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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387690


Resumen Introducción: La presencia de microplásticos (MPs, partículas menores a 5 mm) y el incremento de la temperatura en los océanos, vienen generando perturbaciones en la vida marina, que se pueden relacionar con alteraciones en el metabolismo de organismos filtradores, como los mitílidos. Objetivo: Se evalúa el efecto de diferentes temperaturas y concentraciones de MPs sobre la tasa de filtración (TF) de Semimytilus algosus. Métodos: Una muestra de organismos (N = 72) fue expuesta a cuatro temperaturas (17, 20, 23 y 26 °C), y un testigo sin microplásticos (MPs0) y dos concentraciones de MPs (< 125 µm) de 0.125 mg/l (MPs1) y 0.250 mg/l (MPs2), todos en combinación con la microalga Isochrysis galbana (1x106 cel/ml/día) por 21 días. Resultados: A medida que aumentó la concentración de MPs, se redujo la TF de S. algosus. Respecto a la temperatura, durante el día 7 se observó una mayor TF a 23 °C en todos los tratamientos, y para los días 14 y 21 se obtuvieron los menores valores de TF a 23 y 26 °C. La acción conjunta del incremento de temperatura y MPs, afectó negativamente la TF de S. algosus, donde ambos factores ocasionaron el descenso de la TF para todos los tiempos de evaluación. No se registró mortalidad a 17 °C para ningún tratamiento, y en el caso de mitílidos expuestos a MPs1 y temperaturas de 20 y 26 °C se presentó la mayor mortalidad (67 %). Conclusiones: El estudio demuestra el efecto adverso del incremento de temperatura y MPs sobre la TF de S. algosus.

Abstract Introduction: The presence of microplastics (MPs, particles smaller than 5 mm) and the increase in temperature in the oceans, have been generating disturbances in marine life, which can be related to alterations in the metabolism of filter-feeders, such as Mythilids. Objective: The effect of different temperatures and concentrations of MPs on the filtration rate (TF) of Semimytilus algosus is evaluated. Methods: A sample of organisms (N = 72) was exposed to four temperatures (17, 20, 23 and 26 °C), and a control without microplastics (MPs0) and two concentrations of MPs (< 125 µm) of 0.125 mg/l (MPs1) and 0.250 mg/l (MPs2), all in combination with Isochrysis galbana microalgae (1x106 cells/ml/day) for 21 days. Results: As the concentration of MPs increased, the TF of S. algosus decreased. Regarding temperature, during day 7 a higher TF was observed at 23 °C in all treatments, and during days 14 and 21 the lowest TF values were obtained at 23 and 26 °C. The joint action of the increase in temperature and MPs, negatively affected the TF of S. algosus, where both factors caused the decrease in TF for all evaluation times. No mortality was recorded at 17 °C for any treatment, and in the case of mytylids exposed to MPs1 at 20 °C and 26 °C, the highest mortality (67 %) occurred. Conclusions: The study demonstrates the adverse effect of the increase in temperature and MPs on the TF of S. algosus.

Animals , Bivalvia , Microplastics , Global Warming , Filtration/methods
Rev. argent. cir ; 112(4): 438-444, dic. 2020. graf, il
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1288155


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la pandemia de COVID-19 presentó nuevos desafíos en el manejo de la patología quirúrgica laparoscópica. Objetivos: presentar el sistema de filtrado de bajo costo utilizado para la laparoscopia durante la pandemia en nuestro Servicio de Cirugía. Material y métodos: se realizó búsqueda bibliográfica y se diseñó un protocolo y sistema de filtrado para evacuar el CO2 contenido en el neumoperitoneo para evitar el contagio por el virus SARS-CoV-2. Resultados: se pone en práctica el empleo de un sistema de filtrado del neumoperitoneo en época de pandemia, el cual es de bajo costo y armado sencillo con materiales disponibles habitualmente en las áreas quirúrgicas. Conclusiones: la cirugía laparoscópica es factible durante la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 utilizando un método sencillo y económico de filtrado del neumoperitoneo.

ABSTRACT Background: Background: the COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to new challenges in the management of laparoscopic surgery. Objectives: the aim of this study is to present a low-cost filtering system used for laparoscopic surgery during the pandemic in our Department of Surgery. Material and methods : a bibliographic search was conducted and a protocol and filtering system were designed to evacuate the pneumoperitoneum avoiding contact with the SARS-CoV-2. Results: this low-cost filtering system to evacuate the pneumoperitoneum during the pandemic is easy to assemble using materials that are usually available at the operating room. Conclusions: laparoscopic surgery is feasible during the COVID-19 pandemic using a simple, low-cost carbon dioxide filtering system.

