Abstract Background: Working memory-based spatial cognition has attracted the attention of the scientific community in navigation and reorientation projects. The dominant approach considers that spontaneous spatial navigation behavior is based merely on environmental geometry (built and natural environmental objects). In this domain, DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) motor skill orientation problems have been frequently associated with poor visuospatial cognition, while immersive VR environments encourage more repetition, allowing for faster motor skill development and recovery. Objective: This pilot study tested the functionality of an immersive VR environment with environmental geometry (rectangular arena rich in symmetry) and featural landmark cues (striped wall, flora) as a route-learning tool for children with motor skill disorders. Methods: Forty DCD children aged 5 to 8 years (20 boys and 20 girls); five (5) 3D reality modeling setups with orthogonality, symmetry, and striped walls as design parameters; and trial walk-through coordination exercises using a predefined visual pathway with different motor control conditions (daylight, darkness). Participants' path completion rate, path completion time, and walk-through satisfaction were recorded as route-learning performance variables and analyzed statistically. Results/findings: DCD children's spatial orientation was statistically shown to be more stable and robust (in path completion rates, termination time, and walk-through level of satisfaction) in a virtual 3D environment rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural cues as landmarks. In this compound environmental geometry setup, training functionality and immersive learning performance enjoyed an 8.16% better path completion rate, a 12.37% reduction in path completion time, and 32.10% more walk-through satisfaction than reality modeling setups poor in geometry and landmarks. The effectiveness and robustness were validated statistically. Conclusion: Children with motor skill difficulties train and learn better in virtual 3D environments that are rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural landmark cues.
Resumen Antecedentes: La cognición espacial basada en la memoria de trabajo ha atraído la atención de la comunidad científica en proyectos de navegación y reorientación. El enfoque dominante considera que el comportamiento espontáneo de navegación espacial se basa meramente en la geometría ambiental (objetos ambientales construidos y naturales). En este ámbito, los problemas de orientación de las habilidades motoras del TDC (Trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación) se han asociado con frecuencia a una cognición visoespacial deficiente, mientras que los entornos de RV (Realidad Virtual) inmersivos fomentan una mayor repetición, lo que permite un desarrollo y una recuperación más rápidos de las habilidades motoras. Objetivo: Este estudio piloto probó la funcionalidad de un entorno de RV inmersiva con geometría ambiental (arena rectangular rica en simetría) y señales de puntos de referencia característicos (pared rayada, flora) como herramienta de aprendizaje de rutas para niños con trastornos de la habilidad motora. Métodos: Cuarenta niños con TDC de entre 5 y 8 años (20 niños y 20 niñas); cinco (5) configuraciones de modelado de realidad 3D con ortogonalidad, simetría y paredes rayadas como parámetros de diseño; y ejercicios de coordinación de recorrido de prueba utilizando una ruta visual predefinida con diferentes condiciones de control motor (luz diurna, oscuridad). Se registraron la tasa de finalización del recorrido, el tiempo de finalización del recorrido y el grado de satisfacción de los participantes como variables de rendimiento del aprendizaje de recorridos y se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Se demostró estadísticamente que la orientación espacial de los niños con TDC era más estable y robusta (en tasas de finalización del camino, tiempo de finalización y nivel de satisfacción del recorrido) en un entorno 3D virtual rico en ortogonalidad, simetría y señales de características como puntos de referencia. En esta configuración de geometría ambiental compuesta, la funcionalidad del entrenamiento y el rendimiento del aprendizaje inmersivo disfrutaron de un 8,16% más de tasa de finalización de ruta, una reducción del 12,37% en el tiempo de finalización de ruta y un 32,10% más de satisfacción de recorrido que las configuraciones de modelado de realidad pobres en geometría y puntos de referencia. La eficacia y la solidez se validaron estadísticamente. Conclusiones: Los niños con dificultades motrices entrenan y aprenden mejor en entornos virtuales 3D ricos en ortogonalidad, simetría y puntos de referencia característicos.
