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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e258093, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558749


Este estudo avaliou o reconhecimento (imitação, identidade e identificação) e a nomeação de estímulos emocionais de valência negativa (raiva e tristeza) e positiva (alegria e surpresa) em conjunto com a influência dos tipos de estímulos utilizados (social-feminino, social-masculino, familiar e emoji) em crianças e jovens adultos com autismo ou síndrome de Down, por meio de tarefas aplicadas pela família e mediadas por recursos tecnológicos durante a pandemia de covid-19. Participaram cinco crianças e dois jovens adultos com autismo e uma criança e dois jovens adultos com síndrome de Down. Foram implementadas tarefas de identidade, reconhecimento, nomeação e imitação, com estímulos faciais de função avaliativa (sem consequência diferencial) e de ensino (com consequência diferencial, uso de dicas e critério de aprendizagem), visando a emergência da nomeação emocional por meio do ensino das tarefas de reconhecimento. Os resultados da linha de base identificaram que, para os participantes que apresentaram menor tempo de resposta para o mesmo gênero, a diferença de tempo de resposta foi em média 57,28% menor. Em relação à valência emocional, 50% dos participantes apresentaram diferenças nos acertos, a depender da valência positiva e negativa, sendo que 66,66% apresentaram diferenças para o tempo de resposta a depender da valência emocional. Após o procedimento de ensino, os participantes mostraram maior número de acertos nas tarefas, independentemente do gênero de estímulo e valência emocional, criando ocasião para generalização da aprendizagem de reconhecimento e nomeação de emoções, além de consolidar a viabilidade de estratégias de ensino mediadas por recursos tecnológicos e aplicadas por familiares.(AU)

This study evaluated the recognition (imitation, identity, and identification) and naming of negative (anger and sadness) and positive (joy and surprise) emotional stimuli alongside the influence of the types of stimuli (social-female, social-male, family, and emoji) in children and young adults with autism and Down syndrome, via tasks applied by the family and mediated by technological resources, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Five children and two young adults with autism and one child and two young adults with Down syndrome participated. Identity, recognition, naming, and imitation tasks were planned and implemented using facial stimuli with evaluative (without differential consequence) and teaching (with differential consequence, tips, and learning criteria) functions, aiming at the emergence of emotional naming from the recognition teaching tasks. The baseline results showed that, for participants who had a shorter response time for the same gender, the response time difference was on average 57.28% lower. Regarding the emotional valence, 50% of the participants showed differences in the correct answers, depending on the positive and negative valence, and 66.66% showed differences in the response time depending on the emotional valence. After the teaching procedure, the participants showed a greater number of correct answers in the tasks, regardless of the stimulus type and emotional valence, creating an opportunity for generalizing learning of emotion recognition and naming, in addition to consolidating the feasibility of teaching strategies mediated by technological resources and applied by family members.(AU)

Este estudio evaluó el reconocimiento (imitación, identidad e identificación) y la denominación de estímulos emocionales negativos (enfado y tristeza) y positivos (alegría y sorpresa) y la influencia de los tipos de estímulos utilizados (social-femenino, social-masculino, familiar y emoji ) de niños y jóvenes con autismo o síndrome de Down, a través de tareas aplicadas por la familia, mediadas por recursos tecnológicos durante la pandemia de la covid-19. Participaron cinco niños y dos adultos jóvenes con autismo, y un niño y dos adultos jóvenes con síndrome de Down. Se planificaron e implementaron tareas de identidad, reconocimiento, nombramiento e imitación con estímulos faciales con función evaluativa (sin consecuencia diferencial) y enseñanza (con consecuencia diferencial, uso de ayudas y criterios de aprendizaje), buscando la emergencia del nombramiento emocional después de la enseñanza de tareas de reconocimiento. Los resultados de la línea de base identificaron que para los participantes que tenían un tiempo de respuesta más corto para el mismo género, la diferencia en el tiempo de respuesta fue un 57,28% menor. En cuanto a la valencia emocional, el 50% de los participantes mostraron diferencias en las respuestas correctas, en función de la valencia positiva y negativa, y el 66,66% tuvieron diferencias en el tiempo de respuesta, en función de la valencia emocional. Después del procedimiento de enseñanza, los participantes mostraron mayor número de aciertos en las tareas evaluadas, independientemente del tipo de estímulo o valencia emocional, lo que genera una oportunidad para la generalización del aprendizaje de reconocimiento y denominación de emociones, además de consolidar la viabilidad de estrategias de enseñanza mediadas por recursos tecnológicos y aplicadas por la familia.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Autistic Disorder , Family , Down Syndrome , Expressed Emotion , Emotions , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Parents , Perception , Perceptual Distortion , Personality , Play and Playthings , Prejudice , Psychiatry , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Attention , Audiovisual Aids , Signs and Symptoms , Social Desirability , Social Environment , Social Values , Socialization , Stereotyping , Task Performance and Analysis , Visual Perception , Women , Behavior , Body Image , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Symbolism , Activities of Daily Living , Artificial Intelligence , Adaptation, Psychological , Grief , Attitude , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Child , Child Rearing , Chromosomes , Clinical Trial , Mental Competency , Caregivers , Cognition , Signal Detection, Psychological , Communication , Conscience , Intuition , Observation , Stereotypic Movement Disorder , Chromosome Disorders , Personal Autonomy , Adult Children , Trust , Comprehension , Personnel Delegation , Data Compression , Education , Education of Intellectually Disabled , Education, Special , Ego , Empathy , Exploratory Behavior , Face , Facial Expression , Cultural Competency , Young Adult , Fear , Feedback , Emotional Intelligence , Social Stigma , Pandemics , Social Skills , Social Norms , Emotional Adjustment , Optimism , Metacognition , Facial Recognition , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Applied Behavior Analysis , Self-Management , Respect , Emotional Regulation , Generalization, Psychological , Genetics , Social Interaction , Identity Recognition , COVID-19 , Gestures , Cognitive Training , Family Support , Processing Speed , Handling, Psychological , Imagination , Interpersonal Relations , Language , Life Change Events , Memory, Short-Term , Men , Mental Disorders , Mental Processes , Intellectual Disability , Nervous System Diseases , Neurologic Manifestations , Neurology , Neuropsychological Tests , Nonverbal Communication
São Paulo; s.n; 20230301. 67 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1416917


