A total of 12 adult buffaloes were presented for the necropsy over the period of 6 months at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, CGKV, Anjora, Durg, Chhattisgarh. Prevalence of Gigantocotyle spp. parasite infection was found to be 16.67% (2/12). Significant number of parasites was found in the bile duct and ductules of the infected liver along with the necrotic debris caused by parasite. Other gross lesions observed were included hepatitis, haemorrhages and fibrosis of the liver. Black color hard nodules at the site of mucosal attachment of parasites were noticed. Microscopic changes observed were included bile duct hyperplasia, haemorrhages, moderate fibrosis and granulomatous nodule characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells
Bubali cornu (water buffalo horn) has been used as the substitute for Cornu rhinoceri asiatici (rhino horn) in clinical applications, and is the essential ingredient of Angong Niuhuang Wan. In recent years, there are a number of adulterants on the commercial herbal medicine markets. An efficient tool is required for species identification. In this study, 155 Bubali cornu samples have been taken from original animals and collected from commercial herbal medicine markets. 153 COI sequences have been successfully obtained from 155 samples through DNA extraction, PCR amplification, bidirectional sequencing and assembly. 93 COI sequences have been added to the DNA barcoding database of traditional Chinese animal medicine after validation using DNA barcoding GAP and tree-based methods. The species identification of the 62 commercial Bubali cornu medicines has been accomplished on the DNA barcoding system for identifying herbal medicine using the updated animal medicine database (www.tcmbarcode.cn). Except two samples failed to obtain COI sequences, 54.8% of the commercial Bubali cornu medicines were water buffalo horns and 29% were yak horns. Our results showed that yak horn was the major adulterant of Bubali cornu and the DNA barcoding method may accurately discriminate Bubali cornu and their adulterants. Therefore, we recommend that supervision on the herbal medicine markets should be strengthened with this new method to warren the effectiveness of herbal medicines.
This paper aimed to evaluate the surface temperatures of buffalo bulls using infrared thermography, considering four distinct anatomical parts over time, and to correlate surface temperatures and thermal comfort indexes. The humid tropical climate (Kõppen's Afi) was predominant in the research station where the experiment was performed and the trial lasted from April to August. Ten bulls (n=10) were evaluated every 25 days (morning: 6:00-9:00; afternoon: 12:00-15:00) and the parameters assessed were respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT), and the thermograms of surface temperature for orbital area (ORB), right flank (RF), left flank (LF) and scrotum (SCR). Climatological data was continuously monitored and the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and the Index of Comfort of Benezra (ICB) were calculated. The average values of THI were ≥78, and significant differences between shifts were observed (P<0.05). The ICB ranged from 1.96 to 2.25 and significant differences were observed for shifts and throughout the months (P<0.05). The averages of surface temperatures were RT=38.2±0.5°C, ORB=36.1±0.8°C, LF=33.5±2.5°C, RF=35.4±1.7ºC and SCR=33.3±1.1°C, which exhibited significant differences for shifts and throughout the months (P<0.05). Positive correlations were obtained between THI and ORB (0.72), RF (0.77), LF (0.75) and SCR (0.41) (P<0.0001). The maximum temperature of ORB showed the highest correlation with RT (0.58, P<0.0001). Therefore, the surface temperatures are subject to climatic variations and increase throughout the day, due to the variation in thermal comfort indexes, and the maximum ORB temperature was the parameter most related to rectal temperature. Lastly, the results indicate that IRT may be a useful non-invasive and accurate tool to detect the variations in ORB, LF, RF and SCR temperature in buffalo bulls.
O presente trabalho visou avaliar as temperaturas superficiais de diferentes regiões anatômicas de búfalos ao longo do tempo, por meio da termografia infravermelha, e correlacioná-las a índices bioclimatológicos de conforto térmico. O ensaio foi realizado em região de clima tropical úmido (Afi de Kõppen), de abril a agosto. Dez touros (n=10) foram avaliados a cada 25 dias (manhã: seis-nove horas; tarde: 12-15h), quanto à frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e imagens termográficas da órbita ocular (ORB), flanco direito (FLd), flanco esquerdo (FLe) e escroto (ESC). Os dados climatológicos foram ininterruptamente monitorados, e calculados o índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) e o índice de conforto de Benezra (ICB). O ITU foi ≥78, com diferença entre turnos (P<0,05). Já o ICB variou de 1,96 a 2,25 e apresentou diferenças ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). As temperaturas observadas foram de TR=38,2±0,5ºC, ORB=36,1±0,8ºC, FLd=33,5±2,5ºC, FLe=35,4±1,7ºC e ESC=33,3±1,1ºC, as quais variaram significativamente ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). O ITU apresentou correlações positivas com ORB (0,72), FLd (0,77), FLe (0,75) e ESC (0,41) (P<0,0001). A temperatura máxima de ORB apresentou a maior correlação com a TR (0,58; P<0,0001). Portanto, as temperaturas superficiais dos animais sofrem interferências das variações climáticas e se elevam ao longo do dia, devido à variação nos índices de conforto térmico; a temperatura máxima de ORB foi o parâmetro mais condicionado à temperatura retal. Também, as oscilações de temperatura de superfície de ORB, FLd, FLe e ESC podem ser aferidas em bubalinos com o uso da termografia infravermelha, de modo preciso e não invasivo.