"Learn by doing" is one of the oldest techniques of learning. Humans have always learnt by doing, and it is still one of the most ef?cient ways to combine content and context. Experiential learning aids in providing perspective to a topic being studied. Experiential learning is effective, but it can be expensive and dangerous. Modern technology can deliver the usually expensive experiential learning at a lower cost. Virtual reality training simulators allow students to repeatedly perform procedures on virtual patients, which can help them improve their skills and reduce potential of errors. As Virtual reality, Augmented Reality, And Mixed Reality technology improve, we may expect greater creativity and effective immersive learning applications. These innovations have the ability to completely alter training, education, and professional improvement, making education more engaging, accessible, and bene?cial for everyone.
Introduction: The management of chronic respiratory conditions critically relies on Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR). Traditional PR programs often encounter obstacles in patient engagement and adherence. To overcome these issues, immersive virtual reality (VR) technology is being explored. Immersive VR, experienced through a head-mounted display, provides an interactive simulated environment. Its integration into occupational therapy (OT) PR programs holds the potential to boost the effectiveness of rehabilitation and patient experience. Objective: This study aimed to probe the effects of VR-based training on PR patients' psychological well-being, training engagement, adherence to breathing control exercises and sense of security. The assessment of these outcomes is intended to ascertain the potential benefits of VR in augmenting PR efficacy. Methods: A mixed-method, single-group design was adopted, involving a one-week trial with daily half-hour VR sessions. Pre-post assessments, incorporating qualitative and quantitative approaches, were conducted for data collection and analysis. Quantitative measures assessed functional capacity (Barthel Index-Dyspnea; BI-D), psychological well-being (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HADS) and symptom assessment (Shortness of Breath Questionnaire; SOBQ and Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire; CRQ). Qualitative analysis hinged on semi-structured interviews, with thematic analysis used to discern underlying themes and patterns from participant experiences. The study, conducted from August to November 2023, involved 10 in-patients of the PR program from a rehabilitation hospital, aged 67 to 91, and diagnosed with COPD, COVID-19, and lung cancer. Results: Quantitative results showed significant improvements across all measures, including BI-D (p<0.001; MD -19.60), HADS-Anxiety (p<0.001; MD -4.60), HADS-Depression (p<0.001; MD-3.90), SOBQ (p=0.002; MD-19.85), CRQ-Dyspnea (p=0.002; MD+1.01), CRQ-Emotion (p=0.004; MD+0.89), CRQ-Management (p=0.010; MD+1.2), and CRQ-Fatigue (p<0.001; MD+1.16). In qualitative analysis, noteworthy enhancements in psychological well-being were reported by all participants. VR resulted in relaxation, stress reduction, and distraction, highlighting a positive mental health impact. The captivating and motivating nature of the simulated environment led to increased engagement and improved breathing exercise compliance. VR also offered a secured platform for practicing breathing control, contributing to an enhanced rehabilitation experience. Conclusion: Merging VR technology into OT services for PR yields positive results. VR enhances psychological well-being, training engagement, and exercise compliance, while also providing a secure virtual environment. Future research should explore a greater variety of VR training programs to meet a wider range of therapeutic needs.
Resumen Introducción : El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo, y sus procedimien tos tradicionales de evaluación encuentran ciertas li mitaciones. El actual campo de investigación sobre TEA está explorando y respaldando métodos innovadores para evaluar el trastorno tempranamente, basándose en la detección automática de biomarcadores. Sin embargo, muchos de estos procedimientos carecen de validez ecológica en sus mediciones. En este contexto, la reali dad virtual (RV) presenta un prometedor potencial para registrar objetivamente bioseñales mientras los usuarios experimentan situaciones ecológicas. Métodos : Este estudio describe un novedoso y lúdi co procedimiento de RV para la evaluación temprana del TEA, basado en la grabación multimodal de bio señales. Durante una experiencia de RV con 12 esce nas virtuales, se midieron la mirada, las habilidades motoras, la actividad electrodermal y el rendimiento conductual en 39 niños con TEA y 42 compañeros de control. Se desarrollaron modelos de aprendizaje automático para identificar biomarcadores digitales y clasificar el autismo. Resultados : Las bioseñales reportaron un rendimien to variado en la detección del TEA, mientras que el modelo resultante de la combinación de los modelos de las bioseñales demostró la capacidad de identificar el TEA con una precisión del 83% (DE = 3%) y un AUC de 0.91 (DE = 0.04). Discusión : Esta herramienta de detección pue de respaldar el diagnóstico del TEA al reforzar los resultados de los procedimientos tradicionales de evaluación.