A estimativa de aparência da face de uma pessoa, partindo de um crânio seco, é chamada de Reconstrução Facial Forense (RFF). Pode ser realizada de maneira digital ou manual, a partir da marcação de pontos cranianos, que possuem diferentes médias de espessura de tecido mole sobreposto. Nas reconstruções digitais o uso de tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC), que nos permite obter o volume de pacientes sentados, possibilitou um avanço significativo na mensuração das médias de volume dos tecidos moles faciais. Foi desenvolvido um protocolo para medições de tecidos moles a partir de 32 pontos craniométricos (10 sagitais e 11 bilaterais). Este trabalho propõe a inserção de cinco novos pontos cranianos ao protocolo, com medidas a partir dos pontos Mentual (Ml), Supra Canino (sC), Fronto-zigomático (Fz), Ptério (Pt) e Posterior do Ramo Mandibular (prM), com o intuito de aumentar a acurácia das reconstruções. As TCFC foram manipuladas no software Horus® (LGPL 3.0) e mensuradas conforme protocolo adaptado de Beaini et al. (1), obtidas as espessuras de tecido mole a partir dos pontos craniométricos propostos. Foram estudadas 100 TCFC de brasileiros adultos (maiores de 18 anos) que disponibilizaram seus exames para utilização em pesquisas de maneira anônima e que compõe um banco de dados já estruturado e utilizado em pesquisas anteriores. Esse banco de dados contém exames de 50 indivíduos do sexo feminino e 50 do sexo masculino, separados em grupos por sexo e idade. Estatisticamente, foram aplicados testes de normalidade e a diferença entre cada grupo foi testada para obtenção das espessuras médias referentes a cada ponto craniano. Para o ponto Fz, as médias de espessura de tecidos moles foram de 4.56mm para mulheres e 5.14mm para homens. Para o ponto Ml, as médias de ETMF foram de 12.88mm para mulheres e 14.74mm para homens. No ponto prM, as médias de ETMF foram de 18.30mm para homens e 19.69mm para mulheres. No ponto Pt, as médias de ETMF foram de 11.01mm para mulheres e 13.09mm para homens. No ponto sC, as médias de ETMF foram de 10.99mm para mulheres e 12.71mm para homens. A divisão de ETMFs por sexo é justificada, concordando com parcela significativa da literatura, uma vez que quatro 10 dos cinco pontos estudados apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas, com as espessuras de indivíduos do sexo masculino sendo maiores que de indivíduos do sexo feminino.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skull/anatomy & histology , Forensic Anthropology , Face/anatomy & histology , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy , Forensic Dentistry , Sex Factors , Age Factors , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Facial Recognition
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249386, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422400


A imitação facial é um comportamento involuntário capaz de facilitar a transmissão de informações não verbais relevantes em diferentes contextos sociais. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a capacidade de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais enquanto o observador tensiona a própria face ou imita a face-alvo. A hipótese utilizada foi a de que indivíduos que tensionam a própria face terão menor probabilidade de acertos na execução das tarefas de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais e aqueles que imitam a expressão terão uma maior probabilidade de acertos na execução das mesmas tarefas. A amostra foi composta por 30 participantes, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: o Grupo Imitação (GI) e o Grupo Ruído (GR), ambos com 18 participantes do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino. O experimento consistiu em apresentar fotos de atores expressando facialmente uma emoção básica por 10 segundos. Neste período, os participantes deveriam, então, observar ou intervir facialmente, imitando ou tensionando a própria face (de acordo com o grupo alocado, Imitação ou Ruído). Após os 10 segundos executando a instrução (observar, imitar ou interferir), o participante deveria responder - entre as opções alegria, tristeza, nojo, raiva, surpresa e medo - a emoção correspondente à imagem. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparadas as tarefas de tensionar ou imitar a face-alvo, sugerindo que a alteração da própria face do observador pode influenciar durante o desempenho de uma tarefa de reconhecimento de emoções em faces.(AU)

Facial mimicry is an involuntary behavior capable of facilitating the transmission of relevant non-verbal information in different social contexts. The present study aimed to analyze the ability to recognize emotional expressions while the observer tenses their own face or imitates the target face. The hypothesis used was that individuals who tension their own face or imitate the expression of facial emotion have less or greater probability of success in performing tasks to recognize emotional expressions on faces, respectively. The sample consisted of 30 participants, divided into two experimental groups: the Imitation Group - GI (18 female participants and 12 male participants) and the Noise Group - GR (18 female participants and 12 male participants). The experiment consisted of presenting pictures of actors facially expressing a basic emotion for 10 seconds; the participants should then observe or intervene facially, imitating or tensing their own face (according to the allocated group, Imitation or Noise). After 10 seconds of executing the instruction (observing, imitating or interfering), the participant should respond - among the options joy, sadness, disgust, anger, surprise and fear - the emotion corresponding to the image. The results showed significant differences when comparing the tasks of tensioning or imitating the target face, suggesting that the alteration of the observer's own face may influence during the performance of a facial emotion recognition task.(AU)

