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Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409020


Los cuerpos extraños intracristalinianos representan hasta un 10 por ciento de todos los cuerpos extraños intraoculares, por lo que su observación en la práctica oftalmológica no es frecuente. Se reportan con mayor frecuencia en varones jóvenes que han sufrido traumas en el área laboral sin la adecuada protección. De manera general, un cuerpo extraño intracristaliniano provoca disminución progresiva de la visión en la mayoría de los casos debido a la formación de catarata. Es frecuente también el aumento de la presión intraocular. Una intervención quirúrgica temprana, combinando varios procederes en un solo tiempo quirúrgico, que incluye la extracción del cuerpo extraño intracristaliniano con un fórceps, permite obtener buenos resultados visuales y el control de la hipertensión ocular. Este artículo reporta dos casos con cuerpos extraños intracristalinianos retenidos en la corteza anterior del cristalino, con información detallada sobre las circunstancias del trauma, naturaleza del cuerpo extraño y procederes médicos y quirúrgicos realizados en ambos casos con características comunes(AU)

Intralenticular foreign bodies account for up to 10 percent of all intraocular foreign bodies. That is why their observation is not frequent in ophthalmologic practice. They are more often reported in male young people who have experienced trauma while working without appropriate protection. An intralenticular foreign body generally causes progressive vision reduction due to cataract formation. Increased intraocular pressure is also common. Early surgical intervention combining several procedures in a single surgery time, including removal of the intralenticular foreign body with forceps, leads to good visual results and ocular hypertension control. The article describes two cases of intralenticular foreign bodies retained in the outer cortex of the crystalline lens, and includes detailed information about the circumstances of the trauma, the nature of the foreign body, and the medical and surgical procedures conducted in both cases with common characteristics(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Intraocular Pressure
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(4): 40-44, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252982


Introdução: Trauma contuso e penetrante na região orbital pode ter um efeito devastador, tanto funcional quanto estético para a órbita e estruturas adjacentes. Uma inspeção meticulosa das pálpebras e do globo deve ser realizada e, se houver suspeita de retenção de um corpo estranho dentro dos tecidos moles orbitais, deve ser obtida uma tomografia computadorizada (TC). O objetivo do presente estudo foi relatar um caso clínico de trauma óculo-orbitário severo ocasionado por acidente com animal. Relato de caso: paciente de 22 anos do gênero masculino apresentou-se em um hospital de referência em trauma na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, com história de acidente com cavalo e colisão em cerca de madeira. A tomografia revelou que havia a presença de um corpo estranho (CE) de madeira que apresentava uma forma pontiaguda e proximidade com estruturas como músculos, vasos e nervos da órbita, além da presença de fratura no assoalho da órbita. Considerações finais: A presença de CE de madeira deve sempre ser investigada quando há trauma direto na cavidade orbitária, pois a madeira é áspera e contém uma grande quantidade de bactérias e parasitas. Sendo assim, deve ser removido o mais precocemente possível a fim de se evitar complicações infecciosas... (AU)

Introduction: Blunt and penetrating trauma to the orbital region can have a devastating effect, both functional and aesthetic for the orbit and adjacent structures. Meticulous inspection of the eyelids and the globe should be performed and, if a foreign body is suspected to be retained within the orbital soft tissues, a computed tomography (CT) scan should be obtained. The aim of the present study was to report a clinical case of severe oculo-orbital trauma caused by an accident with an animal. Case report: a 22-year-old male patient presented at a trauma referral hospital in the city of Campina Grande-PB, with a history of accident with a horse and collision on a wooden fence. The tomography revealed that there was the presence of a wooden foreign body (EC) that had a pointed shape and proximity to structures such as muscles, vessels and nerves in the orbit, in addition to the presence of a fracture in the orbit floor. Final considerations: The presence of wood CE should always be investigated when there is direct trauma to the orbital cavity, as the wood is rough and contains a large amount of bacteria and parasites. Therefore, it should be removed as early as possible in order to avoid infectious complications... (AU)

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Orbital Fractures/etiology , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Accidental Injuries/complications , Wood , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Eye Foreign Bodies/surgery , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Horses
Medwave ; 20(1): e7772, 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087876