Abstract Introduction : Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition which traditional as sessment procedures encounter certain limitations. The current ASD research field is exploring and endorsing innovative methods to assess the disorder early on, based on the automatic detection of biomarkers. How ever, many of these procedures lack ecological validity in their measurements. In this context, virtual reality (VR) shows promise for objectively recording biosignals while users experience ecological situations. Methods : This study outlines a novel and playful VR procedure for the early assessment of ASD, relying on multimodal biosignal recording. During a VR experience featuring 12 virtual scenes, eye gaze, motor skills, elec trodermal activity and behavioural performance were measured in 39 children with ASD and 42 control peers. Machine learning models were developed to identify digital biomarkers and classify autism. Results : Biosignals reported varied performance in detecting ASD, while the combined model resulting from the combination of specific-biosignal models demon strated the ability to identify ASD with an accuracy of 83% (SD = 3%) and an AUC of 0.91 (SD = 0.04). Discussion : This screening tool may support ASD diagnosis by reinforcing the outcomes of traditional assessment procedures.
Este estudo exploratório buscou identificar a aceitação de novas tecnologias para telerreabilitação em pacientes acima de 50 anos de idade. Para tal, foi realizado um ensaio de interação com 32 pacientes que não nasceram no mundo digital, mas que aprenderam por gosto e/ou necessidade e utilizam os aspectos tecnológicos para as mais variadas tarefas do seu cotidiano. A pesquisa consistiu em três etapas: (1) entrevista para análise de contexto, identificar a aceitação para o atendimento remoto, a experiência com tecnologia e o conhecimento sobre Realidade Virtual (RV); (2) ensaio de interação, onde os pacientes tiveram uma experiência em RV imersiva com uso de óculos 3D, simulando um exercício físico para que fosse realizado pelo paciente; (3) avaliação dos pacientes com relação à experiência de uso da RV imersiva com foco em abordagens de telerreabilitação. Em geral, os pacientes tiveram boa aceitação do sistema, achando-o fácil de usar, mas foi apontado que poderia ter ajuda e aprendizados adicionais para a realização das tarefas. Estudos como este são necessários para compreender os potenciais benefícios e desafios para a implementação de tecnologias de RV na prática de reabilitação.(AU)
This exploratory study sought to identify the acceptance of new technologies for telerehabilitation in patients over 50 years of age. To this end, an interaction test was carried out with 32 patients who were not born in the digital world, but who learned by taste and/or necessity and who use technology for the most varied tasks in their daily lives. The research consisted of three stages: (1) interview to analyze the context, identify the acceptance of remote care, the experience with technology and the knowledge about Virtual Reality (VR); (2) interaction test, where patients had an immersive VRexperience using 3D glasses, simulating a physical exercise the patient should perform; (3) evaluation of patients regarding the experience of using immersive VRwith a focus on telerehabilitation. In general, patients had good acceptance of the system, finding it easy to use, but it was pointed out that they could have additional help to perform the tasks. Studies like this are needed to understand the potential benefits and challenges of implementing VRtechnologies in rehabilitation practices.(AU)
Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Physical Therapy Modalities , Telerehabilitation , Virtual RealityABSTRACT
A Realidade Virtual (RV) pode ser aplicada como estratégia de treinamento, tratamento e reabilitação para a população idosa, e compreender suas percepções sobre o uso da RV é primordial para o aprimoramento desta tecnologia para este público. O objetivo desta revisão de escopo foi identificar as percepções de pessoas idosas sobre o uso de RV e seus dispositivos. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo utilizando as bases de dados Embase, ACM e ScienceDirect, e o periódico JMIR. Foram incluídos artigos publicados entre 2013 e março de 2024. Foram incluídos estudos que utilizaram RV em investigações com pessoas idosas e apresentaram as percepções destes usuários sobre o uso. No total, 36 artigos foram incluídos. A maioria utilizou Head-Mounted Displays(HMD) como dispositivo de RV (n=29), com foco em intervenções para cognição (n=15), e levantaram percepções sobre usabilidade, aceitabilidade, satisfação e experiência, sendo que todos esses quesitos foram considerados bons pelos participantes. É importante considerar aspectos físicos e cognitivos para proporcionar uma experiência boa e segura para as pessoas idosas.(AU)