La imitación facial es un comportamiento involuntario capaz de facilitar la transmisión de información no verbal relevante en diferentes contextos sociales. Esto estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la capacidad de reconocer expresiones emocionales mientras el observador tensa su propio rostro o imita el rostro objetivo. Se utilizó la hipótesis de que los individuos que tensan su propio rostro tendrán menor probabilidad de éxito en la realización de tareas de reconocimiento de expresiones emocionales y los individuos que imitan la expresión tendrán una mayor probabilidad de éxito en la realización de las mismas tareas. La muestra estuvo formada por 30 participantes divididos en dos grupos experimentales: el Grupo de Imitación - GI (18 mujeres y 12 hombres) y el Grupo de Ruido - GR (18 mujeres y 12 hombres). El experimento consistió en presentar imágenes de actores expresando facialmente una emoción básica durante 10 segundos; los participantes deberían entonces observar o intervenir facialmente, imitando o tensando su propio rostro (según el grupo asignado, Imitación o Ruido). Después de 10 segundos de ejecutar la instrucción (observar, imitar o interferir), el participante debería responder - entre las opciones de alegría, tristeza, asco, ira, sorpresa y miedo - la emoción correspondiente a la imagen. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas al comparar las tareas de tensar o imitar el rostro objetivo, sugiriendo que la alteración del propio rostro del observador puede influir durante la realización de una tarea de reconocimiento de emociones en rostros.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Emotions , Facial Expression , Facial Recognition , Psychology , Sensory Receptor Cells , Autistic Disorder , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Neurosciences , Artificial Intelligence , Nuclear Family , Communication , Expressed Emotion , Program for Incentives and Benefits , Mirror Neurons , Physical Appearance, Body , Social Cognition , Handling, Psychological , Interpersonal Relations , Language Development , Noise , Nonverbal Communication
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 31: e3392PT, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441193


Resumo O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias fez nascer ferramentas que auxiliam no processo de identificação de indivíduos, possibilitando confirmar identidades e ajudando a solucionar crimes, ao permitir confirmar o encontro de pessoas desaparecidas ou vítimas de acidentes, por exemplo. Entretanto, um importante questionamento ético precisa ser observado: os fins sempre justificam os meios? A identificação facial a partir de imagens coletadas por câmeras de circuito fechado de televisão ou a análise de registros fotográficos são capazes de confirmar a identidade de alguém inequivocamente? Impressões digitais ou labiais podem ser utilizadas, em qualquer hipótese, em um confronto dactiloscópico? O conhecimento sobre as limitações dos métodos técnicos científicos utilizados em comparações de caracteres morfológicos permite que o resultado do perito papiloscopista atenda a dois princípios basilares constitucionais: a legalidade e o direito da pessoa humana. Ao respeitá-los, estará agindo conforme os limites éticos.

Abstract Technological advancements have generated tools to help with identifying individuals, allowing to verify identities and solve crimes by confirming found missing persons or accident victims, for example. An important ethical question, however, arises: do the ends always justify the means? Can facial identification from images collected by closed-circuit television cameras or analysis of photographic records confirm someone's identity unequivocally? Can fingerprints or lip prints be used for any dactyloscopy? Knowing the limitations of scientific technical methods used in morphological comparisons allows examiners to comply with two fundamental constitutional principles: that of legality and right of the human person. By respecting them, examiners will be acting according to ethical limits.

Resumen El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías dio lugar a herramientas que ayudan en el proceso de identificación de personas, lo que posibilita la confirmación de identidades y contribuye a la resolución de delitos al permitir confirmar, por ejemplo, a personas desaparecidas o víctimas de accidentes. Sin embargo, es necesario observar una cuestión ética importante: ¿el fin siempre justifica los medios? ¿La identificación facial desde imágenes captadas por cámaras de circuito cerrado de televisión o el análisis de registros fotográficos puede confirmar inequívocamente la identidad de una persona? ¿Se pueden utilizar huellas dactilares o labiales, bajo cualquier circunstancia, en un enfrentamiento dactiloscópico? El conocimiento sobre las limitaciones de los métodos técnicos y científicos utilizados en las comparaciones de caracteres morfológicos permite que el resultado del perito en papiloscopía responda a dos principios constitucionales básicos: la legalidad y el derecho de la persona humana. Al respetarlos se estará actuando dentro de los límites éticos.

Forensic Anthropology , Ethics , Expert Testimony , Facial Recognition
Dement. neuropsychol ; 16(4): 388-410, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421327


ABSTRACT. Recognizing the other's emotions is an important skill for the social context that can be modulated by variables such as gender, age, and race. A number of studies seek to elaborate specific face databases to assess the recognition of basic emotions in different contexts. Objectives: This systematic review sought to gather these studies, describing and comparing the methodologies used in their elaboration. Methods: The databases used to select the articles were the following: PubMed, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Scopus. The following word crossing was used: "Facial expression database OR Stimulus set AND development OR Validation." Results: A total of 36 articles showed that most of the studies used actors to express the emotions that were elicited from specific situations to generate the most spontaneous emotion possible. The databases were mainly composed of colorful and static stimuli. In addition, most of the studies sought to establish and describe patterns to record the stimuli, such as color of the garments used and background. The psychometric properties of the databases are also described. Conclusions: The data presented in this review point to the methodological heterogeneity among the studies. Nevertheless, we describe their patterns, contributing to the planning of new research studies that seek to create databases for new contexts.