Animals , Cattle , Animal Welfare , Body Temperature , Buffaloes , Infrared Rays/adverse effects , Meteorology/analysis , Thermic TreatmentABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to describe the surface structure of the lingual papillae in Anatolian Water Buffaloes using SEM. Six male Anatolian Water Buffaloes were used. Filiform, lentiform and conical papillae were determined three types as mechanical papillae. Fungiform and vallate papillae were observed two types as gustatory papillae on the tongue in Anatolian Water Buffalo. The filiform papillae were observed on the apex and body of the tongue, besides randomly identified lateral surface of the body. The conical papillae differed from the filiform papillae with its larger size and non existence of the secondary papillae. The fungiform papillae was round in shape and mushroom-like, scattering among the filiform papillae on the dorsal surface of the apex, body and the root of the tongue. The fungiform papillae's taste pores and creter-like structure were determined. The lentiform papillae were determined in two types. The borders of the cells and the micro-pitted appearance were defined at the lentiform papillae. In the vallate papillae bud fosse and a thick annular pad was found. These differences on the morphological structures of the lingual papillae were considered to be related to genetic diversity.
El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la estructura de la superficie de las papilas linguales en Búfalos de agua de Anatolia mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Se utilizaron seis Búfalos machos para el estudio. Se determinaron tres tipos de papilas mecánicas: filiformes, lenticular y cónicas. También se encontraron papilas gustativas de dos tipos: fungiformes y caliciformes. Las papilas filiformes se localizaron en el vértice y cuerpo de la lengua, además de encontrarse con una distribución al azar en la superficie lateral del cuerpo lingual. Las papilas cónicas se diferenciaron de las filiformes por su mayor tamaño y la ausencia de papilas secundarias. Las papilas fungiformes presentaban una forma redonda, similar a un hongo, con una distribución entre las papilas filiformes en la superficie dorsal del vértice, cuerpo y la raíz de la lengua. Además se observaron poros gustatorios en las papilas fungiformes con estructura similar de cráter. Las papilas lenticulares se determinaron en dos tipos. Se definieron los márgenes celulares y aspecto de micro corrosión en las papilas lenticulares. En las papilas circunvaladas se observaron brotes excavados y una almohadilla anular gruesa. Se consideró que estas diferencias en las estructuras morfológicas de las papilas linguales están relacionadas con la diversidad genética.