ANTECEDENTES La ubicación precisa de un cuerpo extraño intraocular es crucial para el manejo de pacientes con trauma ocular abierto. La tomografía computarizada se usa habitualmente para detectar su ubicación en el segmento posterior. Reportamos tres casos con diferentes cuerpos extraños intraoculares en el segmento posterior, que fueron localizados con precisión mediante la tomografía computarizada y ecografía modo B. PRESENTACIÖN DEL CASO Presentamos tres casos con diferentes mecanismos de trauma, tipos de cuerpo extraño intraocular, síntomas clínicos y pronóstico visual. La tomografía computarizada determinó la ubicación exacta de todos los cuerpos extraños intraoculares en el segmento posterior. El ultrasonido modo B se realizó en un paciente con un cuerpo extraño intraocular no metálico. El primer caso tuvo una lesión ocular perforante con un cuerpo extraño intraorbitario; el caso dos y el caso tres presentaron diferentes tipos de cuerpos extraños intraoculares con pronóstico diferente. El manejo y el pronóstico fue distinto en todos los casos; todos se manejaron con éxito. La ubicación exacta de los cuerpos extraños intraoculares utilizando las diferentes modalidades de diagnóstico es importante en estos pacientes. Estos casos sirven como recordatorio de que el uso adecuado de las pruebas de imagen es indispensable en el contexto de un cuerpo extraño intraocular relacionado con trauma ocular abierto. CONCLUSIÓN Las diferentes técnicas de imágenes son muy importantes para la detección de un cuerpo extraño intraocular. La tomografía computarizada es una de las modalidades de imagen más simple y efectiva para la localización de cuerpos extraños intraoculares relacionadas con trauma ocular abierto.

BACKGROUND: Determining the precise location of intraocular foreign bodies is crucial for the management of patients with open-globe injury. Computed tomography is the most common method for detecting intraocular foreign bodies in the posterior segment. In this article, we describe three cases of open-globe injury with different types of intraocular foreign bodies in the posterior segment that were accurately located using computed tomography scans and B-scan ultrasonography. CASE PRESENTATION: Each of the three cases of open-globe injury described in this report had different types of ocular trauma, clinical symptoms, and intraocular foreign bodies. Computed tomography scans showed the exact location of the intraocular foreign bodies in the posterior segment in two of the three cases. A B-scan ultrasound was used to determine the location of a non-metallic intraocular foreign body in the third case. All three patients had intraocular foreign bodies, and one of them had an additional orbital foreign body. Case 1 had a perforating eye injury with the additional intraorbital foreign body; Cases 2 and Case 3 had different types of intraocular foreign bodies and prognoses. Various treatment approaches were used, ranging from observation to surgery, depending on the location of the intraocular foreign bodies, and all cases were successfully managed. These three cases show that proper use of various types of imaging tests is indispensable in the context of an intraocular foreign body related to open-globe injury. CONCLUSION: Imaging techniques are crucial for the detection of an intraocular foreign body, and computed tomography is one of the simplest and most useful, especially in cases of open-globe injury.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/diagnostic imaging , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography , Plastics , Wounds, Gunshot/complications , Wounds, Gunshot/diagnostic imaging , Blast Injuries/complications , Blast Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Radiography , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/complications , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Glass , Metals
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 75(2): 134-136, mar.-abr. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-640162