RESUMO. Reconhecer as emoções do outro é uma habilidade importante para o contexto social, que pode ser modulada por variáveis como sexo, idade e raça. Vários estudos buscam elaborar bancos de faces específicos para avaliar o reconhecimento de emoções básicas em diferentes contextos. Objetivos: Esta revisão sistemática buscou reunir esses estudos, descrevendo e comparando as metodologias utilizadas em sua elaboração. Métodos: As bases de dados utilizadas para a seleção dos artigos foram: PubMed, Web of Science, PsycInfo e Scopus. Foi utilizado o seguinte cruzamento de palavras: "facial expression database OR stimulus set AND development OR validation". Resultados: O total de 36 artigos mostrou que a maioria dos estudos utilizou atores para expressar as emoções, que foram suscitadas de situações específicas para serem o mais espontâneas possível. Os bancos de faces foram compostos principalmente de estímulos coloridos e estáticos. Além disso, a maioria dos estudos buscou estabelecer e descrever padrões para registrar os estímulos, como a cor das roupas utilizadas e o fundo. As propriedades psicométricas dos bancos de faces também são descritas. Conclusões: Os dados apresentados nesta revisão apontam para a heterogeneidade metodológica entre os estudos. Apesar disso, descrevemos seus padrões, contribuindo para o planejamento de novas pesquisas que buscam criar bancos de faces específicos para novos contextos.

Humans , Facial Recognition
Lima; Perú. Ministerio de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Centro Nacional de Salud Pública; 1 ed; Set. 2022. 14 p. ilus.(Serie Nota Técnica, 036).
Monography in Spanish | MINSAPERU, LILACS, INS-PERU, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1402626


La publicación describe la evidencia científica disponible respecto a la efectividad y seguridad del uso obligatorio de mascarilla versus en el ámbito escolar, a partir de estudios realizados en instituciones educativas en un contexto de disponibilidad de vacunas. Se reportó una asociación significativa entre escuelas con orden de uso obligatorio de mascarillas y una reducción importante en el número de casos de COVID-19 en estudiantes y trabajadores de las escuelas. Sin embargo, la evidencia procede de cuatro estudios ecológicos, no fue posible determinar el efecto aislado del uso de mascarillas de otras medidas de mitigación y el análisis no tomó en cuenta factores como nivel de adherencia o cumplimiento del mandato, tipo de mascarilla empleada, transmisión en el hogar, los diferentes protocolos para detección de casos en las escuelas incluidas y su capacidad para detectar los casos asintomáticos. Todos los estudios se realizaron en un periodo de disponibilidad de vacunas, en su mayoría para niños de 12 años o más, y previo a la circulación de la variante Omicron. Un análisis secundario identificó que la mayor intensidad de la transmisión comunitaria, mayor nivel de individualismo de la población y el nivel de educación secundaria en comparación a nivel pre-escolar, se asociaron con un incremento del riesgo de infección en las escuelas. El riesgo disminuyó con la aplicación de medidas preventivas únicas (distanciamiento físico o uso de mascarillas) o combinadas (distanciamiento físico y uso de mascarillas) versus ninguna medida y con el aumento en la inmunidad de la población. Respecto a los efectos psicosociales y en la comunicación, los resultados de 6 estudios fueron heterogéneos. No se encontró un efecto importante en la capacidad de los niños para inferir las emociones a partir de rostros con mascarillas, no hubo diferencias en el rendimiento cognitivo cuando los niños estuvieron expuestos previamente al uso de mascarillas frente a los que no la usaron y la comprensión del lenguaje fue similar cuando el orador usaba o no la mascarilla, en ausencia de ruido. Por otro lado, se evidenció un menor desempeño en la capacidad de reconocimiento facial y una alteración en el procesamiento de los rostros que usaban una mascarilla.

Safety , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Education, Primary and Secondary , Absenteeism , Facial Recognition , Physical Distancing , N95 Respirators , COVID-19 , Disaster Mitigation , Immunity , Masks
Psico USF ; 27(1): 181-191, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1376047


Um falso reconhecimento de uma pessoa pode levar à condenação de um inocente. Um método efetivo de diminuir o falso reconhecimento é por meio do alinhamento, procedimento no qual o suspeito é apresentado em conjunto com outras pessoas - fillers (não suspeitos similares ao suspeito). Em um experimento foi comparado o desempenho de testemunhas em alinhamentos nos quais fillers apresentavam moderada ou alta similaridade em relação ao suspeito. Independentemente do grau de similaridade, suspeitos foram identificados com maior frequência que suspeitos inocentes e do que fillers, e fillers foram reconhecidos em maior frequência do que suspeitos inocentes. A similaridade entre fillers e suspeito não teve efeito na probabilidade de reconhecimento do suspeito, seja ele culpado ou inocente. Os resultados são discutidos à luz de teorias acerca do efeito de similaridade de fillers e implicações dos resultados para o sistema de justiça brasileiro (AU).

Faulty witness identification can lead to the conviction of an innocent person. An effective method to reduce misidentification is using a lineup, a procedure in which the suspect is presented among "fillers" (non-suspects similar to the suspect). In an experiment, we compared the responses of eyewitnesses in lineups where fillers had moderate or high similarity to the suspect. Regardless of the degree of similarity, guilty suspects were identified more often than innocent suspects and fillers, and fillers were identified more often than innocent suspects. The similarity between fillers and suspect did not affect the probability of suspect recognition, whether the suspect was guilty or innocent. The results are discussed in the light of theories about the similarity effect of fillers, and implications for the Brazilian justice system (AU).

Un reconocimiento falso de una persona puede conducir a la condena de un inocente. Un método eficaz para reducir el reconocimiento falso es la alineación, un procedimiento en el que el sospechoso se presenta junto con otras personas - fillers (no sospechosos similares al sospechoso). En un experimento se compara el rendimiento de los testigos en alineaciones en las que los fillers tenían una similitud moderada o alta con el sospechoso. Los resultados mostraron que, independientemente del grado de similitud, en una alineación justa, los sospechosos culpables son más propensos a ser identificados que los inocentes y que los fillers, y cuando el sospechoso es inocente, los fillers tienen más probabilidades de ser reconocidos. La similitud entre filler y sospechoso no tuvo efecto sobre la probabilidad de reconocimiento del sospechoso, tanto si era culpable o inocente. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de las teorías sobre el efecto de similitud de los rellenos y las implicaciones de los resultados para el sistema judicial brasileño (AU).