Animals , Buffaloes/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Taste Buds/ultrastructureABSTRACT
A população de bubalinos estimada no Brasil é de aproximadamente 3 milhões de animais, encontrando-se distribuídos em todos os Estados brasileiros, com crescimento médio anual de 12%. Apesar disso, os trabalhos realizados buscando os avanços na bubalinocultura são escassos. Em função da complexidade etiológica da diarreia em bubalinos e da falta de informações recentes nesta área, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência dos principais agentes bacterianos e parasitários envolvidos na diarreia de bezerros búfalos lactentes, de explorações leiteiras semi-intensivas e intensivas em regiões dos estados de São Paulo e Paraná. De março de 2010 a junho de 2011, foram colhidas 53 amostras para exame coproparasitológico e 46 amostras para o exame bacteriológico de animais com quadro de diarreia nos municípios paulistas de São João da Boa Vista, Dourado, Pirassununga, Registro, Pariquera Açu, Pilar do Sul e uma propriedade no estado do Paraná, município de Santana do Itararé. No exame parasitológico, 45,28% (24) foram positivos para Eimeria spp., 26,42% (14) para Strongyloidea e 1,88 (1) para Toxocara vitulorum. No exame bacteriológico, 97,83%, (45) das amostras foram positivas para E. coli, contudo, somente duas foram consideradas patogênicas (E. coli STEC). Em uma amostra (2,17%) isolou-se Klebsiella pneumoniae; já a presença de Salmonella spp. não foi constatada. Para o presente estudo, a presença de endoparasitas foi bastante relevante, principalmente os casos Eimeria spp., sendo a higiene das instalações e falhas de manejo fatores importantes na ocorrência de diarreia em bezerros búfalos no estado de São Paulo.(AU)
There are about 3 million buffalos in Brazil, spread through all of the Brazilian states; with mean annual growth of 12%. In spite of that, to the best of our knowledge few studies looking for advances in the industry have been done. Due to the etiological complexity of buffalo diarrhea and the lack of information in this area, this aimed at developing a clinical evaluation on the causes of buffalo calves bacterial and parasitical diarrhea in dairy farms of the states of São Paulo and Paraná. The survey was done in farms located in the cities of São João da Boa Vista, Dourado, Pirassununga, Registro, Pariquera Açu, Pilar do Sul (SP), and Santana do Itararé (PR). From March, 2010, to June, 2011, 53 diarrhea samples were collected and screened for endoparasite and bacteria; 45.28% (24) were positive for Eimeria spp.; 26.42% (14) had Strongyloidea; and 1.88% (1) had Toxocara vitulorum. In the bacteriological test, 97.83% (45) had E. coli, but only two were considered pathogenic (E. coli STEC); 2.17% had Klebsiella pneumonia and none presented Salmonella spp. In this study, the mainly causative agent of buffalo diarrhea was Eimeria spp., and the poor hygiene in installations and breeding failure are important factors on this diarrhea occurrence.(AU)
Animals , Buffaloes , Diarrhea/parasitology , Eimeria/virology , Escherichia coli/virology , Food SafetyABSTRACT
The aim of this work was to study the yeast populations and the main hygienic-sanitary microbial indicators in water buffalo mozzarella produced and commercialized in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Forty-two water buffalo mozzarella samples were purchased from retail outlets in Belo Horizonte. In addition, five samples of consecutive starter cultures, curd before acidification, acidified curd and mozzarella were collected at an industry in the city of Oliveira. Only three of the five water samples analyzed were suitable for consumption according to Brazilian sanitary standards. Four milk samples were highly contaminated with fecal coliforms, and did not meet the minimal hygienic-sanitary standards according to Brazilian regulations. Only one sample of buffalo muzzarela purchased from retail outlets exceeded the limit for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Eleven samples showed counts of thermotolerant coliforms higher than5x 10³ CFU.g-1, but still lower than the maximum permitted by the Brazilian laws. Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes were not isolated. Debaryomyces hansenii, Candida lusitaniae and C. parapsilosis were the prevalent yeast species isolated from cheese. Among samples from the production stages, the acidified curd presented the highest numbers of yeasts, with C. catenulata being the most frequent species isolated. Some opportunistic yeast species such as C. guilliermondii, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. lusitaniae, C. catenulata, C. rugosa and C. krusei occurred in the mozzarella cheese samples analyzed. The mozzarella cheese presented a low microbial load as compared to other cheese already studied, and the yeast biota included species typical of cheese and also opportunistic pathogens.
Animals , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Dairy Products/microbiology , Yeasts/isolation & purification , Bacterial Load , Brazil , Buffaloes , Bacteria/classification , Colony Count, Microbial , Yeasts/classificationABSTRACT
Foram testados três métodos de extração de DNA em amostras de queijo, com o objetivo de identificar uma técnica eficiente para extração de DNA em amostras com várias limitações, como alto teor de gordura, alto grau de degradação do DNA e grande concentração de impurezas. A técnica que faz uso do tiocianato de guanidina mostrou-se mais adequada para identificação de adição intencional não declarada de leite bovino em queijos bubalinos, podendo ser empregada para certificação de produto específico (selo de Identidade de Espécie).
Three methods of DNA extraction were tested in cheese samples. The objective of this study was to identify an efficient technique for DNA extraction in different samples with several limitations, such as high fat tenor, high degree of DNA degradation and great sludge concentration. The technique using Guanidine thiocyanate was more appropriate for identification of intentional undeclared addition of bovine milk in buffalo cheeses. This technique can be used for certification of a specific product (stamp of Identity of Species).
