Deficient/Excessive tendency. On scattergrams comprised of the first-second, first-third, and second-third axes, it was found that the symptoms were separated in some groups according to differences in their “patterns of appearance.” Furthermore, the group of symptoms nearly corresponded to the Oriental medicial concepts of Kan-utsu (Stagnation of the Liver), Kikyo (Qi deficiency) and Jinkyo (Kidney Deficiency).<br>These results suggest that we can use the quantificatiom III method to objectively evaluate the “Sho” and distinguish the appearance patterns of symptoms.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121269


To find the characteristics of the subjective symptoms and its related factors among the patients with the cervicobrachial syndrome, an interview survey was made toward 137 patients complaining the symptoms in cervicobrachial area out of 313 workers occupied in a microwave-oven assembling factory from December 1993 to February 1994. Results were as follows : 1. The patients were classified by the severity of the syndrome as 6 persons (4.4%) at grade I (the mildest grade), 48 persons (35.0%) at grade II, 47 persons (34.4%) at grade III-1, 11 persons (8.0%) at grade III-2 and 25 persons (18.2%) at grade IV. 2. Only 3.6% of the total patients under the study felt the main symptoms of the cervicobrachial syndrome 36 months before this study, and then the number of patients increased gradually, but the incidence of the syndrome increased suddenly from 25.1% to 74.9% since the factory had elevated the height of the belt conveyer-worktables from 75.0cm to 87.7 cm 13 months before the study. 3. Although the higher percentage of the female workers felt the subjective symptoms including the pain at the neck and shoulder, the discomfort or pain at the back and the discomfort or pain at the wrist or the finger than male workers significantly (p<0.05). The male workers, however, showed more abnormal X-ray findings than the female workers significantly (p<0.05). 4. Between the prevalence of the cervicbbrachial syndrome and the number of actual workers occupied at the factory during last-24 months, a negative correlation (r=-0.508~r=-0.665) was observed. 5. The measured workplace environment of the studied factory (average temperature: 13.3 degrees C, average noise: 78.8 dB, average illumination: 241.4 Lux) was the poorer condition than the recommended level (17degrees C or more, lower than 75 dB and 400 Lux or more). 6. Neither items to check the cervicobrachial syndrome during the entrance and health maintenance examinations nor early treatment program for the syndrome were found, at the factory. In conclusion, the primary cause of the cervicobrachial syndrome of the workers were considered due to their repeated monotonous motions on the neck, the shoulder, the arms and the hands for a long duration (2-3 years) with the uncomfortable working posture under the uncomfortable workplace environments, and the condition got aggravated due to the inappropriated health management program for its secondary prevention.

Female , Humans , Male , Arm , Fingers , Hand , Incidence , Lighting , Neck , Noise , Posture , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Secondary Prevention , Shoulder , Wrist
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-47627


This study was conducted to examine the effect of chronic low dose organic solvent exposures in the industries towards then neurobehavioral functions of workers subjective symptoms on neurobehavioral function as well as a visual reaction time test (Flicker test) were administered to 94 exposed and 162 unexposed workers in a oil refinery and some other auto-repair shops. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Symptom complaints were higher and Flicker test values were lower in exposed workers than in unexposed workers. 2. Flicker values were inversely correlated with urinary Hippuric acid concentration in exposed workers (r=-0.26, p<0.05). 3. Flicker values were inversely correlated with subjective symptom score (r=-0.15, p<0.05). Low Flicker value were also related with some subjective symptoms such as "Dimmed vision", "Nightmare", "weakness on extremity" in workers as a whole. While symptoms of "Dimmed vision", "Nightmare" only observed among exposed workers.

Reaction Time
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-127940


VDT syndrome is the disease entity that affects many workers on the various visual function as well as on some general health conditions including neurologic, circulatory and musculoskeletal system and it tends to increase day by day. We performed a series of investigation to evaluate the influences of VDT work on the subjective symptoms by means of questionnaire application with the control of non-VDT workers. It revealed that the susceptibility in occurrence of impairment of ocular functions like asthenopia as well as the disturbances of musculoskeletal circulatory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems were more pronounced in the VDT workers' group than the control group, and the environmental factors like working hours, air pollution, and noise also contributed for the worsening of the ocular and systemic symptoms. It is suggested that the improvement of operating environment by the implementation of comprehensive epidemiological study in association with the improvemental task of working situations and working times in long term advocated would decrease the VDT syndrome among VDT workers.

Air Pollution , Asthenopia , Musculoskeletal System , Nervous System , Noise , Surveys and Questionnaires