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Recognition, Psychology , Criminals/psychology , Memory, Episodic , Facial Recognition
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962597


ABSTRACT@#Smile aesthetic, known as the static and dynamic relationship of the dentition and supporting structures to the facial soft tissues, is one of the most important elements of facial attractiveness. The objective of the study was to assess the perception of smile aesthetics and attractiveness through digital image manipulation of aesthetic variables and to compare those perceptions according to diverse sociodemographic data among female Saudi laypeople attending the dental clinic. A crosssectional study of 193 female Saudi participants were randomly selected and consented to answer the study questionnaire. Nine smile photograph images were created to compare different smile aesthetic perceptions. Two groups were recruited: 120 participants in the first group (under 30 years old) and 73 participants in the second group (30 years old or above). All participants in both groups were asked to choose the attractiveness of each smile image using multiple-choice options. A statistically significant finding showed that normal buccal corridors were chosen as the most attractive smile by 42.5% of the participants in the younger group and by a significantly higher ratio of the participants with a bachelor’s degree or higher level of education at 49% (p < 0.05). Laypeople’s preferences regarding smile attractiveness vary, but a normal appearance was the ideal choice for the majority. Orthodontic treatment should consider the general sociocultural understanding of smile perception.

Facial Recognition , Saudi Arabia
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1583-1594, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922637


It is widely acknowledged that holistic processing is a key characteristic of face perception. Although holistic processing implies the automatic integration of face parts, it is unclear whether such processing requires the awareness of face parts. Here, we investigated the interactions between visible face parts and face parts rendered invisible using continuous flash suppression (CFS). In the first experiment with the upper half-face visible and the lower half-face invisible, the results showed that perceived face identity was influenced by the invisible lower half-face, suggesting that integration occurs between the visible and invisible face parts, a variant of the "composite face effect". In the second experiment, we investigated the influence of visible face parts on the processing of invisible face parts, as measured by the time it took for the invisible parts to break out from CFS. The results showed a visible-to-invisible facilitation effect, that the aligned invisible face parts broke through CFS faster than when the visible and invisible face parts were misaligned. Visible eyes had a stronger influence on the invisible nose/mouth than the other way around. Such facilitation of processing from visible to invisible parts was also found when Chinese characters were used as stimuli. These results show that information integration occurs across the consciousness boundary.

Awareness , Consciousness , Eye , Face , Facial Recognition , Photic Stimulation
Suma psicol ; 27(2): 142-149, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INDEXPSI, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1145123


Resumen Los rasgos fenotípicos afectan la respuesta hacia los rostros emocionales. En Colombia, no se ha construido y validado un banco de imágenes de rostros emocionales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue construir y validar un banco de fotografías de rostros emocionales colombianos (alegría, ira, tristeza, miedo, asco, sorpresa y expresión neutral/descanso), a través de una metodología similar a la utilizada en el diseño de otros bancos de expresiones emocionales. El estudio se llevó a cabo con 80 participantes (43 mujeres), a los cuales se les presentó cada una de las 70 expresiones emocionales del Repositorio de Expresiones Faciales Emocionales Colombianas (REFEC). A partir de estudios previos en este campo se tomaron como índices de validez el porcentaje de acierto y el coeficiente de kappa de Fleiss (grado de concordancia entre evaluadores). Además, se midió el tiempo de reacción como índice de demanda cognitiva para el reconocimiento de la expresión emocional. Los resultados muestran un porcentaje de acierto superior al de otros bancos de estímulos de expresiones emocionales y un índice de concordancia bueno/excelente (similar al de otros instrumentos). En conjunto, los resultados sugieren que el REFEC es un banco de imágenes de expresiones faciales emocionales válido para su uso en población colombiana.

Abstract Phenotypic traits affect the response to emotional faces. In Colombia, an image bank of emotional faces has not been built and validated. The objective of this study was to build and validate a bank of photographs of Colombian emotional faces (joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and neutral expression/rest), through a methodology similar to that used in the design of other banks of emotional expressions. The study was carried out with 80 participants (43 women), to whom each of the 70 emotional expressions of the Repository of Colombian Emotional Facial Expressions (REFEC) was presented. From previous studies in this field, the percentage of correctness and the Fleiss kappa coefficient (degree of agreement between evaluators) were taken as validity indices. Additionally, reaction time was measured as an index of cognitive demand for the recognition of emotional expression. The results show a percentage of correctness higher than that of other stimulus banks of emotional expressions and a good / excellent concordance index (similar to that of other instruments). Together, the results suggest that REFEC is a valid image bank of emotional facial expressions for use in the Colombian population.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Facial Expression , Colombia , Facial Recognition
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(2): 159-166, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014742


Abstract Introduction The recognition of facial expressions of emotion is essential to living in society. However, individuals with major depression tend to interpret information considered imprecise in a negative light, which can exert a direct effect on their capacity to decode social stimuli. Objective To compare basic facial expression recognition skills during tasks with static and dynamic stimuli in older adults with and without major depression. Methods Older adults were selected through a screening process for psychiatric disorders at a primary care service. Psychiatric evaluations were performed using criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5). Twenty-three adults with a diagnosis of depression and 23 older adults without a psychiatric diagnosis were asked to perform two facial emotion recognition tasks using static and dynamic stimuli. Results Individuals with major depression demonstrated greater accuracy in recognizing sadness (p=0.023) and anger (p=0.024) during the task with static stimuli and less accuracy in recognizing happiness during the task with dynamic stimuli (p=0.020). The impairment was mainly related to the recognition of emotions of lower intensity. Conclusions The performance of older adults with depression in facial expression recognition tasks with static and dynamic stimuli differs from that of older adults without depression, with greater accuracy regarding negative emotions (sadness and anger) and lower accuracy regarding the recognition of happiness.