Carbon Dioxide , Laparoscopy , Filtration/methods , COVID-19/prevention & control , Pneumoperitoneum/prevention & control , Personal Protective Equipment , SARS-CoV-2
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 3057-3061, abr.-maio 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482513


No processo de fabricação de queijos a salga é uma etapa de grande importância, um dos métodos mais utilizados é a imersão em salmoura. Pensando no custo benefício e qualidade do produto vem sendo utilizado o sistema de microfiltração para regeneração de salmoura permanente, que consiste na filtragem através de membranas, permitindo o uso contínuo da salmoura. Diante disso, realizou-se uma avaliação da eficiência do tratamento de salmoura, utilizada na fabricação dos queijos tipo mussarela, provolone, prato e parmesão, através do sistema de microfiltração. Foram coletadas amostras de salmoura e realizadas análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas para monitoramento diário durante o período de três meses. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios podendo observar que não houve variação significativa das análises físico-químicas e que os efeitos são benéficos na estabilidade das análises microbiológicas.

Good Manufacturing Practices , Food Preservation/methods , Filtration/methods , Cheese/analysis , Identity and Quality Standard for Products and Services
Rev. salud pública ; 18(2): 275-289, mar.-abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-783668


Objetivo Evaluar la eficiencia de dos sistemas de filtración casera: LifeStraw® family (FM) y Filtro de Olla Cerámica (FOC) en el tratamiento del agua para consumo humano bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio y en términos de remoción de Turbiedad y E.coli. Métodos Ambos sistemas se operaron durante 6 meses tratando diariamente 7,5 litros de sustrato sintético. La turbiedad del sustrato se ajustó con Caolín y la concentración de E.coli con la réplica de la cepa ATCC 95922. Los resultados obtenidos en términos de remoción de turbiedad y E. coli fueron evaluados con un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) y considerando aspectos operativos y de mantenimiento. Resultados La turbiedad del sustrato sintético presentó un promedio 32,3 ± 2,8 UNT y la concentración de E. coli 3,9 x105 UFC/100mL. Ambos sistemas de filtración disminuyeron la turbiedad a niveles menores de 2 UNT y lograron la inactivación del 100 % de E.coli. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la remoción de turbiedad siendo más eficiente el FM (99,2 % ± 0,4) que el FOC (97,6 % ± 1.14). Conclusiones Los dos sistemas de filtración son adecuados para el tratamiento del agua a nivel casero, cumpliendo con la reglamentación Colombiana. El FM resultó más eficiente en remoción de turbiedad y tasa de filtración; Sin embargo, cuando se tienen en cuenta aspectos como aceptabilidad social operación, mantenimiento y vida útil, el filtro de olla cerámica parece más apropiado especialmente en áreas rurales.(AU)

Objective To evaluate under laboratory conditions, the removal efficiency of turbidity and E. coli of two household water filters: LifeStraw® family (MF) and ceramic pot filter (CPF). Methods The two systems were operated over 6 months using two identical control units per system, treating 7.5 L/d of a synthetic substrate used as raw water. The turbidity of the substrate was adjusted with Kaolinite and the E. coli concentration, with a replica of the ATCC 95922 strain. The differences of effluent quality of the systems, in terms of turbidity and E. coli, were evaluated with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Operative and maintenance aspects, that could limit or enhance the use of the systems, were also considered in the evaluation. Results The water synthetic substrate quality had an average of 32.2 ± 2.8 NTU for turbidity and 3,9x105 UFC/100 mL for E. coli. Both systems reduce the turbidity to values below 2 NTU with an inactivation of 100 % of E. coli. Statistical differences were found between the systems in terms of turbidity removal, MF being more efficient than the CPF (99,2 ± 0.4 % and 97.6 % ± 1.14, respectively). Conclusions Both systems are suitable for household water supply treatment, acheiving the water quality standards established by Colombian regulations. The MF was more efficient for suspended solids removal and filtration rate, but when economic, operative, and maintenance aspects along with social acceptability and lifespan are considered, the CPF seems more suitable, especially in rural areas.(AU)