Virtual Reality (VR) can be applied as a training, treatment and rehabilitation strategy for the older population, and understanding their perceptions about the use of VR is essential for improving this technology for this audience. The objective of this scoping review was to identify older people's perceptions about the use of VR and its devices. A scoping review was carried out using the Embase, ACM and ScienceDirect databases, and the JMIR journal. Articles published between 2013 and March 2024 were included. Studies that used VR in investigations with elderly people and presented these users' perceptions about the use of VR were included. In total, 36 articles were included. The majority used Head-Mounted Displays (HMD) as a VR device (n=29), focusing on interventions for cognition(n=15), and raised perceptions about usability, acceptability, satisfaction and experience, with all these aspects being considered good by the participants. It is important to consider physical and cognitive aspects to provide a good and safe experience for older people.(AU)
Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Virtual Reality , User-Centered Design , Life Change EventsABSTRACT
Introduction: Virtual reality (VR) as a distraction strategy has been used in healthcare centers; however, the evidence is inconsistent in demonstrating VR's effect on pain control during venipuncture. Objective: To describe the effect of VR on pain during the venipuncture process in children and adolescents in a private institution in Bogotá. Materials and methods: An unblinded, randomized, experimental study was conducted in the emergency room of a fourth-level care facility. The sample consisted of 46 children and adolescents between the ages of 7 and 14. Twenty-three were randomly assigned to the experimental group with a VR headset and 23 to the control group. The dependent variable 'pain' was measured before, during, and after venipuncture using the visual analog scale (VAS) of pain. Results: Perceived pain is different before and after the procedure; however, using the VR headset did not show any statistical or clinical differences during the venipuncture procedure. Discussion: Variables such as vital signs, venipuncture time, and follow-up were important in measuring symptoms such as pain at venipuncture. Conclusion: VR can be used by nurses; however, more research must be done to demonstrate its effect on pain control during venipuncture, considering a greater power of the study, type of pain, and variables such as family support and nurses' time of experience.
Introducción: La realidad virtual como estrategia de distracción es utilizada en los centros de atención en salud, sin embargo, la evidencia no es consistente en demostrar el efecto en el control del dolor durante el proceso de venopunción. Objetivo: Describir el efecto de la realidad virtual en el dolor durante el proceso de venopunción en niños y adolescentes, en una institución privada en la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio experimental aleatorizado sin cegamiento. Se realizo en el servicio de urgencias de una institución de IV nivel de atención. La muestra estuvo constituida por 46 niños y adolescente entre los 7 y 14 años. De forma aleatoria 23 estuvieron en el grupo experimental con visor de realidad virtual y 23 en el grupo control. La variable dependiente dolor fue medido antes, durante y después de la venopunción con la escala análoga para el dolor. Resultados: El dolor percibido es diferente antes o después del procedimiento, sin embargo, el uso de gafas de realidad virtual no mostro diferencias estadísticas ni clínicas durante el proceso de venopunción. Discusión: Variables como los signos vitales, tiempo de venopunción y acompañamiento mostraron ser importantes cuando se miden síntomas como el dolor en la venopunción. Conclusión: La realidad virtual puede ser usada por profesionales de enfermería, sin embargo, debe investigarse más para demostrar efecto en el control del dolor durante la venopunción, teniendo en cuenta un mayor poder del estudio, tipo de dolor y variables como acompañamiento de familiares, tiempo de experiencia del enfermero.