Resumo Introdução O reconhecimento de expressões faciais das emoções é essencial para a convivência em sociedade. Entretanto, indivíduos com depressão maior apresentam uma tendência a interpretar de forma negativa informações consideradas imprecisas, o que pode afetar diretamente sua capacidade de decodificação de estímulos sociais. Objetivo Comparar a habilidade de reconhecimento de expressões faciais das emoções básicas em tarefas com estímulos estáticos e dinâmicos em idosos com e sem depressão maior. Métodos Os idosos foram selecionados a partir de um rastreamento de transtornos psiquiátricos na atenção básica, realizada por meio de avaliação psiquiátrica de acordo com os critérios da 5ª edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM-5). Vinte e três idosos com diagnóstico de depressão e um grupo de 23 idosos sem diagnóstico psiquiátrico atual foram convidados a realizar duas tarefas de reconhecimento de emoções faciais, utilizando estímulos estáticos e dinâmicos. Resultados Os idosos com depressão maior apresentaram maior acurácia no reconhecimento da emoção tristeza (p=0,023) e da emoção raiva (p=0,024) na tarefa com estímulos estáticos, e menor acurácia para a emoção alegria na tarefa com estímulos dinâmicos (p=0,020). O prejuízo está relacionado principalmente ao reconhecimento de emoções de menores intensidades. Conclusões O desempenho de idosos com depressão maior em tarefas com estímulos estáticos e dinâmicos é diferente quando comparados com idosos sem depressão. A acurácia de emoções negativas (tristeza e raiva) é maior, enquanto que a acurácia para alegria é menor.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Depressive Disorder, Major/psychology , Facial Expression , Facial Recognition/physiology , Emotions/physiology , Middle Aged , Neuropsychological Tests
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 41(3): 257-260, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039096


Objective: Although attentional bias (AB) toward angry faces is well established in patients with anxiety disorders, it is still poorly studied in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We investigated whether OCD patients present AB toward angry faces, whether AB is related to symptom severity and whether AB scores are associated with specific OCD symptom dimensions. Method: Forty-eight OCD patients were assessed in clinical evaluations, intelligence testing and a dot-probe AB paradigm that used neutral and angry faces as stimuli. Analyses were performed with a one-sample t-test, Pearson correlations and linear regression. Results: No evidence of AB was observed in OCD patients, nor was there any association between AB and symptom severity or dimension. Psychiatric comorbidity did not affect our results. Conclusion: In accordance with previous studies, we were unable to detect AB in OCD patients. To investigate whether OCD patients have different brain activation patterns from anxiety disorder patients, future studies using a transdiagnostic approach should evaluate AB in OCD and anxiety disorder patients as they perform AB tasks under functional neuroimaging protocols.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety Disorders/physiopathology , Attentional Bias , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/physiopathology , Anxiety Disorders/diagnosis , Psychological Tests , Data Accuracy , Facial Recognition , Anger , Middle Aged , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/diagnosis
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 4(1): 23-27, Ene.-Mar. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151498


The process of facial analysis for orthognathic surgery has become of utmost importance over the last several decades, many studies show that the correction of occlusion in a dentofacial deformity does not always reach the desired facial proportions. There is no face completely symmetrical; However, the absence of some asymmetry is essential for an aesthetic outcome. Moreover, the perfect understanding of the face balance prior to treatment is critical to obtain the success of the treatment plan. Thus, the search for facial harmony requires an organized process of facial evaluation; which we intend to address in this article.

El proceso de análisis facial para la cirugía ortognática se ha vuelto de suma importancia en las últimas décadas, muchos estudios muestran que la corrección de la oclusión en una deformidad dentofacial no siempre alcanza las proporciones faciales deseadas. No hay rostro completamente simétrico; sin embargo, la ausencia de alguna asimetría es esencial para un resultado estético. Además, la comprensión perfecta del equilibrio facial antes del tratamiento es fundamental para obtener el éxito del plan de tratamiento. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de armonía facial requiere un proceso organizado de evaluación facial; que intentamos abordar en este artículo.

Humans , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures , Orthognathic Surgery , Facial Recognition , Algorithms , Facial Bones
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775166


BACKGROUND@#The facial expression of medical staff has been known to greatly affect the psychological state of patients, making them feel uneasy or conversely, cheering them up. By clarifying the characteristics of facial expression recognition ability in patients with Lewy body disease, the aim of this study is to examine points to facilitate smooth communication between caregivers and patients with the disease whose cognitive function has deteriorated.@*METHODS@#During the period from March 2016 to July 2017, we examined the characteristics of recognition of the six facial expressions of "happiness," "sadness," "fear," "anger," "surprise," and "disgust" for 107 people aged 60 years or more, both outpatient and inpatient, who hospital specialists had diagnosed with Lewy body diseases of Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease with dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies. Based on facial expression recognition test results, we classified them by cluster analysis and clarified features of each type.@*RESULTS@#In patients with Lewy body disease, happiness was kept unaffected by aging, age of onset, duration of the disease, cognitive function, and apathy; however, recognizing the facial expression of fear was difficult. In addition, due to aging, cognitive decline, and apathy, the facial expression recognition ability for sadness and anger decreased. In particular, cognitive decline reduced recognition of all of the facial expressions except for happiness. The test accuracy rates were classified into three types using the cluster analysis: "stable type," "mixed type," and "reduced type". In the "reduced type", the overall facial recognition ability declined except happiness, and in the mixed type, recognition ability of anger particularly declined.@*CONCLUSION@#There were several facial expressions that the Lewy body disease patients were unable to accurately identify. Caregivers are recommended to make an effort to compensate for such situations with language or body contact, etc., as a way to convey correct feeling to the patients of each type.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cluster Analysis , Cognition , Physiology , Emotions , Facial Expression , Facial Recognition , Physiology , Lewy Body Disease , Psychology
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 842-848, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777004