Humans , Drinking Water/analysis , Water Turbidity/analysis , Water Purification/standards , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Filtration/methods , Colombia
Braz. j. microbiol ; 46(3): 743-747, July-Sept. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755804


Sterility testing as described in the pharmacopoeia compendia requires a 14-day incubation period to obtain an analytical result. Alternative methods that could be applied to evaluating product sterility are especially interesting due to the possibility of reducing this incubation period and thus the associated costs. The aims of this study were to evaluate the performance of the BacT/ALERTR 3D system in detecting microorganisms in large-volume parenteral solutions that were intentionally contaminated and to compare this system to pharmacopoeia sterility testing using the membrane filtration method. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between the methods regarding the ability to detect microbial contamination; however, detection with the BacT/ALERTR 3D system was faster compared to the pharmacopoeia method. Therefore, the BacT/ALERTR 3D system is a viable alternative for assessing the sterility of injectable products.


Bacteria/isolation & purification , Fungi/isolation & purification , Microbiological Techniques/methods , Quality Control , Sterilization , Bacterial Load , Bacteria/growth & development , Filtration/methods , Fungi/growth & development
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 91(2): 111-121, Mar-Apr/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-745940


OBJECTIVE: To describe the challenges faced by families caring for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Brazil and the coping strategies employed. SOURCES: Systematic review of articles published until September of 2013, without language restrictions, using quality appraisal (AMSTAR and CASP/Oxford instruments). SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The literature shows parental emotional overload as one of the main challenges faced by families, especially mothers. The main stressors were diagnostic postponement, difficulty dealing with the diagnosis and associated symptoms, and poor access to health services and social support. The predominant coping strategies found included information exchange between affected families and integrated healthcare network for patient and family support. CONCLUSION: ASD exerts strong influence on family dynamics, resulting in caregiver overload, especially in mothers. The Brazilian Unified Health System needs to provide comprehensive, continuous, and coordinated care to strengthen the patient-family dyad and promote the full development and societal inclusion of children with ASD. .

OBJETIVO: Descrever os desafios encontrados pelas famílias na convivência com crianças portadoras de transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) no Brasil e as estratégias de superação empregadas. FONTE DOS DADOS: Revisão sistemática da literatura com inclusão de artigos publicados até setembro de 2013, sem restrições de idioma. Os artigos incluídos foram submetidos à avaliação de qualidade metodológica por meio do Amstar e Casp/Oxford. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Incluem-se estudos provenientes de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul com alta e moderada qualidade metodológica. A literatura mostra sobrecarga emocional dos pais como um dos principais desafios encontrados pelas famílias, inclusive com grande tensão sobre as mães. Dentre os fatores relacionados ao estresse estão: postergação diagnóstica, dificuldade de lidar com o diagnóstico e com os sintomas associados, acesso precário ao serviço de saúde e apoio social. Dentre as estratégias de superação destacaram-se: troca de informações entre as famílias afetadas e assistência integralizada da rede de saúde no atendimento do paciente e suporte à família. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que o TEA exerce forte influência na dinâmica familiar com sobrecarga dos cuidadores, geralmente da mãe. O Sistema Único de Saúde necessita prover cuidado integral, longitudinal e coordenado com vistas ao fortalecimento do binômio paciente-família e o pleno desenvolvimento e a plena inserção dessas crianças na sociedade. .

Humans , Biomarkers/metabolism , Cell Movement/physiology , Giant Cells/metabolism , Macrophages/metabolism , Neoplasms/diagnosis , Biopsy/methods , Cell Size , Filtration/methods , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Microscopy , Neoplastic Cells, Circulating , Neoplasms/metabolism
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 17(2): 72-78, Mar. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-714275


Background 1,3-Propanodiol (1,3-PD), is used in the production of polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), an aromatic polyester that exhibits high elastic recoveries. It is also employed as a supplement with low solidification properties, a solvent and a lubricant in the formof propylene glycol. 1,3-PD is effectively synthesized by a microbiological way from crude glycerol. The main problem of this technology is using a high concentration of glycerol, which is a limiting factor for bacteria cells growth (especially in batch fermentation). Results In this work, the influence of different glycerol concentration in batch fermentation on Clostridium butyricum DSP1 metabolism was investigated. The biomass was concentrated for two times with the use of membrane module (in case of increasing kinetic parameters). Increased optical density of bacteria cells six times increased the productivity of 1,3-PD in cultivation with 20 g/L of glycerol at the beginning of the process, and more than two times in cultivation with 60-80 g/L. Also the possibility of complete attenuation of 140 g/L of crude glycerol in the batch fermentation was investigated. During the cultivation, changes of protein profiles were analyzed. The most significant changes were observed in the cultivation in the medium supplemented with 80 g/L of glycerol. They related mainly to the DNA protein reconstructive systems, protective proteins (HSP), and also the enzymatic catalysts connected with glycerol metabolic pathway. Conclusions The application of filtration module in batch fermentation of crude glycerol by C. butyricum DSP1 significantly increased the productivity of the process.