Introdução: A realidade virtual como estratégia de distração é utilizada em centros de saúde, porém as evidências não são consistentes em demonstrar o efeito no controle da dor durante o processo de punção venosa. Objetivo: Descrever o efeito da realidade virtual na dor durante o processo de punção venosa em crianças e adolescentes, em uma instituição privada da cidade de Bogotá. Materiais e métodos: Estudo experimental randomizado sem cegamento. Foi realizado na sala de emergência de uma instituição de atendimento de nível IV. A amostra foi composta por 46 crianças e adolescentes entre 7 e 14 anos. De forma aleatória 23 estavam no grupo experimental com visualizador de realidade virtual e 23 no grupo controle. A variável dependente dor foi mensurada antes, durante e após a punção venosa com escala analógica de dor. Resultados: A dor percebida é diferente antes ou após o procedimento, porém, o uso de óculos de realidade virtual não apresentou diferenças estatísticas ou clínicas durante o processo de punção venosa. Discussão: Variáveis como sinais vitais, tempo de punção venosa e seguimento mostraram-se importantes na mensuração de sintomas como dor durante a punção venosa. Conclusão: A realidade virtual pode ser utilizada pelos profissionais de enfermagem, porém mais pesquisas devem ser feitas para demonstrar seu efeito no controle da dor durante a punção venosa, levando em consideração maior poder do estudo, tipo de dor e variáveis como apoio familiar e tempo de experiência do enfermeiro.
Nursing , Acute Pain , Vascular Access Devices , Virtual RealityABSTRACT
Background And Purpose: The use of VR training has increased the potential for motor learning and neuroplasticity during hand rehabilitation. m-CIMT enhances the use and skill of the paretic hand in daily life by improving the motor function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Virtual Reality Training (VRT) with Modi?ed constraint-induced movement therapy (m-CIMT) on hand function in acute stroke subjects. 30 acute stroke subjects who met inclusive criteria with MMSE 24 or > 24 and Brunnstrom's motor stage of hand recoveryMethodology: ? 4 were selected by using the lottery method. Subjects were randomly allotted to Group-A 15(experimental) and Group-B 15(control) after getting written consent from the subjects. Group-A received VRT along with m-CIMT, while Group-B received only m-CIMT hand function training. The study was conducted for a total of 12 sessions over 4 weeks. Pre-test and post-test evaluation of hand function done by using the Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT) and Box and Block Test (BBT). Results: Pre-test and post-test values of JTHFT and BBT within the experimental and control groups showed statistically signi?cant improvement (p< 0.001). But comparatively, mean � SD difference is greater in the experimental group than in control group. This study revealed that integrated VRT with m-CIMT on hand function training in acute stroke subjectsDiscussion: showed more improvement than Existing VRT and m-CIMT alone by increasing cortex representation and resulting in brain reorganization. Conclusion: Results of the study concluded that integrated VRT with m-CIMT hand function training shows more improvement in the recovery of hand function in acute stroke subjects than in m-CIMT.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la salud digital como la incorporación de tecnologías de información y comunicación para mejorar la salud. En los últimos años, se vio una fuerte aceleración en la adopción de estas herramientas digitales, lo que impactó de lleno en los modelos asistenciales tradicionales. Actualmente, estamos observando el surgimiento de un gran entorno virtual inmersivo llamado metaverso. Su aparición genera nuevas y desafiantes oportunidades en la salud. En este artículo se exploran algunos conceptos relacionados con este campo, se dan ejemplos concretos de su aplicación en pediatría, se mencionan algunas experiencias en el ámbito hospitalario para finalmente adentrarse en los desafíos y oportunidades que emergen.