A Processionária (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff), vulgarmente conhecida como "lagarta do pinheiro" é um inseto dos pinheiros e cedros, endêmico em meios rurais mas também em meios urbanos. A toxicidade ocular, rara nas últimas décadas pelo desenvolvimento de métodos de erradicação eficazes, é provocada pelos seus pelos e prevê-se mais frequente com o recrudescimento deste inseto. Revemos a epidemiologia da Processionária e as suas lesões oculares a partir de 3 casos clínicos. Caso 1: Doente de 64 anos recorre ao Serviço de Urgência (SU) com olho direito vermelho e sensação de corpo estranho após prática de jardinagem. A observação revela AVODc: 0,5, erosão epitelial, presença de um filamento no estroma corneano profundo, flare (++) e Tyndall (+++). Caso 2: Doente de 28 anos, recorre ao SU por dor intensa no olho direito acompanhada de hiperemia após contato com lagarta. Apresenta AVODc: 0,6 e Tyndall (+++) com presença de múltiplos filamentos (mais de 20) a diferentes profundidades da córnea. Caso 3: Doente de 26 anos, recorre ao SU por sensação de corpo estranho e lacrimejamento constante no olho direito, após realizar exercícios militares num parque urbano. Apresenta AVODc: 0,3, múltiplas erosões epiteliais puntiformes na metade nasal da córnea que recobriam filamentos de cor laranja e Tyndall (+). Foi instituída terapêutica com corticoide tó­pico e vigilância sintomática a cada um dos casos. A patologia ocular por Processionária decorre da toxicidade dos seus pelos, cuja migração ocorre preponderantemente no sentido intraocular. Inclui por isso lesões precoces (conjuntivite, queratite e uveíte) e tardias (catarata, pars planite, vitreíte e retinite). Os casos apresentados possuíam lesões iniciais, tendo recuperado totalmente do quadro inflamatório após seis meses mas mantendo os pelos inativos no estroma corneano. A gravidade destes casos prende-se à possibilidade de migração intraocular, que pode ocorrer anos após o episódio inicial, obrigando a uma vigilância ao longo da vida. CONCLUSÃO: O recrudescimento da Processionária, tanto em meios rurais como urbanos, justifica o conhecimento das lesões oculares que pode causar e o seu tratamento.

The Processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff), is an endemic insect of pine and cedar trees, existing both in rural and urban areas. Ocular toxicity, once rare due to the efficacy of eradication methods, is caused by the insects' hair and is expected to be more frequent with its recrudescence. We report two clinical cases and review the epidemiology of Processionary and its eye injuries. Case 1: a 64 year-old patient complained of red eye and foreign body sensation after being gardening. She had a BCVA of 0.5 and biomicroscopy revealed an epithelial erosion, flare (++), Tyndall (+++) and the presence of a setae in the deep corneal stroma. Case 2: a 28 year-old patient complained of severe pain in the right eye and hyperemia after having had contact with a caterpillar. He presented with a BCVA of 0.6, Tyndall (+++) and multiple filaments (over 20) at different depths in the cornea. Case 3: a 23 year-old patient refers to the ER with foreign body sensation and constant lacrimation in the right eye after having been completing military exercises in an urban park. He presented a BCVA of 0.3, multiple epithelial erosions in the nasal half of the cornea that cove­red multiple orange strands and an anterior chamber reaction (Tyndall +). Therapy was initiated with topical steroids and symptomatic surveillance. Ocular toxicity due to Processionary hairs, whose movement occurs preferentially towards the posterior pole, includes early signs (conjunctivitis, keratitis, and uveitis) and late signs (cataract, pars planitis, vitritis, and retinitis). The 3 cases presented had early lesions, having fully recovered from the inflammatory condition after 6 months. However, inactive setae were still visible in the corneal stroma. Intraocular migration, which can occur years after the initial episode, is possible and might be severe, thus requiring a life-long surveillance. CONCLUSION: Processionary recrudescence has been observed, both in rural and urban areas. It is therefore imperative to be familiar with eye injuries caused by the insect and its treatment.

Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Eye Injuries/etiology , Hypersensitivity/etiology , Lepidoptera , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Eye Injuries/diagnosis , Hypersensitivity/diagnosis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-115629


The purpose of this article is to report a case of an asymptomatic intralenticular metallic foreign body that was retained for 6 months. A 66-year-old male visited our ophthalmology department because of decreased visual acuity in his left eye 6 months after he suffered ocular trauma while mowing. He had not been treated because he did not experience any discomfort. His corrected visual acuity was 0.4. Central corneal opacity, an intralenticular metallic foreign body, and an intact posterior capsule were observed on slit lamp examination. Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber lens implantation and simultaneous removal of the intralenticular foreign body was performed. Seventeen days after the operation, his corrected visual acuity was 1.0, the intraocular lens was well-seated, and there was no intraocular inflammation. In this case report, a patient was found to have an intralenticular metallic foreign body retained for 6 months. During this time he did not experience any ocular dysfunction due to the foreign body. Mowing accidents are common in Korea. Despite the absence of symptoms, patients reporting a history of lawn mowing should be thoroughly examined.