Propylene Glycols/chemical synthesis , Clostridium butyricum , Glycerol/metabolism , Kinetics , Biomass , Culture Media , Proteomics , Fermentation , Filtration/methods , Heat-Shock Proteins
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2013 Nov; 51(11): 1018-1023
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149412


A bench-scale biotrickling filter was operated in the laboratory for the treatment of dimethyl sulphide (DMS). The biotrickling filter was packed with pre-sterilized polyurethane foam and seeded with biomass developed from garden soil enriched with DMS. The biotrickling filter was operated for the generation of process parameters. The biotrickling filter could remove an average removal efficiency of 40.95 % at an effective bed contact time of 84 sec with an average loading rate of 0.56 mg/m3/h. Evaluation of microbiological status of the biotrickling filter indicated the presence of other bacterial cultures viz. Paenibacillus polymyxa, and Bacillus megaterium, besides Bacillus sphaericus.

Bacillus/classification , Bacillus/metabolism , Biomass , Bioreactors , Filtration/methods , Gases , Polyurethanes , Sulfides/chemistry
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 89(3): 250-255, maio-jun. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-679304


OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de infecção filarial e de parasitoses intestinais em escolares numa área endêmica de filariose e refletir sobre a opção terapêutica utilizada no Brasil no tratamento coletivo para filariose. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 508 alunos na faixa etária de 5-18 anos cadastrados em escolas públicas do município de Olinda-PE. Realizou-se a investigação da parasitose intestinal em três amostras de fezes, analisadas pelo método de Hoffmann, Pons e Janer. A investigação filarial foi feita com teste antigênico pela técnica de imunocromatográfica rápida (ICT) e pesquisa de microfilárias, utilizando filtração em membrana de policarbonato. Para análise de dados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva através do programa EpiInfo versão 7. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de filariose por ICT foi de 13,8% e por microfilaremia de 1,2%, enquanto a de parasitoses intestinais foi 64,2%. A concomitância do diagnóstico filarial e de parasitoses intestinais foi de 9,4% e, 31,5% eram isentos de ambas as parasitoses. Entre os indivíduos com parasitoses intestinais, 55% eram monoparasitados e 45% poliparasitados. A presença de geohelmintos ocorreu em 72,5% dos parasitados. No grupo com infecção filarial a ocorrência de geohelmintíase foi de 54,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico simultâneo de infecção filarial e parasitose intestinal, bem como a elevada frequência de geohelmintos justificam uma reavaliação da estratégia terapêutica do tratamento coletivo no programa de filariose no Brasil.

OBJECTIVE: To report the prevalence of lymphatic filariasis and intestinal parasitic infections in school-aged children living in a filariasis endemic area and discuss about the therapeutic regimen adopted in Brazil for the large-scale treatment of filariasis. METHODS: A cross-sectional study including 508 students aged 5-18 years old, enrolled in public schools within the city of Olinda, Pernambuco. The presence of intestinal parasites was analyzed using the Hoffman, Pons and Janer method on 3 stool samples. The diagnosis of filarial infection was performed using the rapid immunochromatographic technique (ICT) for the antigen, and the polycarbonate membrane filtration for the presence of microfilariae. Descriptive statistics of the data was performed using EpiInfo version 7. RESULTS: The prevalence of filariasis was 13.8% by ICT and 1.2% by microfilaraemia, while intestinal parasites were detected in 64.2% of cases. Concurrent diagnosis of filariasis and intestinal parasites was 9.4%, while 31.5% of students were parasite-free. Among individuals with intestinal parasites, 55% had one parasite and 45% had more than one parasite. Geohelminths occurred in 72.5% of the parasited individuals. In the group with filarial infection the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis was 54.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The simultaneous diagnosis of filariasis and intestinal parasites as well as the high frequency of geohelminths justify the need to reevaluate the treatment strategy used in the Brazilian filariasis large-scale treatment program.