The World Health Organization has defined "digital health" as the use of information and communication technologies to improve health. In recent years, there has been a strong acceleration in the adoption of these digital tools, which has had a major impact on traditional healthcare models. We are currently witnessing the emergence of a large immersive virtual environment called the "metaverse." Its emergence creates new and challenging opportunities in health care. This article explores some metaverse-related concepts, provides specific examples of its use in pediatrics, describes experiences in the hospital setting, and finally delves into the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Humans , Telemedicine , Communication , Information Technology , Health Facilities , HospitalsABSTRACT
Cancer is a significant healthcare problem. However, advancements in diagnostic procedures and therapeutic modalities have led to a decline in cancer mortality rates by 1% annually in most countries. Cancer patients often experience symptoms such as pain, cancer-related fatigue, anxiety, and lymphedema. To counter these side effects, there have been tremendous efforts. One such effort is the use of virtual reality (VR) technology, which is an interactive technology. VR has played a significant role in managing disorders such as phobias and anxiety disorders, and support for patients with cognitive and physical rehabilitation, acute and chronic pain management, and emotional support in different settings such as during hospitalizations. Our team conducted an extensive search for electronic literature on virtual reality in various databases, such as Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Psych INFO, up to July 2023. We used keywords like "virtual reality," "cancer care," "depression," "cognition," "pain," "telemedicine," "rehabilitation care," "physical therapy," "radiotherapy," "telerehabilitation," "avatar," "video games," and "visual aid" as our search criteria. VR interventions for cancer patients include exposure therapy, psycho-education, and relaxation techniques, which have been shown to reduce symptoms significantly. VR distraction can also mitigate pain during medical procedures. Studies suggest that VR holds promise in rehabilitation and oncologic treatment, as it can improve function metrics, range of motion, and motivation for treatment. The review scrutinizes the use of digital information and virtual reality technology to alleviate cancer-related distress by providing remote care.
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, dental diagnostic and treatment applications have become more efficient and cost-effective.Digital diagnostic and treatment methods that shorten the processes have started to be used. New methods and technical equipment continue to be developed. Digital imaging systems, robotic surgery applications, intra- and extraoral scanning systems, CAD-CAM systems, 3D printing, 3D modeling and analysis methods, digital orthodontics, digital cephalometry, invisalign endodontic biomicroscopes, apex locators and endodontic rotary systems have been used in recent years. The improvement of digital restorative production systems has allowed dentists to choose restorative materials different from traditional ones, to produce restorations within the clinic and also to reduce laboratory workflows. The first step of dental digital systems was digital cameras.With the development of intraoral and laboratory scanner cameras, digital imaging systems moved to another phase. This was followed by computer-aided diagnosis, treatment planning, digital design and production, and the construction of restorations. With the discovery of artificial intelligence, a new chapter in digital dentistry was opened. Success in digital dentistry depends on the precision and accuracy of digital devices and the knowledge and skills of dental personnel using digital devices and methods. This study aims to present current approaches to digital dentistry.
BACKGROUND:How to improve the accuracy of puncture,reduce surgical damage,and improve surgical efficiency during vertebroplasty is currently one of the focuses of exploration and improvement in vertebroplasty techniques. OBJECTIVE:To explore the clinical significance of application of mixed reality technology in percutaneous vertebroplasty for spinal fractures. METHODS:Two patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture in Dalian Second People's Hospital in June 2023 were selected.Before operation,128-row CT scanning of the lumbar spine was performed and the original data of digital imaging and communications in medicine(DICOM)were obtained.Visual Volume software was used to build the three-dimensional network model of vertebral compression fracture.Holographic imaging glasses were used to accurately map 3D network model images to the real world,assist the surgeon in completing preoperative simulation,explaining preoperative conditions and treatment plans,and guiding puncture and bone cement injection during surgery. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Precise puncture was achieved with the assistance of a mixed reality technology.Postoperative imaging examination showed good bone cement filling and no obvious leakage.The postoperative symptoms of the patient were alleviated well,and they were able to move to the ground on the same day after surgery.(2)It is concluded that a mixed reality technology is helpful for preoperative surgical design and communication efficiency with patients and their families.Assisting with precise puncture during surgery,shortening surgical time,and reducing side injuries is a new and effective clinical diagnosis and treatment model,which has development potential in minimally invasive,precise,and personalized treatment of spinal surgery.