Aged , Humans , Male , Accidents, Home , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/etiology , Lens Implantation, Intraocular , Lens, Crystalline/injuries , Metals , Phacoemulsification , Visual Acuity
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-40166


OBJECTIVE: To report a rare case of corneal injury by bee sting with its complication and management. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A 3-year-old boy, who was attacked by a swarm of bees, was referred for the right eye's corneal ulcer evaluation. RESULTS: Two stingers were found and completely removed with jeweler forceps. Corneal epithelial defect, corneal edema, secondary bacterial keratitis, heterochromia iridis, and internal ophthalmoplegia were identified The corneal edema markedly improved 3 days after removing the retained bee stingers and treatment by topical antibiotics and steroids. The patient was evaluated after 1 week and 1 month and was found with permanent central corneal scar particularly at the area corresponding to the retained stinger The patient had subsequently localized traumatic anterior subcapsular cataract corresponding to where the stinger had penetrated the lens. CONCLUSION: Corneal bee sting injury is an uncommon ocular trauma, but can result in severe sight threatening complication. Even though the response of corneal edema is well inclined to topical steroid, awareness in adjusting the clinical treatment for the particular case needs a scrutinized investigation of the infection.

Animals , Bee Venoms , Bees , Cataract/etiology , Child, Preschool , Cornea/injuries , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Humans , Insect Bites and Stings/complications , Male
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2000 Mar; 48(1): 33-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-70430


PURPOSE: To report a case series of penetrating injury complicated by occurrence of intraocular cilia. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of charts of 11 eyes of 11 patients with penetrating injury and intraocular cilia, presenting between September 1978 and November 1998. Ten eyes underwent surgery for trauma-related problems such as cataract, vitritis, retinal detachment etc., at which time intraocular cilia were removed. One eye did not have surgery and continues to harbour cilia at the posterior perforation site. RESULTS: Metallic wire was responsible for injury in 6 of 11 eyes with intraocular cilia. Five eyes had significant intraocular inflammation. The cilia were located in the anterior segment in 4 eyes; in the posterior segment in 6 eyes and in both in one eye. At the last follow up, 72.7% had 6/18 or better vision. Poor vision in the rest was due to recurrent retinal detachment (2 eyes) and macular scarring (1 eye). CONCLUSION: Intraocular cilia are more commonly associated with injury by a metallic wire. The presentation and management of an injured eye does not seem to be influenced by the presence of cilia in the eye.

Adolescent , Adult , Anterior Eye Segment/injuries , Child , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/complications , Eyelashes , Female , Humans , Lens, Crystalline/injuries , Male , Metals , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Vitreous Body/injuries
Pesqui. méd. (Porto Alegre) ; 33(1/2): 21-6, 1999. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-285289


Com o objetivo de identificar as profissões mais expostas ao risco de trauma ocular, o agente causal mais frequente e a utilização de meios de proteção, realizou-se estudo prospectivo de 68 casos de trauma ocular atendidos no Setor de Oftalmologia do Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre durante dois meses. Foram aplicados questionários durante as consultas para obtenção de dados que permitissem traçar um perfil do trabalhador exposto a trauma ocular. Foram detectados 29 casos (42 por cento) de trauma ocular durante o trabalho, todos do sexo masculino, idade média de 34,3 anos. As profissões mais arriscadas pertencem a ramos de metalurgia e construção civil. Corpos estranhos no olho foram a principal causa de trauma (48 por cento). O uso de proteção ocular ocorreu em apenas 20 por cento dos trabalhadores. Este estudo proporciona uma visão atualizada da ocorrência de truma ocular no trabalho em nossa realidade, ressaltando a importância do uso de proteção ocular para prevenir lesões oculares no local de trabalho

Humans , Eye Injuries/etiology , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Eye Injuries/prevention & control , Occupational Risks , Prospective Studies
Arq. Inst. Penido Burnier ; 31(2): 58-61, jul. 1989. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-78358


Corpos estranhos intra-oculares säo uma forma muito grave de trauma a despeito de bom tratamento cirúrgico. Noventa e seis casos observados nos últimos 10 anos säo estudados. É dado ênfase na prevençäo

Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Eye Foreign Bodies , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Eye Foreign Bodies/drug therapy , Eye Foreign Bodies/etiology , Eye Foreign Bodies/surgery , Prognosis , Visual Acuity