Adolescent , Animals , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Elephantiasis, Filarial/epidemiology , Feces/parasitology , Helminthiasis/epidemiology , Neglected Diseases/epidemiology , Soil/parasitology , Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Drug Therapy, Combination/methods , Drug Therapy, Combination , Elephantiasis, Filarial/prevention & control , Filtration/methods , Helminthiasis/prevention & control , Helminthiasis/transmission , Chromatography, Affinity/methods , Membranes, Artificial , Microfilariae/immunology , Neglected Diseases/prevention & control , Prevalence , Students/statistics & numerical data
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 668-672, 2011.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-33251


PURPOSE: A charcoal filter attached within the anesthetic circuit has been shown to efficiently adsorb halothane or isoflurane, thus hastening anesthetic recovery in low or minimal flow system. This study was intended to demonstrate whether the charcoal filter enhances the recovery time from sevoflurane anesthesia using a semi-closed circuit system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty healthy patients scheduled for elective surgery under sevoflurane anesthesia were randomly assigned to the charcoal filter or control group. Upon completion of surgery, the end-tidal concentration of sevoflurane was maintained at 2.0 vol%. A charcoal filter was attached to the expiratory limb of the breathing circuit of charcoal filter group subjects. After sevoflurane was discontinued, ventilation was controlled with the same minute volume as the intra-operative period at a fresh gas flow rate of 5 L.min(-1) with 100% O2. The elimination kinetics of sevoflurane from end-tidal concentration, Bispectral index and times of eye opening and extubation were obtained. RESULTS: The exponential time constant (tau) of alveolar sevoflurane concentration in the charcoal filter group was significantly shorter than that in the control group (1.7+/-0.5 vs. 2.5+/-1.1 min, p=0.008). The charcoal filter hastened rapid eye opening (11.1+/-3.8 vs. 14.8+/-3.0 min, p=0.007) and extubation (11.9+/-3.9 vs. 15.3+/-3.2 min, p=0.014), compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: A charcoal filter enhances the recovery from sevoflurane anesthesia with a semi-closed rebreathing circuit.

Adult , Humans , Middle Aged , Anesthesia/methods , Anesthesia Recovery Period , Anesthesiology/instrumentation , Anesthetics, Inhalation/chemistry , Charcoal/chemistry , Filtration/methods , Methyl Ethers/chemistry , Time Factors
São Paulo; s.n; 2011. 242 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-612313


Introdução É importante o desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle de poluição do ar que sejam eficientes, além de aplicáveis à condição nacional e pra proteção da saúde humana, uma vez que os compostos do grupo BTEX são tóxicos. Objetivo - Avaliar o desempenho de sistema de tratamento biológico para vapores de BTEX e investigar as melhores condições de operação para os critérios de projeto adotados. Métodos. Trata-se de trabalho experimental com utilização de unidade piloto constituída de coluna de vidro (diâmetro interno de 80 mm e altura total de 1,2 m) tendo no seu interior um meio filtrante composto vegetal e anéis de Pall - que serviram de suporte para os microrganismos e onde se realizou a biodegradação. Foram monitorados parâmetros como temperatura, perda de carga, vazão, concentração dos gases na entrada e na saída, que constituíram a base para desenvolver intervenções e melhorar seu desempenho. A análise dos gases foi feita por fotoionização (PID) em aparelho portátil. Conclusões - Conclui-se que é viável o tratamento biológico para remoção do BTEX de efluentes gasosos, nas condições operacionais adotadas, com eficiência máxima de remoção em torno de 90 por cento . A máxima eficiência foi obtida para tempo de retenção de 2,4 min., carga superficial do gás de 11,9 m3/m2xh, carga mássica no leito de 67 g/m3xh e capacidade de eliminação de 4 g/m3xh. O uso de anéis de Pall misturados ao composto evitou que valores elevados de perda de carga. Foi relevante a participação da adsorção. A utilização de composto mostrou-se viável como alternativa para a biodegradação do BTEX, fortalecendo seu uso com essa prática ambiental.