Objective:To investigate the application of virtual reality technology combined with case-based learning in forward surgical team (FST) basic skill teaching for undergraduates.Methods:A total of 42 undergraduates who received clinical practice in The Second Affiliated Hospital of Navy Medical University from January 2020 to January 2021 were selected as research subjects, and they were randomly divided into experimental group (virtual reality technology combined with case-based learning for FST basic skill teaching) and control group (traditional teaching methods for FST basic skill teaching). A questionnaire survey and assessments were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, and SPSS 23.0 was used to perform the t-test, the chi-square test, or the Fisher's exact test. Results:The questionnaire survey showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in the degree of overall satisfaction with teaching, comprehension and practice in learning, and post-learning memory, and compared with the control group, the experimental group had significantly higher scores of improvement in theoretical knowledge (4.33±0.26 vs. 4.17±0.21, P<0.05), improvement in skill operation (4.32±0.22 vs. 4.12±0.27, P<0.05), improvement in the ability to analyze and solve practical problems (4.04±0.37 vs. 3.69±0.38, P<0.05), learning interest and enthusiasm (4.34±0.28 vs. 3.92±0.43, P<0.05), learning attention (4.21±0.35 vs. 3.81±0.34, P<0.05), and learning interaction (4.18±0.29 vs. 4.01±0.21, P<0.05). The results of assessments showed that compared with the control group, the experimental group had a significantly higher total score (85.96±5.35 vs. 77.03±7.29, P<0.05) and significantly better scores of theoretical knowledge (28.25±4.74 vs. 25.01±5.37, P<0.05) and skill operation (57.47±4.96 vs. 51.99±8.03, P<0.05). Conclusions:Virtual reality technology combined with case-based learning has unique advantages in FST basic skill teaching for undergraduates, and related studies and application research can be conducted in the future.
With the development of virtual reality (VR) technology and wide application of simulation-based medical education in clinical teaching, VR has been attracting growing attention in the field of simulation teaching in pediatrics. Studies have shown that VR technology can effectively improve pediatric clinical teaching effects by providing an immersive learning environment and enhancing the learning experience of students. VR also expands the teaching methods of pediatric simulation education. This paper discusses the application of VR technology in virtual standardized patients, simulation teaching of clinical practice skills, and clinical scenario simulation in pediatrics, as well as the use of ACEP SimBox in VR simulation teaching in pediatric emergency care. Future research needs to focus on the further development of VR technology and its application in simulation teaching, and find the best way to combine VR with traditional teaching methods.
Objective:To explore the significance of laparoscopic virtual reality simulation training by analyzing the learning curve of laparoscopic cholecystectomy among young general surgeons who had participated in laparoscopic skills training at our hospital.Methods:Fifty young surgeons were divided into two groups, with the intervention group participating in virtual reality simulation training and the control group participating in traditional laparoscopic clinical training. After completion of the training, 30 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed under the supervision of highly qualified surgeons with extensive laparoscopic experience. CUSUM analysis was applied to plot the trainees' surgical learning curve based on the completion rate, surgical score and operative time. " x" is the number of surgical cases and " k" is the slope. The value of x when k=0 was calculated and the surgical learning curves and intraoperative scores of the 2 groups of trainees were compared. SPSS 23.00 was performed for t-test and Chi-square test. Results:The intervention and control groups crossed the surgical learning curve at x=19.24±0.39 and x=21.72±0.73 respectively, with significant differences ( P<0.01); the intervention and control groups scored (10.82±2.73) and (9.71±2.69) for gallbladder exposure ( t=4.61, P<0.01), (12.59±3.12) and (8.87±2.99) for gallbladder dissection triangle ( t=6.21, P<0.01), and (10.69±3.38) and (8.80±3.55) for gallbladder dissection ( t=3.10, P<0.01). Conclusions:Virtual reality simulation training can facilitate the translation of basic laparoscopic training skills into clinical skills and can promote the growth of young general surgeons.
Objective To evaluate the effect of head-mounted virtual reality display on the visual function of adult myopia.Methods Thirty-four myopia patients were divided into two groups by random number table method:test group(n=18)and control group(n=16).After routine eye examination of the subjects,the naked vision,corrected vision,dynamic stereopsis,near stereopsis,contrast sensitivity,assemble value,disperse value,positive relative accommodation(PRA),negative relative accommodation(NRA),flexibility of accommodation,and amplitude of accommodation(AMP)before the test,after the test 1 time and after the test 10 times;the visual fatigue questionnaire score and the visual work ability answer score were performed before the test and after the test 10 times.Results There was significantly statistically significant of naked eye vision in test group after the test 10 times compared with the pre-test and the control group(P were 0.040,0.011);There was significantly statistically significant in assemble value of the test group after the test 10 times compared with the pre-test and the control group(P were 0.036,0.010);there were significantly statistically signifi-cant in the NRA and adjustment flexibility of the test group compared with the pre-test and the control after after the test 10 times(P were<0.0001,<0.0001,0.008,0.017);there were not statistical differences in corrected visual acuity,contrast sensitivity,spread value,dynamic stereopsis,near stereopsis,PRA,AMP,visual fatigue questionnaire scores and visual work ability were not statistically significant in comparison between the control group and the test group on the corresponding time points(P>0.05).Conclusion This is helpful to improve some of the visual function parameters of myopia patients appropriate using of head-mounted virtual reality technology training such as naked vision,NRA,insufficient collection,and flexibility of adjustment.