The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is considered to play a crucial role in many high-level functions, such as cognitive control and emotional regulation. Many studies have reported that the DLPFC can be activated during the processing of emotional information in tasks requiring working memory. However, it is still not clear whether modulating the activity of the DLPFC influences emotional perception in a detection task. In the present study, using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS), we investigated (1) whether modulating the right DLPFC influences emotional face processing in a detection task, and (2) whether the DLPFC plays equal roles in processing positive and negative emotional faces. The results showed that anodal tDCS over the right DLPFC specifically facilitated the perception of positive faces, but did not influence the processing of negative faces. In addition, anodal tDCS over the right primary visual cortex enhanced performance in the detection task regardless of emotional valence. Our findings suggest, for the first time, that modulating the right DLPFC influences emotional face perception, especially faces showing positive emotion.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Emotions , Facial Recognition , Physiology , Neuropsychological Tests , Prefrontal Cortex , Physiology , Social Perception , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 801-815, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777019


Facial and vocal expressions are essential modalities mediating the perception of emotion and social communication. Nonetheless, currently little is known about how emotion perception and its neural substrates differ across facial expression and vocal prosody. To clarify this issue, functional MRI scans were acquired in Study 1, in which participants were asked to discriminate the valence of emotional expression (angry, happy or neutral) from facial, vocal, or bimodal stimuli. In Study 2, we used an affective priming task (unimodal materials as primers and bimodal materials as target) and participants were asked to rate the intensity, valence, and arousal of the targets. Study 1 showed higher accuracy and shorter response latencies in the facial than in the vocal modality for a happy expression. Whole-brain analysis showed enhanced activation during facial compared to vocal emotions in the inferior temporal-occipital regions. Region of interest analysis showed a higher percentage signal change for facial than for vocal anger in the superior temporal sulcus. Study 2 showed that facial relative to vocal priming of anger had a greater influence on perceived emotion for bimodal targets, irrespective of the target valence. These findings suggest that facial expression is associated with enhanced emotion perception compared to equivalent vocal prosodies.

Adult , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Brain Mapping , Methods , Cerebral Cortex , Diagnostic Imaging , Physiology , Emotions , Physiology , Facial Expression , Facial Recognition , Physiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Psychomotor Performance , Physiology , Social Perception , Speech Perception , Physiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717328


OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect of social skills training (SST) on facial emotion recognition and discrimination in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). METHODS: Twenty-three children aged 7 to 10 years participated in our SST. They included 15 children diagnosed with ADHD and 8 with ASD. The participants' parents completed the Korean version of the Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL), the ADHD Rating Scale, and Conner's Scale at baseline and post-treatment. The participants completed the Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (K-WISC-IV) and the Advanced Test of Attention at baseline and the Penn Emotion Recognition and Discrimination Task at baseline and post-treatment. RESULTS: No significant changes in facial emotion recognition and discrimination occurred in either group before and after SST. However, when controlling for the processing speed of K-WISC and the social subscale of K-CBCL, the ADHD group showed more improvement in total (p=0.049), female (p=0.039), sad (p=0.002), mild (p=0.015), female extreme (p=0.005), male mild (p=0.038), and Caucasian (p=0.004) facial expressions than did the ASD group. CONCLUSION: SST improved facial expression recognition for children with ADHD more effectively than it did for children with ASD, in whom additional training to help emotion recognition and discrimination is needed.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autistic Disorder , Checklist , Child Behavior , Discrimination, Psychological , Facial Expression , Facial Recognition , Intelligence , Parents , Social Skills
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 4(3): [24-33], set.-dez.2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-912414


A análise forense de restos mortais e outros vestígios pode ser complementada pela digitalização tridimensional (3D). A fotogrametria de curta distância, consiste na extração de informações geométricas 3D a partir de imagens fotográficas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar cinco sistemas de digitalização (Photoscan®, 123dCatch®, ReCap360®, PPT-GUI® e OpenMVG®+MVS®) quanto à operabilidade e qualidade das malhas 3D geradas a partir de 42 fotografias de um crânio seco, tomadas com um smartphone. Duas escalas métricas ABFO nº2 foram posicionadas rente ao crânio. Após o processamento, as nuvens de pontos 3D resultantes foram convertidas em malhas 3D e/ou texturizadas quando necessário, e redimensionadas em escala 1:1. O número de vértices, faces, fator de escala e uma medida conhecida foram registrados. Recortou-se as regiões que não faziam parte do crânio e novamente o número de faces e vértices foi registrado. Para operabilidade, avaliou-se tempo de processamento, necessidade de conexão à Internet, funcionalidade limitada por versão não paga, texturização automática, entre outros parâmetros. Para qualidade, as malhas também foram avaliadas em seu aspecto visual, em seu aspecto quantitativo de vértices e faces, e diferença estatística das médias das medidas. Embora o uso de duas escalas idênticas tenha gerado artefatos, todos os programas geraram malhas tridimensionais adequadas, com algumas diferenças no resultado final e na operação. Cada ferramenta obteve resultados satisfatórios dentro de suas particularidades. Photoscan® teve operabilidade e resultados bons, porém seu custo pode ser um obstáculo. ReCap360® e 123dCatch® são fáceis de operar, mas dependem de Internet e possuem funcionalidade limitada.