Biofilms , Organic Chemicals/antagonists & inhibitors , Gaseous Pollutants , Air Pollution/prevention & control , Bioreactors/microbiology , Absorption , Biodegradation, Environmental , Deodorization , Filtration/methods , Solvents/standards
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 13(5): 11-12, Sept. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-591893


Reduced volatile sulphur compounds generate an impact on the environment, because of the bad smell and its low odour threshold. Compared with the existing physicochemical technologies for their elimination, biotrickling filters are an economically and environmentally sustainable alternative. Usually mixed cultures of microorganisms are used for inoculating biotrickling filters, in this case a pure culture of Thiobacillus thioparus is used for generating a biofilm, allowing to measure its capacity for the oxidation of four volatile reduced sulphur compounds: hydrogen sulphide, dimethyl sulphide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl disulphide, using a residence time of 0.033 hrs. The viable cells of the biofilm were quantified by epifluorescence microscopy, staining the cells with ethidium bromide and acridine orange, polymerase chain reaction analysis in real time was used for testing the predominance of T. thiopharus in the biofilm. The microorganism was able to adhere and grow on the surface of rings made of polyethylene, with a viable population of 7•10(7) cell•ring-1, a 74 percent of total cells. The real time PCR showed a persistence of the population of T. thioparus for more than 300 days of operation, without being displaced by other microbial species. The maximum elimination capacities for each compound were 34.4; 21.8; 30.8 and 25.6 gS•m-3•h-1 for H2S, dimethylsulphide, dimethyldisulphide and methyl mercaptan, respectively. We conclude that it is possible to implement a biotrickling filter with the bacteria T. thioparus, which can oxidize volatile reduced sulphur compounds efficiently.

Filtration/methods , Odorants , Sulfides/metabolism , Thiobacillus/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , Biofilms , Environmental Pollution , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Oxidation-Reduction , Polymerase Chain Reaction
Rev. cuba. farm ; 44(1)ene.-mar. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-576738


Como parte de la optimización del proceso tecnológico para obtener citrato de calcio y magnesio a partir de dolomitas, se estudió a escala de banco la etapa de lavado para disminuir el contenido de àcido cítrico libre. Las variantes de lavado estudiadas permitieron disminuir el contenido de àcido cítrico libre por debajo del 3 por ciento, mientras que los valores de calcio y magnesio son similares a los del lote antes de realizar el proceso de lavado. Por otro lado, el estudio toxicológico en ratas, comprobó que los lotes a los cuales se les aplicó las diferentes variantes de lavado no provocaron irritabilidad gástrica a las dosis de 2 000 mg/kg de peso corporal, por lo que se puede afirmar que el proceso de lavado establecido es adecuado para garantizar la calidad de la materia prima.

As part of the technological process optomization to obtain calcium citrate and magnesium from dolomites, we studied at bench scale, the washout stage to decrease the free citric acid content. Washout variants allowed to decrease the free citric acid content under 3 percent, whereas the calcium and magnesium values are similar to those of batch before to carry out the wahout process. On the other hand, toxicity study in rats, proved that the batches where different washout variables were applied not provoke gastric irritability at doses of 2 000 mg/kg of body weight confirming that above mentioned established process is approproate to guarantee the raw material quality.

Animals , Rats , Citric Acid , Calcium Citrate/isolation & purification , Filtration/methods , Magnesium/isolation & purification
Iranian Journal of Health and Environment. 2010; 3 (3): 309-318
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-122372


Arsenic is one of the most toxic and dangerous elements in drinking water that with increase in its application in agriculture, development of applications in agriculture, livestock, medicine, industry and other cases its entry to water resources and environment is much easier. Arsenic is a poisonous, cumulative substance and inhibitor of SH group enzymes and various studies revealed a significant correlation between high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water and liver cancer, nasal cavity cancer, lungs, skin, bladder and kidney cancer in men and women and prostate and liver in men. The aim of this was survey of arsenic removed from water using dissolved air floatation mechanism. At present study in first step for determination best conditions of arsenic removal by dissolved air floatation method, optimum amount of coagulants determined and then synthetic solution of arsenic [50, 100 and 200 micro g/L] prepared using sodium arsenate. In third step arsenic removal efficiency under various variables such as arsenic concentration, flocculation and floatation time and saturation pressure were analyzed. Finally residual arsenic concentration was determined by the silver diethyl dithiocarbamate method. Effect of optimum condition on arsenic removal efficiency at various initial concentration 50, 100 and 200 microg/Lshowed that the best coagulant for removal of arsenic is polyaluminumchloride. Also maximum efficiency [99.4%] was obtained in initial concentration equal 200 microg/L. It can be concluded that dissolved air floatation method with poly aluminum chloride as coagulant have high efficiency for arsenic removal even at high concentrations and therefore this method can be used for removal of arsenic from water as a suitable and safe option

Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification , Environmental Restoration and Remediation/methods , Filtration/methods , Air
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-82769


BACKGROUND: The safety of plasma derivatives has been reinforced since 1980s by variable pathogen inactivation or elimination techniques. Nucleic acid amplification test (NAT) for the source plasma has also been implemented worldwide. Recently nanofiltration has been used in some country for ensuring safety of plasma derivatives to eliminate non-enveloped viruses such as parvovirus B19 (B19V) and hepatitis A virus (HAV). We evaluated the efficacy of nanofiltration for the elimination of B19V and HAV. METHODS: To verify the efficacy of nanofiltration, we adopted a 20 nm Viresolve NFP (Millipore, USA) in the scaling down (1:1,370) model of the antithrombin III production. As virus stock solutions, we used B19V reactive plasma and porcine parvovirus (PPV) and HAV obtained from cell culture. And 50% tissue culture infectious dose was consumed as infectious dose. The methods used to evaluate the virus-elimination efficacy were reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for B19V and the cytopathic effect calculation after filtration for PPV and HAV. RESULTS: B19V was not detected by RT-PCR in the filtered antithrombin III solutions with initial viral load of 6.42x10(5) IU/mL and 1.42x10(5) IU/mL before filtration. The virus-elimination efficacy of nanofiltration for PPV and HAV were > or =10(3.32) and > or =10(3.31), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Nanofiltration would be an effective method for the elimination of B19V and HAV. It may be used as a substitute for NAT screening of these viruses in source plasma to ensure safety of plasma derivatives in Korea.

Humans , Antithrombin III/isolation & purification , DNA, Viral/analysis , Filtration/methods , Hepatitis A virus/genetics , Nanotechnology/methods , Parvovirus B19, Human/genetics , RNA, Viral/analysis , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 104(7): 970-974, Nov. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-534160


Human adenoviruses (HAdV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) are shed in the faeces and consequently may be present in environmental waters, resulting in an increase in pathogen concentration that can affect water quality and human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate an adsorption-elution method which utilizes negatively charged membrane HA to determine the efficient recovery of HAdV and HAV from different water matrices and to combine this procedure with a qualitative molecular method (nested RT-PCR and nested PCR). The best efficiency recovery was achieved in distilled water and treated wastewater effluent (100 percent) for both viruses and in recreational lagoon water for HAV (100 percent). The efficiency recovery was 10 percent for HAdV and HAV in seawater and 10 percent for HAdV in lagoon water. The viral detection limit by nested PCR for HAV in water samples ranged between 20-0.2 FFU/mL and 250 and 25 TCID50/mL for HAdV. In conclusion, these results suggest that the HA negatively charged membranes vary their efficiency for recovery of viral concentration depending upon the types of both enteric viruses and water matrices.

Animals , Adenoviruses, Human/isolation & purification , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Filtration/instrumentation , Hepatitis A Virus, Human/isolation & purification , Water Microbiology , Filtration/methods , Membranes , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 104(2): 290-295, Mar. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-533519


Water is a vehicle for disseminating human and veterinary toxoplasmosis due to oocyst contamination. Several outbreaks of toxoplasmosis throughout the world have been related to contaminated drinking water. We have developed a method for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in water and we propose a strategy for the detection of multiple waterborne parasites, including Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia. Water samples were filtered to recover Toxoplasma oocysts and, after the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts by immunofluorescence, as recommended by French norm procedure NF T 90-455, the samples were purified on a sucrose density gradient. Detection of Toxoplasma was based on PCR amplification and mouse inoculation to determine the presence and infectivity of recovered oocysts. After experimental seeding assays, we determined that the PCR assay was more sensitive than the bioassay. This strategy was then applied to 482 environmental water samples collected since 2001. We detected Toxoplasma DNA in 37 environmental samples (7.7 percent), including public drinking water; however, none of them were positive by bioassay. This strategy efficiently detects Toxoplasma oocysts in water and may be suitable as a public health sentinel method. Alternative methods can be used in conjunction with this one to determine the infectivity of parasites that were detected by molecular methods.