Objective To explore the effect of virtual reality treadmill training on balance and gait in stroke patients. Methods From March,2022,to March,2023,40 stroke patients in Beijing Tiantan Hospital,Capital Medical University were randomly divided into control group(n = 20)and experimental group(n = 20).Both groups received rou-tine rehabilitation training.The control group received ordinary treadmill walking training,and the experimental group received treadmill walking training with virtual reality,for two weeks.They were assessed with Berg Bal-ance Scale(BBS)and Timed Up and Go Test(TUGT),and the envelope ellipse area,center of pressure(COP)av-erage speed of movement,step length,stride length and stride width were compared between two groups before and after treatment. Results After treatment,the scores of BBS and time of TUGT improved in both groups(|t|>3.508,P<0.01),and they were better in the experimental group than in the control group(|t|>3.019,P<0.01);there was no significant dif-ference in the envelope ellipse area,COP average speed,and stride width between two groups(P>0.05);howev-er,the step length and stride width improved in the experimental group(|t|>4.008,P<0.01). Conclusion Treadmill training with virtual reality can improve the balance and walking ability of stroke patients.
Fear of flying (FOF) is a common type of specific phobia, and exposure therapy is often used as the main psychological treatment in clinical treatment. However, traditional exposure therapy is limited by time and space, making it difficult to achieve real-time adjustment of exposure scenarios. Meanwhile, due to the high cost of treatment and reliance on therapist guidance, it is difficult to promote and implement it on a large scale. Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is a new therapy developed in recent years, which can enhance the applicability and effectiveness of exposure therapy. More and more studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of VRET in treating FOF, thus providing more options for the treatment of patients suffering from FOF. In addition, in order to further enhance its effectiveness and scalability, more researches has made new attempts to enhance users' sense of presence, explore factors influencing efficacy, and develop low-cost, self-service treatments and has made certain progress. Reviewing recent applications of VRET for FOF holds crucial clinical significance. These findings not only provide practical information for doctors and psychological therapists to treat FOF, but also have the potential to benefit more and more patients and sub-clinical populations. Furthermore, they may foster innovation in the treatment of various other mental disorders. This article aims to review recent applications of VRET in treating FOF, summarize research results, and discuss the limitations of current research and future development directions in order to provide useful inspiration for future research directions and future clinical work in the treatment of FOF.
Digital intelligence technologies, including artificial intelligence, big data, surgical navigation, surgical robots, and virtual reality, have been widely used in basic and clinical research in trauma and orthopedics. In order to provide trauma orthopedists with a quick overview of the current application of these technologies, this paper elaborates on the orthopedic workflow of fracture open reduction and internal fixation, on the aspects of recognition and classification of fracture X-ray images, fracture fragment segmentation based on thin-slice CT images, virtual fracture reduction, 3D fracture line heatmaps, design of an anatomical locking plate, intelligent navigation and orthopedic surgical robots, fracture reduction robots, and surgical process visualization.
【Objective】 Virtual reality (VR) technology is closely related to eye vision. With the development and progress of hardware and software equipment, VR has been applied widely in the field of ophthalmology. This article describes the application of VR technology in the clinical research and ophthalmology education, reviews the current research results and advantages of this new technology, including the new curative effect in amblyopia/strabismus, myopia and glaucoma, as well as research on the technology’s application in cataract surgery training and ophthalmology education. The article also discusses the dangers and difficulties of VR application and predicts its future application trend. In view of the shortcomings of VR in current research applications, the paper discusses and looks forward to provide powerful strategies for amblyopia, myopia and other ophthalmic diseases and clinical research.