El presente estudio se realizó en 171 animales de la hacienda La Suiza, ubicada en el municipiode Puerto Nare, Antioquia, con el fin de determinar los parámetros fisiológicos y valores hematológicos en búfalos de agua (Bubalus bubalis) del Magdalena Medio colombiano. Esta población fue seleccionada y catalogada en diferentes grupos de edades, así: menores de un año, 51 animales; de uno a tres años, 56 animales, y mayores de tres años, 64 animales. Se tomaron las frecuencias cardiaca, respiratoria, pulso, tiempo de llenado capilar, movimientos ruminales y temperatura a los mismos animales una vez al mes durante cuatro meses. Asi mismo,se les extrajo sangre de la vena yugular para análisis hematológico de hematocrito, proteínas plasmáticas totales, proteínas séricas totales y recuento leucocitario. Resultados: se encontraron rangos de referencia de parámetros fisiológicos y hematológicos en búfalos de agua de la hacienda La Suiza, en el Magdalena Medio colombiano...
This study was conducted with 171 animals from La Suiza Farm, located in the Municipalityof Puerto Nare, Antioquia, in order to determine the physiological parameters and hematologicalvalues in water buffalos (Bubalus bubalis) from the Colombian Middle Magdalena.This population was selected and classified into different age groups as follows: under oneyear of age, 51 animals; one to three years of age: 56 animals, and over three years of age: 64animals. Heart rate, breathing rate, pulse, capillary refill time, temperature and rumian movementswere taken from the same animals once a month for 4 months. Likewise, blood wasextracted from the jugular vein for hematologic analysis of hematocrit, total plasma protein,total serum protein and leukocyte count. Results: reference ranges of physiological and hematologicalparameters were found in water buffalos from La Suiza Farm in the ColombianMiddle Magdalena...
O presente estudo realizou-se em 171 animais da fazenda La Suiza, localizada no municípiode Puerto Nare, Antioquia, com o objetivo de determinar os parâmetros fisiológicos e valoreshematológicos em búfalos de água (Bubalus bubalis) do Magdalena Médio colombiano.Esta população foi selecionada e catalogada em diferentes grupos de idade, da seguinteforma: menores de um ano, 51 animais; de um a três anos, 56 animais, e maiores de trêsanos, 64 animais. Foram medias as frequências cardíacas, respiratória, pulso, tempo de preenchimentocapilar, movimentos ruminais e temperatura aos mesmos animais uma vez pormês, durante quatro meses. Da mesma forma, extraiu-se sangue da veia jugular para análisehematológica de hematócrito, proteínas plasmáticas totais, proteínas soro totais e recontagemde leucócitos. Resultados: foi encontrado faixas de referência de parâmetros fisiológicose hematológicos em búfalos de água da fazenda La Suiza, no Magdalena Médio colombiano...
Animals , Buffaloes , Reference Standards , BloodABSTRACT
In the present study, water buffalo MHC (Bubu)-DRB cDNA was cloned and characterized. The 1022 base long-amplified cDNA product encompassed a single open reading frame of 801 bases that coded for 266 amino acids. The Bubu-DRB sequence showed maximum homology with the BoLA-DRB3*0101 allele of cattle. A total of seven amino acid residues were found to be unique for the Bubu-DRB sequence. The majority of amino acid substitutions was observed in the β1 domain. Residues associated with important functions were mostly conserved. Water buffalo DRB was phylogenetically closer to goat DRB*A.