Animals , Humans , Mice , DNA, Protozoan/analysis , Oocysts , Toxoplasma/isolation & purification , Water/parasitology , France , Filtration/methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Water Supply
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 69(5): 725-729, set.-out. 2006. graf, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-439321


PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of a blue light spectrum filter (BLSF), similar in light spectrum transmittance to the intraocular lens Acrysof NaturalTM, on standard automated perimetry (SAP) and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP). METHODS: Twenty young individuals (<30 y.o.), without any systemic or ocular alterations (twenty eyes) underwent a random sequence of four Humphrey visual field tests: standard automated perimetry (SAP) and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP) with and without a blue light spectrum filter. All patients had intraocular pressure lower than 21 mmHg, normal fundus biomicroscopy, and no crystalline lens opacity. Foveal threshold (FT), mean deviation (MD), and pattern standard deviation (PSD) indexes obtained from the visual field tests and the difference caused by eccentricity in short-wavelength automated perimetry examinations were analyzed using paired t test. Interindividual variability (standard deviation) was calculated using Pitman's test for correlated samples. RESULTS: Statistically significant reductions in the mean deviation (p<0.001) and in the foveal threshold (p<0.001) measured by short-wavelength automated perimetry with the use of the blue light spectrum filter in comparison to short-wavelength automated perimetry without the use of the blue light spectrum filter were observed, but not in standard automated perimetry exams. No other parameters showed statistically significant differences in the short-wavelength automated perimetry and standard automated perimetry tests. Interindividual standard deviation of the test points in the short-wavelength automated perimetry exams increased with eccentricity both with and without the use of the blue light spectrum filter, as sensitivity for inferior and superior hemifields (inferior hemifield minus superior hemifield), but no statistically significant difference in the variability when comparing the use or not of the blue light spectrum filter was noted. When comparing...

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de um filtro para o espectro azul da luz, semelhante à lente intra-ocular Acrysof Natural®, nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão (branco-no-branco) e de comprimento de onda curto (azul-no-amarelo). MÉTODOS: Vinte pacientes jovens sem alterações oculares (20 olhos) realizaram seqüência de 4 exames de campo visual: perimetria automatizada padrão e azul-no-amarelo com e sem o filtro para o espectro azul da luz. Os índices de limiar foveal (FT), desvio médio (MD) e desvio-padrão (PSD) obtidos em todos os exames e a diferença causada pela excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo foram analisados. Variabilidade interindivíduos (desvio-padrão dos pontos testados) foi calculada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se redução estatisticamente significante no desvio médio (p<0.001) e no limiar foveal (p<0.001) medidos pela perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz comparado quando realizado sem o filtro. Nenhum outro índice avaliado apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão ou azul-no-amarelo. Foi notado aumento da variabilidade interindivíduos com a excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com e sem o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz, assim como a diferença de sensibilidade entre os hemisférios inferior e superior (hemisfério inferior menos superior), mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparados os exames com e sem o uso do filtro. Quando foram comparados os 4 pontos mais inferiores e os 4 pontos mais superiores, a diferença inferior-superior aumentou com e sem o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se redução estatisticamente significante no desvio médio e limiar foveal nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz, mas não nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Filtration/instrumentation , Lenses, Intraocular , Light , Visual Field Tests , Visual Fields/physiology , Color , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted , Filtration/methods , Linear Models , Sensory Thresholds/physiology , Visual Field Tests
J Environ Biol ; 2006 Jan; 27(1): 97-101
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113645


Bacteriological water quality status in terms of total coliform and faecal coliform count was studied on both--east and west banks of river Yamuna in Delhi. Membrane filtration technique was adopted for enumeration of total coliform and faecal coliform count in the river water sample collected on monthly basis for 2 years--2002 and 2003. The study reveals the impact of diverse anthropogenic activities as well as the monsoon effect on the bacterial population of river Yamuna in Delhi stretch. Microbial population contributed mainly through human activities prevailed in the entire stretch of Yamuna river with reduction in bacterial counts during monsoon period due to flushing effect. Bacteriological assessment does not provide an integrated effect of pollution but only indicate the water quality at the time of sampling. Hence, this parameter is time and space specific.

Bacteriological Techniques , Colony Count, Microbial , Enterobacteriaceae/isolation & purification , Feces/microbiology , Filtration/methods , Humans , India , Micropore Filters , Rivers/microbiology , Water Pollution/analysis