Forensic analysis of skeletal remains and other evidence can be complemented by three-dimensional (3D) scanning. Among the available methods, close-range photogrammetry consists of extracting 3D geometric information from photographic images. The objective of this study was to compare five systems (Photoscan®, 123dCatch®, ReCap360®, PPT-GUI® and OpenMVG®+MVS®) regarding the operability and quality of 3D meshes generated from 42 photographs of a dry skull, taken with a smartphone. Two ABFO n.2 metric scales were placed next to the skull. After processing, the resulting 3D point clouds were converted into 3D meshes and textured when necessary, and resized in 1:1 scale. The number of vertices and faces was recorded. Then, all regions that were not part of the skull itself were cut out and again the number of faces and vertices was recorded. For operability, it was evaluated the processing time, need for Internet connection, functionality limited by unpaid version, automatic texturing, among other parameters. For quality, the meshes were also evaluated in their visual aspect and in their quantitative aspect of vertices and faces, and statistical difference of the mean of the measurements. Although the use of two identical scales has produced artifacts, all programs have generated adequate 3D meshes, with some differences in the result and operation. Each tool reached satisfactory results within its particularities. Photoscan® had good operability and results, but its cost may represent an obstacle. ReCap360® and 123dCatch® are easy to operate, but depend on internet connection and have limited functionality.

Facial Recognition , Forensic Anthropology , Forensic Dentistry , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Psychol. av. discip ; 11(2): 29-43, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-895993


Resumen El desarrollo de la investigación propendió establecer la influencia de la condición de nacimiento prematuro en el funcionamiento de los diferentes componentes de la Teoría de la Mente (ToM). Para ello, tomó un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño comparativo-correlacional, mediante una muestra seleccionada por modelo no probabilístico; los sujetos fueron 160 niños, con edades entre los 6 y 10 años, 80 nacidos pretérmino y 80 niños en condición par, nacidos a término. Se elaboró un protocolo compuesto por ocho cuestionarios para medir los diversos componentes de la ToM. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos. Los resultados sugieren que la condición de nacimiento prematuro, afecta la comprensión adecuada de manifestaciones sociales, que contengan elementos relacionados con la ironía y la comprensión de los justificantes de la mentira, dificultad en interpretar la presencia de dos o más emociones opuestas en una misma situación y compromete el reconocimiento de emociones faciales complejas, pero no de las emociones básicas. Sin embargo, la cantidad de semanas de gestación no es determinante en estas alteraciones, como sí lo es la condición misma de prematurez.

Abstract This research paper has established the influence of premature birth on the function of theory of mind. Based on that, this research has taken a quantitative model. Participants who are part of the process are 160 children between six and 10 years old, and 80 of them were born premature and 80 non-premature infants in par condition. A protocol composed of eight questionnaires was developed to measure the various components of the ToM. Statistically significant differences were found between the two groups. These kinds of cases affect people social development, sometimes this condition involves situations related to irony. At the same time, the particular condition presents difficulties in order to interpret people's emotions or feelings, and facial expressions as well. Nonetheless, premature birth brought some particular characteristics that need to be under consideration during life time.

Child , Premature Birth , Theory of Mind , Facial Recognition , Research , Infant, Premature , Facial Expression
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 22(3): 247-256, Sept. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-891937


Facial composites are crucial in the criminal justice system. In this archival study, we investigated the assumption that the success of facial composites depends partly on variables related to the crime, which either impairs or facilitates mnemonic processes. When a facial composite is successful in taking an offender to court it is sometimes archived as a positive facial composite, including a photo of the culprit and information about the crime. A total of 88 positive facial composites were investigated. The accuracy of facial composites was tested as a function of five variables related to the crime: type of crime, presence of weapon, retention interval, exposure duration, and disguise. Participants judged the resemblance of the perpetrators' photo with their correspondent facial composite. The results pointed out that only exposure duration was significantly associated with facial composites accuracy. Possible implications and future directions for research using archived facial composites are discussed.

Retratos falados são de extrema importância no sistema de justiça criminal. Neste estudo, nós investigamos a hipótese de que o sucesso de retratos falados depende parcialmente de variáveis relacionadas ao crime, que podem tanto facilitar quanto dificultar processos mnemónicos na elaboração de retratos falados. Quando um retrato falado obtém sucesso em levar um infrator à corte ele é comumente arquivado como um retrato falado positivo, incluindo uma foto do culpado e informações sobre o crime. Um total de 88 retratos falados positivos foram investigados. A acurácia de cada retrato falado foi testada de acordo com cinco variáveis relacionadas ao crime: tipo de crime, presença de arma, intervalo de retenção, tempo de exposição e disfarce. Participantes avaliaram a semelhança entre a foto do culpado e seu respectivo retrato falado. Os resultados apontaram que somente o tempo de exposição foi associado com a acurácia dos retratos falados. Possíveis aplicações e futuras pesquisas usando retratos falados reais são discutidos.

Retratos hablados son de suma importancia en el sistema de justicia criminal. En este estudio, se investigó la hipótesis de que el éxito de los retratos hablados depende en parte de las variables relacionadas con el delito, que pueden facilitar o dificultar los procesos mnemotécnicos en el desarrollo de los retratos hablados. Cuando un retrato hablado tiene éxito en llevar un transgresor a la justicia este es archivado como un retrato hablado positivo, incluyendo una foto del culpable y la información sobre el crimen. Se estudió un total de 88 retratos hablados positivos. La precisión de cada imagen se puso a prueba en función de cinco variables relacionadas con el crimen: tipo de delito, la presencia de armas, intervalo de retención, tiempo de exposición y el encubrimiento. Participantes evaluaron la similitud entre la imagen del culpable y su respectivo retrato hablado. Los resultados mostraron que sólo el tiempo de exposición se asoció con la precisión de retratos hablados. Se discuten las posibles aplicaciones y futuras investigaciones utilizando retratos hablados reales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Mental Recall , Portrait , Facial Recognition , Memory , Mental Processes , Brazil , Cognition , Crime/psychology