Animals , Buffaloes , Dichlororibofuranosylbenzimidazole , DNA, Complementary , Genes, MHC Class IABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a resposta imune humoral anti-Anaplasma marginale em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) naturalmente infectados. Amostras de soro e de colostro/leite coletadas de búfalas adultas por um período de 335 dias após o parto e de soros dos seus bezerros do nascimento até 365 dias de vida, foram usadas para a realização do método ELISA indireto. Os dados foram analisados como a média de um grupo de animais, em diferentes faixas etárias, durantes os anos de 1999/2000 e individualmente (duas búfalas e dois bezerros), no ano de 2005. Os soros dos animais analisados em grupos apresentaram títulos de anticorpos abaixo do ponto de corte (D.O. = 0,265 e NE > 3) durante os primeiros 90 e 105 dias, para as búfalas e para os seus bezerros, respectivamente, mas em seguida, elevaram-se para níveis acima do ponto de corte até o final do trabalho, ou seja, um ano após, indicando uma imunidade ativa adquirida. Das duas búfalas examinadas individualmente, os anticorpos colostrais foram detectados em altos níveis, mas os sorológicos em baixos níveis durante os primeiros sete dias após o parto, sugerindo uma transferência de anticorpos do soro para a glândula mamária. Da mesma forma, os dois bezerros tiveram títulos de anticorpos detectáveis já nas primeiras 24 horas após mamarem o colostro, indicando uma imunidade colostral passiva. Em conclusão, os búfalos desenvolveram uma resposta imune humoral específica contra A. marginale e foram considerados portadores deste parasita.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the humoral-immune response of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) naturally infected against Anaplasma marginale. For this work, colostrums/milk and blood samples were sequentially collected from buffalo cows prior and after partum for a period of 335 days and from buffalo calves from birth to 365 days after. The antibodies in the colostrums/milk and serum samples of these animals were determined using an ELISA indirect method and the data were analyzed as a mean of a group of animals with the matched ages during the period of 1999/2000 or individually during the year of 2005. The data from animals analyzed in group showed that the antibodies against A. marginale were in low concentration (below the cut off point: D.O. = 0.265 and ELISA levels, EL > 3), in the sera of buffalo, during the first 90 and 105 days, respectively for cows and calves. Then, the levels of antibodies in the serum samples of buffalo calves, slightly raised to above the cut off point and kept in higher levels up to approximately 365 days after birth, indicating active acquired immunity. Furthermore, when the animals were individually examined, the buffalo cows showed high antibody levels in the colostrums, but low levels in the blood stream during the first seven days post-partum, suggesting antibody transference from blood to mammary gland n addition to that, buffalo calves showed high antibody levels during the first 24 hours after suckling colostrum, indicating a colostral passive immunity. By conclusion, the buffalos were able to arm a humoral immune response against A. marginale and were considered reservoir of this parasite.
Animals , Antibody Formation , Anaplasma marginale/immunology , Buffaloes/immunology , Buffaloes/microbiology , Time FactorsABSTRACT
As papilas mamárias de 23 búfalas foram avaliadas por meio de exame clínico e ultra-sonográfico. Em oito animais do mesmo grupo, as papilas mamárias foram submetidas ao exame teloscópico. Os resultados mostraram que o exame ultra-sonográfico e a teloscopia podem ser utilizados para a avaliação das papilas mamárias na espécie bubalina. As restrições ao uso desses exames, com a metodologia e os equipamentos empregados, foram: a identificação ultra-sonográfica dos ductos papilares foi precária para as papilas mais curtas, e em matrizes jovens, a resistência do ducto papilar limita o uso de telescopia axial.
All the mammart papillae from 23 water buffaloes were clinically and ultrasonographically examined, and eight animals from the same herd were submitted to theloscopic examination. The results showed that ultrasonography and theloscopy are satisfactory methods to evaluate the mammary papillae of the water buffalo. However, the ultrasonographic identification of the streak canal of the shorter papillae was poor and, it was not possible to proceed with axial theloscopy in some animals, specially the primiparous.
Animals , Female , Buffaloes , Mammary Glands, Animal , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
The positional candidate diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene affecting milk fat percentage is reported in Indian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). A comparison with Chinese buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) revealed eight exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), five of which were non-synonymous. A total of 19 SNPs were observed among diverse buffalo breeds in India. A Unique 22 base insertion has been reported in the intron between exon ten and eleven.
Owing to the dominance of the beef market, traditional consumer habits and the often inferior quality of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) meat offered, the meat of this species is still rejected in many countries, like it is the case of Brazil, or at least considered as low-grade meat. In order to find out whether or not there is a distinct rejection of water buffalo meat on account of criteria such as taste, flavour, tenderness, texture, juiciness, colour of fat, colour of meat and general acceptability, an organoleptic test was organized in the city of Manaus-AM, Brazil. Traditionally barbecued (churrasco) Brazilian-style cuts of water buffalo meat and beef were compared. The result showed that both types of meat have a comparable quality and that the still existing prejudices in respect of water buffalo meat are unfounded.
Devido ao domínio do mercado e do consumo pela came bovina, aos hábitos de consumo tradicionais e à qualidade inferior da oferta de carne bubalina (Bubalus bubalis), esta ainda é rejeitada ou pelo menos é considerada de qualidade inferior em muitos países, assim como também no Brasil. Para verificar se há uma clara rejeição a carne bubalina devido a de critérios tais como sabor, aroma, maciez, textura, suculência, cor da gordura, cor da carne e aceitação geral, foi realizada uma prova organoléptica na cidade de Manaus-AM, Brasil. Em um churrasco tradicional foram comparados cortes habituais de carne bubalina e bovina. Os resultados mostraram que ambos os tipos de carne tinham uma qualidade semelhante e que são infundados os preconceitos existentes a respeito da carne bubalina.